Universal fast-acting remedy Prestige against Colorado potato beetle and fungal infections

Growing potatoes involves not only proper care of the crop, but also protecting it from various pests. Prestige for the Colorado potato beetle is recognized as one of the best drugs in this area. The insecticide has a fairly strong effect on pests, but, unlike other products, it is relatively safe for people.

Purpose and composition

The demand for the drug among gardeners is explained by the effectiveness of its use. It is based on two main active ingredients:

  • pencikuron - part of the group of pesticides, intended to protect against pathogens of fungal infections and mold;
  • Imidacloprid – refers to insecticidal preparations with enteric contact action.

Imidacloprid affects the internal organs of pests and the nervous system, blocking the work and transmission of impulses. Paralysis sets in and the beetles die.

Two components provided a set of useful (and somewhat unique) properties of the Prestige product:

  • insecticidal (protection against pests is developed);
  • fungicidal (help increase the overall immunity of plants, as well as resistance to common fungal diseases);
  • anti-stress.

Precautionary measures

The drug "Prestige" is quite toxic, so it can harm human health. If you follow a number of rules when using it, you will be able to avoid the negative effects of this chemical on the human body. For example:

  1. It is necessary to take care to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory organs, using thick clothing, rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. During the process of planting potatoes, it is forbidden to drink, smoke, and, especially, eat.
  3. At the end of the work, take off your clothes and put them in the wash, and take a shower and rinse your mouth.

It is important to know! It is better to place the treated planting material in plastic bags for transportation.

Children should not be involved in planting potatoes and should not be allowed into their place of work, as well as pets. If poison gets on the skin, and even more so on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to immediately rinse the affected area thoroughly with clean running water. If negative symptoms occur, such as headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, it is better to seek help from specialists.

If you do not ignore precautions, it is simply impossible to get poisoned with the Prestige product. The toxic components that make up Prestige completely disintegrate within 50 days, so they cannot harm human health.

Release forms

The manufacturer is the famous Bayer concern (Germany). Prestige insecticide is available for sale in various packages and packaging:

  • syringes in blister 6 ml;
  • 30 ml sachets;
  • bottles 500, 150, 60 ml.

This packaging is convenient for the consumer, since you can purchase any volume of the product depending on the intended treatments.

Providing protection for seedlings with Prestige

Prestige shows itself excellently when processing garden crops and growing plants. Colorado beetles are dangerous not only for potatoes, but also for peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants.

In order to provide protection, you need to soak the roots of the plants in an insecticidal solution:

  1. Dilute the drug in a ratio of 10 milliliters per 1 liter of water.
  2. Stir.
  3. Pour into a wide container.
  4. Dip the roots of the seedlings into the solution.
  5. Wait about 7-8 hours.
  6. Plant it.

The product is also used to treat the roots of berry bushes and fruit plants. Such an event makes it possible to ensure the safety of vegetation from leaf-loading and sucking insects, and soil parasites.

How much of the drug needs to be diluted? Processing should be carried out as follows:

  1. Prepare a special solution based on 800 grams of clay, 1 liter of water, 800 grams of compost/humus.
  2. Dilute 20 milliliters of Prestige in 1 liter of water.
  3. Mix 2 solutions.
  4. Dip the roots of the seedlings into the composition.

This amount is designed to process 30-40 bushes.

It is recommended to immediately plant treated plants without seasoning, since over time the effectiveness of pesticides will begin to decrease.

Advantages of Prestige insecticide

Various insecticides have been used in vegetable growing for a long time, but the appearance of Prestige has changed the traditional attitude of gardeners to such drugs.


  • low toxicity (Class III);
  • Frequent treatments are not required;
  • validity period – up to 40 days;
  • high efficiency against the Colorado potato beetle, as well as fungi and microbes;
  • acceleration of the process of photosynthesis, and therefore the development and growth of crops;
  • stability of the composition to light, moisture;
  • rapid penetration into plant tissue, causing them to become toxic to insects, but safe for humans.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Prestige

Prestige is difficult to classify as any group of chemical plant protection products. This is due to the fact that it is able to destroy not only beetles, but also protect potatoes from many diseases and increase their resistance to adverse environmental factors (Figure 1).

Prestige has the following properties:

  1. Insecticidal: after treating the tubers, the potatoes become resistant to the main pests (Colorado and May beetles, midges, etc.);
  2. Fungicidal: after treatment, planting material acquires immunity against major potato diseases, such as scab, rot, rust and powdery mildew;
  3. Anti-stress: pre-planting treatment of tubers allows you to increase their resistance to adverse environmental factors (lack of moisture, temperature changes, etc.). Thanks to this, plant growth and tuber development are accelerated.

Figure 1. Prestige release form
In addition, the harvest harvested from beds treated with Prestige has a more attractive presentation. At the same time, the chemical itself does not accumulate in potatoes, so the crop can be considered absolutely safe for human health.

How does Prestige work?

The drug contains two active components that protect tubers from diseases and pests.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases, the product included pencycuron, a pesticide whose action is aimed at preventing the development of fungi. To prevent pest invasion, Prestige contains imidacloprid, which is an insecticide and has a contact-intestinal effect. This chemical penetrates the digestive tract of insects with food, affects the nervous system and causes paralysis, followed by the complete death of the pest.

Note: The Prestige chemical is considered unusual because it is not sprayed on the surface of grown tops, but is used to treat tubers before planting. In the future, the active substances from the potato will spread to all parts of the plant as it grows. The poison is able to penetrate not only through the digestive tract of Colorado beetles, but also through their chitinous shell. This feature provokes almost instantaneous death of pests.

It is also important that the substance remains effective for 40 days after treatment, therefore it destroys not only old individuals that have overwintered in the soil, but also young insects that have hatched from laid eggs. Only the insecticidal component of the product has such a long-lasting effect, while a chemical aimed at protecting against diseases remains effective throughout the growing season.

Despite the fact that the chemical is concentrated in the tubers that are used for planting, by the time of harvest it is completely removed from the young potatoes, so the crop is considered environmentally friendly and safe for health.

Toxicity of the drug

The insectofungicide belongs to hazard class III, so it is necessary to comply with the timing of treatments and take into account the peculiarities of the growing season of vegetables.

Prestige can be used in the middle zone only on mid-late and late potato varieties, so that the active substances have time to leave the tubers before harvesting. In the south, mid-early and mid-ripening varieties are suitable for processing, and the period for the removal of toxic elements is calculated. Until the moment of withdrawal, the active substances are active and reliably protect plants from pathogens and pests.

Precautionary measures

Drugs of class III toxicity do not pose a danger to animals, birds, or human health. But these are chemicals in any case, so it is important to take certain precautions.

On a note! Poisoning can occur only when the dosage of insecticides is significantly exceeded, as well as when ingested.

Safety regulations:

  • process tubers and plants wearing thick protective clothing, a mask and gloves;
  • after spraying, wash overalls, take a shower or thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap and water;
  • Rinse your nose and mouth with clean water.

Potato tubers are not laid out on the ground or floor, but on a spread film, dense material, roofing material. After drying, the potatoes are transported in bags to the planting site.

After soaking, the seedlings are placed in bags or boxes with the roots down, then immediately planted.


Like all insecticidal products, Prestige requires special storage conditions. To do this, choose a dry place (for example, a closed cabinet), inaccessible to pets and children.

Optimal mode: from +40º to -20ºC. There should be no food, flammable materials, or animal feed nearby.

Instructions for use

As a rule, concentrated emulsion is sold in specialized stores, so before use you will have to prepare a working composition. The rules are as follows:

  1. 50 ml of concentrated substance is diluted in 3 liters of water.
  2. The working solution is thoroughly mixed.
  3. The prepared composition is poured into a sprayer.
  4. The planting material is laid out in an even layer on plastic film or other surface.
  5. Using a sprayer, the product is sprayed onto the planting material. It is necessary to ensure that 75% of the surface of the tubers is covered with a toxic substance. As a rule, one side of the tubers is first sprayed, and after drying, the planting material is mixed, after which it is sprayed again.

After this treatment, you can begin planting seed material. The product "Prestige" can be used to protect planting material before germination. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. 25 ml of suspension is diluted in half a liter of water.
  2. The tubers are laid out on the surface and treated with the product on all sides.
  3. After this, the material for germination should dry.
  4. Planting material is placed in storage areas for germination.

The product “Prestige” can be used to protect seedlings of various crops from the Colorado potato beetle. To do this, prepare an active product based on 10 ml of emulsion and 1 liter of water. After thorough mixing, the seedlings are treated with the product. After treatment, they should stand for about 8 hours, after which they can be planted in open ground.

Mechanism and principle of operation

“Prestige, KS” is a contact-intestinal pesticide by the method of penetration, and a protective pesticide by the nature of its action.

The principle of protective action is illustrated by the following slide.

The principle of protective action against pests of the disinfectant "Prestige, KS"

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

a) Firstly, when protecting against insect pests, imidacloprid, entering the insect’s body, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the postsynaptic membrane receptor.

The period of protective action against pests is regulated to 40-60 days after emergence.

It is important that it is characterized by high initial activity against pests. The first results are observed within a few hours after application.

b) Secondly, when protecting against potato diseases , pencicuron penetrates the plant cuticle and inhibits the germination of mycelium, affects the functional state of the cell and nucleus, inhibits the biosynthesis of sterol and free fatty acids inside the fungus, and significantly reduces the content of transport forms of glucose. This significantly helps to curb the development of plant diseases.

The period of protective action of the drug against rhizoctonia and potato scab is established throughout the entire growing season.

The drug "Prestige, KS" has an anti-stress effect, which increases the yield and quality of potatoes. The following slide illustrates these characteristics.

Anti-stress effect of the drug "Prestige, KS"

Features of the product

  1. Until the moment of disintegration, the active substance of the disinfectant reliably protects the planting material from pests and diseases.
  2. If you want to use this product in combination with growth stimulants, microelements or other pesticides, you must first conduct a compatibility test.
  3. “Prestige” from the Colorado potato beetle belongs to toxicity class III, and therefore is harmful to humans. Before performing any manipulations with the concentrated suspension, you should protect your skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract by wearing personal protective equipment.
  4. The effectiveness of the drug will depend on the uniformity of its spraying and the continuity of the spray torch.
  5. The active substance begins to work from the moment of processing.


“Prestige” from the Colorado potato beetle has low toxicity, as it belongs to the third class, so it can cause some harm. To avoid health problems, the following is recommended:

  • processed tubers should be packaged in protective film before transportation;
  • when processing and planting, it is necessary to follow safety rules, using preventive protective equipment: gloves and a mask;
  • “Prestige” can be used to treat potato varieties harvested in August, since the active substance will leave the tubers only 2 months after treatment;
  • if you plan to plant potatoes in the third or fourth decade of April and the “Prestige” preparation will be used to process them, then you should choose mid-late or mid-early varieties.

Important! For early varieties of potatoes, which are harvested as early as June or July, it is highly undesirable to use the Prestige dressing agent! In such a short period of time, the poison will not have time to leave the treated tubers!

Processing regulations

Purpose of processingDosageConsumption rateProcessing Features
a) Potato diseases - rhizoctonia, common scab, etc. b) Potato pests - wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, aphids (as carriers of viruses)70–100 ml./1 l. water 1 l. working solution/100 kg. planting tubers Spraying tubers before and during planting. One-time treatment is enough

Treatment of seed tubers before planting

Dilute Prestige disinfectant according to the instructions in a plastic bottle of suitable capacity.
Mark the finished solution into levels according to the number of batches of tubers being processed along the outer surface of the bottle with a marker or pieces of adhesive tape, colored tape, or tape. It is better to divide seed potatoes for processing with Prestige into batches of 2 buckets. This will make it easier for one person to mix the treated tubers, and there will be less chance of the film breaking.

To prepare a working solution for 72 kg of seeds (9 buckets), I use 1 bottle with 60 ml of concentrate. I mark the solution in the bottle into four and a half levels: four whole levels for a batch of tubers, two buckets each, and half for one bucket.

Before processing, a batch of seed potatoes should be placed on a sheet of plastic film of sufficient size and strength so that you can grab it by the edges and mix the tubers sprayed with the solution to more evenly distribute the dressing over the surface of the seeds.

You can spray the Prestige disinfectant from the bottle in which it is diluted, using a spray nozzle, or by pouring it in levels into a small garden sprayer.

As a last resort, in the absence of plastic film, you can take a polypropylene bag and process the seed potatoes in it, only when mixing you can get more dirty than when using film.


Types of synthetic drugs against striped pests

Chemical compositions for the destruction of Colorado potato beetles are divided into:

  1. Insecticides.
  2. Biological products.
  3. Folk remedies.

To effectively use chemicals, you must be able to correctly correlate the choice of drug with the conditions of your summer cottage. The leading positions in the ranking of pest control products are occupied by powerful synthetic compounds with a high speed of impact: “Prestige”, “Aktara”, “Tanrek”, “Koragen”, “Respect”, “Bark beetle”.

Some farmers combine natural remedies with systemic microbiological preparations (Fitosporin, etc.), insecticide-acaricidal agents (Rateid, Tsifoks based on cypermethrin). In order not to harm the plantings, farmers follow the dosages of drugs recommended in the instructions.

When using insecticides and pesticides together, you need to know the degree of compatibility of the drugs.

Methods of influence

According to methods of use, synthetic drugs are conventionally divided into:

  • mordants (they are used to treat tubers before planting);
  • spraying agents.

Chemical compounds have different effects on beetles. Some instantly kill harmful insects, others scare off minke whales with a pungent odor, paralyze, or disrupt the functioning of the parasites’ digestive system.

NameWhat harm does it cause to parasites?
ContactInsects come into contact with treated plant parts and die. The method is not used during rain, before watering.
IntestinalThe poison penetrates the pests during feeding.
SystemChemicals fill the plants. Crops become inedible for pests.
SprayingThe working solution of the drug is sprayed onto plants, beetles, larvae, and eggs. The composition poisons pests without harming crops.
Regulation of growth and developmentDrugs that fall on parasites during pollination interfere with the growth of the protective shell of the larvae. This leads to underdevelopment of pests and their death. Toxic compounds that enter the body of female parasites along with green matter cause disturbances in the life cycles of the offspring of minke whales.

Among insecticidal agents with a reputation for being effective, farmers often choose: Actellik, Punisher, Confidor, Agita, 30 Plus. The contact-intestinal remedy for Colorado beetles “Gunner Duo” also has a high rating. This insecticide destroys all harmful insects and protects the garden for a month.

Many farmers who want to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle choose the Stop Beetle insecticide. This contact-intestinal drug has a class IV hazard class for humans. Despite its toxicity, STOP Beetle is actively used by gardeners; the chemical quickly rids plants of pests without disturbing the life cycles of crops.

By composition

Colorado beetles quickly adapt to synthetic compounds. Experienced gardeners advise alternating preparations with different active substances.

AvermectinsThey are produced by streptomycete fungi or obtained by chemical synthesis. Preparations based on avermectins are not too dangerous for humans, but have a negative effect on beneficial insects. Such products cannot be used near apiaries.
PyrethrinsThey cause paralysis of the nervous system in Colorado beetles and the death of insects. The activity of the agents decreases with increasing ambient temperature.
Phosphorus compoundsThey have class III hazard to humans. If phosphorus compounds are used against beetles for a long period, the pests become immune to the compounds.
NeonicotinoidsUsed for the synthesis of active drugs with systemic action against striped pests.

Pyrethroid insecticides are less toxic than chemicals from other groups. After treating potatoes with the following preparations: “Kinmiks”, “Marshal”, “Klotiamet”, “Typhoon”, “Hurricane”, “Senpai”, you cannot dig up the tubers for at least 30 days. This protects against the effects of harmful substances that get inside the plants.

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