Features of the use of the drug Spark against pests: types, composition, advantages

The drug Iskra is not just one product, but a line that helps get rid of pests in a short time. The insecticide has a wide range of action and is used to eliminate insects on large and small areas of land.

A separate type is also offered for plants that live at home. To use Spark double effect, study the instructions for use, which describe the method of application and other nuances.

Description and features of the insecticide

Insecticidal preparations are not all powerful in their action and remove the threat from 90% of pest species. Most of the products are not designed for use in an apartment, as they pose a threat to human health. As for Iskra, everything is simple: we determine the place of processing, the type of crop, and buy the appropriate drug.

The striking power of the Spark is continuous. The product destroys 98% of known insect species at one time, which is over 60 types. The only families not included in the list for destruction were the slug and soil families.

The drug can be used for the following crops:

  • decorative and floral;
  • bulbous and green (including all types of cabbage);
  • legumes and melons;
  • root crops and berry bushes;
  • tuberous, greenhouse;
  • fruit and stone fruit trees.

The effect on the insect’s body begins after contact with the chitinous cover. And also through the respiratory and digestive tracts. Further relief of vital processes, paralysis and, ultimately, death.

Iskra is not new to the agricultural market. Appeared more than 20 years ago. Known for its properties in more than 100 countries, as it is suitable for all climatic conditions. Inexpensive, but effective, provides long-term protection against parasites.

What can be replaced?

“Iskra” can be replaced with drugs with an insecticidal effect: “Aktara”, “Aktellik”, “Arrivo”, “Alatar”, “Inta-Ts-M”, “Inta-Vir”, “Vega”, “Fitozan”, “Rangoli” -Noril”, “Tsiraks”, “Superkill”, “Shaman”, “Volley”, “Tsipi”, “Patriy”, “Citox”, “Tsiperon”, “Tsipi Plus”, “Nurbel”, “Tsiperus”, “ Cyclone", "Shar Pei", "Nurimet Extra", "Karbotsin". Many of them are used both in agriculture and on private plots.

“Iskra” insecticide is available in 4 types, with different active substances, in different formulations. The products act against many types of pests and treat various crops with them. All products are effective at temperatures above 25 ° C, so it is recommended to use them in the summer, in the heat, when the effectiveness of other drugs decreases. Because of this, they are recommended for use in southern regions.

Composition and varieties

There are many types of Spark, they contain basic components. Compounds affect a specific type of parasite, in their various forms.

So in the composition:

  • permethrin. The substance is a poison of plant origin. Pyrethrum is found in large quantities in chamomile;
  • To paralyze the acaricide, cypermethrin is included in the composition. Its task is to paralyze the nerve endings of the parasite, leading to death. At the same time it eliminates masonry.

After applying the drug to the plant, an invisible crust (protective layer) is formed. If processed correctly, it will appear not only on the foliage, but on the fruits and shoots. After contact with the Spark, the insect is paralyzed, which will lead to natural death (inability to feed).

There are no contraindications or temperature restrictions. On the contrary, the higher the temperature (+25 - +30), the greater the chance of quickly eliminating parasitic insects. Precipitation and drought are not terrible either.

Stores offer different types of the drug. The release form is different.

Iskra M

The substance Iskra M is offered in the form of an emulsion. Helps eliminate known domestic insects. It is quite suitable for processing greenhouse crops and plants in open ground. On sale you can find ampoules of 5 ml and bottles of 10 ml.

How does it work?

The drug "Iskra" contains several active ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin;
  • Permethrin;
  • Potassium supplements.

The active ingredients destroy the nervous system of “harmful” bugs, disrupting the transmission of impulses and causing paralysis.

The drug enters the body of insects through contact and intestinal routes.

This drug begins to act instantly after insects enter the body - they die within 10 minutes.

Potassium additives included in the preparation strengthen the plant immune system and help accelerate the recovery process in the vegetative mass of plants damaged by pests.

Efficiency of application against pests

The manufacturer of the Iskra line of insecticides regularly updates the composition of its products to enhance their capabilities in the modern environmental situation. But the main component is avertin, which actively fights against:

  1. Colorado potato beetle. It has a particularly strong effect on young larvae. But it doesn’t help at all regarding egg laying. Standard dilution for insect control: 20 ml per 10 l. The specified working solution is enough for one hundred square meters. Application period: 2-3 times a month with a temporary break of 6-7 days;
  2. If you dilute Iskra according to the scheme of 60 ml per 10 liters of water, then there will be no trace left of caterpillars, leaf rollers, moths and copperheads;
  3. Whiteflies, gnawing cutworms, and caterpillars are afraid of the product, which is diluted according to a different formula: 15 + 5 liters. Since insects are most often found on the lower part of the plant, treatment (spraying) is carried out here. Watering is not carried out on the ground so as not to burn the root;
  4. For thrips, use a solution of 4 g per 0.5 l. the soil is not watered, and the crop is well cultivated with the same time interval 3-4 times a month;
  5. Aphids and their species require an increased dosage of Spark. So you need to add 40 ml of product per 5 liters, stir well. 2 treatments per week will remove pests from the land.

Preparation of the solution

To prepare the Iskra solution, you need to dissolve a 10.6 g sachet in 1 liter of cold water. Mix thoroughly for 5 minutes. Add 900 ml of water and pour into a household spray bottle or spray bottle.

On a note!

The solution must be prepared immediately before use. In this case, the maximum concentration of active components is maintained. However, manufacturers allow the use of the finished product within three days, provided it is stored in a dark place.

Advantages and disadvantages

The proposed types of the drug differ not only in composition, but also in their effectiveness as protection against insects. Some of them are suitable as top dressing. In order not to describe the advantages of each product from the Iskra line, it is proposed to study the general advantages and disadvantages of the insecticide.

Spark differs from the mass of insecticidal agents in its effectiveness against insects. Its extensive action extends to more than 50 species of parasites that are found in open and closed ground.

Especially if it is not clear which of the parasitic species “settled” on the plant. Moreover, often in open ground there is not one, but several parasites at once.

But these are not all the positive qualities of Iskra.


  • safe for humans and pets;
  • has no accumulative properties. This means that nitrates and heavy metals will not be observed in the fruits;
  • ensures rapid elimination of pest threats. The maximum time reaches 1 hour. Minimum: 15 – 30 minutes;
  • despite changes in weather and changes in temperature, the protective effect lasts for a maximum of 3-4 weeks;
  • Most types of Spark have a short waiting period, which in extreme cases reaches a week after spraying the plant. The crop is then ready for consumption;
  • resistance is low.

Many gardeners consider the low cost of the substance to be a positive aspect. There are also disadvantages, but they only relate to improper use or dilution of the working mixture.

Thus, allergy sufferers can cause an attack if they work with the drug without a protective suit. Asthmatics should also be more careful when preparing and applying to plants for the same reason: the appearance of an attack.

If the drug is diluted incorrectly (increased dose), damage occurs to both the green part of the crop and the crop. The root method of use is prohibited.

Types of drugs

Manufacturers of plant protection products produce preparations that can significantly make life easier for thousands of gardeners. They can protect plants from insects, weeds, and various diseases. Before purchasing a drug, it is important to decide what exactly you need.

For example, the Iskra pest repellent, labeled as “Double Effect,” is used by many as a so-called first aid. The drug not only helps to protect plants, but is also a potassium supplement.

The product “Iskra-M for caterpillars” is intended to combat leaf rollers, codling moths, fireflies, sawflies and other pests of fruit and vegetable crops.

A drug called Iskra-Bio can paralyze pests, it is safe and can be used until the fruit is harvested.

The most popular means of protection is “Golden Spark”. It helps against pests very well, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The drug is used in 120 countries around the world and helps save about 140 different plant species.

Instructions for use

The use of Iskra involves only one method - the spraying method. Therefore, regardless of the type purchased, the drug is diluted in water at the indicated dosage. The working form of the solution is pre-stirred in a small amount of liquid, then gradually added to the required volume.

If the substance is used for prophylactic purposes, the dosage is halved, both of water and of the drug itself.

Treatment of plants is allowed at any stage of the growing season. But experts recommend carrying out manipulations before flowering so as not to scare off the honey plants.

To ensure results, you should treat not only the top part of the crop, but also the back side, since the Spark remains on the foliage in the form of a protective film.

Are there any analogues?

With Avertin N, the drug “Akarin” is produced for treating plants in agriculture and private household plots. “Iskra Bio” can also be replaced with “Fitoverm”, “Avertin”, “Agrovertin”, “Aversectin”. The preparations fight insect pests and mites on vegetable, fruit and flower crops. They have a small volume and dosage and are effective in killing many common types of harmful insects.

“Iskra Bio” is an effective insectoacaricide, which, despite the small volume of the bottle, can be used both in private households and for treating fields and gardens. Its peculiarity is an increase in efficiency when processed in the heat, which is not typical for pesticides.

Compatibility with other tools

All types of insecticide Iskra are allowed to be combined with other treatments or for the prevention of plant diseases.

It should be remembered: simultaneous application will be ineffective and often dangerous for the crop. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out work with a small gap in time. This allows the previous drug to work fully.

Combination with stimulants is possible, but avoid combining Spark with substances that have an alkaline base. Reason: decreased effectiveness, precipitation of components, loss of toxicity.

How to use

The drug is diluted in the required concentration, after which the plantings are processed. To work you will need a sprayer.

The solution is applied in the morning or evening, when there is no direct exposure to the sun. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in strong winds or during precipitation.

When spraying, the solution should fall on the leaf plate and be evenly distributed over it. First, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of water, after which the solution is adjusted to the required volume.

Precautionary measures

Only Iskra Bio is called completely safe. For warm-blooded animals, the rest of the products in the line can have a negative impact, since their level of danger belongs to the 3rd (minor) hazard class.

The components that make up Spark are absorbed through the pores of the skin. Hence the need to use protective equipment even at the initial stage of preparing the working fluid.

When processing plants, have protection on the mucous membranes, since with frequent use all types of the drug Iskra accumulate in the body and lead to intoxication.

When working with indoor plants, also wear protective equipment on the face and skin. All events are held outdoors, where flowers are left for at least a day.

All work with insecticide should be carried out in calm weather. Preferably in the early morning hours or after 18.00, when there is no direct sunlight.

Consumer Opinion

Many gardeners are accustomed to trusting not the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging, but the experience of their neighbors and acquaintances. Therefore, most of them want to find out whether others liked the drug “Spark from pests”. Reviews indicate that plant protection products help get rid of insects. The main thing is to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions and process the crops correctly.

For example, the “Golden Spark” product helps many people get rid of scale insects, spider mites and other pests. It’s just important to remember that the effect will not be immediate - the insects die after a few days. Those who have used the Golden Spark drug note that it is practically odorless. Therefore, you can safely treat even indoor plants with it.

Impact on the environment

The chemical does not pose a threat to the environment if you follow the dilution rules and application standards. The substances do not accumulate and are completely destroyed within 21-28 days after application to fruits, shoots, and greens.

Since Iskra eliminates all insects, its disposal is prohibited near water bodies, beehives, and flowering plants.

First aid for poisoning

If the solution in diluted or concentrated form comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, immediately rinse the area under running water. Laundry soap without additives is used.

Provided that the Spark has entered the oral cavity, the digestive tract should go to the hospital for help. Before the ambulance arrives, take a number of measures to improve the person’s condition: give absorbents a large amount of water.

Treatment is not carried out independently, since it contains poisons for which antidotes are strong and it is impossible to independently determine the dosage.

Spark Triple Effect

One of the company’s latest developments is a drug with enhanced action against the potato pest – the insidious Colorado potato beetle. Contains three active ingredients:

  • permethrin;
  • imidaclorpid;
  • cypermethrin.

Like previous remedies, it is not poisonous to humans, but is dangerous to bees. It has a contact and intestinal effect on the pest. Released in tablets, each weighing 10.6 grams.

Storage conditions

Before purchasing, check the expiration date of the drug and the integrity of the packaging. Provide a place at home where the temperature will not exceed 30 degrees and the sun's rays will not enter.

In any form, the Spark is not kept near food or liquid. Keep away from children and animals.

Iskra M is the most toxic and powerful substance in the line. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in urgent need (a large number of insects on the site).

In all other cases, it is quite possible to select a less dangerous substance. The most popular are Spark Double Effect and Bio.

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