How to treat an area yourself from ticks and mosquitoes

Very often people call us, clearly in order, under the guise of potential clients, to extract information from us about how to properly treat an area against ticks. Moreover, from the conversation it is clearly clear that the person is not going to order processing from us, at the same time he does not know how and with what to carry it out correctly, and is afraid that we will expose him as an enemy spy and will not give him any of our professional secrets.

In fact, we do not hide anything from our experience in treating areas for ticks from anyone and can talk about it. Yes, there are a lot of nuances and little things in this procedure, which in their entirety can and do affect the effectiveness of baiting parasites. And all these nuances are almost impossible to tell either over the phone or even in a very detailed article. At a minimum, many of them follow disinfectants subconsciously, and do many things correctly without even thinking about it, simply because over many years of experience these actions have become automatic.

However, now we will tell you in as much detail as possible how to poison ticks in your area. We will tell you about the specifics of their destruction on the lawn near the house, on the garden plot among trees and beds, on public spaces overgrown with grass. Moreover, we will present all this in the form of instructions, in the “take it and do it” format. And you will see how it is done correctly and decide whether to poison the ticks yourself, or order professional treatment from specialists.

Disinfector on the treated area.

So, let's go. Where do you start treating an area for ticks?

Sipaz is super

The mosquito and tick repellent treatment is based on cypermethrin. The main task of the drug is to destroy ticks and mosquitoes. Destroys pests at all stages of the life cycle. Sold in liquid form, you will have to pay about 2,000 rubles for 1 liter. Tsifoks, Cypermethrin and Samarovka insecticide have a similar effect. Concentrated emulsion of Tsifoks with a volume of 500 ml costs from 950 rubles. Samarovka insecticide will cost 6,500 rubles for 5 liters of product.


We live next to a pond, so every summer we suffer from mosquito bites, especially children. We decided to try to process the area and bought Tsifoks. The product turned out to be very effective and after the first treatment it gave an excellent result. They were saved from bloodsuckers for the whole year.

Viktor Sergeevich, Krasnodar


The active substance is zetacypermethrin. The drug against flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and ants. Safe for the environment, leaves no residue and is odorless. 1500 rubles per 1 liter. Consumption rates are determined by the nature of the site, the type of pests and the available crops in the garden.


Taran is a very strong insecticide. It is even used by special services. It is not difficult to treat the area yourself, but the efficiency will not be at the highest level. Only professional equipment can spray every petal and blade of grass. After using it on our own we were able to completely get rid of ticks and mosquitoes in our summer cottage. We were pleased with the result.

Andrey, Yaroslavl

Also, for self-treatment of the area against ticks and mosquitoes, you can use Sinuzan, Agran, Rubit, Medilis Cyper and Yurax. These drugs have a large number of positive reviews and have proven themselves to be highly effective insecticides.

General precautions

Sometimes it is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of annoying insects. Relaxing by the lake, in a country house or just an evening walk - mosquitoes can be found everywhere. This means that you need to find options on how to protect yourself from bites and other troubles.

  1. Choose clothes made of thick fabric that cover all possible parts of the body well.
  2. Screens, mesh frames or thick gauze should be installed on windows, doors and other open spaces in the apartment/house.
  3. When you are outside, especially in the evening, apply high-quality repellents to your skin and clothing.
  4. Use spirals and other insect repellents when in the country or on vacation. If mosquitoes are found in the house, it is recommended to get rid of them as soon as possible, as they can lay eggs
  5. At night, as a precaution, it is worth using traps and fumigators - both conventional and electric, powered by the network.
  6. If you find mosquitoes in enclosed spaces, be sure to try to get rid of them: if it is a female, it will not only bother you, but may also lay eggs in a secluded place.

Important! These simple precautions will help get rid of annoying insects and the possible consequences of their presence and bites.

For complete safety, you should be concerned about selecting the optimal means, a list of which we will discuss in this article, to prevent the appearance and control of mosquitoes.

Ancient folk recipes

Treatment of mosquitoes and other dangerous insects on the site using folk remedies is popular among rural residents. The good thing about this method is that at minimal cost it gives a tangible, even short-lived, result. It is also used by summer residents who are not ready for more serious expenses. To provide passive protection to their garden plots, they plant insect-repellent plants.

Tomatoes. Bushes are planted around the perimeter of the territory and under windows. Bloodsuckers cannot stand their scent, so they try to avoid areas where it is felt quite strongly. This method is also suitable for apartment owners: you can protect the premises from itchy creatures by planting tomatoes in pots on the windowsills.

Some medicinal plants also have a no less specific and pungent odor:

  • rosemary;
  • mint;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • marigold;
  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • carnation;
  • geranium;
  • chamomile;
  • elder.

By planting bushes along the edges of the site, you can get a living fence in the form of a persistent, pungent aroma. And to strengthen it, it is recommended to periodically crush several leaves or twigs.

Another reliable option for protection against mosquitoes and other insects is fire smoke. Some types of bloodsuckers have developed immunity to it, but most pests still cannot tolerate this smell. Plants will help create a safe smoke screen:

  • pine, spruce branches;
  • conifer cones;
  • herbs with a pungent aroma - thyme, wormwood, mint, elderberry leaves, bird cherry;
  • dry juniper shoots.

When starting a fire, you must remember the fire safety rules. To do this, use barbecues and other means of limiting open fire.

How much does pest control cost?

The cost of complex processing of a site for the Moscow region - PRICE TABLE (new window). To calculate the cost for other regions, use the Online calculator or call us at 8 (495) 971 04 58
SUnitDistance from the Moscow Ring Road, km / total cost, rub. (all inclusive)

Self-processing versus professional: how we fight

Now you know what danger mosquitoes and ticks pose on your property. Let us also add that, according to statistics from Rospotrebnadzor, the number of victims of bites of these parasites is only growing every year. So in 2015, there were over 511.5 thousand people who applied to medical institutions alone. And this is 22% more than in 2014 and 39% more than in 2013.

As you can see, there is considerable cause for concern. But how to get rid of ticks in a summer cottage (and mosquitoes) is still not clear. When it comes to treating an area against ticks and mosquitoes, price plays an important role. It is because of this that many refuse the services of professionals in favor of improvised means. But are such savings really justified? And won’t you then have to pay twice, like the miser? Let's figure it out. To do this, let's look at two traditional ways of fighting: with the hands of professionals and on our own.

Professional processing – benefit or wasted money

Professional treatment of ticks in a summer cottage today is the most effective and safe way to combat the pest.
It is carried out using only certified means, which means that neither the inhabitants of the site nor the plantings on it are threatened. All that is required of you is to conclude an agreement, pay for it and walk somewhere while the craftsmen do their work. The actual treatment of the area against ticks and mosquitoes is as follows.

  1. A specialist visits the site and examines it to identify problem areas.
  2. Depending on the types of pests that decide to settle in your neighborhood, the most effective chemicals are selected.
  3. Then the disinfestation work itself is carried out, the duration of which is on average 1-1.5 hours (depending on the size of the treated area and the degree of pest infestation).
  4. After treating the dacha area against ticks (and/or mosquitoes), “barrier protection” is installed along its perimeter (spraying special preparations containing powerful repellents). No matter how active mosquitoes and ticks are in a given area, the protection will not allow them to enter your area.
  5. At the final stage of treating the area against mosquitoes and ticks, a control check is carried out, and a warranty card is issued, valid for a year.

Do-It-Yourself Processing: Benefits and Risks

Treating the area against ticks yourself can also be done, but it will not be as effective as the work of professionals.
Its only advantage is the price. Although, if you consider that all the procedures described below are ineffective (which means they will have to be repeated with enviable regularity), this plus eventually turns into a big minus. However, in fairness, let's look at how to get rid of ticks in your summer cottage on your own. Here, products sold in the nearest household goods store and folk wisdom that have helped our grandmothers and great-grandmothers to the rescue more than once will come to our aid. The most effective treatment of cottages against mosquitoes is carried out using fumigators and sprays. However, the former are useful only where there is electricity (and you will still have to weed the beds in the same “pleasant” company), while the latter have a very short-term effect. Also, do not forget about defective products, the number of which on the market is growing exponentially. After all, because of it, ordinary treatment against ticks on the site can result in serious health problems for everyone who lives in this territory (and not only).

Old-fashioned methods are very helpful in identifying the problem. Take a piece of light-colored cloth and use it to wipe the sweat off your skin. Then attach it to a stick (like a flag) and move it across the bushes, ground, grass in the problem area. Five minutes and you will know for sure whether you should already be wondering how to treat the area against ticks or whether you can limit yourself to preventive measures for now.

Another option is aromatherapy. You can also treat the area against ticks and mosquitoes using natural remedies that have a strong odor that repels these insects. It can be valerian, cloves, eucalyptus, bird cherry, and basil. The aromas of tea tree, anise and tobacco smoke are no less unpleasant for pests. The method is effective, affordable and, most importantly, absolutely natural. However, here you can find your downsides. Firstly, your family members may be allergic to any of these scents. Secondly, the fragrant “brooms” will have to be updated with enviable regularity. And thirdly, what repels some, as we know, can be very attractive to others. So don’t be surprised if treatment for ticks and mosquitoes gives you a new problem in the form of, for example, swirling midges or a wasp’s nest under the ceiling.

Harm to cultivated plants

Mosquitoes are also destructive to garden plants. Particularly harmful are centipedes, meadows and jerks. After all, the main food of such species is plant juices and fragile roots of young plants. Both adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae cause enormous damage to the crop.

They pose the greatest danger to the following crops:

  • cereals;
  • berry;
  • legumes;
  • tuberous;
  • root vegetables

Appeal to professionals

The only truly effective way to get rid of mosquitoes, as well as flies, gadflies, ticks, and mosquitoes today remains professional treatment of areas of any size. Specialists permanently destroy not only adult insects, but also their larvae and eggs. This is achieved through the use of specialized equipment and chemicals. Arriving at the site, they examine the territory, identifying the most “inhabited” areas, and offer the owners various solutions. Typically, treatment does not take long, allowing residents to quickly return to their normal routine.

The most affordable disinfestation option is to use a cold fog generator. The principle of operation is to spray special preparations under high pressure, due to which a dense cloud of tiny particles of water and insecticide is formed. With the help of directed influence it is possible to treat every millimeter of the territory.

The result is the death of insects, and the effect becomes noticeable within 24 hours. This method is considered reliable because it is used only once per month or season. It depends on the potency of the chosen drug.

Prevention: simple rules that will protect your home from insects

Unfortunately, mosquitoes are one of those insects that you can only escape from at the North Pole. As for the other “bloodsuckers,” there is still hope. If you do not want to create a risk to the health of your family and pets, then it is better not to deal with the issue of how to get rid of ticks on the site, but to prevent their appearance.

Travel outside the Moscow Ring Road

up to 20 km - 500 rub. from 20 to 50 km - 800 rub. From 50km to 100km - 1000 rubles. More than 100 km - price is negotiable.

For this:

  • At least once a season, do a general cleaning of your area. No deposits of dry branches or tops, no last year’s grass or debris. Anything that is of no use should be immediately consigned to fire. Thanks to this, not only will there be no need to treat the area against ticks, but other pests will also be deprived of their potential hiding places.
  • Don't let weeds and grass grow in your area. As soon as the first one appears, and the second one exceeds the required height by a couple of cm, immediately take up the scythe or lawn mower.
  • Protect your home from hypothetical parasite carriers, namely rats and mice. If they live in your basements or between the walls, be prepared that you will have to learn how to deal with ticks in your area very soon. Pets that cannot indifferently pass by a pile of garbage or an unclean fellow are also at risk. Therefore, upon returning from a walk, always wash your pets thoroughly.
  • Protect your area from the penetration of wild animals: cats, hedgehogs, hares, dogs, etc. Otherwise, expect blood-thirsty “guests” from the nearest forest or neighboring areas.
  • Keep pests out of your area. Ticks can enter your territory on their own, without resorting to the help of “living vehicles,” for example, through the grass growing on the sides of the paths leading to your house. A meter-wide protective strip around the site, lined with gravel or sawdust, will help to avoid unscheduled visits.
  • Carefully inspect any plants brought in from outside. Grass, hay, and even an unremarkable dandelion may cause you to need an area tick treatment.
  • Plant tick-killing plants near your home. Have you heard about the game “Plants vs. Zombies”? In real life, it could easily be remade into Plants vs. Ticks. It is enough for plants with a high content of natural insecticides to appear on the site, and the creeping bloodsuckers will change their minds about attacking it. A striking example of such defenders is chamomile, or rather its Persian, Caucasian and Dalmatian varieties.
  • Reduce the humidity in the area as much as possible. If fire safety barrels are installed within the area, try to keep them tightly sealed at all times and change the water at least once a week.
  • When watering a large area (to avoid accumulations of puddles), use sprinkler systems instead of a hose.

If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of pests, do not hesitate - dial the number, and the “Unified Sanitary Service” will immediately come to your aid. With our help, treating your area from ticks and mosquitoes will not take up your time or effort. And your loved ones will be reliably protected from all threats caused by these pests.

What is the cost of pest control services for bedbugs, ticks, cockroaches and other insects?

Each case is individual, the exact cost of disinfestation is specific to your case, please check with the operator on the single phone number of the SES in Moscow


Basic action plan:

  • House area. The selected drug is sprayed along the entire perimeter of the territory. It is prohibited to apply the insecticidal substance to fruit-bearing trees, flowers and plants.
  • All outbuildings located at the dacha must be carefully treated. Particular attention is paid to drains, drains and standing water tanks. Only after this can you proceed to work on the site.
  • Inspection of a residential building. An assessment of dark and damp areas (attics and basements) is required. If pupae or eggs are found, they should be removed immediately and the surface should be protected with the selected preparation.
  • Shrubs and trees. Blood-sucking insects love shady places. Therefore, you should choose a chemical that is allowed to be used to treat plants.
  • Reservoirs created by nature or man. Special chemistry is used to prevent the formation of larvae and adults. The substances have no effect on plants and fish.

Outside the fences, selected mosquito and fly repellents are sprayed. If you strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, the blood-sucking insects will leave the dacha for the entire season.

Force site 25%

A remedy for combating various parasites, including ticks of the species Ixodes, Dermacentor, Haemophysalis - those that are the causative agents of tick-borne encephalitis. The main active ingredient is fenthion in a ratio of 25%; auxiliary elements are: antioxidant, stabilizers, fragrance and solvent. Also an emulsion concentrate. Duration of action is from one to two months depending on the level of spraying. The drug can cause an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin, which classifies it as toxicity group 3 according to GOST.

Repellent plants

The surest way to make your dacha as unattractive as possible to mosquitoes is to plant plants that “smell bad” to them. There are a number of flowers and herbs that look very beautiful and have an attractive aroma, but are simply intolerable to insects.

  • Basil. The herb, used in many culinary delights, is a natural mosquito repellent. Planting basil bushes around the perimeter of the garden will make it unattractive to insects. Instead, plant lemon or cinnamon basil. In addition to its repellent effect, this plant can be used to relieve itching after a mosquito bite. You need to grind fresh basil leaves to extract the juice. Apply the juicy pulp to an itchy bite and you will immediately feel relief.
  • Lemon balm, or lemon balm. This is a perennial plant with a delicate, sweetish lemon aroma. Melissa leaves are added to tea and used to make cocktails. The pleasant smell of lemon balm repels mosquitoes. Try to dilute as much lemon balm as possible.
  • Chernobrivtsi or marigolds. Bright red-orange flowers growing in the country are a natural mosquito repellent. Insects dislike the pungent odor of the plant. Chernobrivtsy can be planted in flower beds near the gazebo so that staying in it causes discomfort for mosquitoes.
  • Catnip, or catnip. A perennial plant that blooms during three summer months. Small blue flowers appear on long branches. The smell of catnip is intense after touching the plant. If you do not like the aroma of these flowers, try not to disturb the planted bushes.
  • Garlic. Don't think that mosquitoes don't only like scents that are pleasant to people. The pungent odor of garlic is unpleasant to insects. Plant more garlic in your garden to create a natural barrier for mosquitoes.

Mint grows well in pots. It can be used not only to repel mosquitoes in the garden, but also to protect your home. It is enough to place one or several pots of mint on each windowsill.

What threatens the appearance of ticks and mosquitoes in a summer cottage?

“Why do you need to treat your summer cottage for ticks, mosquitoes and other pests if they just drink blood” - by reasoning in this way, you expose not only your health, but also the lives of your loved ones to serious danger. Small, seemingly harmless pests can change your life for the worse in one bite.


In the understanding of most people, slight swelling, redness and irritating itching are the only consequences that can be caused by a mosquito bite. However, in practice, of course, everything turns out to be much more complicated. Even if we ignore the allergic reaction that can be caused by insect saliva, there are more than a dozen diseases dangerous to human health. Thus, prompt treatment against mosquitoes will allow you to avoid infection with: various types of malaria, lymphatic filariasis, WNV (West Nile Virus), tularemia, HIV infections (the risk of infection is minimal, but still exists), as well as various viral diseases such as chikungunya, dengue fever and yellow fever.


Failure to timely treat an area for ticks threatens to turn into a tragedy.
Moreover, not only people and animals are at risk, but also plants growing near your home. A person who has aroused the interest of a bloodsucker soon runs the risk of discovering a slight redness on his body with a black dot in the center - the place where the pest has penetrated the skin. Basically, the risk zone is the buttocks and groin area, neck and area behind the ears, legs around the calves and other parts of the body that can be described as soft and warm. An initially invisible bite threatens to turn into tick-borne viral encephalitis (after all, both males and females are equally carriers of it). This means that as a “gift” from ticks you will get fever, intoxication, damage to the brain and/or spinal cord, as well as serious neurological complications and possibly death.

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No less dangerous is borreliosis, also known as Lyme disease. This disease, which is a direct consequence of the lack of proper treatment of the summer cottage from ticks, also does not bode well for the infected person. The first symptoms will be increased headaches, fever, skin irritation and increased fatigue. Then there will be damage to the joints and eyes, cardiovascular and nervous systems. In the worst case, the development of the disease threatens a person with death or lifelong disability. As mentioned earlier, untimely treatment of the area against ticks can also harm your plantings. For some types of pests, human blood is of no interest - give them the juice of cultivated plants. By damaging the stem, they disrupt the entire internal system of the plant, and it soon dies. In mass manifestations, such an action can cause irreparable harm to your agriculture.

Processing prices for legal entities. persons (expand prices)

FootagePrice in rubles per sq. m.
up to 100 m2 from 32 rubles sq.m
from 100-200 m2 from 30 rubles sq.m
from 200-300 m2 from 28 rub. sq.m
from 300-400 m2 from 23 rub. sq.m
from 400-500 m2 from 18 rub. sq.m
from 500-1000 m2 from 14 rub. sq.m
from 1000-2000 m2 price negotiable

Discounts (expand)

Discounts on ESS sanitary and epidemiological station services

Treatment for two types of insects: 50% .
Processing in one house:
2 apartments -
15% , 3 apartments - 25% , 4 or more apartments - 30% .
Disabled people, pensioners, WWII participants, Chernobyl liquidators - 10% .
Important: The price includes a guarantee for the work performed.
If pests appear, repeated treatments are provided free of charge. This is stated in the contract for the provision of pest control services. What is the cost of pest control services?

Each case is individual, the exact cost is specific to your case, check with the operator at the unified phone number of the SES in Moscow


The active ingredient is alphacypermethrin. It comes in the form of a white powder that needs to be diluted in water. It has a wide spectrum of action and is aimed at destroying ixodid ticks, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches. Price from 2000 rubles per 1 kg. The consumption rate is 0.4-1 kg per 1 hectare of land.


We used Acaritox to fight ticks in the area. While the treatment was being carried out, the children were sent to their grandmother. There was no tall grass on the site, so the product was used very sparingly. 1 kg per 6 acres will be enough for several years - that’s for sure.

Dmitry, Mytishchi

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