Is flea shampoo effective for dogs, how often to wash your dog and other nuances

The problem of infecting a dog with various skin parasites is probably painfully familiar to every dog ​​lover. The appearance of fleas in an animal is fraught not only with the occurrence of corresponding symptoms, which include severe itching, anxiety, lack of appetite and sleep, but also with a host of other problems.

Fleas act as carriers of dangerous diseases, helminth infections. Integrated control of parasites includes mandatory treatment of the infected animal with insecticidal agents, the most popular and effective of which are shampoos.

These medications are used to rid your pet of fleas, prevent their appearance, and care for their fur.

The most effective

To choose an effective flea shampoo for dogs, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the line of drugs in this group.

The safest for the animal, but with highly effective properties are the following::

  • Phytoelite shampoos. The products in this line are presented in several varieties, the composition of which is enriched with a large number of components of natural origin. They have a mild antiparasitic effect and are inexpensive. Phytoelite shampoos can be used to treat parasitic infestations in puppies more than two months old.
  • Celandine. This shampoo also contains herbal ingredients and contains permethrin, a highly effective flea repellent. It can be used even if the animal is highly infected. In the line of drugs in this group there are several options for shampoos intended for animals of certain breeds and age groups.
  • Bifar. This product is in a relatively high price segment and is of good quality. The composition contains a complex of various active ingredients that have a complex effect, helping to remove fleas and improve the condition of human skin and hair.
  • Doctor ZOO. This flea shampoo can be used to treat the smallest puppies, less than two months old. The composition of the product includes only natural ingredients of natural origin, which makes it completely safe to use. It can be used for frequent grooming of the puppy’s coat and prevention of fleas.
  • Mr. Bruno. This shampoo is highly effective, but its composition includes toxic components, which precludes the use of the product for treating puppies. The drug must be used in strict accordance with the instructions.

Before using shampoos, it is important to make sure that the dog does not have wounds, scratches, or skin diseases.

The presence of these can cause a deterioration in the animal’s condition after antiparasitic treatment.

Symptoms of infection

The main symptoms indicating that a pet is infected with fleas are:

  • itching, which causes the dog to constantly scratch;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of small ulcers on the skin in the place where the animal scratches;
  • dark balls of feces;
  • white clusters of larvae;
  • the fleas themselves, which quickly hide in the undercoat.

In addition, the pet may become very anxious, become irritable, lose appetite, begin to sleep poorly, bite sharply into the skin and click its teeth. The dog's eyes often water, and in severe cases, extensive bald patches appear in the croup area, on the withers and at the base of the tail.

Selection rules for a specific situation

When choosing a shampoo for a dog, you should definitely take into account a number of important factors, for example, the age of the animal, the degree of its infection, breed, length and thickness of the coat. For example, the best flea shampoo for puppies contains a minimal amount of insecticides, prevents further reproduction of fleas, and helps destroy existing parasites. Often shampoos in this group contain plant extracts, that is, they are completely safe.

Bath products containing small amounts of toxic agents are recommended for regular bathing of animals that are often at risk of flea infestation. These include dogs that have free access to the street or are in contact with relatives.

Products containing a significant amount of insecticides are used to get rid of parasites in adult animals. At the same time, they should be used only as a therapeutic, but not a prophylactic agent.

Before using highly toxic flea medications, it is recommended to show the animal to a specialist.

The Best Flea Sprays and Aerosols for Dogs

With the onset of spring, problems related to the health of pets worsen. The risk of infection increases, because not only ticks, but also fleas carry dangerous diseases. To reduce the risk of infection, you should take care of protecting your dog in advance. Inexpensive and effective sprays have a repellent effect and are completely harmless.

The list of the best sprays and aerosols for fleas includes the following products:

Bolfo (Bayer)

The aerosol has antiparasitic properties that affect lice, fleas and ticks. Used to treat the animal's place of residence in order to more effectively destroy parasites. In case of contact with the mucous membrane, it may cause slight irritation. It is recommended to use in an open area or in a well-ventilated area. The procedure should be repeated several times until the insects are completely destroyed.

Weightfrom 4 kg
Duration of action10-15 days
Volume250 ml


  • harmless;
  • easy to spray;
  • nice smell;
  • instant results;
  • effectively fights parasites.


  • small volume;
  • high price.

Review: “Good spray. We've been using it for six months now. After use, all parasites disappeared. In addition, the fur became smooth. A universal remedy.”


Made with natural oils to protect dogs from fleas and ticks. The composition includes lavender oil, which is very unpleasant for insects and at the same time completely harmless for dogs. It has a beneficial effect on the animal's skin, has antibiotic properties, and has an antifungal and antiviral effect. Improves the appearance of the coat, reduces itching from bites. Can be used every 2 weeks for preventive purposes.

Weightfrom 4 to 8 kg
Duration of action20 days
Volume150 ml


  • harmless;
  • improves the appearance of the coat;
  • nice smell;
  • sprays well;
  • qualitative.


  • high price;
  • gives off an alcoholic aroma.

Review: “We walk the dog in the forest every day. We have to process wool almost daily. Does not cause allergies or irritation. He is our assistant in the fight against ticks.”


The spray is designed to combat fleas and ticks in animals. Treatment is carried out in an open area to avoid contact with the mucous membrane. The procedure should be repeated several times, and the animal’s place of residence should also be treated. This effective and high-quality product is widely used in veterinary medicine. Does not cause adverse reactions. Destroys both flea eggs and adult fleas within 2 months.

Weightfrom 4 to 25 kg
Duration of action45 days
Volume100 ml


  • acts quickly;
  • qualitative;
  • has no specific odor;
  • good sprayer;
  • washes off easily.


  • price;
  • small volume.

Review: “Previously we used shampoos to fight parasites, but now we switched to a spray, it is much more effective. The bottle is enough for several times. Doesn’t cause irritation.”

How to use

To rid your animal of parasites, it is important to know how to properly wash your dog with flea shampoo. This kind of procedure is quite simple, but failure to follow some recommendations may lead to the lack of the desired result.

It is necessary to take into account the animal’s habits, its disposition, and behavioral characteristics . If the dog does not tolerate water well and is afraid to swim, you should not force him; you can resort to a number of some tricks, which are presented below.


Before using flea shampoo, it is recommended to first comb the animal's fur. This measure will help remove a certain number of fleas and rid the animal of tangles, that is, clumps of matted fur. If you leave them, even the most effective shampoo will not be able to cope with fleas. If the fur is very matted, the tangles should be cut off.

You should not bathe your animal immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. Since adult dogs are fed twice a day, it is advisable to carry out water procedures between these two meals. You should not bathe a sick animal. Also, treatment will have to be postponed if there are flea scratches or wounds on the dog’s skin.


Before washing your dog with flea shampoo, it is important to consider the animal's behavior.

If your dog does not tolerate water treatments well, flea repellent can be used as follows::

  • Fill a small basin with water or put it in the bottom of the bathtub. Next, add the amount of anti-flea shampoo required for bathing the animal. You should know that each product has certain dosages, which should be calculated according to the dog’s age, size, and coat thickness. After obtaining a thick foam, thoroughly treat the dog's fur with it, and then rinse carefully using a warm shower.
  • If bathing is to your pet’s taste, treatment can be carried out as follows: first, you should thoroughly wet the animal’s fur, using a shower or filling a bathtub with water. Next, lightly foam the amount of detergent required according to the instructions in your palms, then apply it to the wool and rinse it thoroughly. Afterwards, it is important to rinse off the foam completely.

It is not recommended to leave foam on the animal, as the use of insecticides can lead to poisoning of the dog.

Procedures after swimming

Equally important are the measures taken after bathing the dog. To prevent re-infection, you need to completely replace your pet’s bedding, in which hordes of blood-sucking creatures may well nest. If this is not possible, you need to boil the litter and then freeze it outside for several hours. However, the best option is replacement.

If possible, it is recommended to limit the animal’s contact with stray brothers. It is these dogs that are often sources of infection in healthy pets. It is periodically recommended to use any mild shampoo to prevent the appearance of parasites in your pet.

Reviews from pet owners

Elena, 35 years old. Moscow: “When my dog ​​got fleas, the veterinary pharmacy recommended Bars drops. I applied the product once to dry skin in the neck area at the base of the skull and between the shoulder blades so that the animal could not lick it off. For 3 days after this, the pet was not washed. As a result, all the parasites died, and the dog no longer suffered from itching.”

Mikhail, 43 years old, Saratov: “It’s convenient to use a spray to kill fleas on dogs. This drug, unlike drops and tablets, acts quickly, and there is no need to treat the animal again. I find Frontline effective. It quickly helped rid my pet of such parasites. But you need to use it correctly so that the spray does not get into the dog’s respiratory system.”


How the shampoo works

Before treating your animal, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how flea shampoo for dogs works. Products containing only plant extracts are more often used to provide a preventive effect and have a distinct odor that repels parasites.

The principle of operation of almost all shampoos, the composition of which includes insecticidal substances, is somewhat different . Products in this group create a thick sticky foam, which prevents fleas from moving and helps separate nits from hairs, as a result of which most parasites are literally washed away during bathing.

In addition, medicated shampoos have a detrimental effect on blood-sucking insects, helping to soften the insect’s hard integument. Due to this property of the drug, a flea exposed to it dies within a few days.

Popular questions

How often can you wash your puppy with flea shampoo? Puppies 1 and 2 months old do not need frequent bathing, since they have virtually no contact with adults infected with fleas. When fleas are detected in the litter and the mother, it is recommended to simultaneously treat all members of the canine family .

How often can an adult dog be washed? If the dog has access to the outdoors, it is recommended to bathe it as soon as its fur gets dirty. For preventive treatment of wool, bathing once every two to four weeks is sufficient.

Do I need to use additional antiparasitic agents? The need to use them arises only when the animal is highly infected.

Folk remedies for fleas

Folk remedies are a fairly effective way to combat fleas. They are safe for humans, but take longer to achieve results. This remedy can be made at home from herbs. Tansy and wormwood are used for this. Brew the tincture and treat the home. Wormwood branches can be placed in the corners of the house where fleas accumulate most. Coniferous shavings have a similar effect. Baking soda works great against parasites. It is necessary to mix it with salt and treat all places where the pet rests.

If fleas are found on an animal, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the correct and effective remedy to combat this problem. You should not delay the procedure and give a chance to parasites that can multiply quickly.

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