Dust against cockroaches “Clean House”: how to use correctly?

Using dusts to fight cockroaches If you are going to fight cockroaches with the help of dust, then perhaps the first thing that is important to know is the means, Dust for cockroaches: tips on choosing and using means, as well as reviews of use

Published by: admin in A Thousand Little Things 04/02/2018 Comments on the entry Dust from cockroaches: tips on choosing and using products, as well as reviews on use are disabled

If you are going to fight cockroaches with the help of dust, then perhaps the first thing that is important to know is that the products sold today under the guise of such are not actually dust.

The fact is that initially the word “dust” was used to refer to DDT powder (dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane), intended specifically for insect control. Of all the insecticidal agents known by the middle of the 20th century, it was one of the most effective (in truth, even today the vast majority of modern synthetic insecticides cannot surpass DDT in their strength).

But as it turned out later, the dust was extremely toxic and dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment in general. After numerous tests and confirmations, DDT was banned for sale and use for any purpose, and today it is not used at all in the civilized world.

So, if you take any anti-cockroach dust that is commercially available today and read its instructions, you will find out that, in fact, there is no DDT in its composition. This means that such products are called “dust” only conditionally.

Nevertheless, the word itself turned out to be very popular among the people, and it was not possible to abandon it. Today, the word “dust” does not in any way define the composition of the product, but only indicates its powder form. Translated from English &dust& means dust, fine powder.

After the abolition of DDT, products in the form of powders began to be produced and actively used to combat cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas, ants, flies and other insects, but based on completely different active ingredients - chlorpyrifos, malathion, synthetic pyrethroids, etc. They are safer in application and are also quite effective. These are the “dusts” that can be bought today in any market, in hardware stores and on the Internet.

The photo below shows an example of packaging for Clean House anti-cockroach dust:

&I thought that the cockroaches had disappeared a long time ago, but no. Last year I returned from vacation, and what do I see? There are cockroaches in the apartment, so small, nasty, mustachioed, terrible disgusting! It was clear that now they would not leave so easily. I washed the kitchen, toilet, bathroom and immediately ran to the store for poison. I’ve never poisoned cockroaches, I don’t really know what to buy. The saleswoman gave me Clean House dust and said that she poisoned her cockroaches with it. It was quite inexpensive, about 50 rubles. Somehow I didn’t risk just pouring this poison on the floor, scattered it on bottle caps and placed it behind the stove, under the refrigerator and in the kitchen wall. Plus I put it in the pantry and under the bathroom. I didn’t think that such an inexpensive product would work so quickly. On the third day I no longer saw cockroaches, and, by the way, I didn’t find their corpses either. Very pleased with the product. I didn’t remove the lids after that, I just changed the dust in them from time to time...&

The good old dust, which was used to poison insects back in Soviet times, cannot be bought today. But even if you manage to find this rare powder, it is better to refrain from using it, since DDT, according to some reports, has carcinogenic and mutagenic properties.

Fortunately, today there are many much safer insecticidal dusts: Phenaxin, Absolut, Pyrethrum, Ecokiller, Fas, Tornado, etc.

A variety of forms of insecticidal agents for the destruction of cockroaches

Conventionally, existing drugs for eliminating cockroaches indoors can be divided into the following categories:
- Fast-acting drugs. These are so-called special volatile substances produced in the form of aerosols or sprays. Such forms of insecticidal preparations have an instant result and allow you to treat a fairly large area of ​​​​the living space.

– Slow-acting drugs. In fact, they are the most reliable. These include insecticidal gels, pencils based on various poisons, powdered preparations, homemade and industrially produced traps. When choosing this method of exterminating cockroaches, you will have to spend from several weeks to several months, but if used correctly, in the end you will forget about the “red” neighbors.

Which method is preferable: fast-acting or slow? Let's look into these subtleties together.

For express exposure to insects, the first method, which uses dispersive preparations such as sprays and aerosols, is perfect.

– The products released in the form of sprays are very convenient to use. Firstly, it is possible to cover the largest part of the living space, and secondly, there is a chance to treat places where cockroaches accumulate, where they are most difficult to reach, these are slot holes, various microcracks, under wallpaper, etc.

-The most modern today are microencapsulated sprays. They are equated to professional pest control, the only downside is that they are quite expensive.

-Conventional aerosols have an instant result, but, unfortunately, they evaporate just as quickly from the treated surface, which leads to a new invasion of cockroaches. Microencapsulated products also have a quick effect, but remain on insecticide-coated surfaces for quite a long time, up to about 6 months. Such microencapsulated drugs include Delta Zone, Xulat Micro, Lambda Zone, Get and others.

-Probably the weakest point in the use of aerosols is that they emit a very heavy, suffocating odor of the chemicals that make up these products. Even special protective masks cannot save you here. The same cannot be said about microcapsule sprays, which are devoid of such an “aroma” and have a high degree of safety for home residents.

-All of the above aerosols and sprays produced in cylinders are good for localizing insects at home. For disinfestation of large premises, a more rational and profitable solution would be to purchase a concentrated product.

A checker based on permethrin “Quiet Evening” eliminates cockroaches over an area of ​​​​about 1000 square meters.

The most correct thing would be to use fast-acting drugs with slow-acting drugs:

-It is advisable to combine aerosols and sprays with pencils, traps, and gels for cockroaches. Even if you think you've got rid of the insects, slow-release products should remain on surfaces to prevent the migration of unkilled cockroaches.

-It would be better if these are insecticidal gels for cockroaches, which act slowly, but for sure. But we must remember that after a certain time, the surface must be treated again with the product, since it loses its properties when it dries.

-On vertically located surfaces, it is advisable to use pencils against cockroaches, since in this case it will be problematic to use powders.

-To protect your home from uninvited guests who are able to re-enter through ventilation grilles, openings, sockets, do not forget about preventive measures. This means that cockroach repellents should remain in the apartment for quite some time.

-For prevention, any known folk remedies would be appropriate. For example, balls of boric acid and boiled egg yolk can be prepared as bait. This will work provided that there is no water nearby, otherwise the effectiveness of the bait will come to naught.

We have reviewed with you the categories of insecticidal preparations for killing cockroaches. Let's get acquainted with individual representatives of this line.

Instructions for use

White powder against cockroaches can be used in two different ways - scattered dry or diluted with water. If you decide to use dry dust, you just need to pour it in places where a large number of insects accumulate - in dark corners, under the sink, near the gas stove, next to bulky furniture and in ventilation holes

When the insecticide begins to act, it is very important to sweep up the dead insects and flush them down the toilet, because some individuals can pretend to be dead and then restore the colony

The option with a dust solution is also quite simple - you need to dissolve the powder in water, observing the proportions indicated on the package. When the poison is ready, it must be applied to places where insects accumulate using a spray bottle, sponge or small brush. It is necessary to treat with a thick mixture in the most inaccessible and dark places where food waste can accidentally fall - behind a gas stove, behind baseboards, in the cracks between the door and the opening, behind the bathtub and sink, ventilation grilles. If you notice cockroaches in only one room, you should not limit yourself to pest control only in that room - you need to poison cockroaches in the entire apartment at once, otherwise the insects will hide in neighboring rooms and simply return after ventilation.

After you have applied the dust in all the necessary places, close the windows and doors - the apartment should remain in this condition for at least a day.

Review of popular dusts

Clean house

Dust Clean House has a food and contact toxic effect on cockroaches. It contains pyrethroids – cypermethrin 0.3% and malathion 0.7%. The synergist PPB 0.5% allows the effect of insecticides to be enhanced. The product is packaged in 50 g bags, one package is enough to treat an area of ​​10 square meters. m. Insecticidal powder can be used in three ways:

  • sprinkle near insect nests and along traffic paths;
  • dissolve in water and spray;
  • make baits with dust.

The product does not give immediate results; the effect will be noticeable a few days after treatment.


A universal remedy will help get rid of all types of crawling insects. The active ingredients are cypermethrin 0.25%, boric acid 5%. The formula of the drug is not dangerous for people and animals, but toxic for cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. It has a contact effect; when it enters the body, Tornado causes paralysis of synanthropic insects. Sold in bags of 100 and 150 g. When using the powder, you must wear protective equipment: respirator, gloves, work clothes. 4-6 hours after treatment, working surfaces (door handles, furniture, tables) are washed with a solution containing soda.


The drug “Absolut-dust” is a small substance of light gray color. Its formula combines two drugs: pyrethroid deltamethrin 0.02% and FOS - fenthion 0.25%. To reduce dusting of the product, lubricating oil is included in the composition. Suitable for a wide range of insects: cockroaches, ants, ticks, bedbugs, fleas. A low-hazard drug for warm-blooded animals. When treating premises, the consumption rate is 5 mg/m2. Disinsection is carried out with open windows or vents. For household use, plastic bags of 50-300 g or bottles are offered. Professional exterminators use 5 and 20 kg bags.


The insect repellent is of natural origin. This is diatomite - a rock. The composition is a beige powder with particles of 10-35 microns. The active substance has the ability to destroy the cuticle of arthropods and absorb liquid. The abrasive particles damage the cockroach's body and then dry it out. The mechanism of action has no resistance. Ecokiller is effective in case of significant contamination of the premises. The powder of natural origin is safe for people and animals. The finely dispersed mixture is odorless and does not cause allergies. The only drawback is that you will have to put up with dust on the floor and other surfaces.


A product based on fenvalerate - 0.35%, boric acid - 0.25%, lubricating oil - 2.5%. Fillers – kaolin, white soot. Insecticidal powder destroys household insects and provides protection against them for a period of about 4-6 weeks. The piercing area is marked on the package. Through the holes, cockroach dust is poured along the baseboards, in the habitats of pests and on the paths of their penetration into the house. To enhance the effectiveness of killing insects, it is recommended to use Phenaxin in poisoned baits.

To finally get rid of cockroaches after treating the premises with dust, you must follow certain rules:

  • do not leave dirty dishes in the sink;
  • put food in the refrigerator;
  • do not leave crumbs on the table or floor;
  • eliminate leaks, wipe off water in the bathroom, sink, and on the windowsill after watering the plants.

Modern products in the form of dusts are easy to use and actively help get rid of synanthropic insects

To achieve a positive result, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. You should not use one drug often, it causes addiction in cockroaches. They adapt to the substance and survive treatment

They adapt to the substance and survive treatment.

Other forms of release

The Clean House brand produces:

  • spray,
  • aerosol,
  • gels,
  • traps.

To quickly kill cockroaches in an apartment, it is recommended to combine several forms. Initially, a spray or aerosol is used. The drugs have an instant effect and quickly kill mature and immature individuals. After disinfestation, it is recommended to scatter powder and place gel baits or traps. The products will finish off the remaining pests and prevent re-infestation. The effect lasts for 2 months. The preparations are safe for people and do not contain an unpleasant odor.

How to choose a product for home use?


Manufacturers produce dusts of different composition and volume.

Some drugs are very toxic, some powders are practically safe for humans and have no odor.

When choosing a dust, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • The degree of infection of the apartment or house. If there are a lot of pests in the premises, then you should choose a potent drug based on karbofos;
  • The presence of furniture and objects that cannot be washed after using the powder. In this case, you need to choose a drug based on the criteria of safety and ease of use. Manufacturers produce powders based on safe ingredients (for example, the “Clean House” drug).

There are two important criteria to consider:

  1. The degree of contamination of the premises.

If the situation is very bad and there are a lot of cockroaches, then you need to choose a dust with maximum efficiency - based on karbofos.

The presence of furniture or other items that you cannot properly wash after treatment with powder.

In this case, you need to build on the criteria of safety and ease of use. These, in particular, include the “Clean House” dust, created by domestic developers based on natural ingredients.

Also, according to customer reviews, Chinese dusts against cockroaches are effective.

Modern dusts against cockroaches vary in composition and packaging volume. Large bags are intended for disinfection of large areas, for example, industrial buildings, small ones - for independent use in an apartment or house.


Phenaxin - an inexpensive means for exterminating cockroaches in an apartment

Since the product is universal, there are a number of features when used to fight cockroaches:

  • The powder should be used in places where insects live and accumulate, along the expected routes of entry into the apartment.
  • The product treats all openings: cracks in walls, door frames, thresholds, cracks along baseboards, facings, ventilation vents, places of damage at the inlet and outlet of pipes of water supply, heating and sewerage systems, under sinks.
  • The preparation is applied in a thin layer to the back surface of the furniture.
  • Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms where cockroaches are found.
  • If there is a large number of insects, adjacent rooms are also treated to prevent cockroaches from infesting them.
  • The dust consumption rate is 5 g/m2 of the treated surface.
  • Repeated treatments are carried out when cockroaches appear.

Clean house

The composition includes two active components:

  • cypermethrin (0.2%)
  • tetramethrin (0.02%)

Dust Clean House - insecticidal powder with two active ingredients

The drug is a white powder.

Mode of application:

  • The product is applied selectively to furnishings, in the habitats of cockroaches and on their routes to water and food.
  • They treat thresholds, cracks along baseboards and adjacent areas of walls and floors, along pipes of water supply and sewer systems (especially in the places of their entry and exit), cracks in walls, behind door frames, around sinks, under a bathtub, etc. for furnishings (buffets, tables, shelves, racks), etc.
  • The consumption rate is 5 g/m2 of the treated surface.

Users speak positively about the effectiveness of the Clean House dust. Many are concerned about safety and do not recommend using the product if there are children and pets in the house. Disadvantages: pungent odor, short duration of action.

Price: 30 rubles per packet (50 g)


Insecticidal powder. Active components included:

  • zeta-cypermethrin (0.02%)
  • es-fenvalerate (sumicidin) (0.01%)

Fas-Double dust contains toxic substances in reduced concentration

The method of application is similar to dusts of other brands:

  • Dust is used in places of detection, accumulation, possible habitation or on routes of entry into premises.
  • They treat holes and cracks in walls, door frames, thresholds, cracks along baseboards, facings, ventilation vents, places of damage to water and pipe outlets.
  • Apply a thin layer of the product to the back surface of the furniture.
  • The consumption rate is 3 g/m².

Buyers respond positively to the drug, calling it almost the best product of its kind. However, some claim that the effect of use does not last long.

Price: 150 rubles per sachet (125 g)

Features of dusts that need to be taken into account when baiting cockroaches

However, some specific features of their use in the fight against cockroaches are associated with the specific preparative form of dusts.

First of all, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. Dust works passively, that is, the cockroach itself must run over it or eat it in order to be poisoned. Because of this, dusts, unlike aerosol insecticides, are difficult to poison cockroaches quickly. But you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort on such passive control of cockroaches - the powder is simply poured where the insects often visit, and after that the pests are poisoned themselves;
  2. To increase the efficiency of using dust, it is sometimes advisable to use it together with food baits. Baits force cockroaches to strive for those places where the poison is scattered, or even eat the dust itself mixed with food bait;
  3. You should also not forget that dusts generate dust and, in general, reduce the level of cleanliness in the room. Therefore, it is advisable to use them using special bait stations (closed boxes with holes through which insects can get inside). This is especially true if children and pets live in the room being treated;

All other things being equal, poisoning cockroaches with dust will be the more effective, the smaller its particles - a thin powder clings more easily to the legs and whiskers of an insect and is more likely to remain on them until the time when the cockroach begins to clean itself.

A significant advantage of dusts compared to other means is a successful combination of high efficiency, availability and low cost. Insecticidal dusts are now sold in many hardware stores and are very inexpensive (compared, for example, to aerosol preparations). Largely due to the ease of purchase and low cost, dusts have retained their popularity as a means of combating cockroaches, and are used no less often than other types of products.

Another advantage of insecticidal dusts is the ability to use them in the fight against fleas and house bugs. Since these parasites feed on nothing but blood, they cannot be attracted to poisoned baits.


  • You can get rid of newly hatched nymphs by boiling bed linen, ironing it and treating it with a steam generator.
  • After the baiting of bedbugs is completed, the consequences in the form of nests remain in many places. Many try to remove them physically - by trampling them. The technique is certainly effective, but the best way to get rid of residual effects is to wash floors and other surfaces with a soap-salt solution.
  • The incubation period for bedbug eggs is 2 weeks; after this period, re-treatment of the premises must be mandatory. Otherwise, a horde of bedbugs will attack the apartment again.


  • https://StopKlopam.com/aerozol-i-dust-chistyj-dom-ot-klopov-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu/
  • https://usatym.net/tarakany/chistyj-dom-ot-klopov-instrukciya-otzyvy-ob-effektivnosti-sredstva/
  • https://DomZnatok.ru/vrediteli/klopy/sredstvo-chistyj-dom/
  • https://masterklop.ru/sredstvo-chistyiy-dom/
  • https://vreditel-stoi.ru/raiting/aerozol-chistyiy-dom.html
  • https://GdeKlop.ru/insecticide/tarakany/dust-ot-tarakanov-chistyj-dom/
  • https://felisov.ru/klopy/chistyj-dom-ot-klopov-otzyvy.html
  • https://netzhukam.ru/klopy/sredstva-ot-klopov/chistyj-dom-ot-klopov.html
  • https://lifeinsect.ru/dihlofos-ot-klopov.html
  • https://oklope.ru/sredstva-ot-postelnyh-klopov/chistyj-dom.html

Methods of using dust to get rid of cockroaches

The procedure for using cockroach dust includes 3 stages: preparing the room, observing safety precautions, and correctly applying the product using the chosen method. The methods of using the powder are very diverse.


Before using dust in an apartment:

  • send family members and pets to stay with relatives for 1-2 days;
  • remove carpets, paintings and indoor plants from the room;
  • Pack children's things and toys in plastic bags and hide them in the closet;
  • remove all food products from public access by placing them in airtight containers or the refrigerator;
  • get rid of litter and dust in the apartment by wiping all surfaces and the floor with a damp cloth;
  • move furniture if necessary.

It is also recommended to remove tablecloths from tables, curtains and curtains from windows.

Application of dry powder

In the classical way, dust is used in dry form. There is no need to pre-prepare the composition or bait. After preparing the area and following safety precautions, apply a thin layer of powder to surfaces and furniture that cockroaches may come into contact with. Pay extreme attention to the paths to the trash can and sink, as well as to those places where the greatest pest activity has been observed.

Application of liquid dust

To prepare the solution, pour 10 grams of dust with 10 liters of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the substance on all surfaces where cockroaches might crawl.

With the help of a water jet, you can reach inaccessible places and pour the poison into places where powder cannot be poured, into cracks or small holes in the walls.

Cockroach dust with egg

Cockroaches are sensitive to the smell of food, especially the aroma of egg yolk. Use this trick and prepare poisonous dust-based baits for pests.

Hard boil two eggs and separate the yolks. Mix the yolks with 10 g of dust. Make balls from the resulting mass and place them in insect habitats. Carry out the procedure observing the safety rules.

The cockroach will definitely eat the fragrant bait with poison, thereby dooming itself to inevitable death.

Dust as part of other mixtures

Most powders are based on an intestinal effect on the pest, so your task is to ensure that the drug gets into the cockroach’s esophagus. This can be achieved by preparing aromatic baits.

Proven bait recipes:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of dust with 1 boiled potato and egg yolk. Mix well and roll the mixture into small balls. Place bait in cockroach habitats and wait for the results.
  • Prepare a dough from 100 g of dust, 15 g of vanilla sugar, 30 g of powdered sugar and 15 g of starch. Roll up bait balls and place them in areas where pests are active.
  • To attract insects, add flour and powdered sugar to the dust powder in equal proportions. Stir and distribute the mixture indoors.

To make cleaning easier after expelling cockroaches, place baits first on paper and only then in the right places.

Which areas should I treat and how long should I keep the drug on?

The application of the drug is simple - arm yourself with a brush or sponge and apply a thin layer of powder to all surfaces where contact with cockroaches is possible. These places include;

  • baseboards;
  • the floor and walls behind the refrigerator, gas stove or kitchen cabinets;
  • space under the sink;
  • the area where the trash can usually stands;
  • water and sewer risers;
  • heating pipes and radiators;
  • doors;
  • window sills;
  • ventilation ducts;
  • walls and seams of furniture both from the outside and from the inside;
  • reverse sides of carpets and rugs.

Depending on the degree of contamination of the room, keep the powder on the surface for at least a day. If cockroaches are very active in the apartment, leave the product on for 6–7 days. Before leaving home, close all vents and windows.

How to properly clean a room?

When the exposure time in the apartment is over, return and remove the remaining insecticide.

Proper cleaning of a room is carried out in several stages.

  • Open the windows and ventilate the rooms.
  • Prepare a cleaning solution based on soap, soda, dry mustard or lemon juice.
  • Wipe all treated surfaces thoroughly.
  • Places that have not been exposed to dust should also be washed.
  • The powder can be left in inaccessible areas, for example, in ventilation and under baseboards, as long as pets and children do not get there.

Carry out the procedure wearing rubber gloves.

If the dust left behind smells unpleasant or makes you feel worse, immediately re-clean and ventilate the apartment.

Safety precautions when working with dusts

When treating a surface with dust, it is important that the product does not get on the skin, mucous membranes, or into the digestive or respiratory system.

Security measures:

  • organize access to fresh air into the room, so open windows or vents during treatment;
  • Wear clothes that fit tightly to your body and completely cover your arms and legs;
  • put your hands in rubber gloves;
  • Put a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage on your face.

After the procedure, carefully remove clothing and wash immediately; discard the glove and mask immediately.

Is dust dangerous for humans?

Manufacturers indicate that the drug is moderately toxic and safe for humans. However, this does not mean that you can neglect safety rules during processing or come into contact with the substance. In case of contact with the skin or mucous membranes, allergic reactions may occur. If you inhale vapors or swallow the drug, your body may be poisoned.

Can dust harm children and pets?

Dust can cause intoxication if it enters the body of a child or animal. Do not allow them to be nearby during the procedure. There is no guarantee that the product will not enter their digestive tract. Also make sure that children or animals do not reach the bait or powder scattered for further exposure.

What to do in case of poisoning?

If the precautions are not followed fully, the body may be poisoned. You have been poisoned if you have:

  • cough;
  • suffocation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • general weakness of the body.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, immediately leave the room being treated and go outside. If signs of poisoning do not go away within 1.5-2 hours, consult a doctor immediately.

In addition to simple poisoning, cumulative intoxication is possible. It usually manifests itself due to the long-term influence of the substance on the body and can be noticed after the procedure.

Signs of cumulative intoxication:

  • regular dizziness and headaches;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rapid fatigue of the body;
  • pain in the esophagus, stomach or intestines.

If you notice these symptoms in yourself or your child, visit your doctor immediately. Carry out a thorough cleaning of the room, thoroughly washing the treated areas with soap or soda. For the next treatment, choose a less toxic product.

If the substance gets on the skin or mucous membranes, immediately rinse the affected area with running warm water. If discomfort does not go away within 2-2.5 hours, consult a doctor.

No matter what symptoms you visit a therapist, always take the product packaging with you. This way, the doctor, having studied the composition, will be able to understand what you were poisoned with and make a diagnosis faster.

Rules for dealing with bedbugs

Professionals are convinced that it is impossible to find the most effective (100% effective) means of combating insects such as bedbugs. In some cases, it is much easier to burn some things than to process mattresses and wardrobe items. Does dust help against bedbugs? Representatives of sanitary and hygienic services are convinced that in many situations it is really effective, but sometimes such treatment of premises is not enough to completely destroy parasites. If there is no result from using standard means of combating such parasites, try potent insecticidal chemical preparations made on the basis of karbofos.

What to do if cockroaches start up again

Cockroaches prefer damp and dark areas. They often live inside electrical equipment or outlets, around furnaces, or near leaking pipes. Cockroaches can squeeze through a crack up to 1/5 in size.

Note! Getting rid of pests involves clearing the area of ​​any decaying matter such as food, dead leaves, and weeds. It is also important to pay attention to pipes, hoods, drains, ventilation holes and, if possible, block them. The next step should be treating the premises with insecticidal agents. To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to use two means: for example, an aerosol and a dust.

Preparing the apartment for processing

You cannot immediately begin cleaning the apartment after purchasing the product; first, the premises must be prepared. It's quite simple:

  • we take children and pets out of the apartment (to relatives, to the village to visit grandma) for 1-3 days while the treatment is carried out;
  • we roll up the carpets, remove all the pictures, remove the house plants - all this can be taken to the balcony, and if it’s winter, then to the neighbors or to the vestibule;
  • We do the same with food, children's toys, and supplies for pets;
  • It is recommended to remove the curtains, but this is not a necessary measure;
  • We make sure to clean the apartment, including washing the floors, removing dirt and dust, and be sure to vacuum the room - if you do not eliminate the dirt in the apartment, the cockroaches will return, no matter what product you use.

Safety precautions for humans

Even with the new composition, Dust still remains a toxic drug for humans, so when working with it you must follow safety precautions:

  1. We work in a respirator or at least a moistened gauze bandage.
  2. We put on a change of clothes to protect our hands and body as a whole. A long-armed jacket and latex/rubber gloves are ideal.
  3. It is recommended to wear plastic glasses to protect your eyes from contact with Dust (it can burn the cornea if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye).
  4. We open the vents and windows in the room being treated, but so that there is no draft. We close the door to the room so that vapors of the product do not enter the rest of the apartment.
  5. While working, you must not eat or drink, smoke, or touch your face or unprotected parts of the body with your hands.
  6. After treatment, wash your hands twice with soap and rinse your mouth.
  7. For the first 1-3 days after treatment, neither animals nor people should enter the room. All this time, the windows in the room must be open for ventilation.
  8. After this, we wash the windows in the treated room and then continue ventilation (for another couple of days).
  9. Be sure to inspect the room for any residues of the product - if there are any, then we remove them and wash the places where they were.

If you live with people with frequent allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases or bronchial asthma, it is better not to use Dust and replace it with a safer analogue.

Advantages and disadvantages of a “Clean House”

Insecticidal powder “Clean House” has a lot of advantages:

  • High efficiency - even a small dose is dangerous for cockroaches;
  • Low degree of toxicity (fourth) - the dust is completely safe for human health and pets, so you will not need to leave your apartment during treatment;
  • Simple and convenient use;
  • No pungent odor;
  • Resistance to UV radiation;
  • Does not require special equipment;
  • Air temperature has no effect on the effectiveness of the powder;
  • Availability - the drug is freely available, you can buy it both in a specialized store and on the market;
  • Low cost.

Advice! The active ingredients of the dust are quickly addictive, so in case of frequent cockroach infestations, it should be alternated with other insecticidal agents.

The only drawback of the Clean House powder is its inability to destroy eggs laid by insects. If the adults die, the eggs will remain unharmed. This means that after some time new cockroaches will appear from them.

What to do after treatment

After completing the procedures, the room must be ventilated for 30–60 minutes.

  1. Remove personal protective equipment.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and wash, rinse your mouth.
  3. Get out into the fresh air.

According to reviews, the product works most effectively if you leave everything as is and go to visit someone for the night. Clean up the next day.

After 1 hour, you can start wet cleaning. Soda and soap are added to the water. Wash should be done in places where residents can touch it with their hands. In hard-to-reach places you can leave the product for further impact.

Everyone else can enter the house after cleaning is completed.

You need to take a shower and throw the clothes that were disinfected in the wash.

The spray is not a long-acting insecticide. The active ingredients disintegrate quite quickly in the air.

If the premises are slightly infested, Clean House will deal with parasites 100%. Subject to compliance with all rules of use. If there are a large number of bedbugs, additional measures will be required.

Safety regulations

  • Carry out the treatment with open windows or vents.
  • There should be no children or pets in the apartment during treatment.
  • If there is an aquarium in the apartment, it should be covered.
  • Hide food and dishes in a closet or cover with foil.
  • After disinfection is completed, ventilate the room for about half an hour.
  • It is not recommended to sprinkle powder inside cabinets.
  • 3–6 hours after treatment, it is necessary to clean with a wet method (soap and soda solution) on those surfaces where dust can accidentally get on food or dishes.
  • In other places, the powder can be left for 6 weeks (until the end of the active period of the drug).
  • Interaction with dust should be carried out in protective clothing, a scarf, and a cotton-gauze bandage. Put gloves on your hands.

Cockroach dust is an effective and cheap way to get rid of cockroaches. Processing with powder is very simple, the main thing is to follow safety precautions. The active ingredients of the powder are low-toxic, so this method of disinsection of an apartment can be considered relatively safe. The composition of the drugs of different brands is similar. And the price is about the same.

Expert advice

Evgeniya Vitalievna Marinina, entomologist, 16 years of work experience:

Marinina Evgenia Vitalievna Entomologist, researcher. Work experience 16 years.

• powders should be used when the room is infested with clogs or moderately, if there are already a lot of insects, then the dust will not cope, it is better not to waste time; • you can mix with water products whose labels contain such instructions and proportions, but in most cases powders easily absorb moisture, so you need to wipe the surfaces dry; • you can simultaneously use different products containing different substances: FOS, pyrethroids, then change them each next time.

Dust will not cope with severe infection

General description and composition of the dust

The dust has a prolonged insecticidal effect, that is, it remains active for several weeks after treatment. A single treatment of the premises guarantees the destruction of the cockroach colony and the prevention of their return for at least a month.

Dust has undergone changes in recent years; previously it had a different composition, which, as it became clear later, was dangerous to human health. The danger was the powder insecticide, which is no longer used.

The effectiveness of the product was not affected by this. Now it uses powdered components based on boric acid, as well as pineronyl butoxide. The product has a grayish-yellow color.

Dust is available in 50 gram bags. One package of the product is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​10 square meters. m.

After a single treatment with Dust, cockroaches will disappear for at least 3 months

You can purchase the product in household chemical stores or in specialized stores (where they sell insecticides and disinfectants). The cost of one 50 gram sachet is 15 rubles.

How does dust affect cockroaches?

The insecticides included in Dust are of the contact type, that is, they destroy insects when they come into contact with the drug. To die, an insect does not necessarily have to swallow the product - it is enough to “hook” it with its paws.

Next, the parasite begins to “wash itself,” thereby introducing the drug into the digestive tract. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug affects the nervous system, blocking the passage of impulses along the nerves. This leads to ischemia of the internal organs and the death of the insect.

When the product gets into the mucous membranes or respiratory tract of the parasite, the effect is achieved much faster. But in any case, the insect does not die immediately - it manages to infect its relatives (both during life and after death, since cockroaches willingly eat the corpse of a fellow tribesman).

How effective is the method?

Dust is a medium-effective insecticide and is mainly suitable for treating residential premises, maximum hospitals, kindergartens, and summer cottages. For industrial premises (where the area is larger and the level of infection is higher), it is better to use other means.

For home use, the product is very good and is usually enough to remove cockroaches. In very rare cases, resistance (immunity) occurs in cockroaches to the active components of Dust.

This is easy to check: if after 2-3 treatments with Dust the problem is not solved, then you need to use another product with a different composition. It is advisable to use gel/cream insecticides after failure with powder insecticides.

List of dust-based products

There are several types of Dust, slightly different in composition (especially in the proportions of active ingredients) and scope of application. Now on the market there are the following variants of Dust:

  1. Tornado.
  2. Absolute.
  3. Clean house.
  4. Phenaxin.
  5. Ecokiller.

The number of cockroaches in an apartment is not a decisive factor in determining the effectiveness of insecticides. It is much more important that the parasites have resistance, and if it exists, you can first try different types of Dust products, and only if they are ineffective, switch to analogues from other manufacturers.

pharmachologic effect

It is advisable to buy the Clean House product for exterminating adult pests, since the drug is inert against pest eggs. For this reason, repeated treatment is required after 10-14 days in order to destroy the newly emerged generation of larvae and young animals.

The insecticide provokes a nerve-paralytic state approximately 1-2 hours after disinfestation due to the cumulative effect of interacting active components. Drops of the spray, falling on the chitinous cover of the insect, quickly seep through the “armor” and paralyze the pest, causing rapid death.

Hazard class for humans

The Clean House product is an aerosol of the class of low-toxic drugs (III class). The spray vapors with a pronounced pungent odor and unpleasant chemical notes are rapidly volatile and dissipate within a couple of hours.

The manufacturer allows the option of producing a product scented with chamomile extract. Despite the mild aroma, when using poison, personal respiratory protection is strictly required.


A can of standard capacity (600 ml) is designed for full atomization and 100% effective concentration in a room up to 80 m2.

Aerosol benefits

The main advantage of the pesticide is its unique chemical formula, universal and effective against most domestic parasites, including:

  • Tarkans.
  • Bedbugs.
  • Mol.
  • Woodlice.
  • Fleas.
  • Bed lice.
  • Double tails, etc.

The negative effect of the drug on representatives of the order of small rodents (mice, rats) has also been experimentally proven.

The sprayed substance does not leave stains or odor on treated surfaces (furniture, curtains, walls, carpets, upholstery, etc.) and clothing. Local application directly on infected and hard-to-reach places makes its consumption economical. Approximate usage – 12/3-4 sec. pressing.

Conditions of use

Cockroach repellent Clean House does not require preliminary preparation of the working solution. Simply release the spray button from the lid.

Disadvantages of the insecticide

A conditional disadvantage is the volatility of the pesticide (as practice shows, the final effect does not suffer from the instability of the vapors). A more significant drawback is the drug’s immunity to parasite eggs. This predetermines the repeated implementation of disinfestation measures.

Preparing for room treatment

Not only the final result, but also the safety of the inhabitants of the home depends on proper preparation. Preparatory procedures include the following:

  • Remove people and pets from the premises, incl. aquarium.
  • Unfold/disassemble/move furniture away from the walls.
  • Take out food/dishes/toys or seal them tightly.

Attention! If it is impossible to remove the container with fish from the room, it is necessary to close it tightly and disconnect the compressor unit from the network. You can open the aquarium and turn on the air filter only after thoroughly ventilating the room at the end of the processing procedures - fish are especially sensitive to one of the components of the chemical (cypermethrin)

Deadly insecticide

True dust is a fine powder of white or slightly grayish color, without taste or pungent odor. The main active ingredient (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT) is a highly effective contact insecticide that causes death of most types of pests and parasites: insects (fleas, flies, bedbugs, cockroaches) and small warm-blooded animals (rats and mice).

The use of the drug in its pure form is prohibited in many countries, since the ability of the poison to accumulate in tissues and have a detrimental toxic effect on the human body, domestic animals and birds has been proven. For this reason, today you can find on sale only drugs with a low content of the toxic substance DDT (no more than 0.01% in the composition) or made on the basis of other, safer active ingredients (synthetic pyrethroids, chlorpyrifos, malathion). At the same time, manufacturers retained the name “dust” for their products, using it as an advertising gimmick.

Cockroach powder for home use is produced in small, hermetically sealed plastic bags weighing 50-150 g. For professional use and treatment of large industrial premises, kraft bags weighing 10 kg are produced.

Operating principle of dusts:

  • disruption of the nervous system of insects and their larvae, leading to paralysis and rapid death;
  • acute disorder of the functions of the digestive system of parasites;
  • dehydrating effect.

A clean house is the dream of any housewife. But even one insect that sneaks into a sparkling, sterile kitchen can ruin the whole look. Modern dust powders cope well with cockroach infestations, do not harm the health of residents and pets, and have an affordable price.

The most popular dusts: review

Due to its popularity, dust is produced by many companies. Products of various brands may contain pure dust or contain enhancers and additives. To understand which brand to buy the drug from, check out the most popular products on the insecticide market.

Clean house

In the rating of the review of the best insecticides of 2022, the dust brand “Clean House” occupies a leading position. Sold in blue bags of various dosages. It works on the basis of tetramethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

To understand how much product will be needed, it is enough to know the area of ​​the room being treated. Information on calculating the drug based on the required area can be found on the packaging. For example, for a room with an area of ​​10 sq.m. you will need 50 g of powder

The packaging also indicates the method of use of the substance and precautions. For 50 g of Clean House dust you will pay 50 rubles


The drug is intended for treating large areas, often non-residential. Sold in 1 kg bags. Capable of destroying not only cockroaches, but also other pests. The main active ingredient is alphacypermethrin. The product begins to work 48 hours after treatment and remains effective for 60 days. Buying Acaritox will cost 1,500 rubles.


The drug has intestinal and nerve-paralytic effects. Works on the basis of boric acid and karbofos. The method of use and dosage is no different from analogues. The packaging contains instructions for use and recommendations for calculating the product depending on the area of ​​the room. For 50 g of powder you will pay 50 rubles.


The powder is available in various dosages, the weight of which is determined based on the area of ​​the room. A product of the third class of toxicity, which contains boric acid and cypermethrin. Most people who have tried tornado control note that to eradicate the entire population of cockroaches, it is necessary to repeat the treatment after 2-3 weeks. The price of a 150 g bag is 30 rubles.


The product is considered low-toxic, but quite effective. The main active ingredient is acetamiprid, a substance with enteric contact effects. The drug is sold in packages of 250 g, costing 1,500 rubles.


The powder is sold in bags of 25 g or 1 kg. It actively affects insects already on the first or second day after application. Alphacypermethrin, which is included in the composition, destroys cockroaches due to intestinal penetration. The drug fights cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and their larvae.


Like other dusts, phenaxin is designed to kill cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and flies. The effectiveness of the product is due to the work of fenvalerate and boric acid contained in the composition. For the best results, the manufacturer recommends preparing aromatic baits based on the powder. The cost of a 125-gram sachet is 50 rubles.

Chinese dust

The product, according to people who have tested it, is considered more effective than its Russian counterparts. In fact, Chinese dust contains the same components as domestic ones, but their action and processing results are no different. In addition, such a product is difficult to buy in a store; you will need to order it on online resources for Chinese goods.


A distinctive feature is the absence of toxic harm to humans. The powder is suitable for use by allergy sufferers or people suffering from respiratory diseases. The drug destroys the chitinous cover and causes dehydration of the insect's body due to the diatomaceous earth contained in it.


The product is used to exterminate cockroaches and cockroaches in the apartment, as well as to remove pests from the garden. The powder contains a strong insecticide - fipronil, which causes a nerve-paralytic effect on the insect. To die, a cockroach only needs one contact with the regent. Experienced exterminators also recommend preparing aromatic baits based on the powder. In this case, the insecticide will enter the insect’s digestive tract. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug will double.


The main active component of the substance is dried Dolmatian chamomile flowers. The uniqueness of the drug is its complete lack of toxicity for humans. When it gets on the cover and into the cavity, the active component causes disruption of the internal organs and immobilizes the insect's body, as a result of which the cockroach dies.

How does dust powder work on cockroaches?

Before using powder products, you need to understand how they act on cockroaches. Insecticidal preparations are divided into 3 groups, which differ fundamentally in their effects on the pest:

  • Nervous agents. The toxin, having entered the cockroach’s body through the digestive tract, respiratory tract or chitinous cover, negatively affects the transmission of nerve impulses, first causing spasms and convulsions, and then complete immobilization. The inevitable consequence of paralysis is death.
  • Intestinal. Dust affects the insect from the inside, corroding the stomach and intestines after eating it in the form of bait. This is how boric acid works, for example.
  • Dehydrating. Fine diatomaceous earth dust can damage chitin. After contact with this substance, the insect’s body rapidly loses fluid and becomes dehydrated.

How to process correctly

Treatment of the room should begin with its preparation. In addition to cleaning, you should remove curtains, paintings and other decorative elements from the walls

Particular attention should be paid to cabinets. Frequent clusters of bedbugs are observed on their back walls

That is why all bulky furniture that is never cleaned should be moved away from the walls. Not only the back walls of the cabinets are processed, but also their internal partitions and shelves. Armchairs, sofas and beds also need to be disassembled. Their soft parts are removed so that the frame can be carefully processed. Bed bugs often make nests inside furniture.

After preparing the apartment and using personal protective equipment, you can proceed directly to work. To do this, shake the spray bottle. Spray all places where bedbugs can live: cracks in walls and baseboards, window sills, peeling wallpaper, crawl spaces and door frames.

To treat one square meter, spraying for 3-5 seconds is sufficient. The directed jet treats not only all surfaces, but also existing voids, which are an excellent place for bedbugs to hide. After completing the work, it is recommended to spray the product additionally in the center of the room simply into the air. However, this can only be done if it is possible not to enter the apartment after treatment for at least three days.

How does modern dust differ from Soviet dust?

Modern dust is significantly different from the product produced in the era of the Soviet Union. The main component of the substance was then dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane (DDT). Soviet dust was used to control pests in apartments and private houses, as well as insects in the garden or garden. DDT was later proven to be too toxic for indoor use.

Now the substance is used by sanitary and environmental services.

Dust is any product that comes in powder form and is used to remove insects.

Rules for using dust to treat an apartment

It is important to understand how to poison cockroaches with dust correctly. To do this, you need to perform a number of steps before and after using the powder.

Prepare the room before dust treatment


  • do wet cleaning;
  • move the furniture out a little - move it 10-20 cm from the walls;
  • empty cabinets;
  • put away food and dishes.

Before processing, do wet cleaning

Compliance with safety measures and use of protective equipment when working with dust

When spraying a powder-based working solution and in cases where a dry substance is used, you need to prepare a respirator, goggles, and rubber gloves. This will help protect the organs of vision, respiratory tract, and skin from the insecticide.

Dust treatment is carried out in personal protective equipment

Spraying a powder or solution from a spray bottle in places where cockroaches accumulate and nest

Regardless of which disinfestation method was chosen, it is recommended to pay attention to areas where insects live and often crawl:

  • next to the trash can;
  • under the bath;
  • for furniture and household appliances;
  • on baseboards;
  • on top of wall cabinets;
  • next to the pipes.

If possible, powder with a prolonged action is poured under the baseboard

Leave the premises for 2-3 days

For the product to work, you need to leave it on surfaces for a long time. If it is not possible to leave for 1-2 weeks, it is enough to wait a few days - up to 3.

First of all, open the windows and doors of the room. Through ventilation will help reduce the concentration of volatile components. Then remove the drug from visible areas. It is recommended to leave the poison in hidden places.

To wash surfaces use a soap-soda solution

After the procedure, get rid of clothes and thoroughly wash off the poison from yourself.

When the treatment of the room is completed, it is important to immediately take a shower. Clothes that have been disinfested are sent for washing.

If old, unnecessary things were specifically used, they are thrown away.


Reviews about the Clean House dust vary. The drug has its pros and cons, which are not always taken into account by buyers. When used correctly, they achieve the desired results in a short time.

For me, dusts are much better than aerosols and concentrates. I bought a Clean House. I sprinkled the paths in the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. Dead insects began to be found on the third day, and gradually all died out within a couple of weeks. At the end of the month, I removed the powder and washed the floor well. When the poison is on the floor, you need to make sure that food is not left freely available for cockroaches; every time before eating, wipe the table well with a soap and soda solution. Cockroaches spread dust on their legs, and you can get poisoned yourself.

Veronica, Tver

Dust Clean House helps, but you have to wait for the results. First I sprayed Clean House with aerosol, and then scattered the paths. The spray does not last long, but kills instantly, the powder finishes off the remaining parasites and newborn larvae.

Tina, Moscow

Bottom line

To ensure that dust bug powder helps get rid of the problem, use it in accordance with the instructions. If even after this, parasites still appear, try other methods of combating them or seek qualified help.


  • https://poryadok-v-dome.com/nasekomye/tarakany/dust.html
  • https://deadbug.ru/dust-poroshok-ot-klopov-instruktsiya-i-ego-tsena.html
  • https://beetlestop.ru/dust-ot-tarakanov/
  • https://combat-dez.ru/sredstvo-ot-klopov-chistyi-dom-effektivnost-plusy-i-minysy/
  • https://hoznauka.ru/vrediteli/dust-ot-tarakanov.html
  • https://KlopVred.ru/tarakany/dust-ot-tarakanov/
  • https://parazitdoma.ru/tarakany/dust-ot-tarakanov
  • https://dermatologpro.ru/info/dust-ot-tarakanov-vred-dlja-cheloveka/
  • https://lifeinsect.ru/dust-v-borbe-s-klopami.html
  • https://rvdku.ru/parazity/effektivnost-dusta-v-izbavlenii-ot-klopov-pravila-ispolzovaniya-otzyvy-potrebitelej


The main advantage of “Clean House” products for cockroaches, reviews of which are mostly positive, is their high efficiency. Developers are constantly improving the formula of the drugs. Therefore, parasites do not have time to develop immunity to them.

The choice of the appropriate release form depends on the specific tasks. If you need to quickly get rid of cockroaches, you need an aerosol or powder. When there are children in the house, it is better to use gel. A piece of chalk will help you carry out the processing without unnecessary hassle. After all the actions, it is better to set traps.

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