Fleas bite a person. How does this happen and what does it lead to?

Most people practice good hygiene. A person's body temperature is 36.6 degrees, which is significantly lower than that of animals, and the meager amount of hair on the body contributes to the fact that a person is a carrier of fleas, but they cannot constantly parasitize him.

The human flea adapts perfectly to its environment and visits humans only while eating.

The most common types of fleas

  • Dog and cat fleas. Their bites on the body appear when a person comes into contact with animals.
  • Rat. They are more widespread in rural areas. This type of flea carries the most dangerous diseases.
  • Avian and other species.

Flea bites can cause discomfort, cause allergies and cause illness. Typically, bite marks on the skin completely disappear after 4 days.


An insect attack is easy to notice. Boha can move quickly, so nature has not endowed it with an anesthetic enzyme in its saliva. A flea bite is quite painful.

Different types of insects and the damage they cause

Sand (ground) fleas are very dangerous to human health. Bites cause purulent abscesses because the insects penetrate the skin and multiply there. This can lead to the development of serious diseases. Prevention includes wearing socks and shoes, keeping your home clean, and washing your feet after walking in contaminated areas. These measures will help avoid infection from sand flea bites. Treatment is possible in a surgical setting: the flea is removed with tweezers, the wound is disinfected and a bandage is applied.

Pets are also susceptible to attacks by these insects. Both cats and dogs can have fleas. An animal that is affected by these parasites shows anxiety, bites itself, scratches itself, trying to catch the flea with its teeth. Dog (cat) flea bites cause allergic dermatitis in animals.

Features and treatment of the consequences of a flea bite

The human flea is almost no different from its counterparts (cats, dogs, rats, etc.). Its body is flattened laterally, equipped with strong hind legs for making long and sharp jumps. A flea can cover a distance of half a meter in a microsecond. Its oral piercing-sucking apparatus is small, so when the skin is pierced, the flea plunges almost half into it. Its body forms a right angle with respect to the skin of the victim when it bites. The dense chitinous shell and flattened body make the parasite immune to physical influences (it is almost impossible to catch or crush a flea). The bloodsucker is not constantly on a person, spending most of its time in other places.

An adult female produces several eggs in one clutch, which develop within 14 days in cracks in the floor, walls, carpets, and upholstered furniture. The larva hatching from the egg goes through several molts and soon turns into an adult. A female can lay more than 500 eggs in her entire life (which is from 1.5 to 3 years).

Fleas that bite animals are almost no different from humans. They have the same size, color, life expectancy. A more thorough study of the parasite and determining what species it belongs to is possible only with the help of special equipment.

Specialists in Khanty-Mansiysk have all the means to detect insects and destroy them instantly.


Wounds after flea bites take a long time to heal, they can become inflamed and fester.

In order for blood to flow into the digestive system in a continuous stream, the flea, along with saliva, introduces a toxic enzyme that prevents blood clotting. After the parasite is removed, the skin at the site of the bite closes, but microbleeding underneath continues, leading to hemorrhage. Multiple bites in one place can lead to purpura (subcutaneous hemorrhage).

Frequent consequences of flea bites

  • Allergy. Its options are not limited (swelling, itching, redness, anaphylactic shock).
  • A severe infection of the body that the parasite suffered from other victims.
  • Suppuration and inflammation of the bite.

Allergic reactions are more likely to occur in children and people whose skin is highly sensitive. If the bite is too painful or does not go away within 4 days, be sure to consult a doctor. Wounds should be washed with warm water and antiseptic soap. A piece of ice applied to the wound will help relieve swelling.


The child's body is more susceptible to the negative effects of injected toxic enzymes. The child’s immunity is weakened, so swelling after flea bites in children is much greater than in adults.

Bite areas can be treated with sulfur ointment, an aqueous solution of baking soda, vodka, iodine and brilliant green. These measures disinfect the wound, reduce swelling and reduce itching.

Do not scratch the bite site. Along with dirt, an infection can get into the wound, resulting in inflammation and suppuration.

Bites from different types of insects can cause different reactions. For example, the earthen flea does not just bite a person. It can get deep into the skin under the nails and lay eggs there, which will cause suppuration. Its larvae develop by eating purulent formations and organic tissue.

The cat flea causes fungal infections and infectious diseases, transmits helminth and cucumber tapeworm eggs into human blood. The larvae are thus spread throughout the body, affecting internal organs.

A rat flea attack is the most dangerous. A person can get sick from typhus, plague and other deadly diseases.


If you are bitten, refrain from scratching the wound. This can cause the infection to quickly spread throughout the body. If you treat the wound quickly, you will minimize the risk of infection.

Why don't fleas bite everyone?

A remarkable fact, but house fleas do not attack all people. And there is a scientific justification for such an unusual exception, which includes several judgments:

  • Preference is given to people with the first blood group. Happy carriers of the fourth group are least likely to be attacked by “bloodsuckers”;
  • People with thin skin are ideal victims for fleas. After all, parasites literally pierce the skin, and it is much easier to bite through thin tissue;
  • The cat flea is a very aggressive and active parasite, compared to other representatives of the order. Most often, people are attacked by these parasites;
  • Allergy sufferers are more sensitive to flea bites;
  • A person cannot always feel bites; this can be explained by different degrees of pain threshold. Simply, some people do not notice them.

How to avoid flea bites on people?

It is possible to stop the merciless attack of fleas and escape from harmful insects by treating your home and pets. Animals must be washed with soapy water and their fur combed with a comb. You also need to apply a special anti-flea product to the fur and skin and wear an anti-flea collar. Give your home a thorough cleaning, paying attention to carpets, corners, baseboards and areas behind furniture.

To survive, fleas must constantly suck blood, so they will always be a source of infection. The bite of one insect is not dangerous, however, if the infestation continues to grow, it is very important to intervene in time and stop the epidemic!

If you do not react in time, then the likelihood of a numerous invasion of parasites is obvious. Rid your home of fleas with the help of professional exterminators and qualified technicians.

Prevent the spread of infection!

Symptoms and methods of control

Flea bites cause allergies, itching and redness. During the first hours, a blister forms, which quickly disappears. The size of the swelling depends on the type of parasite attacked. Residual effects are caused by micro hemorrhages. Their severity and duration also depend on the type of parasite.

Most often, bites occur on the legs. If the attack occurred in a dream, then the arms, neck, chest, and stomach suffer. If there were a lot of fleas, then they leave a distance of about 2 cm between the wounds. There is no consistent chain of bites, like with a bug.

How to distinguish a flea bite

  • You feel a sharp pain.
  • The bite site is very itchy (more itchy than a mosquito bite).
  • There is slight swelling.
  • More bites on the lower body and legs.

All of the above phenomena are accompanied by rashes, a possible increase in temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, and the appearance of suppuration, which indicates pulicosis.


Pulicosis is a dermatological disease accompanied by difficulty breathing, fever, diarrhea, with signs of anaphylactic shock. You need to see a doctor immediately.

How does a flea allergy develop in humans?

When flea bites develop the so-called type 1 allergy according to Jell and Coombs. During the initial bite, the body produces antibodies specific to the flea's saliva. The antibodies then attach to the mast cells. If saliva re-enters a sensitized organism, cross-linking of the molecule in saliva with nearby antibodies occurs. This causes membrane changes and activation of cells containing histamines. In addition to histamines, other substances responsible for the allergic reaction are released - leukotrienes, prostaglandins.

Killing fleas with insecticides

Local control of insects is an ineffective method of exterminating them. First you need to find the source of the parasites. will sanitize the premises and 100% destroy all harmful insects. In our work we use certified equipment and effective chemicals that are safe for animals and humans.

If you have a pet living in your house, it also needs to be treated. You can use drops, shampoo, spray or gel. Don’t forget about the bedding (the animal’s habitat), carpets, and upholstered furniture. Thoroughly clean the room every 2 weeks, paying attention to corners and crevices. They must be treated with special means. Don't rule out car interior treatment. When killing fleas, use only professional insecticides that have already shown high effectiveness in controlling parasites. To prevent a new invasion of the premises, keep wormwood with inflorescences at home or periodically wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth soaked in tansy infusion.

Flea bites in a child

If parasites bite a child, the symptoms will be more severe. In addition to the manifestations characteristic of adults, there will be severe motor restlessness and excessive excitement. Children become capricious and may cry or show aggression. Characterized by stool disorders, increased body temperature, and difficulty breathing. Urticaria occurs. Sometimes symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed: a general asthenic state, weakness, lethargy, apathy, nausea, repeated vomiting.

Since children's skin is more delicate, wounds take longer to heal than those of adults. In addition, each bite causes changes in the composition of the blood.

The child was bitten by a flea.

How to speed up the skin healing process?

Since an allergy to a flea bite causes severe itching, it is important to choose the right remedy to combat it. Restoring cream "La-Cri" effectively copes not only with itching and burning of the skin, but also helps eliminate its redness and inflammation. The cream contains natural ingredients: string, walnut and violet extracts, as well as panthenol, bisabolol and avocado oil. They have an antipruritic, antimicrobial, softening and regenerating effect, as a result of which the skin quickly returns to its normal state.

Itching relievers

Products for relieving the sensation of itching, which only intensifies after scratching, are produced in the following format:

  • ointments;
  • sprays;
  • emulsions;
  • suspensions;
  • tablets;
  • lotions.

The following pharmacological compounds have proven their effectiveness:

  1. Calamine. The product is in the form of a white lotion based on zinc carbonate. Instantly relieves itching (the product is even used to relieve itching sensations during chickenpox), removes tissue swelling and promotes wound healing. The bite sites are treated with a cotton pad or swab dipped in the substance three times a day until the redness completely disappears. It has no contraindications and is used for adults and children.
  2. Fenistil. Local action gel relieves itching, burning and pain. Apply to the affected area 3-4 times a day. It is available in a convenient tube format, but has a number of contraindications. Not recommended for use on children, pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Flucinar. Hormonal ointment, which is recommended to be rubbed into the wound with massage movements twice a day. It has contraindications for use; it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and no more than 2 g per day.
  4. Hydrocortisone. A glucocorticosteroid drug based on hormonal components. Available by prescription in 10 g tubes, used only for external use.
  5. Antihistamine tablets: Suprastin, Claritin, Loratadine, Diphenhydramine. Relieves allergy symptoms and is easy to use. However, the effect of relieving itching is not achieved immediately, but 20–30 minutes after taking the medicine. Tablets also do not protect the wound from inflammation.

Prevention from bites in Pokrov

Based on what we have read, we conclude that fleas do bite people. And every pet owner must follow the rules of prevention, namely:

  1. Regular examination of your pet;
  2. If necessary, carry out special processing;
  3. For every pet walk, use flea-repellent collars or other special means;

In order to protect yourself from flea bites, it is enough to wear covered clothing and use parasite repellents. Also, if there are fleas in the house, do not let the kids crawl on the floor.

Strong-smelling essential oils and plants (mint, wormwood) can also help repel parasites. Essential oils can be added to a bucket of water for cleaning floors, such as geranium. This will prevent parasites from entering the apartment.

Proven repellents

Treating bites is a troublesome and time-consuming task, so it is better to prevent flea attacks with the help of repellent substances. Repellents are recommended for use by people at high risk of flea bites:

  • pet owners;
  • those who work in conditions of high humidity and dampness;
  • those who are often on the street, as well as near untrustworthy contaminated premises and territories.

Effective products that repel fleas from humans:

  1. Spray OFF Smooth & Dry. Available in the form of a “dry aerosol”, it acts on the skin and clothing for 3–4 hours, and can be used no more than 2 times a day. Before going to bed, wash off the substance with warm soapy water.
  2. Mosquitoll. The spray has a persistent lemon scent and does not leave greasy stains on skin or clothes. One-time treatment within 24 hours is possible. Use is contraindicated to protect children and pregnant women.
  3. Medilis comfort. A spray that is sprayed not on the skin, but on clothes, tents, and mosquito nets. Provides protection against blood-sucking insects for 20 days after application.

A flea bite is always an unpleasant surprise, and you need to react to it immediately. Timely treatment using pharmaceutical products or folk remedies reduces the risk of complications and makes a person feel better.

Clinical researches

Based on the results of numerous clinical studies, La-Cri products, including cream for sensitive skin, are recommended by the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

The effectiveness, safety and tolerability of the products have been proven by a clinical study. The cream is also suitable for daily skin care of children with mild to moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

It has been clinically proven that La-Cri cream for sensitive skin:

  • reduces itching and irritation;
  • relieves skin redness;
  • moisturizes and gently cares for the skin.


  1. Kovyazina N.A., Fedosimova N.A., Illek Ya. Yu. Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in young children, Vyatka Medical Bulletin, 2007
  2. Smirnova G.I. Managing the course of the disease: atopic dermatitis in children, Russian pediatric journal, 2014
  3. N.L. Rybkina, Modern approaches to newborn skin care: pediatrician tactics, journal Bulletin of Modern Clinical Medicine, 2014
  4. I.I. Ryumina, V.V. Zubkov, Newborn skin care, Healthy Child magazine, 2017
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