Bleach for fleas in the house and apartment, isn't it harmful for the family?


When wondering whether whiteness will help against fleas, it is worth noting that this composition is quite effective, as it contains chlorine and other auxiliary substances. The main component of the product is used in nurseries for cleaning cages and disinfecting surfaces.

Bleach against fleas is effective only if the insecticide is used correctly. When exposed directly, it can dry out the bodies of parasites.

When wondering whether bleach helps against fleas with a single use of the product, it is worth noting that this depends on the degree of infestation of the room. Usually you need to spray the drug several times at certain intervals.

Methods for quickly getting rid of insects, what commercial preparations can be used

The ones listed in the table can be recommended as commercially available fast-acting drugs.

DiatomiteAn insecticide based on natural ingredients, available in powder. Absolutely harmless. The product should be scattered over the surface of the carpet and left for a day. Then you need to vacuum thoroughly and, if necessary, repeat the procedure again.
DichlorvosA popular remedy that allows you to cope with insects of any type. The composition includes pyrethroids: deltamethrin, cypermethrin, permethrin. It acts quickly and effectively, but it is not safe for health.
RaptorAvailable in aerosol form. The main advantages are non-toxic and odorless. You can get rid of parasites without leaving the premises. An aerosol is sprayed into the room, and the person can continue to be in this room.

In fact, there are many effective insect repellents, some toxic, others not.

Before purchasing, it is important to carefully read the instructions.

Are fleas afraid of bleach and whiteness?

The question of whether indoor fleas are afraid of bleach can be answered positively only if there is constant contact of the parasite with this substance. If the smell dissipates quickly, the insect may return.

Flea white also provides good disinfection of the room, but when using it, you must follow the rules for diluting the insecticide. For maximum effect, it is important not only to wash the floors with chlorine, but also to wash the bedding and the pet’s bed in white.

Safety measures when disinfesting with aroma oils

When disinfesting a room from insects, you should follow some safety precautions:

  • essential oil product is used only diluted with water;
  • An overdose of an aromatic product is not allowed;
  • Pets should not be treated with this solution;
  • before using the product in an apartment, you should make sure that the selected substance does not cause an allergic reaction in people and pets;
  • If children or pregnant women live in the house, you will have to stop using essential oil.

If, after treating the apartment, one of its residents feels unwell, dizziness and nausea appear, the room must be urgently ventilated.

Are they afraid of the smell?

Answering the question whether fleas are afraid of the smell of bleach, it is worth noting that bloodsuckers have an excellent sense of smell. The product blocks the nervous system of the parasite, paralyzing it, so whiteness and fleas are incompatible.

With weak disinfection, bloodsuckers can leave the premises and find new housing, but if the work is taken seriously, then most of the individuals will die on the spot without having time to escape.

What plants repel parasites

What grass are fleas most afraid of? The most popular herbal remedies for these insects are wormwood and tansy. Their decoction is also suitable for bathing pets.

In addition to them, lavender, geranium, cloves, thyme, mint, lemon balm, bay leaves, bark, eucalyptus, rosemary, hellebore, as well as branches of coniferous trees and plants - fir, spruce, cedar, juniper - have an excellent repellent effect against fleas.

Application: spread fresh or dry branches of the above plants throughout the infected room or prepare a decoction from them for treating surfaces.

Recipe: 3 tablespoons of leaves or flowers per 1 cup of boiling water. Keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Leave to sit for at least 60 minutes. Strain the resulting herbal decoction and use it for wet cleaning or spraying in the air.

How to process

When asking the question whether fleas are afraid of the smell of bleach, it is worth remembering that for the method to be effective, you need to properly treat the room. Chlorine is quite toxic and in its pure form is not used in residential buildings.

To avoid skin burns and allergies, it is diluted with water to 10% concentration. To do this, take 1 kg of product per 10 liters.

After general cleaning, the walls, baseboards and floors are treated with a solution. It is important to clean all the nooks and crannies of the room. Otherwise, this is where the parasites will go. Fleas are most afraid of low and high temperatures.

Rugs and other things can be washed in boiling water, and other things can be taken out into the cold. Therefore, it is easier to poison bloodsuckers in winter. It is enough to scare them with the smell of chlorine and ventilate the room well.

Dry product

Bleach kills fleas even in dry form. This method has its advantages, as it does not require careful preparation. But at the same time, ensuring the correct and complete distribution of the substance in dry form is problematic.

Therefore, it is worth treating the yard against fleas with dry bleach, and in the house it is better to resort to spraying a water solution.

Indoors, fleas often hide in carpets and upholstered furniture. While an aqueous solution can leave stains, dry powder does not have this drawback. It is poured onto the surface for several hours, after which the object is vacuumed, if acceptable, washed thoroughly with a soapy solution.

If there are no people or pets near the place where the substance is used, then it is advisable to leave the drug for 2-3 weeks. In general, the effectiveness of dry powder can last 2 months.

Chlorine is a hazard to breathing only until the first dust settles on the substance. Efficiency in the fight against parasites is observed only in relation to adults and larvae. This method does not threaten the eggs in any way.

Therefore, the treatment must be repeated after 2 weeks. If this remedy does not help, then it is worth trying a different approach, since sometimes parasites develop immunity to this substance.


Knowing that bleach kills fleas, germs and helps prevent infection by diseases carried by parasites, it is actively used to treat toilets, pet cages, trash cans, shoes, and floor paths.

Bleach helps against fleas in the apartment, but if used carelessly it can harm humans. A weak solution of the substance can be used only after protecting the face and hands with a respirator and gloves.

After completing the treatment of the premises, you should thoroughly ventilate the rooms to completely remove the insecticide fumes. Use bleach to wash baseboards, floors and walls.

When ridding your home of fleas, you should not wipe your pets with the substance, as this is very dangerous for the animal. For small households, there are special shampoos, aerosols, drops and collars that frighten fleas and force them to jump off their prey.


Whiteness against fleas in an apartment is no less effective than chlorine, which is the main component of the product. In addition, whiteness is used to clean tiles, enamel, and remove stains from clothes.

Anti-flea whitening is popular due to its availability, versatility and ease of use. The disadvantage is its ability to spoil colored fabrics and surfaces.

Also, its vapors are dangerous to humans, so when processing it is necessary to use a respirator and gloves.

To disinfect the premises, the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. To clean drains, use an undiluted product and pour it into the pipe for 8 hours. You need to wash off the whiteness with strong pressure of cold water.

To keep the product safe, store it in a cool, dark place out of reach of animals and children. When the expiration date expires, the white ceases to be active against germs and fleas.

After parasites appear in the house, it is important to disinfect cat litter boxes, aquariums, and pet cages. A ratio of 1:10 is suitable for trays and aquariums.

Toilets are cleaned once every 1-2 weeks. Aquariums can be disinfected less frequently. Cells are cleaned with a 1:20 solution. To do this, spray the substance with a spray bottle and leave it for a day. After washing and airing the cage, the pet is released into it.

The tiles are cleaned with a solution of 1:20 after first removing dust and surface dirt. After a couple of hours, the drug can already be washed off. To eliminate mold in tile seams, rub it with undiluted solution and leave for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off and ventilated.


Fleas, how to get rid of them

Environmental conditions

Fleas cannot tolerate certain conditions, the creation of which can lead to their disappearance. Like other insects, bloodsuckers are afraid of negative temperatures. Even a drop in air temperature to +10 degrees does not allow the “horses” to reproduce. This fear makes it possible to quickly defeat fleas in winter - you just need to let the frost get into the room. And if doing this with an apartment is somewhat difficult, then freezing a barn, a chicken coop or a separate summer kitchen is not at all difficult.

On a note!

High temperatures are also not suitable for parasites: when the mark of 45 degrees is exceeded, insects begin to die en masse.

Fleas, their eggs and larvae
Fleas are afraid of water, so while bathing the animal you can reduce the number of insects. To do this, you need to pour enough water into the bath so that the animal is completely covered. You can water your head from a ladle, avoiding getting water into your ears. The fleas will move to the remaining dry areas where they can be easily collected. The sun also repels fleas - bloodsuckers try to run away from an animal lying in the sun.


When we had a lot of fleas, we didn’t know what to do. I really didn’t want to use strong products because the children were small. And not everything can be used on animals. We purchased Beaphar collars for cats and dogs. They jumped off the animals, although not immediately. But they stayed in the apartment. We all walked around bitten, the children slept poorly. We decided to use the entire arsenal of folk remedies: we scattered orange peels everywhere, washed them with ammonia, dripped essential oils, and lit candles with suitable scents. They constantly brought wormwood branches from walks, and bought mint from grandmothers at the market. A month of suffering, and we finally got rid of fleas. I hope we never see them in our apartment again.

Alla, Novokuzetsk

Popular questions

Is it possible to combine other insecticides with bleach and bleach? Due to the fact that parasites are able to develop immunity to chlorine, it is better to use it after disinfection with stronger chemicals. This is done 1-2 weeks after the general treatment of the room.

Is it possible to poison fleas with white in basements? Planes isolated from people are most suitable for spraying chlorine, since it is quite toxic for households. It can be left in powder form in basements for several months. All this time, the product will remain active and repel parasites.

How often is chlorine disinfection carried out in residential apartments? Ideally, to exterminate parasites, it is necessary to provide them with constant contact with the substance. To do this, you need to spray the solution every 2 weeks until the problem disappears completely. After this, apply the treatment one more time to destroy new individuals hatched from the eggs.

Bleach and bleach are used against fleas as improvised remedies in the absence of more powerful insecticides. It is difficult to save an apartment with severe damage, since only adult individuals can eliminate these substances.

It is advisable to use chlorine as a prophylactic agent, spraying it over the surface several times a month. If the insect is provided with direct contact with the poison, the chlorine will not only drive guests out of the house, but can also cause their death.

Drugs that cause paralysis in insects

Some insecticides have a paralytic effect on fleas. This occurs due to their ability to penetrate the chitinous scales of insects. Once ingested directly into the body, the toxin is fatal.

Paralytic poisons are used by professional disinfection services. Within 1-2 hours, all insects are completely destroyed.

Attention: after such a toxic treatment, you will not be able to enter the apartment for almost a week.

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