Advantages and disadvantages of the “Raid” flea remedy for use in apartments and private houses

  1. Description of the drug Reid
  2. Preparing for disinfestation
  3. Precautionary measures
  4. Instructions for use Raid against fleas
  5. Pros and cons of Raid in the fight against fleas
  6. Possible health effects

Raid is a new generation insecticide, the active ingredient of which is cypermethrin (belongs to the class of pyrethroids). The product instantly kills mature individuals and their larvae. You can learn how to use Flea Raid in an apartment from this material.

Description of the drug Reid

The product is available in a 350 ml can. It is enough to treat an apartment of up to 50 m². Two or three bottles are enough to disinfect a private home.

The toxic substance enters the parasite's body through contact (through the chitinous layer) and intestinal (through food) routes.

Cypermethrin affects nerve cells, resulting in paralysis and then painful death. The product has a prolonged effect (the effect of use lasts up to 20 days).

Solfisan: fleas will retreat after the first spraying!

It's difficult to meet a pet owner who has never experienced fleas. These blood-sucking pests are everywhere, they prevent you from sleeping peacefully, they bite painfully, and they also carry dangerous diseases. But not everything is so bad, because there are special means that allow you to “harass” insects quickly and without unpleasant consequences for pets and their owners. One of them is Solfisan. The liquid is harmless to people and warm-blooded animals, economical and allows you to quickly deal with any pests.

Features of the drug

The composition of Solfisan is unique. Instead of traditional insecticides, it contains the rather rare cyfluthrin. This is a powerful substance that affects the nerve fibers of fleas. First, the insect experiences paralysis and then dies.

For the remedy to take effect, one touch is enough - the poison easily penetrates the body through the chitinous shell. This lethality is explained by the fact that the toxin used is relatively young; the pests have not yet had time to develop “intergenerational” immunity.

The oily yellowish liquid is available in 10 ml bottles, but you can also find 100 ml packaging. People who have used the product note the following benefits:

  • for at least 12 weeks after use, not a single parasite will disturb you - this is the manufacturer’s guarantee, which, oddly enough, works;
  • Solfisan has a neutral odor;
  • The product is safe for people and animals.

In addition, the use of the drug does not require large expenses - per 1 sq. m. only 50 ml of product is required.

Important. If you need to treat rough surfaces, the dosage will be doubled - 100 ml will be required per meter. Any remedy for parasites is toxic, even if the manufacturer promises absolutely no side effects. Therefore, before treating the room you need to:

Therefore, before treating the room you need to:

Any remedy for parasites is toxic, even if the manufacturer promises absolutely no side effects. Therefore, before treating the room you need to:

  • get a protective mask, respirator and rubber gloves;
  • All household members, along with pets, should be sent out for a walk;
  • clothes, children's toys, indoor flowers and food should be sealed and stored in a closed space.

These precautions will eliminate some problems, such as allergic reactions. To spray a room, Solfisan must be diluted in water. Concentration – 1 ml of product per 400 ml of warm (not hot) water. Rules of application:

Concentration – 1 ml of product per 400 ml of warm (not hot) water. Rules of application:

To spray a room, Solfisan must be diluted in water. Concentration – 1 ml of product per 400 ml of warm (not hot) water. Rules of application:

  • all smooth floor surfaces are sprayed;
  • corners and cracks are carefully processed (there may be flea eggs there);
  • walls should be treated to a height of 1 meter above floor level (maximum flea jump).

After completing the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap and water and rinse your mouth with water.

Do not drink, eat or smoke while working. If the product gets on the skin, it should be washed off with plenty of water. If Sulfisan penetrates the mouth and esophagus, you should take activated charcoal and wash it down with two glasses of water. If it gets really bad, you need to see a doctor.

Reference. The product in an open bottle is suitable for use for 28 days. The finished solution retains its killing power for no more than 24 hours.

The kitten brought from the street turned out to be flea-ridden. As a result, insects multiplied throughout the house and began to bite. I tried Solfisan. I did not feel any side effects; flea bodies began to be detected within a day after treating the home. I'm more than satisfied with the result!

Oksana, Chita

At the dacha, the dog picked up fleas, and as a result, the entire apartment was overrun by small pests. Products for treating animal fur only angered the bloodsuckers, and they moved on to me. Solfisan solved the problem once and for all - after spraying the house, 4 months have passed and there are not a single flea on our territory.

Arkady, Kotlas

What have I tried for fleas? I haven't found anything better than Solfisan yet. Within a day, the activity of the insects decreased significantly, and after a week not a trace remained of them. During treatment, I accidentally dropped the concentrate from the bottle onto my hand, which resulted in a rash on my skin. It passed quickly, but the lesson was learned - you need to be more careful when working with toxins.

Yuri, Samara

How to get rid of fleas in the video below:

Preparing for disinfestation

Before disinsection of the apartment with the drug, wet cleaning is done. Thoroughly wash floors and wipe surfaces with disinfectants. Carpets are beaten and then vacuumed.

If there are pets (cats, dogs) living in the house, the first thing to do is remove parasites from them. For this purpose, special means for animals are used. It is strictly forbidden to use Raid spray to treat an apartment, as it will cause serious harm to the health of your pet.

The TV and computer are covered with a plastic bag. Cabinet drawers are completely emptied. Bed linen is washed at high temperature, then ironed with an iron or steam generator.

Furniture is moved away from the wall. Mattresses are removed from the bed, decorative items (carpets, paintings) are removed from the wall. Food and utensils are isolated.

The cracks and ventilation are closed so that fleas do not migrate to neighbors and then return again.

Animal handling

In order for the treatment of animals to be as effective and safe as possible, you need to contact a veterinarian who will help you choose the right remedy. Remember that the choice of drug is absolutely individual; it is necessary to take into account health status, age, weight, and possible diseases. You cannot use medications for cats that are intended for dogs, as this is dangerous to the pet’s health.

The drug Reid is prohibited for use on animals; it can only be used as an insecticide for treating premises.

Precautionary measures

By taking precautions, you can prevent unpleasant health consequences:

  • First, check the integrity of the bottle.
  • During the period of disinsection, pregnant women, children, and pets (including birds, aquarium fish) are removed from the apartment. There remains a person who carries out disinfestation.
  • If it is impossible to take the aquarium out of the apartment, then it is covered with protective glass to reduce the risk of the product getting into the water.
  • The treatment is done using rubber gloves and a respirator. Clothes are worn with long sleeves, preferably made of cotton fabric.
  • The product is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, persons under 18 years of age, and people with allergies.
  • The aerosol is not sprayed into the air near sources of ignition.
  • The product is stored in a place inaccessible to children.
  • During manipulations, you should not drink, smoke, or eat.
  • The insecticide is not sprayed on dishes, children's toys, or bedding (they are hidden in bags and taken out of the apartment).

It is prohibited to tamper with the integrity of the cylinder as it is under pressure. The used bottle is disposed of with household waste.

Environmental conditions

Fleas cannot tolerate certain conditions, the creation of which can lead to their disappearance. Like other insects, bloodsuckers are afraid of negative temperatures. Even a drop in air temperature to +10 degrees does not allow the “horses” to reproduce. This fear makes it possible to quickly defeat fleas in winter - you just need to let the frost get into the room. And if doing this with an apartment is somewhat difficult, then freezing a barn, a chicken coop or a separate summer kitchen is not at all difficult.

Fleas, their eggs and larvae Fleas are afraid of water, so while bathing the animal you can reduce the number of insects. To do this, you need to pour enough water into the bath so that the animal is completely covered. You can water your head from a ladle, avoiding getting water into your ears. The fleas will move to the remaining dry areas where they can be easily collected. The sun also repels fleas - bloodsuckers try to run away from an animal lying in the sun.

Instructions for use Raid against fleas

The bottle is held in a vertical position and sprayed at a distance of thirty centimeters from the surfaces. Particular care is taken to treat baseboards, doorways, windows, closet shelves, animal bedding, hard-to-reach places, cracks in walls and floors. If possible, disinfest the basement.

Furniture and surfaces are treated at a height of one meter from the floor (pests are able to jump to such a distance). During spraying, windows and doors are closed so that the substance is distributed on the surface in an even layer and concentrated in the room. When windows and doors are open, the product will evaporate and there will be no effect of disinfestation.

After disinsection, the apartment is left for at least two hours (more if possible). Wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth.

After a while, the room is ventilated for an hour. After this, wet cleaning is done. Surfaces are wiped with a soda-soap solution. To prepare it, dissolve half a piece of laundry soap in 1 liter of water and add 15 g of soda.

To preserve the disinfestation properties of the drug, floors are washed no less than after 20 days. Cleaning is carried out using a vacuum cleaner.

Side effects and poisoning

If dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness or other symptoms appear while working with Reid, you must immediately stop the procedure, go out into fresh air, wash with soap, and rinse your mouth with water. If symptoms do not go away, consult a doctor.

In animals, poisoning manifests itself in the form of excessive salivation, tremors of the limbs, weakness; it is necessary to contact a veterinarian.

Pros and cons of Raid in the fight against fleas

Reid flea remedy has pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  • affordable price (300-350 rubles);
  • affects various types of insects;
  • has a prolonged effect;
  • is a fourth generation insecticide;
  • ease of use (the composition is not diluted, but used in finished form);
  • pleasant smell (lavender, orange, spring freshness).

The disadvantages of the drug are:

  • Repeated treatment after 10-14 days.
  • The product does not affect flea eggs.
  • With a large population of pests, the drug is ineffective.
  • Raid leaves whitish streaks on hard surfaces.
  • Despite the fragrances included in the composition, the drug also has a pronounced chemical smell.

After weighing all the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is advisable to use Raid against fleas.

How it works

Raid against fleas in an apartment
Penetrating into the pest’s body using the contact-intestinal method, the insecticidal composition interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis and subsequently the death of bloodsuckers. Moreover, Raid affects both adult individuals and their larvae. Only the eggs of parasites are not subject to it because of their especially strong protective shell. As a result, there is a need for re-processing.

Signs of appearance in the house

There are not many of them, but the signs are quite characteristic, they are difficult to misinterpret. A cat or dog begins to scratch in a specific way, the animal becomes nervous and behaves restlessly. People develop small, itchy sores or sores (sometimes painful).

When the flea population reaches a critical limit, they begin to actively move along the floor, carpeting, and upholstered furniture. Around the same time, they become noticeable on the pet’s skin and on the floor. Any of these signs requires immediate intervention.

Favorite Habitats

The bed flea chooses certain secluded places as its favorite habitats. The most important aspects for the existence of insects are: warmth, low humidity.

Bed fleas can be found on woolen carpets, bedding, and other similar surfaces. There the parasites spend time between meals, lay eggs, and hide.


Fleas appear especially often in the bed if the linen is changed irregularly and the room is practically not ventilated. Lack of wet or dry cleaning, accumulation of dust, dirt, abundance of various carpets, capes - almost ideal conditions for the appearance of fleas in the bed.

Detecting the presence of insects is easy - on the laundry you can find not only the parasites themselves, but also dark grains of sand - the result of their vital activity.


Linen fleas are often found in large numbers in household bedding that is not regularly cleaned, for example, in mattresses, bedside crannies, and under the bed. Since parasites are small in size, they can be difficult to detect.

As a rule, this becomes clear from the bites that appear on the body of household members. When treating the bedroom, it is important to disinfect the mattresses; this will help prevent the reappearance of insects.


Fleas in the sofa are a fairly common phenomenon that is often noted by pet owners. Parasites appear there especially often if, for example, a cat or dog has chosen a sofa for relaxation.

To get rid of sofa fleas, it is important to spray this piece of furniture as thoroughly as possible, and then put bunches of aromatic herbs, such as lavender, in the laundry box.

Use of traditional methods of extermination

If you do not want to use chemicals, you can use folk recipes. Essential oils are very effective because they kill parasites with their scent. Most often people turn to for help:

  • tansy;
  • eucalyptus;
  • wormwood;
  • tea tree.

You should prepare decoctions from such plants and sprinkle them on the walls of the sofa; in addition, you can use dry plant branches laid out under the bed. Eucalyptus fragrance must be mixed with ammonia, then added to water and the floors washed with this solution. In addition, fleas cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits. For this reason, it is recommended to spray your sofa with orange or lemon essential oil.

Peppermint is allowed. You need to take 20 g of fresh crushed plant and spread it under the sofa. In addition, you can boil mint, infuse it and spray it on the bed. Particular attention should be paid to the mattress, since most often this is where fleas accumulate.

Turpentine and kerosene are considered effective remedies, although these substances have a pungent odor. It is necessary to use the drug based on them according to the following scheme:

  • pour turpentine into a bowl of hot water;
  • take a brush and treat the sofa;
  • The procedure must be repeated daily until the fleas disappear.

There is another old but effective method: you need to take tobacco and pour it on the sofa, leave it for 3-4 hours, and then vacuum it. Experts recommend using a solution of salt and soda. You need to take these food products (200 g each), add 1-2 tbsp. l. water, mix the ingredients thoroughly in a plate, and then treat the sofa, toys and other fleecy surfaces with the resulting mixture.

At the end of the procedure, you need to vacuum the disinfected areas and, if necessary, repeat the technology after 2-3 days if the fleas do not disappear.

Operating principle

Reid has a viral effect on parasites. The active substance, when it gets on the body of bedbugs, destroys the nervous system. An infected individual, through contact with others, poisons the entire population.

A unique feature of Raid is the duration of action - about 15 days after treatment, which is very long for aerosols.

Advantages of the product:

  • Ease of use. Aerosol Raid is very easy to use and does not require prior preparation.
  • High efficiency. The active ingredients quickly destroy bedbugs.
  • A long service life, which is not typical for aerosol products, which distinguishes Raid from its analogues.
  • Safety. If all rules of use are followed, the product does not pose a danger to people and pets.


  • Pungent, cloying smell.
  • A film remains on the surfaces; it must be washed off with a soap and soda solution, this will neutralize the effect of poisons.
  • Like all universal remedies, Reid is less effective than narrow-profile drugs against bedbugs. Although if the population of bedbugs is small, the product will be quite suitable for the desired result.
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