How to treat an area for mosquitoes yourself - a complete review of preparations from cypermethrin to essential oils

Mosquitoes are a real scourge, especially during the warmer months. In some regions, the warm season can last up to six months. All this time, bloodsuckers are active and significantly reduce the quality of life in the territory. For example, in a country house.

To cope with this scourge, there are three options:
Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house
Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house

Hit from the USA. A guaranteed way to destroy all mosquitoes on the site.

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  1. Leaving the house less and not paying attention to mosquito bites. This is not always possible. Especially if the house is located next to a forest or pond.
  2. Use professional pest control products. They are very effective, but require proper handling.
  3. Apply traditional methods. For example, plant geraniums around the site. It is not only simple, but also aesthetically pleasing. True, it is not as effective as in the case of professional products.

Natural and artificial methods can be combined to achieve better results.

Let's try to figure out which drugs perform better, what traditional methods can be used, what their pros and cons are.

Sipaz Super

The insecticide is an emulsion concentrate. The active ingredient is cypermethrin. Sold in two versions: 1.5 liters and 25 liters.

Retains destructive properties for 1.5 months, guaranteeing the disappearance of pests. Paralyzes insects, which entails their death.

The drug kills bees, so you need to be careful and avoid using it near an apiary.

Directions for use: spray over the area. 3 g of insecticide is diluted per liter of water. If the pest infestation is small, 50 ml of solution per 1 m² will be enough. When faced with a large infestation of mosquitoes and midges, it is recommended to use 100 ml per 1 m².

Approximate price: 2,300 rubles.

What kind of pests are these?

The common mosquito (squeaking mosquito) has a wide habitat, found almost anywhere in our country. Mosquitoes are carriers of a number of dangerous diseases, such as yellow fever. In some countries, mosquitoes act as carriers of Japanese encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, and borreliosis. These insects also transmit the larvae of various parasites with their saliva.

Important! These are small (mosquito size 3-8 mm) flying insects. The body color of ordinary mosquitoes is gray.

Only female mosquitoes drink human blood, and they can be carriers of diseases dangerous to humans.
The main diet of mosquitoes consists of plant juices and human blood. At the same time, only female mosquitoes prefer human blood - they need it for high-quality fertilization and development of eggs, in other words, to increase the population. Males feed only on plant sap.

Medilis Cyper

This product is a leader on the Russian market of insecticides intended for treating summer cottages. Active ingredient: Cypermethrin.

It affects adult pests and also destroys eggs and larvae.

The effect lasts up to 2.5 months.

The product is available in various packages:

  • canister (5 l);
  • plastic bottle (50 ml and 100 ml);
  • bottle (10 ml);
  • ampoule (1 ml).

The price depends on the chosen packaging. So, for a bottle (50 ml) of insecticide you will have to pay about 250 rubles.

To get rid of mosquitoes, add 2.5 ml of product to 1 liter of water. After mixing the insecticide, treat the area with a sprayer.

For 100 m² you will need 1 liter of Medilis Cyper.


Bottle trap

To make it, you will need a regular plastic bottle, a glass of warm water, and sugar.

Cut off the top of the bottle, 5-6 cm from the neck. Pour prepared water into the remaining bottle (it should not be cold or, conversely, hot - only warm, about 30-35 degrees), add sugar (if the bottle is small, then 4-5 tablespoons will be enough), then mix. If desired, you can add yeast; for greater effect, there is no need to mix it with the rest of the solution. Now we cover it all with the cut part of the bottle, turning it upside down.

An excellent option would be to install a trap that will attract most of the insects.


Ready! Place a trap near you in a gazebo or garden. The smell from the trap will attract insects, and most of them will fly to study it. In addition to mosquitoes, flies, wasps, ants and other small animals will be interested in such bait.


The invention is not new and has already proven itself as an excellent “fighter” against various annoying insects: flies, bees, wasps, small midges, etc. get on the Velcro.

They look like a roll or piece of adhesive tape. The tape is stretched and hung where it is necessary to reduce the number of mosquitoes. The segment is usually placed on a wall, a gazebo support, or a window.

Important! In any case, it is advisable to have a light source nearby.

Velcro is often used, which helps get rid of not only mosquitoes, but also flies and bees

UV lamp

Any light source, especially ultraviolet light, attracts insects. The idea of ​​the trap is that the light will attract mosquitoes, and an additional element (different traps use different methods, but most often it is a specific chemical smell) will kill the insects.

Opinions regarding the effectiveness of the UV trap vary: some note that they have been using it for several years and are delighted with the effect, while others, on the contrary, say with annoyance that installing the lamp did not bring any effect.

Another option for getting rid of pests is a UV trap, but not everyone confirms the effectiveness of this method

Safety and site treatment rules

To achieve a good result and safe operation, a number of conditions must be observed.

  • Check the weather forecast - choose a sunny, windless day without precipitation.
  • The use of insecticides is most effective from 05:00 to 07:00 in the morning, or after 21:00, when the sun's rays are less active.
  • For protection, wear a respirator, safety glasses, overalls, high boots and rubber gloves.
  • After treatment, be sure to take a shower.
  • Treat the containers that were used for mixing and spraying the insecticide with an aqueous solution of slaked lime (1:10).
  • If a toxic substance gets into your mouth, nose or eyes, rinse the mucous membranes with plenty of water at room temperature.
  • Do not spray beds or trees with ripening fruits.
  • There should be no animals or people nearby.

Specific features of disinfestation

It is very difficult to exterminate annoying buzzing insects in a chicken coop and other outbuildings. After all, it is necessary not only to expel them from the premises, but also to restore the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions that are comfortable for keeping pets. Effective fly control requires compliance with certain rules, the essence of which is as follows:

  • in detecting and eliminating probable insect breeding sites;
  • thorough cleaning of premises, especially in spring and summer;
  • in the arrangement of manure storage facilities at the greatest possible distance from barns and other outbuildings;
  • in maintaining a high level of hygiene of the complexes and surrounding areas.

On a note!

It is best to start fighting flies in rooms where animals are kept in winter. During this period, it is easier to destroy the existing population, especially in unheated buildings. The success of disinsection directly depends on the sanitary condition of the pigsty, stables and other outbuildings, as well as feed storage areas, cesspools, and bathrooms.

Mice in the barn
A big problem in how to get rid of flies in a barn or other room is the need to remove its inhabitants from the building. This precaution will not allow poisoning of livestock or birds if potent insecticides are used. A full range of measures to kill insects involves replacing food, bedding and cleaning feeders. Cattle can be returned to the stall no earlier than 3 hours after disinfestation work. Almost all fly repellents remain effective for 3-3.5 weeks. Therefore, in order to prevent the pest population from increasing in a goat barn, cow barn, or pig barn, the premises should be treated at strictly established intervals. Proper use of effective fly repellents at various stages of their growth will allow you to avoid animal diseases and other negative consequences of contact with dangerous and annoying insects.


Flies are most active during the daytime, especially in the hot season. Open windows and doors allow them to freely enter rooms with comfortable conditions for active life.

It should be borne in mind that pests are very tenacious and prolific, and prefer hard-to-reach places to lay eggs. To achieve the desired result from disinsection, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It should include the following activities:

  • clearing the premises of household equipment, feeders and accumulated garbage;
  • thorough cleaning of walls and floors.

Smoke bomb

To create comfortable conditions in your dacha, you can use a smoke bomb. The composition includes an insecticide that is released into the air during combustion.

The favorite remedy of most consumers is the Quiet Evening smoke bomb. It contains Permethrin. Price for 1 checker – 450 rubles.

The checker must be placed on a flat, horizontal surface that is resistant to fire - a metal sheet or brick will do. Light the fuse. It is not recommended for people and animals to stand nearby.

After 4-5 minutes, the burning will end, but the toxic particles will settle on the grass and leaves - the effect will continue for another 2-3 days. Approximate area coverage – 300 m². Pests will not fly into this zone, and at a distance of 3 m from the checker, all insects will die.

Do not use the product near open water, beds and fruit-bearing trees.

After use, the smoke bomb may be disposed of as regular waste.

General precautions

Sometimes it is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of annoying insects. Relaxing by the lake, in a country house or just an evening walk - mosquitoes can be found everywhere. This means that you need to find options on how to protect yourself from bites and other troubles.

  1. Choose clothes made of thick fabric that cover all possible parts of the body well.
  2. Screens, mesh frames or thick gauze should be installed on windows, doors and other open spaces in the apartment/house.
  3. When you are outside, especially in the evening, apply high-quality repellents to your skin and clothing.
  4. Use spirals and other insect repellents when in the country or on vacation.

    If mosquitoes are found in the house, it is recommended to get rid of them as soon as possible, as they can lay eggs

  5. At night, as a precaution, it is worth using traps and fumigators - both conventional and electric, powered by the network.
  6. If you find mosquitoes in enclosed spaces, be sure to try to get rid of them: if it is a female, it will not only bother you, but may also lay eggs in a secluded place.

Important! These simple precautions will help get rid of annoying insects and the possible consequences of their presence and bites.

For complete safety, you should be concerned about selecting the optimal means, a list of which we will discuss in this article, to prevent the appearance and control of mosquitoes.

Mosquito killer

When purchasing a special installation for killing mosquitoes, you will not have to spend money on insecticides.

With the help of a cylinder installed inside the car, carbon dioxide is released into the air, simulating carbon dioxide coming from a person. It primarily attracts mosquitoes.

When the pest flies closer, it is sucked inside the device, where the mosquito dies. Some shredders are more complex and are capable of emitting both heat and light. This greatly increases the likelihood of catching buzzing bloodsuckers.

The shredder operates from a power outlet or battery. They differ in power and coverage area. Therefore, the price depends on the number of acres. For example, for a shredder for a plot of 10 acres you will need to pay 7,000 - 8,000 rubles.

An important advantage is the absence of unpleasant odor and noise.

One of the best mosquito killers: Mosquito Killer.

Professional approach

The use of these insecticides can be considered a professional approach to treating open areas against mosquitoes . Do not forget that in addition to flying mosquitoes, there are also their larvae and eggs, the destruction of which is also very important. Therefore, experts in the field of pest control use stronger and more effective methods. The most effective thing is processing with a generator , which the appropriate services can do.

This is usually the use of insecticide generators in the form of cold and hot fogs, which allows the mosquito poison to stay in the air longer and have a longer effect on insects. The approximate cost of processing 6 acres is about 1500-2000 rubles.

Mosquito lamps

Based on the principle of operation, lamps are divided into ultraviolet and insecticidal.

An ultraviolet lamp emits bright light with specific wavelength parameters, which is very attractive to mosquitoes. The device is equipped with a plate or grid under current. When insects, attracted by the light, touch the lamp, they are killed by a discharge of current. The device runs on electricity. The range can reach 60-70 m, depending on the model.

The cost also depends on the model, the lower limit is 2000 rubles. The most popular model is the Terminator.

Caution is required: contact will result in a slight electric shock.

An insecticidal lamp contains poisonous substances that kill insects within the range of the device. The lamp body contains gas reservoirs with plates. When heated, the plates release insecticide into the air.

The insecticidal device treats an area at a distance of up to 20 m².

According to consumers, one of the best insecticidal lamps is the ThermaCell Scout Camp Lantern lamp.

Force site

The substance repels insects and does not evaporate. The Force Site property makes repellents safe for humans.

The advantages include:

  • The effectiveness of the product. The product has become a brand, there is no doubt about the work;
  • Small price. The drug is available to everyone;
  • Cost savings. The dosages are optimal, they last for a long time;
  • Safety, ecology. The quality of the product is beyond doubt, the toxicity is minimal, it can be used in residential premises and public institutions.

Folk remedies

Some plants help ward off mosquitoes in your area.

  1. Garlic beds, like young tomato bushes, are avoided by mosquitoes, as they cannot stand the smell of these crops.
  2. The aroma of marigolds is also unpleasant to mosquitoes. By planting them near the house and gazebo, it will be possible to reduce the number of pests around recreation areas.
  3. Melissa. The mint smell is disgusting and repels bloodsuckers. It is recommended to plant bushes throughout the area.
  4. Lemon or cinnamon basil with its aroma will also force insects to move away from the area.

Each owner of gardens and vegetable gardens chooses which product to prefer independently, taking into account personal preferences, ease of use and, of course, their budget.


Most often, it is more advisable to protect not the space where you are relaxing, because it can be a forest where there are quite a lot of mosquitoes, and remedies against them may be ineffective, but yourself. For this purpose, there are substances that can repel not only mosquitoes, but also many other insects. Their name is repellents.

You can use repellents to repel mosquitoes.

Many summer residents can no longer imagine being in nature without repellents - deterrents available in the form of sprays, creams and lotions. Their manufacturers annually improve their products, producing drugs for children, for people with sensitive skin and allergies.

Important! During periods of activity of flying pests, many literally replace their perfumes with repellents, because leaving the house, especially in the evening, without protection means dooming yourself to constant banging and irritation from buzzing nearby.

Repellents are applied to the skin or clothing. For humans they often have no odor, but for insects they have a nasty, repulsive aroma that does not allow them to get closer to their source.

Repellents can be applied to skin or clothing

But if the use of chemical repellents is impossible for some reason, there is always the option of resorting to natural remedies. So, as a natural repellent, you can use indoor lemon, cedar oil or a decoction of wheatgrass roots.

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