How to quickly get rid of mosquito bites on your face and body - 4 effective tips

Spending time outdoors is often marred by the pursuit of hordes of mosquitoes or other blood-sucking insects. The bite site is accompanied by swelling and redness, severe itching, and increased body temperature. As a result of scratching, the risk of developing an infectious disease increases.

The question of how to quickly get rid of mosquito bites is relevant for both adults and children.
There are many ways to eliminate the consequences: from ready-made pharmaceutical drugs to traditional medicine recipes using improvised means. They are used to relieve an allergic reaction, swelling, reduce the risk of secondary infection, and get rid of traces of mosquito bites. Let's look at all the stages in more detail. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

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Antiseptics are widely used to disinfect the skin. This is the first step towards getting rid of mosquito bites quickly.

Modern antiseptics are produced on an alcohol or water basis. Alcohol-containing products act quickly and reliably, but can dry out the skin and have a characteristic pungent odor. Water-based antiseptics are more gentle and can be recommended for children.

Immediately after the bite, a red, itchy area appears on the body. To quickly relieve discomfort you need:

  • rinse the fireplace with cold water;
  • dry it with blotting movements, without rubbing or pressing on the skin;
  • treat the affected area with an alcohol- or water-based antiseptic (furacilin, chlorhexedine, dekasan);
  • take a pain reliever or antihistamine.

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Hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tincture of medicinal herbs (valerian, motherwort), tea tree oil, and table vinegar solution can be used as disinfectants. Antiseptics stop the inflammatory process and prevent infection. This significantly reduces healing time and allows you to get rid of bite marks quickly.

Folk remedies for preventing insect bites

To prevent mosquitoes and midges from bothering you outside, wear light, closed cotton clothes when walking. If your baby is in a stroller, cover it with a mosquito net. Intense odors repel mosquitoes:

  • conifers - cypress, juniper;
  • floral - geraniums, lavender, chrysanthemums;
  • fresh - mint and lemon balm;
  • citrus fruits - lemon, orange.

If you and your child are not allergic to essential oils, use them as natural repellents. Apply a few drops of oil to a handkerchief and place it on the stroller. If the child is older, the oil can be applied to a bracelet, belt or scarf and put on a fragrant protective accessory for the baby before going outside.

Local application of ointments and gels

Most often, mosquito bites appear on the face, forehead, upper and lower extremities. If such negative reactions as unbearable itching, swelling and blisters occur, the use of various topical medications is indicated. Among them, hormonal ointments with active substances, glucocorticoids, are effective. This group of drugs is used if you need to get rid of mosquito bites quickly, for example, if the bite is located on the face or causes severe pain. These include:

  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Advantan;
  • Fluorocort, etc.

Contrary to misconceptions, hormonal drugs do not pose a health hazard. The likelihood of side effects is also low, in most cases they occur due to an overdose. Hormonal ointments should not be applied directly to the lesion. Wounds are treated in the area of ​​redness of the skin. It is also possible to use anti-inflammatory and antihistamine ointments.

Related articles: What to apply to a mosquito bite?

Disadvantages of fumigators

After use, you may experience a runny nose, tears, and for allergy sufferers, difficulty breathing. The fact is that buyers often forget that the plates and liquids contain poisons and turn on the fumigators all night. As a result, the concentration of poison in the room may become too high.


turn on the fumigators for a maximum of an hour and only when there are no people in the room. Don't forget about ventilation.

Spirals, candles

They are convenient where there is no electricity and for this reason are of particular interest to summer residents, fishermen, and mushroom pickers. Spirals and candles smolder and release poisons. The gnus will not approach within a radius of two or three meters.

How to quickly eliminate scratching after a bite

Scratching on the skin occurs due to severe itching caused by the body's reaction to a mosquito bite. Scratching occurs especially often in children who find it difficult to control their actions.

If you disinfect the bite site in time and remove swelling, you can significantly reduce the itching and avoid scratching. Otherwise, there is a risk of pathogens entering and developing a secondary infection. Suppuration begins at the site of the lesion.

You can get rid of a scratched mosquito bite using the following means:

  1. Balm Zvezdochka – the composition contains such components as menthol, cloves, camphor, mint, eucalyptus. It will take several days for complete healing.
  2. Rescuer - antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the natural composition, which contains: extracts of lavender, echinacea, beeswax, sea buckthorn, tea tree. The ointment should be applied to the scratched areas 5-6 times a day, healing occurs within a week.
  3. Boro-Plus - ointment provides antibacterial and antipruritic effects, is allowed for use in children from the second month of life, applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day. Ensures rapid healing.
  4. Vishnevsky ointment is one of the most famous and effective antiseptics, eliminates itching, accelerates wound healing, restores damaged skin, and prevents suppuration.

After processing the scratches, their condition is monitored. If no improvement is seen within 2-3 days, and the wound begins to fester, this indicates a secondary infection. In this case, more complex drug treatment will be required.

The main method of treating scratching with secondary infection is the use of antibacterial agents. The choice of drug therapy is the responsibility of the attending physician.


An antibacterial agent for external use has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, regenerating and immunomodulatory effect. The ointment will quickly eliminate swelling and inflammation, stimulate the regeneration of skin cells in damaged areas, and eliminate nutritional deficiencies.

Levomekol is safe for children; it can be prescribed to children under one year of age and even newborns. The drug rarely causes side effects, but it is not recommended to combine it with other ointments or balms with a similar therapeutic effect.

Mosquito bite. Symptoms, treatment and methods of protection against mosquitoes

The mosquito bite is familiar to everyone without exception, and both residents of villages and villages, as well as residents of large cities such as St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Gatchina, Kingisepp and others, suffer from these insects.

Mosquitoes (lat. Culicidae) are flying insects belonging to the Diptera family, which includes more than 3,000 species.

In appearance, mosquitoes have a thin, elongated body measuring from 4 to 14 mm. mostly gray or brown, although in nature there are individuals in yellow, black or green colors. At the same time, insects have very long legs and narrow transparent wings, reaching a span of 5 to 25 mm.

The most common types of mosquitoes in Russia and the CIS

Despite the diversity of mosquito species in the central European part of Russia, that is, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the following types of mosquitoes are found:

  • Culex piplens (common mosquito);
  • Aedes (aedes);
  • Anopheles (malaria mosquito).

Culex piglens. Blood-sucking mosquitoes, or culex , are the most common type of mosquito, found everywhere and often found in the city. Midges of the genus Culex often settle in the basements of apartment buildings in St. Petersburg, being typical “urban insects”, which means they are constantly in contact with humans and feed on our blood. Therefore, the basements of houses without proper control and maintenance of cleanliness and order are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which primarily attack the residents of this house, and in some cases this happens all year round, especially in the old building. Residents of the old building of the Petrogradsky, Vasileostrovsky and central districts of St. Petersburg, where flooded basements are often found, suffer from these mosquitoes.

Aedes . Mosquitoes are biting (lat. Aëdes). The main feature of this genus of mosquitoes is the recognizable white stripes on the body and legs. Several species of this genus carry infections that are dangerous to humans, such as the Zika virus .

Mosquitoes of the Aedes genus live mostly outside the city, so they actively attack people in the Leningrad region.

Anopheles. Malaria mosquitoes, or Anopheles mosquitoes . Distributed throughout the globe, except in places with low temperatures and harsh winters (Antarctica, the far north of Russia). They are carriers of human parasites - malarial plasmodia . An Anopheles mosquito bite often results in only slight redness of the skin and a small nodule.

How a mosquito bites a person

A mosquito bite is felt after the insect has almost finished its meal and is about to fly away. How does a mosquito bite a person ? Everything is very simple and many already know the answer - mosquitoes have a long, clearly visible proboscis, with which they successfully pierce human skin and begin to drink blood.

Scientifically speaking, mosquitoes have a well-developed oral apparatus with a piercing-cutting proboscis , in which there are jaws (upper and lower) similar to file-files, with which this insect easily cuts through the skin, and thanks to the long proboscis, reaches the blood vessels to suck out blood, while the entire process of a mosquito bite is accompanied by the release of saliva , which contains special substances that allow you to simultaneously anesthetize the bite site and at the same time thin the blood, preventing it from clotting and hardening. The liquefied blood is easily drawn in by the mosquito through its thin proboscis and fills its abdomen.

Only female mosquitoes bite humans , since males have a differently developed oral cavity and are not armed with a special proboscis for injections, so male mosquitoes do not feed on blood .

Why do mosquitoes bite humans?

Blood is not the main target for mosquitoes, so they cannot be called parasites, such as bed bugs , which feed exclusively on blood. The mosquito diet is based on nectar and plant sap, and only female mosquitoes need blood from humans and animals to form eggs. It is thanks to blood that the mosquito’s body receives the proteins necessary for the formation of eggs .

Having received the portion of blood necessary for the maturation of the eggs, the female mosquito looks for a secluded place in the shade for several days, for example, in basements or in thickets of bushes. As soon as the eggs are ripe, the insects fly to the nearest suitable reservoir, puddle or any other container with standing water, and lay the eggs directly on the surface.

How mosquitoes choose victims to bite

The search for victims for mosquito bites is carried out thanks to special receptors , of which there are about 72 types. All these receptors are located on the mosquito's antennae, with which the mosquito scans and sniffs the space in search of its next victim. At the same time, situations often arise when mosquitoes literally attack one person, but do not touch another person nearby - everything is very simply explained: each person or animal has its own special and specific smell, which depends on blood type, sweating, general health and other features of the body at a certain moment, so mosquitoes choose and drink the blood of the person who made the strongest impression on them at the moment, but this does not mean that they do not bite “less noticeable” people at all.

Let's look at the situation using the example of 2 fishermen near a river : one fisherman is literally surrounded by mosquitoes, and the second one is practically not touched, this means that the smell and CO2 emitted by one of the fishermen attracts blood-sucking insects more strongly, but as soon as this grappler leaves, all the mosquitoes will become interested in the remaining fisherman, who had almost never been bitten before.

Thus, mosquitoes bite all people, regardless of gender and age ; they simply choose the most attractive by smell from several victims.

Here are some human characteristics, according to scientists, due to which mosquitoes choose their primary victim:

  • increased concentration of steroids or cholesterol on the surface of the skin;
  • excess amounts of certain acids, for example uric acid;
  • increased sweating;
  • release of increased amounts of carbon dioxide when exhaling;
  • blood type;
  • when the body heats up, because warmth and movement also attract female mosquitoes.

Mosquito bite symptoms

For many people, a mosquito bite goes almost unnoticed, and for lovers of nature and countryside recreation, it goes completely unnoticed, especially by the middle of the season, when the body has become accustomed to such injections and has developed a response that does not even leave a trace. The most unpleasant thing is the first bites, when quite large inflammations and unpleasant itching appear on the body.

After the bite, a small red spot remains, which disappears after a few days.

But there are people who are highly susceptible to insect bites, this is due to increased sensitivity to those anesthetic and blood-thinning enzymes contained in the saliva of midges, then the following manifestations are possible:

  • a blister or spot measuring 7-10 mm appears at the site of the bite;
  • the bite site itches (itches) and causes pain when touched for a couple of days;
  • a slight increase in temperature of 37°C for several days is possible;
  • swelling of soft tissues at the sites of mosquito bites;
  • manifestation of skin rash or dermatitis.

All these manifestations can be attributed to a normal body and should not be taken seriously until more serious symptoms appear, after which you should immediately consult a doctor .

  • severe headaches, dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature to 38°C and above, fever, redness of the skin, chills;
  • severe persistent itching;
  • nausea and vomiting, asthma attacks, convulsions;
  • sudden drop in blood pressure;
  • fainting and loss of consciousness.

The dangerous symptoms listed may be manifestations of an allergy to mosquito bites , as well as a sign of a disease transmitted by bites.

Itching from mosquito bites

Itching from mosquito bites and the accompanying burning sensation are common consequences of a mosquito bite. The degree of itching after a mosquito bite depends on the person’s individual tolerance, his immunity and state of health. In a strong and healthy person, the itching after a mosquito bite may be minimal and unnoticeable , but in a weakened or sick person, the itching from a mosquito bite can be unbearable and prolonged.

How to relieve itching from a mosquito bite

Special products help relieve itching after a mosquito bite - solutions, creams, gels designed to facilitate and quickly heal skin areas affected by insect bites. Such products can be purchased in any specialized stores and pharmacies.

It is important to remember that insecticides and repellents should not be used to relieve itching after mosquito bites, so they should not be used to avoid causing further irritation to the skin.

Mosquito squeaks can cause unbearable nervous itching in people, which interferes with comfortable sleep at night, so for a restful sleep it is necessary to use fumigators indoors.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites can also come to the rescue .

Folk remedies for mosquito bites - treat mosquito bites using folk methods

Folk remedies for mosquito bites can effectively treat bites and relieve symptoms. The most popular and widespread method that parents most often introduce us to in childhood is to anoint the bite site with your own saliva . This method really helps.

To relieve itching and relieve swelling, the mosquito bite site should be smeared with the following folk remedies:

  • vinegar, lemon or citric acid;
  • alcohol, vodka, perfume, cologne, ammonia or any other alcohol-containing products;
  • soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda for half a glass of warm water);
  • toothpaste;
  • aloe;
  • mint, parsley or plantain, ground into a paste;
  • tea tree oil, eucalyptus or lavender oil;

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

How to protect yourself from mosquito bites and other midges - midges, midges, mosquitoes, horse flies in nature, on your property, in your country house and in your apartment? A very pressing question, especially in the summer season, when a person strives to go into nature, where hungry bloodsuckers are waiting for him everywhere, who simply need blood for reproduction and nutrition.

To protect your home from mosquitoes, if necessary, during the peak season, it is enough to use various types of mosquito nets on the windows in the apartment, as well as mosquito curtains in a country house . At night, they do an excellent job and are able to destroy mosquitoes indoors.

When going outdoors or going to the forest, you can use special clothing and various repellents - repellent lotions, creams, aerosols, bracelets. These means of protection, when used properly, can repel insects and significantly reduce bites. But what to do in cases when you want to relax peacefully on the site without any conventions? Then the most effective solution would be to treat the entire area against mosquitoes . Professional pest control can remove mosquitoes and provide a peaceful holiday in your countryside for the whole summer.

Mosquito treatment

Treating an area for mosquitoes is a modern and highly effective method of getting rid of mosquitoes. Killing mosquitoes is achieved by spraying a professional insect repellent that is evenly sprayed onto all plants and surfaces in the area that the insects will inevitably come into contact with and die. Thus, the desired effect is achieved, and maintaining the killing power of the drug over a long period allows you to comfortably relax in your area throughout the entire season.

To treat areas against mosquitoes, the most modern equipment is used , which makes it possible to cover a large area with disinfectants in one day, which leaves no chance for insects to survive. Mosquitoes die instantly when they enter a poisonous cloud or come into contact with treated plants and surfaces. At the same time, modern certified preparations are completely harmless to plants and animals, and most importantly, safe for humans.

A professional installation for treating insects allows our specialist to quickly and very efficiently treat the area from midges!

Specialists of our SES service SES Control are ready to go to any site in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region to solve the problem with mosquitoes and other midges! Quality result guaranteed! Contact professionals in your field.

Masking tracks

For some people, bite marks remain for weeks or months, so they have to be covered up.

To camouflage bites on the face, women are advised to apply foundation, then apply powder. The bite areas can be additionally coated with concealer.

The right emphasis in makeup - on the lips or on the eyes - will help reduce the visibility of bites. The interlocutor will pay attention to them and will not notice the wounds on his face.

There are no special means for camouflage. The use of medicinal drugs and techniques is required.

What determines the strength of the human body’s reactions?

  • From the type of insect.
  • Number of bites inflicted.
  • The level of protective forces of the immune system.
  • Age information of the victim.
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions.
  • Subsequent introduction of infection into the wound.

The most acute and pronounced reactions will be observed:

  • In children.
  • Persons prone to frequent colds. Learn how to treat the flu at home here.
  • And also with chronic kidney and liver diseases. In such cases, the independent removal of toxins from the body will occur very slowly.
  • Elderly people are also at particular risk due to the aging process, which weakens the body’s protective functions. You can expand your knowledge in this area by reading the topical article suggested to users.

If you are interested, here you can find out how to help cleanse and restore the liver, how to remove toxins from the body.

Scratching bite sites is very dangerous.

This may cause:

  • deepening of the lesion;
  • bleeding;
  • putrefaction;
  • formation of black scabs;
  • infection by pathogens.

What to do if you have multiple bites?

Multiple mosquito bites lead to blisters, fever and a severe allergic reaction. As a rule, you can get by with one of the traditional medicines or pharmaceutical drugs, but there are cases when more serious treatment is required.

To eliminate allergies, antihistamines are used in tablets, ointments and syrups. Hydrocortisone ointment, Fenistil, Bite-OFF, Clemastine, Loratadine are suitable for this.

Inflammation is relieved with ibuprofen tablets. It also helps reduce fever and reduce itching. Instead of ibuprofen, you can take paracetamol or aspirin for fever.

Itching is relieved with the help of baths and lotions with the addition of decoctions of peppermint, chamomile and Veronica officinalis.

Important! At the first sign of a severe allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How does scar formation occur?

Scar formation is a natural healing process of the skin after damage (Fig. 7). Initially, the wound surface becomes covered with crusts, and the traumatic defect itself begins to be filled with soft granulation tissue. Gradually, the granulation tissue is replaced by dense fibrous connective tissue (collagen), which is produced by cells called fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts actively produce collagen at the site of skin damage for 3-4 months, which usually leads to a gradual elevation of the scar above the skin level and the formation of a bumpy surface. At the same time, blood capillaries actively grow, causing the scar to become red. Over time, the over-formed collagen begins to gradually break down, and the number of capillaries decreases (the scar decreases in size, becomes smooth, less hard and more elastic, less red).

The period of scar maturation - we have already said above that external cream or ointment for scars and scars - can only give an effect if they are used during the period of scar maturation, during which the scar undergoes active transformation. For example, if at the beginning of this period the scar only increases in size and becomes redder, then over time its reverse transformation begins to occur. Gradually, the scar decreases in size (due to the degradation of excess collagen), and after an average of 7 months it begins to fade due to a decrease in the number of capillaries.

The period of scar maturation begins from the moment of complete epithelization of the wound surface (when there are no longer crusts), and will last on average up to 1 year. But in some patients this period can take only 4-6 months, and in rare patients it can take up to 2 years, and this difference in time depends on several factors. For example, the size of the original wound/scar size, whether there is skin tension in the scar area, and age (patients under 30 years of age have a slower rate of scar maturation than patients over 55 years of age).

Important: Clinical studies show that the slower the rate of scar maturation, the worse its final appearance.

Method 1: Protective clothing

This does not have to be overalls, but when planning a walk in the forest or to a pond, you should think about clothes made of thick fabric that cover the surfaces of the body as much as possible. Of course, in extreme heat and for beach leisure, this method is not suitable, but for an evening walk in the forest it’s fine.

How to dress for the forest - basic rules:

  • choose high shoes so that you can tuck your trousers into them (rubber boots are optimal);
  • It’s also better to choose high socks;
  • all buttons and zippers must be fastened completely (including buttons on the cuffs);
  • be sure to wear a hat.

When traveling to a pond, keep in mind that horseflies are especially attracted to bright colors; choose clothes in neutral tones.


A person is bitten by various insects, so it is important to determine who left the bite. The method of treating the damaged area of ​​skin depends on this.

A mosquito bite causes burning, swelling, redness and itching, which makes a person constantly want to scratch the affected area.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the reaction to the bite may be minimal or absent altogether.

In some people, the bites cause allergies. In case of hypersensitivity, it is recommended to have Prednisolone on hand. If the condition worsens after a bite, you need to administer the medicine intramuscularly, and then call an ambulance.

Histamine is a receptor that causes allergies. The use of antihistamines reduces the risk of allergies after a bite. Recommended drugs:

  • Tsetrin,
  • Alergomax,
  • Tigofast,
  • Alercis,
  • Cetrinal,
  • Altiva,
  • Glencet.

Most drugs are tablets or drops. For children, antihistamines are available in syrup form.

How do mosquitoes choose their prey?

To search for prey, females have chemical and thermal sensors that record the release of sweat and carbon dioxide. Figuratively speaking, for them the whole world looks like streams of CO2, and they fly to where there is more of it. Using the carbon footprint, mosquitoes determine the location of the victim several tens of meters away. The faster you breathe, the higher the risk of being bitten, so children, pregnant women and people with large body weight attract mosquitoes' interest. During physical labor or sports, breathing rate and carbon dioxide production also increase.

At a distance of about a meter from a potential victim, the mosquito begins to distinguish many parameters: skin temperature, metabolic characteristics and human microflora. They are attracted by the smells of lactic acid, which is contained in sweat, as well as ammonia, acetone, sulcatone and some carboxylic acids.

Therefore, in order to repel mosquitoes, you need to try to kill this natural smell. This can be done using chemical or natural means.

How to get rid of scars -

How to get rid of scars will depend on the type of scar, as well as its age. There are several treatments that can help make them less noticeable and improve their appearance. Keep in mind that, unfortunately, it is hardly possible to improve, but completely get rid of scars without a trace.

In this section of the article we will focus on –

  • cream for scars and scars (Dermatix, Kelo-Kote),
  • silicone bandages (plasters),
  • scar massage and pressure bandages,
  • laser scar removal,
  • surgical removal of scars.

Also used to treat scars are:

  • medium or deep chemical peeling,
  • dermabrasion technique (skin resurfacing),
  • cosmetic camouflage (make-up or tattoo on scars).

What to do if mosquitoes bite a child?

Multiple mosquito bites on a child
At home, any housewife will always have something to treat if a child is bitten by a mosquito. First of all, you need to wash your skin with soap and water and treat it with a baking soda solution. Then apply a cold compress to reduce the swelling. Additionally, wipe with mint infusion, basil decoction or other medicinal herbs. You can make compresses with dandelion and veronica leaves. The main condition is not to let the child scratch so that wounds do not form. This method is suitable for infants, children one year old and older.

If you develop a fever or signs of a severe allergic reaction, you should consult a pediatrician. Mosquito bites can be confused with chickenpox, diathesis and other infections. Therefore, if multiple bites or severe symptoms appear, you should seek medical help.

Important! The baby's skin is delicate and sensitive, so home remedies should be applied carefully so as not to damage the top layer of the epithelium. The baby may scratch the bite, which requires disinfection even if there are no signs of scratching or redness.

Getting rid of traces

Dark spots or scars remain at the site of the bite when a person scratches the wound. Traces remain even for those with delicate skin.

The spots remain until the skin in the affected area is replaced. This takes several months. Some means can help reduce waiting time:

  • constant use of a scrub (one of the best is blue clay) speeds up the change and cleansing of the skin;
  • Contractubex ointment stimulates cell regeneration and removes small scars;
  • Self-tanning or natural tanning conceals dark spots;
  • in beauty salons and medical centers they mask or get rid of scars.

Scar cream: reviews of effectiveness

It makes no sense to search the Internet for reviews of ointment or cream for scars and scars, because... At the moment, almost 99% of all reviews on forums are hidden advertising and anti-advertising. There are hundreds of marketing agencies in Russia, whose thousands of employees (under the guise of consumers) write posts on forums about medications, cosmetics, toothpastes and other various products. Therefore, we will use the results of published scientific studies, which are available on the website of the National Library of Medicine.

In general, clinical studies (source) show that silicone-based products are indeed capable of somewhat reducing the volume of scars, reducing their hardness and increasing elasticity, as well as improving the color of hypertrophic scars and keloids. When used prophylactically on the area of ​​surgical incisions, products with silicone are highly likely to prevent the development of pathological types of scars that occur with hyper-formation of scar tissue.

Regarding the effectiveness of drugs based on onion extract, there are 2 very large clinical studies (source), in which 771 and 1269 people took part. The study showed that Contractubex also led to an improvement in the appearance of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and when used prophylactically immediately after epithelization of the wound, it increased the likelihood that the scarring will not be pathological.

However, there are comparative studies of the effectiveness of products with silicone and onion extract. For example, “Comparison of efficacy of silicone gel, silicone gel sheeting, and topical onion extract including heparin and allantoin for the treatment of postburn hypertrophic scars” 2009, authors – Karagoz H., Yuksel F.. (translation – “Comparison of effectiveness silicone gel, silicone gel coating, and topical onion extract, including heparin and allantoin, for the treatment of hypertrophic burn scars.” This study concluded that onion extract formulations were slightly less effective than silicone gels and silicone dressings.

In addition, we found 2 more studies interesting, which concluded that combination therapy (a drug with silicone + onion extract) gives a more pronounced result in improving the appearance of the scar than treatment with any of these drugs separately. This is stated, for example, in the study “Contractubex® and Silicone-gel sheeting to treat keloid and hypertrophic scars concluded that co-administration led to the best response”, authors – Hosnuter M., Payasli C..

Conclusions: There are actually many more clinical studies, and some of them provide conflicting results. But in this review, we tried to present only studies with high 1-2 levels of evidence (in total there are from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest), and in which a large number of subjects took part. Therefore, we can conclude that products with silicone and onion extract do increase the likelihood that the appearance of the scar will be better than when these products are not used.

Well, the last thing about the Russian remedy Fermenkol. Unfortunately, there is no information on the effectiveness of this drug in the Cochrane Research Library. Clinical studies were carried out only at the local level, but they show (source) that a good result can only be obtained by using Fermenkol solution in drug electrophoresis procedures (and the effect will be visible after the 1st course of treatment of 10-15 procedures), or using phonophoresis technique with gel.

The use of conventional gel applications (in the form of monotherapy) gives a very mediocre, statistically insignificant result. We hope that this argument of ours has helped you understand which ointment for scars or cream for scars and scars will be better.

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