Outdoor mosquito killer: overview of installations operating on an area from 50 to 5000 m2

It’s hard to say what’s worse – the way the mosquito buzzes or the unbearable itching of the bite site. He will harass you every night until you manage to kill him. But these small insects rarely fly alone. This is possible in the city, where there are significantly fewer mosquitoes than in nature. And outside the city, as soon as the sun sets, hundreds of annoying bloodsuckers fly out to hunt.

You can protect yourself from them in your home using fumigators.
But how to protect yourself on the street? A wonderful device will help with this - a mosquito killer. What it is and the operating principle of various devices will be described below. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

Review of popular models, rating, operating principle. Is it worth taking?


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All outdoor mosquito killers use similar principles in their work. In one way or another they attract the attention of insects. For this, various baits are used. Most often, devices imitate human smell. The deceived mosquitoes fly closer and fall into a trap from which they can no longer escape. Fans that operate on the principle of a vacuum cleaner are often used.

Outdoor mosquito killers are very effective and at the same time absolutely safe for people and pets. They work very quietly, but you shouldn't turn them off. One of the principles of such devices is constant operation. The price for them is not always affordable, and in extreme cases you can make them yourself.

Let's tell you more about the principle of exterminators: what serves as bait and why mosquitoes die. This information will help you understand which shredder is best for outdoor use.

The best bait is a person

Scientists have conducted many studies to understand what various insects value most about us. It turned out that this is not our beauty or sharp mind. Everything is much more prosaic. Most of all, mosquitoes and other biting creatures are attracted to us by our breath.

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For us, exhalation is just exhalation, but for insects it is a promise of warmth and food. Every time we exhale not only used air, consisting of carbon dioxide. We exhale moisture, warmth and hope. Remember how freshly baked bread smells? You can hear this aroma tens of meters away. And when you pick up a warm, fresh-from-the-oven loaf of white bread... There is no way not to pinch off a piece. So our breath for mosquitoes is exactly the “aroma of freshly baked bread.”

It is this “aroma” that they most often try to imitate in their work, installations for the destruction of mosquitoes. A little carbon dioxide, moisture and heat - and now the female mosquito, abandoning everything, flies to the trap.

And more complex systems imitate the smell of human skin, which also awakens the appetite of many insects. To recreate it, attractants are used, in particular Octenol. In nature, it is naturally produced by microscopic fungi. You and I (fortunately) don’t know, but these mushrooms are found on the skin of any warm-blooded creature. And it is their smell that is so sweet for mosquitoes. People are not able to smell Octenol, but for all those who like to sting, it is a real magnet.

All of these tricks, together or separately, work great. Not only mosquitoes fly into the trap, but also many of its friends: midges, horseflies, gadflies, etc. And decent insects, like butterflies and bees, fly past these devices and calmly fly about their business.

How does the device work?

The design of the laser gun has an optical system that processes the images entering it. She determines which insect flies past her and what its gender is. If the “needed” object appears in the visibility range, the device issues a special command. A powerful laser is aimed at the target, which destroys the victim with lightning speed.

The system, which recognizes flying targets, works with infrared radiation. Its design contains LEDs. The system is divided into two parts: recognition and destruction.

  1. The first part uses a laser, which is absolutely safe for insects.
  2. When destroying, a more powerful laser is used, which acts almost at lightning speed.

Hurray, victory!

As soon as you turn on the trap, it starts working. And after some time, you suddenly realize that the mosquitoes have begun to disappear. Not immediately, but after 2–4 weeks. The fact is that mosquitoes do not really like to sit still and can fly tens of kilometers in search of food. Most often, they feed in a small area. Such a small mosquito village, where all warm-blooded animals act as livestock.

Some tips from mosquito control practitioners:

  1. Find the mosquito's strong point and place the trap there.
  2. Don't place it near where you are. The trap smells delicious, but you taste better.
  3. Favorite places for mosquitoes: water (not running water), dense bushes or grass.
  4. The area around the trap needs to be cleared. CO2 is heavier than air and travels along the ground.
  5. Mosquitoes don't like the sun. It is better to place the trap in the shade.

Best Mosquito Traps for Home

Formally, a variety of types of “squeaker” traps are suitable for home use. Even some chemical devices can be installed in apartments and rooms. But buyers have already formed a logical connection between the concept of “house trap” and light/heat traps for mosquitoes.

These traps need to be plugged in at all times, but they won't add much to your electricity bills. They use UV light , but they won't disturb even the most capricious children's sleep. The advantages of such devices are their high environmental friendliness and compactness. And also in the ability to kill a variety of flying reptiles. The disadvantages include the relatively high noise level from the fan and constant dependence on electricity. When the power is turned off, insects can easily fly out of some models...

Trap for killing mosquitoes at home Tefal Mosquito Protect

This gadget is very environmentally friendly. To kill mosquitoes, its developers used a small UV lamp that emits white light. The product card indicates that the light bulb can be easily replaced with a new one as soon as its service life expires. The retractable “mosquito catcher” from which you will shake out dehydrated mosquitoes is easy to clean and simplifies the procedure for updating the trap. It’s nice that with it you don’t have to pour out nasty liquids or touch toxic surfaces - and all this at a price that’s reasonable for such gadgets.

Experienced device users specify that they need to be cleaned once a month. The only trouble is that at this moment some mosquitoes may still be moving in mosquito agony. However, the device has other disadvantages. People complain about the loud sound of the fan and the lack of a timer in the model. Reports on its effectiveness also vary. Some write about hundreds of caught creatures, but some were unlucky - only a few from the mosquito family were caught in the trap.

Price: 4000 rub.

You can also use the EcoSniper GF-4 compact trap for your home .

A Brief List of the Main Types of Outdoor Mosquito Killers


Simple and inexpensive devices. For unknown reasons, they are practically not used in our country. If desired, they can be ordered on foreign websites specializing in the sale of such devices.

The work is based on simulating human breathing. For this purpose, carbon dioxide is used as a bait. The mosquitoes end up in a small tray of water, their wings become wet and they can no longer fly.

In order for the shredder to work properly, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient water level.


Externally, such destroyers are very similar to a flashlight. Attracts insects by radiating heat. When an insect approaches, it is killed by insecticides located inside the trap.

Often these “lanterns” are equipped with additional fans that suck mosquitoes inside.

Photocatalytic installation

This trap is also shaped like a lantern. At the same time, it also glows, albeit in the ultraviolet range. An ultraviolet fluorescent lamp hits the titanium dioxide coating, which begins to release carbon dioxide, simulating human breathing. The heat and “breath” attract mosquitoes, which are sucked into the fan, where they die.


Here again, imitation of human breathing is used. Carbon dioxide is released from special cylinders. The fan sucks in those insects that fly close. This type of exterminator is very effective, but requires regular replacement of carbon dioxide cylinders. They can work on large areas of up to 50 acres. And this is not the limit of possibilities.


Can be found in many street cafes. The light emitted by these installations attracts mosquitoes. They fly very close and land on a metal mesh, where they die from an electric shock.


Disposable traps filled with liquid. Insects willingly fly up to the trap, where they die, since the liquid used is lethal to them.

Next, we will talk in more detail about specific models and try to choose the best mosquito killer for your garden.

We do not undertake to compile a rating of shredders - there are too many models and use cases. But we are happy to present you our review of popular models.

The best water traps for mosquitoes

Most users note the superiority of such devices over light traps. H20 traps are distinguished by the mandatory presence of an open tray with water. Let us remember that mosquitoes lay eggs in an aquatic environment, but drown very quickly in any liquid. So the H20 can be both a decoy and a killer at once. Although most often such traps combine light/water technologies.

Their advantage is that for such models you do not need to buy additional “components”: gas cylinders, attractants, poisons... Well, they are cheaper than their propane counterparts! True, you still need to take care of water traps: for example, add and replace water. And also - to remove victims caught during a shift. And this “mosquito soup” may scare some people with its unpleasant appearance...

Dyntrap Insect Trap, 1/2 Acre Pole Mount With Water Tray

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of such traps using the example of the best seller - Dyntrap Insect Trap, 1/2 Acre Pole Mount With Water Tray. But the leader already costs from 6 thousand rubles. In addition, this is not the smallest sample - it weighs approximately 8 kg. But Dyntrap looks quite stylish - the design of the device resembles some kind of futuristic lamp. According to the developers, one such “flashlight” can protect an area of ​​half an acre from insects. It should work in any weather and not break due to collisions with pets or strong winds. It is important that this trap works “quietly”: it does not buzz or squeak, unlike the samples from the previous section.

Dyntrap Insect trap uses 4 levels of protection at once. The trap attracts mosquitoes to the warm UV light from the fluorescent lamp and releases CO2. The water attracts females who are thinking about breeding, and the fan draws insects into the cage that is already familiar to us. Its contents need to be changed about once every 5-6 weeks.

Users also call it a nice detail that, using the original stand, the trap can be placed almost anywhere.

What exactly are the downsides? Besides the decent price and size, of course? The device also depends on electricity, but consumes very little. It is criticized for not being the most convenient “mosquito collector” and the rapid evaporation of water at hot temperatures (if it rains, the problem goes away). Nature lovers are also annoyed by the fact that the trap can catch beneficial insects: butterflies, bees and beetles.

But, as it seemed to us, many negative reviews were written by people who came for a picnic and decided to free their area from mosquitoes in half an hour. But this is still a thing for constant work. And in a week or two it can really give results.

Price: find out on the market

Carbon dioxide destroyers


Grad black can rightfully bear the title of industrial street exterminator. The manufacturer promises effective operation on an area of ​​up to 5 thousand m2. Used to destroy insect populations in crowded places, open cafes and summer cottages.

According to the principle of operation, this destroyer is gas; the attractant “Nonanal” is used to enhance the effect. The body covering imitates leather.

GRAD BLACK G1 works from the electrical network. It has a built-in light sensor, which allows you to use the switching system at night. During the day, the device will not consume electricity and carbon dioxide.


Actively operates on an area of ​​about 5 thousand m². It is often mentioned when answering the question of which garden exterminator is best for outdoor use. Proven to work well in large open spaces.

By correctly placing the installation, you can get rid of mosquitoes in a small holiday village in 4-6 weeks.

AERO ONE uses imitation of the smell of sweat, carbon dioxide and heat in its work. The mosquitoes are sucked in by a powerful fan. Once in a sealed chamber, mosquitoes die after 1–2 days.

Electrofrog mosquito killer

Effective for use on large areas up to 50 acres. It is produced by a Russian plant and is a completely domestic development.

The effect of the work is enhanced by the use of the natural attractant “Octenol”, which we wrote about above. Mosquitoes and other bloodsuckers willingly fly to the electrofrog, hoping for a tasty dinner. Of course, there again only fan blades, short imprisonment and death await them.

Equipped with an optical element capable of automating the actions of turning the unit on and off. It can work in two modes. 24/7 and automatic. The latter mode turns on only at dusk and turns off as soon as it becomes light.

The use of a reduction reducer in the gas circuit ensures uniform pressure regardless of the weather outside. In the reducer, gas is mixed with Octenol.

Electrical USB Trap

This trap is in great demand. The principle of operation is very simple: plug the USB into a power outlet, laptop or other network, the device starts working: the ultraviolet light turns on and the fan starts, insects fly up to the UV light, and the fan sucks them into the container. At the same time, it works almost silently, but it is better not to place it close to where you sleep. It is also unlikely to be used as a primary mosquito repellent.

Buy: aliexpress.ru

Propane mosquito killers and other models

Mosquito Magnet

Mobile, runs on several batteries. Energy consumption is so low that the device can operate on one set of batteries for 2–3 months. An ideal solution if the site is not yet electrified.

Unlike other models, Mosquito Magnet runs on propane. The cylinder can be refilled at any gas station. The manufacturer has done everything to make using the device as simple as possible. No control panels or complicated settings.

If you do not make a mistake with the location, then within a week there will be noticeably fewer mosquitoes. And after 5 weeks there will be practically no more of them left within a radius of 50 meters. But even after this, it is recommended to keep the device turned on.

SkeeterVac SV-3501

Autonomous device, works on an area of ​​up to 50 acres. It is produced in America and is considered a simple and effective device for protecting against blood-sucking insects.

One of the most popular mosquito killers in Russia is SkeeterVac. It compares favorably with others in the large number of methods of attracting mosquitoes (not only CO2 designed to imitate breathing, but also heat, the effect of the movement of the victim, octenol, contrasting pattern) and as many as two methods of destruction. It works not only against mosquitoes, but also midges, horseflies, and gadflies.

Safe for people, animals, fish and non-biting insects. Fully autonomous and capable of working around the clock for up to a month. Does not require electricity, batteries or rechargeable batteries.

The manufacturer does not provide a package with a cylinder, so you need to take care of purchasing it yourself.

Best Heat Traps for Mosquitoes

Heat traps are very complex and expensive. They imitate a variety of signs of human activity. The main attraction in this case is the pulsating heat emanating from the device. An infrared “heat gun” hits a distance of 20 to 50 meters. Hence the record coverage of the area (up to 1.5-2 acres in ideal weather conditions). Many manufacturers add “will-o’-the-wisp” LED lights to the heat gun, which also attract insects, and products that imitate the odor of the human body. All this allows them to raise the price tags for heat traps up to 1000 bucks. Although, of course, you can find cheaper options.

Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap

For example, the thermal combined trap Mega-Catch™ Pro 900 PREMIER Mosquito Trap. This is the simplest trap from the Mega-Catch series. Its price is about 22 thousand rubles, and the working area is 3/4 of an acre (3000 m2). The Premier shoots heat up to 30m and is equipped with a dynamic UV light source. It comes with both a mosquito net and a container with liquid. You can choose how you want to kill mosquitoes. The reliability of the set is indicated by the one-year warranty from the manufacturer. As a bonus to the device, you can use aromatic strips that attract most winged bloodsuckers.

From the photographs it may seem that the Mega-Catch™ Pro 900 PREMIER is huge and heavy, but this is not so. Real users claim that in real life it looks much more compact. True, they also complain about some difficulties in working with the device: its multifunctionality sometimes confuses people... Commentators complain about difficulties with placing and creating baits during “liquid hunting”, as well as confusing timer settings.

However, dozens of users positively assessed the performance of the device and called it a good buy.

Price: find out on the market

Mega-Catch ULTRA Mosquito Trap (MCU-900)

Here is a more advanced and even more complex version of the mosquito killer from Mega-Catch.

It costs as much as 62 thousand rubles. and resembles a killer robot. One and a half acres of coverage, several programmable modes and an adaptive timer, 5 fan speeds and even the ability to self-diagnosis... what's not there! The developers even managed to build a CO2 cylinder into the “Ultra” (supposedly this increased the efficiency of the device by 300-400%). True, the kit comes empty - the cylinder must be filled in your city, because transporting such gas is very, very dangerous. The instructions say that the settings for thermal and light radiation are so fine that the device can be “set” on literally any type of mosquito. There is also a funny “one-button start” function - as if we were looking at a sports car or a supercomputer!

Did the guys from Mega-Catch manage to create the perfect trap for such a high price? Almost! We came across only a few negative reviews. And those in the style of “works well, but you need to buy spare parts too often.” True, there are not so many good reviews: so far not many people have decided to make such an expensive purchase!

Price: find out on the market


Society reacted positively to the appearance of the laser gun. However, some experts have doubts about the effectiveness of the device in areas where there are problems with the uninterrupted supply of electrical energy. By the way, the photon fence was tested only in the laboratory.

The first tests in front of spectators took place in 2010 at one of the scientific conferences. The experiment looked something like this: several hundred mosquitoes were thrown into a glass flask and sent to be torn to pieces by laser guns.

So, the gun and the Photon Fence system, which includes the device, help in the fight against mosquitoes. They not only destroy annoying pests, but also prevent the spread of diseases they carry. The gun is absolutely harmless to other insects and people. Scientists hope that in the near future the device will be used in places most susceptible to mosquitoes, such as Africa. There, the population has to fight insects that spread malaria.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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