Steam wax melter: a device we make ourselves

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  • Steam wax melter - operating principle
  • Designs and varieties
  • Wax melting process
  • Advantages/advantages of wax melters
  • Disadvantages/cons
  • Should I buy an industrial steam wax melter or make it myself?
  • Advantages of modern industrial wax melters
  • Steam wax melter - how to make it yourself: design and description

Beeswax is in great demand today. It is used in the cosmetics industry and in the production of various medicines. You can use wax in its pure form. Scientists have found that it contains more than 300 active compounds useful to humans. The wax can be exchanged for ready-made foundation - which is economically beneficial for the beekeeper. But to extract this substance from honeycombs, you need special equipment - a wax melter. There are several types of this device. One of the most popular designs is the steam wax furnace.

Steam wax melter - operating principle

Steam wax melter - this device has the simplest design. Water is poured into a special container. It is heated and “transformed” into steam. Which, through a pipe, enters a container with wax raw materials. Under the influence of steam, the wax melts and flows through the mesh bottom into a previously prepared container. The waste left over from this process still contains large amounts of wax. Special presses are used to extract it. They use waste from old frames heated in a wax furnace. This way you can get the maximum amount of wax from the rejected honeycombs.

Useful tips

After the selected structure is installed, honeycomb or foundation waste must be placed inside.
Gradually, the body of the wax melter will heat up in the sun and the wax will begin to melt. The speed of this criterion depends on many factors: the ambient temperature, the design of the wax furnace, and the amount of raw materials inside. In general, after 40-50 minutes you can see the first result. That is why it is necessary to make a sufficiently capacious container for collecting wax, and also regularly inspect the placed wax furnaces. Some nuances and useful tips for using this design are given below.

Important nuances of manufacturing and placement of the structure:

  1. It is advisable to place the body on a hill so as not to spoil the purity of the finished product. For a single wax melter, a wooden support pole is suitable. It is advisable to place large or numerous units on a stable table.
  2. For convenience, be sure to provide the ability to securely fix the glass frame in the open position. This will not only ensure safe use, but also make it more comfortable.
  3. Only dry wax is used as a raw material, otherwise moisture evaporation will create condensation on the glass and impede the passage of sunlight.
  4. The lid should fit as tightly as possible to the body, then an increased temperature will form inside and the wax will melt faster. Felt and foam inserts can be used as a sealant, and rubber can also be glued on.
  5. To easily clean the grate and sheet from wax residues and debris, you need to preheat it in the oven or use a hair dryer.
  6. For high-quality combustion, the raw materials are laid out in one layer.
  7. At night, the structure is removed indoors to prevent insects from smelling it.
  8. Silicone molds can be used to collect wax. It is so easy to separate the frozen layer.

Simple tips and attached drawings will tell you how to make a solar wax melter at home. To maintain a large apiary, it is necessary to provide an alternative option, but usually beekeepers prefer to place several buildings of such a device or make a large area for solar exposure.

Examples of such structures can be seen in the photo, and useful recommendations for creating such a necessary device in an apiary will help you understand many of the nuances of production.

A do-it-yourself solar wax melter is a necessary unit for comfortable maintenance of an apiary. To quickly and easily obtain the required amount of wax from honeycombs, simple models of this device are used. A detailed algorithm for creating your own model of a wax melter, as well as useful recommendations for use and placement, are given in the information in this article.

Designs and varieties

There are two types of modern steam wax furnaces: pressure and non-pressure. The principle of operation of the second was described above. Structurally, such apiary equipment looks like this. A funnel is inserted into the cylindrical tank (in its lower part), narrowing towards the top. A container with a mesh bottom is placed on top of it. The tube from the funnel passes through the basket. Through it, steam enters the container with wax raw materials. To operate this design, water is poured into its special compartment, and the steam wax furnace itself is placed on the stove or oven. The further process is described above. A steam pressure wax melter helps to obtain a higher percentage of wax without the use of additional presses. It creates pressure above atmospheric. Which helps to get more wax out of the product. In fact, its design already includes a press. Which reduces the volume of the chamber where the wax is heated.

In addition to the varieties of steam wax melters, the following can be used in apiaries:

  • Solar
  • Electro-water
  • Stove


When considering the structure of a steam wax furnace, one should note its main parts - the body and the lid, the trough, the frame basket and the tray in which the wax is collected. Additional details are also highlighted:

Wax press

  1. The device must be equipped with a tank. This tank must be connected to the body using a hose or tube.
  2. The lower part must be equipped with a mesh or gauze: this ensures a sufficient level of filtration.
  3. To allow steam to enter the interior, a tube is installed in the side compartment.
  4. Comfort of use is ensured by the tap from which the wax will flow.

Comparing the steam apparatus with the solar one, we note that the steam one is much more powerful. That is why most professional beekeepers prefer it.

Video: do-it-yourself wax melting

The raw material used by beekeepers to obtain wax is honeycombs that are unsuitable for further use. They may be rejected for various reasons. Wax is also extracted from the caps (caps) of sealed honey. From 10 kg of such raw materials you can get 3-5 kg ​​of wax. Since a steam wax melter works on the principle of a steam bath, in order to melt the wax from unnecessary honeycombs, they need to be loaded into a special compartment and filled with water. Then everything is simple. We place the steam wax melter on the fireplace or turn it on (if you have an electric one) and wait for the melting to begin. If the design of your wax melter already includes a press, then you need to use it to create pressure by periodically turning the handle. When the liquid wax hardens, it can be removed from the container in which it is located.

Process of creation

In addition to parts and tools, you will also need drawings of your future device. You can find them in specialized books on beekeeping or from specialists who have already made steam wax melters. Then the manufacturing process will proceed intuitively:

  1. Using tools and relying on the existing drawing, assemble all the parts into a single structure.
  2. Test the finished wax melter on a small number of frames. If during work you notice deviations, then check again whether you have secured the elements securely.

Should I buy an industrial steam wax melter or make it myself?

Today there is no shortage of industrial steam wax furnaces. In every beekeeping store you can purchase such a device of various types and configurations. Their main advantage will be saving time on making your own wax melter. If you are limited in this temporary resource, then go to the store. But if you have free time in the apiary during the off-season, then it is better to make such a unit yourself. There are many diagrams on the Internet with which you can easily assemble a honey heating device yourself.

Many beekeepers believe that modern steam industrial wax flows have disadvantages in the quality of the wax output and in the speed of this process. But many modern models of such devices do not have the disadvantages of previous generations of wax melters. With their help, you can melt large batches of wax and even disinfect beekeeping equipment.

Advantages of the finished product

A frame steam wax melter is also sold over the counter, so choosing a unit that suits your needs is very easy. High-quality models are made of stainless steel and provide all possible functions. If there are no suitable blanks from old dishes or equipment, this option will be the best solution.

In addition to stainless steel, aluminum and galvanized steel are used for the production of steam wax furnaces. For ease of use, they are equipped with the necessary taps for draining melted wax, as well as a convenient mesh basket into which the raw materials are loaded.

There are also other advantages of purchased wax melters:

  • standard sizes;
  • thoughtful design;
  • quick results;
  • quality product;
  • minimal intervention in the process.

The main disadvantage is the cost. Maintaining an apiary already implies constant maintenance costs, which are not always covered by the sale of honey. The use of homemade equipment: wax melters, wax presses, honey extractors and other necessary equipment will help make production profitable.

The high quality of the resulting wax remains unchanged, which does not require re-melting. In addition, such wax melters are very economical and are available in a wide range of models. If you are planning to make a steam wax melter with your own hands, our information will help you with this with useful tips and visual photographs.

Read also: Wild bees, where wild bees live, photo, wild bee sting

Advantages of modern industrial wax melters

  • Saving time on preparing wax raw materials for loading into the device
  • High wax melting speed
  • High wax yield (50% – 80%)
  • The frames used after this process are cleaned of fungus, moth eggs, etc.

Steam wax melter - how to make it yourself: design and description

Since the principle of operation of the described steam wax furnace is a steam bath, containers of any volume can be used for its production. Savvy beekeepers even use the casings of old washing machines or refrigerators for this device. By removing everything unnecessary, these household appliances do a good job of burning wax. The main thing is to provide access to hot steam. Wax melting in a water bath can be done as follows:

Difficulties in manufacturing

First of all, we advise you to find a photo of a homemade wax melter on the Internet in order to specifically understand what is being discussed in the article.

It is quite easy to construct this mechanism with your own hands. The main thing is to know the basic rules of what to do and how to do it. The wax melter is very simple and straightforward to use.

Melting principle

In fact, the operating principle is extremely simple and does not cause any particular difficulties. The whole procedure takes place in stages:

  1. First, you need to place frames with raw materials in the inside of the wax refiner.
  2. Then place the device in a sunny place - this way we will increase the effect of solar energy on the wax.
  3. The sun's rays will hit the glass surface and then, increasing in terms of heat, penetrate inside.
  4. The wax in the honeycomb will begin to melt and the finished product will flow into a specially installed bowl.

During the procedure, the beekeeper must be extremely careful and carry out work only with gloves. The device body can heat up to 90 degrees Celsius!

What it is

Beekeepers use a wax melter for maximum melting of raw materials from honeycombs (frames), thanks to high temperatures (140 - 150 ° C), which exceeds the melting point of the wax product (55 - 60 ° C). The operating mode of the wax melter does not allow the wax to overheat to the point of decomposition.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. The honeycombs are soaked and then placed in the unit.
  2. The wax furnace is heated to the melting temperature.
  3. The molten substance flows into a collection container and is then packaged.

Compliance with operating degrees allows the wax to get rid of moisture and gain water-repellent properties, so that in the future the material can be used, for example, in mastic for rubbing floors, or serve as a lubricant for sensitive electrical devices.

How to make from a refrigerator

Beekeeping is not complete without burning wax. For these needs, a wax melter is used. It may have different design features and differ in the specifics of its operation.

If you have a fairly large apiary, you can make a wax melter at home from the refrigerator. The main requirement is to use a refrigerator with an iron or aluminum coating inside. Plastic is absolutely not suitable for such purposes. But if the refrigerator is quite old and has been lying around since time immemorial, then there is no need to worry. Previously, they were made with a metal coating.

Relocation of a bee colony

Now about why the wax melter from the refrigerator is only suitable for large apiaries? It all lies in the design features. A case of this design will be quite spacious. You can put the wax in it directly with the frames; it will fit about 25 to 30 frames, depending on what kind of refrigeration unit you have. It is also worth remembering that before heating the bee product, you need to sort the frames.


  • old refrigerator;
  • metal scissors;
  • a mesh with a fine mesh according to the size of the refrigerator;
  • bolts or screws;
  • a small piece of tin;
  • heat-resistant sealant;
  • steam hose;
  • a metal container from which steam will be supplied (barrel, can, etc.);
  • bucket for collecting products;
  • other tools and materials as needed (including drawings).


  1. We remove all unnecessary parts from the old refrigerator. Only the body should remain.
  2. We make a small hole in the back wall, about 5 cm in diameter.
  3. We make something like a watering can from a piece of tin and insert it into the hole we made. Afterwards we fix the watering can and seal all the seams around it with sealant. Water and wax will drain from this hole.
  4. At the bottom of the refrigerator, where the motor was, a small hole is also made for a hose through which steam is supplied to the installation.
  5. We attach a hose. The other side of the hose should be connected to the lid of a metal barrel or can or pan. In short, what you will find at home. Water will be poured into such a container, and then, when heated, hot steam will flow from it through the hose.
  6. We place the refrigerator body lying on the stands. You can use anything as a stand, bricks, pallets, etc.
  7. Now inside the structure you need to install a mesh with a fine cell, which will play the role of food. The beebread should remain on it and be dead. We mount the mesh so that the frames fit completely into the body and there is a small space between them and the mesh.
  8. All that remains is to place a container for it under the hole from which the wax will flow. Now you can load the frames into the installation and set the container with water to heat up. To heat it, you can use gas, firewood, or you can install electric heating elements inside. It all depends on your imagination and the means at hand.

This completes the creation of a wax melter from the refrigerator. Finally, let’s say that an old refrigerator is also perfect for settling the resulting product.

Step-by-step instruction

The manufacturing process depends on the final model chosen and the materials available. It would be a good idea to look at the drawings of the future device, which are offered in an assortment by skilled beekeepers. If you have an old piece of evidence, and a steam wax melter will be produced based on it, then the process requires the following steps:

  1. Clean the bottom of the hive. 4 holes are drilled for fastening under the grilles. Steam supply devices are also located here.
  2. They cut out the slope on the side walls according to the principle of the pediment on houses; on one wall it is made larger to form a slope and a drain is formed there for the future product.
  3. A galvanized sheet of iron is cut according to pre-established measurements for upholstering the inside of the hive body. When fixing the galvanization, do not forget to make a flag for draining the wax.
  4. The body is reassembled and insulated with some material. It is worth remembering that the lid must fit tightly to the container to prevent loss of steam.
  5. The steam generator is made from any container described above and connected using a hose.
  6. A homemade steam wax melter for frames is ready for use.

The operation scheme of such a device is simple and based on steam heating. A special feature is the use of an old hive rather than a ready-made metal tank.

How to make a wax melter from a washing machine

Old activator machines are popular when making homemade steam wax melters. The basis is a stainless steel tank, which is converted into a container for reheated raw materials. But in the process of work, you will need a specific tool: an angle grinder and an electric welding machine. To obtain the required structure from the tank, its lower part is cut off and a grate is welded there.

The process of working a homemade wax melter from a washing machine is as follows:

  • A 40-liter pan is filled with water;
  • install an aluminum collection bowl;
  • holes for steam are drilled along its edges;
  • A tank with drying material on a frame is placed on the bowl and covered with a lid made of a sheet of metal or other materials.

The device is easy to use, spacious and does not require special preparation.

A method for making a wax melter from an old refrigerator

Another way is to make a wax melter from an old refrigerator. It is very relevant if you have a large apiary and considerable volumes of wax for the firebox. A case with an internal aluminum or iron layer, which was in older models, is ideal. The design allows you to install the dryer together with the frames. To obtain a wax melter from the refrigerator, you must perform the following steps:

  • the body, cleared of all parts, is installed on bricks;
  • a hole is made in the back wall and a tin groove for drainage is secured with sealant;
  • connect the hose from the steam generator in place of the motor;
  • a filtration mesh is installed inside;
  • Place a collection container under the drain.

This wax melter is effective and does not require any special manufacturing costs.

Whatever manufacturing method you choose, follow safety rules to prevent negative consequences.

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