Types of fly fumigators and other devices that plug into an outlet.

Flies can hardly be called pleasant insects. They get bored with their buzzing and land on the body after they have been somewhere unknown. Previously, people saved themselves from them as best they could, using various oils that repel insects or tighten gauze on windows and doors. But these remedies rarely brought the desired effect. Today there are different times and different means of dealing with unwanted guests. In particular, a fumigator helps. True, for it to work, you need to insert special plates, the choice of which is no less important than buying a fumigator. Let's look at the most popular product in the market segment - Raptor fly plates, sold in packs of 10 pieces.

Product description

Raptor produces fly repellents in the form of plates coated with a special insecticidal substance. Its fumes spread indoors, driving away insects and killing flies that happen to be nearby.

The plates work in a fumigator, where there is a special niche. The product is inserted into it, and it begins to heat up under the influence of the fumigator. When heated, the insecticide (Raptor uses insecticides of the pyrethroid group) evaporates. The fumes do not harm humans, but are effective against insects.

Most popular means

Most brands formulate their fly repellents to be effective against other annoying insects (mosquitoes, wasps, moths and moths) as well. Referring to reviews of fly fumigators, the most popular devices are the following brands.


The Moskitol protective kit includes: an electric fumigator equipped with a timer and a fan, and a bottle with a two-component composition against flies and mosquitoes. The operation of the device is as follows: at certain intervals the fan is turned on, due to which toxic components are actively distributed throughout the room.

On a note!

At the right time, the timer turns on the device, and after 12 hours it turns off. To operate the device, a special microcircuit is built into it. With daily use, a bottle of liquid will last for 1.5 months. The set costs 160-200 rubles.

There are also plates from flies and mosquitoes of the same brand. They have a cardboard base and are designed to kill insects both indoors and outdoors. The active component is pyrethrum, the range of which extends to an area of ​​20 square meters. m. The action time of the natural insecticide is up to 10 hours. Flies, mosquitoes and midges begin to die 20-30 minutes after the device is plugged into the network. The cost of packing plates (10 pieces) is about 60 rubles.


Raid liquid, which is based on pralletrin, can also protect against flying pests. The improved fumigator body, equipped with a timer, is able to regulate the intensity of the release of toxic vapors. A bottle of liquid insecticide is designed for 30 days of use. The cost of the fumigator is from 250 rubles.

Popular fly fumigators

To get rid of flies indoors, you can also use Reid brand plates. They have a cardboard or aluminum base coated with a natural insecticide (pyrethrum). One plate protects against flies and mosquitoes for 8 hours, the area of ​​exposure to the toxic composition does not exceed 20 square meters. m. A tape of 10 plates costs about 40 rubles.


The fly repellent plates for this brand of electric fumigator are odorless and highly efficient. The toxic composition is based on vaporrin, a toxic substance that kills flies. One plate is designed for 8 hours of continuous action. A blister of 10 plates costs around 70 rubles.

There is also a liquid from flies and mosquitoes of the same brand, which is based on the toxic component ethok. The Raptor fumigator can operate in standard and turbo modes, destroying flies and mosquitoes within an hour. One bottle of liquid insecticide is designed for 50-60 days of daily use. The device costs about 150 rubles.


No less effective is the fumigator Fumitox against flies and mosquitoes. The basis of the liquid insecticide is prallethrin (an analogue of allethrin from Caucasian chamomile); it also contains antioxidants and organic solvents. The product has no odor. One bottle is designed for 30 days of daily use. A kit consisting of a fumigator and a bottle of liquid costs around 190 rubles.

Advantages of plates:

  • They work silently;
  • They do not have such a strong odor as other insecticidal agents;
  • Virtually harmless;
  • Less risk of the substance getting on the body (unlike aerosols, sprays, etc.).

True, fumes are not completely harmless for everyone. It is advisable for people suffering from allergic diseases to be especially careful. It is important to monitor your own well-being for 2-3 hours. If no unwanted reactions appear, such as skin rash, runny nose, sore throat, etc. you can continue to use it.

The evaporation of the active substance after 15-20 minutes of use does not allow insects to move, and they die (after an hour or two of work). The area where Raptor plates work is about 14-16 square meters. The effectiveness of the substance depends on the color of the plate. The brighter, the more active elements. A faded shade means it needs replacement. But one protective agent lasts up to 8 hours. And considering that it needs to be used for one or two hours, even longer.

Causes of midges

These insects can often appear in the house with brought fruits and vegetables. If indoors they find a suitable environment for feeding and reproduction (spoiled and overripe foods, a trash can, indoor plants with moist soil), then their numbers quickly increase in a few days.

Such insects do not pose a danger to humans, but they can spread harmful bacteria by flying from contaminated areas. In addition, a swarm of midges in the kitchen is not very pleasant for the owners.

According to taste preferences and habitat, house flies are classified into the following types:

  • Food Drosophila - settle in cereals, vegetables, food waste. They are black or burgundy in color. It’s quite easy to get rid of this type by doing a general cleaning of the room and keeping it clean.
  • Clothes live in things that are stored for too long, laying eggs there. To prevent their appearance, it is recommended to put various insect repellent scents in your cabinets, which are available in stores, or use herbs with a strong smell: lavender, dry nut leaves, etc.
  • Mermen - live in damp places in the house: kitchen, bathroom, bathhouse. To get rid of such pests, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the premises, do regular ventilation, and also use folk or chemical remedies.

Drosophila midges are small two-winged insects that reproduce rapidly under favorable conditions; they are popularly called “wine” or “fruit” flies.


The nutrient medium for laying larvae during the reproduction of fruit flies is often used tea leaves poured into indoor flowers. It is better to prevent this by adjusting the watering of the plants so that the top layer of soil dries well.

Drosophila midges


Raptor uses a strong anti-fly formula, the main weapon of which is Vaportrin. It acts as a nerve agent. As a result, not only flies die, but also other insects flying in the room. The first signs of the product’s action can be seen after 15 minutes, when insects become less active. Within an hour, most of the flies will be dead. This effect will persist if the room where the procedure is performed is tightly closed. If the windows are open, the concentration of the substance will decrease and it will act more slowly.

What is the maximum effect

The best effect of the plate occurs during the period of greatest daily activity of flies - and this is, as a rule, early morning and afternoon, until the evening. But in the evening, if you notice, the activity of flies flying and crawling everywhere in the house subsides. And if you consider that most plates last at least 8-12 hours, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation, then this time is quite enough to protect your premises from the activity of flying carriers of infection from morning to evening.

Mode of application

The plates have a simple operating principle. They are activated thanks to the fumigator into which the plate is inserted. Instructions:

  1. Open the package with the plate (do not throw away the package; you may need it when you finish processing) and take out the product.
  2. Install in a special niche on the fumigator.
  3. Plug it into a power outlet. There is a heating element inside; it will evaporate the active ingredients, thereby causing them to act on the flies.
  4. When finished processing, turn off the device.

Choice and rules of use

When choosing a specific mosquito repellent kit, carefully read the instructions for use.

Currently there are two types of fumigators - pyrotechnic and electric. They act almost the same way - they heat the element that contains the active drug, and toxic substances are released into the air.

Such vapors quickly spread through the air and are fatal to insects. Some drugs may not kill, but may also repel bloodsuckers or temporarily immobilize them.

Battery-powered mosquito repellents are convenient because you can take them with you to any place, installing them where there is no access to electricity (in nature, in the countryside). Liquid and tablets are suitable for electric fumigators; they heat up very quickly and strongly.

Pyrotechnic mosquito repellent kits are less convenient to use. These include special spirals, which are made of a special material. Once set on fire, they will smolder, releasing toxic substances for insects. They can be installed outdoors, like ultrasonic devices. However, there will be no effect if there is a strong wind outside, since it will blow away all the smoke that was produced due to the smoldering of the coil.

Precautionary measures

Despite the low concentration of toxic components in fumigator substances for humans, they must be used according to the instructions and safety rules must be followed:

  • give preference to odorless plates and liquids;
  • use the fumigant only for a certain time specified in the instructions;
  • It is not advisable to use near beds to avoid drying out the throat mucosa;
  • Be sure to ventilate the room after using the device;
  • Do not allow children near the fumigator, do not use it in a room with aquariums;
  • use sockets closer to the floor.

Plates, tablets and liquids that have expired should not be used.

Killerly delicious granules

Flies irritate not so much by buzzing as by encroaching on food.
This means that you can play on this and serve them poison under the guise of a treat. Treat uninvited guests with “Mukhoyar” fly pellets! They contain not only a strong insecticide, but also special baits - attractants. And the bitter component will repel birds and pets. Flies will certainly like this “treat”. This “treat” will protect you and your products for 2-3 months.

How to use

  1. Sprinkle granules onto non-food substrates at the rate of 2.5 g per 1 m².
  2. Place baits in places that are especially popular with flies.
  3. You can enhance the effect if you mix the granules with water in a 1:1 ratio and coat the perimeters of window and door openings with this mixture.

Important : under no circumstances should you give (or even show) granules to children. Use the product only for its intended purpose and remember to wear gloves.

Fly traps

For effective protection against flying insects in the fresh air, a device in the form of a trap is designed. Its action is based on attracting flies and wasps, which flock to the smell, get inside the jar and cannot get out. To attract dipterans, special substances are used (a mixture of yeast, sugar, gelatin and apple flavoring), which emit the smell of ripe fruit, jam and honey, which flies and wasps are very fond of. All components of the device are non-chemical and therefore safe for people and the environment.


The Raptor trap is made in such a way that its smell attracts only flies, wasps and hornets, but has absolutely no effect on bees. It is recommended to install it in the morning (or at night) in a place where there are no sharp air currents.

The Raptor trap for wasps and flies includes:

  • plastic jar-trap with a lid;
  • a bag of bait powder, which must be diluted with water when used;
  • lanyard for hanging.
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