How to get rid of earthen fleas in an apartment or private house

Having pets is not the only reason why fleas appear in your home. Practice shows that they settle not only in private houses, but also in apartments in multi-storey buildings. Although insects are called earth insects, some species are true bloodsuckers that feed on the blood of not only animals, but also people.

The body of these insects reaches a length of five millimeters. It is covered with bristles and flattened on the sides. Due to the structure of their body, fleas are able to firmly adhere to any vertical surfaces, fur, and folds of clothing. Insects have a powerful hind pair of legs. This allows you to make fairly high jumps.

Causes of earth fleas

There are several main ways fleas enter a home:

  • Fleas enter first-floor apartments and private houses from the basement, through the smallest cracks in the floor;
  • Pets walking through the grass pick up parasites, bringing them into the house;
  • Often fleas are brought in by people themselves on their clothes;
  • If one of the apartments of a multi-storey building is heavily infested, insects, in search of a larger area, crawl into neighboring apartments;
  • Rodents (mice, rats, hamsters) are also carriers of fleas;
  • Fleas can enter an apartment through an open door.

Dampness is the main factor influencing the appearance of fleas. This is a favorable environment for parasites, allowing them to live comfortably and actively reproduce. Insects also love warmth, so they can often be found in well-heated rooms in winter. If, in addition to this, the home does not meet hygienic and sanitary standards, you can be sure that fleas will definitely appear in this place.

Fleas do not need to be constantly on their prey. Having had their fill of blood, they are able to hide for a long time in baseboards and other secluded places.

( Video: “How to get rid of fleas in a house or apartment quickly, effectively and safely”)

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Little flea

Life cycle details are available for only a few flea species. They have four life stages - egg, larva, pupa and adult. Pearly white, oval eggs are laid on the body, nest, or habitat of the host animal.

The larva is small and legless and feeds on organic debris such as dried excrement, dried pieces of skin, dead mites or dried blood found in the host's nest. Adult fleas quickly pass freshly absorbed blood through the intestines to produce feces to feed their babies, which is necessary for the successful metamorphosis of some species of flea larvae.

After three (in rare cases two) molts, the larva unwinds a silk cocoon, which includes debris from the nest and enters the pupal stage. The pupa develops into an adult after a few days or months. Some species may enter a developmental arrest at the end of the pupal stage and will not become adults until a host emerges. Depending on the species or environmental conditions, the time required for a flea to complete its life cycle varies from two weeks to several months.

Interesting fact: The lifespan of an adult flea ranges from a few weeks (for example, Echidnophaga gallinacea) to a year or more (Pulex allerans).

The life cycle of the European rabbit flea (Spilopsyllus cuniculi) and its host are perfectly synchronized. Sexual development of male and female fleas is directly controlled by the rabbit's sex hormones. Thus, the eggs of a female flea only mature successfully if she feeds on a pregnant rabbit.

When young rabbits are born, both sexes of fleas mature and leave a mother for the chicks and a nest where they copulate and lay eggs, thus providing the flea larvae with a suitable habitat for development. If the female rabbit's sex hormones are artificially controlled by the administration of a synthetic progestin (contraceptives), the female flea's sexual development is also stopped.

Although a similar case among other flea species is not yet known, it has been documented that rat fleas are less fertile when fed on infant mice than on their parents, and that the mouse flea (Leptopsylla segnis) is more fertile when reared in larger family units. than in individual adult mice. It is therefore likely that the influence of host hormones is more widespread than expected.

Why are earth fleas dangerous?

It all depends on the type of parasite.
Of course, there are earth fleas that feed on blood. In our region, herbivorous fleas are most often found, but they are not dangerous to humans. But they are capable of causing serious damage to the crop. During the dry season, pests attack cultivated plants, sucking the juice out of them. This leads to dehydration and death of the plants. The main symptoms of the appearance of earthen fleas in the garden plot:

  • dark spots on leaves;
  • plant leaves are completely eaten away;
  • holes appear on the stems;
  • a seemingly healthy plant suddenly dries up;
  • clusters of small bugs can be seen on the inflorescences.

As for the home, when pests get here they attack indoor plants. Ground fleas can be found on harvested crops, but they do not feed on the fruit, so there is no need to worry about this.

Fleas, like any other parasites, can be carriers of diseases dangerous to humans. Therefore, when insects are found in the house, it is necessary to urgently take measures to destroy them.

What earth fleas look like (photo)

Signs of a premises being infected

You can feel the bites while standing on the floor. Moreover, the lower limbs are attacked. Sharp sensations of pain become a sign of infection at home. Before this, you can see small black dots that jump quickly, but no one pays much attention to them yet. The bites are similar to mosquito bites, but are smaller and last longer. Dried blood may be found in the center. There is swelling and redness around. They last a long time, itch and itch. In people prone to allergies, they cause severe irritation. The rash may spread throughout the body.

In addition to the feeling of bites on your body, you can observe irritability and constant scratching of pets. Ground lice do not disdain their blood. Pets will suffer first. Wool is the best place to hide and food is always nearby. Although these insects, after a decent meal, can starve for almost 1.5 years.

You can identify pests in your home using a white sheet of paper. Spread it on the floor and look at it after a while. The presence of black dots that quickly scatter to the sides at the slightest movement - these are earthen fleas. This way you can find out where they settled. And start processing the room.

Earth flea bites on humans

Due to the small size of fleas, without a microscope it is impossible to determine what type of parasite is in your home. People often notice fleas biting their legs. This means that you have a type of parasite that feeds on blood. These fleas are universal. For example, the rat flea parasitizes not only rodents. It can attack pets and humans.

Once inside a home, parasites leave the body of their victim, hiding in basements and other secluded places. When hungry, the insects go hunting again. If possible, they attack not only animals, but also people.

Danger of insects

Earth flea bites are far from harmless. On the contrary, they pose a great danger to humans. First of all, it is severe itching and allergic reactions. Even anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out. Bite wounds can fester and eczema forms in their place. Infection is also possible .

In addition, fleas carry dangerous, fatal diseases . These are typhus, plague, hepatitis, encephalitis, salmonellosis. Fleas are also carriers of helminths: cucumber tapeworm, nematodes, and toxocara. Added to this is sleep disturbance due to fear of bites, the inability to invite guests, and, as a result, extreme stress.

In case of bites, you should never scratch them to avoid infection. First, the wounds should be washed with soap and water. Then treat with an antiseptic, for example Chlorhexidine. To eliminate swelling and itching, use antigestamines and ointments. In particularly serious cases, you should consult a doctor.

For animals, flea bites are no less dangerous. Small dogs or kittens can even die from parasite bites. Animals scratch itchy areas and can cause infection.

Controlling parasites in the home

Regardless of what type of fleas you have in your home, these parasites must be dealt with. If no measures are taken, they will soon multiply, which will lead to severe infection of the house. Naturally, in this case, the fight against parasites will be difficult and lengthy.

There are special chemicals designed to combat these parasites. Also, in some cases, you can use folk remedies. Regardless of which option you use, you need to make some preliminary preparations:

Determine where fleas are coming from to prevent further infiltration;

Block all routes through which parasites can enter your home;

Wash all items at high temperatures.

Where does the flea live?

Photo: Cat flea

Native flea species are found in polar, temperate and tropical regions. Fleas, especially Xenopsylla cheopis, are considered the main carriers of murine (endemic) typhus, a rickettsial disease of humans. The source of infection are rats and mice. Fleas are considered important for the maintenance and spread of many locally limited infections among rodents and other mammals, including tularemia and Russian spring-summer encephalitis.

Fleas transmit myxomatosis, a viral disease of rabbits, which is used deliberately to control rabbits in areas where they are a serious pest (eg Australia). Fleas are likely carriers of canine filarial worms and serve as intermediate hosts for the common tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) in dogs and cats and sometimes children. If the infestation is severe, animals may be seriously injured or killed by flea bites and may lose blood as a result. Fleas are susceptible to parasitism from external mites, internal nematode worms, as well as bacterial, fungal and protozoan infections.

The female piercing flea burrows into the skin of its host, usually on the legs, and lives in a cyst that forms around it. Severe itching accompanies the development and expansion of the cyst, as the belly of a pregnant flea grows to the size of a pea; secondary infections can present serious complications.

Now you know where fleas are found and how to deal with them. Let's see what they eat.

Remedies for earthen fleas

The following are widely popular:

  • "Sinoisan";
  • "Effective Ultra";
  • "Biorin";
  • "Chlorpyrimark."

These remedies have long proven their effectiveness. They come in the form of sprays, aerosols, powders or crayons. There are also other poisons that can quickly solve your problem:

  • Preparations containing pyrethrin will help you quickly get rid of parasites. Such drugs have a paralytic effect. They have a negative effect on the nervous system of insects, which leads to rapid death. Such poisons include permethrin, phenothrin.
  • Karbofos and dichlorvos are organophosphorus agents. They are designed to treat many surfaces in a residential building.
  • Imidacloprid has a nerve-paralytic effect. This substance stops the functioning of all vital organs of the insect.

If pets live in the house, most likely they are the main sources of infection. Therefore, they also need to be processed. To do this, you can use gentle drugs, which include Fipronil, Selamictin, Metaflumizone.

Safety precautions when removing fleas

Since most insecticides are toxic and can harm the human body, you should not neglect the means of protection. You will need:

  • respirator, gauze bandage;
  • protective glasses;
  • latex gloves.

Do not forget to ventilate the room after treatment for several hours. It would be ideal if you can leave the house for 1-2 days during the treatment.

Gloves and a mask are reliable protection when working with chemicals

If there are children or pregnant women in the house

Small children crawl around the apartment, touch everything with their hands, and then put their fingers in their mouths. Pregnant women inhale harmful fumes, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus. In such cases, you can use only completely safe products. These are the same folk remedies, with the exception of boric acid, botanical dust and kerosene (its smell can cause nausea in pregnant women) or based on neonicotinoids, neostomazan (look on the package). Children and pregnant women must leave the house during chemical treatment. After the procedure, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out and the room is ventilated for a long time.

If there are animals in the house

It is not advisable for pets and birds to be in the house during treatment. If there is nowhere to put them, then it is recommended to use only those products that are sold in a veterinary pharmacy and are safe for animals, for example, drugs with the active ingredients fipronil, neonicotinoids, neostomazan.



Folk remedies for fleas in the house

If you managed to detect the infection in the initial stages, perhaps folk methods of combating this parasite will help you:

  1. Table salt or baking soda.
  2. Wormwood and other herbs with a pungent odor.
  3. Garlic.
  4. Peels of citrus products.
  5. Brewer's yeast.
  6. Coniferous or pine shavings.

The pungent aroma of these products has a negative effect on many parasites, including fleas. Although this will not kill the insects, it will force them to leave your home.

Ground fleas, how to get rid of the area

An integrated approach to the problem provides reliable protection of garden crops from the invasion of earthen fleas:

  • During the dry period, do not forget to water the plants, especially young ones;
  • Regularly change the places of crops on your site;
  • Cruciferous plants are particularly attractive to flea beetles. If possible, it is better to refuse to grow such crops;
  • Since the pest does not like lettuce leaves, this plant can be planted between different beds. This way you can prevent the flea from spreading throughout the area;
  • Cultivated plants should be treated with effective insecticides. It is recommended to use different drugs every year so that parasites do not develop immunity to them;
  • Spray the affected plants with a concentrated decoction of tansy;
  • Plant celandine, tobacco, wormwood, anabasis. These plants can repel not only fleas, but also many other pests.

To combat earthen fleas in the garden, there are special preparations:

  1. Raptor . The product is presented in the form of a spray. It is used to spray affected plants. The active components will quickly destroy the pest.
  2. Antibug . The drug not only destroys earth fleas, but also protects plants from re-infection.
  3. Aktofit . The product is based on natural ingredients. The drug quickly destroys not only fleas, but also many other pests.
  4. Ratibor . The drug is presented in the form of a concentrated liquid. It has a detrimental effect on many types of garden pests.
  5. Aktara. This product belongs to modern insecticides. It combines economy and high efficiency.

How do earth fleas differ from cat fleas?

Cat fleas have virtually no external differences from other types of fleas. However, representatives of this species feed on blood. Moreover, they choose not only cats for food. These parasites are capable of attacking dogs, other warm-blooded animals, and people.

As for earth fleas, the main harm they cause is damage to plants. As a rule, they live in the upper layers of the soil. They can also hide in basements with high humidity. Private buildings and the first floors of multi-storey buildings are often infested by fleas. They rarely appear on the upper floors. Ground fleas are not able to jump too high. That is why, when fighting them, it is enough to treat not the entire wall, but only a meter from the floor.


Pest bugs live outdoors, settling near the plants they feed on. Each species has its own dietary preferences. Most often, flea beetles are found eating cruciferous crops such as cabbage and radishes .

Young individuals go to winter, they go underground and wait out the cold there. In the spring, when the temperature of the top layer of the earth reaches 11-13°, the fleas wake up and crawl out . At this time, they begin to actively eat young shoots, preparing for the breeding season.

Mating and egg laying occurs in May or June. The female hides future offspring in the soil near food crops or directly on the plant. A clutch can contain from 10 to 50 eggs .

It takes only a few days for the development of this stage and the emergence of larvae. Then the larvae begin to eat a lot, damaging roots, stems and foliage. A month later they pupate in the ground. This stage takes from 7 to 17 days . An adult pest emerges from the pupa and goes to winter.

IMPORTANT ! In warm regions with mild, short winters, 2 generations of flea beetles can develop per season.

Preventing fleas

In order not to encounter the unpleasant problem of fleas in your home, it is recommended to carry out simple prevention:

  • Keep your home clean, constantly do wet cleaning;
  • Ventilate the room regularly, even in winter;
  • Do not allow things to stagnate;
  • Treat your pets with preventive shampoos;
  • If possible, reduce the number of carpets in your home;
  • Sometimes disinfest the premises using special products for cleaning floors;
  • A floor that is several decades old should be thoroughly processed;
  • You can place wormwood or other aromatic herbs in the corners;
  • After adding Bars or another similar preparation to the water, periodically spray the basements;
  • Check mattresses and sheets regularly. If fleas appear, you will be able to detect parasites at the initial stage of infection;
  • Make sure the basement remains dry at all times;
  • All existing leaks must be repaired immediately;
  • Take blankets, mattresses, pillows, and winter clothes out into the sun.

Methods of destroying parasites

In order for the destruction of parasites in a residential area to give the desired result, you first need to clear the entrance and basement of them. You can seek help from the SES or act independently.

The basement must be free of dirt, debris and moisture. Remove all rags, rotten boards, fluffy old fabrics, etc. Then treat the room with an insecticidal agent.

After treating the entrance and basement, you must also remove parasites from your home. Before you begin exterminating fleas in your apartment, carry out the following preparatory work:

  • start by thoroughly cleaning the room. Vacuum the house, paying special attention to baseboards, crevices, and upholstered furniture;
  • After that, do a wet cleaning. Surfaces must be clean before applying insecticides;
  • beat out mattresses, wash bed linen using a disinfectant;
  • Vacuum the carpets, carefully going over the pile several times. Then clean the dust bin itself.
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