Fas-Double 2 from cockroaches, ants, bedbugs. fleas, flies, ticks 125g


The line of preparations of the FAS brand consists of different forms of insecticide: gel, tablets, powders. They are intended for both professional and household use. But for independent treatment of residential and work premises, as well as personal plots, gardens, vegetable gardens, it is “FAS-Double” against ants that is recommended. The concentration of poisons in it is small, so special training is not required. Taking precautions, any adult can work with it themselves.

The form of the drug is a beige or light gray powder. The product belongs to the so-called dusts. The pesticide is packaged in special bags designed for pollination of various surfaces and has a prolonged (up to 5-7 weeks) effect.

Attention! Although the drug is also effective against other insects, such as fleas, FAS-Double ant repellent is not intended for use on animals. It's dangerous for them!

Fas gel

The gel is considered the most convenient form of release of the product for home disinfestation, since it does not release toxins into the air and does not require the removal of people from the premises during treatment. The packaging form is a syringe or tube with a long spout.

The main advantages of gels include:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of application and cleaning of the gel;
  • minimal marks after use;
  • efficiency;
  • ability to stay on the back panels of household appliances.

Before application, prepare the room. The gel is applied with dashes or dotted lines in places where cockroaches accumulate or move. If necessary, apply a continuous line or apply gel to paper or plastic.

The product should not be applied to places with high humidity; if necessary, the gel is dripped onto a plastic backing or piece of polyethylene.

When working with the gel, be sure to wear gloves. If the syringe or tube is not completely used, put on a protective cap and hide it out of the reach of children.

The product can be freely purchased at retail in the household goods department of supermarkets or a specialty store.

Composition and principle of action

The effectiveness of the product is due to the active ingredients:

  • es-fenvalerate;
  • zeta-cypermethrin;
  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • inert filler.

The first substance, es-fenvalerate, is an insecticide from the group of neurotoxic poisons. When it hits an insect, it disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, causing the ant's almost immediate death. Cypermethrin is a contact and intestinal repellent. Effective against adult flying and crawling pests. The combination of these two components allows the drug to act for a long time. Another additive, piperonyl butoxide, enhances the work of poisons several times.

What is Double face and Super face against bedbugs?

The drugs are positioned as professional. Powder or dust is more often used. There are other forms of release. Products are used against synanthropic insects. The composition includes several different types of components, which increases the effectiveness of the drugs. In addition, the use of various substances expands the scope of application of the product. So, they use Fas against bedbugs and other types of insects.

It is also used as an acaricidal drug: it helps remove arachnids.

At the same time, Fas is effective in controlling garden and vegetable pests. As a result, when trying to destroy bed parasites, the apartment is cleared of other insects.

Contains moderately toxic insecticides,

which help to obtain the desired result (kill bedbugs), but do not harm human health (if used correctly).

The drugs act not only on bedbugs, but also on other insects

What is included in the composition and what is the difference between Double face and Super face

The drugs are produced by the same company and have similarities and differences. Thus, the main component in the composition is cypermethrin (from the class of pyrethroids). It is produced according to the principle and similarity of the natural poison - pyrethrin. However, insecticides of the pyrethroid group are made on a synthetic basis. This made it possible to increase the effectiveness of the funds many times over.

Cypermethrin is characterized by a residual effect. This means that the substance kills parasites even after the spraying procedure has been carried out. Cypermethrin affects neurons. This type of substance affects the sodium channels of nerve cells, causing disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses.

As a result,

signs of paralysis appear, the insect can no longer move, has no control over its body, which is why it stops feeding and reproducing.

This is the main reason for the death of parasites. Cypermethrin kills bedbugs by penetrating the chitinous membrane.

Thiamethoxam (Super Fas)

This is the second insecticide in this drug. It represents a group of neonicotinoids. Thiamethoxam is a nerve poison. The substance also inhibits the nervous system of bedbugs, thereby contributing to their death. The advantages of this include the ability to destroy insects of various types, including garden and vegetable ones.

This insecticide causes harm to the environment; many countries have already abandoned it, but in Russia it is still permitted and is part of some insectoacaricidal agents. The chemical formula of the molecule of the substance thiamethoxam The neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, which is part of the Super Fas product, is characterized by a systemic effect. Contact with the substance is noted when it enters through the chitinous integument, as well as the trachea. First paralysis occurs, then the insect dies. Thiamethoxam has a selective effect: the substance affects only the body of creatures with increased sensitivity (for example, insects), and humans tolerate contact with the insecticide much better.

Esfenvalerate (Double Fas)

The component is used much less frequently. Fas Double is one of the few examples of such means. Esfenvalerate is a component from the pyrethroid group. It is distinguished by a wide range of applications. The insecticide kills various insects, including bed bugs.


came to replace an analogue with similar properties - fenvalerate.

Chemical formula of the esfenvalerate molecule The difference lies in the number of isomers. Esfenvalerate is superior to fenvalerate in terms of intensity of effect. The substance exhibits contact and systemic effects. It is a moderately toxic compound, which explains its ability to affect the peripheral and central nervous system.

Piperonyl butoxide

This component does not exhibit insecticidal activity. This means that it does not harm parasites. However, the substance is often used in the production of insecticides, due to its ability to enhance the effect of toxic substances. Piperonyl butoxide is always used as an auxiliary component and is part of various insecticide combinations.

In most cases, the drug is used together with pyrethroids, carbamates, and pyrethrins. Chemical formula of the substance piperonyl butoxide molecule


"FAS-Double" is effective against all types of ants - garden, forest, house ants.

Premises treatment

For insecticidal treatment inside apartments and houses, it is necessary to pierce the packaging according to special marks. Next, pressing on the bag, sprinkle the dust in places where pests accumulate. Since ant nests are very often inaccessible, as they are hidden under the floor, behind tiles, in walls, ventilation shafts, you need to carefully treat the paths along which insects move. This will allow the smallest particles of the drug to reach the maximum number of ants.

The powder is left for 3-6 hours. Then easily accessible places and surfaces are thoroughly washed with a soap-soda solution, and where people or animals will not come into contact with the product, the repellent is left for up to 8 weeks.

Since dusts are effective only against adult ants and do not affect eggs and larvae, it is recommended to repeat disinfestation after 10-14 days.

Processing of personal plots

To treat gardens and vegetable gardens, the package with pesticide must also be opened in special places. When pollinating the ground, flowers, tree trunks, and other surfaces with the preparation, special attention should be paid to ant passages and the anthill itself.

In dry weather, the pesticide remains effective for 2-3 months. After heavy rain, the product can be washed off. Then the processing should be repeated.

“FAS-Double” for ants is available in 125 gram bags. The recommended powder consumption is 2-3 grams per 1 square meter.

Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions and calculate the required number of packets.

Chemical means to combat ants

Boric acid

Boric acid is an antiseptic that is a white crystalline powder. Chemical formula – H3BO3. Boric acid affects the functioning of the nervous system of ants. With a sufficient dose, it leads to paralysis and death of the insect. For humans in small doses, which are necessary for processing, it is practically harmless.

To combat insects, you can simply scatter boric acid powder near the entrances to the anthill.

Honey bait

Mix a hot 20% aqueous sweet solution with honey or sugar. Pour into a saucer and place in places where insects gather. Place sticks on the surface of the mixture so that the ants can easily reach them. Take care that pets do not get poisoned. Periodically replace the old fluid with fresh one. Most of the ant colony should die within 2 weeks.

Egg bait

Mix 2 tablespoons or 2 egg yolks with 1/2 teaspoon of borax (or boric acid). We prepare small balls from the resulting mixture and place them where ants visit most often.


Combining with sodium, boric acid forms a new substance - borax, which is no less dangerous for ants than boric acid itself. Due to their similar properties, they are interchangeable.

Borax sugar solution

To make the solution, take 2 tablespoons of hot water mixed with 1 spoon of granulated sugar and 1/3 teaspoon of borax. After the mixture has cooled, add honey. Update it daily to get maximum effect.

Glycerin bait

For 1 tbsp. add a spoonful of water, 2 teaspoons of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/3 teaspoon of borax and 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, mix everything thoroughly and roll the resulting mass into balls. The resulting bait can be placed where ants most often run.


To rid trees of ants, it is necessary to treat their trunks with a high-percentage solution of lime so that it covers not only the trunk, but also the ground around it. And don’t forget, as already mentioned, about digging the soil with the addition of lime.

You can radically combat ants by using pesticides. The industrial poisons that are most often used to treat summer cottages against ants include the following chemicals. drugs that contain, in different doses, the active substance – diazinon. This is an organophosphate compound that affects the nervous system of ants and causes paralysis. It is included in such preparations as “Muratsid”, “Muravyin”, “Anteater” and “Grom-2”. There are other chemicals, such as FAS-double, which are stronger and more harmful.


This chemical will get rid of both adult and ant larvae. In the treated area, the ants are in no hurry to make paths and do not create new anthills. The period of protective action is at least 3 weeks.


Ant is a reliable chemical agent for controlling black garden ants. Granular insecticidal bait. It does not need to be mixed or diluted with water. Does not harm earthworms. The consumption of the drug is 20-30 grams per 10 m2. The period of protective action is about 3 weeks.


The old name of the drug is Phenaxin. Used against ants and cockroaches. Ant paths are treated with this powder. The drug consumption is 2 g/m2. Enough for 2-3 months. Holes are pierced in the bag in the indicated places and pollination occurs from it. FAS-double can also be diluted in water and sprayed onto tree trunks to prevent ants from reaching their final food source - aphid clusters. If the drug gets on the fruits, they must be washed well before eating and the harvest itself can be harvested only 10 days after treatment.


A modern means of combating ants on the ground. Powdery mixture, which belongs to the 4th hazard class. Does not harm other insects. Scatters into places of accumulation and movement (ant paths). There are two main active ingredients: Cypermethrin – 0.2% and Sumition – 0.2%. Enough for 10 m2 and has a long residual effect (7 weeks).

Precautionary measures

To make the repellent more effective against ants indoors, before treatment it is advisable to:

  • eliminate leaks in plumbing;
  • fill cracks in walls, cracks behind baseboards;
  • glue up the torn wallpaper;
  • wipe all surfaces and floors dry;
  • do preliminary cleaning.

Before working with insecticide you must:

  • carefully package and put away food and drinks;
  • remove people and animals from the premises, cover aquariums;
  • use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, mask or respirator);
  • tie a scarf on your head, put on a robe;
  • close windows and ventilation hatches.

Do not sprinkle dust on the surfaces and shelves of kitchen cabinets where dishes and food are stored.

You must not drink or eat in the room where the treatment is taking place. After working with chemicals outdoors, you should thoroughly shake out your clothes and then wash them. Rinse your mouth with water. Wash gloves with soap. Discard the disposable mask.

When working with Fas-Double ant powder in your garden, you must also use gloves and a mask. If it is windy outside, it is important to protect your eyes - the powder is very light and therefore volatile. It is necessary to ensure that pets do not come into contact with the poison.


Cockroach powder is practically not used at home because it is toxic. Before carrying out work, careful preparation is carried out to minimize harm. People, pets and vegetation are removed from the apartment. All food and bedding are packaged. For these purposes, containers and thick film are used. In Russia, a description is attached to all insecticidal preparations.

Fas powder for domestic cockroaches comes in two forms:

  • Double.
  • Super Fas.

Super face

Among the powdered poisons for cockroaches, superfas is distinguished. After all, this product can be used to combat cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects. This type is usually used by exterminators, although it is also sold in specialized departments. Super Pack is sold in sachets with a volume of 10 mg. The principle of using the powder composition is similar to the principle of using tablets. Since the mixture is toxic, all activities are carried out in protective clothing, gloves, as well as a respirator and goggles.

Features of use

  • Studying the instructions. The instructions for using anti-cockroach facet contain the main points.
  • Pets, children and adults are removed from the premises.
  • Food and utensils are placed in sealed bags or containers.
  • Pack clothes and hygiene supplies.
  • Dilute the powder composition in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. To treat 1 m2 you will need about 50 ml of the prepared solution. If there is a large infestation of insects, repeat treatment is carried out.
  • To eliminate arthropod pests, the solution is applied to baseboards, sewer risers, water pipes and kitchen furniture.
  • The apartment or house is sealed for 2–3 hours. After this time period, all rooms are ventilated.
  • Wet cleaning is carried out to eliminate the remains of arthropod pests.
  • The procedure can be repeated after 1-1.5 months.

Front double

Fas double for cockroaches is a powdery composition that is less toxic. Therefore, it is allowed to use a double for processing apartments and country houses. You can carry out all activities yourself. But before using a double insecticide, you should carefully study the instructions, which contain the basic recommendations and rules for using the insecticidal composition.

In case of poisoning

Despite the fact that “FAS-Double” from ants is a low-hazard compound for humans, poisoning with it is possible if the recommended precautions are not followed.


  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Strong headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

What to do?

If signs of insecticide poisoning appear, a person must immediately be taken out into fresh air, take off contaminated clothing, wash his hands and face with soap and soda solution, and rinse his mouth with clean water. The victim is advised to drink two glasses of water and then take sorbents.

If the repellent gets into your mouth and is swallowed, you must first induce vomiting. To do this, you can drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

If poisons get on the mucous membranes, they are washed with a soda solution. The chemical is removed from the skin with soap and water, then it is advisable to apply a silicone-based cream.

If the ant powder gets into the eyes, they are washed under running water and instilled with a solution of sodium sulfacyl.

If you lose consciousness, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

special instructions

  • Treatment of premises is carried out with open vents (windows), preferably in the absence of people and pets.
  • Do not treat the inside of cabinets or other storage areas for food or utensils.
  • After completion of treatment, but not earlier than 3-6 hours after it is carried out, the drug is removed using a wet method (soap and soda solution) from work surfaces or from places where it can contaminate food or eating utensils.
  • In other places inaccessible to children and pets, as well as behind skirting boards, pipes, etc., the drug should be left until its expiration date: for 6-8 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The anti-ant agent “FAS-Double” has a number of advantages, but there are also some imperfections.

Begins to act almost instantly.Only affects adult ants.
It can be used both indoors and in gardens, cottages, and vegetable gardens.When treating street areas, it is washed off by rain.
Inexpensive, available in many stores.Has a chemical smell.
Effective against not only ants, but also other insects.

Why are anthills dangerous?

The ants themselves are not dangerous to humans, they do not carry diseases, but they like to build their homes next to cultivated plants. Everyone knows that these insects have a special weakness for sweets. It happens that spilled sugar can lure a colony of ants into the house. That’s why their homes are so often found under apple, cherry, and strawberry trees. Each fallen fruit contributes to the growth of the colony.

But that’s not all - ants and aphids are truly “best friends.” They spread this insect and hide it for the winter. And all because aphids secrete a sticky substance, which, again, is sweet. And aphids are already causing more significant damage to cultivated plants.

Why else would you need to know a way to get rid of ants? The fact is that ants, while building their tunnels and homes, store various seeds of weeds and cultivated plants, which contributes to the appearance of excess grass on the site.

Another harm from ants is that their tunnels damage the root system, especially young seedlings, which leads to their death.

There is a lot to talk about, but it's time to move on to action. Let's see how to get rid of ants in the garden forever using folk remedies.

Additional tips and tricks for use

When using the drug “FAS-Double” against ants, you must follow the instructions printed on the packaging. But some buyers who have successfully dealt with insects using this repellent advise additionally, if there are no small children or animals in the house, to make baits. To do this, you need to mix the powder with boiled yolk, vegetable oil or mashed potatoes and spread it in places where ants appear.

When cultivating a personal plot, it is advised not only to spray dust in the habitats of ants, but also to scatter it around the perimeter, creating a barrier for unwanted “guests” from the outside.

“FAS-Double” is a product from a Russian manufacturer that has proven itself excellent in the fight against ants. It is also chosen for its affordability, availability in most hardware and gardening stores, and the ability to purchase via the Internet. If you follow the recommendations, the drug will quickly and safely solve the problem with ants, both in the apartment and in the garden.

Physical protection against ants

Digging the soil

All living beings hate to be disturbed in their own home. Therefore, ants like to settle in precisely those places where you do not cultivate the area. Therefore, digging up the ground or loosening the soil will force them to move to another place. When digging the ground, do not forget to add slaked lime to it.

Watering an anthill with boiling water

And although many types of ants can easily withstand drought and heat up to +50° C, they are powerless against boiling water. Bring a kettle of water to a boil and quickly pour into the cracks or passages from which ants most often come to the surface.

Thus, you will get rid of a huge number of ants, and the rest, having transmitted a distress signal to their brothers, will move to another territory. Instead of boiling water, you can use kerosene.

This boiling procedure must be done several times in order to destroy the maximum number of individuals in the colony.

Ant traps

Also, physical methods of protection include traps and catching belts, which some gardeners supply trees on their site. Once on the sticky layer of the trap, the ant gets stuck forever and can no longer get out of it. However, they are ineffective.

Ultrasonic ant repellers

It would seem that an electronic device can solve all problems with annoying insects. After all, they are used against mosquitoes! And such a device does not take up much space. However, judging by customer reviews, not everything is so smooth with repellers.

According to the manufacturers, ultrasound should have a depressing effect on the central nervous system of the ant. As experiments have shown, the ants don’t even know about it. Moreover, such devices do not cost a penny - from 1000 rubles and more!

But pets - dogs will go crazy from such a sound - run away, howl, whine, or, conversely, behave aggressively. Moreover, some devices generate a signal that causes a strong negative impact on the human psyche. That is, with their continuous use there is a risk of nervous disorders. So, tell me, why throw money away?

Rules for processing the premises

Before disinfection, it is necessary to prepare the apartment for treatment; it is also necessary not to forget about some rules when baiting insects.

  • Carry out wet cleaning. Wipe dust, window sills, baseboards, picture frames, doors, wash floors with a special detergent.
  • Seal the hoods so that during treatment the insects do not have the opportunity to move to the neighbors.
  • Pack the dishes and put the food in the refrigerator.
  • Remove all family members and animals from the room.
  • Wrap the aquarium tightly with film, but it is better to take it out of the apartment.
  • Treat the room wearing special clothing or thick clothing that covers all parts of the body, gloves, goggles and a respirator or gauze bandage.
  • Carry out the treatment with the windows open, as the drug has high toxicity.
  • After disinfection, you need to leave the room for 2-3 hours, after which you should ventilate the rooms.
  • After the room has been ventilated, carry out wet cleaning.
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