Is it possible to use turkey eggs for food and why?

How to properly boil turkey eggs, step-by-step instructions with photos

A turkey egg is almost twice as large as a chicken egg, its weight on average is seventy-five grams, versus forty. And in order to cook it correctly, you need to take into account the time, so it will take fourteen minutes to get it hard-boiled. And for a turkey egg to turn out soft-boiled, it only takes seven minutes, an egg in a bag needs to be boiled for only five minutes, but poached in just two minutes. Such eggs can be purchased from farms or specialized retail stores. They are cream colored in appearance. They are stored coated with wax or paraffin.

They are often heavily soiled and should therefore be thoroughly rinsed with running water. Then take a saucepan into which salt is poured, cold water is poured in and eggs are laid. After this, the container is placed on the fire and after boiling, you need to note the time and cook as much as you need for the specific type of egg indicated above. And you also need to cook it in an open container, without a lid. In boiled turkey eggs, the white will look like buttery, very tasty . Basically, those who have already tried such an egg give preference to it over a chicken one. They are mostly eaten boiled; you can make salads with them.

How long does it take to cook a turkey egg?

Many chefs love turkey eggs for their many beneficial properties and excellent taste. They are easy to prepare, slightly higher in calories and larger than chicken eggs (170 calories in a medium-sized turkey egg and 160 in a medium chicken egg), but similar in taste.

A little history

Europeans began eating turkey omelettes for breakfast several hundred years ago. It all started with Columbus, who brought turkeys from the New World to the Old. These birds were raised by the ancient Aztecs - and fastidious Europe immediately fell in love with turkey.

Today, the most delicious turkeys are raised in their homeland, the USA, where their eggs are most often eaten. Turkey farms have also begun to actively appear in Russia recently, but you can’t buy a dozen or two nice large eggs in a regular store. Why?

Compared to prolific chickens and industrious quails, turkeys lay eggs quite rarely. The bird has two fertile seasons per year - spring and autumn. In one season, the bird produces only 10-25 eggs, most of which are used to raise offspring. Eggs from the autumn clutch are usually taken for sale - in winter it is too problematic to raise young turkeys. And if you add the fact that birds begin to lay eggs as adults, it becomes clear that it is really difficult to get a gourmet product for the home table.

To do this, you can raise turkeys yourself, make acquaintances with private farmers, or find a trusted store where producers sell their bird “harvest.”

Chicken or turkey?

It is easy to recognize turkey eggs among other eggs. They are one and a half times larger than chicken eggs, weighing about 70 g. The size of the egg depends on the age of the bird: the younger the hen, the smaller the clutch.

The shell looks porous and loose, but in reality it is very strong; it is difficult to break such an egg. The color of the shell is very beautiful - from creamy to beige, with brown specks.

The high price and inaccessibility of turkey eggs are more than made up for by the advantages of the product. In terms of versatility, it is compared to chicken “brood,” but the turkey has a number of unique features.

  1. Turkey eggs are eaten willingly, because they do not have a specific egg taste and smell (like, for example, duck eggs). Therefore, the list of dishes that can be prepared with them is limitless.
  2. Even small children after one year can eat boiled turkey eggs. This is a hypoallergenic product and practically does not cause individual intolerance.
  3. Turkey egg dishes contain a rich range of vitamins and minerals. Include them in the menu - this will be a good alternative to synthetic vitamin complexes.

Cosmetological use of the product

In industrial cosmetology, turkey eggs are practically not used, since their use for such purposes is unlikely to be profitable. But at home, the product can be used in the manufacture of masks.

  1. For oily and problem skin, the composition is prepared on the basis of cosmetic clay and protein.
  2. For dry skin, mixtures of yolks with natural sour cream or cream are better suited. Adding honey also helps soften it.
  3. For aging skin and getting rid of early wrinkles, masks made from yolks and olive oil are good.

Cosmetic preparations from fresh eggs are prepared immediately before use. There is no point in storing them.

What do turkey eggs look like?

Main external characteristics of the product:

  1. Weight: 70–80 g (determined by the age of the bird).
  2. Size: height 5–7 cm, width up to 4–5 cm.
  3. Shell: has a dense, but porous and loose structure.
  4. Color: white or beige, sometimes bluish, interspersed with a contrasting shade.

Due to the fact that the productivity of turkeys is very low (only 10–25 turkeys per season), and egg production occurs very late, keeping birds for egg production is not economically profitable and does not arouse interest among entrepreneurs. Therefore, you cannot buy this product in supermarkets and stores. For most people, turkey eggs are a delicacy, difficult to obtain and expensive. You can only get it at specialized farms, in farm stores or directly from people involved in breeding birds.

Are turkey eggs good for pregnant and lactating women?

During pregnancy, the female body requires much more iron, since it tends to produce double the amount of blood. That is why it is important for the expectant mother to include iron-rich foods in her diet. This is what a turkey egg is; moreover, it contains folic acid, which benefits not only pregnant women, but also women planning pregnancy.

The high content of B vitamins, which also have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, makes the product very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to its ability to not cause allergic reactions.

Beneficial features

The chemical composition of a turkey egg is variable. It depends on various reasons: the age of the bird, time of year, diet. The greatest benefit of turkey eggs is in the spring, when the mother hen feeds on fresh green food. This product is especially rich in vitamins, and all valuable substances are balanced.

It’s just that new turkey poults are usually raised from the spring clutch; autumn eggs are much easier to find on sale. But even these contain enough useful components to maintain health in anticipation of frost.

  1. The calorie content of turkey eggs is not much higher than that of chicken eggs - only 170 kcal. And although such testicles are noticeably larger than those of quails and chickens, you should not be alarmed by their fat content. You simply won't buy enough product to eat every day and gain weight because of it.
  2. The high content of protein (almost 13 grams!) and fat makes turkey breast an ideal dish for athletes. Eating omelettes and scrambled eggs for breakfast will help build muscle mass and provide energy before training and competitions.
  3. Turkey yolks and whites contain a lot of vitamins A and K. And also almost the entire complex of vitamins B. Vitamin B12 breaks the record for volume - it improves blood composition, strengthens nerves and monitors proper metabolism. Have breakfast with this delicacy regularly - and you will feel your sleep improve, you will become less nervous and less tired.
  4. This product is generally indispensable for the blood - turkey eggs contain a lot of iron to increase hemoglobin levels. Calcium strengthens bones and helps the heart function. And in order for the mineral to penetrate the cells faster, you need to help it - include dishes with vitamin D in the menu. These are oyster mushrooms, cow and goat milk, fatty fish or just fish oil in capsules.
  5. Hypoallergenicity and a bunch of vitamins make turkey dishes ideal for expectant mothers. An airy omelet or a light salad with a turkey egg will provide the body with vitamins and is safe for the unborn baby.

The nutritional value

Turkey lays eggs that are comparable in composition to chicken eggs, but have greater energy value and more protein. Their calorie content is 171 kcal.

Table No. 1

Chemical composition and nutritional value of the product (per 100 g):

Vitamins, macro- and microelements% of recommended daily value
pantothenic acid38
a nicotinic acid18

The protein contained in the product is 97% digestible. The ability to satisfy human needs at such a high level, sterility and pronounced bactericidal properties make it possible to classify it as dietary.

The biological usefulness of eggs is influenced by the period of their laying and the general conditions of keeping the poultry. The best quality is produced by turkeys that have access to fresh greens and year-round range.

What's the harm?

The benefits and harms of turkey eggs are not comparable, but you need to be aware of some dangers.

The main risk for all egg products is salmonellosis. Even if you are 100% sure of the manufacturer, be sure to wash the shell before using it.

Any eggs are heavy food, due to the high percentage of proteins and fats. In case of serious diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart, it is necessary to switch to light meals, and coordinate the diet with your doctor.

If you have an individual intolerance to egg whites and yolks, it is also better to avoid turkey delicacies.

If you have problems with protein digestibility, all egg dishes from the menu will also have to be crossed out, as well as other foods high in protein.

How to select and store?

Turkey eggs also have another advantage over their egg counterparts - their long shelf life. If duck meat can be kept in the refrigerator for only seven days, then turkey meat can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a month. This is due to the thick and strong shell - it perfectly protects the delicate white and yolk, preventing them from spoiling.

But there is a nuance here: always check the category of the product with the farmer. Dietary ones are stored for 10 days, and table ones – up to 30 days.

To choose the healthiest masonry and preserve all the benefits of turkey for a long time, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. The shell must be strong, clean, without cracks, stuck feathers or traces of droppings.
  2. Be sure to smell the egg: a fresh one should not smell anything.
  3. And then shake it: a quality product does not make any bubbling sounds.
  4. Before using (and if possible, before purchasing), check the freshness. To do this, put a turkey egg in water: a fresh one will immediately sink, but an old one will float up, it’s better not to take this.
  5. Turkey eggs also need to be stored properly in the refrigerator: their benefits may be lost due to improper proximity. Do not keep strong-smelling foods nearby - fish, spices, onions, smoked meats, etc. The egg will easily absorb odors - and its famous delicate taste will simply disappear.

Selection and storage issues

It is better to purchase the delicacy from proven farmsteads. When purchasing, pay special attention to the condition of the shell: damage to it leads to contamination of the eggs, as does too much contamination. The product must not have any foreign odor or taste.

According to GOST, the shelf life of food eggs is limited to 25 days; it is advisable to lay them out in the refrigerator at temperatures above zero and below +15 °C. Trays for them are usually placed by manufacturers on the doors, but their frequent opening leads to changes in temperature and humidity, and the appearance of condensation on the shell.

Product storage can be organized on a separate shelf inside the unit, using store trays or plastic boxes. This will help maintain the required humidity and also prevent foreign odors from affecting the delicacy.

The freshness of a product at home is determined by dipping it in water. An usable option will sink without delay, while a rotten or expired one will float.

When is it not recommended to eat this product?

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, this product can sometimes cause harm to the body. This happens when a person has an allergy or intolerance to some of its components. People with kidney or liver diseases that are associated with problems with the breakdown of proteins should take eggs with caution.

Dangerous properties of turkey eggs

When consuming this product in its raw form, there are, of course, great benefits for the body. But there is no need to abuse this delicacy, since raw protein is poorly absorbed.

Despite the unique composition of the product, it is not recommended to eat it every day, especially if you want to lose weight. For the average person, it will be enough to eat 2-3 pieces a week to get benefits for the body.


Despite the rich chemical composition of turkey eggs, you should remember the rather high concentration of cholesterol and fat. The cholesterol content in the product is almost 2 times higher than the recommended daily allowance. Therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, nutritionists do not advise frequently including it in the diet.

People with cardiac diseases or at increased risk of their occurrence should take this warning seriously.

How to use

Since many are accustomed to hard-boiling chicken eggs, this can also be done with turkey eggs. For heat treatment, 10 minutes is enough, but for soft-boiled cooking, 3 minutes is enough.

It is allowed to fry turkey offal in the usual way. Housewives will be glad to be able to bake dishes without opening the shells.

Experts have not reached a consensus on washing before cooking. Many people believe that there is a risk of contracting salmonellosis. This disease is spread by the laying hen. Bacteria can also get on the shell. In this case, it is advisable to use heat treatment.

In many American factories, eggs are thoroughly washed before going to market. But this procedure can break the protective shell, and the food product will become vulnerable. But in Russian markets this practice is not provided, so after purchase you should rinse the shells in hot water and brush them.

It is advisable not to allow the product to be consumed by children in its raw form.

Recipes for cooking turkey eggs:

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  1. In 15 minutes for 3 servings you can create scrambled eggs. The ingredients are three, 100 grams of tomatoes, add black pepper and salt to taste. By mixing all the ingredients, frying it, and putting a tomato on top, you can get a dish for a small family. If desired, decorate with 70 g of lard.
  2. If the housewife has recipes for salads with the addition of chicken eggs, they can easily be replaced with turkey eggs. The dish will retain its taste, but will become richer in beneficial enzymes and vitamins.

Basic recommendations for cooking chicken eggs

It’s not enough to know how long to boil eggs; you should familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the process. Often the quality of the final result depends on them. Most often, people boil chicken eggs, so these recommendations mostly apply to them:

  1. To prevent the components from bursting and the contents of the shell from leaking into the water, they must be warmed to room temperature before cooking. This rule also applies to duck eggs.
  2. Before placing in a pan, be sure to wash the elements with warm water.
  3. To work you need to get a timer. Keeping track of time on a watch is very inconvenient, especially when the kitchen is already a lot of hassle. The signal sent by the device will allow you to achieve an ideal result.
  4. If eggs have been cooked too long, the yolk will change color and the white will turn rubbery. Therefore, you need to strictly maintain the number of minutes that is optimal for each variety, size and type of product.
  5. It is recommended to cook very fresh ingredients that are not yet 4 days old for 1-2 minutes. longer than usual.
  6. To boil the eggs, you should use a small container, this will reduce the risk that they will hit each other and crack.
  7. After boiling (regardless of whether we are boiling chicken, duck or some other eggs), the heat should be reduced to medium or even low. The water should not boil too intensely.

If everything is clear about how to properly boil eggs, you can start working directly with the component. There are several options here, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Turkey eggs in cooking

For cooks, there is simply no dilemma as to whether turkey eggs can be eaten - this is a universal product. Like chicken stock, they can be added to a wide variety of foods:

  • omelettes and scrambled eggs;
  • cold and warm salads;
  • pies, biscuits and pancakes;
  • stuffed eggs;
  • snack rolls;
  • meringues and meringues;
  • sandwiches.

Turkey eggs are eaten in a variety of forms - boiled, baked, poached, egg whites on meringue, etc. You can even eat them raw - but infectious disease doctors advise against such experiments due to the risk of contracting salmonellosis.

If you have not yet come across this delicacy, then you may well be wondering how long to boil turkey eggs. Unlike duck and goose, they can be eaten soft-boiled - to do this, just keep them in boiling water for three minutes. It takes 10 minutes to hard boil. And don’t forget to wash the shell before putting it in water - preferably with soap and a brush.

What are straight eggs and how to cook them at home?

Straight eggs are an “invention” of Danish food manufacturers. This is a special design that is similar to a sausage, only when it is cut, a slice of egg is revealed. Despite the fact that such a product is usually produced at a factory, folk craftsmen have come up with the option of preparing a “miracle” at home.

  • First you need to take 10 eggs and separate their whites from their yolks.
  • Next, take a tall glass (for example, from a French press), slightly heat it in a container with hot water and fill it with the resulting protein. Place the already filled glass again in a container with hot water, cover with a saucer or lid and hold until the protein is completely cooked.
  • Now we need a hollow tube with which we cut out the core from the protein substance. We act carefully so as not to spoil the entire structure.
  • Pour the egg yolk into the resulting cavity. Place the structure again in a container of water and this time cook until the yolk is completely cooked. It should be hard-boiled.
  • Now the finished product needs to be removed from the glass. To do this, you will need another hollow tube, but now of a larger diameter than the first.
  • The straight egg just needs to be cut into slices and can be used for its intended purpose.

In the same way, you can modify chicken, duck and any other eggs. The main thing is to clearly select containers and tools that will help take into account the diameter of the yolk.

When working with eggs, we must not forget that this food product can be hazardous to health if the conditions for its acquisition, storage and processing are violated. If you find any inclusions or an unpleasant odor in the finished product, it is better to refuse to use it.


Professional chefs and gourmets have a special weakness for turkey eggs. Due to their neutral aroma, they can even be placed in gourmet dishes - there will be no egg taste. Let's talk about unusual recipes with an egg note.

Baked eggs with cheese

This hearty dish is best for breakfast and lunch - double protein and fats take a long time to digest. For dinner it is better to serve something lighter and vegetable.

You will need: 6 boiled turkey eggs, 25 g of shallots (or green onions), a handful of walnuts, 120 g of sour cream 10%, 150 g of grated cheese, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 30 slices of beef, 6 garlic cloves, spices to taste - salt, black pepper and nutmeg.

Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic, and fry in a frying pan. Add sour cream and spices there and heat for 3-5 minutes.

Place the eggs, cut into halves, into the mold, and on top - diced meat and hard cheese. Pour in the sauce and place in the oven to bake for 20 minutes at 180°C. Sprinkle the finished dish with grated nuts and, if desired, herbs.

Shakshuka with turkey eggs

You will need: 3 eggs, 1 onion and 1 sweet pepper, a small chili pepper (without seeds), a clove of garlic, 3 large ripe tomatoes, olive oil, spices to taste (cumin, paprika and turmeric are best)

A couple of hours before cooking, take the main ingredients out of the refrigerator and let them warm up. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for a short time, then peel and cut. We also chop the onion and bell pepper into small cubes.

Fry the onion in a deep frying pan, add sweet pepper, after 5 minutes add chili and garlic. Simmer for 5 minutes, add the tomatoes, simmer without a lid for another 10 minutes so that the liquid evaporates.

Then we make three depressions in the vegetable mixture and pour an egg into each. Season with salt and pepper and wait until the soft-boiled eggs are baked. The yolk should remain liquid and the white should turn white.

The finished shakshuka is served on warm plates to prevent it from curdling. Before serving, it is better to sprinkle with herbs.

Can it be eaten raw?

The uncooked product has a coating effect on the gastric mucosa, and the alkali reduces the acidity level. Eating raw eggs can bring relief and reduce pain from gastritis.

However, experts do not recommend consuming this product raw due to poor protein digestibility and the ability to “clog the stomach,” which can lead to indigestion. Children are prohibited from eating raw eggs!

How long should you cook?

The cooking time depends on the size of the product and the desired degree of cooking. For medium-sized eggs, 3-4 minutes are enough to obtain a delicate, creamy consistency and 8 minutes for hard-boiled cooking. Larger specimens need to be cooked for 5–6 minutes and 12 minutes, respectively.

Correct cooking technology:

  1. Before heat treatment, the product must be thoroughly washed under running water with a brush.
  2. Next, you need to place the eggs in a saucepan, add cold water, and place over medium heat.
  3. Add salt to the water to prevent shell cracks (1 tsp per 1 liter).
  4. Cook for 5-12 minutes depending on desired level of doneness.
  5. When finished, place in cold water for 3-5 minutes to better clean the shell.

Where to store

The shell of turkey eggs is loose in structure, which is why different odors easily penetrate into it. Refrigerated storage has some features:

  • isolation from food with a strong odor;
  • mandatory treatment of each egg with vegetable oil or paraffin;
  • storage in saline solution.

Important! Unused yolks can be stored in the refrigerator for several days if placed in cold water.

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