The best gels for ants: rating from experienced insect fighters!

“Dohlox” is an effective remedy in the fight against ants. When these little aliens appear in the apartment, all thoughts about the benefits of ants in nature instantly disappear from your head. In the forest and in the field, ants are certainly useful, but when you find them in a sugar bowl or in a bag of sweets, only one desire comes to mind - to destroy them. For this, humanity has invented many means. And one of them is “Dohloks”. Judging by the name, the product has lethal force. How true is this?


"Dohlox" is a poisonous gel. The substance is packaged in a special, very convenient package in the form of a syringe. This facilitates the delivery of ant poison to the most secluded and inaccessible places, and also protects against human contact with the active substance.

There are also Dohlox bait traps designed to kill ants and cockroaches. Each package of the product contains 6 traps.

The Dohlox syringe facilitates the delivery of ant poison to the most secluded and inaccessible places

Line of drugs (composition, dosage form and consumption rates)

The manufacturer of these drugs is a Russian company with about 20 years of experience in this field. The following drugs are currently recommended for use.

Dohlox series of drugs

Includes Dohlox gels, con and bait traps.

Gel "Dohlox"

Gels against cockroaches “Dohloks.Premium”
Gels are presented in two types: “Premium” and “Momentum”. Available in 20 ml syringes or 100 ml bottles. The active ingredient is fipronil, produced by BASF (Germany).

Application rate:

  • 20ml./5m2 - when carrying out the main “shock” treatment;
  • 20 ml./20 m2 - when carrying out repeated or preventive treatments;
  • 20ml./2-3m2 - with a critical number of insects.


This is a professional series. The “Instant Poison” series is recommended for treating even heavily contaminated premises, including industrial ones (kitchens, cafes, restaurants, canteens, etc.) Available in the form of a gel in 100 ml bottles. or tubes/syringes of 20 ml.

Gel against cockroaches “Dohloks. Instant Poison"

In the line of drugs, this is the most powerful product with a high content of toxins and a unique attractant (bait). Contains an increased amount of the active substance fipronil by 10%.

Application rate:

  • 100ml./40m2 - when carrying out the main “shock” treatment;
  • 100 ml./60 m2 - when carrying out repeated or preventive treatments;
  • 100ml./8-15m2 - with a critical number of insects.

Container traps

Classic Dohloks traps for cockroaches have been produced since 1999. Currently represented by the improved “Prmium (premium)” and “Instant Poison” series.

"Dohloks" - cockroach traps

A series of drugs “Get lost!” brand "Dohloks"

A relatively new series of drugs for cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects, in which the drugs are 2-component - based on boric acid and fipronil or diazinon poisons. The line includes gels, baits, boron balls and poisonous crumbs.

“Boron gel GO!”

The gel contains boric acid and a proprietary food bait with poison (formula No. 76). Compared to other gels, the effectiveness of this gel is even higher. Available in 100ml bottles or 20ml syringes.

Strengthened boron gel, 20ml, 100ml.

Lures "Boron Bomb" and "Boron Trap"

Bait “Boron bomb” or “Boron trap” is a container with a porridge-like mass with an enhanced taste component. In addition to fipronil, the drug contains boric acid (formula No. 88). “Boron bomb” is produced in plastic containers and is packaged in 1 piece, the consumption rate is 1 piece. for 10-15m2. Unlike “Boron traps”, which are produced in boxes of 6 pieces, which is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 60 m2.

To enhance the effect, the manufacturer recommends using it simultaneously with the Instant Poison gel.

Unlike gels, traps last up to 3 months.

“Boron balls GO! - Dohloks”

This is a relatively new line of drugs from the manufacturer. The basis of the preparations is boric acid, enhanced by the action of fipronil or diazinon poisons (formula No. 56).

In packages of boron balls of 8 pcs, consumption rate:

  • for basic treatments - 1 package per 40m2;
  • for repeated and preventive treatments – 1 pack/60m2;
  • at critical numbers – 1 pack/10-15m2.

New items - boron balls and poisonous crumbs

“Poisonous little ones PERISH! - Dohloks”

The newest drug in this line. Crumbs are dry food baits poisoned with poison (formula No. 59). The size of the crumbs is most suitable for “convenience” of eating by insects. Poisonous crumbs are sprinkled on window sills, floors, tables, baseboards and along paths where ants move and where cockroaches gather.

READ MORE: “Boric acid for ants and cockroaches (FOUR basic recipes and ready-made preparations)”

Active substance

What makes Dohlox a killer drug for insects is the fipronil in its composition. It is well known in agriculture as a very dangerous pesticide for pests. It is also used in veterinary medicine to destroy parasites on the body of animals.

Fipronil belongs to the class of nerve poisons of intestinal and contact action. When it enters the body of ants, it causes a blockage in the passage of nerve impulses. We will not analyze this complex mechanism of action in detail; suffice it to say that very quickly the insect’s organs and systems begin to fail, paralysis and death occur.

And at the same time, fipronil is present in the drug in such quantities that it does not pose any danger to warm-blooded animals. While remaining a deadly poison for ants, it turns out to be harmless to humans and animals. And this is extremely important, especially when it comes to cleaning the kitchen where food is stored from pests.

Fipronil, which is part of Dohlox, makes the gel a killer drug for insects

Attractants are added to the active substance in large quantities, which are appetizing additives for insects, causing them an irresistible desire to try the bait.

Advantages of the drug

"Dohloks" has many advantages due to its composition and design. The most important of them:

  • high efficiency;
  • speed of action;
  • ease of application;
  • harmless to people and animals;
  • efficiency;
  • low cost.

Thanks to the presence of a syringe, Dohlox gel is consumed very economically

The thick structure of the gel greatly facilitates its application to surfaces - the product can stick and not run off even on vertical surfaces, which is another big advantage.

Thanks to the presence of a syringe, the gel is consumed very economically.

Time of action

Several hours pass from the start of setting traps and applying the gel to the physical death of the pests. As a rule, after 8 hours you will no longer see large numbers of ants walking freely on the windowsill and table. If traps are used, mass mortality begins already on the second day.

Fipronil has a prolonged effect, that is, the insect does not die immediately, but after a few hours. This is extremely important for fighting ants. The poisoned individuals will have time to return to the nest and there poison their fellows and, most importantly, the queen. Due to this, the entire population will be destroyed, and not just the worker ants. This is what makes Dohlox so attractive. It works for quite a long time - insects continue to die 4 days after baiting.

The poisoned individuals will have time to return to the nest and there poison their fellows and, most importantly, the queen

We also suggest you learn how to kill ants using boric acid.

Security measures

When working with Dohlox-gel, it is advisable to use rubber gloves; after handling, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The product should be stored away from food and medicines, out of the reach of children and pets.

One of the most effective means for combating domestic parasites is Averfos. Reviews about the insecticide “Xulat C25” are only positive. Find out how to use this tool by reading our article.

Heiracanthium is the most poisonous spider on the entire European continent. You can find a description of this animal at the link.

Application rules

Applying the anti-ant agent is quite simple. Drops of gel are applied to various substrates (paper, cardboard, lids) and these baits are placed in places where ants like to wander in search of food.

Places to apply poison:

  • ventilation shafts;
  • pipe area;
  • trash can placement area;
  • windowsill;
  • window frames;
  • baseboard;
  • cabinet surfaces.

For one square meter of area, 8-10 drops of Dohlox gel are required.

Traps can also be placed on ant trails.

8-10 drops of gel are required per square meter of area. One package is more than enough to treat an apartment.

To get rid of ants for sure, Dohlox can be reapplied after a week or two. Even if someone survived after the previous persecution, the remnants of the population will be destroyed.

Features of application

The Dohlox series preparations are produced in the form of easy-to-use gel concentrates. After preliminary wet cleaning, the gel composition is applied to the substrate or in a drip-dotted line in places where insects accumulate and move (jambs, cracks, baseboards, water pipe risers, back walls of furniture, etc.).

Features of the use of Dohlox preparations

The manufacturer recommends three types of treatments:

  1. The first treatment is the main, so-called “impact” treatment;
  2. Repeated treatment – ​​2-3 weeks after the main one;
  3. Preventive treatments are carried out on an ongoing basis, once a month.

The drug consumption rates for each treatment are indicated below.

In addition to gel preparations, so-called cockroach traps are in demand. These are plastic containers containing food bait with the addition of potent poisons. See below for varieties and dosages.

Reviews and comments

0 Allusik 07/22/2015 21:50 A wonderful remedy against ants. This year we just have some kind of ant invasion. They dug this up around the house. We bought this product and applied it not everywhere, but after a certain interval. Then the ants disappeared. And there was a path in the house, so we managed to get rid of them there too.


0 Snezhana 08/12/2017 12:46 We lived in a rented apartment with my sister, good thing it wasn’t ours.
Every morning there was a layer of ants about 0.5 millimeters thick in the water filter. According to neighbors, everyone in this house had the same problems. No one has yet managed to get them out. My sister and I bought Dohlox in a syringe. Firstly, the brand is common in stores, and secondly, a similar syringe has already been used only on cockroaches. It’s convenient to use, there’s no smell, and most importantly, it’s effective. I found their hidden habitat, and we anointed all the exits, there were much fewer of them. We didn’t experiment further, we just moved. Quote

Dohlox / Ant repellent Traps “Dohlox”, 6 pcs.

Does not work. The ants remained

Didn't help at all((

Useless thing. A cardboard box containing a “bait” that does not lure. Perhaps because there is some kind of hard piece of something there. Almost like concrete. I tried to soak some, but the ants still run past.

Does not help. Ants don't react to it at all

These traps are of no use.

Doesn't solve the problem at all. It's a pity to waste time waiting for a miracle.

Very cool thing. the ants disappeared.

Doesn't help against little red ants at all. They ignore these traps. I do not advise

Very well packaged

I have ordered 3 times already. all the ants disappeared. and from neighbors. Thank you!

doesn't work at all. complete bullshit. Don't buy, don't waste your money. ants run along it without noticing at all. they don't go inside at all

The goods did not reach me, they were lost during delivery. I'll try to re-order. Please do not take it into account in the redemption percentage

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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