Where can I complain about cockroaches in an apartment building?

Nice and decent neighbors from good Soviet films exist only on the screen. Very few of us are lucky enough to have those in real life.

Residents in an apartment building, as a rule, are dissatisfied with their even quite ordinary neighbors, and what can we say about dysfunctional examples?

Loud music, screams, flooding from the upper floors and even cockroaches! All these misfortunes can fall on you due to the fault and oversight of irresponsible neighbors.

If it is still possible to somehow agree on the noise and the flood and quickly settle everything, then complaining about nasty insects that crawl out of all the cracks is sometimes useless.

Domestic cockroaches

Red cockroaches usually choose human habitation; they are called Prussians. They have an oval, flattened body with long antennae.

Pests are unpleasant not only in an aesthetic sense, but also dangerous to human health. The unpleasant odor released by their glands can cause severe allergies. But something else is much more dangerous. Domestic cockroaches are carriers of any serious infection that gets into food with their feces when insects crawl over food left on the table or shelves.

Cockroaches breed in water, so it is very important to wipe the table and sink dry, and also monitor the condition of the pipeline.

Warm apartments with enough leftover food are a paradise for Prussians. During the day, they usually hide in numerous crevices and secluded places where their owners do not look, and when night comes they run to hunt.

Darkness is no hindrance for cunning insects. Long whiskers help cockroaches find leftover food even without the light on.

Last news

Someone may not even notice the presence of cockroaches: as a rule, “stasiks” go hunting at night, while no one sees them.

It, in accordance with the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, Article 161 of the Housing Code and SanPiN, must provide decent and safe living conditions and compliance with sanitary requirements.

So, what to do and where to complain if there are rats in the entrance?

The following video will tell you what to do if the residents of the entrance are eaten by rats:

Unique features of “uninvited” neighbors

Red cockroaches appeared on earth many thousands of years ago, saw dinosaurs and mammoths, and survived many natural disasters and environmental disasters. All thanks to their unique ability to adapt to any living conditions.

Insects calmly tolerate many toxic substances, eat absolutely any food, and are not afraid of hunger (they may not eat food at all for about a month). It is especially unpleasant that all the means created by man to destroy them sooner or later become ineffective.

Cockroaches have one interesting deceptive gene, which, when the body receives a portion of poison, gives a command to the body and the insect enters a state close to fainting. People, seeing the corpses of pests, calm down and throw them in the trash, not suspecting that after a while the cockroaches will come to their senses and again scatter throughout the apartment wherever they please.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember that it is best to wash the corpses of pests down the drain.

The second amazing feature of domestic cockroaches is the ability to regulate the size of their population in a single room. It is still not known for certain how they manage to do this.

If there is pest control in the house, they are constantly poisoned or simply beaten with a slipper, the offspring in one larva is reduced to 20 - 30 individuals. In the opposite situation, when no one bothers the cockroaches to live and they have enough food and water, 60 babies are hatched at once.

The third feature is related to the ability to quickly restore population size. For example, the owners of an apartment decided to get rid of annoying insects and destroyed 95%. In less than a month, the survivors will not only return to their original numbers, but will also increase them.

How to carry out prevention

This area of ​​activity is regulated by SanPiN, developed in accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” (as amended on December 30, 2008) and the “Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological rationing”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 2000 N 554.

Some engineering, construction, sanitary-technical and sanitary-hygienic measures to prevent the penetration, comfortable settlement and reproduction of cockroaches in the house should be taken at the design and construction stage: autonomous ventilation systems are installed, seams and joints of slabs and interfloor ceilings are sealed, as well as entry points for electrical wiring and other communications through ceilings and walls, etc.

The management organization needs to conduct a monthly preventive control survey in order to detect insects in time, determine their type, quantity and specific habitats and breeding places. You should also respond to requests from owners in a timely manner. After all, if some insects are found in one apartment, they may be in other rooms - the problem must be solved comprehensively. You should not wait for a complaint from the owners to the SES or the State Housing Inspectorate.

Preventive inspection and subsequent disinfestation can be carried out by a specially designated employee of the management organization who has undergone appropriate training and safety instructions, or by an organization carrying out specialized disinsection activities.

Causes of cockroaches

If insects need to move from one apartment to another, they run through ventilation holes, risers, pipes in the bathroom and small holes in the walls.

Cockroaches migrate for several reasons:

  • Neighbors have applied disinfection measures and the pests are fleeing;
  • There are so many insects that the offspring no longer have enough habitable space;
  • They are attracted to untidy food scraps, crumbs on the table and floor, and an overflowing trash can.

How to understand that cockroaches are coming to you from your neighbors

If your apartment is always perfectly clean, food is safely hidden and there is nothing for pests to eat here, then it is obvious that the source of the misfortune must be looked for outside your property.

One of the easiest ways to find out which neighbor is at fault for the problem is to innocently mention to each neighbor how tired you are of dealing with a cockroach infestation and ask if he or she is also suffering from the same problem. If yes, then it is possible that he is the source of your troubles. Of course, you can make a mistake, but it's still better than nothing. Also, such conversations will help, in the future, to coordinate your actions to solve the problem.

Control of cockroaches: initial measures

If you notice single insects in the kitchen or bathroom, it’s time to take preventive measures:

  1. Clean as often as possible;
  2. Get rid of food waste;
  3. Place food in places where insects cannot reach;
  4. Inspect the sinks in the bathroom and kitchen for water leaks, wipe with a dry cloth all wet drops and puddles found;
  5. Put all the plumbing in order, fix dripping taps;
  6. Determine where the insects got into your apartment, place traps and nets in these places, spread the poison, and cover up all the cracks.

If time is lost, serious measures must be taken.

Comprehensive methods of getting rid of pests

Getting rid of nimble longhorned beetles on your own is quite problematic, but still possible.

The first step is to find the places where insects have laid larvae. A proven remedy – boiling water – will help you get rid of both adult cockroaches and their future offspring. Pour it directly into the nests of annoying pests. After this, remove all water and disinfect the room with bleach. This will protect you from unwanted neighbors appearing again.

The next step is treatment with store-bought chemicals. There is a wide selection of products: crayons like “Mashenka” - cheap and effective; Gel syringes like “Dohlox” are a little more expensive.

Special traps for cockroaches have proven themselves well. They must be placed in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Folk remedies

You can try traditional methods of fighting domestic cockroaches. Their advantage is complete safety for small and four-legged household members. Products tested over the years have proven their high effectiveness.

Here are the best of them:

  • A mixture of egg yolk and boric acid (make a ratio of one yolk to a tablespoon of boric acid, mix and form into balls, place in places where insects often visit);
  • Ammonia (cockroaches cannot stand this smell, just wash the floor with this product and treat surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom);
  • Pyrethrum powder (quite safe for people and destructive to household pests; sprinkle it on places where you often see red long-horned beetles);
  • A homemade trap (it’s not at all difficult to make: pour a little of any beer into a jar, after smearing it inside with Vaseline and place it in places the cockroaches love; the next day you’ll see a whole jar of “mustachioed alcoholics”).

Modern chemicals

Today there are many industrial means to combat unloved “pets”.

Let's look at the most effective of them:

  1. Crayons

The product resembles ordinary crayons that children use to draw on asphalt. They have a specific smell that attracts cockroaches.

Draw as many lines as possible on any surfaces and wait for the result. To become infected, the insect must touch the drug. Special substances cause complete paralysis of the insect, and then death.

The crayons do not act immediately, but after some time, during which the infected cockroach manages to transfer the toxic substance to its fellows. After 2 weeks, the pests will completely disappear. However, the remedy will only help at the initial stage.

  1. Gel

The principle of operation of the product is similar to crayons. The only difference is that due to the stronger smell, insects can be removed in just a few days.

  1. Spray

Convenient and effective product. However, due to the unstable substance, it only works for a short period of time. The drug must be sprayed constantly.

  1. Boric acid

Place the powder in areas where cockroaches are most concentrated, and the results will not be long in coming. If there are pets in the house, the product should not be used.

When applying these methods of insect control, the most important thing to remember is that tenacious pests should not reach the water that has a healing effect on them. The life-giving liquid will help cockroaches survive even the most severe poisoning.

Couldn't you get rid of the red pests yourself? Where to contact? Of course, to the professionals. Special services will arrive at the time you set and will do their job with a guarantee.

After using professional products, you should not stay in the room for several hours until the chemicals hazardous to health are completely removed. This disinfection is carried out jointly with neighbors, and not only nearby apartments are treated, but also the entire floor, and sometimes even the entire entrance.

If neighbors for some reason refuse to carry out general treatment, then this method does not make sense - the cockroaches will return.

Price issue

If a can or gel for baiting insects can be bought for up to 300 rubles, then disinfection with poisons in a one-room apartment will cost about 2.5 thousand rubles. In addition, after treatment with poisons, cockroaches will leave your living space for a short time.

– Once upon a time there were American and French preparations - one treatment was enough for a year. Now manufacturers provide a guarantee for the effect of the drug for up to two months. From here we start and say that there is no guarantee that in two months the cockroach will not return and settle in your apartment again,” Yulia Gatilova clarifies.

By the way, even with careful treatment of basements and attics, there is no absolute guarantee that insects will disappear for a long time. It all depends on the condition of the room. For example, if the basement is dirty and cluttered with old furniture, the poisons will not act for long.

Most often, the expert says, it is necessary to destroy fleas and mosquitoes in the basements and attics of houses. They do this several times a year, especially carefully before preparing for the heating season, since workers refuse to enter contaminated premises.

Mice are also found in basements, and about seven years ago in the Central District of Simferopol, Yulia Gatilova recalls, there was an invasion of hamsters. To fight rodents, we had to go around all the high-rise buildings and put poison directly into the holes.

As for entrances and staircases, treatment with poisons is not provided here, since it is impossible to exclude people from walking. But disinfection is carried out with strong drugs. Even the employees of the Sanitation Center work in gas masks and overalls. By the way, when basements and attics are being treated, people must be notified about this. The same applies to the treatment of apartments - you must definitely warn your neighbors.

Neighbors don't want to poison cockroaches...

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. You poison pests again and again by calling disinfectants and wasting a lot of money on the most modern chemicals, but they continue to creep in from your neighbors. What to do in this case? Where to complain?

Only a court decision can oblige unscrupulous residents to get rid of cockroaches.

This is a long and painstaking procedure. Your application will be accepted only with substantiated evidence: certificates from the sanitary inspection, housing office and management company in whose custody the house is located.

It’s easier to politely talk to your neighbors and try to convince them of the need for joint disinfection. Do not stoop to intimidation and make unnecessary threats. This method is unlikely to change the opinion of unyielding neighbors.

Treat the conversation as an opportunity to show your natural sociability and ability to negotiate even with the most difficult interlocutors. If an attempt to come to a common decision orally fails and no persuasion or argument works, write a statement of complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

Which services to contact and complain to?

Legal regulation of the provision of housing and communal services is determined by the norms of civil and housing legislation.

In the case when utility services are provided to a citizen who uses them for personal, household purposes not related to business activities, the relevant relations are subject to the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, relating to providing consumers with the necessary and reliable information about services, service providers, compensation for moral damages, legal protection.

Neighbors are poisoning cockroaches...

The situation is the opposite - the neighbors quickly began disinfecting their apartment. It would seem to be a much more sensible and correct decision, but there are pitfalls here too.

In this case, there are two main problems for the remaining residents of the apartment building:

  1. Insects can move to them.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take preventive measures: cover up all the holes and cracks where cockroaches crawl in first, place traps near ventilation systems, clean the apartment, put food supplies in inaccessible places and wipe the pipes dry.

  1. Odor when etching with specific agents, such as dichlorvos.

Neighbors must warn all residents about the planned event and obtain their consent to the procedure. If anyone living in the entrance is against it, you will have to abandon the idea or poison the cockroaches with odorless products.

There are cases in which residents become aware of insect poisoning by the smell. This is a gross violation of the rights of neighbors and a serious reason to complain to Rospotrebnadzor.

Why carry out pest control

Few people might like such sudden proximity, especially since guests have the unpleasant tendency to constantly increase their number and behave like a boss: spoil food supplies, bite, and create an unsanitary environment. And it’s really bad that they carry pathogens that are dangerous to humans. For example, cockroaches can spread tuberculosis and salmonellosis.

Disinsection is a set of specialized preventive measures to destroy and prevent the reappearance of synanthropic (living near humans) arthropods. These measures are primarily aimed at preventing infectious and parasitic diseases.

Who should poison cockroaches: residents or the management company?

It often happens that cockroaches flee not from neighbors’ apartments, but from stairwells with garbage chutes, where there is something to profit from, and only then flee to their permanent place of residence in apartments. Who should poison insects in the entrance?

This issue is clearly stated in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 161). The management company is fully responsible for satisfactory sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the house. It is its task to poison cockroaches (as well as rats and mice) in the entrance to the garbage chutes, on the technical floors and in the basement.

Moreover, the organization servicing the house has no right to demand any additional funds. If the company does not fulfill its obligations, you need to complain to the regional prosecutor's office.

Disinfection is carried out using the money that you pay every month for the maintenance of your home and is carried out upon a written application from the residents of the house. The management company does not bear any responsibility for the sanitary conditions in the owners’ individual apartments; it is not its responsibility to poison pests in your personal home.

For the best result, it is necessary to act together and disinfect the entire apartment building at the same time.

An invasion of cockroaches is not the most pleasant phenomenon, but by acting quickly and competently, you will successfully get rid of them forever. And a joint activity, quite possibly, will become the key to good friendship between neighbors for many years.

We carry out disinsection in apartment buildings according to the rules

From time to time, we may find unexpected and not very pleasant guests at home - cockroaches, bedbugs, ants or even fleas. They come to us in different ways: they can be brought by pets, they can leak through a crack in the floor or wall, they can start up in a flooded and poorly ventilated basement, or they can come from neighbors. Some limit themselves to a short visit, but more often, if the conditions are suitable, they decide that it would be nice to settle here.

Today we will tell you how to deal with insects in an apartment building.

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