Anti-tick ram: reviews, instructions for use, consumption of the product, effectiveness

Insects are not the best inhabitants that you can find at home or on your property. Many cannot even be exterminated, because with each prevention, more and more of them appear. A highly concentrated product called Taran can come to the rescue This is a water-based emulsion that contains zeta-cypermethrin, a group of pyrethroids that is toxic to ticks. How to use these tools? How to permanently get rid of such poisonous insects for human health as ticks?

Description of the drug, composition

Taran against ticks is a concentrated emulsion with a specific odor. When combined with liquid it becomes milky in color. The concentrate is dissolved in water at room temperature according to the instructions. Use within 8 hours. Manufacturer: domestic company Rosagroservice. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture.

The active substance of Taran is zetacypermethrin. Additional components: emulsifiers, antifreeze, antifoaming agents, etc. Zetacypermethrin has a contact-intestinal effect, affects the nervous system of insects, and kills in a few minutes. The tick enters the body upon contact with a treated surface.

The maximum property lasts 2 hours. Efficiency gradually decreases under the influence of sunlight, moisture, and temperature. The protective effect of disinfesting an area against ticks lasts about 60 days, on clothing – 8 hours. Significant differences are associated with the concentration of the drug during the preparation of the solution.

Zetacypermethrin is a toxic chemical that causes side effects if used incorrectly. Disinsection requires strict adherence to personal safety rules.

Preparation of the solution

The concentrate is diluted in cold water, stirred thoroughly for 5 minutes. Pour into a household spray bottle or spray bottle, depending on the method of use. To treat an area, 5 ml of Taran is required per 1 liter of water. To spray clothes, tents, bags, backpacks, the concentration per 1 liter of water is 1 g of the drug.

Treating the area against ticks

It is recommended to use the prepared solution immediately, but use within 8 hours is allowed. In the future, the product loses its properties and effectiveness decreases. The container in which the toxic agent was prepared is washed with a soap and soda solution.

What is the consumption of the drug Taran

As mentioned earlier, the consumption of insecticide will depend on which surface will be treated. One of the advantages of the described product is its economical consumption and the absence of the need for re-processing, as well as a convenient nozzle for air spraying Tarana.

The table shows the average consumption of Taran emulsion depending on the area of ​​the apartment:

Room typeVolume mlAverage bottle price
Apartment with a room501000
2 rooms1001200
3 rooms2001500
4 rooms2501700
5 rooms3001900

Instructions for use

Before disinfestation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures - mow the grass, clear the area of ​​last year's leaves and fallen twigs. Wear a protective suit, rubber gloves, and a respirator. The consumption of the finished poison depends on the density of the grass in the area. On average 1 liter per 1 hectare of land.

  1. The area is sprayed 5 hours before people appear. This treatment method is often used to kill ticks in recreation areas. During the disinfestation process, there should be no animals or other people on the site. Thorough spraying is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the grass. Shrubs are treated against ticks at a height of 50 cm from the ground. Pests do not rise higher.
  2. Taran anti-tick remedy for treating clothes, tents, bags, and backpacks is not used so often because it has a pungent aroma. Used for effective protection against ticks and other bloodsuckers in nature. Things are processed outdoors, hanging on a clothesline. Can be used for its intended purpose after drying. The protection lasts for a maximum of 8 hours; if necessary, reapply, but no more than 2 times a day.

Disinfestant for clothing and tents

The drug Taran against ticks is not used to treat open areas of skin. If it comes into contact with the epidermis, it causes irritation and an allergic reaction in sensitive people.

Insecticidal action

The insect repellent Taran has a wide spectrum of action and is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies and mosquitoes in various facilities - in apartments, houses, dormitories, catering establishments, medical and preventive institutions and children's institutions. Just like Dobrokhim FOS, the insect repellent Taran has acaricidal properties directed against a number of ixodid ticks - taiga and dog ticks. Along with the ability to treat areas from ticks and mosquitoes, Taran can be used to treat garden pests: Colorado potato beetle, aphids, moths, leaf rollers, spider mites, white bugs, etc. The drug is effective for luring insects out of shelters and has minor repellent properties.

special instructions

In order for the tick repellent to work as effectively as possible and not cause side effects, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • It is prohibited to use the drug without personal protective equipment. Immediately after work, wash your hands with soap, throw your clothes in the wash, and take a shower.
  • In case of accidental contact with the skin, eyes, rinse immediately with running water, into the stomach, respiratory tract - drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or another sorbent. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, seek help from a specialist.
  • Pregnant, lactating, young people under 18 years of age, patients with asthma, tuberculosis, and allergy sufferers should not use the drug or carry out disinfestation.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather. If it rains within 2 hours after spraying the area, you will have to repeat the treatment after 1-2 days.

Protective equipment when working with Ram

After disinsection, a large number of ticks die in the first 2 hours, the protection remains valid for another 60 days. The drug destroys larvae, nymphs of different ages, adults.

What to remember

  1. Taran is an effective remedy for bedbugs that leaves no odor or traces behind; the chemical hazard category is medium.
  2. You can enter the house after spraying after 2 hours.
  3. The drug not only acts instantly - on insects that have already bred - but also retains the effect for up to 8 weeks, killing the hatching “newcomers” from the clutch of eggs.
  4. Be sure to use the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  5. Wear covered clothing, gloves, and a respirator before handling your home.
  6. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse the area with water. If it gets into the stomach, induce vomiting, take activated charcoal and call a doctor.

Reviews of ram against ticks

Manufacturers position the drug as one of the most effective remedies against ixodid ticks. It is used by professionals; independent use is allowed, subject to instructions and safety rules. Buyers confirm the effective action of the product.

Last year we treated the area near the house with Taran. A child who was playing in the garden was bitten by a tick. The product was recommended to us in the store as one of the best. There is nothing difficult in application. After disinsection there were no more bites.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The Taran anti-cockroach remedy, reviews of which confirm its powerful destructive effect, has a number of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • low toxicity, safety class 4 for skin effects, intestinal impact class 3;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • ease of use;
  • effective destruction of insects;
  • long-term effect of the product, which eliminates the need for re-treatment;
  • no stains after disinsection.

The only disadvantage of the drug is that it cannot be purchased at an ordinary household chemical store.

Features of the Taran product

Taran is a highly concentrated product that will help get rid of ticks, as well as insects such as flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, fleas, cockroaches, etc. This drug can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Taran is a tick repellent, which is a modern, effective drug that destroys many parasitic species of insects

The product is a milky liquid, which contains:

  • the main active ingredient is zetacypermethrin 10%;
  • emulsifiers;
  • water;
  • antifoams;
  • antifreeze.

Zetacypermethrin is an improved version of cypermethrin, which has long been widely used to control ticks and insects.

Taran fights ticks by blocking their nerve endings, which subsequently kills parasites at any stage of their development. The product penetrates the tick's body through the chiton integument and through the mouth. Adults die almost immediately, and the eggs are deprived of the opportunity for further development. They die because they do not have the opportunity to hatch during the entire duration of the drug. And it lasts for quite a long time - up to two months.

A canister of product is enough to cover a fairly large area.

The drug is available in two versions:

  • bottles of 50 milliliters;
  • canisters with a volume of one liter.

The cost of a bottle of the product is about 150 rubles, a canister is 1900 rubles. You can also find Taran-Antiklesch spray for treating clothes on sale, the volume of which is one hundred milliliters. You will have to pay about a hundred rubles for the spray.

The spray will protect you from attacks by ixodid ticks in nature

Video: Ramming against insects and ticks

Composition and release form

The drug contains a group of highly effective isomers aimed at combating various representatives of the insect world. For a particular species, a specific isomer works. Zetacypermethrin is the main compound that includes four pyrethroid isomers, which guarantees success in pest control.

The drug Taran is available in plastic bottles of various capacities.

In order to use the product for household needs, it is bottled in 10, 30 and 50 ml bottles. This volume is sufficient for processing at home and in gardens. For industrial production, the release form is 0.6 l, 1 l, 2 l, 5 l and 10 l.

The drug is in plastic or metal canisters, safety measures are provided, and hermetically sealed packaging. Each bottle and canister is marked with a hazard classification.

We offer you to read a review of the drug Alirin-B with instructions.

Find out more about the drug Prognosis and read reviews about it.

How to process

In order to treat a room or area, you need to mix Taran concentrate with water. This should be done immediately before use; in extreme cases, the drug should be used within eight hours after preparing the solution. Wear rubber gloves before diluting the solution.

Gloves will protect your skin from accidental contact with the product.

There is no need to dilute the anti-tick spray in water. It is sold in a ready-to-use form.

  1. Mix Taran with water. One liter of water will require five milliliters of product.
  2. Stir the solution for five minutes.
  3. Pour the resulting solution into a spray device.

To treat a large area you will need a backpack sprayer.

To treat a room, you can use a regular spray bottle; to get rid of ticks in an open area, you will need a multi-liter or backpack sprayer. In order to process one hectare of open area, one hundred liters of ready-made solution will be needed. Treatment of one square meter of room will require 50 milliliters of solution for hard surfaces, 100 for soft surfaces.

You can treat a small room with a spray bottle

Treatment of open area

The drug Taran copes well with ticks in the areas where they live. These can be forests, summer cottages, tourist campsites, camps, etc. To carry out work to eliminate ticks, you will need a respirator, gloves and a protective suit.

You can’t start work without protection

Disinsection should be carried out three to five days before people arrive. The weather forecast should exclude precipitation for the next three days after treatment.

Before treatment you need to prepare the area:

  • mow the grass;
  • get rid of a layer of fallen leaves;
  • in areas located in the forest, it is necessary to create barriers 50–100 meters wide.

Cleaning the area is necessary for ease of processing the area

Next, all that remains is to spray the drug over the entire area; it must be applied to all surfaces found in the area.

When processing, it is necessary to carefully apply the product to all plants and trees.

It is possible to collect mushrooms, berries, and release livestock to pasture in the treated areas only after forty days.

Video: treating forest with Taran

Room treatment

The premises are processed with the windows open; there should be no people, animals, birds, etc. in them. Aquariums should be covered with film, dishes, personal items, and clothes should be hidden. Public, children's, and food establishments are treated during sanitary days or days off.

Precautionary measures

In order to avoid unlikely, but still possible consequences (even in the absence of contraindications), you should thoroughly adhere to the safety rules when working with the drug Taran:

  1. To work with the emulsion, you need a special uniform that does not leave exposed areas of the body, and a respirator or bandage to protect the respiratory system.
  2. Try to avoid getting the drug in your nose, mouth, eyes and skin while preparing the solution and treating the area.
  3. When spraying, do not drink, eat or smoke.
  4. If a room is sprayed, the windows must be open, plus it is necessary to ventilate the room after treatment for half an hour.
  5. Under no circumstances should you work with a product that does not have a certificate of conformity or has expired.
  6. After finishing the treatment, at least wash all areas of the body that came into contact with the drug with soap (it is better to take a shower immediately).
  7. Store the emulsion and protective form away from food, everyday clothing, dishes, and personal hygiene products.

If after processing some of the finished solution remains, it cannot be stored, because after 8 hours from the moment of dilution it will become unusable.

After spraying the area, at least 40 days must pass before mushrooms and berries can be collected in this area, and cattle can be turned out for grazing.

The ram went through many tests before it was approved by the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor. During testing of the drug, it was proven that zetacypermethrin is several times more effective than cypermethrin itself, and Taran is tens of times more effective than many other drugs.

Due to its power and relative safety, the drug Taran is recognized as suitable and recommended for treating areas and premises in order to clear areas of crawling and flying insects.

Danger from the battering ram

The product Taran is safe for humans, subject to precautions and rules of use. The drug belongs to the 3rd class of danger for the human food system (the same as ordinary table salt), to the 4th class - for the skin.

The ram will not cause damage to health, provided all precautions are taken

The drug can only be used in protective equipment. Do not smoke, drink or eat while working . You should only buy the drug in trusted stores that have product quality certificates.

If precautions are not followed and poisoning occurs, the following symptoms may occur:

  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • nausea (increased by smoking and eating);
  • abdominal pain;
  • respiratory irritation;
  • profuse salivation.

If any of the signs of poisoning appear, you should consult a doctor

In this case, the victim must be removed from the treated area, take off his protective suit and provide medical assistance or consult a doctor as soon as possible.

First aid methods:

  1. If the product enters through the nose or mouth. Prepare a solution of half a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. Give the victim a mouth rinse with this solution. You can rinse your mouth with plain boiled water, and then drink 10-15 tablets of activated carbon.
  2. If the product gets on your skin. Remove the solution with a cotton pad, wash the skin area with soap and water, and apply a protective emollient cream.
  3. If the product gets into your eyes. Rinse them immediately with plenty of running water. If irritation or redness occurs, drop sodium sulfacyl into the eyes; a two percent solution of novocaine will relieve pain in the eyes.
  4. If the product gets into the stomach. Drink a few glasses of water and induce vomiting. Drink 10–20 charcoal tablets.

Activated carbon will help remove harmful substances from the body

Taran 50 ml

A universal, Russian-made insect repellent

Insectoacaricidal agent concentrate for the destruction of: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas, adult flies and larvae, adult mosquitoes and larvae, rat ticks, ixodid ticks. and also: for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle, potato ladybug, aphids, moths, leaf-eating caterpillars, flower beetles, white beetles, codling moths, leaf rollers, locusts and other agricultural pests. ​​​​​​​Powerful acaricidal and acute insecticidal action against all types of household insects. It has a contact and intestinal effect on insects. Safe for processed crops. Has a long-lasting protective effect (up to 8 weeks). Prevents the emergence of stable populations. Approved for use at home, in the garden, against a wide range of insect pests. Protects against ixodid ticks. The low consumption rate guarantees an attractive treatment cost for the consumer. Excellent toxicological properties are ensured by the water-based formulation. It is odorless, leaves no marks on surfaces, and does not accumulate in the environment. 4.1. General requirements. 4.1.1. Everyone working with the product must strictly observe safety precautions. Persons who have undergone special training and safety instructions and who have no contraindications in accordance with regulatory documents on medical regulations for admission to the profession are allowed to work with the product. 4.1.2. It is prohibited to use a product that does not have a certificate of conformity, as well as without indicating the date of manufacture and expiration date on the packaging. Before starting work, the responsible person familiarizes all workers with the characteristics of the product, its toxicity, conducts special instructions on the rules of work, storage, precautions and first aid, as well as measures to prevent contamination of reservoirs, apiaries, etc. by the product. 4.1.3. Persons working with the product must be provided with a set of personal protective equipment, which includes: a cotton robe or overalls, a scarf, an oilcloth or rubberized apron and oversleeves, rubber technical gloves or cotton mittens with a film coating, rubber boots, sealed safety glasses (PO- 2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators “RU-60M”, “RPG-67” with a gas cartridge of grade “A” (approximate protection time of at least 100 hours) or a gas mask “GP-5”. Respirators should fit snugly against your face, but not squeeze it. The smell of the product under the respirator mask indicates that the gas cartridge is worn out and needs to be replaced. Every day after work, the rubber face parts of the respirator must be thoroughly wiped with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, or a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, or soap, then with clean water and dried. 4.1.4. When working with the product, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 4.1.5. After finishing work, you must wash your hands, face and other exposed areas of the body that may have been splashed with emulsion. Take a shower at the end of your shift. 4.1.6. Duration of work with the product: 6 hours every other day or no more than 4 hours daily with 10-15 minute breaks every 45-50 minutes. During a break when working indoors, be sure to go out into the fresh air; when processing areas, rest in specially designated places for rest, which should be located no closer than 200 m from the areas being treated, places for preparing solutions and loading areas. Before resting, you must remove your work clothes and wash your hands and face with soap. 4.1.7. Personal protective equipment is stored in separate lockers in a special room. Storing them in a warehouse together with pesticides, in other work areas of a disinfection facility or at home is strictly prohibited. The administration is obliged to ensure regular disinfection and washing of work clothes. Washing workwear in work areas (outside the laundry) is strictly prohibited. 4.1.8. Places where work is carried out with the product are provided with water, soap, towels and a first aid kit. 4.2. When working indoors. 4.2.1. Treatment of premises should be carried out with open windows (vents) in the absence of people, pets, and birds. Food and utensils should be removed before processing, and aquariums should be carefully covered. Treatment in children's and food institutions should be carried out on sanitary days or weekends. After treatment, the room should be well ventilated for at least 30 minutes in the absence of people. 4.2.2. Premises treated with the product cannot be used until they are cleaned, which is carried out 24 hours after treatment, but no later than 3 hours before using the object for its intended purpose. In places where there is no danger of contact with the product (behind baseboards, pipes, behind doorways, etc.), cleaning is carried out after the death of all insects or after the product loses its effectiveness (after 4-8 weeks). Remove the product from the treated surfaces using a wet method - with a rag. Cleaning is carried out wearing gloves, using a soda solution (30-50 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water). 4.3. When processing natural sites. 4.3.1. It is necessary to observe the boundaries of water protection zones of rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, zones of the first and second zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and air intake devices. It is prohibited to cultivate areas located near fishing and drinking water bodies at a distance of 500 m from the flood line at maximum flood waters, but not closer than 2 km from the existing banks. Grazing of livestock, picking berries and mushrooms in the treated area is permitted no earlier than 40 days after treatment. 4.3.2. The population living near the treated area must be informed in advance about the places and timing of the treatments (radio, television or written notification). Uniform safety signs are placed at the border of the treated area, which are removed after the established deadlines. The information should include the following information: the danger of arthropod vectors, the need for treatment, the safety of the product in the recommended mode of use for human health and for the preservation of natural biotopes, the prohibition of grazing, picking berries and mushrooms in the treated area. 4.3.3. The use of the product requires compliance with the basic provisions of the “Instructions for the prevention of bee poisoning by pesticides” (M., State Aviation Administration of the USSR, 1989). It is necessary to promptly notify the owners of apiaries about the places and timing of treatments (at least 2 days before treatments) and the need to protect bees. Treatment times are morning and evening. Treatment is carried out using low-volume ground spraying at wind speeds of up to 1-2 m/sec. In order to protect apiaries from the effects of the product, it is necessary to take them to another source of honey collection at a distance of at least 5 km from the treated areas (border protection zone) and isolate them in any way for up to 10 days after treatment. Limitation of the summer of bees: 96 - 120 hours. 4.3.4. The preparation of aqueous emulsion and filling of containers is carried out at specially equipped filling points located no closer than 200 m from grazing areas and water bodies. If the soil is accidentally contaminated with the product, it is disinfected. 4.3.5. After finishing work, work clothes should be shaken out outside and washed. Wash it as it gets dirty, but at least once a week, pre-soak it (to neutralize dirt) in a hot soap-soda solution for 2-3 hours (50 g of soda ash and 27 g of soap per 1 bucket of water), then wash it in fresh soap and soda solution.

The product is intended for the destruction of ixodid ticks - carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease and other diseases when treating natural sites in open nature by personnel of organizations authorized to engage in disinfection activities, as well as for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies and mosquitoes at sites various categories: in residential and non-residential premises, hotels, hostels, in public catering establishments, in children's and medical institutions (on weekends or sanitary days) by personnel of organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities, as well as by the population at home. The duration of the residual effect of the product is 4 – 8 weeks.

Active ingredient: 10%, Zetacypermethrin, [Pyrethroid], aqueous emulsion concentrate.

Thanks to extensive experience in pyrethroid technology, it was possible to select the most active isomers of cypermethrin and create a completely new compound - Zetacypermethrin, which is the active ingredient of the drug “Taran”. Zetacypermethrin contains four of the most active isomers, each of which is active at its own receptor site. It should be noted that one of the isomers is more active against Lepidoptera insects, the other isomer is very active against Coleoptera. “Taran” contains large amounts of both isomers - this is what makes “Taran” so powerful. The more active isomers in a pyrethroid, the more versatile and powerful its effects. Moreover, the presence of four isomers prevents the emergence of stable populations, because selective selection for resistance must occur at four sites at once.

Contains as an active substance (AI) a highly active compound from the group of pyrethroids zetacypermethrin in an amount of 10%, as well as an emulsifier (surfactant-OS-2a), antifreeze, antifoaming agent and water - up to 100%.

Suspension consumption per 1 sq.m. 50 ml (non-absorbent surface) 100 ml (moisture-absorbent)

Recommendations for use: remove the product from treated surfaces using a wet method, using a rag and a soap-soda solution 24 hours after use, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the working day. From other places - 6-8 weeks - after losing its effectiveness.

Release form: thick milky liquid in a plastic bottle.

Guaranteed shelf life: 24 months

Real shelf life: no more than 60 months

Storage conditions: in a dry, closed, cool warehouse in closed packaging at a temperature of -5 to +40 degrees away from sources of fire and sunlight, separately from medicines and food products.

Storage conditions for the finished drug: storage of the drug diluted with water is unacceptable. The working solution should be used within 2-3 hours.

Hazard class: according to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, when introduced into the stomach, it belongs to the 3rd class of moderately dangerous drugs, when applied to the skin - to the 4th class of low-hazardous drugs.

To destroy cockroaches, use 0.05% (DV) working water emulsions, selectively treating surfaces in places of detection, localization and along the paths of movement of insects. Particular attention is paid to holes and cracks in walls, in door frames, thresholds, along baseboards, in facing coatings, as well as ventilation vents, and places where pipes of water supply, heating and sewage systems meet. Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms inhabited by cockroaches. In case of high and very high numbers, adjacent premises are treated for preventive purposes: to prevent migration and subsequent colonization of cockroaches. Dead and paralyzed insects are systematically swept away and destroyed (burned, flushed down the drain), since with the accumulation of cockroach remains, allergic reactions may develop in people in the treated premises. Treatments are repeated when insects appear.

To destroy red house ants and other species of ants that often enter premises, their paths of movement (“paths”) or places of accumulation are treated. A working aqueous emulsion of 0.025% (DV) concentration is used. Repeated treatments are carried out when ants appear.

To kill bedbugs, use 0.025% (DV) working aqueous emulsions of the product. If the premises are sparsely populated, only their habitats are treated with bed bugs; in case of a large population and in the case of walls facing with dry plaster, the places of their possible settlement must also be treated; cracks along baseboards, borders, places where wallpaper is peeling off, around door and window frames and ventilation grilles, cracks in walls, furniture, as well as carpets on the back side. Simultaneous treatment of all premises is carried out only in dormitories, where frequent introduction of insects is possible. Treatments are repeated if bedbugs are detected.

To kill fleas, use 0.0125% (DV) working water emulsion, treating walls (to a height of up to 1 m), the floor surface in places where linoleum and baseboards lag, cracks behind baseboards, carpets, paths on the back side. When treating cluttered basements, these rooms are first cleared of debris and then thoroughly irrigated. If the number of fleas is large, you can double the consumption of the working water emulsion or its concentration. Treatments are repeated when insects appear.

To destroy imagoes of house flies or other species of flies, use 0.025% (according to the DV) working water emulsion, which is used to irrigate the landing sites of flies in the premises, as well as the external walls of buildings, garbage containers, garbage chambers and sanitary outbuildings. The emulsion consumption rate is 50-100 ml/m2, depending on the number of flies and the type of surface being treated. To destroy fly larvae, their breeding sites (cesspools, waste, food waste) are treated with 0.05% (DV) working aqueous emulsion at intervals of 1 time every 20–30 days. Treatments are repeated when winged flies appear in the room.

To destroy adult mosquitoes, use 0.0125% (DV) working aqueous emulsion, which is used to irrigate the mosquito landing sites indoors, as well as the external walls of buildings or inside fences for garbage containers, where mosquitoes hide in hot weather. To destroy mosquito larvae, a 0.005% (DV) working aqueous emulsion is used, which is evenly sprayed over the surface of open natural reservoirs of non-fishery significance and urban reservoirs: basements of residential buildings, sewage, fire tanks where mosquito larvae breed. The consumption rate of the working water emulsion is 100 ml/m2 of water surface, depending on the area and depth of the reservoir, the degree of its overgrowth and contamination with organic substances, as well as the age of the larvae and the density of their colonization of the reservoir. Treatments are repeated when mosquito larvae of 1st - 2nd instars appear, but not more than once a month.

Control of ixodid ticks when treating natural habitats.

Tick ​​extermination is carried out in areas at high risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis or Lyme disease. Areas of the territory are treated in order to protect the population (loggers, tourists, vacationers, children in summer health camps, etc.) from attacks by ixodid ticks of the genus Ixodes (in the European part of the Russian Federation this is the forest tick I. ricinus L. and the taiga tick I. persulcatus P. Sch., in the Asian part of the country, mainly I. persulcatus), Haemaphysalis and Dermacentor, which are carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases. Areas frequently visited by people (paths, playgrounds, etc.) must be mechanically cleared of vegetation and forest litter, which may contain ticks. The rest of the grassy vegetation where ticks are detected must be treated. If the treated area is located in a vast forest area, which poses a danger due to the likelihood of ticks being introduced, it is recommended to create a barrier, the width of which should be at least 50-100 m. The area is treated 3-5 days before people visit it. Treatment should be carried out if the weather forecast is favorable (no precipitation) for the next 3 days. The consumption rate of the working emulsion depends on the type of equipment used. Typically, 100 liters of working emulsion are consumed per 1 ha, but with dense vegetation cover, a larger amount is required. The rate of application of the product depends on the density of the vegetation cover and the type of ticks: to destroy ticks of the genus Ixodes with dense vegetation cover, 0.75 is consumed, and with sparse vegetation - 0.5 liters per 1 ha (with a low number of ticks of the genus Ixodes: up to 10 individuals / flag-kilometer - 0.25 l per 1 ha); for the destruction of ticks of the genus Dermacentor - 1.25 l/ha. If there is a significant amount of precipitation, the effectiveness of the product may decrease. If the presence of ticks is detected in the treated area, it must be re-treated.

Working aqueous emulsions are prepared immediately before use. To do this, the product is mixed with tap or filtered water from nearby bodies of water, stirring constantly and evenly for 5 minutes. The finished emulsion should be used within 8 hours.

To apply the product, use any spraying equipment designed for spraying solutions and emulsions of insecticides on surfaces (automaxes, small-droplet backpack sprayers, large-droplet multi-volume sprayers, small and micro-volume sprayers, aerosol generators, mechanically driven sprayers). The main condition is to ensure uniform coverage of the entire surface with the working emulsion. When treating rooms, ponds and clothing, large-droplet spraying equipment with a weight median droplet diameter of 100 - 350 microns is used. When processing terrain (natural sites), small-droplet equipment with a weight median droplet diameter of 20 – 150 microns is used. If conditions permit, it is possible to use equipment on vehicles when processing areas.

Tables 1 and 2 show the calculation of the amount of product required to prepare working emulsions.

Species of arthropodConcentration (%) according to DVConcentration (%) of working emulsion according to formulationAmount of product (g) per (l) water
Flies imago0,02500,2502,5025,0250
Flies larvae0,05000,5005,0050,0500
Mosquito imago0,01250,1251,2512,5125
Mosquito larvae0,00500,0500,505,050

The data in the table is given according to:

The consumption rate of the working emulsion when treating premises is 50 ml/m2 (non-moisture-absorbing surface) and 100 ml/m2 (moisture-absorbing surface).

Working emulsions for the destruction of ixodid ticks
Genus of ticks Consumption rate

funds, l/ha

Concentration of working emulsion, % Amount of product in working emulsion, ml
in the Far East within means 1 l 5 l 10 l
Ixodes 0,25* 0,025 0,25 2,5 12,5 25,0
Ixodes 0,50 0,050 0,50 5,0 25,0 50,0
Ixodes 0,75 0,075 0,75 7,5 37,5 75,0


1,25 0,125 0,125 12,5 62,5 125,0
* at low numbers (up to 10 specimens per 1 counting flag/km)


Although the drug Taran is harmless to humans, there are categories of people who cannot carry out the treatment. These include:

  • people under 18 years of age;
  • patients with epilepsy (including those in remission);
  • having mental disorders;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people in a neurotic state;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, respiratory system (chronic);
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • asthmatics;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • having diseases of the liver, central nervous system, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • people with eye diseases (conjunctivitis, etc.);
  • having skin diseases (eczema, erosion, dermatitis);
  • with serious blood problems (leukemia, anemia-iron deficiency).

If you meet at least one item from this list, then you are strictly prohibited from treating with Taran. Even if you are in recovery.


Taran is a worthy drug. It has a great many advantages: Firstly, it does not smell. at all. At least I smell the concentrate and the smell is somehow neutral. (when sprayed without PPE, I still sneeze) Secondly, a very good and PROFITABLE Acaricide. Guys, spring is just a fairy tale. I used a canister a day (I process a lot, from morning to night). The clients are happy, after an hour or two the ticks all die, there is no stink. Thirdly, the price/consumption ratio for such a quality insect repellent is generally superb.



I've been using Taran for a long time. The thing is good, checked. Before the spring hunt, I hang out my clothes and spray them with fanaticism. More than once I watched a tick climb onto my clothes and literally after 15–20 seconds it became ill. The movements slowed down and he fell off. I definitely treat my concealers with this chemical. Also, such concentrated chemicals are also available for treating territories; they are sold in stores for summer residents under different names. You need to look at the instructions. Two years ago I brought one with zetacypermethrin for the spring. And we sprayed the camp area and kept a secret. We didn’t see any ticks in the camp during the entire hunt.


The Taran product is popular both among ordinary residents and in pest control services. It has proven itself to be the best, so it protects many apartments and territories from dangerous ticks.

Pros and cons of the product

Like all insecticides, Taran has a number of advantages and several disadvantages. Both of these aspects indicate the need for a professional approach to the destruction of bedbugs. Specialists will take into account all the key features and follow the instructions for working with poison.


  1. Economical;
  2. Acaricide (affects ticks);
  3. Highly active against most insects;
  4. Without smell;
  5. Optimal price/consumption ratio;
  6. Does not cause addiction to bedbugs;
  7. High percentage of efficiency up to 98%;
  8. Approved for use in residential premises;
  9. Ram can be freely combined with other poisons.


  • Requires dilution first in a small container;
  • Special approach to processing;
  • Leaving the residents' home;
  • Spending time and effort on cleaning.

The anti-insect ram will help provide yourself and your loved ones with a calm, comfortable life without bed bugs, but experts do not advise immediately starting with independent treatment. It is completely in vain that many people think that they can cope on their own. Not everyone is able to strictly adhere to the instructions, as evidenced by reviews of the use of the drug.

Anti-tick ram: instructions for use and reviews of the drug

Insects are not the best inhabitants that you can find at home or on your property. Many cannot even be exterminated, because with each prevention, more and more of them appear. A highly concentrated product called Taran can come to the rescue This is a water-based emulsion that contains zeta-cypermethrin, a group of pyrethroids that is toxic to ticks. How to use these tools? How to permanently get rid of such poisonous insects for human health as ticks?


The high efficiency of Taran and the strict requirements for use are confirmed by numerous reviews from customers who fought bedbugs in their apartment. According to statistics, about 87% of them try to order pest control exclusively from the SES. The specialists of such companies, endowed with specific powers and knowledge, will competently prepare the composition of the required consistency, and disinfestation of all areas of localization of bloodsuckers will be done.




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