Delicia for cockroaches: description of the line of products, instructions for use

Progress, as we know, does not stand still. “Technical” innovations have also affected such areas as the fight against cockroaches that are familiar to us all. One of the new products is the German cockroach remedy Delicia .

It will somewhat surprise consumers, since it is produced not only in the form of the usual aerosols and gels , but also in the form of lenses (they are also called tablets) . Judging by the reviews, the insecticide is not very effective against Prussians, but should you trust them? Let's figure it out now.


Delimitation lenses are a new development. There are 10 capsules, also called tablets, in a blister pack. Inside each of them there are small granules the color of potassium permanganate - these are the lenses.


  • the active component is chlorpyrifos - less than 5%;
  • food baits;
  • bitter substance – bitrex, which prevents the product from being eaten by pets.

Cockroaches attracted by the bait happily absorb the poison. Chlorpyrifos inhibits protein production, which leads to dysfunction of the nervous system, paralysis and death of the insect.

Advantages of Delicia lenses:

  • the product is ready for use, which simplifies disinfestation;
  • leaves no stains or traces;
  • economical consumption - the contents of one tablet are enough to treat a surface area of ​​30 m²;
  • does not emit odors.

The price of one package, which contains 10 capsules, is 140 rubles.

Instructions for use:

  1. Before using an insecticide, clean the room, exclude other sources of food for cockroaches, and deprive them of moisture.
  2. Put on gloves and remove the capsule from the blister. Open it up. Place the lenses at intervals of 20-30 cm in the favorite habitats and movements of the Prussians. If there are a lot of insects, the consumption of the product doubles - 2 capsules per 30 m² and, accordingly, the interval is reduced to 10-15 cm. The product should be located in places inaccessible to children.
  3. As you eat, you should add new lenses.
  4. Disposal of the product is carried out wearing protective gloves using tweezers.

Be sure to open the capsule. The shell only protects the lenses during storage. Many buyers inattentively read the instructions and lay out the capsules, believing that the cockroaches themselves will gnaw them.

How to use

Before you start processing, you must carefully read the instructions for use. The use of delicia lenses is as follows:

  • Remove the capsule from the blister and open it.
  • Place the poisonous agent granules in places where arthropods appear.
  • Leave delicia lenses on the surface; there is no need for wet cleaning, as water will wash away the effective drug.

There is no need to fear that the drug will have a negative effect on animals. The safety of using delicia lenses is due to the presence of a bitter component that prevents the ingress of poison.

Universal aerosol

The universal aerosol product Delicia allows you to evaluate the result immediately after use - cockroaches die when sprayed and in contact with the treated surface. Advantages:

  • does not leave stains on surfaces or textiles;
  • no odor;
  • convenient sprayer;
  • The main difference from its analogues is its long-lasting effect, lasting for 5 weeks.

The composition includes pyrethrin, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide. These components are not addictive to cockroaches.

The price of Delicia aerosol with a volume of 400 ml is 250-310 rubles.

How to use:

  1. Remove food items or seal them tightly. Children and pets should not be in the treated area.
  2. Shake the can and spray the aerosol onto areas of accumulation and movement routes of insects from a distance of 1 m.
  3. On surfaces with which there is no constant contact (plinths, door frames, utilities, ventilation grilles), do not wash off the product in the first weeks after treatment.

Operating principle

Initially, the manufacturer reported that the drug can enter the body of insects both through the esophagus and through chitin . In practice, it turned out that a cockroach will only be poisoned by eating Delicia lenses .

But there is a subtlety - the pest will definitely “pick up” some poison on its paws and bring it to its home. Then a chain reaction - the entire colony is poisoned, and after a while the population of cockroaches disappears from the apartment.

The preventive effect does not differ in duration - no more than 20 days . For this reason, you will have to constantly buy more product and re-distribute it around the house. At the same time, cockroaches absorb the bait very quickly, apparently, its taste is pleasant for these insects.

This means that if the lenses did not help the first time, you will have to spend a little more money on a repeat procedure (lenses cost about 150 rubles per package).
Important. The effect of Delicia on the cockroach body is standard - the respiratory organs and nervous system are affected. Death occurs from paralysis and suffocation.

Professional spray

Aerosol and spray differ in the method of spraying. Unlike an aerosol, the spray does not contain ozone-depleting components and gas. Like all products in the Delizia line, it is not characterized by a pronounced odor. Available in 2 variations:

  1. Delicia Wespex Quick - in a white bottle with a red sticker against flying and crawling insects.
  2. Contra Insect Universal - in a red bottle.


  • permethrin;
  • bioallethrin;
  • piperonyl butoxide.

Delicia Wespex Quick spray has a higher concentration of permethrin.

Instructions for use:

  1. Turn the protective cap on the spray bottle.
  2. Apply the product to surfaces where cockroaches have been spotted.
  3. One bottle is designed to treat 25 m².
  4. Upon completion of processing, return the lever to its original position.

Mass deaths of Prussians are observed already in the first hours after the procedure. An insecticidal film on treated surfaces will destroy the remaining individuals.

The price of the spray is 530-850 rubles.

Delicia for cockroaches reviews

Delicia for cockroaches is popular among people who are faced with a problem, as evidenced by reviews.

Victor, 28 years old After the appearance of domestic pests, we decided to use a modern product in the form of delicium lenses. They spread the poison where the arthropods were seen. After a week, single individuals were encountered, but after 2 months they disappeared completely.

Nadezhda, 35 years old, neighbors advised me to exterminate cockroaches using a product in the form of lenses. We purchased a toxic chemical and carried out the treatment according to the instructions. A month later there were no insects in the house. 9 months passed and the arthropods still did not appear.

Delicia is a new generation drug. Safe for animals and children. For the product to be effective, you must follow all the recommendations described in the instructions. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children and animals. Although the capsule shell protects the poison from sunlight, it is better for the lenses to be in the dark.

Box baits

Delicia baits for cockroaches are boxes containing an attractant and an active substance – chlorpyrifos. Attracted by the smell, the cockroach eats the poison, but does not die immediately, but manages to bring the poison to the nest.

How to use:

  1. Remove the box from the packaging.
  2. Turn the lid counterclockwise.
  3. Attach the adhesive side to the wall or baseboard.
  4. It is recommended to install one box per 5 m².

The cost of the set, which includes 2 boxes, is 239 rubles.

Composition and release form

Delicia for cockroaches is produced in the form of plates containing capsules. Depending on the size of the package, there may be 15 or 20 tablets inside. The toxic substance in one capsule weighs 25 grams, this is enough to treat a surface area of ​​30 sq.m.

The main component is the strong poison chlorpyrifos, which paralyzes the insect and the individual dies from suffocation. The composition contains preservatives that allow the poison to act on the beetles for a long time. In addition, they extend the shelf life. Delicia lenses against cockroaches contain a bitter element that prevents the drug from entering the body of pets and children.

In addition to lenses, the company produces other forms of products:

  • Aerosol. Available in small bottles, you can use it on any surface. Actively destroys household pests, including ants, bedbugs and fleas. You can spray without preliminary preparation of the room.
  • Powder. Designed to kill all types of cockroaches. The product is easy to use, sprinkle the substance in problem areas, and do not need to be washed off for several weeks. The poison has a detrimental effect on arthropods.
  • Bait boxes. They are small traps. Easy to use. Place bait around the perimeter of the apartment; a pleasant aroma attracts pests; they eat the poison with pleasure and carry it on their paws to their relatives. It turns out to be a chain reaction, after a while the entire population dies.

What is Delicia?

This is a German powder insecticidal drug.
It is available in different volumes, which allows you to buy exactly the quantity you need. Delicia fights insects both indoors and outdoors. This product is good because even simple contact with it kills insects. It is important that the ant touches the diluted or powdered product with its body. The second option is more effective, since the particles stick to the pests and they carry the toxic substance into the nest, poisoning their fellows. Complete destruction of garden and household pests occurs within 14 days.

Why Delicia is better than other products

Fighting house ants is no longer difficult. The main advantages of division are simplicity, efficiency and affordable cost. Remember that you should not delay the procedure of getting rid of pests. They spread quickly and begin to build new houses. As a result, after some time there will be not one, but several nests.

Finding the main nest is not always easy. Insects hide it. That is why the powder is poured along the path of movement. Ants always use the same paths, which they mark with odorous liquid.

Mode of application

Apply an even layer to places where insects move, live and gather. If the treatment is carried out indoors, special attention should be paid to ventilation passages, cracks in the floor, and the space behind cabinets and stoves.

Against fleas: lightly powder cracks in the floor, areas under carpets and baseboards. Also, do not forget to treat the beds of cats and dogs. It is prohibited to use the product for external treatment of animals!

In garbage bins: to combat pests and their larvae, the last layer must be powdered before adding a new one. The frequency and duration of treatment depend on the number of insects.

Safety rules when working with Delicia

This insecticidal product may be hazardous to human health through direct contact. Therefore, keep it in a locked, inaccessible place. There should be no animals, pregnant women or children where the processing is carried out. Wear gloves. Before treating surfaces, carefully read the instructions and follow them.

Be careful not to get the product on your lawn, food, or surfaces that you or your family come into contact with. If you start processing, do not smoke, drink or eat. After the work is completed, wash your hands and all areas of skin that came into contact with the substance thoroughly with soap. If the powder gets into your eyes, rinse them with water. If you accidentally inhale or swallow this medicine, call your doctor immediately.

Lenses (capsules with tablets)

Delicia anti-cockroach lenses are an original new product on the household chemicals market. They are represented by blue capsules located on a blister. Inside each package there are small pink tablets (these are lenses).

Delicia lenses

On a note!

The dense, opaque capsule protects the insecticide from the negative effects of the external environment during storage and accidental contact with the drug.


The principle of action of the Delicia insecticide is rapid damage to the nervous system of insects. The body blocks the production of a protein responsible for nerve impulses. Coordination of movements in cockroaches is impaired, leading to paralysis and suffocation.

Delicia tablets have the following benefits:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety, low toxicity, allowing the product to be used in children's institutions;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of greasy traces and odor;
  • the presence of a bitter component to protect pets.

On a note!

Granule tablets against cockroaches do not require additional preparation and are ready for use in any room.


A special feature is the improved formula of the drug, which is safe for the environment. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos (0.6 g/kg). The composition contains preservatives and various food additives. The insecticide is supplied with 10 capsules. Each can contain from 15 to 20 lens tablets, the total weight of which is 25 grams.

On a note!

One capsule is enough to treat a room of 30 square meters. m. For 1.5-2 sq. m requires 1 lens.

Shelf life – 5 years. The average cost is 86 rubles.

Instructions for use against cockroaches

Before using Delicia lenses, wet clean the room, remove food debris, close the taps, wipe sinks, bathtubs and other surfaces dry. In accordance with the instructions, you should perform the following actions:

  • wear protective gloves;
  • remove the capsule from the blister and open it;
  • spread the granules at a distance of 25 - 30 cm in places where the Prussians are likely to stay or move.

On a note!

If the room is highly contaminated, it is recommended to increase the number of Delicia lenses. As the cockroaches eat the drug, new granules are added until the parasites are completely exterminated. After they disappear, the apartment is thoroughly cleaned and the remaining lenses are removed.


Delicia tablets compare favorably with products from other manufacturers with similar methods of use due to their increased concentration of the active substance. Due to this, it is possible to completely clear the room of arthropods and protect it from subsequent invasion. Among analogues produced in gel form, the following are popular:

  • Dohlox;
  • Exil (Globol);
  • Get Dry.

Effect of the drug

Delicia for cockroaches

The insecticide enters the body of a black cockroach or red locust through food. The poison does not begin to act immediately - as it accumulates. This scheme was not invented without reason. Cockroaches are cautious creatures; if they see the instant death of their relatives after intensively eating certain food, they will avoid it.

Individuals eat the poison without fear. They pull them into the nest and feed the young generation. Within 3 days, an entire family becomes infected. Mass death of pests is observed within 2 weeks.

General description and composition

Delicia is a German-made insecticide. It is produced in the form of lenses, they are also “tablets”. The active component of the product is a low-toxic toxic substance that does not harm humans or pets.

This is both the gift and the curse of the drug. The fact is that despite its high safety, such a component cannot guarantee effective removal of cockroaches. Therefore, Delicia is suitable only in the simplest cases, when the insect colony is small.

Delicia is much less effective than chemical insecticides in the form of gels, aerosols or solutions

Delicia composition:

  • chlorpyrifos is the main active ingredient, a low-toxic modern insecticide;
  • catalysts;
  • stabilizers.

The average cost of a Delicia package (contains 10 capsules, which corresponds to 150-200 lenses) is 105 rubles. You can purchase the insecticide in household chemical stores or in specialized departments of insecticides and pest control products.

The shelf life of the lenses is 5 years. The product should be stored in a dry and cool place, away from food. Do not expose the insecticide package to direct sunlight. Keep it away from children's attention.

How does Delicia act on cockroaches, and does it help? (+video)

Delicia is one of the most ineffective insecticidal agents for cockroach weed. But there is also the other side of the coin - the product is as safe as possible for home use. Due to the low effectiveness of Delicia lenses, it is recommended to supplement them with another insecticide.

Actions of the product are contact - after the cockroach comes into contact with the lens component, infection occurs. Chlorpyrifos attacks the insect's nervous system, causing paralysis and eventual death, but not immediate death.

After contact with the drug until the death of the insect, several hours, sometimes days, pass. Parasites that are resistant to the drug may be immobile for some time due to spasms or paralysis, but then they recover.

Resistance of cockroaches to Delicia is found everywhere, so the drug is ineffective. The problem is also the minimum dosage of chlorpyrifos, coupled with the inconvenient method of delivering the poison to the insect ( gels or powders are much better ).

Is the product dangerous for humans and pets?

The only worthy advantage of Delicia is its absolute safety for home use. Neither humans nor pets are at risk of intoxication with the drug, even if lenses are placed throughout the room.

The shape of the device prevents accidental contact of pets with the contents – chlorpyrifos. Do not forget about the minimal amount of this component in the “tablets”, which is not enough to intoxicate the body of mammals.

The high safety of the product suggests its use in kindergartens and catering. The problem is that it is in these places that huge colonies of cockroaches are usually concentrated, and Delicia will not help in these cases, so there is no point in even trying.

It is prohibited to attempt to disassemble the “tablet” - this may lead to consequences. Intoxication is unlikely, but allergic reactions upon contact of the product with mucous membranes are observed in rare cases.


  • high efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption;
  • ease of use;
  • does not cause resistance in insects.

Principle of action: chlorpyrifos, penetrating into the pest’s body through the respiratory tract, stomach or chitinous cover, phosphorylates a protein enzyme contained in nerve tissues. As a result, the process of transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. Convulsive muscle activity (tremor) occurs, which quickly turns into paralysis. The insect suddenly dies in extreme excitement.

Product description

Delicia (Delicia) universal powder against harmful insects - a broad-spectrum agent. Does not cause resistance in pests, which allows it to be used on an ongoing basis. Subject to basic safety standards, it is absolutely safe for both people and pets.

It has an acute insecticidal effect against cockroaches, fleas, ticks, bedbugs, flies, crickets and other insects. The active substance of the drug quickly penetrates the body of pests, leaving them no chance of survival.

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