Pest Reject against carriers of dangerous diseases

Pests and rodents can cause a lot of inconvenience not only to residents of private houses, but also to city apartments. Unfortunately, the appearance of these uninvited inhabitants is practically independent of the owners of the premises. Even if you regularly carry out general cleaning and disinfection, you cannot be completely immune from infestations of rodents, bedbugs, cockroaches or other insects. To make your home truly cozy, you should get rid of these “guests,” and the Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller is considered the best tool for this purpose.

This device is considered new on the market, and many are skeptical about it. To dispel doubts and convince you that Pest Reject is truly effective against rats, mice and harmful insects, we will look at the design features of the device, methods of its influence on rodents and the advantages of using the device.

Why do you need to fight insects?

Insects are a necessary element of nature, participating in food chains and benefiting plants. There are a huge number of species: caterpillars that become butterflies, bees, dragonflies, bumblebees, grasshoppers and others. However, in this class of animals there are creatures that are disgusting to humans and even pose a danger to his health:

  • Cockroaches . They often appear in apartment buildings, where not every neighbor can boast of cleanliness. They multiply quickly, smell food from a great distance and can mistake anything for food: soap, plastic, leather goods. The danger of pests is that they can bite, causing a serious allergic reaction in people; they are also carriers of helminthiasis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, salmonellosis, pneumonia and other terrible diseases.
  • Ants. Most often, people encounter garden and “house” ants. The danger of the former lies not in themselves, but in the aphids they move, causing damage to plants; the second type spoils food and is simply unpleasant for residents. They carry the pathogens of typhoid fever, tuberculosis and polio.
  • Bedbugs. Like cockroaches, these pests can come from untidy neighbors, but from time to time people themselves bring bedbugs into their homes by purchasing an infested mattress or pillow in a store. They carry syphilis, typhus, hepatitis B, HIV, tularemia and tuberculosis, which is dangerous for home owners. Their bites can easily be confused with mosquito bites, but bedbugs bite several times along a traceable trajectory.
  • Mosquitoes. To many, these summer insects seem harmless, but actual research has shown that their danger is very high: some species carry filariasis, fever, tularemia and many parasitic diseases.

In addition to insects, rodents often come into human homes:

  • Rats . Some species can reach 60 centimeters in length including the tail and weigh about half a kilogram. Rats attack people and can kill cats and children. At the same time, they carry plague, leptospirosis, typhus, tularemia, rabies and other dangerous diseases.
  • Mice. House mice, unlike the other creatures considered, coexist peacefully with humans and are timid. These are nocturnal animals that do not cause much harm to human health, but the damage they cause is expressed in food spoilage.

The danger of insects and rodents to humans is great, so at the first sign of pests appearing at home, you need to urgently take measures to remove them.

Features of use and validity period of the device

One of the significant reasons for the popularity of the electronic repeller from the Pest Reject series is the practicality of using the device. The ultrasound device does not require any special care. It has an unlimited shelf life, and the manufacturer provides a 12-month warranty.

An important feature of using Pest Reject is the ability to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The design and protection system of Pest Reject can easily withstand this operating mode. Reviews from customers who have been using the device for several years do not contain any mention of breakdowns or failures of the repeller.

Control methods without harm to human health

Pest control is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, but if you don’t rid your home of insects and rodents, you can seriously ruin your health and quality of life.

The Internet offers the following ways to get rid of annoying creatures:

  • Ultrasound devices. The particular frequency of sound causes fear and anxiety in animals. Pests, sensing danger, stop reproducing and try to find a safer place. The system also works against rodents.
  • Electromagnetic repellers. The operating principle is based on microwaves, which pose a threat to pests, but are absolutely safe for humans. Like ultrasonic devices, electromagnetic installations cause panic in insects, after which they look for a new place.
  • Aerosols. Unlike the old, proven dichlorvos, the new generation of sprays are safer for humans, but are also effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other pests. The disadvantage of this method is the suffocating smell of the product, which can cause headaches and, in rare cases, even nausea.
  • Fumigators. The device consists of a heating element and a pralletrin plate - a piece of material impregnated with a special insecticide of synthetic origin. When the temperature rises, prallethrin evaporates, entering the insect’s body and affecting its nervous system. The problem with “fumigation” is the possible ignition of the plate: in addition to fire, there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The most effective and safe methods are based on the application of physical laws in combination with knowledge of the physiological characteristics of the species.

Safety of using Pest Reject

Some users have doubts about the safety of Pest Reject, because this device effectively repels pests. The main concerns regarding the safety of the device are that the radiation from the device may be hazardous to the health of children or pets.

In fact, electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic radiation are produced by the device in doses that are harmful to insects and rodents, but absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, you can freely plug in the device even in residential areas and leave it connected for several weeks until the pests are completely gone.

How does Pest Reject work?

The effectiveness of the Pest Reject ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller is based on the fact that the device combines electromagnetic and ultrasonic methods of getting rid of pests.

The manufacturer indicates a diagram of how the Pest Reject works: the device, connected to the electrical network, produces electromagnetic pulses that are transmitted through the wiring of the entire house. The impact reaches even the most secluded places where bedbugs and cockroaches can settle, which is why insects have nowhere to hide in the Pest Reject area.

The technology is safe for humans and pets, since the device produces high-frequency pulses that are perceived only by pests.

The Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller is easy to install and operate. There are 3 indicators and a button on the device body:

  • if the red light is on, then the Pest Reject is connected to the network;
  • the yellow indicator corresponds to the electromagnetic mode, when pulses are sent through the wiring;
  • green light indicates that Pest Reject is operating in ultrasonic mode;
  • The blue indicator, activated by a button, can be used as a night lamp.

For the repeller to start working, just plug it into a power outlet. No additional materials, electroplating cells, adapters, pralletrin plates or fumigators are required.

Judging by the reviews, Pest Reject is convenient for use by older people who forget about systematic treatment or have difficulty moving. Comments from buyers with small children indicate that it is enough to plug the device into a hard-to-reach outlet so that the child does not interfere with the operation of the Pest Reject.

Insect + rodent repeller Pest Reject - characteristics and properties

Despite its budget price and small size, the Pest Reject is a relatively complex electronic device. The device has the following set of technical and operational characteristics:

  • Pest Reject type - ultrasonic repeller of insects and rodents;
  • coverage area (minimum guaranteed/actual) – 100/200 sq. m.;
  • scope of application of Pest Reject – indoors;
  • material for the manufacture of the case – plastic;
  • power supply – power supply from a 220V network;
  • power consumption – 4 W;
  • frequency – within 50-60 Hz;
  • Pest Reject case dimensions (height/width/depth) – 9.5 or 11.5/6 or 7/6.5 cm (depending on model and modification);
  • The weight of the device is approximately 160 g.

Thanks to its thoughtful design and ultrasonic effects, the Pest Reject electronic repeller has the following properties:

  • prevents feeding and reproduction of bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects, as well as small rodents within the range of action;
  • forms a force field that prevents pests and parasites from entering the building;
  • does not involve the use of toxic chemicals;
  • safe for most pets that are relatively large in size;
  • equipped with automatic protection against power surges.

Features of the device and its characteristics

The Pest Reject rodent and insect repeller has proven itself to be an effective means of pest control. The distinctive features of the device are as follows:

  1. Speed ​​of action. Users note that in practice the result is visible after 7-14 days, when the pests become much smaller or disappear altogether, but the manufacturer does not recommend turning off Pest so quickly, since larvae may remain in the house. The optimal operating time of the repeller is one and a half months. After complete destruction of insects, Pest Reject can be turned off and turned on for a week once a month, or it can be left in the outlet on a permanent basis so that the pests cannot return.
  2. Customer focus. A person of any age can use the Pest Reject insect repeller, since the device is immediately ready for use. The Pest Reject kit comes with instructions not in Russian, but you can use the repeller without having to familiarize yourself with it.
  3. Economy. Using Pest is beneficial, since one repeller processes up to 200 square meters, consuming 4V. The cost of the device does not exceed 1.5 thousand rubles, but its service life is unlimited.
  4. Aesthetics and safety. The forums note the minimalist design and compactness of the repeller, which can fit into any interior. There are no sharp corners on the body, the shape of the Pest is streamlined.

The insect, rodent and cockroach repeller Pest Reject, using ultrasound and electromagnetic pulses, will rid any premises of pests: it is used in apartments and in the kitchens of cafes and restaurants that are especially susceptible to their appearance.

Description of the electronic repeller Pest Repeller

Reject is a compact device that is designed to repel various insects (bugs, cockroaches, ants, etc.) and rodents (mice, voles, rats and others). The case is made in the form of a flat plastic box of a rectangular shape with rounded corners. The device is equipped with a plug for inserting into a socket and connecting to the electrical supply necessary for operation of the device.

The device is equipped with several auxiliary devices for controlling and monitoring the operation of the electronic repeller. These include:

  • a button that turns the backlight of the Pest Reject electronic device on and off;
  • a backlight bulb that allows you to easily detect the repeller in an unlit room;
  • three warning lights:
  • red – lights up when the device is turned on;
  • yellow – signals the start of the electromagnetic function;
  • green – shows the operation of the ultrasonic function on the Pest Reject.

Pest Reject

is an effective replacement for other means of combating unwanted neighbors in the form of rodents and insects - mousetraps, adhesive tapes, repellent plates, etc. The main advantages of the device are: ease of practical use combined with affordable cost and high efficiency. An additional reason for the popularity of the device is its long service life and minimal operating costs.

Device analogues

The Pest Reject ultrasonic electromagnetic insect and rodent repeller has no exact analogues, as this is an innovation from the official manufacturer. Other pest control methods you can use:

  • Traditional methods. Reviews of Pest Reject say that grandmother’s advice does not help against bedbugs. Vinegar, turpentine, and mothballs work temporarily, but do not eliminate the problem of pests returning. Pest Reject insect repeller creates an unpleasant environment, and uninvited guests disappear forever.
  • Disinfection. Indoor treatment is a very productive method of exterminating pests, but the price of one session is high, and not every home owner can afford it. It is more profitable to buy a Pest Reject repeller because the device has no expiration date, does not require additional accessories and works for as long as the owner needs.
  • Fumigation. “Fumigation” of a room helps drive pests out of the treated area, but the remaining rooms are left unprotected. With the help of the Pest Reject rodent and insect repeller, it is possible to free 200 square meters of living space from the invasion of invaders.
  • Pest repeller. The device is very similar to the original Pest, but in customer reviews there are phrases about the uselessness of the product. The price of the device on the website is almost 3 times higher than the price for an ultrasonic repeller.
  • Aerosol method. Sprays against pests and rodents are actively discussed on buyer forums, but opinions on the effectiveness of the method differ greatly. Some commentators find the use of aerosols useful, others regret the money spent.

The Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller is used against cockroaches, bedbugs, mosquitoes, mice and other pests; you can use it with confidence, because its effectiveness has been practically proven.

Indications and contraindications

The Pest Reject Insect Repeller is a must-buy for anyone looking for effective help in killing pests and keeping them away from their living spaces in the future. The device is effective against the following types of household pests:

  • rats;
  • mice.
  • flies;
  • cockroaches;
  • horseflies;
  • mites;
  • spiders;
  • ants;
  • midges;
  • Khrushchi.

According to real consumer reviews, Pest Reject even helps against bedbugs and other rarer bugs that often try to get into our home. Products are allowed to be used:

  • in residential buildings (private houses, apartments, dachas);
  • in public catering places (restaurants, fast foods, cafes, bars);
  • in shopping centers (food markets, grocery stores);
  • in medical and preventive and general educational institutions (schools, kindergartens, hospitals, pharmacies, sanatoriums, camps);
  • in utility rooms (garages, basements, cellars);
  • in the office and warehouses.

The product can be used in places where there are people with allergic diseases, asthmatics, children, and the elderly. The effects of the device are completely safe and do not interfere with the operation of electrical appliances, so it is suitable even for clients with artificial pacemakers. It is worth noting that the work of the unique repeller does not affect domestic animals - cats, dogs.

There are no contraindications to using the repeller. But the manufacturer warns that the effect of the device has not been studied on hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, or snakes. If there are such pets in the house, it is better to move them to a place inaccessible to the influence of the Pest Reject ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller. The device may have a negative effect on their nervous system.

How to buy an original Pest Reject repeller?

The Pest Reject ultrasonic and electromagnetic cockroach repeller is an effective and convenient way to get rid of insects, but due to its increasing popularity in the market, unscrupulous sellers have begun to counterfeit it. In Moscow it is easy to stumble upon non-original equipment.

It is better to place an order on the official website, because:

  1. This guarantees the originality of the purchase. The manufacturer is not responsible for Pest repellers purchased on unofficial sites.
  2. The device costs significantly less. The repeller is sold without intermediaries, so the manufacturer does not need to increase the cost to be self-sufficient.
  3. Instructions for use are duplicated on the main page. The insert included with the repeller does not contain an article in Russian. Handling the device is not difficult, but to be sure, it is better to read the recommendations.

Reviews of Pest Reject ultrasonic electromagnetic repellers are mostly positive. Real people recommend using the device according to the scheme of 5 preventive days a month after 6 weeks of non-stop operation of the repeller. The application time of Pest is a quarter of the time of fighting insects with other methods.

The insect repeller Pest Reject will get rid of rats, mice, cockroaches, bedbugs and mosquitoes forever thanks to innovative technology that combines electromagnetic and ultrasonic methods of getting rid of pests.

The device can work non-stop for as long as the owner needs to completely cleanse the house of carriers of various diseases. The Pest repeller effectively rids a room of harmful creatures and is not as expensive as the average hour of treating a room in Moscow.

Go to the official website

What is this device for and what are its advantages?

An ultrasonic repeller has many advantages:

  • not only harmful insects will disappear from the premises, but also various infections, diseases, and allergic reactions that may arise due to their presence;
  • residents will be reliably protected from pest bites;
  • there is no need to carry out processing that is unsafe for people and animals;
  • no need to buy replacement plates for other devices;
  • when using the device, residents do not need to leave the premises and serve food;
  • The cost of the device is quite affordable for any consumer.

After the device is removed from the original packaging, it must be inserted into a free outlet. The device consumes a minimal amount of electricity and does not interfere with other equipment. It does not make noise and does not heat up.


In relation to mosquitoes, the advisability of using ultrasonic waves is simply explained. Insects communicate with each other and report danger via ultrasound. And if you tune the device to such a wave, then mosquitoes will really avoid it. With cockroaches, the situation is somewhat different. They do not have organs that would produce ultrasound and they do not use it for communication. The sense of smell is much more important than hearing for cockroaches, without which they are unable to find food and are doomed to starvation.

Pest Reject for cockroaches

The ultrasound produced by Pest Reject has a negative effect on insects, but it is worth taking into account the fact that ultrasonic waves are dampened by textiles and dense materials. Domestic cockroaches hide most of the time in the most secluded and hard-to-reach places: in cracks under baseboards, behind cabinets, and electrical appliances. This means they will be less exposed to ultrasonic waves. The same discomfort that they will receive on the way to water, a source of food, will be clearly insufficient to leave the place in which there are the main conditions for their residence.

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