Instructions for using the product "Yurax" against insects

People are trying their best to protect their homes from the invasion of insects that bite, spread dangerous infections and spoil food. To destroy pests, it is best to use modern scientific developments. One of these drugs is “Yurax,” the instructions for use of which promise that it will quickly clear the area of ​​parasites.

Instructions for use

So, you want to get rid of insects, you have already bought everything you need, but you don’t know how to breed Jurax. This is not a problem, because the drug comes with instructions, which are printed directly on the canister or bottle. The manufacturer recommends using the following proportions when preparing the solution:

  1. To kill bedbugs, fight ants, flies and mosquitoes, you need to take 2 ml of the product, which must be diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature,
  2. If there are cockroaches and ticks in the house, then to destroy them you need to use 4 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.

Remember that for disinfestation 1 sq. m. apartment, about 50 ml of working solution is used. If the apartment is too infested with insects, and surfaces quickly absorb moisture, then the amount of mixture used should be increased by 100%.

Advice! Increase the amount of solution when treating soft floor coverings, furniture and other materials that quickly absorb liquid.

Carrying out processing

When carrying out treatment against bedbugs, be sure to pay attention to places where harmful insects can live:

  • Areas under the baseboard,
  • Wallpaper and paint that have come off the walls,
  • Non-working household appliances stored in the house
  • Old things and cabinets,
  • Accessories and areas behind them (pictures, consoles, floor shelves and others),
  • Space under batteries
  • Doors, windows, wooden elements (window sills, cabinets, wall shelves).

When baiting insects, constantly stir the solution, because the emulsion may settle to the bottom of the container, which will lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. During the process of self-disinfestation, do not forget to treat the hard elements of the bed, bedside tables, etc. If clothes are infested with bedbugs and other types of insects, they can be sprayed with a spray bottle using up to 200 ml of the active mixture.

The treated room should be left for several hours, after which it is necessary to carry out full ventilation, thorough wet cleaning, removing nests and dead insects. Remember that the insecticide in question does not kill bedbug eggs, but the effect of Yurax lasts for 1-1.5 months, so the young generation hatching from the eggs will die immediately. If after 1.5 months bedbugs reappear in the house, then you can remove them - to do this, you need to re-treat the infected object.

Let's sum it up

Now you have learned how to poison bedbugs with Jurax, you have read the reviews, the pros and cons of the drug, which will help you make a purchasing decision. But it is worth remembering that Jurax is not a panacea, but only a temporary solution to the problem.

You will not be immune from the fact that after 1-2 months, bedbugs will return to your home again, emerging from larvae and migrating from neighbors. The most effective way to combat insects is professional disinfestation using properly selected products. Don’t pay twice, don’t suffer from bites, and immediately contact specialized companies.




First aid for poisoning with Jurax

Intoxication with insectoacaricide can occur through contact with the product or accidental inhalation. Symptoms of poisoning:

  • headache,
  • pain in the abdomen,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • bitterness in the mouth,
  • weakness,
  • lacrimation,
  • salivation.

If any signs appear, you should immediately:

  1. stop pest control
  2. leave the premises
  3. remove clothing
  4. wash your hands, face, rinse your mouth, and if possible, take a shower.
    If the drug Jurax gets into your eyes, then after washing you can drip sodium sulfacyl 30% or novocaine 2% into them (for painful sensations)

Next you need to provide assistance to the affected organ:

  • In case of contact with the eyes, rinse the organ of vision copiously and for a long time with water with the addition of baking soda (1/2 tsp per 200 ml of water). In the future, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • If the drug gets into your mouth, you need to rinse it several times with a soda solution (1 tsp per 200 ml of water).
  • If the product is swallowed, drink several glasses of water in a row, press with two fingers on the root of the tongue and induce vomiting. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Then drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. In this case, contacting a doctor is mandatory.
  • Blot any product that gets on the skin with a cotton swab, and wash the affected area with soap and water.
  • If you inhale the vapors of the drug, you need to go out into fresh air and drink activated carbon.

After providing first aid, it is wise to consult a doctor.

YURAX territory treatment.

3.1. Tick ​​extermination is carried out in areas at high risk of human infection with tick-borne encephalitis or Lyme disease.

3.2. Acaricide is used to treat areas of the territory in order to protect the population (loggers, tourists, vacationers, children in summer health camps, etc.) from attacks by ixodid ticks of the genus Ixodes (in the European part of the Russian Federation this is the forest tick I. ricinus L. and the taiga tick I . persulcatus P. Sch., in the Asian part of the country - mainly I. persulcatus), Haemaphysalis and Dermacentor, which are carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases.

3.3. Areas frequently visited by people (paths, playgrounds, etc.) must be mechanically cleared of vegetation and forest litter, which may contain ticks. The rest of the grassy vegetation where ticks are detected must be treated.

3.4. If the treated area is located in a vast forest area that poses a risk of ticks, it is recommended to create a barrier, the width of which should not be less than 50–100 m.

3.5. Treatment is carried out 7 days before people visit the area.

3.6. Treatment should be carried out if the weather forecast is favorable (no precipitation) for the next 3 days.

3.7. To treat the area, use any equipment designed for spraying insecticides on surfaces (automaxes, small-droplet backpack sprayers, mechanically driven sprayers) with a weight median droplet diameter of 20 - 150 microns. If conditions permit, it is possible to use the equipment on cars. The main condition is to ensure uniform coverage of the entire specified area with the working emulsion.

3.8. The validity period of the product against ticks in the litter is about 1 – 1.5 months. If there is a significant amount of precipitation, the effectiveness of the product may decrease. If necessary, due to the presence of ticks in the treated area, it can be re-treated.

Security measures

There are good reviews about Phenaxin powder for bedbugs, but it is a toxic drug that requires the use of safety measures. The exterminator must work in a mask, gloves and a protective suit. You must not smoke or eat food in the area where the bullying is taking place.

There should be no strangers in the apartment during the procedure. Animals also need to be removed, and aquariums and terrariums must be removed or tightly closed. Since poison can destroy indoor plants, they are also removed. The dishes need to be sealed or taken out to the balcony.

They kill bedbugs very carefully: you need to protect your eyes, skin and under no circumstances inhale the powder. If Phenaxin accidentally gets into the digestive tract, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and take an adsorbent, for example, activated carbon.

If the condition worsens, you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Particular attention is paid to hygiene after processing. The person who carried it out must take a shower, and if this is not possible, at least wash his face and wash his hands with soap.

Mechanism of action on bedbugs

Many buyers of poison want to know how it works on bedbugs. And everything is simple, because the main working component Cypermethrin belongs to the group of enteric-contact insecticides. The poison enters the arthropod through the digestive tract, and also penetrates the body through direct contact with the chitinous cover of the insect (treatment of nests, surfaces and paths along which bedbugs walk).

Once inside the pest, the pesticide leads to paralysis, as a result of which the insect loses the ability to move and eat. The drug effectively eliminates bedbugs, mosquitoes, bed and rat fleas, flies, cockroaches, and ants, which is why reviews of the Jurax product are the most positive.

Important! It is noteworthy that Yurax is absolutely not dangerous for people (GOST 12.1.007-76), although when working with it you should wear a protective mask, gloves and cover other parts of the body.

Security measures

Using the poison Yurax, it is easy to fight bedbugs, because they belong to the group of low-risk ones, but precautions should not be neglected. Let's look at a few recommendations to help you protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Before treatment, remove children, pregnant women, elderly people, and pets from the apartment or house;
  • Remove personal belongings, dishes, food from the house, some of which can be covered with cling film, and cosmetics that may get into the chemical during processing;
  • When carrying out disinfection, wear a protective mask and don’t forget about gloves. It is advisable to wear long, tight-fitting clothing to prevent the poison from getting on your skin or eyes;
  • Before treatment, it is necessary to wet clean the apartment in all rooms.
  • It is advisable to keep the windows closed while using Jurax.

1 hour after treatment, it is necessary to ventilate and wipe public areas, after which people can return to the room and carry things.

Activities after disinfection

Exposure (exposure) after treatment is at least 3-4 hours, after which sanitary and hygienic measures are carried out:

  • Ventilate the room for at least 30-40 minutes.
  • Wet cleaning of frequent contact areas (not all surfaces in the room!) - door and furniture handles, switches, dining tables, computer/TV screens.
  • Washing dishes, kitchen utensils, bathtubs, sinks, toilets.
  • Make clean bed linen.

For maximum safety, it is not recommended to return children and pets to the living area for 24 hours after treatment.

Attention! General wet cleaning, incl. floors should be applied at least 5 days after spraying and only in the central part (30-40 cm before the edge of the baseboard).

Instructions for use of Yurax

Main stages:

  1. Preparation of the room and the entire facility, it all depends on what area is planned to be processed.
  2. Close windows and doors.
  3. Prepare respiratory protection products.
  4. When mixing the concentrate with the liquid, you must follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  5. Processing is carried out.
  6. The poison will last for several hours.
  7. Ventilate the room, but not less than 30 minutes.
  8. Clean frequently used items and surfaces.

Repeated treatment is carried out if necessary: ​​after 2 weeks, new bites began to appear on the body. For prevention purposes, you can immediately spray the substance after 1-1.5 weeks.

Instructions for breeding Jurax

The use of the drug without additives is not recommended due to the increased consumption of the working emulsion. In addition, this increases the risk of poisoning after interaction with a toxic substance. The dosage of the product varies depending on the type of insects that are planned to be destroyed.

To destroy blood-sucking insects, use 2 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water. You need to dilute the product with water, but check its temperature. The liquid should not be warm, much less hot. The shelf life of the finished solution is short - several hours. For this reason, it must be used immediately.

Download complete instructions for use of the drug Jurax

When questions arise about the use of an insecticide-based product, it is recommended to obtain more information about it. For this purpose, you need to study the manufacturer's instructions, which can be downloaded here.


Where to buy, storage conditions

Yurax is sold in specialized hardware stores, and you can order it online. The price differs depending on the point of sale. The average cost of a 50 ml bottle is 800 rubles, a 5 liter canister is 5800 rubles.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture. Store away from direct sunlight, in a cool, non-humid place. The temperature should be no higher than 20 degrees Celsius, avoid freezing. The prepared solution cannot be stored for long periods of time; it must be used within 3 days. It is advisable to use an open bottle or canister within a year.

Yurax - instructions for use

Immediately before disinfestation, you need to prepare a solution. Pour the required amount of concentrate into 1 liter of water at room temperature and stir for 5 minutes. Then add the rest of the water. The solution is placed in a household spray bottle or a spray bottle; in some areas it can be applied with a brush. The prepared solution should be used in the first 3 days, but it is better immediately.


To prepare a solution, add 4 ml of concentrate to 1 liter of water. They treat places where parasites accumulate and where insects move. Be sure to spray walls, baseboards, floors, furniture on the back side, doorways, window sills, ventilation grilles, sewers, pipelines, areas near sinks, toilets, and trash cans. The death of cockroaches is observed within 24 hours, but the drug does not affect the larvae, which are in the ooteca at the time of treatment. To exterminate the younger generation of pests, repeated disinfestation is carried out after 10-14 days. In case of severe contamination of the premises, it is recommended to consolidate the result after 21 days.


To combat bedbugs, the solution is prepared in a ratio of 2 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of cold water. If the premises are slightly infested, only the bedroom is treated. Otherwise, the entire apartment or house is subject to disinfestation. Initially, you should spray the discovered nests and places of possible residence. Be sure to treat the bed, mattress, carpets, sofa, interior items, walls, baseboards, furniture, floors, books. After 14 days, the procedure is repeated. If the premises are heavily infested, another disinsection is required after 21 days to consolidate the result.

Flies, mosquitoes

The solution is prepared in a ratio of 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of cold water. The walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture are sprayed indoors. Outside - the walls of the house, sewerage, drains, toilet, drainage pit, outbuildings, premises for animals. To destroy mosquito larvae, agents are sprayed near garbage cans, pipelines, closed reservoirs, and puddles.


To exterminate ants, a concentration of 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water is sufficient. Anthills and nests are filled, and the trajectory of movement is processed. At home, baseboards, window sills, floors, furniture on the back side, and walls are sprayed. Efficiency directly depends on whether a nest with a queen has been detected. If the location of the anthill is unknown, disinfestation should be repeated after 14 days, and then after another 10 days if there are live ants.


Poison with a solution prepared in a ratio of 2 ml of Jurax per 1 liter of water. Spray the floor, carpets, walls at a level of 1.5 m, window sills, furniture. Areas near the toilet, trash can, and vegetable drawer are treated for larvae. The death of insects is observed within 2 hours. Usually one disinfestation is enough to get rid of a colony of parasites in a room. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to carry out disinfestation again after 2 weeks. Yurax is also used for disinfestation of animal houses and bedding.

Yurax is used to destroy wasps, hornets, ticks and other insects that are objectionable to humans.

How to prepare and use the solution

To destroy pests, a working solution with different concentrations of the active substance (AI) is required.

Working solution preparation table

Species of arthropodConcentration (%) by DVConcentration (%) of working emulsion according to formulationAmount of product (g) per (l) water
Flies imago0,050,202,020200
Flies larvae0,050,202,020200
Mosquito imago0,050,202,020200
Mosquito larvae0,010,040,4440
Rat ticks0,100,404,040400

The product can be sprayed using any sprayer.

Instructions for use of the drug Yurax

For effective disinfestation, you must follow the instructions for using Jurax:

  1. Prepare the room for processing.
  2. Wear protective clothing and equipment.
  3. Dilute the concentrate with water in the required proportion according to the table.
  4. Stir the solution vigorously for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the product into a spray bottle.
  6. To destroy bedbugs, first treat the places where they are located, then apply the product to places where they can move: behind baseboards, the back and bottom of furniture, cracks, wallpaper areas, ventilation grilles, behind door jambs, carpets on the underside, etc. d. It is prohibited to apply the drug to bedding! Repeated sanitization should be carried out if new individuals appear.

    Parasites can hide in the smallest cracks and corners, so it is important to carry out the treatment as efficiently as possible

  7. To get rid of ants, treat localization areas and insect migration paths, as well as ventilation openings.
  8. In the fight against cockroaches, apply the drug to places where pests accumulate, to drainage, sewer and heating pipes, the kitchen stove and sink area on all sides, the trash can and the area around it, baseboards, thresholds, cracks, ventilation and other places of possible movement.
  9. To eliminate fleas, it is necessary to spray the drug on walls up to 1 meter high from the floor, the entire surface of the floor, baseboards, cracks, linoleum in places of origin, the underside of carpets and paths.
  10. All places where insects accumulate and breed, as well as the entire surface of the walls, are treated against flies and mosquitoes.
  11. To destroy rat mites, it is necessary to sanitize all pipes in the room, especially heated areas, ceilings and walls, the back and bottom of furniture, tables are treated on all sides along with the drawers built into them.

If there is a significant accumulation of parasites, disinfestation should be carried out jointly with neighbors. The more residents in an apartment building are included in the event, the more effective the result will be.

Recommendations for treating housing from cockroaches

Recommendations for treating housing against bedbugs

The best anti-cockroach gel

It is difficult to choose the best gel, but there are a lot of positive reviews for those drugs based on chlorpyrifos. These include Global, Absolute, Raptor. The effective action of these drugs is that they penetrate directly into the intestines and provoke disturbances in the nervous system of pests

It is important that in the end it will be possible to get rid of those individuals who will come into contact with infected relatives. Thus, after two or three insects try the insecticide, the entire nest will be destroyed

The main active ingredient in Dohlox is fipronil. Pests will be affected by the insecticide either by eating this trap or by coming into contact with the chitinous cover. After this, Dohlox blocks the functioning of the parasite’s nerve cells. In two hours, complete paralysis of the individual will be recorded.

Dohlox has a delayed action, which means there is a high probability of infecting other pests in the house. It is necessary to squeeze the contents of the tube onto furniture, floors and other areas where insects crawl.

How to use Global gel against cockroaches?

Global gel acts on cockroaches by contact-intestinal method. The insect's nervous system begins to collapse in the first seconds after contact with the poison. Global is considered one of the best and most effective drugs due to the fact that it is capable of infecting one individual and destroying dozens of others living in the same nest with the main victim. Available in a plastic tube (75 ml), the smell is chocolate, the color is brown (one of the components is cocoa butter).

Killing cockroaches with Raptor is common even among professionals. The volume of one tube is 75 ml. The volume is enough for two rooms. According to reviews, the price of the product is 140 rubles. To attract insects, components with the scent of vanilla and apricot are used. You can apply it according to the instructions on any surface (even furniture). In reviews, people note: it’s good not only that Raptor allows you to fight effectively, but also that it does not damage surfaces, being easily removed a couple of weeks after application.

Dohlox cockroach gel

This drug is the best, according to many buyers. People note in reviews that if you coat the baseboards, cracks and furniture thoroughly enough, then in two days there will be no trace left of uninvited guests. Long-term action is an unconditional plus of the drug. Another advantage is safety for children and animals.

What needs to be done with the premises before and after disinfestation

Before carrying out the treatment, you need to prepare the house in order to quickly and easily apply the drug to the desired areas:

  • Carry out a wet cleaning, wipe off all dust and remove cobwebs.
  • Remove curtains, tulles, curtains, wash, boil and iron. Parasite eggs are often laid on these products.
  • Treat pillows and blankets with hot steam. You can take them outside if the frost is raging there.
  • In the case of bedbugs, it is necessary to remove the mattress from the beds and place it in an upright position for further treatment.
  • Empty cabinets, shelves, niches, etc. from all things.
  • Move the furniture so that access to the back, walls and baseboards is provided.
  • If there is an aquarium in the house and there is no way to remove it, then you need to tightly cover the vessel and block the access of oxygen.
  • Remove food, dishes, and hygiene items.
  • Set the windows to ventilation mode.

Preparing your home for disinfestation

Parasites often hide or lay eggs on the back of furniture in small crevices, between fasteners and joints

Dust, dirt and cobwebs must be removed before disinfestation, as they will interfere with quality processing

Bedding, personal belongings, dishes and food must be securely packed and taken out during disinfestation.

After completion of disinsection and waiting the required time, it is necessary to clean again: wipe all surfaces that will come into contact with people and food, and then wash them with water with the addition of soap and soda (30–50 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water, soap at your discretion) . Work with gloves and with open windows.

Features of the drug

Yurax against bedbugs is a Russian-made chemical product that contains cypermethine. In addition to this insecticide, it also contains auxiliary substances (solvents and stabilizer) that enhance the function of the active component. The unique composition of Yurax against bedbugs affects the pest’s body, disrupting the conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and subsequently the death of the insect.

Yurax is a beige emulsion with a sharp, specific odor. It is diluted with water in the ratio specified in the description. Instructions for using Yurax against bedbugs are on the back of each bottle. The product has a wide spectrum of action; it is also active against fleas, rat mites, ants, cockroaches, flies and even mosquitoes.


The price of Yurax against bedbugs varies depending on the volume of the container (the concentrate is available in 50 ml bottles, as well as in 1 liter or 5 liter canisters). The cost of the smallest dose is within 250 rubles.

The question of whether concentrate helps against bedbugs worries everyone who is faced with choosing a product. Those consumers who have already evaluated it leave positive reviews about Yurax for bedbugs. After all, residual activity is another advantage of the drug, which lasts for a month. The emulsion is highly effective, as it acts on both adult individuals and newly hatched larvae.

Not only premises, but also clothes are treated with Yurax concentrate against bedbugs. To disinfest one set of things, you will need about 0.2 liters of solution. The protective effect on treated clothing lasts for half a month.


Reviews of the product Jurax against cockroaches help evaluate the effectiveness of the product.

An effective drug against cockroaches, since the concentration of cypermethrin in it is significant. In case of severe infection, you can dilute 5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. The smell lasts for a long time and is unpleasant. In a residential apartment, you have to endure the inconvenience to get rid of cockroaches. After the first treatment, corpses come across everywhere, the second one completely kills the family. Destruction in a month, plus prevention for a few more weeks.

Maxim, Moscow

They poisoned the Yurax cockroaches, closed the apartment, and went to see their mother for 2 days. She came, collected the corpses of insects, and washed the floors. The smell lasts for about a month, but it does the job. You can remove cockroaches quickly. But for small infestations, I would advise using gels or baits made from eggs and boric acid.

Inna, Voronezh

Yurax must be handled with care and follow the instructions. It is better to buy a respirator, do not neglect your health. A mask folded in several layers is not suitable; covering your nose and mouth with a towel is inconvenient. For the first time, I felt dizzy, nauseous, and weak. I had to take medications. Jurax helps well against cockroaches. Repeated treatment was carried out in a respirator.

Igor, Perm

The cost of an effective product depends on the volume. A bottle with a capacity of 50 ml can be bought for 250 rubles. Canisters of 1 l and 5 l are available for sale. Their cost is about 1300 rubles. The product in this quantity is intended for SES professionals. Analogues containing cypermethrin - Raptor, Clean House, Fas, Reid, Dichlorvos.

Jurax product

The remedy “Yurax” for cockroaches and bedbugs based on 25% cypermethrin is a highly active Russian drug that helps get rid of most types of parasitic insects.

In addition to cockroaches and bedbugs, the drug destroys wasps, fleas, ants, gamas and ixodid ticks, fly larvae and mosquitoes.

Widely used in medical, laboratory, municipal disinfestation, approved for children's and food organizations.

General description and characteristics

The Yurax bedbug repellent is produced in the form of a transparent emulsion concentrate with a characteristic odor, the color of which varies from brown-yellow to red-brown.

Belongs to the group of synthetic pyrethroids, the advantages of which include: high toxic activity, trailing effect and speed of action.

In addition to the active ingredient - 25% cypermethrin contains an antioxidant, emulsifying components, and a dissolving base.

Without having a systemic effect, the drug remains on treated surfaces for up to 20-30 days, maintaining its effect regardless of temperature and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Repeated treatment, as a rule, is not required, since during the period of action all generations of insects have time to die. Like any drug based on cypermethrin, the Yurax bedbug remedy does not cause resistance.

The principle of action of the drug "Yurax"

“Yurax” for cockroaches and bedbugs is an insecticide whose contact-intestinal mechanism of action manifests itself after the product enters the insect’s digestive system. The product has high starting activity, paralyzing the nervous system of adult insects and larvae.

When ingested, cypermethrin quickly affects nerve cells due to immediate connection with the lipophilic elements of the membrane. As a result of its depolarization, processes in the sodium channel slow down, the normal movement of sodium ions is disrupted, and synaptic disorders incompatible with life occur.

How to use the drug "Yurax"?

A working emulsion is obtained by diluting the drug in water immediately before acaricidal treatment. Mixing the product with water at room temperature, stir it continuously for 5-8 minutes until the precipitate dissolves. The consumption rate depends on the type of insects, the density of settlement, and when treating against ticks - on the density of plant growth.

When using "Yurax" against bedbugs and cockroaches, you will only need 2 ml of product per liter of water - the optimal concentration in terms of effectiveness and safety.

It is convenient to use a spray for processing

It is important to spray the product wherever insects may be hiding, including hard-to-reach places

If all “dispersal” zones have been treated, re-treatment will not be required. The drug works the first time.

How safe is the Yurax bedbug repellent?

The drug belongs to the third category of substances that are not significantly dangerous for warm-blooded organisms, and in contact with skin - to the fourth category of danger (GOST 12.1.007-76). If you follow the instructions and consumption standards, it is not dangerous for children and pets.

A weak sensitizing effect has been proven. The emulsion prepared for processing slightly irritates the epidermis and does not have a resorptive effect. In contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, it creates a pronounced irritating effect.

When working with the drug “Yurax”, it is advisable to use a personal protective kit: gown, headscarf, gloves, goggles, tight-fitting respirators. Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene after treatment - thorough hand washing, shower.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water and baking soda, and then take 10-15 tablets of activated carbon. Remove the emulsion from the skin with a cotton swab, then rinse with a 2% solution of baking soda. If the drug gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. For rinsing, you can use water or a 2% soda solution.

Where to buy the insecticidal agent "Yurax"?

On our website you buy the certified drug “Yurax” produced by Alina Nova Prof LLC. We purchase insecticides directly from manufacturers in small quantities and offer products with a current shelf life and maximum insecticidal effect.

Find out the cost and availability of the drug in the store by calling +7(8422)455-288, +7(8422)455-292.

Precautionary measures

Since “Yurax” belongs to the third level of toxicity, protective equipment is required when using it. For disinfestation you will need:

  • rubberized overalls;
  • thick rubber gloves;
  • a bandage made of gauze or a respirator;
  • special glasses to protect your eyes.

If drops of the drug accidentally fall on unprotected skin, you should immediately wipe the blots with a cloth and clean the area with a baking soda solution. If toxic vapors penetrate the mucous membrane of the eyes, they must be thoroughly rinsed with running water. If you experience a burning sensation in the eyes, it is recommended to use Albucid.

During treatment, it is forbidden to remove protective equipment, smoke or eat. Violation of these requirements can lead to poisoning, which is characterized by nausea and vomiting. If such signs occur, you should take several tablets of activated carbon and call a doctor.

After disinfestation, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap and then take a shower.

  1. To store Yurax, you need to choose a place inaccessible to children. It should be kept away from food and medicine.
  2. The optimal air temperature is from 0 to 20 degrees.
  3. The insecticide has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture.

To get the maximum effect, carefully inspect the packaging before purchasing a poisonous substance. Read the information about the manufacturer, study the date of manufacture and the concentration of the active substance. If this information is not on the label, do not purchase the product to avoid purchasing low-quality products.

Description of the drug Yurax

The drug Yurax is an insecticidal and acaricidal agent that destroys bedbugs, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, ticks, ants and fleas. The active substance is the peritroid cypermethrin. The Jurax emulsion concentrate has a light yellow, brown or red-brown color, the smell of the drug is sharp and unpleasant.

Yurax is produced in different volumes

The drug Yurax in a volume of 50 ml is suitable for home treatment.

Jurax emulsion is also produced in a medium-sized bottle with a volume of 1 l

In large volumes (5 l), the insecticidal agent Yurax can be purchased for disinfestation of large buildings

Yurax has a nerve-paralytic effect on pests and parasites when it comes into contact with the surface of the body or the oral cavity.


  • cypermethrin 25%,
  • emulsifier,
  • antioxidant,
  • solvent.

The drug belongs to class III of moderately dangerous toxins for warm-blooded animals. In most cases, the product does not cause irritation after a single contact with the skin surface. In case of single contact with eyes, it has a moderate irritating effect.

The approximate cost of a 50 ml bottle of Jurax is 250 rubles, 1 liter is 1500 rubles, 5 liters is 5000 rubles.


Cypermethrin is an old, proven substance; there are a huge number of drugs based on it. The modern product market can offer a wide range of products with an identical active ingredient or a similar mechanism of action. In concentrates, where in addition to cypermethrin there is another active component, the effectiveness is slightly higher, but there is no significant difference. In general, when choosing a product with the same active substance, you can focus on the price.

Preparations based on cypermethrin:

  • Tsimbus;
  • Cyperon;
  • Arrivo;
  • Sherpa;
  • Tsitkor;
  • Zipper;
  • Tzipi;
  • Shar Pei;
  • Cyrax;
  • Signal;
  • Polytrine;
  • Cypermethrin 25.

Combined products:

  • Sinuzan;
  • Nurel;
  • Sychlor;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Fury.

For comparison, the average price of the domestic drug Cypermethrin 25 produced in India is 1,550 rubles. for 1 l.

Yurax anti-tick product

Yurax anti-tick product is a real breakthrough in the modern market! The product has an insectoacaricidal effect, which allows you to rid the room of annoying parasites in a matter of minutes.

The development of Russian specialists has become the most in demand.

Finally, this is an original and not a fake! Correct use of Jurax allows you to cope with insects and prevent their reappearance.

The composition of the anti-tick product Jurax is represented by highly concentrated cypermethrin. The presence of this substance in the composition guarantees the originality of the product and indicates its moderate hazard class.

What does this mean? Using Yurax allows you to quickly rid a room of parasites, without negative effects on people and animals.

Are you going to use a toxic product for the first time? Don't forget the most important precautions

  1. put on a mask,
  2. use gloves
  3. Don't forget about the protective suit.

Did the emulsion accidentally come into contact with your skin while working? Don't panic! Rinse off the product with a soda solution. While working, try to avoid eating and smoking. This can harm your body! Have you processed it? Take a shower and do a wet cleaning.

Yurax against ticks is available in the form of an emulsion; it is prohibited to use it in its pure form. Remember: emulsion is the only form of release of the drug. This knowledge will allow you to avoid buying a fake! The product is always diluted with water, depending on the area of ​​the room and the type of parasite.

The diluted solution should not be stored in its finished form; it quickly loses its effectiveness.

  • to eliminate ticks, it is necessary to maintain a ratio of 4:1 (4 ml of product per 1 liter of water),
  • to combat bedbugs 2:1 (2 ml of product per 1 liter of water),
  • to eliminate ants, fleas and flies 2:1 (2 ml of product per 1 liter of water).

It is recommended to use a spray bottle to treat the room. This is a very convenient device that will allow you to reach the most difficult to reach places. We recommend carrying out general cleaning before processing.

This action significantly increases the effectiveness of the product! After treating the room, all windows must be opened. The pungent odor will not allow you to stay indoors for a long time. When the smell disappears, carry out a wet cleaning.

Important: do not wash the baseboards, this reduces the effectiveness of the drug. If necessary, the disinfestation procedure can be repeated after a month.

If necessary, the disinfestation procedure can be repeated after a month.

As practice shows, the Yurax anti-tick product has purely positive reviews. This is due not only to its positive composition, but also to the permissible level of danger.

“Every year I follow the same tradition, I go to my grandmother in the village for the whole summer. This time the trip was not the most radiant, there were ticks in her house! I couldn’t be in such conditions, and calling a pest control service to the village costs a fabulous amount. I decided to tackle the task myself.

I read on the Internet about such a product as Yurax. I went to the regional center, bought it and, following the instructions, sprayed it throughout the house. I spent the rest of the summer in harmony with nature, tranquility and without parasites.” Katya “Quite recently I became the owner of a quite decent two-story house. My happiness knew no bounds.

Now I can fully enjoy my purchase, without force majeure.” Dima “My husband and I have been saving money for a new apartment for a long time. It was not possible to purchase real estate in perfect condition. I had to agree to an old apartment. We came to terms with this, but it was difficult to cope with the fact that there were ticks and ants there.

Product advantages

The problem associated with the removal of bedbugs is now very relevant, especially among residents of high-rise buildings. Through cracks in the floor they migrate from one apartment to another, thus “populating” more and more families. Due to the increasing number of cases of home infestation by parasites, the market is replete with all sorts of means: crayons, ultrasonic repellers, chemicals. Each of them has its pros and cons. Jurax is an insecticide with the active ingredient cypermethrin, produced in the form of bottles with an emulsion. Combines efficiency and safety in use. Let's take a closer look at its advantages:

  • powerful effect: the first individuals begin to die after two to three hours;
  • long period of action: it is active for almost a whole month after its application, therefore it is able to destroy more than one generation of bedbugs until their last representative;
  • safe for people and pets if safety regulations are followed;
  • unlike many other insecticides, it can be applied to personal items, clothing, bedding;
  • affordable price;
  • acts as a universal repeller, not only against bedbugs, but also against ticks, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants;
  • has a long shelf life.

It should be noted that the drug does not destroy the larvae, however, due to the long-term effect of the course, newborns will also come under attack.

Use of the drug Yurax against ixodid ticks

Yurax is also used in the fight against ixodid ticks. To do this, an aqueous emulsion is prepared from the concentrate, which is sprayed on a plot of land or treated with clothing.

Table of proportions of the drug Jurax and water for making a working emulsion

Consumption rate of working emulsion, l/haApplication rate, l/haConcentration of working emulsion, %Amount of product in working emulsion, ml
in the Far Eastwithin means1 l5 l10 l

Table for calculating the amount of the drug for the purpose of preparing a solution for treating clothes

Amount of working water emulsion
1 l5 l10 l
amount of product in emulsion, mlamount of water in emulsion, mlamount of product in emulsion, mlamount of water in emulsion, mlamount of product in emulsion, mlamount of water in emulsion, ml

The solution is prepared immediately before use and stirred vigorously for 5 minutes. When disinsection of an area, 100 liters of working emulsion are usually consumed per 1 hectare, but this figure is relative. In addition, against ixodid ticks, from 0.5 to 0.75 l/ha can be used, depending on the density of vegetation, and in the fight against ticks of the genus Dermacentor - up to 1.25 l/ha.

On the left in the photo there is a tick of the genus Ixodes, and on the right - Dermacentor

Any of these types of ticks are carriers of many dangerous diseases, so treatment of a summer cottage with Yurax must be done twice a season: in early spring and late autumn.

Guidelines for using the drug Jurax

Before the planned disinfestation of the site, it is necessary to restore order to it: remove dry grass, last year’s leaves, mow down tall growth. There should be no garden furniture or equipment on the site; all sources of water, primarily drinking water, must be securely closed.

Instructions for disinsection of a land plot:

Treatment must be carried out 7 days before family members visit the site. Dry, windless weather and no precipitation are required in the next 3 days after disinfestation. Wear personal protective equipment. Prepare the solution. Pour the drug into a spray bottle. Start disinfestation from the outer zones, gradually moving towards the center. It is important to apply the solution evenly without leaving any “gaps”. Treat shrubs and trees to a height of up to 1 meter. The soil for planting cannot be cultivated. Take special care to sanitize garden paths and lawns.

One treatment with Jurax is designed for 1–1.5 months, depending on the amount of precipitation. If necessary, disinfestation can be repeated.

Working emulsion

Outerwear is treated with a water emulsion, which must be done exclusively before starting work. The drug is diluted with water. The working emulsion contains 0.50% of the product, therefore 0.125% of the active substance. Stir the mixture thoroughly for five minutes until the drug is completely dissolved.

Example of aqueous emulsion (WE):

  • one liter of RS includes 5 ml of the drug and 995 ml of water;
  • five liters of RS consists of 25 ml and 4975 ml;
  • ten liters RS includes 50 ml and 9950 ml.

With this solution you can protect yourself from parasites from the genus Ixodes, which include:

  • individuals living in the taiga I. persulcatus P. Sch.;
  • forest inhabitants I. ricinus L.

Other genera of parasites, for example Hyalomma, are not sufficiently susceptible to the action of Jurax.

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