Fufanon for bedbugs: effectiveness and instructions for use

Fufanon is rightfully considered one of the most effective insecticides for the destruction of agricultural and household pests, including bed bugs. But like any drug, it has its own characteristics, pros and cons - let’s figure out which ones.

Fufanon has been successfully used for disinsection of residential and industrial premises for a long time. However, the success of cleaning a house from bedbugs using this drug largely depends on the accuracy of following the instructions and the size of the insect population.

In addition, fufanon has a number of features that some people regard as disadvantages. Although these disadvantages are in any case offset by numerous advantages, including speed of action, affordable price and low consumption. Therefore, fufanon certainly deserves attention as a remedy for bedbugs.

Composition and action of fufanon

The insecticide fufanon has a wide spectrum of action. It was developed in Denmark, but its composition is not innovative. The main active ingredient of fufanon is “malathion”, a less toxic and more effective analogue of the widely known karbofos.

Malathion is an organophosphorus compound, a derivative of dithiphosphoric acid. Compared to its predecessor - karbofos, it:

  • has a less pronounced chemical smell;
  • less toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals, classified as moderately hazardous substances (third hazard class on a 4-point scale);
  • more toxic to insects.

Malathion is a pesticide and insecticide with intestinal and contact effects. Entering the bug's body through the skin and esophagus, it takes the form of an even more toxic substance, causing poisoning and rapid death of the insect.

Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions. Do not neglect any of the points, as this may negatively affect the result of the entire event.


The contact insecticide is active; resistance to Fufanon and Fufanon Super rarely occurs. Many owners are pleased that after the first treatment the bed bugs disappeared. Sometimes two or three treatments are required if there are too many parasites. An unpleasant smell and the need to find a temporary shelter for 5–7 days are disadvantages, but the excellent result of disinfestation smooths out the inconvenience.

An infestation of bed bugs often causes panic among homeowners. To destroy blood-sucking parasites, professional exterminators recommend a certified product made in Denmark. The insecticide Fufanon Super based on malathion effectively and quickly destroys bedbugs and provides a residual effect for a month.

Video - review of remedies for bedbugs in a dwelling and a review of the drug Fufanon:

Dosage and consumption rates

The drug fufanon is available in ampoules of 5-10 ml, canisters up to 5 liters, and can have different degrees of malathion concentration - 44% or 57%. Before use, the concentrate must be diluted with water; the dosage and method of preparing the solution are on the packaging. For enclosed spaces, it is more advisable to use a less concentrated version.

Depending on the concentration and contamination of the apartment, the drug is diluted at the rate of 1-3.5 ml per 1 liter of water. Places of nests, accumulations of insects and their probable movement can be treated with a solution of 5 ml per 1 liter of water, but this dosage is not recommended for residential premises. Consumption rate – 100 mm of ready-made solution per 1 sq. meter of surface to be treated.

Characteristics of the drug

"Fufanon", being the development of Danish scientists, is not an innovation. It is based on karbofos, discovered in the early 50s of the last century - first by the Americans, and a little later - by Soviet scientists who did the most difficult independent work, keeping pace with their colleagues from the USA. Malathion and karbofos are two names for the same substance. The second name has taken root more in the post-Soviet space, and therefore sounds more familiar to our ears. In general, the same organic compound is hidden under different names.


On the shelves of supermarkets, garden centers and household chemical stores you can find two varieties of the insecticide under discussion: Fufanon-Nova and Fufanon-Super. The main difference lies in the percentage of the active substance, and, consequently, in the purpose of the poison. The table will tell you how much malathion this or that form of Fufanon contains, and what it is used for.

Table - Varieties of Fufanon

VarietyMalathion concentration, %Application area
"Fufanon-Nova"44Crop processing
"Fufanon-Super"57Household pest control

The main vector of use of the product “Fufanon-Super” - household disinfestation - is due to the presence of additional ingredients in the composition. They are safe for warm-blooded creatures, but at the same time prolong the residual effect of the main poison. "Fufanon-Nova" can also be used against bed bugs by reducing the dose of water indicated on the package when preparing the solution.

Operating principle

“Fufanon” has a third degree of toxicity (for comparison: drugs with a fourth degree are considered the most harmless to humans and domestic animals). However, the product kills synanthropic insects quickly and without delay. The liquidation algorithm is approximately as follows:

contact - “Fufanon” is deadly only for those insects that come into contact with it; transformation - penetrating into the body of the bug, the main substance is converted into malaoxon; paralysis - malaoxon paralyzes the insect, preventing the conduction of nerve impulses; death - after a short period of time, the bloodsucker dies.

The drug even kills the eggs and larvae of parasites. The poison penetrates the shell, destroying it, making further development of the insect impossible.


Treatment with this drug has an undeniable advantage - a prolonged effect, which popular analogues lack. The poison continues to “work” even two weeks after spraying. The larvae, which miraculously managed to survive, freed from the shackles of the shell, will instantly receive their portion of the poison. The available packages of the drug and their approximate cost are shown in the table.

Table - Packaging of "Fufanon" and approximate price

PackageVolume, mlApproximate cost, rubles (data as of January 2018)
Canister— 1000; — 5000700


The main disadvantage of the chemical is the unpleasant odor, which partially remains in the apartment and only dissipates over time. Plus - high efficiency, allowing you to eliminate a horde of small invaders with just one treatment. But this advantage is not the only one, there are others.

Not addictive. The special formula of the drug does not cause resistance in bedbugs, cockroaches and other pests. Even repeated use of poison on the same area will have a high effect. Insects will not be able to develop immunity to the drug and mutate, and therefore will always be susceptible to its fatal effects. Has a fumigation effect. Evaporating, “Fufanon” penetrates even the most inaccessible places. It serves as additional protection for indoor plants, and for a long time remains a kind of “repellent”, forcing bedbugs and other evil spirits to avoid your home. Not affected by temperatures. Unlike its analogues, the Danish development is indifferent to temperature fluctuations. The product remains equally effective in both heat and cold. Can be combined with other insecticides. Specialists who know a lot about agricultural poisons can easily combine Fufanon with other poisonous “brothers” in order to increase the effectiveness of the product in specific conditions.

Fufanon is not recommended to be combined with insecticides containing copper, sulfides or sulfur.

Where to buy

You can buy fufanon in hardware stores and gardening departments. In Russia it is sold under several trademarks, for example Green Belt, Dobrokhim. The names of this drug are slightly different from different companies, so on sale you can find: Fufanon-super or ram, Fufanon Nova (this is a less toxic product). A drug with the same active ingredient may also be sold under the name malathion.


Fufanon against bedbugs
The price of Fufanon against bedbugs depends on the capacity. You can buy the product in a specialized store, from representatives of the SES service, or order it online.

  • The minimum dosage of Fufanon is 5 ml ampoules. Average price 10 rub.
  • Fufanon Super is sold in 1 liter bottles. Cost 700 rub.
  • Professional insecticide - Fufanon is sold in a 5 liter canister, costs around 3000 rubles.
  • Manufacturers package Fufanon Super Taran in containers of 50 ml, 100 ml, 1 l and 5 l. To treat an apartment against bedbugs, 50 ml is enough. The price of the bottle is 500 rubles.
  • Fufanon Nova is an odorless microencapsulated drug with a prolonged effect of up to 2 months. Repeated treatment is carried out in case of severe infection. The price of the drug is about 500 rubles.

Security measures

The use of fufanon requires compliance with personal safety rules. During the period of treatment of the premises, only the person who will carry out the disinfestation should be present in it. All others must leave the premises before treatment begins. This applies not only to people, but also to all domestic animals. Houseplants should not be left either.

Fufanon is especially toxic to fish. It only takes one drop into an aquarium to cause fatal poisoning. If the aquarium is large and it is not possible to arrange a temporary stay for the fish outside the walls of the apartment, then the aquarium container should be hermetically covered with film during the treatment period.

It is better to take food products out of the apartment, and if this is not possible, then they need to be carefully packaged. Eating, drinking and smoking in the apartment during treatment is strictly prohibited.

Although the drug has moderate toxicity, it is quite possible to get poisoned by it. Therefore, the person who will process the apartment must wear:

  • protective glasses;
  • gauze bandage;
  • thick rubber gloves;
  • high rubber boots;
  • protective overalls or robe.

If the drug accidentally comes into contact with the skin, the area should be immediately washed with warm water and soap. If the drug gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them with plenty of cool water, drip novocaine and consult a doctor immediately.

You need to stop processing if:

  • a metallic taste appeared in the mouth,
  • there were cramps in the stomach,
  • head is spinning,
  • I felt sick.

In this case, you must immediately go out into fresh air, take off your work clothes, rinse your mouth with a 2% soda solution or plain water, and take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. If symptoms of poisoning do not go away, you should seek medical help.


The contact insecticide has earned many positive ratings from professional exterminators, summer residents, and owners who had synanthropic insects in their homes. The modern modification of Karbofos is less toxic while maintaining its active properties.

Advantages of the drug:

  • noticeable effect from application;
  • prolonged action;
  • ease of preparation of the working solution;
  • economical consumption;
  • fumigating action (the drug evaporates) allows you to destroy bed bugs in all crevices where the working solution did not get;
  • in most cases, one treatment is sufficient;
  • the residual effect persists for a month after treatment;
  • average toxicity of the composition;
  • acceptable cost.

Processing rules

To achieve the best possible results, use fufanon against bedbugs in accordance with the instructions on the drug packaging.

Freshly prepared working emulsion is used to treat the room. The required dose of the drug is poured into a non-food container and diluted with water (the formula for calculating the dosage is on the package).

The resulting solution is used to carefully treat the entire perimeter of the house, furniture inside and outside, textiles, and always all hard-to-reach places, especially:

  • cracks in the floor and walls;
  • spaces behind cabinets and baseboards, as well as under sofas and cabinet furniture;
  • internal parts of upholstered and cabinet furniture;
  • sockets and outlets of ventilation ducts;
  • cracks in door jambs;
  • window joints;
  • spaces behind radiators;
  • places behind peeling wallpaper, if any.

It would be a good idea to treat the entire floor and walls. Bedbugs make nests in very places where light does not penetrate. These insects have a flat body, which allows them to penetrate the narrowest crevices. Therefore, before processing you need:

  • move furniture away from the walls,
  • remove baseboards, socket covers, paintings, carpets, wall clocks and other decor;
  • open cabinets;
  • remove all removable elements from sofas and beds, pull out linen drawers.

You can apply the emulsion with a soft paint brush, but it is much faster and more convenient to spray it from a spray bottle.

After the apartment has been treated, all windows and doors in it must be tightly closed and not entered into the room for 1-2 days, or preferably 3-4 days. The smell of fufanon is quite pungent and persistent. Upon returning, the apartment should be thoroughly ventilated for 2-3 hours. Then carry out wet cleaning, wash treated textiles, vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture.

The toxicity of the drug on upholstered furniture lasts longer than on smooth hard surfaces. Therefore, you should not sleep on treated sofas and mattresses for 3-4 days, and it is better not to use them for a week after treatment.

Pest control

There should be a distance of 20 cm to the treated surface. In this position, complete spraying of the poison is ensured.

  1. Initially, nests and places where bedbugs live should be treated.
  2. Be sure to spray furniture on the back side, inside tables, shelves, carpets, baseboards, and walls.
  3. Lastly, spray the floor and ceiling with the product.
  4. Upon completion, leave the apartment closed for at least 2 hours.
  5. Upon return, ventilate thoroughly for at least 30 minutes. Only after this can you enter the room without a respirator.
  6. Wash in areas where your hands will touch. The poison should remain on the rest of the surface. The poison gradually kills all parasites and repels house bugs for another month.

It is allowed to sleep indoors after treatment on the same day after thorough ventilation, but it is better to spend the night in another place.

Action speed

Insects that come into contact with the drug during treatment will die almost immediately. The rest will die some time later, after they leave their shelters in search of food and crawl along the surface treated with the drug. They will not die instantly, but after a few hours, having managed to bring particles of poison to the nest on their paws, and additionally poison their relatives with it.

Adult insects will finally die out in 3-4 days, but the fight against bedbugs will not be over yet. Fufanon has almost no effect on bedbug eggs, and after a while new insects will hatch from them. The drug remains active for 2 weeks, so new individuals will also be exposed to the action of the insecticide (bedbug larvae hatch from eggs at approximately this interval).

However, one must take into account the ability of bedbugs to adapt to poisons: new generations may already be resistant to the chemical that killed the adults. Repeated treatment (and sometimes several) of the room is necessary. In this case, you can no longer use fufanon, but some other strong chemical. Or alternate fufanon with another drug.

Application in subsidiary farming

The area should be sprayed on the day the solution is prepared, as it gradually loses its properties in the air. It is better to treat the area in dry, cloudy weather at dawn (after dew) or at sunset. You also need to choose a calm day so that gusts of wind do not carry the spray in another direction.

Fufanon in the garden should be used according to the weather forecast. After spraying, at least 4 hours must pass before the first drops of rain, otherwise the work will be done in vain. In damp, cool summers, fruit trees and vegetable crops cannot be treated with simple Fufanon, as the fruits will give off a chemical taste. It is better to use the Nova or Super option, which has no odor.

When treating fruit trees and shrubs, do not allow the toxic mixture to get on the soil. This will worsen the taste of root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, radishes.

Precautionary measures

Like any insecticide, Fufanon is a toxic substance, so when working, observe your own safety measures:

  • Remove people and animals from the premises.
  • Remove dishes and food from the room.
  • Open the windows.
  • Wear a suit with long sleeves, rubber boots, a hat, and gloves.
  • Be sure to wear a respirator or gauze bandage to prevent the poison from entering your respiratory tract.
  • It is recommended to protect your eyes with special glasses.
  • Treat the room and close the windows.
  • After treatment, wash your clothes and take a shower. Areas of the body that could be exposed to poison. Wash thoroughly with soap.

You can ventilate the room only after 24 hours.

Airing should be carried out for at least two to three hours.

After a day, or better yet after two or three days, wash all surfaces in the apartment with a weak soda solution to neutralize any remaining poison.

ATTENTION. You can use a room treated with Fufanon only after 24 hours.

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