Bars drops against ticks and fleas in cats and dogs: review and tips for use

With the help of special preparations you can protect dogs and puppies from various ectoparasites.

These include Bars drops, which provide a quick effect and long-lasting action. But to ensure that this product does not harm your pet, it must be used in accordance with the instructions. Otherwise, therapy may be complicated by side effects.

  • 5 Contraindications and side effects
  • 6 Precautions
  • 7 Storage and shelf life
  • 8 Benefits
  • 9 Conclusion
  • Description, release form and composition

    Bars drops for puppies and dogs are produced in Russia. On sale you can find the drug standard and Forte. The medicine has an insectoacaricidal effect. Bars drops are intended for external use.

    The product is a light yellow oily liquid, which is packaged in disposable pipettes of 1; 1.4; 1.8; 2.8; 3.6; 4.2; 5; 5.4 ml. This assortment allows you to choose the right dosage for dogs and puppies depending on their body weight.


    The standard form of the drug includes the following active ingredients:

    • fipronil – disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses;
    • diflubenzuron – prevents reproduction, has a detrimental effect on the larvae;
    • dicarboximide - enhances the toxic effect of the two previous substances.

    Bars Forte drops have a more gentle effect. Therefore, they can be used for puppies over 2 months of age. This product does not contain dicarboximide, but uses citronella ester instead. In addition to the active components, any form of the drug contains excipients that increase the effectiveness of the product.

    Analogues of the drug

    Although there are no complete analogues of Bars drops, there are many anti-tick drops with a similar composition and effect. The best ones:

    AnalogueDifferencesaverage price
    Inspector Total SAlso contains fipronil. Additionally, it eliminates roundworms and microfilariae larvae. Less likely to cause side effects. 450 rub.
    AdvantixContains other active ingredients – imidacloprid, permethrin. Has a repellent effect against flies, mosquitoes and midges. 460 rub.
    CelandineThe action of fipronil is supplemented with permethrin. Does not work against demodectic mites. 140 rub.
    Frontline Spot OnFipronil based drops. The concentration of the active substance is 2 times higher than that of Bars. In addition to fleas and ticks, it destroys mosquitoes. 500 rub.
    Dana Spot-OnContains only fipronil (5%). The effect is worse. The drug is prohibited for kittens up to 12 weeks. 130 rub.
    Pract-ticMedicine based on pyriprole (12.5%). Does not help against sarcoptic and otodectic mites. 420 rub.
    Rolf Club 3DThe effect of fipronil is enhanced by D-cyphenothrin and pyriproxyfen. Additionally, it has a repellent effect on blood-sucking insects. Eliminates parasites caught on the fur faster – in 2 minutes. Prohibited for puppies under 3 months. 300 rub.
    Mister BrunoIn addition to fipronil, it contains pyriproxyfen. Suitable for dogs older than 3 months. For younger puppies, there is a herbal preparation with oils of wormwood, neem, cloves and citronella. The drug is less common. 220 rub.
    BlochNetIn addition to fipronil, it contains benzyl benzoate and diethyltoluamide. Additional effect: repels mosquitoes. It has a pleasant scent, but the bottle is not convenient to use. Allowed from 10 weeks. 115 rub.

    Review of 20 flea and tick medications for dogs

    Operating principle

    Bars drops for fleas are a low-toxic product that does not pose a threat to the health of humans and warm-blooded animals. When the medicine is applied to the skin, it lingers in the top layer and also penetrates the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The active components of the drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore they are not capable of harming the pet. The effect of the drops begins 24 hours after application and lasts for 4 weeks.

    The medicine initially causes paralysis of adult parasites, and then death due to circulatory problems. Also, the active components of the drugs penetrate the protective shell of the larvae, which leads to a stop in their development and death.

    Bars anti-tick collars

    Collars are available in different lengths, namely 35, 50, 80 cm for small, medium and large breeds. They are designed to protect the animal from fleas and ticks. The collars are impregnated with fipronil and other auxiliary components. The active substance fipronil accumulates in the epidermis, sebaceous glands, follicles, then is released with the secretions of the glands onto the surface of the skin, thereby providing an antiparasitic and repellent effect, which persists with constant wearing of the collar for 4 months. The substance, entering the insect’s body, leads to paralysis, as a result of which the blood-sucking parasite dies before it has time to bite the dog.


    The tick collar is put on so that there is a space of 1-1.5 cm between it and the neck, after which the collar is fixed and the excess part is cut off to avoid poisoning the pet.


    • Bars collars are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating bitches, sick and weakened animals, as well as puppies under two months of age.
    • The collar cannot be used simultaneously with other drugs of a similar effect, for example, with drops or spray, otherwise allergic reactions or poisoning of the animal are possible. However, before using the collar, it is permissible to wash the dog with “Bars” insecticidal shampoo or treat the bedding with “Bars” or “Bars Forte” spray.
    • Some dogs may be intolerant to fipronil or other components, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

    The price of collars depends on their length, so a collar 35 cm long costs 118 rubles, 50 cm – 150 rubles, and 80 cm – 160 rubles.

    Reviews of the Bars collar

    There are mixed reviews about the collars. Some people use it in combination with other products, so it is impossible to determine its effectiveness, some claim that drops and spray work better, but most dog breeders are unanimous in the opinion that the collar perfectly protects against fleas. According to the results of studies, when using collars on dogs, ticks were still found attached, but they were inactive and easily separated from the skin. It is advisable to use the collar in areas of the lowest concentration of ticks for dogs of small and medium breeds. Large dogs may require additional protection.

    Doses and order of application

    Depending on the disease, Bars Drops should be used differently. Therefore, before starting therapy, you need to study the instructions for use. Compliance with all recommendations will allow you to achieve the maximum result of treatment or prevention and prevent possible complications.

    Lice, fleas, lice eaters

    Before using Bars drops against fleas and other ectoparasites, you must examine your pet. Do not use the medicine if there are scratches, open wounds, abrasions and dermatitis.

    Attention! For adult dogs, both forms of the drug can be used, and for puppies - only Bars Forte.

    For puppies

    For lice, lice-eaters, and fleas, it is necessary to apply Bars directly to the dog’s skin, after parting the fur. For small dogs and puppies, it is enough to drop the product on the withers, and for large pets - in several places inaccessible for licking.

    Acceptable one-time dosage of standard Bars drops, depending on the weight of the pet:

    • 1.4 ml – 2-10 kg;
    • 2.8 ml – 10-20 kg;
    • 4.2 ml – 20-30 kg;
    • 5 ml – more than 30 kg.

    After the procedure, the animal should not be bathed for 4 days, and shampoo should not be used for 1 month.

    Single dosage of Bars Forte for puppies and dogs:

    • 0.18 ml or 4 drops – up to 1 kg;
    • 1 ml - 1-5 kg;
    • 1.8 ml – 5-10 kg;
    • 3.6 ml – 10-20 kg;
    • 5.4 ml – 20-30 kg;
    • 1.8 ml for each kg of animal weight - over 30 kg.

    If necessary, repeat therapy after 30 days.

    Ixodid tick

    To destroy the parasite that has burrowed into the dog’s skin, you need to drop the product onto the insect and wait half an hour. If after this time the insect does not fall off on its own, then it must be carefully pulled out with tweezers.

    Attention! For puppies, only Bars Forte drops can be used against ticks.

    Ear mites

    In this case, before starting therapy, it is necessary to clean the pet’s ears from scabs. Then you should drop the medicine into each ear canal according to the dosage indicated in the instructions for the product. After this, you need to massage the ears to distribute the medicine evenly and hold the pet’s head for several minutes.

    Attention! Bars drops should be applied to both ears, even if one is affected.

    Therapy should be repeated every 2 weeks until the mites are completely eliminated. The permissible dosage, depending on the size of the dog, is from 3 to 5 drops in each ear. The drug begins to act 3 hours after administration.

    Owner reviews

    Elena: “I used to take expensive products: the dog is allergic, and the drops have to be chosen carefully. But it was to imported medicines that I became allergic. Then she spat and switched to Bars. There are no side effects, it repels ticks right away. A couple of times over the summer I found parasites on my body, but they didn’t dig in, they just crawled like plagues through my fur. I give it to the dog 3 times a season: the animal tolerates it well and doesn’t worry.”

    Egor: “I always use Bars drops - they work great, I’ve never had a problem.” When we go to the forest to pick mushrooms, I additionally take a spray of the same brand: after returning home, about a hundred ticks crawl out of the dog, but none of them bite. This means the product works, but you can’t stop parasites from crawling on your fur.”

    Nina: “The drops are not bad, but they worked better before. Dogs tolerate them normally, only the Chinese Crested itches on the sofa for about 5 minutes: it’s clear that the skin is irritated. Unfortunately, the product does not last as long as stated in the instructions - a maximum of 2 weeks, and only if you do not bathe often. I wouldn’t have noticed, but there are a lot of ticks in our area: I’ve picked them off my pets a couple of times. But it’s better with Bars than without.”

    Contraindications and side effects

    This remedy, like many others, has a number of contraindications.

    The product should not be used if:

    • individual intolerance to any component included in its composition;
    • less than 8 weeks old;
    • exhaustion;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • dermatitis, open wounds.

    There are contraindications

    The use of Bars drops of any form for nursing and pregnant dogs is unacceptable. It is also prohibited to combine them with drugs of similar action.

    This product belongs to category 3 hazard class. But, despite its safety, if used incorrectly, it can cause side effects such as general lethargy, muscle tremors, skin irritation, vomiting, and lack of appetite. Their presence directly depends on the number of drops applied. If your dog is feeling critical, you should contact a veterinarian.

    Spray "Bars"

    A spray based on fipronil, glycerin and castor oil provides effective protection for dogs against fleas, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks, and lice. The principle of action is that the active substance first accumulates in the epidermis, sebaceous glands and hair follicles, then is released onto the surface of the skin, providing an antiparasitic and repellent effect.


    The animal is treated outdoors, in a place where there are no other animals or children nearby. The spray is applied by spraying the skin and hair. To prevent licking of the substance, a muzzle or protective collar is put on the animal during the treatment period. Spray "Leopard" is sprayed, holding the bottle in a vertical position at a distance of 20-25 cm from the animal's body. The substance is distributed with hands (with gloves) against the growth of the fur, lightly rubbing into the fur and skin. When processing the head, the animal's eyes and nose are closed. 20 minutes after applying the spray, the coat is combed, and after it has completely dried, the muzzle or collar is removed. It should be remembered that 3 days before and after treatment you cannot wash the dog, despite the fact that the spray begins to act immediately. Treatment is carried out once every two weeks.


    • Spray "Bars" against ticks is not suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches, sick and convalescent animals.
    • Some dogs may have allergic reactions to certain components. In this case, the spray should be washed off with water.

    The spray is available in bottles of 100 and 200 ml. The approximate price is 190-260 rubles.


    Bars drops have many advantages, which sets them apart from other medications with similar effects.

    Main advantages:

    • availability;
    • ease of use;
    • safety;
    • does not cause addiction among parasites;
    • wide spectrum of action;
    • minimum contraindications;
    • Can be used for puppies and adult dogs.

    The advantages of this product include the minimal likelihood of side effects when used correctly.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Is it possible to bathe a dog before and after using the drops?

    It is forbidden to wash animals and allow them to swim in bodies of water for 3 days before and after applying the solution. Bathing washes away the lipid layer in which the medication accumulates and weakens its effect.

    Is Bars safe for people?

    The drug is moderately toxic. When using it, follow standard precautions: do not smoke, do not eat or drink, and wash your hands with soap after handling. If the solution gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them with running water. In case of accidental ingestion, seek immediate medical attention.

    Can cats use the drops?

    No. There is a separate release form for cats: it contains different concentrations of active components and volume of solution. The use of Barsa for dogs by cats will lead to an overdose with subsequent intoxication.

    General information

    Bars drops for dogs are selected according to the weight category of the animal. To do this, the manufacturer produces the medicine in pipettes of different sizes.

    The solution is suitable for use for 2 years. After this it is disposed of. Veterinary medicine is stored out of the reach of children and animals in tightly closed packaging, away from food products.

    It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight exposure of the medicine. The recommended temperature range for storing insectoacaricide is from 0 to 30 degrees.

    special instructions

    It is not recommended to combine the drug simultaneously with other insectoacaricides to avoid intoxication in the animal.

    While working with insectoacaricides, it is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke.

    If you are hypersensitive to the active substances, your pet should be treated with gloves. After work, wash hands thoroughly with soap.

    During the day after treatment, it is recommended to limit contact with the dog: it is forbidden to pet it or allow it close to children and other animals.

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