6 types of “Raptor” products for cockroaches, how to choose and how to use (instructions)

A cockroach fumigator is a modern and effective tool that allows you to rid your living space of cockroaches in a short period of time. On sale you can see several varieties of such devices, differing in principle of operation, cost and some other characteristics. To understand which fumigator will be the most effective in the fight against cockroaches, it is necessary to consider the main modifications of this popular product.

Types of poisoning devices

A fumigator is a device designed to kill cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies and other insects. In operating condition, the device quickly heats up, spreading insecticides around itself - toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on insects, but do not affect human health. To destroy Prussians, you can use 3 types of fumigators:

  • smoke;
  • electrical;
  • aquatic.

Fumigators, regardless of their type, operate on the same principle - they evaporate a toxic chemical into the air, causing mass death of insects in the room. However, each type of device has its own differences, which should be considered in detail.

Where to buy, price, reviews

After reading the relevant information about such a product, many will ask the question “Where to buy an aquafumigator?” The easiest way to purchase it is through the Internet. The price at the moment is only 500 rubles, which remains an affordable price for almost any person faced with the problem of the Prussian invasion. When compared with the pricing policy of insecticidal services or the need to purchase several cans of various sprays, the benefits become obvious.

Numerous reviews from satisfied customers confirm the high efficiency of the Raptor aquafumigator. When using, you should additionally listen to the manufacturer's recommendations. Before using the product, he advises turning off the fire safety system, opening all cabinets and bedside tables, and removing food and house plants from the area being treated. After finishing the product, you need to ventilate the room.

VIDEO: aquafumigator from Raptor (test):


Using a smoke fumigator

Smoke devices are sold under the trademarks Quiet Evening, Raptor, City and Tsitum. The most popular among the listed products is the Raptor smoke bomb, designed to kill insects over an area of ​​up to 30 m². Its spiral heats up quickly and, using smoke, evenly distributes insecticides throughout the entire area of ​​the treated room, destroying not only adult Prussians, but also their eggs and larvae.

A smoke bomb works in 3 ways in the fight against cockroaches:

  1. It releases toxins that penetrate the stigma and hemolymph of insects, paralyzing their body and leading to death.
  2. Covers the Prussian shell with toxic substances that quickly saturate its entire body.
  3. Evenly distributes insecticides over the walls, floors and furniture in the apartment. Cockroaches that survive the use of a smoke fumigator will move around the room, and the poison remaining on its surfaces will settle on their limbs and penetrate into the body.

For a smoke bomb to be effective, it must be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Before you start using the device, you must:

  • move the furniture in all rooms where disinfestation needs to be carried out away from the walls;
  • open all doors in cabinets and bedside tables;
  • leave the doors to all rooms, toilets and bathrooms open;
  • close access to the ventilation system;
  • remove dishes, clothes and other household items from the apartment or securely hide them;
  • take pets to neighbors or relatives, cover the aquarium with cling film, remove plants and flowers.

The Raptor smoke fumigator against cockroaches must be used when there are no people in the house. The person handling it should put on a respirator before starting work. The smoke bomb must be placed on a non-flammable surface. Before use, you need to pour water into the reservoir that comes with the fumigator, and then light the wick. Immediately after this, the person must leave the home, tightly closing the front door behind him. The device is designed for 3 hours of operation. It spreads acrid smoke around itself, which penetrates into all rooms, corners and crevices, while destroying cockroaches. You should enter the house 6 hours after setting the smoke bomb on fire. To get rid of the smell of smoke, the home must be thoroughly ventilated by opening all windows and creating a draft. You should also wet clean all areas exposed to toxic smoke.

The main disadvantage of smoke fumigators is the strong specific odor that can persist in the treated room for several days. For this reason, devices of this type are not recommended for use in homes where small children and people suffering from respiratory diseases live.

How to use

To destroy parasites using an aerosol, raptor fumigator or any other means, it is important to follow certain rules for preparing the room:

  • To remove parasites, one or more devices of the same type should be used to treat the entire apartment. Killing insects in one room using raptor products will not lead to their complete elimination.
  • Next, you need to move the furniture a little away from the walls to provide toxic substances with access to all corners of the apartment. It is also recommended to open cabinets.
  • Before carrying out the procedure, it is important to remove animals and household members from the apartment.
  • After completing the preparatory activities, you need to spray the aerosol or activate the actions of any other fumigator, and then leave the room closed for at least six hours. After the required amount of time has passed, the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

If you follow the rules, you can get rid of cockroaches quickly and for a long time.

To prevent the reappearance of parasites, it is recommended to periodically use the raptor electric fumigator and keep the room clean.

Electrofumigator and its action

Electric fumigators are devices equipped with heating elements. They can evaporate toxins harmful to insects using special plates or liquid placed inside the bottle. To kill cockroaches, experts advise inserting a bottle of insecticides into the fumigator. This device allows you to clear a room with a total area of ​​up to 80 m² from Prussians. Electric fumigators from Reid, Picnic, Fumitox, Raptor, and Mosquitoll are considered the most effective. They do not have a negative effect on people and animals, consume little electricity and allow you to destroy all cockroaches in the house in a relatively short time.

Electrofumigators are easy to use. For the device to start working, you just need to plug it into a power outlet and set it to operate at high frequencies. The device can be used in rooms where there are people. The substances it releases are harmful to insects, but they are completely safe for humans and pets. To get rid of cockroaches, the fumigator must be kept plugged in for several weeks. You need to turn it off after the Prussians in the house completely disappear.


As mentioned above, aquafumigators are currently the most popular. The drug from Raptor remains the most affordable and in demand on the modern market.

The cockroach aquafumigator is sold in a small cardboard box in which the buyer will find a square container, a metal jar with holes and an orange chemical inside, and a bag of distilled water.

The main active substance of this fumigator remains a Japanese development called cyphenothrin. This is a highly active insecticide that affects not only Prussians, but also other insects. It is capable of destroying a fairly large population of adult individuals in a short period of time. At the same time, it remains safe for humans and pets.

The principle of using the product is very simple. Instructions for baiting cockroaches are described in detail on the back of the product packaging.

This can be provided through the following steps:

  • Open the package.
  • Remove all contents from it.
  • Pour the water from the bag into a square container.
  • Place a metal jar in it.
  • Place such a complex in the center of the room being treated on a flat surface.
  • Leave the room for 2-3 hours.

Thanks to the activation of a chemical reaction with water, cyphenothrin will begin to actively evaporate and penetrate into all hard-to-reach places in the room. In this simple way you can effectively overcome the invasion of “uninvited guests”. An alternative may be less effective folk remedies or repellent odors.

Water devices in the fight against cockroaches

Water devices (aquafumigators) have gained popularity due to their high efficiency and affordable price. The Raptor aquafumigator deservedly holds the lead among such devices, which contains cyphenothrin, a poison that paralyzes the nervous system of insects, but is absolutely harmless to humans. The device can be used in houses and apartments where small children live. The main advantage of an aquafumigator is its versatility: it is capable of cleaning your home not only from cockroaches, but also from mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies and other insects. One device is enough to eliminate uninvited guests in an area of ​​up to 30 m².

Before using the Raptor aquafumigator for cockroaches, the premises intended for disinfestation must be prepared according to the same scenario as in the case of using a smoke bomb. After this, the fumigator should be placed on a horizontal plane in the center of the apartment and water should be added to its reservoir. Upon contact with liquid, the device will begin to intensively emit steam, with the help of which cyphenothrin will spread throughout the premises.

When steam appears, the person performing pest control must leave the home. Returning to it after 5-6 hours, the first thing he should do is ventilate the rooms and do a wet cleaning of the entire house.

For cockroaches, the aquafumigator acts only on adult insects and does not destroy their eggs. To prevent the reappearance of cockroaches, it is recommended to carry out repeated disinfestation 14 days after using the device. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to get rid of the annoying Prussians completely.


Anna, Novosibirsk: “We fight cockroaches every year. Just some kind of invasion every summer. We have tried many insect repellents. We settled on “Raptor” because I read reviews about the cockroach fumigator. You insert the record, plug it into the socket and that’s it, there’s no trace of pests. True, its radius of influence is weak, enough for one room. But it’s okay, they took it into every room, but it was effective.”

Roman, Krasnodar: “I recently noticed cockroaches in my house. I didn’t call any service. For now I decided to cope on my own. Used sprays, crayons and other chemicals. It’s all to no avail, it seems that they’ve even gotten used to it. As soon as I inserted the “Raptor” into the outlet, the aquafumigator insect elimination system was activated immediately. Super device. I recommend everyone to use it."

Alena, Moscow region: “Every summer our house in the village turns into a kingdom of insects. Despite the fact that our cats try to catch cockroaches and flying bugs, we hang Velcro, use chalk, these actions do not bring much sense. We recently discovered the Raptor fumigator with liquid. The good news is that it is odorless and does not affect animals. Saves from beetles, flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes. Occasionally, wasps fly into the house and sit on the honey; for some reason, our Raptor has no effect on them. Despite this, I still recommend it.”

Lena, Ryazan: “When it’s very hot outside, especially in July, flies fly into our house in large flocks. There are also occasional cockroaches running around. Velcro does not work, as do special gels with powders. If you do not treat your pets, fleas and ticks will begin to settle on them. We put the Raptor with liquid. The cartridges give off an unpleasant odor, so we don’t buy them. The fumigator does its job perfectly. Gets rid of flies and cockroaches. Of course, it doesn’t help against fleas and ticks, but there is a small effect.”

Peter, Azov: “In the summer it is impossible to sleep with the windows open and not clean for a long time. Mosquitoes and cockroaches attack. They installed mosquito nets, but they provide little protection. Previously, we used spray guns and special traps, but our cockroaches adapted to them. In general, there were enough problems with insects until they used “Raptor” in cassettes. Comfortable. You just need to plug it into the outlet and there will be no trace of pests.

Of course, you definitely need to control everything. I remember I forgot to unplug it, left it on all night, woke up, and the Raptor was so hot that it seemed like it was about to burst into flames. Be careful! Read the instructions."

Denis, Syktyvkar: “Cockroaches appeared in the apartment a month ago. Looks like we're cleaning up. We found out that they came from neighbors. They got rid of them on their own, and they came to us. Of course, we “thanked” them. But there was nothing to do. We also read the reviews and came to the conclusion that it is better to buy the Raptor. A universal remedy for all insects. We tried it and were happy. The problem was resolved quickly, of course, after thorough cleaning. In addition, mosquitoes stopped gathering in the evening and preventing us from sleeping. I recommend this miracle product to everyone. It’s convenient to use, the effect is 100%.”

Danger to humans

Moving through basements, garbage cans, and sewers, insects collect harmful bacteria on their bodies and legs. And the harm caused by cockroaches to human health is called blattopterosis by scientists:

  • mustachioed pests can be carriers of dysentery, gastroenteritis, urogenital infection, salmonellosis, and typhoid fever;
  • the digestive system of the black cockroach contains carcinogenic bacteria that cause the development of cancer cells in the human body;
  • cockroaches in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, sanatoriums are a guaranteed infection for both adults and children;
  • contact with insect waste products often causes an allergic reaction in the body (dermatitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma).

Cockroaches also damage household appliances - washing machines and dishwashers. Most often they affect the electronic module, clog filters, drains, and hoses.

IMPORTANT! A thousand cockroaches can infect and damage 10 kg of food in a year. In practice, cases have been recorded when they, out of hunger, bit sleeping people on the fingers and toes, and the epithelium of the lips. They can also crawl into a person’s ear, mouth or nose. It's better not to take risks!

Product description

This product is a professional type of insecticide. This indicates its increased efficiency and high speed of impact. Designed to eliminate cockroaches, house ants, fleas, bed bugs, as well as flying insects and other arthropods. Thanks to several powerful components included in a complex complex, it is possible to easily cope even with organisms that have developed immunity to standard chemicals. Supplied in 100 ml aluminum bottles.


Gel Raptor is a ready-to-use product in a tube with a long spout for greater ease of application. It can be used as a main treatment when there are a small number of bedbugs, or it will help as an auxiliary plus to other drugs.

The main advantage of the gel is the absolute absence of odor, safety for people and animals living in the house.

The active substance of the drug is lambda-cyhalometrin, which has a contact-intestinal effect. The substance paralyzes the nervous system of bedbugs and leads to their rapid death. It has a parasite-attracting effect lasting 1-2 days. An infected bug brings poison to the nest and, through a chain reaction, infects its relatives.


Prepare the room by providing access to all skirting boards around the perimeter. Further instructions for use are as follows:

  1. apply the gel dotted or dotted around the perimeter of the apartment;
  2. due to the transparency of the product and the inability to leave behind stains, it can be applied to any surface;
  3. move furniture into place.

Using the gel is very simple, and after a while, if necessary, it can be easily washed off with plain water. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to treat the entire apartment at once, and not just the room where the bedbugs were found.

After a month, re-treatment is required.

Minus: the effect does not occur immediately.


This product is a real industrial repeller, powerful, heavy and strong. It is usually used in food industry enterprises, where it is necessary to protect entire workshops and halls from cockroaches. It costs more than 4,000 rubles and weighs 600 grams.


In our warehouse we had these black boxes that used ultrasound to drive away cockroaches. I was the only one who tried to turn this on at home. Cockroaches do disappear, but only while the device is running. Then they come back.

Igor, Maykop

Advantages of the drug

The undeniable advantage is efficiency. Flea death occurs within 2 hours after treatment. If Raptor hits an insect directly, death will occur within a few minutes. Since a protective film remains on surfaces, fleas can be eliminated within a week. Including those who are just being born. A universal drug. Effective on adult insects and larvae

In the case of this type of parasite, it is very important. Because larvae do not live in close proximity to fleas

They can be under a trash can, an animal's bedding or in its sleeping place, under a box of vegetables, or in the toilet. They feed on waste and blood is not necessary. These are small worms that crawl into dark, damp places. Ease of use. There is no need to mix the substance with water and prepare the desired concentration. The manufacturers took care of everything. All you need to do is remove the protective cap and shake. Prolonged action. According to the manufacturers, it does not lose its properties within 2–3 weeks. However, under the influence of sunlight, the properties are still lost. Every day his influence is weaker. Therefore, Raptor actually works against fleas for 1 week. But this is enough to destroy the entire population. Since most insects die in the first 2 hours of disinfestation. Economical. The concentration and quantity are such that one can treat a one-room apartment. Quite economical in terms of physical and financial indicators. Availability. The product can be bought everywhere. Even in places where one cannot assume its presence. In industrial stores, grocery stores, specialized stores. The price of 1 can ranges from 100 to 250 rubles. The modern buyer chooses products that are odorless or with pleasant aromas. Raptor in this case is beyond competition. The smell of lavender can be heard during treatment. But when aired it disappears completely. Successful release form. The spray is released under pressure, so it can penetrate hard-to-reach places. For example, under the floor, baseboards, cracks in the wall. Product quality. In recent years, this brand has not let customers down. Mostly there are only positive reviews in their direction.

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