A product of low toxicity class with high efficiency - Foresight against bedbugs: reviews of users and rules for using a concentrated suspension

Today, you can find various insects in residential areas that can cause discomfort to their owners. Bedbugs in the house are a rather serious problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. Moreover, these pests, unlike cockroaches, can appear even in clean rooms. The main food for bedbugs is human blood, which they are able to capture over fairly long distances. In addition, these insects often become carriers of various dangerous diseases. Therefore, after detection, the fight against them should begin immediately. To do this, they use the anti-bed bug product Foresight, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness.

Signs of bedbugs

If you have never encountered this parasite before, then detecting their appearance in the house can be very problematic.
Their bites are similar to those of mosquitoes, which is why at first you may not even be aware of the appearance of new neighbors. The main signs of bedbugs in an apartment are:

  • insect shells, which they shed as they grow;
  • bites on the body accompanied by severe itching;
  • the appearance of foreign odors in the home.

If you notice any of the above signs, you should immediately inspect your bed for bed bugs. As a rule, insects live in entire colonies, so it will not be difficult to detect them. One of the most common chemicals for controlling parasites is “Forsyth” for bedbugs, customer reviews of which in most cases are only positive.


It is advisable to use poisonous baits in the form of a gel for any degree of contamination of the room. They are used as a primary, auxiliary, and preventive remedy.

Forsythe liquid copes well with an average number of Prussians. If the apartment is heavily infested, you will have to use the solution at least 3 times every 14 days, which is confirmed by reviews of the Forsyth product.

I bought the gel along with the concentrate. The fight against cockroaches was carried out comprehensively. Through joint efforts we managed to get rid of the Prussians in a month. I left the gel for prevention for another 2 weeks. The solution smells unpleasant, but the smell does not remain for long. Dissipates the same day. It is imperative to close the apartment tightly, the result depends on it. It kills well on the first day, then corpses appear here and there. Repeated disinfestation is necessary. An effective remedy for cockroaches, but it does not help as quickly. Permethrin works well against mosquitoes. Its action begins upon contact with the treated surface, when ingested through the respiratory tract. When the product is present in the air, there is an effect. The cockroaches are dying. Poisonous film is not enough for these creatures. Either you need to increase the concentration, or carry out disinfestation every other day. Then you can defeat them.

Forsyth belongs to the middle price category, but is in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive products.

Source: notklop.ru/tarakany/sredstva-ot-tarakanov/forsajt-ot-tarakanov/

Where do bedbugs come from?

Having discovered bedbugs in their homes, many are perplexed as to where they could have come from. After all, it seems that the premises are cleaned regularly, there is no dirt anywhere.

The main ways pests enter an apartment are:

  • From the neighbors. In communal apartments, moving from one apartment to another is not difficult for insects.
  • Along with luggage or on clothing. If you have been in a room where there are bedbugs for a certain period of time, you can immediately go buy the anti-bedbug drug Forsyth, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, since most likely bedbugs will appear in your home.
  • Together with the guests. If you have friends or acquaintances who have bedbugs in their apartments, then the insects can get into your home.
  • In some cases, bedbugs may appear after renovations or the purchase of new interior items.

To avoid such troubles, when purchasing furniture and building materials, you must carefully inspect everything for the presence of these harmful insects.

Instructions for use

The purchased Forsyth suspension must be diluted according to the instructions, but before that you should prepare for its use.

Preparing the premises

Before processing the apartment you must:

  • pack and put in the refrigerator or take out food;
  • carefully inspect and remove things from the premises;
  • seal remaining hygiene items, toys and clothes in sealed bags;
  • lay out and disassemble the furniture, moving it away from the walls;
  • seal cracks in the walls and glue wallpaper, under which there may be a nest of bedbugs;
  • wipe dust everywhere;
  • disassemble and throw away, if possible, old things and furniture, where parasites most often live and make their nests;
  • remove animals and people from the house, and close the aquariums tightly;
  • thoroughly wash the floor, thresholds, baseboards.

Preparation of the solution

The drug can be used both to kill bedbugs and to prevent their occurrence:

  1. To treat an infected area, it is necessary to prepare a highly concentrated solution. To do this, 50 ml of the suspension is diluted in one liter of cold water and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. For prevention, the concentration of the drug can be half as much. Therefore, 20–25 ml of suspension is sufficient for one liter of water.

Use of the drug

The solution does not leave smudges or stains behind, so it can be used to spray walls, ceilings, furniture, wallpaper, carpets, upholstered furniture and even fabric items. You just need to pour the product into the detected cracks

Particular attention should be paid to baseboards, areas under window sills, cracks in doors, walls and furniture. You should not miss a single place in the apartment, since insects die only after the drug gets on them

The apartment will be suitable for habitation five to seven hours after treatment and ventilation for half an hour. The room must be wet cleaned. It is better to leave hard-to-reach places and baseboards untouched so that even more insects can become infected with the active substance of the drug.

If after one treatment all the bugs have not disappeared, then after four days it is recommended to repeat the procedure. According to the assurances of the manufacturers and numerous reviews, repeated treatment will finally rid the apartment or house of parasites.

General information about Foresight

One of the most effective means for combating insects is “Foresight” for bedbugs, reviews of which are left only positive by consumers.
It appeared on the market not so long ago. The active ingredient is 20% permethrin. If the manufacturer's recommendations for use are followed, this chemical will not pose any danger to humans. The drug only works through direct contact, so it is necessary to treat in areas where all bedbug colonies live. Once on the insect's shell, the product penetrates under it and paralyzes the parasite, gradually killing it. The advantage of Foresight is that it creates a protective shell that prevents the reappearance of insects for six months.

Description of the product

Forsyth against bedbugs (or Forssyth) has a contact-intestinal effect, like a number of analogues. In addition to blood-sucking parasites, the drug also destroys other insects: ticks, fleas, cockroaches. To understand how this remedy works, it is necessary to study in more detail the composition, properties, as well as positive and negative qualities. To influence different types of pests, the substance is applied in different dosages.

Composition and properties

Liquid Forsyth (Forssyth) is based on an organophosphorus compound (fenthion). The concentration of the active substance is 25%. Additionally, alphacypermethrin is present, however, its share is smaller (0.03%). The composition also includes stabilizers, solvent, antioxidants, and fragrance. If we consider other products of the same brand, then, for example, Forsyth Anti-Wash contains fenthion (7%) and permethrin (3%).

Externally, the product looks like a thick liquid of light golden color and has a pungent odor.

The drug is characterized by a light brown tint. The smell is noticeable, but disappears quickly, and it is not as intense as is the case with analogues of the group of organophosphorus compounds. Forsyth against fleas, cockroaches and bedbugs is class 4 in terms of danger, which means a low, moderate level of harm.

If we consider the drug, which contains fenthion, in terms of the intensity of its impact on humans, then it can be classified as a hazard class 3 drug. The residual effectiveness of the substance is up to 5 months. However, the protective barrier weakens.

Advantages and disadvantages

Effective action is the main advantage of this product. Comparing it with analogues based on substances such as permethrin (part of Dichlorvos)

Toxicity level IV, lowest class

There are a number of advantages:

  • Long-term protection due to the absence of the need to clean all surfaces after treating the room.
  • Easy application method. The drug, which contains fenthion, is offered in liquid form. It is ready for housing processing. But the product is rarely used in concentrated form; it is usually diluted with water.
  • The drug, which includes fenthion, creates a protective barrier without emitting toxic fumes. But you can’t stay indoors after treatment with Dichlorvos (the active ingredient is permethrin) precisely because of the toxic fumes.
  • Low to moderate level of toxicity.

The disadvantages include the lack of immediate effect. The best results are obtained after repeated processing. In addition, the drug creates an insurmountable barrier only if all surfaces in the room are treated.

Is the drug dangerous for people?

The anti-bedbug drug “Forsyth” is absolutely safe for humans. Reviews and composition confirm this, however, if the rules for working with it, as well as basic precautions, are not followed, it can cause chemical burns of the mucous membranes and irritation on the skin.

To avoid unwanted consequences, it is recommended:

  • work with the product only in protective gloves so that it does not come into contact with open skin;
  • Use safety glasses while working, and if the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water;
  • do not allow the chemical to enter the esophagus, as it can cause severe poisoning;
  • use a respirator, as Forsyth vapors can cause fainting or poisoning.

It is also recommended to observe the storage conditions of the substance so that it does not deteriorate.

Precautionary measures

When working with Forsyth, as with any other insecticides, it is necessary to pay due attention to the issue of safety, following the recommendations in the instructions for the drug:

  • provide fresh air access to the room - open windows and vents;
  • try to carry out the treatment quickly (if this is not possible, take a break in the fresh air every hour);
  • use personal protective equipment (gloves, respirators, goggles) and work clothes (robe, headscarf) when preparing the solution and its use;
  • after treatment, soak the overalls in a 2% soap-soda solution (an alkaline environment neutralizes the effect of the drug);
  • while working with the drug, do not smoke, drink or eat;
  • do not forget about personal hygiene (wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning the room).

Chemical composition

The drug “Forsyth” for bedbugs, reviews and instructions for which must be studied, is highly effective due to its chemical composition. The product is made on the basis of 25% fenthion. Additional components are antioxidants, stabilizers, fragrance and solvent. The chemical has a golden color and a pungent odor, which evaporates very quickly and does not cause any inconvenience to the inhabitants of the apartment.


The cost of the drug in comparison with household, less effective analogues is relatively equivalent. One liter of emulsion intended for the preparation of 20 liters of solution or 40 liters for preventive procedures (treatment area is 200 m2 and 400 m2, respectively) costs 1500-2000 rubles.

For example, a bottle of insecticide spray from well-known brands will cost about 260-400 rubles. for every 50 m2 of premises treated once.

For individual use, it is advisable to take not a liter jar of Forsyth, but 50 ml bottles with emulsion for 280-300 rubles.

Preparatory stage

If bedbugs have infested furniture, then before starting to treat it, you should move the interior items away from the walls. This will allow you to process them completely, gaining access to all hard-to-reach places. If it is possible to disassemble the furniture, then do it.

When fighting pests in the kitchen, you should remove all food and personal hygiene items so that the drug does not get on them. It is recommended to inspect all items for the presence of bedbug eggs. If this is not done, then after the parasites hatch, they will be able to continue to reproduce.

If you use Forsythe, a bedbug repellent, to treat your apartment, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, then it is best to take your children to relatives during disinfection so that they do not inadvertently drink or inhale the product.

Effect on parasites

The insecticidal agent Forsyth has a detrimental effect only on mature individuals and nymphs. Numerous colonies are completely exterminated within a month after disinfestation.

The harmful effects of the drug begin immediately after sanitation. The poison penetrates the body of parasites through the chitinous cover and spiracles, after which it causes paralysis and death. Kills only adult insects and larvae. The eggs remain unharmed due to their strong shell. Their death awaits after hatching. Therefore, it is recommended to re-treat after 1.5-2 weeks.

For some period after disinfestation, the bloodsuckers will crawl out of their hiding places, but their behavior is inhibited.

Room treatment

If there are bedbugs in your home, then you need to treat not only the bed and furniture, but also the baseboards, as well as any cracks into which insects can crawl. It would also be a good idea to clean the floor, walls and ceiling. Any surfaces should be washed very thoroughly, since pests die only through personal contact with the chemical.

After treatment, you need to wait about 6 hours and then check the room. “Foresight” against bedbugs, consumer reviews of which are mostly positive, leaves virtually no unpleasant odor. Therefore, you will not have to leave the apartment for a long time to avoid breathing stench.

There are cases when, after disinfecting an apartment, parasites appear again. This happens due to the fact that not all hard-to-reach places in which the insects were able to survive were treated. In this case, repeated disinfection of the house is necessary.


Before using the product directly against domestic bloodsuckers, prepare the following solution:

  • Prepare cool water.
  • Dissolve 25-30 ml of concentrate in a liter of liquid. If the contamination of the room is severe, then the dose is doubled. Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the resulting composition into the container of the spray device. It is recommended to use immediately, but it can be stored for three days.

Having done everything according to the instructions, the smell of the finished composition will not be so strong.

When working with the tool, take into account some rules:

  • For sanitizing a living space of 20-25 square meters. m from bedbugs you will need about three liters of ready-made solution.
  • To bait cockroaches you need a little less - 2 liters.
  • The consumption for fleas will be within six liters, for the treated 50-60 square meters. meters.

Carefully spray existing surfaces in the room, touching hidden places where parasites accumulate. Apply the product from a distance of 20-25 cm from the object. Before the procedure, protective attributes and clothing are put on: a respirator or face mask, rubber gloves, a suit that hides the body. Then they throw it all away.

If there are not many bedbugs in the room, then there is no need to carefully treat things and bedding. At the end of the event, they leave for 3-4 hours. After returning, the living space is ventilated. A general cleaning is carried out only after a month, but in the meantime they wipe down the places with which people living in the house often come into contact: countertops, furniture and door handles, armrests of chairs and sofas.

After a few hours, when the unpleasant aroma has completely disappeared, you can have people and pets.

What to do after disinfecting your home?

Positive reviews of Forsyth against bedbugs claim that this drug is completely safe for humans, so it can be safely used in residential areas to combat harmful insects.
To eliminate the possibility of poisoning and minimize the negative impact of the chemicals included in the drug, after treating the apartment, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Leave the treated room for 12 hours so that the drug completely evaporates.
  • After 12 hours, be sure to wash the floors again and wipe down all the furniture. This is especially true when small children or pets live in the house.
  • In hard-to-reach places, such as baseboards and behind furniture, it is better not to rinse off the product to increase the duration of protection and prevent the recurrence of bedbugs.
  • After a week, it is recommended to repeat disinfection with Forsyth.

By following these simple tips and recommendations, you can forever forget about the harmful insects living in your apartment.

Instructions for use

It is necessary to prepare the room. At the initial stage, general cleaning is performed. This will clean the surfaces from dust. As a result, the effectiveness of the product will increase, since the substance will remain in its pure form without dust impurities on furniture, floors and walls. Along with contamination, it becomes possible to remove individual parasites or their nest, if it is discovered. Then you need to clear the surfaces and remote corners of the room:

  1. Large furniture is moved away from the walls, this is done in order to open access to baseboards and the back walls of cabinets, armchairs, and bedside tables.
  2. The sofa and bed need to be removed. If this is not possible, access to the internal surfaces of the structure should be provided.
  3. The mattress must be removed and installed near one of the walls at an angle.
  4. The carpet and interior items are removed from the walls.
  5. Wardrobes and cabinets are freed from clothes and bed linen. This is done in order to open access to shelves and corner areas.
  6. Hygiene items, dishes, and food are removed from the room.

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Prepare a solution. The contents of the bottle (50 ml) are poured into a container of water (1 l). It is better to use cool liquid to prepare the working solution. Thanks to this trick, the intensity of the odor is reduced. The consumption of the substance in the process of getting rid of different insects is approximately the same. So, to destroy bedbugs, ants, cockroaches and fleas, you need to prepare 2.5 liters of solution; the specified amount is enough to treat a room of 25 m².

There are two types of processing: local, general. In the first case, the toxic substance is sprayed over a limited area, covering only some pieces of furniture, interior design, for example. bed, nightstand, sofa, wall clock, paintings. This method will not yield results if the object is heavily infected. In this case, it is advisable to treat the entire room. Instructions for use of the drug:

  • the prepared solution is poured into a container, spraying is usually done using a spray bottle;
  • windows and doors should be closed, this measure helps to increase the effectiveness of the insecticide;
  • treatment is carried out in those areas where bedbugs most often settle;
  • the room must be left for 5–7 hours.

The area after treatment is still unsuitable for habitation. To reduce the concentration of the toxic substance, the room is ventilated. Open windows and doors. 30 minutes is enough for most of the vapor to disappear.

During this time, compounds hazardous to human health will completely evaporate. The suspension of the toxic substance that is deposited on surfaces is partially removed. To do this, do wet cleaning. However, it is not recommended to clean all surfaces at once; it is enough to wipe contact areas: shelves, door handles, bedside tables. After a few months, you can do some general cleaning. At the same time, all surfaces within the previously treated room are cleaned.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bedbugs and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...

Foresight: advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of this product is the almost complete absence of odor, which also dissipates very quickly.
This makes Forsyth an ideal means for disinfecting residential premises. The advantages include safety for human health. The drug does not have any negative effect on people and pets. The disadvantages of Foresight against bedbugs are also described in detail in the reviews. This product should be used very carefully, avoiding contact with the skin, eyes and mouth. Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, you need to carefully treat every corner to kill all pests. Particular attention should be paid to searching for nests, since the substance does not kill the larvae.

Instructions for use or how to use correctly? Preparation, processing, cleaning

How to properly prepare a room for disinfestation:

Treat all items and clothing with a steam generator or wash them in a machine at high temperatures;

After treatment, wrap things, bedding, and curtains hermetically and take them out of the apartment.

  • Place food products in the refrigerator or also remove them from the room being processed;
  • If possible, disassemble the frame of the sofa, bed, remove the mattress for the convenience of processing the favorite habitats of insects;
  • Move furniture away from the walls to provide free access to the baseboards.

Preparation of working solution:

  • Dilute the concentrate in a ratio of 50 mg of the drug per liter of water;
  • If the number of parasites is small and there is no large amount of furniture, one bottle of 50 mg will be enough for treatment;
  • To disinfest a heavily contaminated room, two bottles of the drug will be required;

ATTENTION: The solution must be prepared immediately before use. For dilution, use only cold water, since warm water reduces the effectiveness of the product and increases the odor.

The working solution is thoroughly mixed and poured into the sprayer.

How to treat a room:

Before disinfestation, clear the room of people and pets; Handle only in a protective suit and respirator; Spray the preparation onto the furniture frame, paying special attention to the joints and gaps between structural parts, door and window openings, baseboards, floors, back surfaces of bedside tables, cabinets, shelves; Upon completion of disinfestation, leave the premises for 5-10 hours.


Before starting cleaning, thoroughly ventilate the room for at least 30-40 minutes;

Using a soap solution, wash all surfaces, without touching the upper part of the walls and ceiling plinths, in order to maintain a prolonged effect.

  • To clean furniture and beds, use a vacuum cleaner, preferably a washing one;
  • To wash the floor, use a powder solution;
  • If possible, re-wash clothes, bedding and curtains, since they may contain remnants of parasite eggs.

Customer reviews about the drug

Reviews of Forsythe against bedbugs note that it is one of the most effective chemicals designed to combat harmful insects. The drug helps to get rid of not only bedbugs, but also flies, cockroaches and many other pests that interfere with normal living in the apartment.

According to consumers, one treatment of residential premises is enough to forget about insects for six months. Unlike many other types of products designed to combat bedbugs, Foresight truly lives up to its advertising slogans 100%.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Foresight products in the fight against bedbugs

There are drugs on sale in different forms, as well as traps. To compare them, you need to learn more about the properties of each option:

  1. Concentrated liquid. Characterized by yellow color and good fluidity. Eliminates Forsyth from bedbugs, fleas, ants, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and other insects. The drug can be found in small bottles and large canisters. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the object being processed. The product contains fenthion at a concentration of 25%. This is enough to kill insects. The insecticide in the indicated amount has little effect on humans and animals. Forsyth bedbug repellent is applied to surfaces with a brush or sprayed with a spray bottle. In the form of a spray, the drug works more effectively. You should not use a concentrated substance, as this will increase consumption. The manufacturer recommends preparing the solution yourself by diluting the product with water.
  2. Forsythe trap. This device is shaped like a small box with inlet holes. There is no poison inside, there is a sticky pad at the bottom. Being immobilized for a long time, the pests gradually die. Insects come running to the smell of the bait. This trap is suitable for cockroaches. It will not be possible to attract bedbugs inside, since they feed only on human blood. This means that Forsyth cockroach traps are ineffective in controlling parasites.
  3. Gel. Contains permethrin (20%). The principle of using this tool and traps is similar. However, the gel-like substance, unlike baits, kills insects quickly, which is facilitated by the poison included in the composition. If you compare Forsyth glue traps and gel of the same brand, it turns out that the second option is preferable to use, since the process of removing insects from the room occurs with a higher intensity. This is due to the principle of action of the substance: gel particles remain on the chitinous covers of pests and are transmitted to healthy insects. As a result, more cockroaches die. The gel will not have an effect on bedbugs, since these insects cannot be attracted to the poison by the attractants that are included in the composition.

There is also Forsyth anti-louse. This is a drug with a narrow spectrum of action. Removes nits and lice.

A drug of this type, like the gel, as well as Forsyth traps for cockroaches, has no effect on bedbugs, so it is better to use a special product against them.

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