Absolut liquid bait for ants (blister-drop 8g) (apl8)

Instructions for use

Gel against cockroaches on substrates
Absolute-gel has a convenient spout, which allows you to apply the product even to hard-to-reach places: crevices behind baseboards, cracks, walls behind pipes and radiators. To effectively exterminate insects, you should thoroughly treat the room, not forgetting to apply the substance behind the furniture and refrigerator, near the trash can and on the bottom of the kitchen table.

The product is applied dotted or in the form of a dotted line. If there is a large concentration of insects, a strip of gel 2 cm long is applied. Next comes a surface without the drug, also 2 cm long. With a small number of cockroaches, you can increase the distance between the dotted lines to 4 cm.

The anti-cockroach gel has a duration of action of 30 days, after which the treatment must be repeated. The product retains its preventive effect for 120 days after use. When exterminating insects, it is necessary to follow general sanitary rules: remove food debris, take out the trash can on time, put a protective mesh on the ventilation holes.

The shelf life of the product is 24 months. Before buying the drug, you should check whether the expiration date has expired. The opened package of gel should be stored in a dark, dry place, away from children and animals. Also read about the use of the drug Solfak against bedbugs and cockroaches.


Absolute gel against cockroaches - simple, effective and safe

The entire range of products is presented in various forms: baits, crayons, gels, sprays, tapes, syringes, varnish with a brush, liquid with a spray. They differ in the active substance, direction of action and method of application.

There are also analogues produced by NPO Garant and other manufacturers, which according to the description contain the same active ingredients, but application rates are 2 times higher than similar options from Agrovit LLC. And negative reviews indicate an invasion of counterfeits on the insecticide market.

If you choose a product for home use, but with the strength of an industrial product, you should consider Absolut Gel, which will get rid of cockroaches, ants or other insects that have no place in human housing.

The gel form of the insecticide is especially popular. "Absolut anti-cockroach gel" is suitable for home and industrial use. Active ingredient: chlorpyrifos, at a concentration of 0.5%, plus 11 more active compounds.

The product looks like a transparent jelly, the color can vary from colorless to light brown. The smell is light, neutral or pleasant.

The Absolut anti-cockroach gel syringe (20 ml) is more convenient to use - a dotted line of poison can be applied to the back of the pipeline, narrow gaps between appliances or walls. Tubes (30, 125 ml) with gel are more economical and practical, but more difficult to apply.

How to use Absolut-gel

To remove red apartment ants, gel is smeared on the substrate or squeezed out in a thin dotted line in the areas of appearance or path routes. The length of the applied stripes recommended by the manufacturer is 2 cm. If there is a large population of insects, the stripes are lengthened to 4 cm. The consumption of the product is 25 g (1 tube) per room of 50 square meters.

Treatment against garden ants is not limited to indoor areas. To protect the lower floors, terraces, verandas, the gel must be applied along the walls inside and outside the building.

The drug has a long-lasting effect and remains active for up to 1.5-2 months. Then re-processing is possible.

If you are uncomfortable with the consistency of the gel, we recommend that you look at other forms of preparations or order professional treatment of premises from insects.

Absolut bait Super from ants blister-fish 2g

Insecticidal agent Absolut bait Super for the destruction of cockroaches, ants and adult flies on objects of various categories. Powdered finely divided or granular food bait of white, beige or yellow color.


The active ingredient is thiamethoxam - 0.2% - a compound of intestinal, contact and systemic action from the group of neonicotinoids. The product also includes: auxiliary ingredients, preservative, stabilizer, food attractants (flour, sugar, etc.).


The product has acute insecticidal activity for cockroaches, ants: complete death occurs within 3 days, adult flies: complete death occurs within 1-3 days, provided that the entry of flies into the room is limited. The residual effect lasts from 1.5 to 2 months.

According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach and applied to the skin, the product belongs to class 4 of low-hazard products according to GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the degree of volatility, the product belongs to hazard class 4 according to the Classification of Chemical Substances by degree of volatility. It has a mild irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and does not irritate the skin. No sensitizing effect was detected. In terms of the zone of acute biocidal effect, the product belongs to hazard class 4 in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation products.

The level of thiamethoxam in the air of the work area is 0.4 mg/m3 (vapor + aerosol, hazard class 2); OBUV in the atmospheric air of populated areas is 0.01 mg/m3.


The product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants (red house ants and various types of garden flies) and adult flies in objects of various categories: in industrial and residential premises, in educational, administrative, medical, social welfare, municipal and domestic purposes (hotels, hostels, sports complexes etc.), specialists from organizations involved in disinfection activities, and the population at home.


To destroy red cockroaches, bait is placed on substrates or in containers in places where cockroaches live, gather or move at the rate of 1-2 pieces (up to 5g each) per room of 10-15 m2. The death of cockroaches occurs after 2-3 days. The substrates can be moved to other areas where cockroaches are found.

To destroy red house ants in kitchens, bathrooms, showers, toilets, bait is placed along the paths of movement (paths) of ants, based on the consumption rate of 1-2 substrates (containers) per room of 20 m2.

To destroy garden ants crawling onto the lower floors of buildings, substrates are placed in places of accumulation and on the paths of penetration of ants into the room: on open verandas, terraces, porches, along the threshold and along the perimeter.

To destroy imago flies, place them at the rate of 3-5 pieces (up to 5 g of bait on each) per room with an area of ​​up to 15 m2 in places of greatest concentration of flies, preferably on the top covers of hanging cabinets, drawers, refrigerators, other equipment and pieces of furniture at a height of more than 2 m so that they do not fall into the field of view of children.


Use only for its intended purpose.

Avoid contact with unprotected hand skin; When using the product multiple times, use rubber gloves.

After finishing work, wash your hands with soap and water.


The product should be stored in a dry, covered, ventilated warehouse in closed packaging at a temperature not lower than minus 20°C and not higher than plus 40°C. Shelf life: 3 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.


The product is packaged in a blister drop of 2g.

First aid for poisoning

Violation of the instructions for using the insecticide Fas double can lead to poisoning. What should you do in this case:

  • Immediately remove the person to fresh air and remove contaminated clothing.
  • If the dust gets on the skin, remove it with a cotton swab without rubbing, rinse with warm soapy water, then lubricate with a “Silicone” type cream.
  • If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water and apply eye drops.
  • If it gets into the stomach, drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate until a gag reflex appears (3-4 glasses).
  • In case of loss of consciousness, do not touch the person and immediately seek medical help.

Precautions when working with the substance

The main thing is to exclude any contact of children and pets with the product. Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes and eyes, which can cause severe irritation. If the product accidentally gets on your skin, you should wash it off with soap and water, but no obvious negative reactions to human health have been identified. After treatment, you need to remove all excess from surfaces that may be in direct access to animals and children.


The great warrior is applied around the perimeter of the entire room with short strokes at intervals of two to six centimeters.

Use of the drug Great Warrior

If this is the first treatment, then it is recommended to do small intervals. When the substance is reused, the distance between the strips of poison becomes larger - from five to six centimeters. The instructions for use state that ant paths and places where insects accumulate are treated with the gel.

We must not forget about precautions when using the gel:

  1. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves, and hair should be braided into a ponytail and hidden under a scarf or plastic cap.
  2. The used syringe and its packaging must be thrown away immediately.
  3. If there is gel left in the syringe, it should be stored in a dark place, away from children.
  4. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wash your clothes at high temperatures separately from other things.

After the insects are destroyed, the remaining product must be removed and the room thoroughly washed.

Repeated treatment can be carried out after three weeks. Poison strips should be kept away from dust and water.

Instructions for use Absolute gel against cockroaches

The substance should be applied around the perimeter in small drops (3-4 mm) of the cockroach cluster. You also need to treat places where insects can potentially appear: near sources of moisture, garbage and food, under baseboards, pipelines, under furniture, and household appliances.

It is convenient to apply drops to cardboard or plastic, and simply slip these hard plates into the narrowest cracks between the floor and furniture.

The product can be used within 2 years from the date of manufacture (if the packaging has not been opened). Once opened, it is advisable to use it as quickly as possible.

Precautionary measures

Since the product is a chemical insecticide, you should follow the rules. The drug comes with instructions for use of Fas double. It is recommended not to violate it:

  1. Processing is carried out with open vents or windows in the room. There should be no strangers in it.
  2. Carefully close food and utensils and put them in a closet or take them to another place.
  3. The interior surfaces of cabinets where food and utensils are stored are not treated.
  4. Wet cleaning of all easily accessible surfaces is done 3-6 hours after treatment.
  5. If the area is large (over 50 square meters), it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: overalls or robe, headscarf, respirators. Protect the skin of your hands with gloves made of rubber. When treating a house or apartment, it is enough to wear a cotton-gauze bandage.
  6. After working with Fas Double, clothes should be shaken out and ventilated, and, if necessary, washed in a hot soap-soda solution.
  7. Observe general hygiene rules when working with the drug: do not drink or eat in the treated area. After completing the work, wash with soap and rinse your mouth with water.
  8. Do not store protective clothing at home or near food.


Ant repellent Anteater allows you to quickly destroy pests in the garden and in the apartment. An ant that has come into contact with the substance becomes infectious. It poisons other individuals and causes their death.

Anteater poison is available in bottles of different sizes:

  • 10 ml;
  • 50 ml;
  • ampoule 1 ml.

The product can also be bought in powder, which is convenient to mix with bait. This mixture is used in enclosed spaces, houses, apartments. The poison is called Anteater Super.

Ant repellent Anteater The active ingredient diazinon gets rid of ants as follows:

  • enters the bloodstream and begins to affect the insect’s nervous system;
  • the ant begins to experience convulsions;
  • Death from suffocation soon follows.

The ant dies within a few minutes after contact with the toxic substance.

A person can observe how, after using Anteater, individuals become too active. They run around in panic and don’t know what to do - save the larvae and the queen or run away. Soon the insects' actions slow down and they die.

Action of gel Absolute

The first dead individuals will appear after 8 hours, and the effect of the drug is noticeable already on the second day after treatment, the maximum number of insects will be destroyed on the 5th day. But in order to remove individuals that appear later, the drug must be updated every 2-3 weeks.

Old drops should not be removed, only fresh portions should be added. Only after 6-8 weeks of regular treatments can you rest assured that the area has been almost 100% cleared.

The consumption rate depends on the area of ​​the room and the accumulation of parasites:

  • small number - about 6 drops/m²;
  • average – about 8 drops/m²;
  • high – at least 10 drops/m².

It is not advisable to apply the substance to heated surfaces, or near strong-smelling substances (food, chemicals, household products).

The aroma, invisible to humans, attracts cockroaches even at a distance of 1 m from application. Eating the bait, the insects begin to feel thirsty, gradually paralyze them, and they die. The less water they manage to drink, the faster they will die. Even the excrement of dead individuals is poison for other relatives.

Characteristics of house ants

Residents of private houses and high-rise buildings know that red or house ants can be uninvited guests. Many people confuse them with their forest counterparts, but these are two different species. The domestic inhabitants are called pharaoh ants, as they were first discovered during excavations of the Egyptian pyramids. But their real homeland is India.

The two species differ in size. The length of forest dwellers ranges from 4 to 9 mm, while domestic ones barely reach 3 mm, they are lighter in color. In the harsh Russian climate, they cannot live outside heated areas, so they find housing in houses, apartments and any other premises, without giving up any organic food: crumbs, open food, strewn garbage.

House ants do not live in one colony, but create parallel nests in the corridor, bathroom, kitchen, and staircase. They eat separately. If one nest is destroyed, the rest of the colony remains unharmed, so when these guests appear in the house, prepare for a protracted war.

Ant repellent gel

The gels also have an enteric contact effect and retain their properties for one month. The drug is applied to substrates that are placed indoors or outdoors in places protected from precipitation. The substrates are placed in places where insects are detected or accumulate (3-4 drops per anthill) or applied along the path of their movement with a dotted strip (2 cm of gel - 2 cm of untreated surface).

The onset of action is 2-4 days, and complete death of the colony occurs after 1-2 weeks.

Insecticidal gels for ants - examples of preparations

17. “Great Warrior” (syringe, tube)chlorpyrifos 0.3% diazinon 0.2%
18. “Aardeater” (tube 30ml)imidacloprid – 0.5%
19. “Absolut” (packaging 30ml, 125ml)chlorpyrifos 0.5%
20. “Clean House” (packaging 20ml, 35ml)fipronil 0.05%
21. “Dohlox” (30g syringe)fipronil 0.05%
22. “Deadex” (30g syringe)fipronil 0.05%

Absolut gel Super against ants 5ml

Absolute gel super insecticidal agent for exterminating cockroaches, wasps, flies, ants on objects of various categories. It is a food bait in the form of a white to beige gel.


Its active ingredient is clothianidin (0.1%) - a highly active compound from the group of neonicotinoids, which has intestinal, contact and systemic activity. The gel also contains a stabilizer, preservative, binding agents and food attractants.


The product has insecticidal activity for cockroaches, wasps, flies and ants (red house and various garden species): complete death of cockroaches occurs after 2-3 days, flies and ants - within 1 day. The residual effect lasts 1.5-2 months.

In terms of acute toxicity parameters when administered into the stomach and applied to the skin, the product belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard according to GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the degree of volatility, the product belongs to hazard class 4 according to the Classification of Chemical Substances by degree of volatility. Does not irritate the skin, causes a slight irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes. No sensitizing effect was detected. When exposed to inhalation vapors in the zone of acute biocidal effect, the product belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances according to the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.

The level of concentration in the air of the working area of ​​clothianidin is 0.4 mg/m3 (vapor + aerosol).


The product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, wasps, flies, ants (red house ants and various types of garden ants) in objects of various categories: in industrial and residential premises, in educational, administrative, medical organizations, social security, public utility purposes (hotels, hostels , sports complexes), at catering establishments, by specialists from organizations involved in disinfection activities, as well as by the population at home.


Destruction of cockroaches. Before treatment, clean the room, collect food debris, crumbs, food waste and other food sources, tightly cover water containers, close water taps, depriving insects of sources of water and food. A thin layer of gel is injected from a syringe or tube into cracks in baseboards, crevices and other difficult-to-treat areas that can serve as a hiding place for cockroaches. Other places where cockroaches are found, where they may live or move are also subject to treatment: under sinks, behind refrigerators, near buckets or containers for collecting garbage and food waste, the bottom shelves of tables, as well as risers and hot water pipes.

The gel is also applied to substrates and placed in areas where cockroaches live, gather or move. The consumption rate is 3-4 substrates per room of 10 m2. One package of 20 ml is sufficient for selective treatment of a 30 m2 room.

You can also apply the gel in a dotted line along the places where cockroaches move: 2 cm of gel - 2 cm of untreated surface. With small and medium numbers of cockroaches, the intervals between strips of gel can be increased to 4 cm: 2 cm of gel - 4 cm of untreated surface. Repeated treatments should be carried out when cockroaches appear.

Destruction of wasps. The bait is laid out on non-food substrates (lid, saucer) and placed in places where clusters of wasps are found or places where they visit are established. These, as a rule, are the places where sweets, fruits, vegetables, candies, honey are found, as well as rotting food waste: they are especially attracted to rotten meat and fermentation products (kvass, beer, malt). The gel is applied to fruit peelings, fermentation products and other food waste.

Nests are treated after sunset, at dusk or early in the morning, when working individuals are in the nest. Nests located openly in accessible places (on terraces and balconies, in gazebos, under eaves, eaves, platbands, under roof coverings made of slate, tiles, roofing felt, wood), as well as inside outbuildings (sheds, garages, attics, outdoor toilets, etc.) are treated by applying gel to the surface of the nest. Consumption depends on the size of the nest, but not less than 20 ml per nest. When applying the gel to substrates (50-100 ml), you can use not only cardboard or thick paper, but also melon or watermelon peels as additional attractants, placing them in places where wasps accumulate. The product contains natural sweet ingredients, molasses, condensed milk, which wasps actively eat and die.

Destruction of ants. To destroy red house ants indoors, including in bathrooms, showers, toilets, the gel is applied to substrates (3-4 substrates per room of 10 m2) and placed in places where insects are found. Paths of movement (paths) are treated by applying the gel in a dotted line with an interval of 2 cm between the gel strips. If the number of ants is high, the interval between stripes can be halved, or the gel can be applied in one continuous strip. One package of 20 ml is sufficient for selective treatment of a room of 50 m2.

Destruction of flies. To kill flies, the substrates are placed in places where insects are most concentrated: on window sills, on terraces, placing them so that they do not fall into the field of view of children. During the period of its action, the bait can be rearranged to other places, placing it where the largest number of flies is observed. To destroy garden ants that crawl onto the lower floors of houses and cottages, the gel is applied to the blind area of ​​the house, as well as to open verandas, terraces, porches along the threshold and along the perimeter, i.e. on the paths of ants' penetration into premises. Repeat treatments after ants appear in the room.


Use the product only for its intended purpose. Treatments should be carried out in the absence of strangers, pets, or birds.

Avoid contact of the product with skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

After finishing working with the product, wash your hands with soap and water.

Throw the used packaging into the trash bin without damaging its integrity.


The product should be stored in a dry, covered, ventilated warehouse in a closed package at a temperature not lower than zero and not higher than plus 40°C at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices, separately from food products and medicines. Shelf life: 3 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.


The gel is packaged in 5 ml plastic syringes (cartridges).

Absolute gel against cockroaches and ants – how to use?

Thanks to the convenient dispenser spout, it is very convenient to squeeze the gel into any gap, crack, hole between baseboards, or air ducts. Treat hard-to-reach places, even without having to move furniture, apply product to loose wallpaper, etc.

Treatment with the gel must be very thorough; we do not miss the “favorite” habitats of cockroaches: places near trash cans, hot water pipes, behind the refrigerator, lower shelves of kitchen units, places behind radiators.

Observe where cockroaches most often move and apply the gel there.

Processing is possible in two ways:

  • Dotted lines on surfaces. The amount of gel is a 2cm strip (if the infection is severe), then the untreated area. There are few cockroaches in the apartment - increase the distance between droplets from 4 to 5 cm.
  • Special baits and substrates. The gel can be used as bait by making a cardboard house or simply applied to a substrate and placed anywhere in the apartment. Such structures are easy to move and “update” the bait there.
  • To destroy garden cockroaches that can get onto the lower floors or terraces of cottages, apply the gel around the perimeter of the house, placing droplets at a distance of 4-6 seconds from each other.

Do not forget to keep the house clean during the treatment process and do not leave leftover food in accessible places; make sure that cockroaches cannot get close to the water. Store the gel in a dry, dark place, away from children and pets. Shelf life up to 24 months.

If cockroaches do not disappear from the apartment, and modern insecticides simply cannot cope with a large population of parasites, it is better to call exterminators. This way you don't have to wait until all the Prussians die. Just a few hours and your home will be clean and protected from the invasion of uninvited guests.

Absolut liquid bait for ants (blister-drop 8g) (apl8)

The insecticidal agent Absotot bait Liquid is intended for the destruction of synanthropic cockroaches, ants and adult flies in premises for various purposes. It is a ready-to-use bait in the form of a liquid from white to light yellow.


Contains sodium tetraborate (borax) 5.5% as an active ingredient, food and technical additives - up to 100%. It is effective against synanthronic cockroaches, ants, and adult flies upon intestinal entry into the insect’s body.


According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach and when applied to the skin, the product belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances in accordance with GOST 12.1.007. Does not cause irritation to the skin, has a slight irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes. No sensitizing effect was detected. When exposed to inhalation vapors in the zone of acute and subacute biocidal effects, it belongs to class 4, low hazardous in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.

The maximum permissible concentration of sucrose in the air of the working area is 10 mg/m3 (hazard class 4, aerosol).


The insecticidal agent Absotot Bait Liquid is intended for use by organizations engaged in disinfection activities and by the population at home to destroy synanthropic cockroaches, ants and adult flies in premises for various purposes, including residential, non-residential, industrial, and public utility facilities (dormitories, hotels) ; at food industry enterprises, catering establishments, shops; in children's (except bedrooms and playrooms), medical, social organizations.


Before processing, clean the room, collect food debris, crumbs, food waste and other sources of insect food. Cover containers of water tightly and close water taps, depriving insects of sources of moisture. The product is most effective in the absence of alternative sources of water and food.

The product is applied to substrates made of waterproof materials (for example, plastic bottle caps). The bait in the container, having previously cut off the tip of the package along the cut line, is used only to combat synanthropic ants (red house ants, black garden ants).

Baits are placed near places of detection, possible habitat or movement of insects: cockroaches - along baseboards, under sinks, behind refrigerators, near containers for collecting garbage and food waste, on the lower shelves of tables, near risers and hot water pipes and other similar places; ants - in places of movement and accumulation; adult flies - in places where they accumulate near sources of natural or artificial light (window sills, upper surfaces of cabinets, shelves, etc.). When placing baits, you should make sure that dead insects will not get into food products, dishes, etc. When cleaning the premises, baits can be temporarily removed and then returned to their place.

The consumption rate is 1-5 baits per 10 m2, depending on the number of insects. The substrate should be regularly replaced with a new one as the bait composition dries.

Simultaneous use of the product with other insecticidal agents is not recommended.


When working with the product, avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. After finishing using the product, wash your hands with soap and water.

Place the product in places inaccessible to children and pets (including birds). Do not apply to surfaces that have direct contact with humans, food utensils and food products (working surfaces of tables, internal surfaces of drawers, shelves for storing dishes and food).

Those working with the product must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eating, drinking and smoking is prohibited at work sites. After completing the work, wash your hands, face and rinse your mouth with water.


Store the product in a dry, ventilated warehouse, in a closed container. In domestic conditions - in places inaccessible to children and pets, separately from food products, medicines and animal feed. Temperature conditions for long-term storage of the product are from minus 20° C to plus 40° C. Shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture in unopened manufacturer's packaging, subject to the storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer.


The product is packaged in blister drops of 8g.


The Absolute ant bait is produced by the manufacturer in capsule form with helium or powder chlorpyrifos.

The product has a principle of action similar to other baits on the market. The aroma of the delicacy attracts ant workers. The ants who have tasted the treat become infected with the poison, after which, returning to the colony, they spread its microparticles among their fellows. The maximum effect when using Absolute capsules can be seen after 2 weeks. For preventive purposes, re-treatment is carried out after 1.5 months.

Bait Absolute from ants

One blister contains 2 closed capsules. You can purchase the drug either in a specialized store or order it online. Its cost varies between 100-120 rubles.

The principle of using Absolute capsules is quite simple. After opening the sealed packaging, they are placed in an apartment or house in places where insects are most often found or near an anthill.

How to use Absolute anti-ant capsules

The capsule is released from its original packaging and its protective cap is opened. In this form, the bait is placed near the ant path. You can pour the contents of the capsule near the path without crossing the path of the pest (out of the reach of children). There is no need to physically exterminate ants. The drug is not used in the garden when there is a threat of rain - precipitation reduces the effectiveness to zero. The bait is applied symptomatically whenever an unwanted ant colony is detected.

( 1 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)


  • Oleg

    Cool thing, it really works. Our ancestors had 2 paths from the basement of a wooden house to the windowsill, where balsams grow in pots. Sugar crystals form on the leaves of this flower, and small black ants followed them. We scattered one bait between the paths, after about 2-3 days the ants disappeared. So it works)))



  • Raisa

    please tell me in which stores you can buy this ABSOLUTE poison?



  • Alina

    Please tell me. My dog ​​was just gnawing on such a capsule, when I saw it, I immediately took it away. But he ate part of the powder. Is this dangerous for him??



  • leave a comment


    Gel Absolute against ants is a transparent or light brown mass of viscous consistency with a pleasant odor. The basis of the drug is chlorpyrifos, an insecticide that has a negative effect on the body of insects. The poison that gets into the intestines causes the death of the insect. If the remains of an ant are eaten by its relatives, then the same fate awaits them. As a result, an entire ant family can die from one drop of jelly-like gel.

    Absolute from ants

    Often on the Internet you can find positive reviews about Absolute Gel from people who have managed to evaluate the effectiveness of the product. And this is understandable, because the drug has a lot of advantages. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are its main advantages

    It is equally important that Absolut gel is low-toxic, but this does not mean that toxic substances are completely safe for human health and pets.

    Therefore, precautions should be taken when working with the drug.

    Another positive aspect of the product is its simple method of use. The instructions for use indicate that the mass is applied in two-centimeter sections every 3 cm. With this method of application, one tube is enough to treat a small one-room apartment, the area of ​​which does not exceed 30 square meters. m.

    The product is available in 125 ml tubes costing between 260-270 rubles, there are also 30 g tubes that cost from 110 rubles.

    Description and characteristics of Absolute gel

    The principle of action of the drug is based on the transfer of a toxic substance from one insect to another. Thanks to the aromatic substances included in the composition, cockroaches come to the smell and eat the insecticidal agent, which enters directly into the intestines of the insect. The toxic substance is almost completely absorbed and spreads throughout the cockroach’s body. This explains the effectiveness of the product.

    On the second day, the cockroach dies and becomes the prey of its relatives, who will later face the same fate. This epidemic principle allows insects to be destroyed within a month after treatment. Thus, a drop of gel weighing 0.05 grams can destroy about 500 individuals.

    Absolute has a number of advantages:

    • The drug is low-toxic, has no harmful effects on people, and does not cause irritation or allergic reactions when it comes into contact with the skin. A negative effect is possible only with regular, long-term contact of the gel with the skin.
    • The gel is odorless, colorless and does not leave stains after use.
    • The insecticide is easy to use and easy to clean. To remove it from the surface, simply use a damp cloth.
    • Low price of the product.
    • Efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the drug. Just 30 ml of gel is enough to treat 30 square meters. m. premises.

    How does ant bait work?

    Chlorpyrifos is a reserve poison with a long decay period. The Absolute bait is readily eaten by the pest, thanks to the attractive aromatic blende included in the capsule. So the insect becomes a carrier (reservoir) of the toxin. Returning to their nesting sites, the pests die, becoming a source of poisoning for the rest of the ant population. Thus, the Absolute bait operates on the principle of epidemic infection. Gradually the nesting site dies out completely.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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