Fumigator for fleas in the apartment - fumitox and others, instructions.

Aerosol Raptor will provide you with reliable protection from annoying crawling insects. The product works according to the following principle: during spraying, drops of insecticide settle on the surface and insects. The active substance instantly penetrates through the chitinous covers into the insect’s body. The product acts quickly and the pests die within a few seconds. You can buy Raptor for professional extermination of crawling insects at an affordable price on our official website.

Release forms for flea control

Raptor for fleas in an apartment or house is available in several forms, which are based on different principles of action.


A traditional insect fumigator is a simple method of pest control. According to user reviews, it is the flea fumigator that demonstrates 100% results.

The aquafumigator operates on the principle of evaporation of the active component – ​​Cyphenothrin. This action is ensured by a vapor-forming agent.

The steam that spreads thanks to the flea fumigator in an infested apartment reaches the most inaccessible places. The effect of the drug on parasites is nerve paralytic.

Among the obvious advantages of purchasing:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • no need for operator presence - steam spreads uncontrollably in space;
  • positive effect against not only fleas, but also other pests;
  • relatively low cost.

Among the disadvantages of the fumigator: the need to free the home from its inhabitants during and after disinfection.


Traditional mosquito repellents are also effective against fleas. The attribute is impregnated with a special composition, which, after connecting the mosquito plate to the network and heating it, begins to release substances intolerable to insects that have a nerve-paralytic effect.

Fumigator liquid

Flea fumigator liquid contains a volatile insecticide. A popular one is prallethrin. It affects the nerve endings of parasites, creating a block of signals to the nerve endings.

A liquid that has a high concentration of the active ingredient is more effective - 1.6%.

There are various types of liquids on the market, the choice of which is based on the purpose and conditions of use of the product:

  • standard insecticide-based liquid;
  • liquid for children (with a reduced concentration of the component);
  • bio-option based on natural raw materials;
  • odorless liquid.

Attention! The fumigator liquid can also be used outside the device. Since the main condition for the action of a substance is its heating and evaporation, the component is applied to any hot surface, for example, dropping a few drops of liquid onto a hot incandescent lamp.


Raptor for pest control in aerosol form is the most common option. It is used for self-treatment of space and surfaces indoors.

If you take precautions, the product not only demonstrates the expected effect, but also does not harm family members, including pets.

The Raptor anti-flea spray contains three basic components:

  1. Tetramethrin. Responsible for the neuroparalytic effect of the drug. In combination with cypermethrin it forms a poisonous tandem.
  2. Cypermethrin. Affects the nervous system of adults and larvae. The effect of the component lasts for the next 3 weeks while the substance remains on surfaces.
  3. Piperonyl butoxide is a synthetic component that multiplies the effect of the other two components.

Attention! The volume of the product against fleas and other pests is large - 350 ml. The amount of substance is enough to treat a room of up to 50 square meters.


The cost of the drug is within reason. Based on the region, the price varies from 150 to 300 rubles, maybe slightly higher. A person with an average “wallet” can easily buy “Raptor” for bedbugs at such prices. One cylinder is enough to treat a large room with furniture.

So, in the online store the approximate prices for this type of product are as follows:

  • "Raptor" aerosol against crawling insects (350 ml) is offered at a price of 288 rubles,
  • "Raptor" aerosol against bed bugs (225 ml) costs 357 rubles,
  • "Raptor": an aquafumigator insect elimination system is sold for 437 rubles.

The price depends on the volume, shape, type of product and the specific online store or other place of purchase.


Fumitox for fleas in the apartment is a worthy alternative to Raptor. The product contains: prallethrin, tetramethrin, DV-permethrin, chamomile extract, etc. The drug is recognized as one of the safest agents in pest control.

The product is sold in the form of an aerosol, plates, tape, spiral, liquid . Most often, preference is given to an aerosol, which begins to act immediately after use. If a fumigator is used, the effect of the drug is noticed after 5-10 minutes.

Is the aquafumigator safe?

Like any other insecticide, the Raptor aquafumigator directly requires the user to take precautions.
To date, not a single case of cifenotrin poisoning from an aquafumigator has been identified in Russia, requiring hospitalization or life-threatening. However, if the instructions and safety rules are grossly ignored, the following symptoms may appear:

  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • skin rashes,
  • weakness,
  • dry cough.

To avoid all these consequences, you must follow safety precautions:

  • Before starting treatment, remove everyone from the apartment,
  • Return to the room no earlier than 3 hours of operation of the aquafumigator,
  • Ventilate the rooms well after using the device.

The insecticide has no effect on wallpaper, furniture and other surfaces. After using it, no traces remain.

Does it help?

Many people are interested in whether Raptor is effective against fleas in an apartment, whether Raptor kills pests. The active components of the product penetrate the chitinous cover of insects, leading to disturbances in nervous regulation - paralysis and death occur. Raptor helps in the fight against parasites, not by scaring them away, but by killing them.

If you analyze user reviews, intending to find out whether Raptor is effective against fleas in the house, you can conclude that the product is highly effective.

Provided that the rules for using the drug are followed, the first results of Raptor’s action are noticed within 5-10 minutes after treating the premises. If the premises are massively infested with pests, additional treatment of the home may be necessary.

What is the danger and harm of fleas?

Even if fleas have discovered their presence in your apartment with only a couple of bites, you should not take it lightly. Blood-sucking insects carry several types of dangerous diseases, the treatment of which is still not always successful. Among them are flea dermatitis, typhus, salmonellosis, etc. It is also important to remember about children - they scratch the bitten areas and can easily introduce an infection into the wound. In any case, neither a couple of fleas nor an entire colony of insects have a place in your home, so they must be actively combated, aiming for a 100% result.

How to use the funds

The focus is on the use of Raptor in the form of a fumigator and aerosol. How to use Raptor against fleas can be found in the instructions included with the product.

When using an aquafumigator, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. If there are fire safety sensors in the room, they should be turned off before the device starts operating.
  2. All food, children's things, indoor flowers, animals must be removed from the premises before disinfection begins.
  3. Before turning on the door fumigator, drawers of sideboards and cabinets must be opened so that steam can penetrate into hard-to-reach places.
  4. The device must be installed in the middle of the room on a flat surface.
  5. When fighting pests, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug: one device is suitable for treating a room with an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters.
  6. After 3 weeks, it is recommended to repeat the measure to avoid re-infestation with parasites.

How to use Raptor flea aerosol - user instructions to help.

The algorithm for using the tool is as follows:

  1. Carry out preliminary general cleaning: wash the floors, wipe the dust, clean the carpets, wash the upholstery of upholstered furniture, rugs for pets, etc.
  2. Find the main locations of pests. For these purposes, you can place white sheets of paper around the apartment.
  3. Close doors and windows in the room.
  4. Move all pieces of furniture away from the walls at a distance of 15 cm.
  5. Eliminate all strangers from the room.
  6. Shake the can well, holding it at arm's length about 10-15 cm from the surface to be treated.
  7. Immediately tackle the places where parasites are most concentrated, then move on to the suspected ones.
  8. Leave the premises for at least 1 hour.
  9. Ventilate the room (it will take at least 1 hour).
  10. Wash all contact surfaces in the room.
  11. Wash your hands and face well.
  12. After 3 weeks, repeat the treatment.

Security measures

Remember that residential premises are treated using toxic pesticides that can harm the health of people and animals. Safety measures must not be neglected. Be sure to read the instructions for use and strictly follow the recommendations.

During the procedure, wear clothes that completely cover your body; you should wear gloves on your hands. When substances come into contact with the skin, allergic reactions occur, which are accompanied by irritation, rash, and inflammation. If the product gets on an open area of ​​skin, immediately rinse thoroughly with water.

The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator; toxic fumes are hazardous to health and can cause quite serious health problems. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, weakness and other signs of poisoning, you should immediately go outside and call an ambulance. It is equally dangerous if the substance gets on the mucous membrane; if this happens, rinse with water and consult a doctor.

Insecticides are also dangerous for pets, so it is very important to move them to another room during treatment. Remember that small children and animals do not understand that you treated the apartment with poison, so they will lead their usual lifestyle. Things can rise from the floor and come into contact with a surface that, in our opinion, is inaccessible. It is very important to wash all surfaces after treatment to prevent dangerous situations.

Precautionary measures

We must not forget about precautions when using pest control. The form of the drug should be used only for its intended purpose, you must ensure the integrity of the products, do not use expired drugs, keep them away from children and rinse your eyes or nose well in case of accidental contact of the poison with mucous membranes.

Raptor is an effective remedy for fleas in the house. The product is used in the form of an aerosol, plates, fumigators, and liquid composition. The active components of the drug have a neuroparalytic effect on individuals, after which paralysis and death of the pests occurs.

You can count on the proper effect and safety of disinfection only if you follow the rules for using the products.

Proper preparation for disinfection

The instructions included with the device warn that the toxic substance is enough to treat 1-2 rooms.


If the size of the room exceeds these values, then it makes sense to purchase a larger number of aquafumigators and place them at an equal distance from each other

You should pay attention to areas where insects appear more often and treat them first.

The device is not difficult to use; you just need to follow the steps described in the instructions step by step.

  1. Put food in the refrigerator.
  2. Place children's supplies, books, toys in a sealed bag.
  3. Do the same with dishes and personal hygiene products.
  4. Open all the cabinets, lay out the chairs and sofas.
  5. Seal the hood with any adhesive tape.

It is better to use stationery or masking tape as tape. The hood is sealed to prevent insects from crawling into the neighboring apartment, from where they can return in a few days.

Aquarium fish are not warm-blooded, so they should be moved to a safe place. Despite the fact that tsifentorin helps to quickly get rid of cockroaches, the aquafumigator is harmless even for hamsters when used. But there is a risk of individual intolerance to the toxic compound.

It’s worth making an agreement in advance with friends or relatives and giving them the animals for a couple of days.

After turning on the device, steam begins to form and quickly spreads throughout the room. For some people, the water suspension provokes a sore throat, watery eyes and cough. To prevent possible allergic reactions, you should leave the room during the treatment.

Features of the composition

Raptor is a combined action flea remedy.
It contains several active components that belong to the group of modern effective insecticides: cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide. The substances enhance and complement each other’s influence, preventing the development of immunity in insects. Raptor for fleas in the apartment

On a note!

Raptor against fleas contains flavorings and fragrances that fix the unpleasant odor of insecticides. But this aroma quickly disappears when the windows are open. This is one of the advantages of the drug that attracts the attention of buyers.

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