Flea allergy in dogs: photos, symptoms and treatment

As a rule, an allergy to flea bites in humans manifests itself in the form of a skin reaction, and the child’s body reacts more sharply than that of an adult. Flea bites itch and cause redness, dermatitis, or skin rashes. The sooner you can relieve the itching from flea bites, the less likely it is to introduce infections into the wound when scratching. Therefore, if you are bitten by a flea, the first thing you should do is treat the bite site with a soothing lotion or other remedy.

In this article, we will look at the types of allergies to flea bites in humans, symptoms and possible complications.

Types of allergies and their dangers

A person can develop an allergy to flea bites through contact with different types of parasites, for example:

  1. Sand fleas cause health damage. Their females are especially dangerous, as they penetrate under the top layer of the skin. The bites are painful even in the absence of allergies.
  2. The main victims of the human flea are people. These insects are larger than other representatives of the genus.
  3. Rat fleas are more dangerous than others. Their bites can cause not only allergies, but also other diseases: typhoid, plague, encephalitis. Allergic reactions to these insects are rare. Most of the cases are registered in villages, villages or among residents of the basement.
  4. Allergies to dog and cat parasites develop most often. To avoid illness, you need to put special collars on your pets or buy medications in the form of drops for treating fur.

Pathology can cause complications. Due to severe itching, a person begins to scratch the wounds. In this case, they can become infected. In addition, the lack of timely treatment sometimes leads to anaphylactic shock.

4.What to do after an insect bite?

If you are bitten by a bee on your hand, you should immediately remove all rings and other jewelry, and then try to pull out the sting. It is important to carefully remove the sac filled with poison using any hard object. At the same time, try not to pull the bag or press on it, as in this case you will only speed up the injection of the poisonous liquid.

People who are not prone to developing allergic reactions to wasp and bee stings should take a tablet of any antihistamine: Tavegil, Fenkarol, Parlazin, Suprastin, etc. It is also worth applying a lotion soaked in any antiseptic to the stung area, and then lubricate it with a soothing ointment. Act according to the circumstances. For example, if your hand is very swollen and the swelling does not disappear for a long period of time, apply a cold compress or ice to the affected area of ​​skin. In such a situation, it would not be superfluous to take another antihistamine tablet.

It is important to monitor the condition of a person who has been bitten, as it can worsen at any time due to changes in blood pressure, an increase in body temperature, and the appearance of rashes on other areas of the skin. If necessary, you should call an ambulance.

What do flea bites look like?

Unlike mosquitoes and bedbugs, fleas do not inject painkillers into the wound when they bite. Because of this, a person immediately feels when he has been bitten by a parasite. Similar sensations occur with injections. Redness at the site of the bite appears within a few seconds. In its center, where the skin was bitten, there is a spot. Sometimes flea bites look like abscesses.

Redness at the site of the bite.

As the flea injects enzymes under the victim's skin, an immune response occurs. The bitten area swells and itching develops. Symptoms persist for a long time, even if you do not scratch the affected area. The wound heals within a few days. Sometimes suppuration is observed.

Flea allergy in humans - first symptoms

If an animal infested with fleas lives in the house, then the presence of parasites can soon affect human health.

You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you know how a person’s flea allergy manifests itself and how it can be cured.

What do flea bites look like?

Can you be allergic to fleas? The bites of these parasites are not as dangerous for humans as for animals. But allergies to them are a common condition. It can provoke unpredictable consequences.

See the topic - Are fleas transmitted from animals to humans?

Identifying flea bites is quite simple. First of all, they are easy to feel. They resemble an injection. Unlike “human” bloodsuckers, mosquitoes and bedbugs, these parasites do not inject painkillers into the wound.

Flea bites on a person

A red spot appears on the bitten area. In its center there is another spot. This is a flea bite mark.


Often the bites look like abscesses.

Symptoms of a parasite attack

By biting into human skin, a flea injects certain enzymes that slow down blood clotting. An allergic reaction, which is an immune system response, is caused by these enzymes penetrating the skin.

The spots begin to swell and itch quite severely. The duration of flea bites is 3-4 days. The itching does not subside, the wound does not heal well. In some cases, the bite sites begin to fester.

In an adult

Bites are localized on the legs and feet. Sometimes they occupy other parts of the body. If fleas attack a person while he is sleeping, the upper limbs, armpits, and neck are affected.

Insects tend to make punctures on the skin in several places.

Most often, the distance between bites is 1-2 centimeters.

Fleas do not leave specific “bedbug” paths.

The child has

An allergy to a flea bite in a child is expressed in:

  1. Severe motor restlessness;
  2. Increased excitement;
  3. Stool disorder;
  4. Fever;
  5. Difficulty breathing;
  6. Increase in general temperature.

Flea bites in a child

In some cases, intoxication of the body develops. Urticaria is more common.

What is the danger?

The most serious consequences that can be caused by a flea allergy include:

  • development of anaphylactic shock;
  • development of serious pathologies;
  • risk of infection in the wound.

How to help with flea bites

Considering that allergies to flea bites in humans are quite severe, action should be taken immediately.

You will need to do the following:

  1. Treat the bite site with an antiseptic;
  2. Cool the damaged area with an ice compress;
  3. Apply anti-itch remedy.

Usually these measures are sufficient. If they were taken in a timely manner, the unpleasant symptoms soon disappear.


If you have a very high body temperature, suppuration, headaches and hives, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

These symptoms indicate severe intoxication.

First aid for flea bites

First of all, you need to wash your skin with warm water and soap. This helps create a barrier to infection.

These insects carry brucellosis and typhus. Therefore, the skin must be treated with antiseptic drugs.

Best to use:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • brilliant green;
  • iodine;
  • hydrogen peroxide.


This helps relieve suppuration.

Then agents are applied to promote wound healing. It is best to use sulfur ointment or calamine lotion.

Neutralization of symptoms

The sign tells you how you can remove the unpleasant symptoms of flea bites.

SymptomHow to remove
Severe itching, painThe use of steroid ointments is recommended.
The best remedies are Flucinar and Hydrocortisone. You can also use a baking soda solution to relieve itching. 1 teaspoon should be dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. This product should be used to clean the wounds. Use a soda solution at least 3 times/24 hours.
Inflammation, swellingTo eliminate these symptoms, you need to wrap a few ice cubes in gauze and wipe the skin. This way you can not only stop the itching, but also relieve swelling.
Other symptomsIf necessary, antihistamines such as Tavegil or Zodak are prescribed.


Steroid ointments and antihistamines should be prescribed by a doctor.

The use of folk remedies

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to make lotions from:

  1. Green tea decoction;

  2. Garlic paste;

  3. Calendula;

  4. Celandine;

  5. Dandelion;

  6. Parsley;

  7. Plantain.

Lotions are made twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime.

Preventive actions

It is very important to take measures to completely eliminate these parasites. To do this, you need to carefully examine your pets, and if insects are found, you need to take appropriate measures.


Their presence on the skin of the animal is indicated by dark brown fruits of vital activity.

Next, you will need to treat the living space with insecticides. Particular attention should be paid to upholstered furniture and carpets. They must first be vacuumed and then treated with products. The garbage bag from the vacuum cleaner must be disinfected immediately.


For disinfestation, it is best to use strong pharmaceutical products. Popular wisdom will not help here.

Video: Allergy to fleas in humans

Characteristic symptoms

The bitten area swells and is very itchy and itchy. The wound heals within 3-4 days. She will continue to itch until it heals. Adults are most often bitten on the legs and feet. On other parts of the body, bites are possible, but are rare. If insects attack during sleep, the neck, arms and armpits will be bitten. One insect tries to bite the victim several times. The distance between bites varies from 1 to 2 cm. Enlarged lymph nodes, increased body temperature, and development of urticaria are possible.

In rare cases, angioedema and anaphylactic shock develop. It is necessary to provide first aid to the patient as quickly as possible. Otherwise, death is possible.

Allergic reaction of a person to flea saliva

Cat, dog, mouse and many other fleas do not disdain humans at all. During a simple bite, the flea exerts a mechanical effect, and the toxic effect occurs when the flea injects its saliva. This leads to a severe allergy to flea saliva.

As a rule, the main place of damage is the human legs. Fleas are also very serious carriers of various infections and diseases. Plague, typhoid, listeriosis, pseudotuberculosis, tularemia, anthrax are possible undesirable consequences after flea bites.

Flea bites in a child

If parasites bite a child, the symptoms will be more severe. In addition to the manifestations characteristic of adults, there will be severe motor restlessness and excessive excitement. Children become capricious and may cry or show aggression. Characterized by stool disorders, increased body temperature, and difficulty breathing. Urticaria occurs. Sometimes symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed: a general asthenic state, weakness, lethargy, apathy, nausea, repeated vomiting.

Since children's skin is more delicate, wounds take longer to heal than those of adults. In addition, each bite causes changes in the composition of the blood.

The child was bitten by a flea.

First aid for acute allergies

First you need to wash your skin. To do this, use warm water and laundry soap. A protective barrier is created that prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the wounds. Since parasites carry typhus and brucellosis, you will have to treat the skin with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine). The use of drugs in this group will prevent suppuration. You can use medications that stimulate regeneration processes. Sulfur ointment and calamine lotion are best.

If angioedema develops, you should immediately call an ambulance. The patient is calmed down. It is better if he takes a sitting position. Small children should be picked up. The patient is isolated from the source of the allergen. He will have to leave the insect-infested area. Tight clothes are removed from the victim, the buttons on the shirt are undone, the tie is undone, and the chains are removed from the neck. Drinking plenty of mineral water and soda solutions is recommended.

Neutralization of symptoms in adults

It is recommended to select treatment with a doctor. Before using any medicine or traditional medicine, consult an allergist or therapist. The patient must be removed from the flea-infested room. He will be able to return only after thoroughly treating the home with insecticides.

The use of folk remedies

A solution of baking soda helps. To prepare it, you will need to dissolve 1 tsp in 1 glass of warm water. substances. The solution should be used to wipe the wounds at least 3 times a day.

Ice will help get rid of inflammation and swelling. Several cubes are wrapped in gauze or other thin fabric, and then the skin in the affected areas is wiped. After this procedure, the bites itch less.

Soda for inflammation.

Lotions based on green tea, calendula decoction, celandine, dandelion, parsley or plantain help. They should be done 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime.

Medicines to stop allergies

To relieve pain and itching, use steroid ointments Hydrocortisone or Flucinar. For other symptoms, antihistamines are prescribed. Most often, Zodak and Tavegil are prescribed from this group of drugs. To relieve itching, use ointments and gels with local action, for example Fenistil. In severe forms of the disease, Advantan, Ketotifen, Suprastin are prescribed. Aggressive medications can only be taken as prescribed by the attending physician.

Sometimes allergies are accompanied by intense pain. In such situations, you will have to take painkillers (for example, Diclofenac).

How to treat allergies to flea bites?

Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist or allergist. Depending on the symptoms, he will select the optimal therapy. It usually involves taking oral antihistamines and using topical medications to relieve itching and inflammation. It is very important to refrain from scratching the papules, since violating their integrity can lead to infection.

If at the moment you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, you can use the following tips:

  • after a bite, wash the skin with water and soap (ideally antibacterial);
  • apply ice to the bitten area;
  • take an antihistamine;
  • consult a doctor.

Treatment of children

Medicines used to treat adults are not suitable for children. It is necessary to select suitable medications and dosages taking into account the age and body weight of the child.

The wounds are washed and treated with an antiseptic. It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or chlorhexidine. Then they use preparations based on alcohol solutions for treatment.

The antihistamine drug Hydroxyzine is used. This drug is available from pharmacies only with a prescription. Diphenhydramine ointment for external use can also be used. This remedy helps well against allergic symptoms, but causes drowsiness in a person. Use with caution and only with a doctor's permission.

Folk remedies are also used. A compress with a mixture of honey and lemon juice will help. Apply solutions of apple cider vinegar, lotions with mint and bird cherry leaves, plantain and calendula juice. A mixture of ammonia and baking soda is also considered effective.

Treatment of the wound with Chlorhexidine.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies to insect bites at the Yauza Clinical Hospital

As a rule, patients know which insect bites cause a pronounced reaction in them. If necessary, a blood test for immunoglobulins can be done at the Yauza Clinical Hospital, as well as a consultation with a dermatologist.

Treatment for a moderate allergic reaction includes taking antihistamines (orally and locally). If the patient knows that he may develop an acute allergic reaction, then the doctors at the Yauza Clinical Hospital select an emergency treatment option for him. Also, in case of an acute reaction, it is recommended to immediately contact the nearest medical facility.

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