Do-it-yourself rabbit house at home, making a rabbit house

House for rabbits out of a box

Of course, a home for pets made from a cardboard box can hardly be called durable. However, this is a great option if you need a temporary home. In addition, some residents prefer to constantly let the rabbit walk around the apartment, and the pet uses the cage only as a sleeping place and toilet, so it does not necessarily spend money on an expensive structure.

It is necessary to select a box according to the size of the rabbit. If the animal is large, then you can connect two boxes

During the work we will need the following materials and devices:

  • cardboard boxes - 2 pieces (35 centimeters high and 45 centimeters long);
  • compass;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • simple pencil.

Table No. 1. Instructions for making a house for a rabbit from a box.

Step, no.DescriptionPhoto
Step 1You need to take one of the boxes, turn it over and draw a circle on the side that will serve as the entrance to another box. In this case, it is not necessary to make a threshold, but you can draw a semicircle and then cut it off at the bottom. The same holes should be drawn in the other sidewalls. Only the back part will remain without an opening.
Step 2Now you should carefully cut out these circles along the contour. Therefore, for such purposes it is better to use a stationery knife, but if you don’t have one, then scissors will do.
Step 3After all the holes are ready, you need to turn the box over, then fix its edges and wrap it with a thick layer of tape. This will result in a durable structure. The same manipulations should be done with another box.
Step 4Now, using tape, you need to connect the two boxes together so that their internal openings coincide. The door of this home will not close. If desired, you can throw a light, breathable fabric over such a house to curtain the passage while the rabbit sleeps.

Note! If desired, you can decorate the structure with a special film with an adhesive base. This will give the cardboard dwelling a finished look, but it is not necessary.

As a result of such manipulations, it was possible to obtain a spacious house for one rabbit with two central openings and one side one.

How many rabbits will fit in the rabbitry: do the calculations

It is difficult for one person to raise so many rabbits; it takes too much time and labor. As a result, paspay decided to keep the rabbits on the floor, streamlining the population as much as possible.

According to the standards adopted in amateur rabbit breeding, the floor area of ​​a cage with a height of at least 40 cm per rabbit is as follows:

female0.4-0.5 sq.m.
young animals for fattening0.08 sq.m.
replacement young stock0.17 sq.m.
male0.23 sq.m.

The dimensions of the large barn were 12x4 meters. By multiplying the sizes and dividing them by the arithmetic mean, the rabbit breeder found out that he could easily breed about 220 animals of different ages on the floor.

Calculation example: 12x4/ (0.4+0.08+0.17+0.23)/4).

Thus, the result was twice as many individuals as with three-tier housing. Much less labor and time should have been spent.

Types of cells and their sizes

On a farm to maintain a population of rabbits, various cages are required, intended for certain categories of animals:

  • adults;
  • young animals;
  • representatives of giant breeds;
  • females with offspring.

When planning the construction of a home for animals, as well as their resettlement, we start from the following figures: 0.7 m2 of space is usually allocated for an adult rabbit, and 0.25 m2 for young animals per individual.

For adults

Optimal cages for medium-sized rabbits should have a depth of 55-75 cm, a height of 45-60 cm and a length of at least 100 cm. Dimensions of the standard version: 120 × 75 × 45 cm (DHA). When keeping adult animals, it is advisable to use block structures divided into two compartments using a mesh. If mating is necessary, the partition is removed, combining the sections together.

Standard design of an individual two-section dwelling for medium-sized adults

In order to save space, cells are often arranged in blocks of 2-3 tiers.

Each room should have a designated area for sleeping, eating and walking. A small place for rest is required: approximately 30x60x50 cm. To zone the space, plywood partitions with holes located at a height of about 15 cm from the floor are usually used.

For young animals

Rabbits are separated from their mother at the age of 6-7 weeks and kept together in groups of 10-20 animals. When designing a home, the following dimensions are adhered to: 300 × 100 × 50 cm. The floor can be made either solid, mesh or slatted. The first option is safer from the point of view of the health of rabbits, because some individuals are susceptible to the development of pododermatitis, and the coating of slats or mesh contributes to the occurrence of the disease. However, houses with such a bottom are easier to keep clean, as they become dirty more slowly.

In winter, the floor is insulated with a bedding of straw and hay.

Convenient design for group placement of young animals with a common walking area

In some farms, special cages for young animals are not provided, and cubs weaned from their mother are immediately placed in housing for adult animals. With this option, it is necessary to calculate how many heads can be placed in one room to make the animals comfortable.

For giant rabbits

Owners of giants will need significantly more building materials, because adult individuals can reach 70 cm in length and weigh more than 10 kg . The optimal cage dimensions for rabbits of giant varieties are: height of at least 65 cm, length - 150 cm, depth - 75 cm. If possible, it is better to increase the above parameters.

Young animals can be kept in group cages with an area of ​​at least 1.2 m2. When constructing the structure, you should take into account the considerable weight of the giants and pay special attention to strengthening the floor, for example, making it from thicker galvanized mesh. To prevent sagging, a sheathing is made of bars under the floor, which are placed at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Experienced rabbit breeders recommend keeping giants in dwellings with a solid floor. However, cleaning in such rooms will have to be done much more often.

Individual room with a solid bottom for a giant rabbit

For a female with cubs

Some farmers believe that a special queen cell for a female with offspring is necessary exclusively in the cold season, while in the summer a regular cage is sufficient. However, this opinion is wrong. In an open room, partitioned only with a mesh, the female rabbit feels unprotected, which can negatively affect the feeding process and the health of her offspring. Therefore, it is imperative to equip your home with a closed, insulated place for the nest, and also leave enough space for walking.

A queen cell, closed with solid walls, is placed in the home for the female rabbit and her offspring.

The frame is made of strong beams, the back and side walls are made of plywood. The space is immediately divided into two parts - a large one intended for walking and a small one for a nest. Each of them is closed with a separate door: mesh (large compartment) or solid wood (nesting part). All walls, floors and ceilings must be double, with a layer of foam or straw for additional heat and sound insulation. The roof is made of slate.

You can learn more about the design and construction of a queen cell from the article on our website.

Zolotukhin cell

Another inventor who made a huge contribution to the development of rabbit breeding is farmer Nikolai Zolotukhin.
He is the author of the method of breeding animals on a solid floor in a multi-tiered cage. In each compartment in the back, which is most often a latrine for rabbits, there is a mesh strip with a strip of 10-20 cm. Thanks to this, you can clean the cage once every few days or even weeks.

On a rigid base, rabbits feel much more confident and comfortable than on a mesh or slatted base. They gain weight quickly and get little sick. Anyone can make a Zolotukhin cage. The floor is made of flat slate. It is quite warm, durable and moisture resistant. There is no queen cell as such - before breeding, a board and a bedding of hay are placed inside. The mother rabbit makes her own nest and raises her young there.

Maintaining Zolotukhin’s mini-farm is quick and easy. The feeder, suspended from the door, can be easily turned over and cleaned thanks to the hinged mount. The floors are swept with a brush or broom. For drinking, you can use an inverted plastic bottle with a cap with a nipple inserted into it.

Construction requires inexpensive materials - boards, slate, galvanized mesh, plywood, OSB.

Making a house for a rabbit with your own hands

To make keeping a decorative rabbit at home comfortable for your pet, let’s look at how to make a house out of cardboard and wood.

Construction out of a box

This design has a short service life and is not suitable for permanent use. Typically, temporary housing is made from cardboard.

To create a house, you need to take a box measuring 600x300x400 mm. For larger individuals, you can connect 2 boxes so that the pet has room to roam.

To make the design you will need:

  1. 2 cardboard boxes 30 cm high and 50 cm long;
  2. pencil;
  3. scotch;
  4. scissors;
  5. compass.

Interesting to know! Rabbits' ears are approximately 25 cm long. But in 2003, a record holder with an ear length of 79 cm was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Such an animal lived in America, in the state of Kansas.

Step-by-step instructions for making a rabbit house:

  1. You need to take one box, determine the place where the entrance for the pet will be, using a compass and pencil, draw a semicircle - the border for the future entrance/exit. If you do not cut out the completely outlined borders with scissors, you will end up with a threshold at the bottom.
  2. The same holes must be cut on 2 more sides, leaving only the back wall intact. The top of the structure must be taped with tape so that the structure is stable and does not wobble.
  3. The same manipulations must be done with the second box. It is important to take into account that the internal boundaries coincide.
  4. After all the preparatory work has been done, it is recommended to connect the 2 boxes together and glue them with tape to create a solid house.
  5. To somehow diversify the unsightly brown appearance of the structure, you can cover the house with wallpaper where a pet rabbit lives, or paint it with gouache.

The house made from boxes is an oblong dwelling with 2 central entrances and 1 side entrance. You can install a feeder and drinking bowl inside the structure. It is advisable to place a waterproof mat or hay at the bottom.

Where to place

If a person lives in an apartment, then placing a medium or large house is a real problem. Even a relatively small cage with sides of 50 cm will sometimes disturb the owner. You can’t put it on the balcony in the cold season, and it will take up a lot of space at home. If you put all these inconveniences aside, you need to determine for yourself a number of important rules for placing a rabbit house.

First of all, the entire room where the rabbit lives should be well ventilated, but there should be no drafts. The house itself and the room should always be clean and tidy. This is due to the fact that ornamental animals are very fond of cleanliness and cannot tolerate dust due to their delicate and weak lungs.

Important! It is clear that there should not be any electrical appliances in the cage, and the animal itself needs to create and maintain a comfortable environment without loud sounds and sudden movements.

Bunk house

A rabbit house is an important and necessary thing. Such pets cannot live in a box. They need care and a cozy atmosphere, which is manifested in a safe home where they feel good. Small breeds are demanding, which is why they are called decorative.

Construction of a house for a rabbit

A rabbit's home is one of the most important aspects in breeding these cute creatures. Keeping eared cats at home is quite a troublesome task. By nature, animals do not have good immunity, so every little detail in their care and diet is very important.

DIY rabbit house

Houses for rabbits should be as comfortable as possible and create the appearance of natural living conditions.

Housing requirements for rabbits

Regardless of what kind of rabbit you are preparing a house for (a dwarf decorative or an ordinary large one), there are a number of general points that should definitely be taken into account when developing the design.

First of all, these include:

  1. The optimal size of the structure is so that the animal can freely fit in it and even straighten up to its full height (if there is no room for such a structure, you will have to build a smaller house, but with the condition of regular walking of the pet).
  2. Calculation of design parameters “for growth”. For a baby rabbit, the size of his house should be at least 4 times larger than its actual parameters, of course, if you do not want to remodel the home in the future. Standard shelter dimensions for representatives of dwarf breeds: 140*80*50 (L/W/H).
  3. Selection of quality materials. Any rabbits are very sensitive to toxic substances, so when choosing raw materials it is better to give preference to clean, unvarnished wood.
  4. Arranging a mesh floor (necessarily with small cells) or installing a special tray for excrement, covered with a hard mat (its corners should be bent in advance so that the animal does not injure itself).
  5. The height of the structure: either for the full height of the animal (its height is measured in a standing position), or taking into account the number of tiers (for two-story structures, the height of each floor can be reduced by 40 cm).
  6. A place to install feeders and drinkers (it is important that they can be fixed well and not tip over).

Important! You should not handle animals immediately after eating. After just 5-10 minutes, all the food can come out in the form of excrement, which will stain not only clothes, but also carpet or furniture (for this reason, animals are not allowed to walk around the apartment at this time).

Cage for a decorative rabbit: main parameters

The cage is the rabbit’s main place of residence, so its choice should be taken with the utmost responsibility. Breeders advise that if you decide to become the owner of a long-eared pet, first determine the place where his house will be located, then purchase and arrange a future home for the baby, and only then go to the nursery for your furry.

A correctly selected cage should not only fit organically into the interior of the room, but also comply with a number of parameters important for the normal functioning of a rabbit:

  1. Cell height. The walls in the chosen home should be so high that the baby in it can calmly stand on his hind legs and not touch the roof with his head or ears. For a dwarf decorative rabbit, a house with a ceiling height of at least 60 cm is suitable. The exception is small lop-eared breeds. A height of 50 cm is enough for them. When purchasing a cage, it is important not to confuse a house for a rabbit with a house for guinea pigs. They are also large in size, but are not suitable for keeping rabbits, as they do not have enough height.
  2. Cage door. One of the fundamental parameters is the size and location of the door. It should be of small height, with a ladder, without sharp corners. And at the same time, wide enough so that the owner can easily reach the baby without harming him.
  3. Cage floor. A regular mesh floor can injure a rabbit's delicate paws, so the bottom of the cage must be covered with something. Some breeders prefer linoleum or laminate. Others install a plastic tray. The main thing, in addition to the coating itself, is to provide a wooden or plastic baseboard so that the baby cannot chew through the floor covering.
  4. Depth of the tray. Depending on the design and design, the depth of the tray may vary. It is better to give preference to deeper models so that pieces of paper, hay or sawdust that your pet chews do not fall out of the cage.

Cell sizes

Decorative rabbits are small animals, so their home may be small - this is a misconception. Your long-eared pet needs to be able to move freely, so if you choose a small cage, you should let him outside for at least 3-4 hours a day. A box measuring 70x45 cm is considered small.

The optimal dimensions are 50x100cm or 50x80cm. How many centimeters should the height of a cage for rabbits be another one of the most frequently asked questions during construction. If you decide to build a two-story house for your pet, the height of one floor should be at least 40-45 cm. For a single-tier box, a height of 50 cm is considered acceptable.

Transport cage

There are times when a rabbit needs to be taken outside the apartment: a visit to the veterinarian, participation in an exhibition, moving out of town. For such cases, it is necessary to have a cage for transportation.

The floor in it should be covered, preferably with something soft. And during the trip, make sure that it does not turn over.

House for a rabbit in an apartment

The structure in the apartment should be built from wood. A house must be beautiful to make it a pleasure to live in.

The cage should not be placed in places with drafts; location next to a radiator in winter will create excessive stuffiness

DIY rabbit house - compact design. Often apartments have little space, so a two-tier wooden house is a more popular option. Material costs will remain almost unchanged, but the drawings will have to be redrawn. A staircase to the second floor, compartments and a floor will be required.

Roofs are not installed in such a house due to the stable temperature in the apartment (18-20°). There are structures without pallets.

Location of the cage in an apartment or country house

The weight of adult dwarf rabbits, as a rule, does not exceed 2 kilograms, so this pet is ideal for keeping in an apartment. Unlike large breeds, the volume of food consumed and, accordingly, waste is much less in dwarf breeds.

When keeping dwarf breeds, it is better to build a low podium for the home in the apartment, so that the animal can observe what is happening, but does not feel danger. Choose cozy, bright and quiet places, as animals are afraid of loud and sharp sounds.

The animal will feel uncomfortable in the hallway or in a crowded kitchen, so it is better to place it somewhere in the corner of the room. Rabbits are very gentle, sensitive and peace-loving creatures.

Try to avoid drafts when ventilating. Do not place animals near radiators, air conditioners, or, conversely, on the balcony, under the scorching rays of the sun.

Decorative breeds are larger than their dwarf counterparts, and they need more space, so a country house will be an ideal place of residence for the animal.

The home should have a mesh door to provide an influx of fresh air. Animals love fresh air and can hardly tolerate stuffiness.

If, having bought yourself a little friend, you do not know where and how to arrange a cage for your decorative rabbit, so that it is comfortable, let him out for a walk, and in the place that he chooses, set up an enclosure.

The life of rabbits

Before you start building a house for rabbits, you need to learn about living conditions and rules for caring for furry animals. With proper care, rabbits live about 5-10 years and love to chew on everything. The long-eared tree can damage a simple tree. The material must not be coated with toxic varnish.

A warm skin does not always protect pets from unstable temperatures and weather conditions. The structure should not be placed in a draft or near radiators in the apartment, such conditions affect the condition of the animals. The size of the cage should correspond to the size of the eared ones.

How to make an aviary for rabbits?

An aviary is rightfully considered an excellent solution for keeping rabbits. It provides ease of care for animals: it is much easier to clean up after them and keep order. This type of content provides sufficient space for movement and play. It is also believed that rabbits living in an enclosure grow stronger and get sick less often, because such conditions are similar to natural ones.

Home care and cleaning

In order for the house you created with your own hands to remain in its original form longer, and for the animals to be healthy and not get sick, you will have to do cleaning every day, removing leftover food, feces and soiled hay from the floor (if it is used as bedding or simply fell out of the hay barn and was trampled on by animals). Drinkers and feeders can be washed once a day, and the filler in the tray can be changed once every few days. Remains of dried urine on the floor and walls of the house can be removed using a vinegar solution (just soak a soft cloth in this solution and walk over all surfaces).

General cleaning of a rabbit's home is usually done once a week. It involves a more thorough cleaning of all surfaces, possibly using a hot iodine or chlorine solution. The rug must be removed from the floor, washed and dried, then the feeder, drinker and hay box must be removed and boiled. Toys that can either be boiled or treated with a pet-safe disinfectant solution also deserve special attention.


There are things that any rabbit enclosure must be equipped with in order to meet all the requirements for keeping animals.

To avoid unwanted fights between individual animals, as well as unwanted matings, livestock breeders recommend keeping males separate from females. In the first days of moving into the enclosure, skirmishes may occur among males. But when they divide the territory and delineate the internal hierarchy, the fights will stop on their own.

There are many types of rabbit enclosures:

You should choose the type of enclosure based on the number of rabbits that will be kept in it.

House for a rabbit, how best to place it indoors

There are many options for housing your rabbit indoors, kennels, rabbit houses, cages and others. We will discuss each of them below.

Free living in an apartment

If you decide to provide the entire apartment for your decorative rabbit to live in, then you need to put a toilet, a box with hay, and a plastic mat on which you need to place a bowl of food and water in one of the rooms. They will come and eat, drink or go to the toilet when they need to. If you are going to leave them alone in the house, then provide them with cardboard boxes for entertainment.


A great option is to install an enclosure in the corner of the room for your rabbit. An enclosure can be purchased at many pet stores or you can make it yourself.

Enclosures are large enough to accommodate everything a rabbit needs and allow them to move freely.

If you are concerned about your flooring or carpet, you can place a plastic mat, piece of linoleum, or old carpet in the enclosure. (Make sure your rabbit does not eat these materials because it can cause constipation. If the edges of the mat are placed outside the enclosure, the animal will not be able to chew on it.) Enclosures usually do not have a roof, so make sure you buy one of this size so your rabbit can jump over it. Usually this height is about 80-100 cm.

Enclosures are useful if you intend to eventually keep a free-ranging animal in your home. Limiting your rabbit's space at the beginning will allow him/her to get used to the layout of the litter box and feeders. By gradually increasing the space, your rabbit will not be overwhelmed by the large area. This helps prevent accidents and reduce stress.

DIY cage

If you have limited space, then you can build a multi-story cage for your pet. You can use wood, metal, and other materials to build a multi-story cage. (See photo gallery of modern and stylish DIY cage ideas) One thing to note is that you should not build a rabbit fencing out of plastic chicken mesh because rabbits may chew on it and accidentally swallow it. Also, if you decide to use metal mesh, the mesh should be large enough so that the rabbit cannot stick its head between the bars. Otherwise, your rabbit may become injured or suffocate himself. (Step-by-step instructions on how to build your own rabbit house.)

Rabbit cages

Of all the housing options, rabbit hutches provide the least amount of space for your rabbit. However, if you decide to house your rabbit in a large cage, you must ensure that the rabbit has plenty of time outside the cage - at least a few hours a day. Options for cages are varied, but you need to know a few rules.

The cages must be large enough to accommodate the rabbit. The bigger, the better! There should be room for your rabbit to move around and lie down, as well as space for food, water, litter box, and toys. Never use glass aquariums as they are not large enough and do not have proper air circulation. It's also best to have a cage with a door on the side so your rabbit can come and go on his own.

Some owners prefer cages with wire bottoms because they can place bedding underneath. This is a good option, but in order for the rabbit to stand/lay down, you will need to place a piece of wood or cardboard on top. When standing on a grid, a decorative rabbit may experience discomfort.

There are many different housing options that you can consider for your rabbit. Rabbits need a place where they feel safe, as well as a place to exercise. The best option will depend on your living conditions. But remember, rabbits are very social creatures, so choose a place in your home that won't make your rabbit feel lonely and abandoned.

Useful tips for keeping rabbits

Decorative rabbits are quite capricious creatures, which in their pampering are superior to even their larger relatives. They respond painfully to any changes in the microclimate and are very sensitive to low-quality food, therefore, in addition to home improvement, it is also worth knowing about the rules for caring for these fluffies.

Here are some of the most common recommendations:

  1. Place the cage with the animal only in a room with a constant air temperature within +18...+22 °C and a complete absence of drafts.
  2. Make sure that other pets (especially cats and dogs), as well as small children, do not have access to your long-eared pet, because they can not only stress him out, but also cause physical harm.
  3. Never pick up a rabbit by the ears or the withers: this causes significant discomfort and can even frighten him.
  4. Always maintain the temperature within optimal limits, avoiding overheating of animals (this harms them even more than lower temperatures). As a last resort, if there is no other suitable place in the room, and the sun's rays fall on the cage, cover it with a damp towel and regularly wipe the animal's ears with a clean, cold, damp cloth (there should always be drinking bowls with cold water or even ice in the cage itself) .
  5. When ventilating the room, it is better to temporarily move the rabbit to another room, placing it in the coolest corner.
  6. If you don't have time to completely clean the cage, at least clean the toilet to avoid toxic buildup.
  7. Organize walks for the animal around the apartment every day, and in the summer, take it out into the yard more often, only mainly in the evening (these nocturnal animals can sit quietly in a cage all day, becoming more active only with the arrival of night).
  8. Do not restrict the animal’s movements, otherwise it will begin to quickly gain weight and soon become obese, which will negatively affect its overall well-being.
  9. Long-haired pets will have to be additionally combed and their hair trimmed periodically to prevent it from matting.
  10. As they grow, it is necessary to trim the animals' claws, for which special nail clippers are designed.
  11. To feed your furry pets, choose only high-quality food, possibly containing probiotic substances (prevent the development of problems with the animal’s stomach). In addition to dry mixtures, it is useful to give rabbits an apple, a pear (in limited quantities) and vegetables prepared in the summer.

Building a rabbit house is not as difficult as many people think, but whatever option you choose, do not forget that this is just the beginning of your mission.
For a comfortable life in it, the animal will need appropriate care, the basic rules of which you already know. blog/bok/zhivotnye/kroliki/soderzhanie-krolikov/447-kak-postroit-i-obustroit-domik-dlya-krolika.html

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Two-story cage with pets
Photo 2. House with a greenhouse

Photo 3. Outdoor enclosure for rabbits

Photo 4. Place for the rabbit to play

Photo 5. Funny little eared house

Manufacturing stages

To make a rabbit house, you need to follow this plan:

1. A rectangular piece is cut out of plywood, 70 cm long and 60 cm wide. It is connected to 4 beams 45 cm long. To do this, holes are made in them through which self-tapping screws are screwed.

2.A rectangle of the same size as the previous one is again cut out of plywood. This will be the base of the top floor. A square hole is made in its lower left part through which the rabbit will climb up. Its size depends on the size of the pet.

3.The base of the cage (part No. 1) is connected to the partition (part No. 2) using self-tapping screws.

4. On medium-thick plywood, mark 2 side walls, which have the following parameters: 60x92 cm. Then they are cut out with a saw.

5. The sides are fixed to the frame so that the structure is level.

6. 4 racks are made from the beams, which are attached to the base of the second tier with self-tapping screws. Then the sides are cut out of thick plywood and fixed to the frame. After connecting all the walls and ceiling, the structure is almost ready.

7. A piece measuring 1.2x6 cm is cut out of the board. This will be a threshold that will not allow food and bedding to spill out. It is fixed to the vertical supports below using self-tapping screws.

8.The frame for the door is made of boards. You need to cut out parts that fit the size of the cage. Wooden elements are connected using a stapler. If desired, the structure can be strengthened with steel corners.

9.The door frame is covered with a mesh, which is fixed with a stapler. Then the door is attached to the house on its hinges and a latch is installed.

10. The staircase is made of thin plywood. To do this, cut out a part whose height corresponds to the distance between the floor of the first floor and the ceiling of the second. It is installed at an angle so that the rabbit can climb up. The top of the stairs is covered with pieces of rubber or ice cream sticks. This is necessary so that the animal does not slip while climbing.

11.Furniture legs are attached to the bottom of the house. They must be stable.

Important! After the owner finishes building a house for rabbits, he must treat all surfaces with an antiseptic composition. This is a special water-repellent solution that protects wood from rotting. After applying it, the structure must dry under the sun.

If the structure will be located on the street, then you need to insulate the walls and make a high-quality roof. A pitched roof is suitable for weather protection. It is enough to stretch the roofing material onto the timber sheathing. The roofing material is secured using mounting strips, nails or self-tapping screws. Instead of roofing felt, you can use slate, sheets of metal or tiles.

For additional protection from moisture, a waterproofing film is laid under the roofing material. Then the house will be warmer and more comfortable.

Construction stages

It’s not difficult to build an aviary with your own hands; you just have to follow the detailed instructions and there won’t be any problems. The pen for animals should be spacious enough so that they do not feel cramped or uncomfortable in it. It is recommended to calculate the total area of ​​the enclosure based on 1-1.5 square meters. m per individual. Rabbits, despite their size, jump very high. The animal's jump height can be up to 1.5 meters. Therefore, if you leave the top of the enclosure open, make it high enough to prevent the rabbits from escaping or getting hurt.

When constructing an enclosure for rabbits, you need to take into account the behavioral characteristics of these animals. Rabbits love to dig, so when building an enclosure, the mesh needs to be buried in the ground half a meter deep. To do this, before starting the construction of the enclosure, you need to dig a trench of the specified depth.

For support pillars, you need to dig holes in the corners of the future enclosure and along the entire perimeter. The number of support posts depends on the area of ​​the enclosure; they should be installed at the rate of one post per 2-3 meters of fence. The pillars are installed in holes and covered with earth. If the support pillars are made of wood rather than metal, the tips of such pillars must be processed. Machine oil or drying oil are ideal, but bitumen is absolutely not suitable - it will block the access of oxygen and cause rotting of the supports.

Tame rabbit

As a rule, domestic rabbits get used to being handled faster than those living outside, since they communicate with people constantly. Plus, you won't have to run out into the cold to feed your rabbits and clean their hutch.

When it comes to your rabbit's health, living indoors should not cause any problems for him, provided that his diet contains enough vitamin D and calcium, and the diet itself is based on hay with the addition of store-bought dry rabbit food. If you have a garden, no one is stopping you from letting your rabbit out for a walk from time to time.

Domestic rabbits are usually tame and affectionate.


The presence of fur allows rabbits to withstand low temperatures, which makes them much easier to keep at any time of the year. Depending on the period when you plan to keep rabbits, you can choose 2 types of placement for the animals:

Keeping it outside in an open enclosure is only suitable for the warm season: spring, summer and autumn. In winter, rabbits outside will die, so they need to be moved to an insulated room. For example, in a barn. Yes, rabbits have fur, but in cold weather they still run the risk of catching a cold or frostbitten ears. The shed must first be checked for cracks and gaps, eliminated and insulated. The floor is made on a raised platform, it is covered with boards, and a thick layer of straw is poured on top. If the temperature in the barn drops too much, additional heating must be provided.

It is necessary to create good ventilation in the barn and ensure sunlight without compromising the thermal insulation.

Interior arrangement of the house

After completing the construction work, you can start working on the interior arrangement of the house. You should start by checking the safety of your flooring. The bottom should be covered with a rug made of environmentally friendly materials, such as cotton or bamboo fiber.

It is strictly forbidden to use wool or carpet products as bedding. In this case, the rabbit may die due to disruption of the digestive tract, since it tastes everything that is within its reach.

A thick layer of bedding should be laid on the rug to protect the animals' paws from bedsores. Large straw or sawdust or hay from awnless crops are suitable. The thickness of the bedding for adults should be at least 15 cm.

You should not choose fine straw as bedding for the bottom. In summer, only the floors in the houses of pregnant females need covering.

In the new home, it is necessary to install a feeding trough and drinking bowl so that they cannot become clogged with feces. Special purchased feeders that are attached to the cage will help prevent this outcome. Drinking bowls should be placed low so that the animal can reach them. They can also be placed along the edges to prevent animals from getting their paws into them.

It is worth taking care of the place for the toilet. Usually it is located under the stairs if the house has a two-tier structure.

If the home was equipped for a decorative rabbit, you can also put toys made from natural materials in it. These can be various balls, cardboard tunnels and large ropes. Similar toys are sold at any pet store.

How to set up a cage for a decorative rabbit


It is very important that the feeding area in the rabbit’s home is clearly marked. You can use the following as a feeder:

  • a metal bowl with a heavy bottom (so that the baby cannot turn it over);
  • a plastic container that is attached to the wall of the house;
  • hay manger (if hay or straw is scattered on the floor, the rabbit will most likely perceive it not as a treat, but as a large toilet).

Drinking bowls

A regular bowl filled with water can serve as a drinking bowl. The main thing is that the animal always has access to it.

However, many breeders recommend installing nipple sippy cups. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that when the rabbit presses the valve, water begins to flow drop by drop from the mechanism. Using such a system ensures that the cage will always be dry and clean.


The key is to train the animal to use the tray. It is advisable that you have two of them. One directly in the cage, the second outside it. You can use a plastic box with low sides, a tray with a grid for a cat, or a specialized tray for rabbits. It is important to secure it at the base of the cage.

To fill the toilet, use finely torn newspaper or commercial compressed wood or corn mixture. Cat litter is suitable, provided it is covered with a fine grid.


Rabbit Fluffy goes to the toilet | How did I train my rabbit to go to the litter box?

It's pretty quick to train your rabbit to use the litter box. To indicate for kids where the toilet is in their new home, it is better to put some rabbit droppings there.


Whether it is worth using bedding on the floor of the cage is something each rabbit owner decides for himself, as well as what material it is best to make it from.

The most common options are:

  • sawdust;
  • hay;
  • polymer bath mat;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • newspaper or paper.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. But at the same time, by abandoning the floor covering, there is a risk of the rabbit developing pododermatitis on its paws.


In nature, rabbits live in burrows, so babies need to have a place at home that is protected from prying eyes.

It is advisable to place a house in the enclosure so that the animal can rest in it periodically.

In some cage models, such a shelter is included. But a small cardboard box is also suitable for these purposes. The fluffy will feel protected in it, but will also be able to arrange it to his liking (gnaw through the windows, enlarge the entrance). True, after a couple of months such shelter will need to be replaced with a new one. But such vigorous activity has a positive effect on the animal’s psyche.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Let's take a step-by-step look at whether it is possible to correctly assemble and build a multi-tiered structure for breeding rabbits at home.

To install the frame, the purchased boards must be divided into several parts of the following sizes: 4 pieces (100x30x2250 mm); 12 pieces (50x30x1340 mm); 12 pieces (50x30x540 mm); 72 pieces (25x30x540 mm). From the resulting parts you need to assemble 6 identical frames with dimensions of 1340x600 mm. Installing them is not difficult at all. First, one is made with precise angles, and then it is adapted as a template for creating others. To assemble one frame you need 2 beams with dimensions 50x30x540 mm and 2 beams with dimensions 50x30x1340 mm. The smaller ones are attached between the larger ones using self-tapping screws. Next, 6 frames with the smaller side must be placed on boards with dimensions of 100x30x2250 mm. The distance from one frame to another is 400 mm. It is necessary that 180 mm remain between the tiers, and the first tier must be raised from the ground by 400 mm. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. Now you need to place two similar ones parallel to these two boards on the other side of the frame

It is important to make sure that they stand perfectly level, which a building level will help you with. Next, we select bars with dimensions of 25x30x540 mm. We use them to construct a floor in the form of a lattice.

The distance between the two bars should be about 20 mm. They are mounted inside each frame, and secured on the outside with self-tapping screws. Each of the tiers must be divided into two different cells. The partition will be a hay box that resembles the letter V. It is necessary to lay down food for rabbits: hay or grass. The frame of the hay barn needs to be stitched inside along these installed bars using a mesh. If it is planned to arrange a queen cell on one of the tiers, then the floor must be level, without gaps, as mentioned above. A sheet of plywood will serve as a barrier from the main part of the cage to the queen cell, but it is important to ensure that this “door” opens freely, which can be done by installing additional bars. The entrance from the rabbitry to the queen cell can be in the shape of a circle or semicircle, but it is important that it is located 100 mm above the floor so that the cubs cannot move into the cage until they learn to overcome such a barrier themselves. In the queen cell you need to make a bottom from a plywood sheet, but do not nail it to the bars, so that you can then freely remove it and dry it before the next breeding. It is necessary to make a hinged door on top, securing it to the hinges and providing a lock in the form of a latch. Next, in accordance with the remaining openings, it is necessary to make frames for caged doors, constructing them according to the same principle as frames for tiers. The mesh can be secured to any frame using a construction stapler. The choice of the side where the hinges for the doors will be attached depends solely on the preferences of the owner and the conditions in a particular room. You can install them from the bottom, and the door will be hinged, or you can mount them on the side, and it will be hinged. Depending on the external conditions, the cage frame can be lined with metal mesh or plywood. It is extremely important to provide a system of ebb tides so that waste from the tiers located above does not reach the animals living below. To do this, you need to attach a metal sheet with sides bent by 100 mm to the front lower part of the tier. The ebb is located at an angle and extends beyond the cage by approximately 30 mm. Consequently, it turns out that all waste is sent back, which allows easy access to the front side of the cells.

This construction option is quite simple, construction will not take much time. The result will be an excellent single-tier or multi-tier (as you wish) cage.

Collection rules

In order for the animals to be as comfortable as possible in the manufactured house, it is necessary to follow certain rules during construction. It is advisable not to violate them:

  1. The protruding parts must be covered with tin.
  2. It is advisable to use slate for the roof.
  3. Under no circumstances should you use varnish or antiseptic for impregnation; rabbits will not like the smell.
  4. An extremely durable wooden beam is used as a frame.
  5. The back walls can be made of plywood.

When the drawing is completed and the materials are prepared, you can proceed to the actual construction. First of all, the frame is assembled, and then the mesh floor is laid.

If outdoor maintenance is planned, then the floor is insulated and a removable tray is installed underneath it. This is necessary for cleaning. Next, you can install the back wall, which is made of plywood. It is worth noting that it must be lower than the front one. The side walls can also be made from a sheet of plywood.

If the cage is planned to be double, then a hay barn is installed in the middle. The last wall is made of mesh, with a door. If the cage will always be outdoors, then it is necessary to properly insulate the sleeping compartment. It is advisable to make the roof at an angle and then cover it with slate. This is necessary to prevent water from accumulating on the surface after rain.

The contents of the cages may differ; it is chosen depending on what kind of rabbits will live there. For small rabbits, you need to install special queen cells, as well as nesting compartments. If there is group keeping, then a well-heated nesting room should also be arranged.

Before starting assembly, you need to decide on the place where the structure will stand. The place should be comfortable and protected from draft winds. In no case should you place a house for a rabbit on the south side, since there the animal will suffer greatly from the extreme heat. If the house will stand on the street all year, then the floor must be made in such a way that it slides out like a pallet, with a lathing of slats placed on top of it.

If you take into account all these nuances, then making a cage for a rabbit will not be difficult.

Cell sizes

It is necessary to correctly determine the dimensions before you start making a cage for rabbits with your own hands; the drawing should be based on them. One cage is not enough if you plan to breed rabbits. It is necessary to build three or four internal sections at once. If you place all the animals in one area, then it will be very uncomfortable for them to live together, and various problems will arise during breeding.

Approximate dimensions of a standard cage:

  1. Length - 140 cm.
  2. Width - 80 cm.
  3. Height - 50 cm.

If the rabbits are still very young, then 90 cm is enough length, but it is better to leave the other parameters the same. One adult rabbit requires 0.7 square meters. m of free space. For a young person, 0.2 square meters is enough. m, but no less!

There are several types of cages for rabbits:

  1. For young animals.
  2. For adults.
  3. For a female rabbit with offspring.
  4. For large breeds (“giants”).

You can assemble all these rabbit cages with your own hands.

Room for young animals

Growing rabbits must be separated from their mother and kept in groups of 10-20 individuals. For them you will need to assemble a cage with a total area of ​​30 by 100 cm, a height of 50 or 60 cm.

The floor must be made of thin wooden slats, previously covered on the side with a metal mesh. The cells must be small so that rabbits cannot get out through them. You can also make a mesh floor, but you will need to provide a separate warm room where the animals can warm up.

In winter, the entire structure should be well insulated with straw and hay. Many farmers simply do not want to provide separate housing for the younger generation of rabbits, so they place them in cages that are intended for adult varieties. In this case, it is necessary to calculate how many animals can be placed in one cage so that they feel comfortable. If the house is too small, an additional one will be required.

For adults

For an adult rabbit, the cage depth should be 70 cm, height 60 cm, and length at least 1 meter. Here it is necessary to use a block design, and each block is divided into two sections by a grid. During the mating period, the grate should be removed so that the two sections become one space.

You can make a three- or two-tier cage. This design will be somewhat more complicated, but this way you can save space on your site. It is necessary to prepare a separate place in the cage for sleeping, walking and eating. For this purpose, structures at a distance of 15 cm from the floor are separated by a plywood partition, which has an opening of 20 by 20 cm. The sleeping compartment is equipped with a wooden door, and the place for eating and walking is equipped with a mesh door.

House for a rabbit

It is recommended to build a separate house for a female rabbit with her offspring only for the winter period. When setting up, remember that the female will be nervous in a cage fenced with a mesh, and this will have a bad effect on the offspring. The house must be closed so that the mother is confident in the protection of her offspring, but a house made of mesh will not give her such confidence. Only the front wall can be made from mesh. The cage needs to be well insulated.

The frame is made from good timber, the back and side walls are made of plywood. The cage must be immediately divided into several sections: a large one where the rabbits will walk, and a small one for the nest. Doors must be made for each compartment. The walls and floor must be made double, according to the sandwich principle. Straw and foam plastic are laid between them for insulation. The roofs are covered with any slate.

Aviaries for large breeds

Giant rabbits are very large varieties, so their home must be much larger than for ordinary rabbits. Adults grow up to 60 cm in length and can reach a weight of 8 kg.

Minimum house sizes for one rabbit:

  1. Height - 65 cm.
  2. Length - one and a half meters.
  3. Width - 75 cm.

These parameters can even be increased to make the rabbit feel comfortable inside. For a young rabbit, it is necessary to build a group cage with a height of 50 cm and an area of ​​1.2 square meters. m. The weight of the animal will be quite large and the floor needs to be well strengthened. It is also best to use galvanized mesh, but thicker. To prevent the floor from falling through, the sheathing underneath must be made of bars, which are located at a distance of several centimeters from each other.

Making an aviary with your own hands

Despite the disadvantages of keeping rabbits in enclosures, this method is popular among breeders.

You can make a multi-level rabbit enclosure from wire mesh. This house is suitable for keeping in an apartment or other heated room.

To make a pen for rabbits with your own hands at home, you need to acquire the necessary tools and materials. Next you need to follow the instructions. And after completion of construction work, begin the arrangement of a new home.

Necessary materials

To build a simple enclosure for rabbits, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • wire mesh – 30 panels (2 packs);
  • ties for fastening electrical wires (100 mm) – 2 packs;
  • sheets of plywood 70 cm wide, 33 cm long (for the lower level) and 61 cm (for the upper level);
  • furniture dowel with a diameter of 3.5 cm – 4 pcs.;
  • spring clips – 3 pcs.

The only tools you will need are an electric saw for cutting out parts from plywood.

Required materials and tools

In order to build a rabbit pen with your own hands, you will need the following materials.

Tools you will need are a saw or jigsaw, a drill, a screwdriver, a shovel, a tape measure, and screwdrivers.

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