FAS tablets for cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ants, 100 g

Tablets FAS produces tablets against cockroaches (Russia). A broad-spectrum insecticidal preparation is used to kill bedbugs, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, synanthropic cockroaches, and ants. The maximum effect after disinfestation of the room lasts 2 hours, the residual effect lasts 4-6 weeks. When used correctly, it does not pose a danger to humans or animals.

Operating principle

The insecticidal drug in FAS tablets has a contact-intestinal effect. The poison enters the insect's body upon contact with the treated surface. The rate of death depends on the dose of poison. The active substance disrupts the functions of the nervous system, provokes muscle paralysis and death. The maximum effect of the drug lasts 2 hours, the toxic properties finally disappear after 4-6 months.

On a note!

FAS tablets belong to the third class of low-hazard substances. If the rules for using insecticides are followed, it does not cause poisoning in people or animals, and does not worsen general well-being. Upon contact with the skin, slight redness and burning may occur. Penetration of the toxic substance inside is unlikely.


The line of preparations of the FAS brand consists of different forms of insecticide: gel, tablets, powders. They are intended for both professional and household use. But for independent treatment of residential and work premises, as well as personal plots, gardens, vegetable gardens, it is “FAS-Double” against ants that is recommended. The concentration of poisons in it is small, so special training is not required

Taking precautions, any adult can work with it themselves.

The form of the drug is a beige or light gray powder. The product belongs to the so-called dusts. The pesticide is packaged in special bags designed for pollination of various surfaces and has a prolonged (up to 5-7 weeks) effect.

Pros and cons of the drug


  • ease of use;
  • low toxicity to humans and animals;
  • quick results;
  • long-term exposure;
  • no unpleasant odor.

The only disadvantage is the lack of effect on the larvae that are in the ooteca. The poison is not able to penetrate the durable shell, the embryos continue to develop. This disadvantage is compensated by the long-lasting final effect. The larvae die after hatching upon contact with the treated surface.

Folk remedies for fighting ants


Freshly picked herbs such as tansy, wormwood, mint and anise repel ants. Ants don't like their smell. The leaves of these plants should be spread near places where insects gather.

Vinegar mixture

To 10 liters of water, add 2 cups of vegetable oil, 2 cups of shampoo and 2 cups of vinegar. The mixture must be stirred well. Poke a hole in the anthill and apply this mixture there with a sprayer. Then cover this place with plastic wrap for 3 days. The effect will be if you are dealing with a small anthill located on the surface.


Like lime, ash reduces soil acidity and is often used in the fight against aphids. It can also be used against the ants themselves. Only recently you can’t find wood ash during the day, especially birch ash.

Decoction of tomato tops

If you have already collected tomatoes, do not rush to throw away the tops and leaves. It’s better to chop and steam them in boiling water. Let it sit until it cools completely. Water the beds and soil near the bushes and trees with this solution. From fresh green tomato tops you can make belts for tying the trunks of apple trees and plums at a height of one and a half meters.

Ants vs ants

If your dacha is located near a forest, then in every possible way encourage the appearance of red forest ants. Feed them sugar. After some time, they will make an anthill and come to your site to hunt beetles, caterpillars and garden ants.


The instructions for use of FAS tablets allow for independent disinsection, subject to strict adherence to the rules for working with insecticidal substances. The tablet must be diluted with water at room temperature. Stir thoroughly, pour into a spray bottle, a household spray bottle, or leave in the container, apply the product with a brush. Prepare the solution immediately before use.

Disinsection stages:

  • move the furniture aside to gain access to their back side, baseboards;
  • sweep the floor, wash;
  • wear rubber gloves; when using a spray bottle, wear a mask or respirator;
  • carefully treat the baseboards, the back of the furniture, the floor behind the furniture, the space where cockroaches were noticed;
  • ventilate the room, wash your hands, wash your face.

Repeated treatment is carried out if live cockroaches are detected after 14 days. General cleaning is carried out after 6 weeks, provided that the pests have completely disappeared.

On a note!

FAS tablets were originally intended for professional pest control. The drug was used as the main drug or additional. Independent use is allowed, but you must follow the instructions.

Methods of using the product

Bros is essentially an insect bait. After applying the composition, they will rush to the treated areas. You can use it in several ways:

  1. The powder in its pure form is scattered in a thin layer near the areas favored by ants. They prefer to settle behind pieces of furniture, refrigerators, and under baseboards.
  2. Cracks, seams, baseboards and other places where there are insects are treated with a solution of the drug. It is not difficult to prepare; just dissolve the powder in water at the rate of 100 g per 2 liters. One liter is enough to treat 1 square. m area.
  3. To save bushes, trees and other vegetation, it is also necessary to prepare a liquid composition by dissolving 100 g of the product in 2.5 liters of water. Before applying to the plant, the mixture should be mixed thoroughly. Then the preparation is watered or sprayed from a spray bottle on the specimens affected by ants.

It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage. Since the ants will die too quickly, not having time to deliver the poison to the nest and infect other individuals. In addition, the toxicity of the product should be taken into account; with increased concentrations, burns may occur on plants.

Then comes the final stage:

  • After using the Bros powder, the packaging is disposed of. It is best to burn the container, as it may contain particles of poison;
  • hands and face should be washed thoroughly with soap;
  • for 2 days, access to the treated areas for children and domestic animals is limited;
  • after 2 days, the dead ants can be removed along with the remains of the drug and the surfaces can be washed with a damp cloth;
  • the room is ventilated.

The effect of the product lasts for 6-8 weeks, so it has a long-term preventive effect.

Other forms of release

The Agrovit company produces a drug of the same name in several forms to combat cockroaches:

  • Super Fas powder or Fas Double dust for professionals. Packaged in plastic bags of 10 g. Cut the packaging and dissolve in water.
  • Gel. Tubes of 35 g, 75 g. Inside there is a gel-like substance - bait. In addition to the active component, the composition contains flavorings and food additives. Cockroaches eat the toxic substance, causing mass poisoning. The advantage of the method is that there is no need to look for pests; they themselves run to the poison. The disadvantage is that insects do not always come running for a “treat”. Apply in a dotted line along the baseboards, behind the furniture, along the trajectory of the cockroaches.

To enhance the effect, the combined use of several forms of FAS is allowed.

Front double

The drug Duble (light gray or beige dust) is a form of FAS, adapted for disinfestation of residential premises. It has a low concentration of poison, does not require special knowledge to work with it and can be carried out by any adult. Unlike Super, it does not dissolve in water, but is used as a powder against cockroaches.

The active ingredients are Zeta Cypermethrin and EU Fenvalerate. The combination of poisons gives the product a prolonged effect, providing protection for 90 days.

Before treatment, you should carefully read the instructions and purchase as many packets of powder as necessary to treat contaminated premises and adjacent rooms. Dust is consumed at the rate of up to 3 grams per square meter.

Processing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • clear the room of unnecessary things;
  • seal cracks in walls, sewer and water pipes;
  • re-glue torn wallpaper;
  • eliminate leaks in plumbing fixtures;
  • clean and seal all food in the kitchen and pantries;
  • wipe dry all puddles of water in the apartment;
  • clean the room and furniture from crumbs and spilled cereals and food;
  • remove people and pets from the premises;
  • use personal protective equipment - gloves, mask or respirator;
  • pierce the designated areas on the packaging and pour the powder along the baseboards, in places where insects are most concentrated, along the paths along which they move. If necessary, use a paper or cardboard backing;
  • after a few hours, the drug is washed off with a detergent solution or warm water with soap and soda;
  • After finishing work, wash your hair, face and hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Some buyers who have tried the product recommend using the powder as part of the bait, mixing it with mashed potatoes, boiled yolk, and a few drops of vegetable oil. Balls or cakes made from the mass are laid out in places where insects are most concentrated.

Customer Reviews

You can find reviews about FAS tablets on the Internet on forums. The attitude of buyers towards the drug is ambiguous.

There are cockroaches in the apartment. I had never encountered this scourge before and didn’t know how to deal with it. The store recommended FAS tablets at an affordable price. I bought it and did everything according to the instructions. I waited a month for the result. There were slightly fewer insects, but they did not disappear completely. The drug didn't help me.

Irina, Moscow

We lived in a dormitory. Cockroaches ran around the boys on the first floor, the girls lived on the second. In our room we treated the baseboards, the floor near the door, and the space behind the furniture. The Prussians did not bother us. Good product, reasonable price.

Alina, Tver

The effectiveness of the drug is influenced by the degree of contamination of the room, the source, the presence of insects in neighboring rooms, and the correctness of disinfestation.

3.1.1. preliminary consideration of the complaint:

— checking the complaint for compliance with established requirements;

— determination of the jurisdiction of the complaint;

— posting on the official website information about the receipt of a complaint and the text of the complaint;

— notification of the order placement participant who filed the complaint (hereinafter referred to as the applicant), the customer, the operator of the electronic site, whose actions (inactions) are being appealed, about the receipt of the complaint, about the place, date and time of consideration of the complaint;

— transfer of the complaint to the commission for consideration;

Analogs from other manufacturers

Effective cockroach repellents on our market are presented by domestic and imported manufacturers. Many aerosols and sprays have similar properties; there are no direct analogues. Drugs with similar effects:

  • Vergus,
  • Tetrix,
  • Troapsil,
  • Will dare,
  • Klopoveron,
  • Executioner,
  • Global

FAS tablets, when used correctly, destroy the entire population of Prussians within a month. After disinfestation, you need to follow basic rules - remove crumbs from the table and floor, wash dishes in a timely manner, wipe sinks and washstands dry.

Product description

The product dissolves quickly and allows you to quickly get rid of annoying insects such as cockroaches. FAS tablets are a universal solution that was tried by representatives of sanitary services. The formula is aggressive to cockroaches and ranks first among numerous sprays and pencils. You can buy FAS tablets from the original manufacturer for personal use from us. Affordable cost and economical consumption are the main advantages of the product. One jar of Fas contains 35 water-soluble tablets.

3.1.3. technical completion of the complaint consideration:

— drawing up a decision, order;

— sending the decision, instructions to the parties and participants in the order placement who sent an objection to the complaint, as well as interested parties who participated in the consideration of the complaint and posting on the official website.

3.2. The structural unit of the supervisory authority that prepares for consideration of the complaint, considers the complaint, and issues a decision based on the results of consideration of the complaint (hereinafter referred to as the Responsible Structural Unit) is determined by order of the supervisory authority.

3.3. The implementation of administrative procedures specified in clauses 3.1.1, 3.1.3 of the Regulations is carried out by the executor of the Responsible structural unit, who is appointed by its head in accordance with job responsibilities (hereinafter referred to as the Executor).

3.4. The basis for starting the execution of the administrative procedures specified in paragraphs 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 of the Regulations is the receipt of a complaint by the supervisory authority and its registration with the supervisory authority.

3.5. The administrative procedures specified in clause 3.1.2 of the Regulations are carried out by the Commission of the supervisory authority (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), formed by order of the supervisory authority.

3.1.2. consideration of the complaint on the merits:

— opening of the commission meeting;

— checking the powers of representatives of the parties;

- presentation of the parties;

— speech of persons whose rights and legitimate interests are affected in connection with the consideration of the complaint (hereinafter referred to as interested parties);

- presentation by experts, representatives of government authorities, witnesses (persons who may be aware of the circumstances related to the consideration of the complaint);

— study by members of the commission of the circumstances of the case and the materials presented;

— conducting an unscheduled inspection;

— meeting of commission members and decision-making;

— announcement of the operative part of the decision;

- if a decision is made to issue an order, the operative part of the order is announced;

— explanation of the procedure for appealing a decision or order;

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