Bee (wax) moth: harm or benefit?

At the moment, many people, when treating specific ailments or strengthening the immune system, use such a folk remedy as a tincture based on wax willow larvae.

When using this medicine, the patient cures the following diseases: tuberculosis, gastritis, impotence, various ulcers, intervertebral hernia, migraine, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.

Below, the article describes in detail the beneficial properties of wax (bee) moth tincture, as well as the dosage of this medicine and other nuances.

Features of the insect

What is wax moth? This insect is a small gray butterfly that, like bees, gets access to honey. Every professional beekeeper knows such an insect, because he already has experience in fighting the moth.

The fact is that wax (bee) moths have an odor that is very similar to the aroma of bee honey. As a result, the bees accept this butterfly as “one of their own”, because it also drinks honey from flowers.

Bee moth caterpillars are very voracious, so they are very effective in treating a variety of ailments.

What are the benefits of butterfly honey? This pest of bee habitats is often used as a highly effective folk remedy for various ailments.

Our ancestors learned the various healing properties of the honey butterfly in the 17th century. During this period, experienced healers used bee moth tincture to treat specific heart ailments.

Description of the bee moth

Bee moth, or wax moth, is a pest that beekeepers are constantly fighting . In Ancient Greece, this winged insect was called more poetically - golden butterfly. But it is not the wax moth itself that harms the bees, but its larvae, which are a real scourge.

The butterfly lays eggs several nights in a row, after which it dies. After 5 days, pale gray larvae about 1 mm long begin to emerge from the laid eggs. At first they feed on beebread and honey. As the caterpillars grow, their diet expands - honeycomb, propolis and royal jelly are added to it. A few days before turning into butterflies, the caterpillars already begin to eat insulating material, frames, and even each other.

If measures are not taken to combat golden butterfly larvae, bee colonies leave the hive or weaken and die.

A month later, when the caterpillar reaches 2 cm in length, it transforms into a cocoon. It is at this time that sedentary, but rather voracious worms are collected, from which medicinal tinctures and ointments are then prepared.

Beneficial properties of moth extract

At the moment, in the treatment of various diseases, the patient uses a tincture of wax moth excrement - moth extract. At the same time, he heals his body by applying various medicinal properties of wax moth.

Wax moth tincture gives the following positive effect:

  • accelerates blood flow;
  • restores the functionality of the entire nervous system, especially after a stroke or other circulatory disorders in the head;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • fights various bacteria or parasites in your body, including in the lungs;
  • kills various viruses;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol and blood sugar, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes scars from damaged heart muscles;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • men are treated for infertility or impotence;
  • women eliminate vegetative disorders during menopause;
  • relieves tuberculosis or other ailments.

Properties and application of bee moth tincture

In folk healing, a tincture prepared from the larvae of the worst enemy of beekeepers and honeybees, the wax moth, is used to treat a huge number of ailments and use it to prevent various diseases when the body’s defenses are reduced:

  • due to the presence of the enzyme lipase in the larvae (has the ability to dissolve scar tissue), the tincture affects the reduction of post-infarction scars in the myocardium, causing them to resolve, prevents the formation of scars after operations, and heals ulcers on the affected areas after tuberculosis;
  • the drug is used in pulmonology for tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis (shows a good effect in the treatment of complications resulting from chemotherapy treatment of tuberculosis, such as fungal diseases of the lungs);
  • the tincture exhibits medicinal properties in the treatment of not only pulmonary tuberculosis pathology, but also when this disease occurs in other organs;
  • used in combination with traditional therapy in cardiology for the prevention of heart disease and vascular diseases, for the treatment of coronary disease, hypertension, for various inflammations in the myocardium (or heart muscle), atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol levels;
  • used to treat the digestive and lymphatic system;
  • in gynecology and obstetrics it helps with menopause and infertility;
  • in andrology helps with male infirmity, improves potency and sperm activity, normalizes the outflow and inflow of blood in the prostate;
  • in gerontology, the tincture is used to improve the health of elderly patients and eliminate negative age-related changes and premature aging;
  • in sports medicine, the use of fireweed tincture helps athletes cope more easily with stress when preparing for competitions, makes the body more resilient (of course, for better results, taking the tincture must be combined with a diet and diet);
  • Used for anemia, nervous system disorders, overload and stress.

Despite a certain scientific interest in such a natural phenomenon as bee moth larvae and the healing agent obtained from them, not enough fundamental scientific work and research has been carried out to study them. Perhaps the lack of scientific substantiation and evidence of the effectiveness of the properties of bee moth tincture does not allow its use in traditional medicine.


A tincture made from the excrement of wax moth larvae consists of a variety of chemical elements. Thus, it contains lipase and cerrase, thanks to which the bee moth larva quickly digests specific compounds and the wax itself.

Also, this alcohol tincture has many different amino acids that provide a great therapeutic effect (aspartic amino acid, proline, etc.)

In addition, the extract from wax moth excrement consists of the following micro- and macroelements:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron, etc.

Wax moth ointment recipe

In folk medicine, in addition to tincture, they also use an ointment made from the waste products of wax moths.

In a similar situation, people receive the following positive effect from bee moth treatment:

  • quickly heals wounds or various cuts;
  • heals severe skin burns;
  • removes post-operative scars or scars.


Wax moth or bee moth. How to prepare the tincture?

Making butterfly ointment at home

When using wax moth larvae - making an ointment from them, the patient performs the following actions:

  • takes 50 g of fully grown moth larvae and fills them with alcohol so that the liquid completely covers this biomaterial;
  • Leave the prepared mixture for 5 days. in a dark place - infuse the resulting composition;
  • then, pour the mixture into a ceramic bowl, add 200 g of calendula oil and 200 g of St. John's wort oil;
  • then add 50 g of beeswax and 50 g of propolis to the prepared composition, and then mix the mass well until a homogeneous consistency is formed;
  • keep the prepared ointment in a water bath for 2 hours;
  • cools the hot mixture and rubs it through a fine sieve, and the bee moth ointment is ready.

Next, the patient places the prepared ointment in sterilized jars, closes them tightly with lids and places them in the refrigerator for long-term storage.

It should be noted that depending on the specific ailment, the patient uses different recipes for tincture of wax moth excrement.

Preparing the tincture

The tincture of fireweed is prepared, as a rule, right in the apiary. You can prepare it yourself at home. To do this, you need to purchase ethyl alcohol and golden butterfly larvae, which should be quite large.

It is believed that to make a tincture it is necessary to take only alcohol with a strength of at least 70%, but many healers successfully use ordinary Russian vodka for these purposes.

The caterpillars are placed in a ceramic or glass container and filled with alcohol, after which the jar is closed with an airtight lid. The concentration of the final product is determined by the ratio of the ingredients. So, components taken in a ratio of 1:10 ultimately form a 10% solution, and 1:4 - a 25% solution.

Place the prepared mixture in a cool, dark place and leave for 5 to 60 days, shaking occasionally. The big difference in timing does not matter. Practice shows that the extract from the larvae can be used after 7-10 days.

The finished product has a honey aroma and a light brown tint.

Store the hood in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

Application of syrup

Wax moth extract is used in different ways, depending on what purpose it has and when it is taken - once or not.

The patient takes a similar medicine that is purchased at a pharmacy (for example, “Altai Bouquet”) in this way: 1 teaspoon 3 times per 1 day for 3-4 weeks.

Before use, this medicine is diluted with water . For such treatment, the patient spends 3-4 bottles of homeopathic bee moth syrup.

If the patient uses bee moth tincture for the first time, he undergoes the following treatment:

  • on the 1st day, drinks 1/4 dose in the morning 1 time per 1 day;
  • on the 2nd day, takes 1⁄2 doses 1 time per 1 day;
  • on the 3rd day, take 3/4 of the dose orally 1 time per 1 day.

If, after applying such a treatment regimen, everything is in order with the body, then the patient begins to drink 1 teaspoon of the tincture 2 times in 1 day.

The patient gets rid of a certain illness according to a similar scheme for 3 months. After all, first the body accumulates a certain amount of useful elements, and only then do they begin to have a positive and long-term effect.

For respiratory diseases

In the presence of various respiratory diseases, adults use wax moth syrup in this way: drink 4–7 drops for every 10 kg of their own weight.

If the patient uses a 10% pharmaceutical extract, then he takes 3–5 drops orally for every 10 kg of his own weight, and if a 20% extract, then 1–3 drops.

Children take the following dose orally: 10% tincture of moth - 2 drops for each year of their life, and 20% extract - 1 drop, respectively. Moreover, such drops are added not to water, but to tea or juice.

The patient takes moth syrup orally 3 times in 1 day no later than 30 minutes. before meals.

If an adult develops bronchitis, then he dilutes 20 drops of bee extract in 30 ml of any liquid, and then drinks the resulting solution on an empty stomach 2 times a day.

Children under 14 years of age drink 1 drop for every 12 kg of body weight for bronchitis. In this case, adults dilute this medicine with 30 ml of water or other liquid. Young patients drink the tincture 2 times in 1 day.

The duration of such treatment in adults and children is 1.5 months.

For cardiovascular diseases

If a person has problems with blood vessels or the heart, then he uses bee moth tincture as follows: drinks this homeopathic syrup 30–40 minutes before. before eating. In this case, the patient dissolves this composition in 50–80 g of any liquid.

For prevention, an adult takes 3 drops of tincture per 10 kg of body weight 1-2 times in 1 day. When treating a heart or vascular disease, the patient drinks 3 drops of moth extract per 10 kg of his weight 2-3 times 1 day.

After the onset of myocardial infarction, the patient begins to use this medicine only on the 10th day after the acute phase of the disease, while undergoing standard inpatient therapy. At the same time, he increases the number of drops to 4 per 10 kg of his weight.

When treating severe forms of cardiovascular diseases, the patient takes 5 drops orally per 10 kg of body weight.

For specific cardiac, as well as various vascular ailments, moth extract is taken in courses of 3 months, with breaks of 14–30 days.

For hypertension

Honey extract is also good for hypertension. After all, such a tincture of moth (wax moth) consists of many useful microelements: iron, calcium, zinc, silver, etc.

Such chemical components increase the strength of various blood vessels and thin the blood well..

Thus, moth extract reduces blood pressure by 10–14%. The patient receives a similar positive effect already on the 10th day from the start of using this medicine.

For hypertension, the patient drinks 5-7 drops of wax moth syrup per 10 kg of body weight.

This extract is also drunk to prevent hypertension.

For metabolic disorders

Also, with a tincture of small wax moth, the patient treats various diseases during which the body’s metabolism is disrupted (in particular, diabetes mellitus).

After using this medicine for diabetes mellitus, the patient's blood sugar level decreases and the metabolism of various fats is normalized.

After ingesting wax moth extract for fatty liver disease, liver cells are quickly restored to full capacity.

People take the tincture prepared at home, 15–20 drops, which are diluted with 50–80 ml of water, 1–3 times 1 day before meals. The patient does this 1 time per 1 day - during the prevention of a certain illness and 2-3 times per 1 day - when treating a specific illness.

For diabetes and other metabolic disorders, children take the following dose of this tincture - 1 drop per 1 year of life.

In addition to homeopathic syrup, adult and small patients also use wax tablets, but according to a specific medical prescription

For tuberculosis

Wax moth extract is also used in the treatment of tuberculosis. At the same time, the tuberculosis patient regularly drinks this syrup, and in the end he gets the desired result.

With this disease, the patient lasts 2–3 months. drinks tincture of wax moth 3 times in 1 day, 30 drops each (pre-dissolves them in 100 ml of water). Then he takes a break for 1 month. and again takes this medicine internally. And so on until tuberculosis is completely cured .

When taking the moth extract for the first time, the tuberculosis patient first takes 15 drops of syrup orally, 2 times in 1 day: in the morning and in the evening. And so on for 7 days. After this, the patient switches to using this medicine 3 times a day, increasing the number of drops to 30.

Important: if during treatment with bee moth extract a tuberculosis patient produces a lot of sputum and the temperature increases, then he should immediately reduce the dosage of the drug, but not stop such treatment.

Anti-cancer drug

Moth extract also helps well in the fight against various oncological ailments. After all, the tincture of wax moth larvae has such a use - it is an antioxidant that increases the human body’s ability to resist specific ailments, including cancer.

For cancer, the patient is treated with moth (wax moth) in this way:

  • dilute in 50 ml of water 3 drops for every 10 kg of body weight, 4 times per 1 day and 30 minutes. until the meal itself.
  • So, with a weight of 70 kg, the number of drops per 1 dose is 3*7=21. Therefore, at this weight the patient takes 21 drops of concentrated syrup 3 times in 1 day.
  • 3 weeks after the start of treatment with moth extract, the patient increases the dosage to 5 drops for every 10 kg of body weight per 1 dose.

The duration of the treatment course is 3 months, and then the patient takes a 1-2 week break.

The oncologist strictly monitors the results of such traditional treatment. For the first 1–2 years, the patient takes wax moth syrup orally without interruptions or omissions.

For athletes

Various athletes also use moth extract. After all, such a drug has a positive effect on the muscles - it reduces the period of their recovery after strong muscle strain.

Also, the tincture of the great wax moth consists of specific beneficial substances that increase endurance, accelerate muscle growth, increase hemoglobin in the blood, etc.

Moth extract is often used not only to increase specific muscles , but also to relax a pumped-up body when an athlete is under the influence of specific steroids.

Athletes take this medicine within 30 minutes. before or 1 hour after eating. Then the wax moth extract is better absorbed by the body.

The athlete drinks 3 drops of the drug for every 10 kg of body weight. At the same time, he does not immediately swallow these drops, but keeps them in his mouth or under his tongue for a short time.

This syrup tones the body well, so it should not be taken before going to bed.

For women

Bee moth also helps those women who have various gynecological diseases.

In this case, honey moth gives the following positive therapeutic effect:

  • restores sleep patterns and psyche;
  • increases immunity;
  • prevents spontaneous miscarriages, etc.

A woman uses this medicine in the morning, 3-4 weeks, according to 1 of 3 options:

  1. drinks 4–7 drops (tincture);
  2. takes 3–6 drops orally (10% solution);
  3. drinks 2-3 drops (20% extract).

It should be noted that these doses are calculated per 10 kg of body weight.

For men

How is wax moth beneficial for men? Males use this extract in the treatment of specific sexual ailments (for example, impotence).

With this treatment, the patient receives the following positive effect:

  • dilates microvessels throughout the body. Thus, a man accelerates blood flow in the penis and increases erection;
  • stimulates the functioning of the testicles. Thus, the testicles produce more testosterone, and the man's libido increases;
  • improves sperm quality. Selenium, manganese and zinc, which are in this syrup, make sperm much more active and also normalize reproductive sexual function.

A man takes bee moth extract in this way: he drinks 5–7 drops per 10 kg of his own weight.

For minor manifestations of impotence, the tincture is taken 1 time per 1 day. In case of severe erectile dysfunction, the patient increases the dosage of this medication up to 3 times in 1 day.

When impotence is combined with other ailments, a man increases the dosage of the medicine to 10 drops per 10 kg of his own weight.

The course of admission is unlimited . However, there is an exception for teenagers under 18 years of age. They drink butterfly bee excrement extract for only 21 days, after which they take a break for 3 weeks.

More often, men use pharmaceutical homeopathic syrup “Golden Butterfly”, which consists of bee moth excrement, red root sugar syrup and ascorbic acid.

Men often use this syrup in the early stages of impotence, during stress, as well as for various genitourinary ailments, chronic prostatitis and adenoma.

Directions for use: 1–2 teaspoons alone or with water (tea) 2 times per day.

For children

In addition to adults, children also use wax moth tincture.

Moth extract cures such childhood ailments:

  • bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased immunity.

Children take moth extract orally in the following dosage: small patients under 14 years old - 1-2 drops for each year of the child’s life, after 14 years - 3-5 drops per 10 kg of body weight.

The number of doses is 1–3 times 1 day. Specific doses of bee moth syrup are diluted with water or milk.

Children drink this syrup for 2-3 weeks. If such treatment does not immediately help, then the treatment course is repeated after 10 days.

For what diseases is treatment with tincture prescribed?

Treatment with fireweed is prescribed for blood diseases - anemia, coagulation disorders, thrombophlebitis. The drug perfectly treats respiratory diseases - asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Moth tincture is used for problems of the female and male reproductive system. The medicine copes well with bacterial infections and strengthens the immune system.

The list of diseases given here is far from complete. It is constantly being replenished and will probably continue to be replenished, since the possibilities of this unique tool are almost limitless.

This, of course, does not mean that moth tincture should be considered a panacea for all diseases. Modern medicine has a huge number of truly effective drugs. But she sometimes turns to old and good folk remedies, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by life itself.

Indications for use of the tincture

Before directly treating your body with wax moth tincture, the patient needs to know the main indications and contraindications for its use.

The attending physician prescribes the patient to take moth extract daily for the following ailments:

  • if hemorrhoids appear;
  • for bronchitis, tuberculosis or bronchial asthma;
  • after a stroke;
  • for hypertension, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis;
  • during headache migraine and pain;
  • for insomnia, apathy, chronic fatigue;
  • after sudden nervous breakdowns;
  • with toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • if cancer has formed;
  • if there are thromboses.

Rules for using the product

How to take wax moth tincture correctly? Regardless of the specific ailment, the patient uses the extract from wax moth larvae in this way: drinks 15–20 drops of the medicine 3 times in 1 day.

If the patient uses not a 10%, but a stronger 20% solution, then he reduces the dosage of drops to 7-10 2-3 times per day.

However, in order not to make a mistake and get the desired result, the patient needs to go to his attending physician, who will draw up the correct treatment regimen for him.

Contraindications and harm

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Wax moth products have no particular harm or contraindications. However, if the body does not tolerate bee products, then this product cannot be used. Tinctures and ointments can be dangerous if a person is prone to allergic reactions.

In addition, you need to be very careful when using bee moth preparations. First start with small amounts to check the body's reaction to them, ointments are also tested on small areas of the skin. If the body normally accepts this drug, then it can be used for its intended purpose, in the required concentration.

A wax moth colony can completely destroy a bee colony

Contraindications for use

The danger of using wax moth tincture is that it contains some alcohol.

As a result, such a medicine has such contraindications:

  • Honey butterfly syrup should not be taken during pregnancy;
  • it should not be drunk when feeding a small child with breast milk;
  • such a remedy is contraindicated for alcoholics;
  • should not be taken orally if you are allergic to wax moths.

Children who are not yet 14 years old, as well as those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, should take this drug with caution. Therefore, in order not to cause harm to your body, the patient should contact his doctor before taking the tincture.


I have a very weak immune system since childhood. I was constantly sick with a cold, and my mother did not leave the hospital for months. They hoped that when I grew up, my body would rebuild itself and everything would return to normal, but they were wrong. Colds simply haunted me. What to do? After all, now I have a son, and I can’t get sick in any way, so as not to infect my treasure. To begin with, I decided to try folk remedies, and I was advised to purchase bee moth tincture. However, I want to say right away that it is not sold everywhere, so it is quite difficult to buy it.

The product is completely natural. It is used to treat many diseases, increases the body's immunity and resistance to bacteria and viruses, and also treats infertility. I took a course of medication. The illnesses subsided a little, and if I got sick, it was in a mild form. Winter is coming, so I would like to advise everyone to buy this tincture. It really works!


My younger brother would regularly, especially during the winter season, find himself in bed due to a cold.
I ate the pills almost by the handful. As a result, liver problems appeared. Therefore, it was already scary to give him chemistry. Friends advised me to pay attention to the tincture of fireweed. In addition, we learned that this is not only a medicine, but also an excellent preventive measure. He began to be treated with this tincture, and the incredible happened! Immunity improved, my brother stopped complaining about hypertension, and became a completely different person - cheerful and cheerful. I also decided to try this drug. And - oh, miracle - I got rid of the insomnia that tormented me. Vitaly

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