How to get rid of earwigs (earwigs) in a private house and apartment?

How to get rid

Every person experiences unpleasant feelings as soon as various insects or two-tailed insects appear in the house. The latter are very small arthropod creatures with long outgrowths at the end of the body, similar to tails.

They are called cerci, their length is equal to or slightly longer than the entire body . Their appearance and differences from earwigs indicate that double-tailed earwigs are not insects.

Its length is no more than 1.5 cm, including “tails” and antennae. Its habitat is moist, swampy soils, where there is plenty of food for it. Most often these are decomposing plant and animal remains.

At home, the double-tail appears first in the basement, bathroom, and then in the kitchen. If this happens on the territory of a residential premises, then a frantic search begins for means to get rid of double-wort in the house.


Everyone who has them is thinking about how to quickly get rid of double-easts. The easiest way is to use household chemicals. Moreover, not only direct destruction is needed, but also prevention.

The most common are:

  1. Dichlorvos. The basis is a chemical compound that is created to combat harmful insects such as cockroaches and bedbugs. It is also suitable for arthropods. This drug is a fumigant, that is, it is applied by spraying. The product is applied from a distance of 20-30 cm to the intended habitat of the two-east. Since they lead a hidden lifestyle, they choose several points at once. Dichlorvos is considered effective, since small splashes penetrate into the smallest cracks. The downside is that the treatment must be carried out wearing a mask in a room free from pets and people.
  2. Raptor. Like dichlorvos, it is an insecticide and a reliable remedy for two-wort. It is also at the same time a means that instantly destroys two-way and has a prolonged (long-lasting) effect. Small drops of the drug settle on the walls, floors and cracks, creating a natural barrier against the double-east.
  3. Antiseptics. They have the ability to protect wooden products from both rotting and premature destruction and fungus. For example, Anti-Bug penetrates deep into the cracks of wooden buildings. Its main advantage: it will not only help get rid of double-wort in the house, but will also disinfect the tree. You need to wipe not only the cracks in the walls and floors, but also wooden windows and doors. They will be like new and will last a long time.
  4. Chlorine-containing preparations. Such as “Sanitary”, “Belizna”, “Domestos” will help in the fight. They are diluted in a small amount of water and applied with a sponge to corners and walls. It is better to work wearing gloves.

Almost all preparations from the group of insecticides are suitable to destroy two-wort. Antiseptics that contain boric acid will not only help get rid of arthropods, but also eliminate the cause.

Their food consists of small insects and tiny microorganisms that will be destroyed. This product is especially suitable for a private wooden house.

Traditional folk remedies

It is especially difficult for those who live in an old wooden house. Unlike an apartment, where all the cracks in the bathroom and kitchen are carefully filled with putty, and the tiles are very easy to clean, wooden walls require special treatment.

It must be regular, since rotting products quickly attract two-wort . If you have bought a property that has been abandoned for a long time, then the question may arise about how to get rid of double-wraps in a private wooden house. It is best to combine modern drugs and folk remedies.

Wet trap

The principle of this old, proven remedy is based both on the behavior of the two-tailed fish and its way of life. She hides in dark damp places. You can only detect it if you quickly turn on the light in the room where it lives. It will not be possible to examine the double tail, as it will instantly leave the light zone.

To set up a wet trap you will need a rag . It should be as old as possible, absorb moisture well and not smell of any detergents. It needs to be wetted and placed in places where you think the two-tailed fish lives. The rag should not dry out; it should be regularly and carefully moistened with a spray bottle.

After 2-3 days, the rag needs to be lifted, and if double tails begin to scatter from under it, everything is done correctly. It is moistened again and left for another day so that the arthropods return to their place. After this, without lifting it, pour boiling water or a chlorine-containing preparation over the rag.

Onion and garlic tincture

In private homes, it is recommended to regularly spray the corners with fragrant products rich in essential oils. This is a tincture of onion and garlic. It is prepared like this: pour the onion and garlic paste with vodka in a 1:1 ratio by volume.

For example, 1 glass of mixture for one glass of vodka. Leave for several days, strain and pour into a spray bottle. You can spray it every day; the product is harmless to people and pets.

Infusions of medicinal herbs

Another remedy that is harmless to humans can be obtained by infusing herbs. Wormwood, tansy, yarrow, chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, mint, and lemon balm are suitable.

The raw materials must be finely chopped and an infusion prepared. To do this, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:2. Leave for 24 hours. Strain and use as the previous remedy.

Boric acid

Boric acid kills most insects when inhaled . It will also help against multiplying arthropods.

It is scattered in areas of accumulation or in floor cracks. Spraying corners and walls with boric acid solution will also help.

Specialized services

If you can’t cope on your own, and there is a suspicion that in addition to the two-tailed earwig, an earwig has taken up residence in your apartment, then you need to call for help. Now there are many private specialized companies that help get rid of both. The effect of visiting a specialist should be long-lasting.

Why did double-tails appear in a house or apartment?

The official name of the insect is earwig. They are popularly called two-tailed, although two-tailed (fork-tailed) are actually a completely different order. But the point is not at all in the name, which simply took root among people. When meeting two-tailed fish, a person immediately associates them with painful bites. And this is not surprising, because the insect has a rather menacing appearance with long mustaches, legs and a pair of “claws” at the end of the body. The two-tailed bird has wings, but it rarely flies. It can reach 7-50 mm in length.

The insect leads a nocturnal and secretive lifestyle: during the day it hides in secluded places and comes out only at night. As for the reasons for the appearance of double-wests in the house, the most likely ones include:

  • insufficient ventilation, which causes dampness to form in closed areas, which insects love;
  • high humidity (applies to rooms where clothes are washed and dried, bathrooms and toilets, poorly ventilated rooms, leaking plumbing);
  • free access to food (dirty dishes in the sink and an overflowing trash can, boxes of stored fruits or vegetables can attract insects);
  • plants and their cut remains (attractive to two-easted birds, which can feed on them).

The reasons for double-easting in an apartment are almost the same. An insect can enter a home from a damp basement or live in clogged ventilation, where it is humid and warm. Two-oriental is attracted by the smell of household waste. They can also enter the house with the harvest, especially if it is carrion of pears, apples, and apricots. Often the cause is overwatering indoor plants, especially if there are a lot of them.

Reasons for appearance

To get rid of uninvited guests, you need to eliminate the reason for their appearance. To do this, you need to know where the double tails come from in the house.

They usually appear where there are three main conditions for their comfortable life:

  • water;
  • high humidity;
  • food and other waste residues.

In other words: dampness and dirt are their favorite places. Plant residues, which become humus due to moisture, provide them with nutrition for a long time. Moreover, there should not be a lot of them: ordinary accumulations of dirt in the corners, invisible to the human eye.

When a minimum of moisture gets there, processes occur that attract these pests. Then only proven means of struggle help.

Another source of trouble is holes and cracks, especially in old wooden or private houses. Two-tailed insects can live between ceilings, but do not penetrate into the room. The presence of tiny holes makes it possible for them to move inside.

If these reasons are removed without taking any additional actions to destroy them, the two-tailed birds will disappear. Or rather, they will move to places where there are more comfortable living conditions.

Preventive actions

To prevent uninvited guests from appearing in a person’s home, it is enough to follow a number of recommendations. For example:

  • Avoid excessive humidity in the apartment or house.
  • Do not leave wet rags on the floor.
  • Promptly get rid of leaks in water supply and sewerage systems.
  • Do not overwater houseplants.
  • Timely seal cracks in the floor, window frames, baseboards, window sills, etc.
  • Do not dry clothes in the house or apartment. This leads to increased humidity.
  • Avoid dampness in the house or apartment.
  • Regularly monitor the microclimate in the apartment.

If a double tail appears in your home, this is a reason for a serious analysis of living conditions. Surely, this insect was attracted by suitable conditions for existence. Such suitable conditions are high humidity. This factor not only affects the appearance of insects in the apartment, but also negatively affects human health, since high humidity leads to mold in the apartment, and mold leads to various allergic manifestations and ailments. Such consequences are much more dangerous than the appearance of two-tailed insects in a person’s home.

Centipede in the apartment

False scorpions in the apartment




Why is it dangerous for humans?

The double-tail itself, located in an apartment or house, is not dangerous. However, its appearance suggests that from a hygiene point of view, not all is well. Of course, you can remove pests using modern means, but, as a rule, you first need to eliminate the causes.

That is, restore order, reduce humidity, wipe walls and corners. Otherwise, after a short period of time they will appear again.

There is a myth that the two-tailed earwig is the same as the earwig, which supposedly can penetrate through the ear of a sleeping person into the brain. Scientists say such claims are groundless. There is not a single fact that would confirm this fiction. In addition, they belong to different classes in the classification. Their similarity is limited to 2 tail-like cerci.

The difference between the two-tailed earwig and the earwig

  1. Insects belong to different families.
  2. Body color and size.
  3. Earwigs have wings.

Double-tailed animals are unpleasant to humans due to their appearance. They carry various infections on their feet. They do not pose a threat to human life, but an adult pincer can bite noticeably without deeply piercing the skin with its claws.

Doubletails are much smaller than earwigs, namely from 2 to 5 mm in length, in the rarest cases up to 5 cm.

Attention! The venom injected during the bite is not poisonous. But cases of allergies are possible: a painful blister appears at the site of the bite. You must seek medical help!

Two-tails in small quantities are beneficial. For example, they destroy aphids in the garden. But due to rapid reproduction, all planted crops begin to spoil.

According to modern ideas, the first two-tails arose in the late Carboniferous period.

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