Linen lice: how to get rid of chemicals and folk methods

Lice are divided into types depending on what and where exactly they live. Moreover, they all feed on blood, but may have different preferences for its source. Some bite only animals, some only bite people. Linen lice are one of the most common types, after head and pubic lice.
  • Linen lice live on clothes, bedding and other home textiles, but they still feed only on blood.
  • Lice do not eat hair and their analogues - lint, threads and tissue fibers, but use them as shelter, move along them or attach eggs and offspring to them.
  • It is necessary to treat pediculosis and treat the apartment for lice at the same time.
  • Linen lice can accidentally appear in absolutely any home of any person, regardless of the latter’s social and financial status.

If you suspect that you have a linen lice, try to decide how to get rid of it as quickly as possible, since these insects are not only disgusting and a source of constant stress, but also pose a serious threat to health.

Fighting linen lice body care

It must be remembered that it is not enough to wash contaminated items or treat your wardrobe with an insecticide. The eggs and nits of the parasite could have already gotten onto your body, and will securely attach themselves there in the hairs, thanks to the elongated tenacious legs.

If you find signs of lice (bites, redness, wounds, etc.), you need to start treating the body:

Important! What does a linen louse bite look like and how to distinguish it from the bites of other insects

  • The most effective method that is guaranteed to get rid of parasites is high-quality insecticides with a low degree of toxicity. It is enough to take a shower using special shampoos. The latest generation products have proven themselves to be excellent: Nok, Veda-2, Bubil, Medifox, Lauri. In one procedure your body is disinfected.
  • Taking a shower as hot as possible using tar or dust soap will also work. These detergents contain alkali, the active substance destroys nits. Please note that this procedure is suitable for children and pregnant women for whom insecticides are contraindicated. Soap is a non-aggressive, non-toxic product.
  • If you don’t have insecticidal shampoos on hand, you can prepare special decoctions for the bath. Wormwood, peppermint, boiled beets, these plants have a pronounced repellent aroma for parasites that are trying to leave the human body.

Reviews: “I processed everything, ironed it, checked it...”

So, for example, my friends had it. They seemed to have already cured the child of lice and disinfected everything around him, but they forgot some kind of toy that the baby slept with, or something else, and after a couple of weeks the child was itching all over again. Therefore, like a maniac, after getting rid of the lice, I processed everything, ironed it, checked it for two more days, so as not to forget anything.

This happened to me. If the bite marks are in a chain, then these are body lice. Infection. I'll tell you, disgusting! We got rid of it with Dichlorvos. You need to solve absolutely everything in the house (according to the instructions). Then, until the new *** hatched (look on the Internet when they hatch), again. and so several times. Boil clothes and linen. Oh, when I remember how we suffered - it’s already scary!! At first I was also perplexed as to where the bites came from. Until I found this *** on the bed! What it looks like - look it up on the internet. Briefly speaking. Sorry!

Hello! My name is Artem. They used Medifox to wash things, or rather, they added this drug to the washing machine. We put it on a warm wash with an intense double rinse and spin. I was at a party and brought home lice. Within three days these parasites were infested in my things. When I picked up the sweater, I was about to put it on, and noticed that an insect that looked like a louse was crawling up my arm from the sweater. I bought the drug at the pharmacy, and not a small bottle, but a rather large bottle for 1250 rubles. I immediately added about half a bottle to the washing powder, even though the dosage in the instructions was stated to be less. I washed all the things that were hanging on the chair, that were lying on the table nearby, and a jacket with jeans and a hat. I rinsed everything again 2 times. All items are clean after processing.


Symptoms and causes of linen lice

Detecting linen lice is not easy. But if reddish dots from bites periodically appear on your body, then you can suspect that these are bites from linen lice.

There are several sure signs that will help you understand that these are lice bites.

  • The bites are single, not forming tracks, but quite frequent. They are located chaotically.
  • Not only open areas of the body (arms, legs), but also the back and stomach can be bitten.
  • Severe itching and swelling at the bite sites.
  • Insomnia.
  • The bite has clear contours.
  • There is a bright red dot in the center of the bite.
  • Linear combing.
  • The skin on the affected areas is pigmented.
  • Most often, bites are located in places where clothing fits tightly to the body: on the neck, in the armpits, in the waist area, on the lower legs.
  • There are no bites on areas of the body covered with hair.

If lice get on your body by accident, and you carefully observe personal hygiene standards, then after a few days the bites will go away on their own, and the insects themselves will disappear. When there are a large number of parasites, pediculosis occurs, which is dangerous due to infectious complications.

The reasons for the appearance of linen lice are as follows:

  1. Neglect of personal hygiene rules. If this is definitely not about you, then read the following points.
  2. Close contact with another person (kissing, hugging)
  3. Staying in public places (in a school, kindergarten, camp, transport, store, shopping center, cinema, lice can move from clothing to clothing).
  4. Staying at guests, hotels, etc.
  5. Trying on clothes in second-hand stores or the like, where items are stored in cramped, poorly ventilated areas, all in one place.
  6. Swimming in a pond directly next to or after an infected person (lice live in water, remaining active, for up to 2 days.

Cooking method, recipes

There are step-by-step instructions for using peroxide against parasites that have settled on the scalp.

Recipe 1 - the most popular

Hair is combed, gloves are put on to protect hands from oxidative components. Using a sponge, apply the mixture to each strand from roots to ends. The event is carried out quickly; any penetration of the solution onto the face and mucous membranes must be avoided. It is recommended to wear a polyethylene cap on top to prevent evaporation. The duration of exposure to the oxidizing agent is 6-15 minutes. A person may feel a slight burning sensation, but in case of acute pain, the solution is immediately washed off.

BE SURE to ensure that peroxide does not get into your eyes! Otherwise, you may lose your sight.

After this time, the strands are thoroughly washed with warm water for the first time, and then rinsed with a mixture of water, citric acid and vinegar. The acidic liquid will help to better wash dead specimens. The hair is dried and processed with a comb with dense teeth. At this stage, all nits are combed out immediately after the procedure and for the next 2 days. For best results, this is done at home in daylight.

Recipe 2 – for dry skin

Suitable for dry scalp. Mix 3 tbsp in a glass cup. l. peroxide and 1 s. l. hand cream and balm. The mixture is applied to the strands along the entire length, paying maximum attention to the root area. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel on top and the solution is held for about 20 minutes. At the end of this period, everything is rinsed with the addition of shampoo.

Recipe 3 – with lemon juice

Another favorite method that is very popular. Mix 1 tbsp in a ceramic container. l. lemon juice and 3 tbsp. l. peroxide. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, after which a cap is put on and the head is wrapped in a towel. After 10 minutes, everything is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 4 – for oily skin

Designed for those with oily scalp. In a metal bowl, mix 3 tbsp. l. peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar (6%) until smooth. The composition is placed on absolutely all hairs, wrapped on top with synthetic polymer and warm material. After 15 minutes, the strands are rinsed with shampoo and warm water.

What do linen lice look like?

The appearance of the parasite is rather inconspicuous. The insect is yellowish-brown in color, wingless, very small, only 3-4 mm in length. The body is elongated. Linen lice larvae are smaller copies of adult insects. Body lice are very similar to their cousins, head lice.

Parasites form colonies. If you notice clusters of insects on clothing or bedding, then most likely these are linen lice.

What is a body louse?

Body lice are parasites that live in human clothing and feed on blood. These are close relatives of head lice that do not live permanently in public, set up homes and breed in seams and folds of clothing. Along with head and pubic lice, body lice suck blood and spread dangerous infections. All types of lice can be present on one person at the same time.


The body lice are the largest of the lice. The body size is 2-5 millimeters, there are no wings, the cover is translucent. The body darkens after being bitten and filled with blood. The head is narrower than the body, there are antennae - an organ of touch and smell.

general characteristics

Most of the time, body lice hide in clothes and come out on the body 5-6 times a day to feed. They live in colonies. They survive at temperatures of 0-40°, preferring a comfortable 30-32°. When the owner dies or the body temperature rises sharply due to heat and illness, they leave. If clothes are not worn for more than a week, they die of hunger.

Life cycle

The life cycle of a louse (from egg to egg) lasts from 16 days. During her life, the female produces up to 3 hundred eggs, laying 8-10 eggs daily. The female lays eggs in clothes, gluing them with a special mixture. The eggs (nits) remain in this state for about a week, then the young hatch and reach maturity in 8-10 days, spreading through clothing. Life expectancy is a little more than a month.


To feed, the louse comes out of the clothing and onto the body. The cone-shaped mouth is located at the front of the head and is equipped with teeth that, like anchors, help secure it when biting. The proboscis with needles rests on the body, the needles pierce the skin and gradually go deeper, looking for a vessel. Contraction of the lice's pharynx muscles ensures sucking (up to 0.003 milliliters of blood at a time). The enzyme released keeps the blood from clotting.

Types of bites

At the site of the louse bite, a pink-red swelling (papule) with dried blood in the middle forms. The intensity of the color and the size of the swelling depend on the characteristics of the body and the presence of an allergic component. The body of a person suffering from lice gradually becomes covered with a dense network of such spots, as lice feed frequently and the population grows rapidly.

Where do parasites live and why are they dangerous?

The main habitats of parasites:

  • folds of clothes (most often underwear) that have not been washed for a long time, in contact with the body;
  • dirty bed linen.


The body louse is a carrier of dangerous diseases: typhus (relapsing and typhus), Volyn fever. During the war, typhus, spread by pests, claimed thousands of lives. In the modern world, the likelihood of such infection is low. The main nuisance caused by the parasite to humans is the bites of linen lice, the consequences of which are:

unpleasant sensations of burning, itching; the danger of infection through the wound is easier for pathogenic microorganisms to enter the blood; dermatological lesions in advanced cases, scabs, suppurations, and pyoderma appear on the skin.

On a social level, a person infested with lice also experiences inconvenience, feeling discomfort when interacting with other people. The dermatological symptoms that result from a lice infestation are called body lice.

Where do they come from?

Without food, a body louse cannot live for more than five to seven days, so if you do not wear clothes that have been occupied by insects for at least a week, the adults will die. Therefore, by and large, the carriers of parasites are representatives of asocial groups and people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

However, anyone can accidentally get lice. Infection occurs only through close contact with the tissues on which the parasites live: they cannot fly or jump. The risk group consists of volunteers, medical and social workers, people who come into contact with representatives of antisocial segments of the population. Where else do linen lice come from? You can catch the pest:

when using someone else's bed linen and clothing; in a store fitting room; in places where large numbers of people gather; in kindergartens and schools.

Linen lice can be detected by two signs: the presence of bites on the body and the presence of the parasites themselves in clothing and bedding.

Professional treatment of pediculosis

Most often, lice appear in children, since they are constantly in contact with each other and use other people's personal belongings.

At the same time, it is necessary to destroy lice not only in the children themselves, but also in the rooms in which they play, change clothes, and sleep.

Treatment should start with proven remedies

If lice is detected in an adult or child, treatment in hospitals and medical centers is carried out as at home, but with more thorough and professional treatment of the affected area. Treatment usually consists of 3 stages:

  1. Diagnostics. Before getting rid of nits from a patient, a specialist examines the areas of irritation and assesses the degree of disease.
  2. Excretion. Once the affected area has been diagnosed, the specialist begins treatment; the number of lice gradually decreases through the use of a fine-toothed comb with a laser cut or a special hot hair dryer. The larvae are hatched in a similar way.
  3. Treatment and re-diagnosis. The doctor applies special products to disinfect and treat the skin on the affected area, then after 1.5 - 2 weeks examines the head again.

Experts use various drugs that will help cure head lice in a short time. These include the following:

  1. Nittifor solution or cream. The drug affects the nervous system of the parasites, they die. After applying to the affected area, simply comb out any remaining organisms.
  2. Spregal aerosol against scabies, but can also be effective in cases of mild lice infestation. Do not apply it to areas of skin that have already been combed; use only for minor irritation. The product is not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with bronchial asthma. The aerosol can be used to treat clothing and bedding.
  3. Solution "Hemerichnaya water". Infects the digestive system of parasites. It consists of 50% alcohol tincture of hellebore, so this drug should not be used on infected skin areas and should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  4. Ointment or emulsion benzyl benzoate with the active substance of the same name./li>

Before dealing with lice and nits using pharmaceutical chemicals, you should consult your doctor.

How to get rid of linen lice

It is easier to remove linen lice than head lice, since they do not live directly on the human body. The first thing you need to do is take a hot shower, preferably using laundry or tar soap, this will help get rid of the pests that have moved onto your body to dine. Then you can begin to fight the remaining parasites, guided by three principles.

  1. Speed. Were you able to recognize the lice? We need to start eliminating them as soon as possible to prevent the population from increasing.
  2. Scale. Treat not only those items on which parasites were found, but also all clothing, bed linen, towels, curtains, and furniture. Wash hard surfaces with a strong solution of laundry soap, soda or vinegar.
  3. Medicines. A doctor will help you cure vinegars. Typically, the patient is prescribed external use of antiseptic drugs in the form of creams and ointments and oral antihistamines to prevent allergies.

To treat the body, instead of soap, you can use special anti-pediculosis shampoos: Veda-2, Medifox, NOK, Lauri. Due to toxicity, the use of such products has contraindications; it is recommended to carefully read the instructions.

Linen lice: how to get rid of it on clothes

If you suspect that your wardrobe is infected, carefully inspect all seams, folds, and lining. Have you found at least one parasite? Proceed with disinfection immediately. If you neglect this procedure, body lice multiply at a record speed and can easily infect all your clothes.

Let's start processing:

  • The first step is to expose all clothing to high temperatures. Boil wardrobe items for 15-20 minutes. To be on the safe side, add any insecticidal preparation that contains permethrin (for example, Karbofos).
  • You can wash the clothes thoroughly and hang them out for 7 days to expose them to sunlight or open air. Then repeat the wash.
  • After heat treatment, iron your clothes thoroughly, paying special attention to the seams.
  • Soaking in kerosene is a reliable method, but the smell from the chemical will take a very long time to dissipate. It is better to use an emulsion (0.15%) of Karbofos. Dilute 5g of insecticide in one liter of water and soak things. After disinfection, simply wash your clothes in hot water.
  • Exposure to cold If it is not possible to wash delicate items and treat them with steam, you can place the clothes in a tight bag and put it in the freezer. In winter, take it outside for several days. Iron.
  • If clothing is heavily infested with parasites, the best way to deal with linen lice is to treat all items of clothing in a steam-formalin chamber. This approach will allow you to get rid of all types of pests with a 100% guarantee, contact a dry cleaner.

How to get rid of linen lice in bed

It is very important to treat the sleeping area where you rest to make sure that there are no adult insects or nits left there.

Use anti-pediculosis compounds:

  • It is necessary to boil all the laundry
    , after adding strong insecticides based on permethrin to the water (Pedilin, Mikrofos, Karbofos).
  • Carefully treat bed linen with pyrethum powder
    (it is completely natural) or dust. Then carefully pack it in a tight bag and leave it to act for 2-3 hours. After treatment, carefully iron the laundry using steam treatment mode. Soak clean laundry in a 1% dust solution and dry.
  • Take your laundry to a dry cleaner
    for professional disinfection.

How to get rid of linen lice in an apartment

There are cases when simple treatment of linen and things will no longer help. The room is heavily infested, parasites have settled on upholstered furniture and carpeting. In such a situation, the best solution is to call professional exterminators. Only specialists use a whole range of measures that guarantee the complete destruction of lice.

But you can start the fight yourself in the apartment:

  • We prepare a 2% emulsion of dust or pyrethrum
    and treat absolutely all surfaces in the house. Leave the solution to act for 2-3 hours, and then carry out wet cleaning, washing the surfaces with soapy water.
  • Prepare a steep decoction of tansy or milkweed
    , add it to water and wash the floors. Bunches of dried herbs can be placed around the apartment.
  • Steam treatment
    is the most effective method. True, you will have to purchase a household steam generator. Treat upholstered furniture, beds, and floors with steam. It is better to dry clean large items.
  • Treat
    with any powerful insecticidal agent.

The best remedy for linen lice and proper prevention.

If you managed to get rid of lice or you simply want to prevent them from entering the room, remember the simple rules of behavior:

  • You should not stay in a room where unsanitary conditions reign for a long time.
  • Don't share your belongings with other people.
  • Do not buy second-hand clothes that have already been worn. If you make a purchase, thoroughly treat the clothes, boil them or treat them with any insecticide.
  • When traveling by train or staying in hotels, take a hot shower, wash and iron all your clothes.
  • Take a good look at your wardrobe periodically. If you find lice, immediately carry out disinfection measures. It is better to leave the apartment for 14 days; the parasites will die of starvation.
  • Apply essential oils to your body to prevent lice from getting on your skin.

Good to know

Before figuring out how to remove lice and nits, it will be useful to learn more about them. Additional knowledge about these organisms will never be superfluous, even if a person is going to seek professional help from specialists. How to quickly get rid of lice on your own will be discussed below.

Now it is important to pay attention to what these organisms are

Pubic lice are not found on the head and vice versa

Lice on the human body can be of 3 types, differing mainly in their habitats:

  1. The head louse is an organism that appears directly in the hair on the head. This type of parasite cannot exist in the fur of animals, so it can only be found in humans.
  2. The body louse is a species that lives on clothing, linen and other fabric products. The louse moves onto human skin to feed. It is interesting that if 2 species of lice (head and body lice) meet, they can interbreed and form a common offspring that is closer to the head species. However, such situations are rare and are possible only in special conditions, for example, in a laboratory.
  3. The pubic louse or lice is a parasite that mainly lives on the genitals of people in the pubic areas or in the anus. In addition, this species is found in the armpit area, but only in extreme cases, when a person does not shower for a long time, does not handle this part of the body in any way, and moves little. Recently, due to improved sanitation and the popularity of bikini haircuts among women, pubic lice have become rare and may soon be considered an endangered species.

In general, all these parasites belong to the group of lice eaters. Their body and body parts are adapted to pierce human skin and feed on blood and its derivatives.

For them, their main food is blood and skin particles, and it is the reaction to their bites that leads to severe itching.

Before looking for ways to quickly remove lice, it is important to know that these organisms not only irritate the skin, but can also carry a dangerous infection. One of the most serious diseases that lice can transmit to humans is typhus.


Manufacturers offer the use of ready-made preparations that destroy insects quickly and effectively. They are produced in the form of solutions, concentrates and sprays, and each has its own application characteristics.


Disinfection is carried out in shelters and special detention centers for the homeless, in the army, colonies and other places with an increased risk of infection. This indicates the effectiveness of the drug and its excellent quality.

Contains castor oil, alcohol, butyl acetate and permethrin. The latter substance affects the central nervous system of lice, causing them to be paralyzed. Due to the cessation of blood circulation, the insect dies.

Available in three consistencies:

  1. The gel in the tube should be used immediately after opening.
  2. Liquid 5% concentrate is used to prepare an emulsion at home.
  3. 20% Medifox-super is scammed by employees of special institutions. High concentrations are contraindicated during independent use.

People with allergic reactions to one of the components included in the composition, children under one year (emulsion) and up to five years (in other forms), pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid the drug.

Possible side effects in the form of irritation, itching, tingling of the skin.

To remove linen lice, you need to soak the bed, towels and clothes with a pre-prepared solution. Follow the simple instructions:

  1. Mix 4.5 liters of 0.2% emulsion for each kilogram of dry items.
  2. Place all fabric items in a large container and fill with solution. Cover with a lid and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Ventilate the room to get rid of the pungent odor.
  4. Rinse the contents in running clean water.
  5. Do not heat or use items for ten days.
  6. Store treated items in a plastic bag for three weeks.

Similarly, you can pour the solution into a spray bottle and treat the surfaces on all sides. Particular attention should be paid to folds, seams, linings, and collars.

Then you need to ventilate the house throughout the day. You are allowed to use it no earlier than after three weeks.

The cost of the gel in pharmacies ranges from 330,350 rubles, and bottles with concentrate 350,400.


Aerosol in convenient 116 gram cans. Inside is an oily transparent liquid with a slight odor.

The composition contains three active components: permethrin, piperonyl butoxide and malathion (Carbofox). In addition to the paralytic effect on adults, the product even destroys nits.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 2.5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and patients with bronchial asthma.

There are practically no side effects, but it is possible that the body may burn; susceptible people may have allergic reactions or tingling sensations.

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Rinse with plenty of water.

The advantage is convenience and ease of use: wash all contaminated items and treat with an aerosol. After a week, the manipulations must be repeated, and until this time, do not use household items that are disinfected.

Traditional methods

You can poison parasites on your own without using chemicals.

The simplest method is to put the bastards on a hunger strike. By blocking access to the body, the lice will have nothing to eat, and after seven days they will completely die.

People with a varied wardrobe rarely have problems with head lice, because... they rarely wear the same clothes, and the insect may not wait for a new meal.

By the way, insects avoid silk, creaking and smooth fabrics, preferring to settle on cotton and linen.

  • Kerosene was considered the most effective remedy, but as a result of its use, a sharp unpleasant odor will remain on clothes. If you are not afraid of this, you can boil your bed linen in the substance or soak it. After which it is advisable to dry it outside in direct sunlight, on a well-ventilated balcony.
  • Following the example of kerosene, turpentine is used. Dilute both solutions with naphthalene and treat walls, floors and wooden surfaces. Avoid contact with textiles and furniture as they will be damaged. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid harming the delicate skin of your hands.

  • Table vinegar is recommended to be used diluted. Don't expect a total effect from it. The smell only repels adults, but the folk remedy has no effect on larvae and nits. Therefore, it is better suited for preventive purposes. Add a few tablespoons of liquid to water and soak the laundry in it.
  • Denatured alcohol is used to treat clothing, bedding, and to repel pests from mattresses. It is applied to the surface of things and they are placed in a bag. Leave the product on for three hours, then wash the treated items in hot water. It is better to dry in the sun and then iron.


The medicine goes on sale in the form of shampoo, cream, spray and solution. We are interested in the last two types. It is with their help that it is easy to recover from linen lice. The yellow or brown-orange substance causes parasites to paralysis and death.

Treat contaminated items with the substance and leave them in a closed container for half an hour. then ventilate in the fresh air and hide in a plastic bag. Bed linen and clothing can be used after a week, but it is advisable to re-treat.

The product is contraindicated if the owner of the apartment is allergic to the components included in the composition. It is a mixture of trans and cis isomers in a 3:1 ratio.

Lyubov: We were able to remove bed lice with permethrin in two weeks. Maybe before, but they kept the sheets and duvet cover in a bag for greater impact.

Folk ways to get rid of linen lice

If you have not yet purchased insecticides or calling an exterminator is postponed for some reason, try traditional methods of controlling parasites:

Remember that most folk remedies provide only temporary relief; they are ineffective in combating lice eggs.

Other folk methods

  • Ammonia gives a positive result. It is added to the water during washing. But keep in mind that the pungent smell burns the mucous membranes of a person’s nose, so be extremely careful.
  • Tea tree essential oils have a pleasant aroma when diluted. But linen and bed lice cannot tolerate it. Regularly add a few drops of ether to the water during washing, and adult individuals will begin to leave the home before they have time to lay eggs.
  • The linen and clothes louse are afraid of milkweed. Rinse bedding and clothes in a decoction of the plant, but stains may remain. Therefore, it is better to place bags of crushed leaves in cabinets, sofas and other furniture.
  • You don’t have time to do laundry, but there are parasites in your laundry, apply lavender oil to your body. They will not bite and will soon die of starvation.

  • Dust soap can kill adult insects and nits. Add it to the water when washing. The main thing is not to confuse it with tar, since it is a cosmetic, not a disinfectant effect. By mixing laundry soap with kerosene, you get a powerful pest repellent.
  • It is possible to etch a small number of body lice with hellebore water. Pour over the infected areas and leave for 2-3 hours. Then dry outdoors in sunlight. The advantage is low cost (within 20 rubles). Hide the product well from children; if used incorrectly, it can cause poisoning and even cardiac arrest.
  • You will no longer be bothered by bed lice bites by treating your sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers with pyrethrum powder. Leave the items in a tightly closed bag for three hours, then wash in hot water. This way you will get rid of the adults. Then neutralize the larvae and eggs with a hot iron.

Please note: cranberry juice is an effective disinsection against bed lice and nits.

But it is not used to remove them from clothes, as it stains too much. After washing a sheet in it, it will turn pink.

We process clothes

Linen lice can live in a person's clothing, which is in contact with the body, so that there is constant access to blood. To protect yourself from bites that lead to itching, irritation and allergic reactions, it is important to properly treat clothing using chemicals or folk remedies.

Below are the most effective and affordable control methods.

  • Give your items to the dry cleaner after specifying the purpose. Then specialists will use special disinfectants.
  • Prepare a homemade kerosene-based solution. Add it to the 20% soap mixture. It is recommended to mix the shavings with the main component and add ten times more water. Soak the items in the resulting liquid for 20 minutes and wash with powder.
  • In winter, the freezing method is suitable. Place bags of contaminated items outside overnight. By morning the lice will die. Use the freezer when its size allows.

Please note: washing at high temperatures is not appropriate in this case. It can ruin things, so it is mainly used for bedding and soft toys.

To get rid of the problem using the thermal method, it is recommended to use a steam generator. Rent a machine to process knitted hats, balls, sweaters and other delicate fabrics.

Another option is to wash clothes in a soda solution. Add a liter of water to one tablespoon. Repeat the manipulations in a week.

For greater results, add a chemical such as A-PAR or Medifox. These preparations will not leave stains or a specific odor.

Self-processing should be carried out as a complex. Wash it, treat it with chemicals and freeze it.

In summer, dry in open sunlight. Prevent body lice and head lice infestations.

How to disinfect personal hygiene items

Don't forget about personal hygiene items. In addition to clothes and bedding, insects can be found on a towel, comb, washcloth, and hairpins.

It is most effective if you throw these things away so as not to become infected again from remaining larvae or nits. It is recommended to boil everything with vinegar or thoroughly wipe the surfaces with one of the described solutions.

Interesting! There are conspiracies and prayers against linen lice and nits. It is advisable to repeat them daily in combination with other types of treatment. When performing rituals, candles and medicinal herbs are used.

What safety measures need to be followed

The risk of negative effects of a substance on the skin can be reduced by taking the necessary precautions. Hydrogen peroxide should never be applied in pure undiluted form. In addition to water, you can add hair balm and lemon juice to the solution.

The prepared solution should be used immediately. You cannot keep the substance on your head for longer than the prescribed time, even if it is severely infested with parasites. In this case, it is better to re-treat after 1-2 weeks.

If your hair is very dry, you need to choose a different product to get rid of parasites. You don’t need to place too much hope on regular hair dyes. Contrary to existing misconceptions, these remedies are not effective enough and cannot be recommended.

The right approach how to act

If you do encounter infestation of clothes and premises with body lice, you should not experiment and allow the parasite to multiply strongly. While you are trying folk remedies, using ineffective insecticides, or simply forgetting to treat something, parasites are conquering your home! Solving the problem is difficult, but if you call exterminators, you are guaranteed to receive a whole range of services.

This includes the destruction of parasites and their offspring, inspection of the house for remaining lice; professionals use effective but safe insecticides. And you get a guarantee: no lice for a long time. And if you calculate your costs for purchasing various chemicals, the services of professional exterminators will cost you less

Home treatment

If the number of parasites is high, simple cleaning with disinfectant compounds may not be enough: disinfestation of the apartment is required. You can contact special services or use one of two methods.

  1. Steam generator. Treat all surfaces of the house with hot steam, paying special attention to upholstered furniture, baseboards, corners and crevices.
  2. Insecticide. Wash the entire apartment with DDT emulsion 2%, after two hours, wash off the composition with a strong solution of laundry soap. During the procedure, open the windows and ensure that the rest of the household leaves the apartment. Work in closed clothing, rubber gloves and a protective mask. Instead of DDT, you can use Dichlorvos.

The active component of Dichlorvos in Soviet times was precisely dichlorvos, a toxic organophosphorus compound. Currently, such drugs are not commercially available due to their proven danger to humans. Modern products called Dichlorvos are available in the form of sprays and contain piperonyl butoxide, permethrin or cypermethrin as active ingredients.

Side effects

The product helps to effectively and quickly eliminate parasites. Negative manifestations most often occur due to non-compliance with precautions. The most common side effects:

  • excessive dryness of hair and scalp;
  • redness, itching and burning;
  • lightening strands by 1 or 2 tones;
  • allergy;
  • section, alopecia.

To avoid such negative reactions, you must first conduct a sensitivity test, do not use an oxidizing agent even on the slightest scratches, and do not exceed the duration of the procedure.

To prevent the parasites from returning

Fighting bed lice is more difficult than preventing their appearance. To prevent re-infestation, it is recommended to avoid visiting unsanitary places and contact with people who could potentially be carriers of pests. Here are four more tips to prevent relapse.

  1. No to other people's things. Do not use someone else's bedding or wear someone else's clothes.
  2. Quarantine. When purchasing a previously worn item, place the item in the freezer for several days, and then wash it with laundry soap, adding 3-5 ml of ammonia.
  3. Change of linen. Change your underwear daily and change other clothes as often as possible.
  4. Healthy flavors. Place bouquets of dried tansy or milkweed, or cotton pads moistened with lavender or tea tree oil, on the shelves of the cabinets. Pests cannot tolerate these odors.

Body lice, like any other insects, die in steam-formalin chambers; such devices are used for disinfection and disinfestation of clothing, which is then sold in second-hand stores. The average person can simply take their clothes to the dry cleaner. However, this method is quite expensive, so knowing how to get rid of body lice can save you a lot.

Action plan

We will talk about preventive measures below, but for now here is an algorithm of actions if you find body lice in your things and their bites on your body.

It is quite possible to get rid of insects at home, but your actions should be comprehensive and almost instantaneous, and not stretch out over several weeks.

The action plan is to treat all objects where linen lice may be located. The first such object is the body, yours and that of all household members. This is perhaps the easiest stage, since everything is limited to the shower. Immediately after this, you need to start chemical disinfestation of things and your home.

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