Dichlorvos for ants: insect repellents and reviews

When pests attack a house or summer cottage, the owners try to destroy them by all available means. “Dichlorvos” for ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and other parasites has been used for many decades, but still remains popular. Using the aerosol is very simple - if it did not contain toxic substances, even a child could handle such a job. The drug is inexpensive, about 100 rubles per bottle, and works no worse than expensive insecticides from well-known brands.


Dichlorvos against ants is an aerosol designed to combat insect pests. The drug is in great demand among the population, as it has a number of advantages:

  • High efficiency. The aerosol allows you to quickly get rid of pests. The manufacturer guarantees the complete destruction of ants if the instructions are followed.
  • Wide spectrum of action - most aerosols under this brand are designed to kill crawling and flying insects, including ants. The drug can be used both indoors and to get rid of pests in a summer cottage.
  • A simple method of use - the aerosol does not require additional preparation, it is completely ready for use.
  • Affordable cost (less than 100 rubles) is another important nuance that many people pay attention to.

Dichlorvos for ants The disadvantages of this aerosol are:

  • the presence of a specific odor (with the exception of Dichlorvos Neo and Dichlorvos Varan);
  • toxicity - the improved formula of the drug includes insecticidal substances: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide. They almost instantly begin to act on insects.

How effective is the product?

If we look into the recent past, everyone will remember the popular insecticide - Dichlorvos. This remedy has been used against almost all types of pests and insects. It was a fairly strong drug, the use of which guaranteed the success of the treatment and complete cleansing of the apartment. It also had a drawback, which was expressed in a very specific and pungent odor.

But no one paid attention to such little things, because they wanted to get rid of parasites in the apartment as quickly as possible. Regarding the harm to health of the old remedy, then a sore throat was noticed when using it, but no one focused attention on these points either.

Quite high requirements are put forward for modern drugs, where the use of aggressive compounds is prohibited, the dosage of active components and concentration are important. In addition, parasites have the unique ability to adapt to any conditions and develop immunity to the action of pesticides. This has become the reason that the same drug can show maximum effectiveness or be completely useless.

Some argue that it was the old sample of Dichlorvos that was effective, and all the new analogues are not able to please with the results. But it is worth considering that all modern products are manufactured using new, gentler and safer technologies. We can only say that modern insecticides are certainly effective, but sometimes several treatments are required or simply replaced with a new drug that uses other active substances.


The best modern variations of this product are the brands of the following products.

  1. Dichlorvos Varan - effective against cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects. The drug has a pleasant odor and is safe for humans and pets. The product has a long shelf life, which lasts for 2 weeks.
  2. Dichlorvos Neo. It is based on insecticides of the pyrethroid group, which destroy ants outright. At low concentrations it does not pose a danger to people and domestic animals. The product is odorless and does not cause addiction to pests.
  3. Dichlorvos Super is an analogue of Dichlorvos Neo aerosol.

Precautionary measures

When treating a room with Dichlorvos Neo, you must follow the safety rules:

  1. Before disinsection, you need to properly prepare the room according to the instructions given above.
  2. Be sure to use protective equipment: gloves, respirator and goggles.

    Processing cannot be carried out without the use of protective equipment.

You need to be especially careful with children's things and items belonging to pets. If Dichlorvos Neo gets on one of these items, you need to thoroughly wash it in a soap-soda solution.

Some buyers, seeing the inscription “odorless” on the bottle of the drug, believe that the product is not toxic, and carry out the treatment, neglecting safety rules. As a result, the body receives a dose of insecticides, which leads to poisoning.

Dizziness and nausea are the first signs of drug poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • skin rashes;
  • hard breath;
  • in severe cases: seizures, vision problems.

To help someone who has been poisoned, you must:

  1. Remove the victim to fresh air.
  2. If the drug gets on your skin, wash it with a mixture of water and soda.
  3. The victim must take a sorbent - a drug that will remove harmful substances from the body (for example, activated carbon).
  4. Bring the victim to the hospital to provide him with professional medical care.

Activated carbon is a remedy that must be given to the victim as first aid.

You cannot experiment with it. You must strictly follow the instructions given above. The victim should not take laxatives, drink mineral water or herbal decoctions, or induce vomiting.

Processing rules

Use of Dichlorvos Despite the fact that the aerosol is relatively safe, precautions must be taken when using it:

  • aerosol treatment should be carried out in the presence of personal protective equipment (respirator or mask, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing);
  • it is necessary to remove food, dishes, personal hygiene items, children's things and toys;
  • During disinfestation, children and pets should not be in the room.

To carry out the treatment, shake the container with the insecticidal solution thoroughly. Ant trails, as well as places where insects accumulate, are sprayed at a distance of 0.2 m from the treated surface. At the end of the disinfestation process, leave the room for at least 1-2 hours. After which the room is thoroughly ventilated.

This aerosol is a time-tested drug. Many people have been using it since the times of the Soviet Union, as evidenced by numerous reviews of Dichlorvos.

Safety measures when processing the premises

Despite the fact that modern types of dichlorvos are comparatively safe, some precautions still need to be observed:

There should be no strangers in the room during processing, as well as pets, birds and fish.

It is also important to explain to the child that after treatment he should not touch surfaces in the house with his hands until wet cleaning is carried out; The room must be completely enclosed; Special equipment must be worn by the person. These are glasses, overalls, a respirator, a gauze bandage or a gas mask

There should be a minimum of open areas on the body. It is better if there are none at all; All objects with which people and animals have direct contact must be removed. Also, food products should be in a place where toxic substances will not reach. It is advisable to completely close the kitchen during processing. Separately, it is worth mentioning individual hygiene items. It is better to take them out of the room altogether.

If these measures are followed, the risk of drug poisoning is minimal.

It is important to adhere to these rules each time you treat with dichlorvos. If harm to a person is possible, it is only through the fault of the one who processes the premises

Separately, it is worth mentioning the harm to pets.

They may become poisoned by toxic substances, even if you fully follow the above rules

To prevent this, it is imperative to carry out wet cleaning, paying special attention to the places where animals most often spend time. Cats and dogs can simply carry toxic substances on their paws, after which they enter their stomachs

Therefore, pets need your responsible approach to exterminating cockroaches.

Dichlorvos from ants: instructions and reviews

No matter what means you use to eradicate all the ants from your apartment, dichlorvos still remains the best preparation for treatment. For more than 30 years, this product has been actively used in everyday life. The spray can is very easy to use, kills all crawling and flying insects that interfere with a person’s comfortable living. Another good thing is that the drug is inexpensive, it is very easy to find among other products. While many people choose anti-ant gels, prefer traditional methods and buy very expensive drugs, you have the opportunity to use dichlorvos.

Popular aerosols/sprays

Most often they use “Raptor” for ants. Several insecticides can be found in the composition: cypermethrin, deltamethrin and piperonyl butoxide. This remedy for red ants has a more pleasant smell than outdated analogues. The full name is “Raptor for crawling insects”.

Another popular tool is “Raid”

You need to pay attention to the aerosol, which affects cockroaches and ants; you can read about this on the bottle. Previously, reviews about this drug were entirely positive, today more effective analogues have appeared, but still the “Raid” aerosol is often used in the fight against ants

The spray contains fragrances that soften the aggressive odor of the insecticides included in the composition (imiprotrin, cyphenothrin). A tube with a small contact area simplifies the housing processing process. It is included in the kit. With its help, you can deliver the substance into small crevices where ants can hide. “Combat” for ants belongs to hazard class 3 drugs. This means that the active substances pose a danger to insects, but are of low toxicity to humans and animals.

“Dichlorvos” is a long-known drug. It has a universal effect, as it is capable of destroying crawling and flying insects. “Dichlorvos” also helps to get rid of it in the apartment. The modern version of this drug is very different from the outdated version. Only the name unites them. In fact, “Dichlorvos” has completely changed in composition. Today the drug contains more effective insecticides - from the group of pyrethroids. It has an unpleasant odor, but odorless and aromatic additives have already been developed.

Features of Dichlorvos

  1. A very popular drug that instantly deals with ants not only in apartments, but also in summer cottages.
  2. The volume of Dichlorvos is available in two versions: either 300 ml or 500 ml.
  3. One can is enough to cover 70 square meters of area.
  4. This is a poisonous product that has an unpleasant odor; more modern models (Dichlorvos NEO) are odorless.
  5. The cost of the drug is less than 100 rubles.
  6. The active ingredient is tetramethrin 0.1%, cypermethrin 0.2% and piperonyl butoxide 0.2%.

You should definitely purchase gloves and a mask to handle the apartment, protecting your respiratory tract. Today there are many of these drugs that are produced in different flavors, but they, of course, cost a little more. If Dichlorvos gets into your eyes, nose or mouth during preventive maintenance, immediately wash them with running water.

Instructions for use

The product is universal, so it can be used both against cockroaches and for baiting ants. In fact, this use is very convenient; you do not need to buy any specific insect repellent. Dichlorvos is very easy to use, as it is sprayed onto the surface. The jet is directed at the place where the ants live at a distance of 30 cm. Here's what exactly can be treated with the drug, affecting even the most inaccessible places:

  • small cracks;
  • reverse side of floor carpets;
  • pipes and baseboards;
  • area near the sink.

Since Dichlorvos has a very unpleasant odor, which can be toxic to health, the apartment should be treated not only with a respirator, but also with the windows open. The whole family should leave the house and spend a couple of hours outside while the living area is treated for ants. Animals must also be removed from the apartment. It is important to spray Dichlorvos at a distance of 30 cm; under no circumstances direct the aerosol stream too close to the ant nest. Also, do not use the drug just like that, do not try it in action by spraying the product in the air. The substance settles on furniture and clothes, so it will last for several more days. Ants very quickly get used to one product, they begin to develop immunity even to Dichlorvos, so it is important to change the drug periodically, not allowing the insects to survive. After treating the apartment, it is important that the room is empty for about 2-3 hours, at which point the ants will already die.

Consumer Reviews

  • “The simplest, but at the same time unique and universal remedy. In my apartment, Dichlorvos destroyed not only ants, but also cockroaches, which I am very happy about. And the price is excellent, and the active ingredients are what you need! True, the product does not smell very good and you have to ventilate the apartment every evening, but that’s okay. Whatever you can do to get all the parasites out of your living space!”
  • “Perhaps this is the most famous aerosol that I know. I believe that Dichlorvos is a good old helper that actively participates in protecting humans from insects, especially from unpleasant small annoying ants.”
  • “My grandmother used this drug. At her age, the ants were worse, larger, and even lived in flocks throughout the two-story house. She poisoned the entire army of ants while wearing a respirator. It didn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, but the drug, like a real nuclear mixture against insects, destroyed absolutely everything in its path. Now I only buy Dichlorvos, since I simply don’t trust any other means, and I have experience from the example of my grandmother, who, by the way, still uses this drug!”
  • “I always keep a can of Dichlorvos under the bathroom sink, in case I need it. There hasn’t been an ant invasion yet, but as soon as it appears, I’m ready to fight against them. I read the instructions all the way through, so I’m not afraid of anything if there is Dichlorvos nearby.”

How to get ants out of an apartment?

The drug is convenient because if your apartment is attacked by several types of parasites, you do not need to buy an individual insecticide for each of them; one treatment with Dichlorvos will act on all pests at once. The disadvantage of the drug when fighting ants is that it only kills poisoned insects. If the poison does not reach the nest, the female will continue to lay eggs, and the colony will quickly recover in size. Along with the aerosol treatment, you need to place poisoned bait in the corners of the room so that the surviving individuals will take it to the nest and destroy all the inhabitants.

The peculiarity of ants is that they do not wander around the apartment chaotically, but move along certain paths. Notice the paths and spray the product from a distance of 30 cm along the paths of movement of insects, places of their active accumulations and found nests. Don’t forget to treat hard-to-reach places where ants and other pests can hide:

  • cracks in building structures;
  • reverse sides of carpets;
  • pipe passage locations;
  • baseboards;
  • areas around sanitary fixtures.

The treatment should be carried out with the windows open so that you yourself do not suffocate. Then close the doors and windows tightly and leave the room for several hours. During this time, the ants will begin to poison themselves and die. After a couple of weeks, the treatment will need to be repeated so that the young ants hatched from the eggs die. If after 4-5 treatments there are still insects in the house, it means that they have already acquired immunity - the insecticide should be changed.


Vredstop magazine recommends using Dichlorvos in combination with Mashenka chalk. Spray the nest with insecticide, and use chalk to draw a contour around the anthill and stripes on the paths so that the scattering inhabitants step on the poison and also die.

After treatment, the main task of the owners is to prevent new pests from entering the house. Keep things tidy and immediately remove fallen crumbs after each meal. Wipe all puddles dry: insects can live for some time without food, but thirst is destructive for them. For prevention, hang dry bouquets of herbs on the walls and along the baseboards, the smell of which is unpleasant to ants:

  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • tansy;
  • thyme.

Composition and properties

Many people remember Dichlorvos as it was in Soviet times, but this version has long ceased to be produced. The fact is that the drug contained dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate, which effectively destroyed colonies of parasites, even the largest of them. The chemical compound had a negative effect not only on pests, but also on humans: it caused serious poisoning and a general deterioration in health. Therefore, the chemical was forced out of the market.

With the development of technology, manufacturers have been able to create the safest drugs that fight insects well without having a negative effect on humans.

Currently, the composition of Dichlorvos has changed greatly. Each manufacturer makes a unique set of components, but all such insecticides contain the following chemicals:

  • cypermethrin;
  • tetramethrin;
  • permethrin;
  • piperonyl butoxide.

Cypermethrin is a popular insecticide of contact action, that is, to obtain an effect it must get onto the chitinous cover and into the respiratory tract.

The active formula blocks the nervous system of cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, flies, fleas, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses and thus paralyzing the pests. Unable to move, search for food, or breathe, the parasites die.

Also, third-party components that do not affect the effectiveness are added to the drug:

  • fragrances;
  • ethanol;
  • preservatives;
  • stabilizers.

Dichlorvos acts for a week and then disappears. It is necessary to carry out repeated treatment if the population is large. But the effect is noticeable almost immediately: already on the second day after spraying.

The chemical is available in the form of sprays with a volume of 10 to 30 ml, in canisters up to 10 liters. The convenient shape allows you to kill insects yourself.

There is no exact answer to the question of whether Dichlorvos is harmful to humans. If used correctly and if you are not allergic to the components, the chemical will be safe.

However, if you violate the rules of use, you can become poisoned with Dichlorvos and get unpleasant symptoms.

Composition, equipment, expiration date

The various types of odorless Dichlorvos presented in the retail chain contain highly effective synthetic pyrethroids, which ensure high effectiveness of the product and the absence of resistance to its components in cockroaches.

The insecticide is produced in special cans equipped with a sprayer and a lid. This design allows for economical use of Dichlorvos and targeted processing. Packaging capacity 140 – 400 ml. For processing 30 sq.m. You will need a 190 ml can. The shelf life of the cockroach repellent does not exceed 2 years from the moment the package is opened. The pleasant smell of lilac, lavender or rose is achieved through the use of various fragrances by manufacturers.

Instructions for use

When treating premises and clothing against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, and moths, several precautions should be taken:

  • clear the apartment of small children and pets. It is recommended to remove indoor plants, as modern products can still harm them;
  • Use protection: respiratory mask, thick long rubber gloves, safety glasses. Take clothes that are as closed as possible;
  • Do not spray Dichlorvos near food, it is advisable not to use it in the kitchen or at least remove all food from the room for several days until the effect of the product wears off;
  • If the chemical comes into contact with your skin, wash it immediately with clean water and soap;
  • do not treat the surface near open fire;
  • If the chemical gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor;
  • If symptoms of poisoning appear (dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, etc.), you need to call an ambulance.

Before exterminating bedbugs and cockroaches, an apartment or premises should be carefully prepared for treatment:

  • wipe furniture and floors with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt;
  • free all corners and hard-to-reach places to process them;
  • block all escape routes for cockroaches and bedbugs: close windows, doors, seal all cracks, install fine mesh for ventilation;
  • remove the mattress. It should not be processed, since even after the smell has evaporated, the product will remain inside the filler, negatively affecting health.

Dichlorvos must be used as shown in the instructions on the package. The sequence of actions for all brands is approximately the same:

  1. Close all windows and doors in the room.
  2. Shake the can well.
  3. Spray the spray, keeping it at a distance of about 20 cm from the surface. If you bring the can closer, the spray will be uneven; if you move it away, the effect will worsen.
  4. After complete treatment (corners, baseboards, floors, ventilation grilles, cabinets, door jambs), leave the room for 3-4 hours.
  5. When the smell dissipates a little, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth - this will remove the “aroma” of the poison.
  6. Mix 50 g of grated laundry soap, 50 g of baking soda, 5 liters of water.
  7. Wipe the surfaces that the apartment residents come into contact with with a cloth soaked in the resulting solution.
  8. After 3-4 weeks, carry out general cleaning: treat floors, shelves, furniture, cracks, hard-to-reach places with detergent or whitening solution (20 ml per 10 liters of water).

Attention! The aerosol only affects larvae and adults; it will not help get rid of eggs. Therefore, after the first treatment, it is necessary to re-spray the product in the room after 2-3 weeks. It is not advisable to carry out general cleaning during this time period; the chemical should remain in hard-to-reach places: in cracks, corners, under baseboards, on ventilation grilles.

Not only apartments, furniture, but also textiles are treated with dichlorvos. This should be done as a last resort if boiling, ironing, freezing, or steaming did not help. The spray kills parasites, but may cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin.

Features of application

It is necessary to apply the gel not in a solid line, but in a dotted line; this will be quite enough to ensure effectiveness. It is necessary to apply on those surfaces where goosebumps are most often noticed. It is advisable to apply on surfaces on the way to their nests. If you don't know where they are, try following them

These insects walk along the same paths and do not run chaotically, so applying the substance along their route will not be difficult. Also pay attention to places such as the trash can, vents, the bottom of furniture, and baseboards. There is no need to hope that they will disappear instantly, the first results can be seen within 1-2 days, but complete destruction will take several days

If the premises are heavily infested, repeated treatment may be required, which is carried out after 20-30 days.

  • Regarding safety for people and animals, the manufacturer added special components to the composition that are very bitter, so there is no need to be afraid that small children or animals will eat the pesticide. In addition, it is often applied in hard-to-reach places. The gel form prevents the release of toxic fumes, which also ensures safety.
  • When treating an apartment, you can use another method of applying the gel. It is necessary to take, for example, small pieces of cardboard or plywood and apply the substance to them, and then place them in places where insects accumulate. This method can be used in the garden by placing cardboard boxes with the drug near the anthill.

Insect control

Dichlorvos is a universal drug that acts on different types of insects. But for each you need to choose your own approach: this is how the treatment of the room will be most effective.


Bedbugs are blood-sucking parasites; the poison cannot enter their body with food. Dichlorvos will work if you spray all surfaces with which uninvited guests come into contact. It is also necessary to find nests - this will help destroy most of the uninvited guests. Typically, bedbugs live in sofas, beds, armchairs and other upholstered furniture, mattresses, bed linen, old furniture, and books.

To get rid of bedbugs using Dichlorvos, you need to:

  1. Free up hard-to-reach places.
  2. Find nests.
  3. Spray them at a distance of about 25 cm.
  4. Repeat treatment after 7-14 days.

The chemical is also effective in the fight against bed bugs. To withdraw them, follow these instructions:

  1. Remove bed linen.
  2. Wash it at high temperatures, treat it with an insecticide, wash it again.
  3. Remove the mattress.
  4. Find a nest of bed bugs.
  5. Spray it with spray.
  6. Treat the sleeping area.
  7. Leave for 3-4 hours.
  8. Ventilate the room.
  9. Wipe furniture and floors with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of 0.5 pieces of laundry soap and 1 liter of water.
  10. After 1.5 -2 weeks, re-treat.

Advice! During the treatment period, it is better to sleep in a different place.

Before poisoning bedbugs, warn your neighbors about this if you live in an apartment building. Uninvited guests may run to nearby apartments to escape the poison. It is best if neighbors begin to remove parasites at the same time and take preventive measures.

Cockroaches, ants

The effect of Dichlorvos on cockroaches is not so effective; it is best to combine the aerosol with other means, for example, traps.

Insects die when they come into contact with the insecticide. It is necessary to treat all surfaces where they have been. Most often, cockroaches live in the kitchen, in which case you need to act very carefully: you must not allow the poison to get into your food or dishes. Use an odorless chemical to prevent it from becoming embedded in your kitchen furniture.

Dichlorvos against cockroaches will help if you follow the instructions:

  1. Deprive pests of access to water - cockroaches will not live long without liquid.
  2. Remove all dishes, or at least cover them with plastic wrap.
  3. Remove food from the kitchen.
  4. Clear all hard-to-reach places.
  5. Spray all cracks, baseboards, corners, cabinets, shelves.
  6. Treat floors and walls.
  7. Close the room, leave it.
  8. After 1.5-2 hours, ventilate the kitchen.
  9. Carry out wet cleaning with a solution of 0.5 bars of laundry soap and 1 liter of water.
  10. Repeat the procedure for removing cockroaches after 2-3 weeks.

The principle of operation of Dichlorvos against ants is similar: you need to spray the aerosol in the room where insects were seen most often.

However, there are some nuances here:

  • To effectively get rid of an ant colony, you need to find the nest where the queen lives. There may be several such places. The chemical is sprayed over the nest at a distance of 20-30 cm;
  • Foraging ants usually remember the path from the nest to the food source and always use it. By observing the habits of insects, you can find their habitat.

Attention! As with bedbugs, warn your neighbors before poisoning cockroaches and ants. These insects can also move into neighboring apartments.


Dichlorvos against fleas helps when all their habitats have been thoroughly treated. Pests usually hide in pet bedding, on carpets, rugs, and behind baseboards. To get rid of fleas, you need to spray the product on these objects, walls, furniture up to 1 m high. These pests can jump high, so if you miss a section of the wall or habitat, the fleas will return very soon.

Do not spray the chemical near food bowls. Bedding and blankets must be washed well at high temperature 1-2 weeks after flea removal. Before washing, pets should not be allowed on them; people should also limit contact with treated items.

Attention! To completely destroy fleas, you need not only to treat the surfaces, but also to remove pests from the animal’s fur. Use special drops, a collar, and shampoo.

Flies, mosquitoes, wasps

Dichlorvos helps against the invasion of wasps, mosquitoes, flies, and midges in the apartment. To get rid of flying individuals, follow these recommendations:

  1. Apply the product to the areas where most pests are usually found.
  2. Spray the product around the apartment.
  3. Leave for 3-4 hours, during which time residents should not be at home.
  4. Ventilate all rooms.
  5. After 30-60 minutes, carry out wet cleaning.

Repeat this procedure after 6-7 days to ensure that flies, midges and wasps are removed.

Attention! To get rid of mosquitoes, it is more convenient to use safer means, for example, fumigators. They act just as effectively, but cause much less harm to health.

To get rid of moths using Dichlorvos, you need to:

  1. Remove all clothes and shoes from the closet.
  2. Take fur and fur coats out onto the balcony or street.
  3. Spray the chemical inside.
  4. Leave the cabinet closed for 2-3 hours.
  5. Spray a large fabric or clothing cover with the aerosol.
  6. Cover fur items with this material so that they absorb the smell.
  7. Open the cabinet doors and leave the windows in the room open to ventilate the furniture a little.
  8. Wipe the shelves with cleaning liquid.
  9. Repeat treatment after 3-4 weeks.

In addition, the product is used as a prophylaxis. Before storing wool or fur, wrap it in paper sprayed with poison.

The insecticide is allowed to be used only for clothes and textile moths. It is highly undesirable to use it on kitchen cabinets and shelves, as the product remaining on them will poison food. Floors and baseboards can be sprayed, but before doing this, you must remove all food from the room and use the room less often for 2 weeks after spraying.

Attention! To protect your cabinets from moths, place bags of dried lavender and dried citrus slices on the shelves.

Dichlorvos also helps get rid of body lice. It effectively kills adults, but is completely harmless to nits - parasite eggs have a special protective shell, so the treatment must be repeated 2-3 times every 2-3 weeks.

Preparing to fight ants in the house

You can prevent insects from appearing in your apartment if you carefully monitor your home. First, single scouts will come running from the neighboring premises - they will examine all the apartments in search of the most nourishing place for a new anthill. If there are no sweet stains on the floor from spilled tea, all crumbs are cleaned up immediately after meals, and food is stored in airtight packaging, they will not like your apartment.

If uninvited guests do show up, prepare for a tough fight. Before spraying Dichlorvos against ants in your apartment, conduct a complete audit of your food supplies. Pack good products so that insects do not have any access to them. Take everything that has rotted and deteriorated into the garbage disposal. Repair the plumbing so that ants cannot find a single drop of water in the room.

Before processing, you need to find an anthill. It may end up in cracks under baseboards, hard-to-reach places on furniture, behind trims, and in places where pipelines pass. To find the nest, try following the ants along the path. All their roads must converge in an anthill. If you find a nest, before treatment, pull out all the inhabitants with a vacuum cleaner, spray insecticide into the hose, take it out and burn it, or clean the filter well.

The next stage is general cleaning. If you simply spray insecticide in a dirty room, the parasites will soon appear again. Vacuum out crumbs from all crevices and nooks and crannies. Beat out carpets and upholstered furniture, wash curtains and bedspreads. In winter, soft items can be taken out into the cold; in summer, they can be sent to the dry cleaner.

Popular brands

The effectiveness of an insecticide largely depends on its manufacturer. There are several popular companies that have proven themselves.

The advantage of the Neo brand is that it is odorless Dichlorvos. There are also flavored options, with the smell of lemon and mint.

Dichlorvos "Neo", despite its relative safety, is a potent chemical. It contains permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide, which effectively destroy crawling and flying pests.

Due to its gentle action, the insecticide is used to treat livestock from psoroptosis, scabies, otodectosis, and pediculosis. But it is not recommended to treat pets - cats, dogs, rabbits - with the chemical, since their skin is more delicate. In addition, a pet can become poisoned by licking poison from its fur.

The validity period of “Neo” is 14 days, and during this time the aerosol retains its qualities. The spray is available in a 190 ml bottle, which is enough to treat a room of less than 40 m².


Unlike "Neo", "Varan" contains piperonyl butoxide. But, despite one more component, this drug is less effective, since the concentration of substances in it is much lower.

The effect of the insecticide lasts for 3 weeks; after this period, the treatment will need to be repeated.

It mainly fights cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants.

The main advantage of “Eco” is the smell - a light aroma of lavender. Another plus is the large volume of the cylinder – 250 ml, which allows you to treat several rooms at once.

Dichlorvos helps get rid of flies, midges, moths, as well as cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants.

Quite effective, but wears off quickly.


The composition includes several active ingredients: cypermethrin, permethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide. Due to this, “Universal” is suitable for combating all types of insects. It acts quickly and helps destroy even large colonies.

"Terminator station wagon"

Like “Universal”, it is suitable for killing all types of insects, it works even in the open air, and copes well with large colonies.

However, the smell of “Terminator” is very strong, pungent, and the composition contains toxic impurities. Therefore, you should not use this brand of insecticide if there are children in the house.

The big disadvantage of this product is the pungent odor that does not dissipate from the apartment for a long time. Moreover, some things can absorb the “aroma”; it cannot be removed.


Dichlorvos of this brand destroys uninvited guests very well, even if their population has grown greatly. At the same time, “Extra” has a very pungent odor; it is not recommended to use it in a closed room. Leave a window or door slightly open to allow fresh air to flow in.

"Clean house"

The product under this brand is valid for 3 weeks. It effectively fights adults and larvae.

However, the substances contained in the “Clean House” lose their properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the insecticide should not be left in direct sunlight.

Use in the garden

These little creeps can do a lot of damage in the garden. They have a real sweet tooth and the owners may be left without a harvest of strawberries, wild strawberries and other delicious berries. In addition to the fact that they need to share the harvest with them, they carry aphids on themselves, which infect all plants. And if they set up an anthill, for example, under an apple or pear tree, then literally in two or three years the tree can die.

Regarding the fight against such inhabitants in the garden, this is a rather complicated procedure. Here you should know about some of the features of these insects. For example, they are able to quickly adapt to new conditions and survive quite difficult ones. The development of individuals occurs very quickly; after the ant hatches, the next day it becomes a working member of the colony and goes in search of food.

There are also those ants that live their entire lives in the anthill and do not leave the confines of the nest. Their feeding is as follows: the working ants have 2 stomachs, the first serves as a place to store food for those in the nest, and the second for food itself.

  • The anthill itself is a real labyrinth, with a huge number of passages and compartments. The walks themselves are very confusing and go deep into the ground. In the most secluded place there lives a queen who produces offspring; as long as she is alive and safe, then offspring appear regularly.
  • Of course, when we see a huge anthill in the garden, we will need to take measures, since the colonies grow, the number increases and the harm increases accordingly. Let's try to figure out whether dichlorvos will be effective if used outdoors, and also study some of the features of such use.
  • The very first thing you need to remember is that the use of such toxic agents is allowed on non-edible crops. In other words, it can be used to treat a flower garden, a flower bed, where there are no fruits that a person will eat. The danger is that there is no way to control the contact of pesticides, for example, with strawberries. It is necessary to treat the anthill with a sufficiently abundant amount so that the product gets into all the passages.
  • In some situations, it is possible to cultivate a vegetable bed. If it is early spring and the harvest will occur no earlier than in 2 months, then the procedure can be carried out. But in such beds where parsley, dill, lettuce, and other greens grow, it is prohibited to carry out cultivation at any time.
  • Now on the market you can find other drugs that help get rid of ants in the garden and in the apartment. Quite often, in addition to drugs, repellers and traps are used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dichlorvos has both advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • fast, complex impact;
  • Ease of use;
  • relative safety for humans;
  • the presence of biodegradable components that do not generate toxic waste after use;
  • versatility;
  • duration of action.

The drug has the following disadvantages:

  • the need to process the room several times to achieve results;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions: itching, redness of the skin;
  • acrid odor;
  • remains on surfaces for a long time, which is especially bad if there is a small child or pets in the house;
  • harm to humans after prolonged contact with the drug.

How to use Dichlorvos

The most famous “Dichlorvos” is a product that helps remove cockroaches. At the same time, it is completely universal, which means it will help get rid of other insects.

The method of application is quite simple. The aerosol stream is directed to the place where the insects live or directly on them.

It is also worth processing:

  • cracks;
  • area around the sink;
  • water pipes;
  • back side of carpets;
  • cracks behind door frames.

It is worth noting that the product that helps get rid of moths and other insects has an unpleasant odor. In view of this, processing must be done while no one is at home. Avoid contact of children and animals with the drug.

Spraying is carried out at a distance of at least 30 centimeters. The main mistake is spraying into the air. In this case there will be no effect at all.

If there are a lot of insects, you will have to re-treat. However, you will have to wait a couple of months before that.

There is only one way to get rid of the smell of Dichlorvos in an apartment - open all the windows and the door to the balcony. The use of flavorings will not help in this case.

Dichphlovos molecules will still fly in the air, and you will breathe them.

It is safest to use Dichlorvos in the countryside, in the fresh air. But you should not spray the aerosol near plants, as their leaves may turn yellow.

Dichlorvos poisoning

Despite the fact that the modern version of the drug does not contain highly toxic, poisonous substances, you can still be poisoned by Dichlorvos. In addition, allergies often occur after its use.

There are several reasons for the appearance of negative reactions in the body:

  • penetration of the chemical into the respiratory tract and mucous membranes;
  • entry into the digestive tract.

In case of Dichlorvos poisoning, you must immediately call a doctor and provide first aid.


There are several signs of Dichlorvos poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • intoxication;
  • skin itching;
  • cough;
  • sudden change in pressure;
  • lack of coordination;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis if it gets into the eyes;
  • cramps, spasms;
  • loss of consciousness.

Typically, symptoms of Dichlorvos intoxication disappear after 2-3 days. But if a person suffering from allergies inhales the chemical, complications may begin.

Folk remedies

In an attempt to clean an apartment from crawling pests of various types, a universal remedy is used - boric acid. This is a pharmaceutical drug with antibacterial properties, but today it is rarely used for its intended purpose, due to the fact that a large number of effective analogues have appeared. Boric acid is often used in pest control. It can be used in different ways:

  1. Scatter on horizontal surfaces. In this case, the product acts in the same way as the insecticidal drug in powder form. However, due to the lack of smell, the ants do not crawl towards the poison as actively.
  2. Baits made from boric acid and products attractive to insects. A common recipe is based on egg yolk. You need to boil the product and mix it with the powder: 2-3 yolks per 50 g of poison (this is 5 packets of boric acid). Balls are formed from the resulting mixture and then laid out around the apartment.
  3. Boric acid is used to prepare a solution, but it is better to add a little sugar to it to attract pests.

In addition to this method, there are others: kerosene, vinegar, turpentine, denatured alcohol. However, aggressive substances act differently. They do not destroy ants, but repel them. In case of severe infection, this method is ineffective. If a nest is found, it can be filled with these means, for which boiling water is also suitable. Tansy and wormwood herbs work well to repel ants.

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