Recipes with tea tree oil for lice, does it help with lice?

The use of tea tree oil for lice is a simple, affordable and effective folk method of combating head lice. The pronounced smell of this product has a poisonous and repellent effect on blood-sucking ectoparasites.

Using essential oils against lice has a wide range of benefits. First of all, this is the absence of a negative impact on human health. The components contained in tea tree oil help care for hair and skin.

The only drawback of this remedy against lice is the ability to completely remove lice only with the help of a special comb. Using oil alone will not give you the same results. So, how to use tea tree oil for lice, how to increase the effectiveness of the product - read on.

How to use

Tea tree oil contains some components that have toxic properties. The entry of these substances into the human digestive tract can cause poisoning.

When carrying out procedures aimed at treating head lice, it is important to be careful.

Popular ways to use tea tree oil for lice and nits are: using alcohol tincture, combination with other agents that have antiparasitic properties. You can add a few drops of essential oil to special shampoos for the prevention and treatment of head lice. When choosing the appropriate method, it is important to be guided by the degree of lice infestation.


There are significant differences in the methods of using tea tree oil for head lice. With a low level of infestation and a small number of nits and adult parasites, the use of antiparasitic shampoos is sufficient. In case of severe infection, it is recommended to choose a more effective remedy, for example, an alcohol-based tincture.

Alcohol solution

A mixture of tea tree oil and alcohol is highly effective against lice. To prepare the infusion, you need to take fifty grams of alcohol, add 30 drops of oil, and mix thoroughly. Next, pour fifty milliliters of distilled water into the prepared mixture.

The procedure for removing parasites is simple:

  • Moisturize hair and skin.
  • Using a cloth, cotton wool or cotton pad, apply a small amount of the prepared tea tree tincture to your hair and rub into your skin.
  • Wait no more than fifteen minutes.
  • Rinse hair thoroughly.

The effectiveness of this product is due to the presence of an alcohol base in its composition. This substance has a detrimental effect on parasites, helping to soften their hard chitinous cover and nit shells.

To remove the latter and remove dead parasites, you need to comb out damp hair using a special comb.

Oil mixture

Other extracts also have antiparasitic properties. To obtain an effective anti-pediculosis mixture, it is recommended to mix forty drops of tea tree oil and ten drops of clove oil. When the mixture has infused a little, you need to begin the procedure.

Apply tea tree extract only to dry hair, rubbing thoroughly with your fingertips. After application, it is recommended to put on a plastic cap, wait fifteen to twenty minutes, and rinse your hair. Upon completion of the procedure, it is important to comb out the parasites with a special comb.

Dangerous treatments

I would like to dwell on some dangerous folk remedies that the older generation is pushing parents towards. Given current capabilities, treatment should be safe. Have pity on your children! Kerosene. Unfortunately, we have to deal with the fact that they try to get rid of lice even in young children with kerosene mixed with vegetable oil. Burns, burning, peeling, irritation are guaranteed. The scalp, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract are affected. Dichlorvos. Some people think this option is the most effective, because this is how insects are poisoned. But this is a toxic substance for humans, even adults. Fainting and serious poisoning are possible. At best, such treatment will end in a hospital. There is no point in taking advice from your grandparents when you have the power of plants in the form of high quality oils in your hands. Fragrant, effective, they are able to cope with a problem while simultaneously solving a number of others. In addition to therapy, their impact affects the emotional sphere and brings pleasure to both adults and children. Recommend this method to your friends to combat pediculosis. After all, even special hot irons (with a temperature of 200 degrees) are not able to rid the owner of long hair of lice. Using natural essential oils, lice can be removed quickly without compromising beauty. Leave changing your hairstyle until better times, try aroma essences. Important! The indicated methods and dosages are suitable for children from 5 years of age.
From 3 years of age, use half dosages. “Aromatherapy in the Big City” and I, Miucha, were with you. Take care of yourself please! 2631 Publication date: 2017-01-30 14:54:05

Questions, comments and feedback

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Ekaterina S.30/06/2021 (ID-30856)

Hello, can I use another oil instead of coconut oil? Should it be thick, like burdock, for example?

Anna A. (Aromashka team)30/06/2021 (ID-30863)

Ekaterina, hello! We have experience specifically with coconut oil. But you can experiment with others and share your experience.

Is it effective?

Tea tree oil helps against lice and nits only if a number of conditions are met. Following the recommendations will allow you to quickly get rid of blood-sucking parasites.

The effectiveness of tea tree oil against lice and nits depends on a number of the following factors:

  • Insects can exist for a long time outside the host’s body. To prevent re-infestation, it is recommended to periodically treat your home with any insecticidal agents. If these are not available, you can clean with a solution of tea tree extract, prepared at the rate of a teaspoon of product per bucket of warm water.
  • Bedding, underwear, combs, and combs should be treated.
  • To remove lice, it is important to use various methods, changing them periodically. If you use only one method, you will not be able to achieve positive results.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to begin treatment of pediculosis in the early stages of the development of parasitic infestation. With a large number of blood-sucking insects, it is almost impossible to get rid of ectoparasites using only natural remedies.


The composition of tea tree oil against lice includes a wide range of substances, the main ones among which are:

  • Cineole.
  • Alligexaonate.
  • Terpineol.
  • Limonene.
  • Pinens.
  • Viridifloren.

In addition to antiparasitic tea tree extract also has antiseptic, antiviral, and disinfectant properties.

Using this product will help eliminate parasites in the house. To remove insects, it is enough to treat personal belongings, work surfaces in housing, and home textiles with an aqueous solution of oil. If there are animals in the house, this treatment should be carried out regularly.


Tea tree oil

How the product works

Tea tree oil against lice does not have highly toxic properties and does not lead to the death of parasites.

The benefits of its action against insects are as follows: tea tree extract against lice and nits acts as an effective repellent, helping to repel ectoparasites. That is why it is especially useful to use for the prevention of flea infestation.

The effect of tea tree oil on parasites when applied to the skin and hair is as follows: the unpleasant odor and toxic substances for insects make the parasites semi-faint, and accordingly, they are easy to remove with a comb. If the number of blood-sucking parasites is small, applying the product to the hair daily for a week will help destroy adult parasites.

The secret of tea tree oil

The tea tree belongs to the myrtle family. There is an opinion that the properties of the plant were noticed during the voyages of the navigator Cook. After some time, they learned to extract an oily liquid from the healing leaves of the tree, which is actively used in the treatment of various skin diseases and body care. The substance is marked with the following properties:

  • rich content of vitamins and microelements;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • antibacterial property;
  • antifungal property.

For many years they have been used to treat fungal diseases and skin inflammations. The oil not only destroys microorganisms, but also relieves irritation and inflammation, improves the functioning of the skin, accelerating the healing of wounds.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not always possible to use tea tree oil for head lice, despite the natural plant origin of the product.

The main contraindications and side effects of its use are the following:

  • During the gestational period. It should be noted that the specific smell of this product can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in the expectant mother, causing dizziness and nausea.
  • Children less than two years old. Treatment of such babies must be carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  • Women during lactation. The components included in the product do not penetrate into breast milk and do not have a negative effect on its composition. However, at this time it is better to use gentler methods to kill lice.
  • Individual intolerance, risk of allergic reactions.

Side effects of using products based on tea tree extract are often the result of non-compliance with the required rules.

The use of antiparasitic home remedies can cause irritation and redness on the skin. A strong specific smell can cause nausea and headache.

If the substance enters the digestive tract, it can cause intoxication of the body.

Precautionary measures

Tea tree oil in its pure form is completely safe for humans if he is not allergic to the elements that make up this product. However, it is important to use a mixture of essential lice extracts and an alcohol-based tincture with caution. Violating the rules of the procedure can lead to irritation and redness on the skin.

Tea tree extract is especially effective for preventing flea infestations. If you come into contact with an infected person, apply a small amount of product to your hair, leave for several minutes, and rinse. This measure will help prevent infection and improve the condition of your hair.


Pediculosis is considered an asocial disease. But no one is immune from damage by ectoparasites. The most effective method of dealing with them is prevention.

Humans are affected by head or body lice. This factor must be taken into account first of all. The lack of resistance of ectoparasites to oil allows the product to be used regularly. To prevent head lice, essential liquid should be added 4-5 drops to shampoo while washing your hair. Once a month, the hair is treated with an alcohol or vinegar solution with the addition of an oil extract.

Place a cotton pad treated with an essential agent in the closet with clothes. Moisten it once a week. Regular use of the oil will help you forget about this unpleasant disease.

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