The best mosquito repellent in an apartment: popular rating of effective control methods

With the onset of the first warm days, blood-sucking insects wake up and begin to annoy residents of city apartments and country houses. Mosquitoes are especially annoying at night. They prevent you from falling asleep with their squeaking and bite people, feeding on blood. To get rid of annoying insects and to prevent them from entering the house, long-known folk methods or modern devices are used.

Ways of mosquitoes to enter an apartment

Many people believe that mosquitoes, like moths, fly indoors into the light. This opinion is wrong. Then they would constantly circle around the lamp. Mosquitoes are attracted to the heat emitted by the body of a person or animal. Blood-sucking insects pick up infrared waves and head towards their prey. They appear in the apartment mainly in the warm season.

They fly towards the light because they sense a small amount of heat from the lamp. So, they penetrate into apartments and houses. The mosquito distinguishes its food by the smell of sweat. He is attracted to lactic acid, which is one of the components of sweat secretions.

Trap in a glass

This method is suitable for followers of Buddhism who consider themselves not entitled to destroy the life of even an insect. You need to prepare a transparent glass, find the parasite on the wall, and catch the mosquito with as sharp a movement as possible, covering it with the container. Whether the flying bloodsucker has fallen into a trap will be visible through the glass.

After this, you need to carefully place a sheet of paper under the glass so that the bloodsucker cannot fly out. Now you can do whatever you want with the mosquito: release it into the street, swat it, the main thing is that it does not interfere with sleep. When there are only one or two insects, this method will save the situation.

Types of mosquitoes

In addition to ordinary mosquitoes that feed on human blood, there are other species of this insect. Some prefer the blood of animals and birds. Others do not bite anyone, but eat plant foods.

Common blood-sucking mosquitoes belong to the family Culicidae. They are usually found near human habitats. These insects come in any color as they adapt to their surroundings.

Mosquitoes from the family Tipulidae are distinguished from others by their particularly long legs. They usually hover in the air for a long time, motionless. They can often be seen under the ceiling, where warm air accumulates. Due to their terrifying appearance, such mosquitoes are mistaken for malaria. But in reality, these insects are harmless. They do not feed on blood, but prefer nectar, plant roots or dew.

The most dangerous mosquitoes, which are the source of the spread of many diseases, are mosquitoes. They live in warm countries in Africa or Asia, in a subtropical climate. These insects are not found in our country.

Midges living in the vicinity of water bodies belong to a subspecies of mosquitoes. They bite very painfully. The bloodworm or bell mosquito is also known. These insects are not dangerous because they do not attack anyone.

Features of mosquito control in the country

It is difficult to get rid of mosquitoes in a suburban area, but you can try to reduce their numbers. The simplest and most environmentally friendly way is to plant certain plants around the perimeter of the site and near the house. It can be:

  • mint;
  • elder;
  • tomatoes;
  • basil;
  • citronella;
  • bird cherry;
  • sagebrush;
  • Bay leaf;
  • juniper;
  • Melissa;
  • marigold;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • geranium.

Photo gallery: repellent plants

For mosquitoes, you can plant swamp, cat, horse and, of course, peppermint

Fragrant basil is used in cooking and as a repellent.

Mosquitoes also do not live in tomato beds

It has been noticed that there are few mosquitoes near the elderberry bushes

Citronella, otherwise known as lemongrass or lemongrass, is an excellent mosquito repellent.

If the climate allows, you can also plant heat-loving laurel on the site.

Mosquitoes don't like bird cherry either.

Prickly juniper has an unpleasant odor for mosquitoes

Melissa, which looks like mint, also repels bloodsuckers

Marigolds or tagetes are a plant loved by many summer residents for their universal repellent properties.

For some reason, mosquitoes cannot stand the wonderful aroma of lavender.

Wormwood is not liked not only by mosquitoes, but also by fleas

Beautiful geranium will please the eye and repel mosquitoes

By planting rosemary on your plot, you will not only repel mosquitoes, but also get a spice for your dishes

Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water, so if there is a pond on the site, it is worth placing frogs or fish (for example, crucian carp) in it, which will eat the larvae of bloodsuckers.

DIY trap

Traps are usually installed near a house, gazebo or recreation area so that some of the bloodsuckers switch their attention from people to the bait. To make it you will need a plastic bottle, a glass of warm water, yeast and sugar.

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle.
  2. Pour water into the bottom part.
  3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar there.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Add 1-2 grams of yeast, no need to stir it.
  6. Close the trap with the cut plastic neck, which should be directed towards the bottom of the bottle.
  7. Place the bait in the required place.

Homemade repeller

Those who know how to read electronic circuits can make an ultrasonic mosquito repeller with their own hands. It is designed for a range of up to one and a half meters, when assembled it easily fits into a breast pocket and is well suited for quiet gatherings on the porch, by the grill or fire. This device runs on a Krona battery.

  • The circuit is based on an asymmetrical multivibrator based on two npn and pnp transistors. Using resistor R1, you can change the radiation frequency from 2 to 15 KHz.
  • The disadvantage of the scheme is the short range of action, as well as the narrow range of generated sound frequencies, which may not be enough to repel all types of mosquitoes. The circuit can be modified by increasing the power and obtaining a stronger stationary mosquito repeller with a range of 2.5–3 m. To do this, you need to place P601 instead of the VT2 transistor.

Those who are versed in electronics can make a mosquito repeller on their own
. Legend:

  • GB1 – 9V “Crown”
  • SA1 - Switch
  • C1 - KLS, KTK, KDK 3300 uF
  • R1 - SP, SPO 100 kOhm
  • R2 - ULM, MLT, VS 100 kOhm
  • R3 - ULM, MLT. BC 10 kOhm
  • VT1 - MP 36 - MP 38 with any letter index
  • VT2 - MP 40 - MP 42 with any letter index
  • HA1 - B1, DEM 4M, TA

Unfortunately, a DIY device most likely will not comply with current ultrasound emission standards, so it should be used with caution.

Fragrances against mosquitoes

On the site you can use repellents based on a strong odor that is unpleasant to mosquitoes. These can be regular incense sticks or essential oils. A list of repellent scents is given in the “Folk Remedies” section. Near the house you can light lanterns with candles, the wick of which should be applied with the selected essential oil, or you can coat the entire candle. Outdoors there is no risk of overdosing when using oil in this way because there is a constant supply of fresh air. But it’s still a good idea to be careful and not sit close to a fragrant candle. It is also better to protect your hands with gloves when applying essential oils - esters, unlike cosmetic oils, have an aggressive effect and can cause irritation if undiluted.

Another option is to drip camphor alcohol into a tin can or other metal container, which you then heat over a fire (for example, near a fire). Camphor vapor will repel mosquitoes.

About camphor - you don’t need to smear it, you can heat a tin can (empty) over a fire and drop a few drops of camphor on it. The smell will repel mosquitoes.

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Why are mosquitoes dangerous?

Having smelled a person, the female mosquito starts hunting to bite. During the bite itself, some exchange of fluids occurs. The insect sucks the blood and at the same time injects a special secret into the human body that prevents human blood from clotting. Because of this, it remains in a liquid state and flows freely into the mosquito’s body. This secret is a strong irritant. This is what causes an allergic reaction.

At the site of the lesion, pain, burning, itching and other uncomfortable sensations occur that accompany a mosquito bite. Some particularly sensitive people have very severe reactions.

Important! The most common consequence of mosquito bites is allergies. It causes discomfort and a desire to scratch the bite site. Some mosquitoes carry yellow fever, malaria and various viruses.

How to catch with a vacuum cleaner?

Before using a vacuum cleaner to catch mosquitoes at night, you need to make sure that you will not disturb anyone in the room with an unexpected sound, especially children. The difficulty lies in the fact that the device must be prepared in advance so that you don’t have to take it out of the pantry late in the evening.

Fishing with a vacuum cleaner

This method is effective when insects sit in places that are difficult to reach. It is enough to quickly bring the hose tube to the little vampire and turn on the unit. The mosquito will no longer escape from the dust bag.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment

At home, the best method of control is the numerous special insect repellents sold in hardware departments of stores. The most popular of them remain fumigators of various types. But they are not able to provide complete protection. Then mosquito nets, ultrasonic devices and traditional methods are used as additional measures.

How to escape mosquitoes using folk remedies

These insects have a very good sense of smell. They fly towards an attractive aroma and rush away from a frightening odor. People use this feature to fight blood suckers. There are many smells that can drive mosquitoes out of your home.


Tomato plants are often used to repel mosquitoes. Their scent is so unpleasant to insects that just a few plants are enough to drive away unwanted guests. Tomato bushes are placed in pots on windowsills for this purpose.


Plants such as myrtle, rosemary, mint, and pelargonium help fight mosquitoes in the apartment. Their green part contains aromatic oils, the evaporation of which creates an insurmountable barrier for insects. Therefore, to repel mosquitoes, simply place pots of these herbs on the windowsill. To enhance the aroma and create lasting protection, you need to regularly shake containers with plants.

Aroma lamps

If it is not possible to place indoor plants, aroma lamps will help get rid of mosquitoes in the house. The following oils cope best with attacks of blood-sucking insects:

  • lavender;
  • anise;
  • valerian;
  • geranium;
  • eucalyptus;
  • thyme;
  • tea tree;
  • camphor;
  • mint.

Important! To smoothly and uniformly saturate the space with the selected aroma, the temperature of the aroma lamp is maintained at a level from +40 to +60 degrees. There is no need to fill the aroma lamp with a large amount of oil, 3-4 drops are enough. Otherwise, unpleasant phenomena such as nausea and headache are possible.

Freshly cut plants

To spread a mosquito-repellent aroma, it is not necessary to plant a mini-garden on the windowsill. Simply lay out a few fresh branches of wormwood, mint, lemon balm or basil. The leaves of thyme, lavender, cloves, walnuts or tomatoes also repel mosquitoes.

Wheatgrass decoction

In the summer, many gardeners mercilessly pull out wheatgrass. This weed may actually be beneficial. A decoction of its roots is an excellent remedy against blood-sucking insects.

To prepare the decoction, the rhizomes are thoroughly washed from the soil and chopped finely. A glass of crushed raw materials is combined with 1 liter of water and brought to a boil over low heat. When the water begins to boil, turn off the heat and wait for the broth to cool. The manipulation is repeated 2-3 more times.

The result is a highly concentrated decoction. They lubricate the face, hands and other parts of the body. This protection lasts for several hours.

Vanillin alcohol solution

To get rid of blood-sucking midges and mosquitoes, ordinary vanillin helps. It is diluted in an amount of 6 g in 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. To repel insects, liquid is applied to exposed areas of the body, including the face. The effect of such protection lasts for several hours.


Mosquitoes do not like this plant in any form. To protect exposed areas of the skin, use a water infusion. It is prepared by pouring a small amount of boiling water over clove buds. The cooled liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the body.

Clove oil has a similar effect. It is dripped into a small medallion and worn around the neck. For protection at night, just soak a handkerchief in aroma oil and place it at the head of the bed.

You can make a safe fumigator from lemon and clove buds. To do this, cut the fruit into two parts and stick several cloves into the pulp. This structure is placed next to the bed at night. The aroma repels mosquitoes and creates a festive atmosphere.

Valerian root

Another effective way to protect against annoying insects is a decoction of valerian rhizome. To prepare it, washed and crushed raw materials are poured with water and brought to a boil over low heat. Then, covering the dish with a lid, leave for 90 minutes. The strained broth is sprayed onto the skin.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is the increased attention of cats. To eliminate this effect, you can use wormwood or wheatgrass instead of valerian.

Balm “Star”

The well-known Vietnamese product contains many essential oils that mosquitoes do not like and has a warming effect on the skin. To protect against blood suckers, it is applied in several places on the skin. If you are allergic to this remedy, you can use any preparation containing camphor.

How to repel mosquitoes using modern methods

If you don’t want to make decoctions or plant pots of plants at home, you can use numerous modern means of combating blood-sucking insects. They are sold in a large variety in stores and pharmacies. For the most part, they create effective protection and are easy to use.

mosquito net

To protect against small blood-sucking insects, fine mesh nets are installed on windows and balcony doors. Residents of the upper floors can do without this device, since mosquitoes do not rise to such a height. For other people, such protection is mandatory. It is especially needed for those who live near bodies of water.

Usually, plastic windows already have a mosquito net. If the frames are wooden, you can make some kind of such protection yourself from a piece of gauze, securing it to the window opening with push pins or a thin strip and several nails. After the onset of cold weather, such protection is removed. In the same way, ventilation holes are protected from insects.

Important! For more reliable protection, the mosquito net is periodically sprayed with anti-mosquito aerosol.


With the help of this useful and reliable device, we get rid of mosquitoes in record time. The most popular fumigators are Reid, Raptor, Fumitox, and Moskitol.

A fumigator is an electrical device that heats a plate soaked in a mosquito-killing solution or evaporates the liquid from a container. After turning on the device, all insects die within half an hour. Typically, pyrethroid insecticides based on prallethrin or esbiotrin are used as active substances in the solution. The first means are safer for humans.

The switched-on device with one plate acts as protection for 8 hours. If a liquid product is used, one bottle is enough for 1.5 months of use. One device protects about 12 m2 of space. It is important not to leave the device at the head of the bed all night. It is enough to turn it on for 20 minutes so that all insects die.


These devices are an analogue of a conventional fumigator. Moreover, it is advisable to use them in an open gazebo or in a country house where there is no access to electricity. The spirals are made of thick cardboard impregnated with insecticide. Once set on fire, the cardboard begins to slowly smolder, evaporating a substance harmful to mosquitoes. To prevent fire, the spiral is placed on a metal stand and only one end is set on fire.

Ultrasonic repellers

This device runs on regular power or batteries. The repeller emits signals similar to those emitted by male mosquitoes during times of danger. Therefore, the insects fly further. The range of such a device is small, but sufficient to protect one person.

This repeller can be installed in a children's room. It does not contain chemical components, and the signal it emits is not picked up by humans. Therefore, it is safe to use ultrasonic repellers.

Lighting devices

These devices emit ultraviolet light to attract insects. In this case, the metal grid is under tension. Insects die from contact with it.

The disadvantage of such a device is that the light does not really attract mosquitoes, which prefer to actively hunt in the dark. The heat emitted by the device is not enough to attract the attention of bloodsuckers. Such a device does not emit a sweat odor to attract mosquitoes. A light trap will be effective against butterflies, moths or flies.

Anti-mosquito bracelets

This is a very convenient accessory that protects against mosquitoes. It is a textile strip impregnated with insecticides. It is enough to simply put it on your wrist to protect yourself from the attack of bloodsuckers. The bracelet creates a small space protected from mosquitoes.

When buying an anti-mosquito bracelet, you need to choose them in sealed packaging. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the impregnation has already lost its effect. Children and sensitive people should use this device with caution. The composition of the impregnation may cause allergies.

What are fumigants and how do they work?

Fumigants are the general name for fumigators and fireworks that contain chemicals that are toxic to mosquitoes.
Pyrotechnic compositions are produced in the form of spirals containing insecticides. To activate them, simply set the spiral on fire. Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house
Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house

Hit from the USA. A guaranteed way to destroy all mosquitoes on the site.

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After treatment with pyrotechnics, it is recommended to leave the apartment for several hours. The smoke emanating from the coil during combustion can cause headaches and nausea.

Repellents usually contain diethyl phthalate. This component quickly gets rid of mosquitoes in your apartment. Repellents should be used strictly according to the instructions, as they are toxic.


This is an effective way to combat stinging insects in an apartment. Fumigators use dry plates with insecticides or liquid with a toxic substance. Immediately after being plugged into the outlet, the composition heats up and activates the components, which kill pests. The action begins approximately 10 minutes after switching on. After an hour, there will no longer be a single mosquito in the apartment.

When using an electric fumigator in an apartment, it is important to follow the instructions for use. The product cannot be used for longer than the specified time. In sensitive people, vapors from the plates or liquid can cause headaches. They can also appear as a result of exceeding the permissible processing time.

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Related articles: How to choose a fumigator


They work in the same way as electric fumigators. The device must be lit at one end and it begins to produce smoke that is toxic to mosquitoes. For fire safety purposes, the product is equipped with a metal stand.

Do not use spirals in poorly ventilated apartments: the smoke from them is toxic to humans. The use of these products is possible where air flow is ensured after treatment. Based on this, it is permissible to use an anti-mosquito coil in country houses, but completely unacceptable in apartments.

Safety of mosquito repellents for children and animals

Ultrasonic devices cause the least harm to health. They do not affect children or pets in any way.

Many people believe that it is also safe to use fragrance oils. In fact, this method of protection cannot be called completely harmless. Some essential oils have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Valerian leads domestic cats to an inadequate state. The smell of cloves or geranium is bad for children's bodies. From prolonged exposure to such an aroma, the child develops dizziness and weakness, and possible nausea or allergies.

Use of a fumigator

Perhaps the most reliable way to kill a mosquito is to use an industrial fumigator. They come with replaceable solid plates or with liquids poured into a special container. When heated, the fumigator releases toxic substances into the air that kill insects.

It happens that the device itself is not at home, but the consumables from it are lying around. Then you can use the means at hand. For example, place the plate on a hot iron. To kill insects faster, the plate can be placed in a metal bowl, set on fire and immediately blown out. It only needs to smolder, releasing toxic substances. They walk around the entire room with the container so that the insecticide spreads throughout the room as quickly as possible.

Attention! The fumigator is not recommended for use with closed windows.

When the liquid in the bottle runs out and mosquitoes keep you awake, you can pour essential oils of lavender, geranium, mint, and eucalyptus into it. The effect will be different; these products repel insects. However, a night's rest will be provided.

Where do mosquitoes prefer to hide at home?

Despite their apparent cunning and sophistication, small domestic parasites behave in a rather primitive way, and their behavior is monotonous and predictable. Most often, they choose walls and ceilings as their location, just as in nature they usually choose tree trunks. In a living room, they can be found at the junction of the wall and ceiling. Since insects like to sit on the grass, in its lower part, you can pay attention to indoor plants.

It must be borne in mind that insects remain sitting in one place until the moment when they feel air vibrations from an approaching potentially dangerous object. When declaring war on small vampires, show maximum imagination and ingenuity. The result will not be long in coming.

Aerosols - advantages and disadvantages

Medicines produced in the form of aerosols will help you cope with mosquitoes. The compositions reliably protect against insect attacks, but can harm humans.

The following characteristics are considered to be the advantages of mosquito repellent aerosols:

  • the bottle is convenient and easy to use;
  • the product is sprayed evenly onto a specific area;
  • it will be possible to treat hard-to-reach places;
  • the radius of action of the drug extends to 3.5 meters;
  • the compositions are able to protect for several hours in a row.

In addition to the list of advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • The spray contains toxic components, so spraying should not be done near food. Avoid contact with the face, especially the eyes.
  • Aerosols should not be used to protect children.

Rules for using the aerosol:

  • Shake the aerosol bottle before use.
  • Spraying is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the body.
  • The composition can be applied to exposed skin, clothing, and hair.
  • Do not spray more than once every 4 hours.
  • Do not spray the composition near an open fire.

Aerosols repel mosquitoes and last a long time after spraying. To get the maximum benefit from the drug, you must follow the instructions for use.

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