Genital fleas in the house: causes of their appearance and methods of extermination

Home / Articles / Ways to get rid of fleas in a sofa

15 Feb 2018

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The appearance of fleas on the sofa is not a pleasant situation. This situation can happen even if it seems to you that order reigns in the apartment. The sofa is not a favorite habitat for these insects; they settle mainly under baseboards, carpets, animal bedding, and move to the sofa and bed to be closer to the food source.

Fleas on the sofa are a very unpleasant discovery.

How to determine the presence of fleas in the house?

Fleas are small in size and most often hide from human sight. Parasites appear in apartments where there are pets. The insect has the ability to jump and quickly move from object to object.

  • The parasite is most often seen in carpets and bedding, as well as in the pet rug area.
  • You can also identify fleas by examining animal fur.
  • The presence of fleas in a home is displayed in the form of bites on a person’s skin. Since insects can feed on blood, small blisters and spots appear at the site of the bite, which cause an unpleasant itching sensation. One insect can infect a person many times.
  • Insects are most noticeable on white objects.

How to detect

Flea larvae often live on the sofa. Eggs are easy to detect - they are visible to the naked eye. If you cover the sofa with white sheets, identifying the presence of parasites will not be difficult. White A4 sheets can help. Lay out several sheets of paper on the sofa. After 15 minutes, you can check if blackheads have appeared. If you move the sheets slightly, they should disappear. This is how the presence of fleas is determined. It could be bed bugs. Therefore, we advise you to read the article on how to find out if there are bedbugs in your sofa and how to eliminate them.

Check the bed for flea droppings, paying particular attention to the area under the mattress

As a rule, insects climb into the deep layers of furniture. At night you can feel their presence on any part of the body. In the morning, you can see redness in the form of irritation; a black dot forms in the middle part of the bite. There is a burning sensation. Flea bites are often found in a chain.

Causes of parasites

Fleas in an apartment can occur not only if there are pets. Very often the following reasons for the appearance of blood-sucking insects can occur:

  • improper care of pets;
  • after visiting the street with pets;
  • insects can move from basements and empty homes;
  • insects can be brought by people from the street;
  • insufficient hygiene in housing.

Let's celebrate! Blood-sucking pests can be not only those carried by animals. There are a large number of varieties of parasites that feed on blood and can settle in human housing.

Favorite Habitats

The flea prefers shaded areas somewhere under the baseboard, in floor crevices or behind furniture. Optimal conditions for the development of the parasite are fleecy surfaces. They imitate animal fur, protecting the insect from the cold, human eyes and other potential enemies.


Considering that the flea jumps to a height of about 30 cm, it is quite problematic for it to get into the bed on its own. The most common scenario is migration on human clothing. In addition, many people use the bed as a hanger, laying sweaters, jeans, jackets, etc. on it. A flea bed has all the necessary conditions: a place to hide and a constant source of food.


A precursor to the appearance of fleas in the house is unsanitary conditions. Washing clothes weekly is not enough to prevent the spread of blood-sucking parasites. The mattress, although less often, also needs treatment. Insects settle along the perimeter of the soft base: under the stiffening ribs and in the “funnels”.


Fleas appear on the sofa due to pets. If an infected cat or dog makes it a habit to nap on upholstered furniture, then most likely it will become a breeding ground for parasites. Fleas hide in folds, decorative elements and fleecy areas of the sofa.

Important! It is necessary to designate your pet’s corner and arrange it. There are special houses, bedding, toys and other accessories for this. Beds and sofas are not the place for outdoor pets. In addition to fleas, they can bring even more dangerous parasites – bedbugs.

Insecticides against fleas

When choosing medications to eliminate fleas, it is necessary to proceed from the complexity of the problem and personal preferences.


The effect of the chemical drug is achieved through the distribution of active substances through the air. The use of aerosols allows you to kill fleas even in the most inaccessible places.

The form of the pest control product does not leave marks on objects and quickly disappears from the room, which allows the procedure to be carried out in a short time.

Among the most effective aerosols are:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raid;
  • Raptor against insects;
  • Combat against ants and insects.

Let's celebrate! When using aerosols, it is necessary to close all windows while poisoning insects; most often, the desired result is noticeable after 1 hour. If necessary, you can use odorless pest control products.


The use of such means is used in cases where a large number of insects have appeared. The use of powder insecticides involves the distribution of the product throughout the home, including carpets.

It is possible to kill a flea using powder only if a particle of the substance touches the body of the parasite; upon contact, the poison penetrates the insect’s body and blocks its receptors.

Most often used:

  • Pyrethrum;
  • Fenxin;
  • Clean house with dust.

Note! After using powder products, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the room. It is prohibited to stay in the home while the powder is being used.


The use of special solutions is used to eliminate not only fleas, but also other harmful insects. You can kill fleas with the solution in just a few applications.

To apply, it is necessary to treat the home with a solution, also paying attention to carpets and furniture. To apply pest control solutions to furniture, you must use a spray bottle.

The most commonly used:

  • Butox in ampoules;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Get.

Let's celebrate! The disadvantage of such drugs is the unpleasant odor that persists for a long time. However, drugs in liquid form effectively kill all types of fleas and prevent their re-formation.

Good advice

In order to get rid of fleas, the first step is to remove and boil all bedding

  1. Before treating the sofa, wash it with water. Wait until dry, vacuum and iron.
  2. If you have an aquarium, turn off the air intake when spraying aerosols. Remove amphibians and reptiles from the room. Warm-blooded pets will not suffer from the work performed.
  3. During processing, remove and cover food with plastic wrap.
  4. Upon completion of the treatment, you should wash the dishes, ventilate the room, and wipe the furniture. It is better not to touch the floors until several days have passed. Skirting boards, walls and ceilings should not be washed for as long as possible.
  5. Disinfection should be carried out throughout the apartment. It is important to find the source of the parasites.
  6. Bed linen is washed using dust soap.
  7. It is better to throw out an infected sofa if possible.
  8. Be sure to call the sanitary and epidemiological service to treat the basement.
  9. Wash slippers, underwear and soft toys in hot water.
  10. After treating your home, cover the sofa with a blanket to prevent parasites from getting inside.

To combat parasites, you can use store-bought and folk remedies. You need to act quickly, as insects reproduce quickly. It is important to treat not only the sofa, but also the entire room and basement, otherwise there will be no effect from the work.

Rules for using insecticides indoors

To obtain the desired result, you must follow the rules:

  1. Before using chemicals, all pets and children are removed from the apartment.
  2. When distributing insecticides, it is necessary to wear gloves and safety glasses.
  3. Before using flea medications, you must clean your home and open access to all corners and baseboards.
  4. Vacuum the apartment.
  5. Applying insecticides should begin in areas with the largest number of parasites.
  6. The entire area of ​​the apartment is processed, including furniture, toys and carpets. During the period of use of chemicals, it is necessary that windows and doors are closed.
  7. After eliminating pests, wash all toys and personal items with hot water.
  8. It is recommended to carry out cleaning after a few days.

Let's celebrate! In order to quickly kill fleas indoors, you need to pay special attention to baseboards and folds in furniture upholstery. It is in such places that the accumulation of parasites is greatest.

How not to ruin a sofa

In order not to harm or spoil the appearance of the sofa, select products intended for processing upholstered furniture.

To get rid of fleas it is strictly forbidden to use:

  1. Potently toxic agents.
  2. Undiluted vinegar.
  3. Preparations not intended for the treatment of upholstered furniture.

When choosing sprays, solutions, or powders against parasites, you need to read the instructions and make sure that the product is intended to get rid of fleas living in furniture.

The use of folk remedies against pests

You can kill fleas in an apartment using improvised means that are available in any home. However, the use of such methods makes it possible to reduce the number of insects only when their number is insignificant or at the initial stages of formation.


  • You need to add a spoonful of ammonia to the water for washing the floor (5 liters).
  • Use the resulting solution to thoroughly wash the floor; if necessary, spray the solution onto upholstered furniture and other personal items.
  • After a few hours it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Soda and salt

  • Most often used to eliminate insects in carpets.
  • To prepare the mixture, you need to mix salt and soda in equal proportions and rub it into the carpet using a kitchen sponge.
  • Leave it overnight and just vacuum the product in the morning.

Herbal infusions

  • Herbal mixtures can reduce the number of pests; special herbs are used that have a pungent odor.
  • The most commonly used are wormwood, lavender and bay leaf.
  • The mixtures should be spread around the apartment in the area of ​​baseboards and under carpets. However, such fees cannot kill fleas, but only repel parasites for a while.


  • To prepare this product, you need to chop a head of garlic and mix it with 20 grams of yeast.
  • The resulting composition is poured with a liter of water and sprayed on the floor, especially in the corners and around the baseboards.
  • The mixture is left for 12 hours, after which it is necessary to vacuum and do wet cleaning.


  • To prepare the solution, you need to mix water and vinegar in proportions per liter of 2 tablespoons.
  • The resulting liquid must be distributed onto the furniture and the floor washed.
  • Leave for several days, then repeat the procedure.


  • Citrus peels have a strong scent and can repel parasites.
  • To use, simply spread the peels in the area of ​​baseboards, under furniture and carpets.
  • Check regularly and replace dried peels with fresh ones.

Essential oils

  • To repel insects, it is necessary to use oils with strong odors.
  • For use, you can add extracts to water for cleaning floors.
  • The most commonly used oils are mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, and cedar.
  • Essential oils are most often used as a remedy against the recurrence of parasites.

How to get rid of parasites

In fact, there are quite a few methods that are used to combat fleas. You can use specialized tools, use traditional methods, use physical methods, or seek help from specialized services. Each method has its own characteristics, advantages and some disadvantages; let’s consider each of them in more detail.

Specialized means

To remove sofa fleas, you can use specialized products that can easily be used to treat your apartment. Raptor, Raid, Dichlorvos, Karbofos, Combat are quite popular. They are highly effective and allow you to quickly remove parasites.

The products are available in different forms, these are sprays, emulsions, concentrated substances that are used for preparation as a solution, etc. Depending on the active substance used, as well as its concentration, the degree of toxicity depends. Modern drugs often do not have unpleasant odors. Regardless of the degree of toxicity, they always pose a danger to people and animals if used incorrectly.

Remember that you should work with the products according to the instructions; you cannot increase the permissible dosage. When using them, there should be no people or animals in the apartment, since not only contact with them is dangerous, but also the toxic fumes that are released when applied to surfaces.

It is mandatory to use protective equipment when working with pesticides. It is required to wear protective overalls or clothing that completely covers the body. Use rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator. After treatment, the room must be left. Upon return, ventilate well and carry out wet cleaning and wash those surfaces with which people and animals come into contact.

Products are applied to carpets, baseboards, cracks, corners, and furniture. Please be aware that re-processing will be required. This is due to the fact that the active substances do not destroy egg laying, so after 2 weeks a new young generation appears in the apartment.

Traditional methods

Quite often people prefer these methods and there are several reasons for this. When small children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers, and asthmatics live in the apartment, the use of toxic substances is prohibited. Therefore, harmless folk recipes are an excellent alternative.

It is worth mentioning the effect of these methods. Unlike insecticides, which kill furniture parasites, folk remedies only have a repellent effect. The fact is that fleas perceive pungent odors as a threat to life and try to quickly leave the dangerous territory.

Such products that have a pronounced and rich aroma include tansy, wormwood, eucalyptus essential oil, citrus fruits, and garlic. In addition, chamomile is very popular, which contains a natural insecticide; it acts like a poison on parasites; you can buy it at any pharmacy.

The use of these funds is possible in any form and variations. The main thing is to achieve the desired effect, namely to influence the parasites with the help of smell. For example, herbs can be used in dry form and placed in different places around the apartment. You can also prepare a tincture or decoction and do a wet cleaning. They are very effective when used on upholstered furniture.

Before using traditional methods, it is recommended to clean. Vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture thoroughly to remove most of the eggs and larvae.

Physical methods

When the apartment is not subject to severe infection, physical methods can be used. These insects cannot tolerate high or low temperatures. In winter, it is very effective to ventilate the room, and also take carpets outside.

In the summer, they can be affected, on the contrary, by heat, by taking contaminated things outside. A steam iron has an excellent effect, but here it is worth considering the possibility of its use, since some surfaces cannot be treated this way.

Specialized services

Contacting the sanitary and epidemiological station or private service often occurs when apartments are severely infested. Also, when the cause of infection is basements and attics where flea populations live. Of course, a professional approach will ensure the most effective result.

Prevention measures

To prevent the occurrence of insects in your home, the following prevention methods should be followed:

  • monitor the cleanliness of the room;
  • promptly eliminate parasites from pets’ fur;
  • regularly change litter in pet trays;
  • regularly steam upholstered furniture and bed linen;
  • reduce the humidity level in the apartment.

Good to know! It is not possible to completely reduce the likelihood of insects appearing, but care and timely elimination methods will quickly eliminate the problem.

Danger to humans

  • Fleas pose a very great danger to humans, since they can transmit infectious diseases through their bite, which include hepatitis, encephalitis, salmonellosis and anthrax. The child's body reacts to the attack of parasites in a rather difficult way, and severe allergic reactions can develop.
  • There are many reasons why residential premises can become infected. They live in basements and attics, from where they come into apartments. Infection can also occur from animals that carry them into the house on their fur. The person himself may be the culprit of the infection, since it is very easy to bring an adult or larvae from the street on clothes and shoes.
  • Once in an apartment, they actively reproduce and lay offspring. On surfaces in the room you can notice small black specks, which are the excrement of parasites. It takes 2 weeks for new offspring to emerge from a clutch of eggs.
  • The first sign by which you can understand that a flea infestation has occurred is, of course, bites. A person may not feel the bites themselves, since they attack at night, when people are sleeping, but it is simply impossible not to notice the consequences after the attack. The affected areas become red and inflamed, and itching appears. You can also spread a white cloth or sheet of paper on the sofa; if fleas are present, black dots will appear on the surface; these can be larvae, excrement, or the adults themselves.
  • When pets live in an apartment, you can tell from their behavior that an infection has occurred and urgent measures need to be taken. Animals will itch and behave restlessly. You will see the same black grains in the wool.
  • Quite often, fleas are confused with other parasites, such as lice and bedbugs, since these parasites also attack people and cause a lot of inconvenience. But it is quite easy to distinguish them visually, except that fleas are very jumping; an adult can jump in height to a distance of 2 meters.

Help from specialists in the fight against fleas

The cost of calling exterminators is quite high, however, it is fully justified by the quality of the services provided. Specialists will destroy all pests in the shortest possible time, and home owners will be able to return to their home the same day and no longer feel discomfort due to fleas.

For their work, craftsmen use high-quality materials that will not cause harm to either apartment owners or pets in the future. In addition, most drugs do not even have a smell, so you don’t have to worry about one of your family members having allergies.

Most often, experienced professionals use the following drugs:

  • Empire.
  • Biorin.
  • Chlorpyrimark.
  • Sinuzan.
  • Extermin F.
  • Effective Ultra.

All these drugs are highly effective and safe.

After professional treatment of the home, the reappearance of fleas is almost impossible.

What species can be found on the floor?

There are more than 2,000 species of fleas in the world. About 500 species live on European territory, and about 30 of them have adapted to apartment conditions. Most of the fleas on the floor are the ubiquitous cat, dog and rat fleas.

Types of fleas

With rare exceptions, sand parasites can be found. They are concentrated in India, Africa, South America and do not take root in Russia due to the unfavorable climate for them. Insects enter the apartment along with tourists returning from the mentioned places.

For reference! A flea, regardless of its subspecies, can easily change its host. For example, cat parasites easily adapt to life on dogs, guinea pigs and vice versa.

Using chemicals to control fleas

When using insect control chemicals, you need to be as careful as possible. Once on food, they can cause poisoning. Also, you should not stay for a long time in a room that has been treated with chemicals, as the fumes enter the human respiratory tract and can cause fainting.

When using chemical preparations, you need to use protective equipment, such as gloves and a respirator. After the treatment, residents and their animals must leave the house for several hours. It is best to stay for a day in a hotel or with relatives, as the unpleasant odor lasts for another 24 hours after treatment.

Among the most common chemical preparations, it is worth noting Butox 50. It is not very toxic and quite effective. You can purchase the spray at any zoological store.

The amount of the drug used depends on the area of ​​the apartment and the nature of the surfaces. For smooth surfaces you only need 20 milliliters of product per 10 liters of water. The applied solution cannot be washed off for three days, therefore, residents will be forced to leave their homes.

A more radical remedy is Chlorophos. This substance is quite toxic, but still not poisonous to humans and animals. Among the disadvantages of the drug is its strong unpleasant odor, therefore, not everyone will agree to use it.

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