Review of aerosols and sprays against cockroaches: dichlorvos, kombat, executioner and others, application features, pros and cons

Hello! Cockroaches have been living side by side with humans for many centuries, and the struggle to eliminate them has lasted just as long. People are not happy about such a neighborhood and are constantly inventing ways to get rid of it.

But the cockroach is also not simple; it knows how to adapt to seemingly unbearable conditions. This parasite is capable of living for a long time without food, without a head, in the sewer - in general, a serious contender. But in no case can one come to terms with such a neighborhood; this mustachioed guy carries too dangerous microbes on his paws.

Food left on the table after a cockroach has crawled over it can cause irreparable damage to the body of the person who ate it. Therefore, if you have insects in your house, but you do not want to call a pest control service, this article will be useful to you.

There are a huge variety of drugs for killing cockroaches. A variety of chemicals, formulations of the drug, manufacturer brands - all these parameters and characteristics can confuse a buyer who is faced with a problem of cockroaches in his home.

The victim is only interested in eliminating the hated insects, and to resolve such an issue, one will have to carefully approach the choice. Each specific situation requires an individual approach. How long ago cockroaches settled in your home, how many there are, the presence of allergy sufferers, animals and children in the house - all this influences the choice of the right drug.

In addition, it is extremely important to follow the instructions for use so that the results are as stated by the manufacturers of the poison. We will try to talk about the most effective drugs and explain the features of each product.


Anti-cockroach medications in aerosol form are used very often because they are easy to use and have an immediate effect. Even professional exterminators use this form because of its speed, as well as the ability to treat any hard-to-reach areas.

The poison in the suspended air spreads and paralyzes the life of the cockroach. Among the popular sprays and aerosols against cockroaches are: Raptor, Dichlorvos, Combat, Clean House. When using such products, you must adhere to safety precautions. The substances are harmful to humans and animals, so when treating an apartment it is necessary to wear clothing that protects the skin and be sure to use a respirator to protect the respiratory system.

Before starting, all things, dishes, food products are packed in polyethylene and, if possible, removed from the room where disinfestation is to be carried out. All occupants also leave the premises. After treatment for some time, depending on the drug used, the room remains closed, and after that it is thoroughly washed with alkali and ventilated.

Instructions for use

The first step is to treat the escape routes with cockroach poison. As soon as they feel danger, they will rush in all directions - into living rooms or to neighbors. The main escape routes are window sills, door thresholds, and ventilation holes. We process them from the very beginning of disinfestation. After this, we proceed to apply the insecticide to the places that we noted earlier. Usually these are baseboards, back walls of household appliances and cabinets, shelves with food

Do not forget to pay attention to the place where there was previously a lot of garbage and leftover food and water - cockroaches have an excellent memory for places with food.

The aerosol can contains a high-pressure insecticide that, when you press a button, begins to spray onto the specified surface. Shake the can before use and hold it vertically. Spraying occurs from a distance of about 30 cm from the surface. The spray is applied in an even layer to the required surfaces. Shake the can periodically.

Note! It is possible to spray even sofas and carpets, where cockroaches also live, and their future offspring can grow there.

The gel is applied using a syringe in long strips along the paths of insects moving around the kitchen. In places where they previously ate and drank water, you can make several small rings and put food crumbs in the center. When they get to them, the cockroaches will definitely get dirty with poison and die well-fed.


Based on the same insecticides as the previous drug, but with the addition of auxiliary substances, another effective remedy for controlling cockroaches has been created. Raptor has a lot of positive reviews. Mainly, a positive result is observed when treating all secluded places with an aerosol, repeating the procedure a month later, for the final destruction of all cockroaches that have not yet hatched from the eggs during the initial treatment.


Dichlorvos is the oldest anti-cockroach drug that has been tested over the years. Of course, modern versions differ from their predecessors 50 years ago. For example, the aroma of “that” dichlorvos was the subject of jokes, and current versions of the product have practically no odor. Its main components:

  • Permethrin;
  • Cypermethrin;
  • Piperonyl butoxide;
  • Tetramethrin;
  • Diethyltoluamide;
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide.

As you can see, there is a whole complex of insecticides, however, the main disadvantage of the product is that insects quickly adapt to the poison, therefore, in case of large-scale persecution, it is recommended to combine dichlorvos with other products.

Gels and adhesives

Many of the drugs that we have already talked about have, in addition to the aerosol form of release, also a gel form. These include Combat and Clean House. You can buy special syringes filled with a viscous paste, which contains a variety of insecticides along with tasty bait for the cockroach.

Thanks to this bait, the pest eats the poison. The death of an insect does not occur instantly; it manages to contact its relatives and infect them too. Among the popular gels against cockroaches are:

  • Dohlox;
  • Fas;
  • Combat;
  • Clean house;
  • Exil (globol);
  • Storm.

The widespread use of gels in the extermination of cockroaches is due to the ease of their use. A convenient tube-syringe with a sharp tip allows you to place droplets of the product evenly in hard-to-reach places: behind the baseboard, cabinets, oven. Unlike sprays and aerosols, when removing insects with gel, household members do not need to leave the apartment.

The German brand Exil, formerly Globol, is considered one of the most effective. The main active substance of this gel is chlorpyrifos, which is not very toxic to humans.

Gel Combat also shows good results in the fight against cockroaches. It is created on the basis of hydromeltinone with the addition of goose liver, the presence of which provokes the insect to taste the deadly delicacy.

Dohlox gel is also in demand due to its affordable price and effectiveness. The basis of this drug is fipronil, which has a paralytic effect on the nervous system of the cockroach.

Choosing a cockroach trap

Such devices are more suitable for use as an aid. Common products: Combat, Raptor, Raid, electric and glue traps.


Aromatic additives and special substances are used for bait. However, not all cockroaches are eager to try the poison, which reduces the level of effectiveness of this device. The trap is not dangerous for children and animals, it leaves no traces, since the poison is contained inside the box. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of application on objects with severe contamination due to low efficiency.

Electric trap

The main disadvantage is the need to periodically clean the box. Advantages: zero toxicity, long service life. In addition, such a trap will probably destroy all cockroaches that get inside. You just need to keep the device away from the water source and children, as it is connected to the network.


Contains fipronil poison bait (insecticide). It gives good results and lasts for a long time - for several months. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of application in case of severe contamination of the room; high consumption (for 1 room of 10 sq. m. 3 traps are required).


Contains bait and an effective insecticide. It lasts a long time, but comes at a high price. In addition, after some time you need to reinstall the traps. If you use them along with sprays, the intensity of the odor increases, which will repel insects. It is necessary to use such devices together with other forms of drugs.

Glue trap

Safe for babies and pets as it does not contain chemicals. The trap is easy to use, but exhibits low effectiveness on heavily infested objects. Another drawback is the unaesthetic appearance if the device does not have a lid, since gradually many insects collect on the glue. These traps need to be changed frequently.

Vote for the best trap


Cockroach medications are often used directly in tablet form. They are diluted with water and sprayed with a spray bottle on surfaces where insects crawl. Most often, this occurs in the same way as treatment with a ready-made aerosol.

Sometimes granules are placed directly near the habitats of cockroaches, and it is also possible to make baits with a poisonous tablet. Of course, this can only be implemented if there are no children or animals in the house.

Exceptions include the microencapsulated product Get, which is absolutely harmless to humans and there is no need to leave the house during processing.

Another advantage of this drug is its contact effect - that is, the insect dies not only when the poison enters the body, but also after the cockroach has passed through the area treated with poison.


We have listed the best remedies for cockroaches. Unfortunately, their effect does not last forever. For example, a visit to a disinfectant will last for a maximum of a month if the formation of new nests is not prevented. They may appear not in your apartment, but in your neighbors or even in the basement or attic. This means that conditions favorable to pests must be excluded.

What to do for prevention

  • Do not leave food uncovered.
  • Take out the trash every day.
  • Wipe down the sink and bathtub. It is useless to remove insects if they have constant access to water.
  • Install a mesh over the ventilation if it doesn't already exist.
  • Do regular cleaning. Check for stale dust and rolled food under cabinets.
  • Check all dark corners. Pests can live under wallpaper, on and behind cabinets, in desk drawers, and even under the countertop.
  • Seal any cracks where they can crawl.
  • Repair torn wallpaper, cracked tiles, leaking pipes - these are all nesting sites.
  • Try to team up with at least your closest neighbors, if they have the same problem, and carry out the treatment at the same time.
  • Check the rubber seals in the refrigerator - there may also be sockets there. Eliminate defects. It is not recommended to leave poison in the refrigerator itself. It is better to wash it, dry it and fill it again with food.


The fight against cockroaches usually brings the best results when carried out on several fronts at the same time. That is why we will consider additional drugs for removing cockroaches. These include chalk and boric acid. If your goal is only to scare away a few six-legged guests creeping into your neighbors, then such drugs would be quite appropriate.

Boric acid traps are an old folk remedy, time-tested, probably longer than dichlorvos. The substance can easily be bought at a pharmacy and, when diluted with water or an attractive bait, left in the kitchen overnight. Sometimes you will find a deceased cockroach right next to this trap.

As for crayons, the most common, but not the only one, Mashenka, is an effective insect repellent. Its basic components: deltamethrin, zetacypermethrin. Cockroach crayons are also produced by the brands Clean House, Domovoy, and Tornado.

It is worth mentioning that ready-made traps will also help get rid of a small number of pests. You don’t have to worry about diluting boric acid or preparing bait, but buy a special disk (trap) from Kombat or another company and attach it to insect habitats.

Is there really a poison inside - hydramethylnon and a substance with an attractive smell and taste for the parasite? Moreover, such a system is absolutely harmless, since neither a child nor a pet will be able to reach the poison.

Rating of the best cockroach repellents

The best aerosols against cockroaches1Combat SuperSpray+ against crawling insects733 ₽
2Raid against crawling and flying insects with lavender scent170 ₽
3Beaphar Total Ungeziefer for treating premises against parasites 110391 500 ₽
4Raptor of increased efficiency from the most tenacious cockroaches449 ₽
5ARGUS MAX insect repellent fogger dry fog349 ₽
The best powders against cockroaches1GEKTOR against cockroaches2 500 ₽
2Avgust from cockroaches, woodlice Cucaracha IVF289 ₽
The best traps against cockroaches1Forsyth from cockroaches with a bait tablet270 ₽
2Combat SuperBait for cockroaches359 ₽
The best gels and pastes for cockroaches1Raptor for cockroaches and ants, 75 ml1 132 ₽
2Borium dohlox “Get lost!” No. 76 from cockroaches 186 ₽
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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