Ant repellent gel: Clean House, Raptor, Brownie - what to choose

The domestic variety of these pests is twice as small as the forest ones and easily penetrates city apartments. They are dangerous and can transfer intestinal infections from garbage to food. If they are in the flour, you will have to throw it all away. How to resist the invasion? Use our recipe. It has two advantages: long-term action and infection of the entire colony. To protect pets, the bitter additive Bitrex is used.

To treat rooms, apply the product pointwise or in short strips along baseboards, risers, behind kitchen cabinets, and along pest paths.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

Ants adapt very quickly to a new place. If ants have occupied a new territory, then you need to be prepared for the fact that new habitats will gradually appear, and soon, due to full-fledged nesting, a whole city will be formed, where all representatives of the colony will be closely connected with each other.

For your information. This world of pests has its own subgroups, some of which leave their homes every day to find food, while others remain to care for the queen. Due to a clear distribution of roles and assigned tasks, these creatures are able to live for about 15 years and actively reproduce.

The food used is plant and animal remains, crumbs, as well as rotting organic waste and even the corpses of other insects.

Reasons for the appearance of house ants in an apartment

It is not large garden insects that settle in houses, but smaller red or black ants. Replenishment of the enemy camp occurs once a year: many females and males are born. Winged females and males leave their homes in search of a new place to found a colony and are ready to show the world an army of thousands. When small ants appear in an apartment, it is important to carefully study the article to understand how to get rid of them as soon as possible.

A colony of house ants is unlikely to please the apartment owner

Ant colonies are difficult to detect: insects appear from a tiny crack and disappear in the blink of an eye. They settle in interfloor ceilings, large cracks in the floor or wall. You can lift the baseboard and be amazed by a swarming heap of house ants. A crumb left for a few minutes is immediately carried away by an ant who has come from nowhere. The main reason for such neighbors to settle a colony is free access to food and a convenient place to set up a colony.

Danger of ants

Being near insects is unpleasant and dangerous.
Gel Raptor against ants or Absolute, or any other composition should be used as soon as possible at the first appearance of pests, since they are especially dangerous to humans.

Attention! Crawling from garbage to food, they carry on their paws pathogens of intestinal infections, as well as helminth eggs and similar infections.

These creatures are considered more dangerous even compared to flies and cockroaches. They can harm products because:

  • crawl into the rump;
  • they chew through bags of flour;
  • can spoil bread and more.

For your information. All this leads to the need to throw away a considerable amount of supplies. There is an opinion that the pest can crawl into the ear canals of infants and sleeping adults.

The most effective pencils and crayons


Chalk Mashenka from ants is the undoubted leader among crayons. Contains fenvalerate, which enters the body through contact and intestinal routes, and is carried into the anthill on its paws, poisoning several individuals at once.

Clean house

A drug at a very low price that gets rid of many household pests, including cockroaches, fleas, ants, and bedbugs. It is recommended to combine with other insecticides for best results.


Quite an effective remedy against a large number of crawling pests. It costs a little more than previous drugs, but is not inferior to them in other respects. Considered to be of low toxicity to humans.


Chinese insecticide at an affordable price. Contains high concentrations of poison, which quickly destroy all ants that come into contact with the drug.

Super killer

Another Chinese development that effectively fights domestic ants. A product that is practically safe for people , in a matter of hours it poisons a pest that accidentally comes into contact with ants in the apartment.

In modern society there is a huge number of different insecticides. Among them, it is quite possible to choose a truly effective means of exterminating ants, even at the lowest cost.

Ways to fight

Today, there are a considerable number of ways to exterminate insects, which are recognized as the most effective:

  • Folk recipes. In this case, yeast, boric acid, and corn flour are suitable. With their help they prepare bait. It is worth noting that the method is effective only when the colony has just appeared.
  • Aerosol.
  • Compositions in the form of powders with which they stain their paws and bodies, thereby becoming infected themselves and transferring the poison inside the nests.
  • Gels. These compositions appeared on the market relatively recently and have already proven their effectiveness. The main advantage is that the product can be spread dropwise by workers all the way to the nest, where the queen and the rest of the colony will be poisoned. The advantage of the gel is that it has a long-lasting effect.

Preventing the appearance of ants in the apartment

It is much more pleasant not to have to deal with the problem of insects appearing in the house than to deal with their invasion, so we can offer preventive measures:

  • forget about any manifestations of laziness: all the food in the house, down to the last crumb, must be put away. By luring one scout, you automatically invite the entire colony to permanent residence;
  • crumbs fell on the floor - be sure to remove them immediately;
  • After each meal, the table and all work surfaces should be sparkling clean. Insects can be attracted by even a small sweet spot on the table;
  • You should regularly wash cabinet doors, stoves, floors, and tables with chemicals;
  • everything sweet and aromatic should be stored closed;
  • If you have pets in the house, it is important to keep their eating area clean, and the bowls themselves should be on a stand.

These simple precautions will not allow either black or red ants into the house, from which you will then have to look for a remedy to evict them from the apartment.

Let's tell you without laughing, cleanliness is the key to success

Benefits of the gel

Insects must be destroyed as soon as they appear.
Based on the characteristic features of the gel, it can be understood that with its help you can quickly eliminate ants from your home. The compositions have a prolonged effect, and primary poisoning does not occur instantly, but gradually, which allows foragers to deliver droplets of the product to their colony and infect their fellows.

For your information. The poisonous ability will be maintained for 2 months. Insects are attracted to this bait because it has organoleptic properties.

Small “neighbors” will happily gobble up the poison. The gel insecticide can only be used indoors, and the composition is applied in the form of a drip path along the places where the pests travel.

How to distinguish domestic red ants from random guests

Permanent apartment residents are especially easy to identify in winter. All outdoor species hibernate with the onset of cold weather. Red ants, on the contrary, become more active when the heating is turned on.

They can be distinguished by their size and speed of movement. 3-4mm street dwellers move quickly. If you encounter small ones (about 2 mm), evenly colored, slowly moving - these are apartment pests, it’s time to sound the alarm and look for the source of the appearance.

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Popular insecticide gels

Regardless of what composition will be used, in order to get a positive result, you must follow the instructions for use and do not forget to read the manufacturer’s comments regarding the treatment.

Gel "Brownie" against ants

The main active ingredient is the intestinal poison finpronil. It is odorless and harmless to humans and pets. The packaging is available in the form of a 30 ml tube. This volume is quite enough to treat a room of 50 m2.

The bait is gradually consumed by pests and accumulates inside the body, slowly acting on it from the inside. The creatures begin to feel very sick only on the second day, and this time is quite enough to infect the entire colony. The drug will protect the house for 90 days.

Gel "Great Warrior" against ants

Gel formulations are the most rational in the fight against annoying pests.
This remedy is considered a targeted one. It helps in the fight against garden and house ants. The gel is presented in the form of food bait, which contains two toxic substances. The destruction of pests is carried out under the influence of a substance such as chlorpyrifos, the concentration of which is 0.3%, as well as diazinon in a ratio of 0.2%.

The gel base is the substance Bitrex.

The product goes on sale in two versions.

  • syringe with 30 ml dispenser;
  • tube with a volume of 40-80 ml.

It is advisable to use a syringe when it is necessary to reach the most inaccessible places. Since it has a long tip, the solution will be easily distributed in those areas where furniture is connected, holes under the baseboard, as well as cracks in the floor.

The poisons in the complex form a rather harmful composition, the effect of which begins one and a half days after application. The active components will be active for several weeks, which will destroy even deposited larvae and prevent their reappearance. To obtain maximum effect, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Otherwise, the composition may not live up to expectations. It is important that the strips with gel should not be dusty, and their contact with water is not desirable, since it will cause the product to lose its properties.

Application is carried out around the perimeter of the apartment or house where the ants move. It is permissible to draw strips along water supply and sewerage pipes if there is no condensation on them. The length of the dotted line stroke is 5-6 cm, and when applied again, 2-3. Subsequent treatment is done for the purpose of prevention in order to completely eliminate the appearance of pests in the house. The interval between etching is 30 days.

For your information. When working with poisons, direct contact with human skin and mucous membranes is strictly prohibited. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if reactions such as itching, rash, and swelling, etc. occur.

Gel “Clean House” against ants

The composition is considered an excellent way to treat the most secluded places in the house. Distribution is carried out using a dosing syringe. Capacity - 35 ml. Provided that the insect infestation is not too severe, the volume is enough to treat 50 m2. After the insects taste the product, their death will begin after 24-36 hours.

During this period, the poison, as in previous cases, will be distributed among the nests. After the action ends, the gel can be easily removed from a variety of surfaces. Therefore, you can safely apply a dotted line to linoleum, baseboards and similar surfaces. Some people pour the gel into small baths and place them where the pest colony is active. If there are a huge number of these creatures in the house, then re-treatment should be carried out after 30 days.

It is worth noting that the “Clean House” anti-ant gel receives only positive reviews, as it is effective, not harmful to humans, and does not damage the surfaces of furniture and finishing materials.

Gel "Raptor"


  • packed in a convenient package with a dispenser in the form of a long spout;
  • after removal there will be no stain left;
  • active destruction begins only on the 14th day due to the fact that the composition contains a low concentration of toxins;
  • Suitable for use in garden areas.

Safety regulations

When working with poisons, personal protection is necessary.
In order to use ant gel in an apartment and not cause harm to household members, you should follow a number of important rules:

  • A dangerous product containing poison should not get on the surface of the mucous membrane or inside the body.
  • Keep products out of the reach of children.
  • Disinsection is carried out in personal protective equipment - mask, gloves.
  • The treated room is thoroughly ventilated, especially if the anti-ant gel has an odor.
  • There should be no people or animals in the home.

The destruction of such insects is a complex process. However, the use of effective chemicals can make it extremely easy. When the pest population in a home is not too large, and children or pets live on the premises, a gel composition is the most optimal option.

Review of the best repellers


A device made by domestic manufacturers, which looks quite harsh, reminiscent of a radio receiver. It works from the mains, repelling not only ants, but also mosquitoes. The price is about a thousand rubles.

Typhoon shows excellent results, effectively repelling pests. Not recommended for use with children and during sleep.


An expensive imported device that costs about 1.4-1.6 thousand rubles. A universal remedy that repels not only ants, but also any rodents, cockroaches and bedbugs.

Suitable for any premises - both residential and office, used in summer cottages and in production workshops.

One device protects about 120-180 sq. m. area . Completely safe for people and their pets.


The device creates magnetic resonance pulses, repelling domestic insects. Effective on ants, cockroaches, spiders and fleas. Protects an area up to 90 square meters. m.

To completely drive out a colony, you must work without a break for at least 35-45 days.

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