Review of Deltsid against bedbugs: effectiveness, advantages, rules of application

  1. Composition of the drug Deltsid against fleas
  2. How does the solution affect insects?
  3. What parasites does Deltsid help get rid of?
  4. How to prepare “Deltsid” for disinfestation
  5. Main rules of disinfestation
  6. Individual protection means
  7. Users' opinions on the effectiveness of Deltsid

To rid your four-legged pet of ticks and fleas, you will also have to take care of treating the home. A huge number of drugs have been created for this. Let’s take a closer look at how to use Deltsid in ampoules to treat an apartment against fleas.

Fleas and other parasitic insects are a problem not only for pets, but also for their owners. When starting to treat an animal, we must not forget about disinfecting the premises. Otherwise, the insect problem will not be solved, and the pet will become infected again.

One of the drugs that is purchased for treating apartments against fleas is Deltsid. In ampoules, this remedy is used to treat ectoparasites in domestic animals and disinsection of homes. “Deltsid” is also available in 1 liter bottles - this form is used in agriculture to remove ticks and fleas from cattle.

Composition of the drug Deltsid against fleas

Externally, this product resembles a homogeneous oily emulsion. In a closed ampoule, Deltsid has a yellow or slightly brownish tint. To treat an apartment, the drug is mixed with water, resulting in a white translucent solution.

The main active ingredient of Deltsid is deltamethrin. It is a potent, broad-spectrum insecticide. Due to the content of excipients in the preparation, deltamethrin kills insects almost instantly.

One ampoule of insecticide contains 1.5-2 ml of oily mixture. When closed, Deltsid remains shelf-life for two years, but after opening the bottle or ampoule, the solution will lose its effectiveness after two days and will become useless. That is why it is recommended to use the emulsion for disinfestation immediately after diluting it with water.

Analogs of a veterinary drug

The closest analogues of Deltsid:

  • Frontline Spot On;
  • Rolf Club 3D;
  • Stronghold;
  • Dana;
  • Fiprist.

Table: characteristics of Delcid analogues

NameManufacturerIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsRelease formActive substancePrice
FrontlineMerial (France)Fleas, lice, ticks, liceIntolerance to components, weakened condition, infectious diseases, age up to 2 months, body weight up to 1 kgSkin irritation, drooling, vomiting, trembling, confusionDrops for external use in plastic pipettesFipronilFrom 440 rubles
Rolf ClubVeterinary Bio (Germany)Ticks, lice eaters, mature fleas and their larvae, mosquitoesAge under 3 months, pregnancy and lactation, intolerance to components and weakened conditionsRedness of the skin, watery eyes and droolingFipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfenFrom 230 rubles
StrongholdPfizer Animal Health (USA)Nematodes, fleas and sarcoptoid mitesAge under 1.5 months, wet coat (after bathing)Slight baldness in the withers area (rare)SelamectinFrom 1400 rubles
Dana"API-SAN" (Moscow)Fleas (all phases), lice, lice, ixodid, sarcoptic and demodectic mitesAge younger than 3 months, intolerance to components, weakened conditions, perforation of the eardrum (with ear scabies)Vomiting, muscle tremors, increased salivationFipronilFrom 105 rubles
FipristKRKA (Slovenia)Age younger than 1.5 months, intolerance to components, weakened conditions, perforation of the eardrumFrom 600 rubles

Photo gallery: analogues of Deltsid

Stronghold is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug that is also used for the prevention of dirofilariasis. Frontline is prescribed to cats (including pregnant and lactating cats) for entomosis, otodectosis, tick infestation and in the complex treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas. Rolf Club 3D for cats has a pronounced knockdown effect, the onset time is about 2 minutes, which prevents the suction (bite) of ticks and insects during an attack. The drug Dana Spot-on in the form of drops is one of the cheapest insectoacaricidal agents for cats Spot-on drops from different manufacturers are used by single application of the drug to dry, intact skin, using pipettes of various packaging

How does the solution affect insects?

According to reviews, “Deltsid” gets rid of fleas in an apartment in an average of 2-3 applications. How does the emulsion act on parasites?

When a flea, tick or other insect comes into contact with deltamethrin, nerve impulses in the body are blocked, which subsequently paralyzes and kills the parasite. Deltsid is 100% unsafe for humans, but this drug cannot be called supertoxic either. When using the insecticide in normal dosage and following the manufacturer’s recommendations, no negative reactions occur in either humans or four-legged animals.

According to the instructions, you need to treat your apartment with Deltsid for fleas twice a month. The drug can also be used as a preventive measure. To prevent the appearance of ectoparasites and harmful insects in the home, the emulsion is used once every 4-6 weeks.

Composition and action

The flea remedy Delcid is intended for the destruction of animal parasites and has a pronounced insectoacaricidal intestinal and contact effect on insects. Its activity is manifested not only against fleas, but also against ticks.

The main active ingredient is synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin 4%, auxiliary ingredients are Tween 80, nefras and neonol. When an insect enters the body, neuromuscular processes are blocked, which paralyzes the parasite and causes its death.


Deltsid belongs to class 3 toxic substances (moderately hazardous); if protective measures are taken during processing, it does not have a harmful effect on humans, but if it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, it can cause slight irritation. It is highly toxic to fish and bees.

What parasites does Deltsid help get rid of?

"Deltsid" is used not only against fleas. It can also be applied to the fur of animals that suffer from arachnoenthomosis caused by:

  • demodex;
  • lice;
  • flies;
  • horse flies;
  • scabies mite;
  • lice eater.

As for the treatment of the room, a deltamethrin-based intexicide kills locusts, bed bugs, and ants. The emulsion is effective only for adult individuals, which necessitates a repeated disinfection procedure.

Side effects.

When used in accordance with the instructions, there are usually no side effects or complications observed. In case of increased individual sensitivity of animals to deltamethrin and the appearance of complications (excessive salivation, muscle tremors, vomiting), treatment is stopped, the drug is washed off with a detergent, and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy. In this case, further use of the drug is stopped and desensitizing therapy is carried out.

How to prepare “Deltsid” for disinfestation

Before flea treatment is carried out in the apartment, the Delcid ampoule is diluted with water. To disinfest your home, you need to adhere to the correct dosage. Depending on the type of parasites, one ampoule (2 ml) is diluted with different amounts of water:

  • against fleas, flies, ants, lice, horseflies, hair fly - 6.4 l;
  • from scabies mites – 1.6 l;
  • against ixodid ticks – 2.2 l.

The calculation of the finished solution is made based on the square footage of the room. So, for example, to treat an apartment for fleas with an area of ​​100 square meters. m. you will need about 5 liters of diluted Deltsid, since for 1 sq. m. 25-50 ml milliliters of the drug is required. It is convenient to carry out disinsection using a spray bottle.

Contraindications and side effects

Delcid is a product for fighting fleas and other ectoparasites, as well as for disinfestation and decontamination in rooms with cats. The developer of the drug formula is the organization "Agrovetzaschita" (Moscow region). Delcid is used by owners of cats, dogs, poultry and other pets.

NVC LLC "Agrovetzashchita" is the leader in Russia in the production of veterinary drugs

At the veterinary pharmacy, I was told that such small packages are most often purchased by dog ​​or cat owners, as well as those who simply need to get rid of fleas (for example, those living on the first floor, especially in late spring, when insects are active). But farmers and livestock owners buy a different package of the drug.

Bottles made of metal or plastic with a volume of 1 liter, 1.25 or 1.3 liter are also available. The rarest form of release of this drug is canisters of 3, 5 or 20 dm3. In a veterinary pharmacy near my house, Deltsid in 2-ml ampoules costs 165 rubles per pack (5 ampoules), and a liter bottle costs 1,750 rubles. They explained to me that the price may depend on the release date of the batch.

Deltsid is available in several forms, but cats are given Deltsid in 2 ml ampoules.

Main rules of disinfestation

Before starting to treat the room against insects, the emulsion diluted with water is thoroughly stirred for 20 minutes. The instructions for using Deltsid in an apartment against fleas also note the need for comprehensive and thorough cleaning before the procedure, so you must:

  • wash the floors;
  • vacuum;
  • move furniture;
  • free access to walls and baseboards.

After the preparation stage, processing should begin. In order for the use of the drug to give maximum results, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Keep the sprayer 20-25 cm from the surface to be treated.
  2. Spray the insecticide from a height of 1-1.5 m from the floor.
  3. Pay special attention to the treatment of the animal’s sleeping place, since this is where the largest concentration of parasites is observed.
  4. Do not forget about spraying baseboards, cracks in the floor, gaps under window sills and other places where insects nest.

Cleaning the premises and utensils after disinfestation

After the toxic smell from the apartment has disappeared, it is necessary to wipe with a damp cloth all areas and places where the hands of people living in it may touch: door and cabinet handles, table surfaces and furniture.

To disinfect the dishes in which the poisonous solution was prepared, a mixture of water and soda is used, then it is recommended to use soap. If a certain amount of insecticidal solution remains, it must be neutralized with slaked lime and buried in the ground to a meter depth.

On a note!

It is strictly forbidden to pour a toxic solution into the toilet!

Individual protection means

Since “Deltsid” for fleas is a toxic insecticide, it is advisable to carry out the apartment treatment procedure while wearing a gas mask or respirator. Before disinsection, you should wear gloves and, if possible, a closed suit to protect your skin.

Upon completion of the procedure, you must go out into the fresh air, closing all windows, balconies, and vents before doing so. For maximum impact, Delcid requires at least an hour, after which you can return inside and ventilate the rooms well.

Carrying out processing

The disinfestation of the premises itself includes several stages, each of which affects the result.

At the first stage it is necessary to prepare the room, this requires:

  • In this case, a vacuum cleaner is indispensable, since with its help you can collect and get rid of most of the clutches of eggs. You will need to vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture, all corners, and under furniture.
  • It is necessary to move furniture away from the walls, remove cobwebs and dust.
  • Be sure to do wet cleaning, which also gets rid of eggs.
  • Food must be packed in airtight bags or containers. Hide dishes, towels, personal hygiene products. It is also necessary to remove all personal belongings, children's toys, and animal toys from surfaces.

Security measures

There should be no people or animals in the apartment during the procedure. Processing is carried out only by those who use protective equipment. Remember that the drug is very dangerous for fish, birds and small animals; they should not be indoors.


The procedure is carried out in a room with closed windows and doors. Be sure to wear clothing that completely covers your body, use gloves, a respirator and safety glasses. When using a spray bottle, you must hold it at arm's length. The substance is applied to the surface at a distance of 20 centimeters, which allows it to be evenly distributed.

Pay attention to places where animals rest, baseboards, carpets, upholstered furniture, walls behind cabinets, cracks, corners. After applying the drug, you must leave the room for at least 1 hour. Upon return, be sure to thoroughly ventilate and wet clean areas with which people and animals come into contact.

Important points

  • Remember that pesticides are very dangerous and can cause dangerous complications. Both skin contact and inhalation of toxic fumes are dangerous. You should be very careful and careful.
  • It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke in the room where deltsid is used. After treatment, you need to change clothes, wash your hands with soap, wash your face and rinse your mouth with water, and go out into the fresh air. Upon returning, the apartment should be very well ventilated, there should be a draft and a wet cleaning should be carried out.
  • If delcide gets on the skin, the area should be washed with plenty of water and soap. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse thoroughly with water; if side effects occur, be sure to consult a doctor. If the drug is ingested, you should drink activated charcoal and a laxative medication. If any symptoms occur, consult a doctor.
  • If symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea and others appear while working with delcide, immediately stop working and go out into fresh air. If symptoms do not go away, be sure to consult a doctor.

Cleaning the premises

An important step is cleaning the premises, during which it is necessary to remove toxic chemicals from surfaces with which both people and animals come into contact. When wet cleaning, use a soda-soap solution, which allows you to neutralize hazardous substances.

Users' opinions on the effectiveness of Deltsid

Judging by the reviews, “Deltsid” for fleas in the apartment did not disappoint customers. Thanks to the insecticide, most of the parasites died upon first contact with particles of the active ingredient. Returning home an hour after disinfestation, people discovered massive accumulations of dead insects.

There are practically no negative reviews about Deltsid. Only a few leave them - as a rule, those who hoped to eliminate all fleas in one procedure. The thing is that Deltsid does not affect parasite eggs, so it is recommended to re-disinfestate after two weeks.

Storage and disposal

It is recommended to store the drug in the packaging suggested by the manufacturer. The permissible storage temperature does not exceed 30 degrees. The product should be kept away from contact with children and animals. The ampoules should not be left in the sun, as contact with direct sunlight may adversely affect the composition of the product.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. When using the medicine after the expiration date, side effects may develop, so before starting the procedure you need to check the suitability of the drug.

Thus, Delcid is an effective drug that allows you to quickly eliminate fleas and other ectoparasites of dogs. Therefore, if insects are detected, it is recommended to purchase a product and thoroughly treat your pet. This will significantly improve the dog’s condition and will please its owner.

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Owner reviews

Artem, owner of the Siberian cat:

“My handsome guy has luxurious fur, but the fleas are just tormenting him. I tried different means - collars, drops, etc. There was either no result, or it was too short-lived. But Deltsid helped get rid of the misfortune. I bathed the cat in the solution once, and there were no more fleas. The use of the product had no effect on the condition of the coat. A good, albeit cheap product."

Victor, owner of a 7-year-old dog:

“We live in a private house. The dog lives in a booth. Recently I noticed that he was constantly itching, and upon examination I noticed fleas. The veterinary pharmacy recommended Deltsid. I diluted the concentrate and treated both the dog and the kennel with it. After 10 days I repeated the procedure. Now nothing reminds us of the unpleasant incident.”

Lyudmila, owner of a 5-year-old cat:

“For a long time we couldn’t get rid of the scabies mite. It was unbearable to watch the cat constantly itching. The medications prescribed by the vet did not help. I accidentally found out about this drug from a friend. One treatment was enough for the cat to stop itching.”

general description

Delcid is an antiparasitic concentrate that is used to prepare an emulsion. The drug is not used in its pure form due to the high content of the active substance. Externally it is an oily transparent liquid. It can be colorless or have a yellowish tint, sometimes brown. When mixed with water, a white liquid is formed. The concentrate is packaged in glass ampoules of 2 ml. A box holds 5 of these ampoules, but some pharmacies sell them individually.

The active component of Delcid is a substance called the pyrethroid deltamethrin, which has pronounced antiparasitic properties. There are also other components in the composition, but they only perform an auxiliary function. A complete list of components can be found on the packaging or instructions.

The product against external parasites can be stored at temperatures from 0 to 30°C. For storage, you should choose a place away from food and feed, since the preparation contains strong toxic components.

General recommendations for use

Important! Only freshly prepared emulsion can be used for processing; it cannot be stored: the drug loses its effect. As a rule, the type of animal determines the method of treatment with this drug.

It is actively used by both large farmers and people who handle household pets and pets.

As a rule, the type of animal determines the method of treatment with this drug. It is actively used by both large farmers and people who handle household pets and pets.

Already during processing, adult individuals die, and within an hour after, their mass death begins. Most often, re-treatment is required, since under the influence of light and heat the insecticide loses its properties.

Chicken processing. Like all animals, chickens are also susceptible to parasites. These can be not only insects that live and reproduce exclusively on birds, but also the most common fleas. The fight against them involves processing the poultry. To do this, you can use a garden sprayer or spray bottle. In this case, the plumage is wetted abundantly and evenly.

Already during processing, adult individuals die, and within an hour after, their mass death begins. Most often, re-treatment is required, since under the influence of light and heat the insecticide loses its properties.

It is important to note that after treatment there is no need to leave the house for a long time, since the product does not have a negative effect on the body. This product is used not only to treat animals, but also to carry out disinsection and decontamination of livestock premises.

This product is used not only to treat animals, but also to carry out disinfestation and decontamination of livestock premises.

The drug is presented in the form of an oily, fairly transparent liquid, yellow-brown in color. After mixing with warm water, the emulsion acquires a persistent white color.

The choice of a high-quality insecticide largely determines the effectiveness of the room treatment procedure. Therefore, you should approach the issue of choosing it with all seriousness. You should mostly focus on reviews from real consumers who had the opportunity to verify in practice the effectiveness of a particular product. This is exactly the case with the drug “Deltsid”.

If there are several cats living in the house, or a cat and a dog, then all of them must be treated with the drug at the same time. Also, don’t forget about animal bedding. They are treated with the same solution and allowed to dry.

If it is necessary to treat the surface in an apartment, the dosage is 3.75 ml of Delcid per 1 liter of water.

A friend of mine owns a small farm with cows and says that he periodically treats calves with Deltsid for parasites. He recommended this remedy to me when there were fleas in the apartment. After treatment there was a slight specific smell, but it quickly disappeared. And along with it, insects.

According to the degree of impact on the body, Deltsid belongs to moderately dangerous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses they do not have a locally irritating, resorptive-toxic or sensitizing effect. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it causes mild irritation. Toxic to fish and bees.

Therefore, before starting disinsection it is necessary:

  1. Vacuum all carpets and paths, upholstered furniture, corners and dusty places where flea eggs may be found.
  2. Do wet cleaning: wash the floor and wipe the surfaces.
  3. It is better to move the furniture away from the wall to open access to the baseboards.
  4. Immediately before starting pest control, close all windows and doors.
  5. It is better to temporarily evict pets from the apartment.

Depending on the type of animal, the most suitable processing method is selected. For example, so-called swimming holes are used for sheep and other livestock. Pets can be treated by spraying.

Where to buy Deltsid?

The drug can be bought at any pet store or veterinary clinic, as it is very affordable and widespread in Russia. Buying the drug will cost on average 130-180 rubles for 5 ampoules; if you buy in the capital, in the region the price will be lower - up to 130 rubles.

Let's celebrate! If you don’t want to go shopping for a long time, many sites provide the opportunity to order Delcit online, and soon the product will be at your destination. In addition, such an order will help you save money, because you can find the drug online at a reduced cost.

You can buy the drug at specialized retail outlets and veterinary clinics. It is also possible to purchase the medicine in numerous online stores.

The price for Delcid 2 ml in ampoules ranges from 110 rubles to 150.

Debilitating and rather difficult to use drugs against annoying insects are a thing of the past. Deltsid is a highly effective remedy in the fight against fleas in animals, which actually poses no threat to animal health.

The processing procedure is described in detail in the instructions for use, which is important to follow in order for the procedure to be highly effective. Treatment measures for preventive purposes are necessary for high-quality flea control in the future, and require strict adherence to the timing of such treatments.

Delcid is a great way to get rid of parasites that are bred on animals. This medicine is sold in the form of a concentrate. Before use, the emulsion must be diluted with water. In this case, you must act strictly according to the instructions, which will allow you to achieve the desired results. Delcid has a wide range of applications. It is used not only for external treatment of animals, but also for disinfestation of agricultural premises.

The appearance of the drug resembles an oily transparent liquid of a yellowish tint. When it is mixed with water, it produces an aqueous solution that takes on a distinct white color.

Composition and effect of the drug

The Delcid product is based on a contact action insecticide. The main active substance is the insecticide deltamethrin – 4% (second generation pyrethroid). Deltamethrin is actually insoluble in water; organic solvents are used to prepare solutions.

Deltsid includes as excipients:

  1. Twin-80. Emulsifier and solubilizer of fats.
  2. Neonol. Highly effective surfactant.
  3. Nefpac. General collective name for liquids, petroleum distillation products (gasoline, kerosene, white spirit and others), used as an excellent solvent.

The mechanism of action is achieved by blocking nerve impulses in insects, which first provokes paralysis, and then the death of the parasites.

The drug is active against capcoptoid, ixodid and chicken mites, as well as bed bugs, feather eaters, lice, fleas, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes and many other ectopia arasite animals. Delcid is classified as a moderately dangerous substance, if taken in doses according to the instructions, it does not cause irritating or toxic effects.

Indications for use

There are several situations in which Deltsid is used. Reviews confirm its unconditional effectiveness in all these cases. Thus, among the indications for use are: the need to treat dogs or cats in the presence of arachnoenthomosis (this diagnosis includes demodex, lice, fleas, flies and horseflies, wildebeest, scabies and ixodid mites, as well as hairworms); the need to treat the premises in which animals live from a number of insects (namely cockroaches, fleas, ticks, ants, flies and bedbugs).

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