Does Raptor gel help against cockroaches, instructions for use, reviews

Cockroaches are very difficult to control. These small nimble pests penetrate into any cracks, and cause irreparable damage, often becoming carriers of dangerous infections. Before learning more about the product against ants and cockroaches - Raptor gel, reviews about the product should be studied carefully. After all, such products are very dangerous where there are children. But housewives who have used it say that the product is easy to apply and quite effective. Of course, you need to make sure that neither kids nor pets come close to it. After all, it gets rid of pests in no time.

Dangerous uninvited guests

These insects have very strong jaws and, in addition, a large number of chitinous teeth. Having such an arsenal, they are able to chew on any hard surface. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Prussians can even damage leather goods, books, cardboard, soap, and glue. Cases have also been recorded when a sleeping person was attacked: the cockroach was attracted to keratinized particles of human skin. Females are especially voracious; many are able to eat food in a day, the amount of which exceeds its weight.

It is impossible to hide any object from the Prussian, since with the help of long whiskers, which are equipped with powerful receptors, he will unmistakably detect water and food. These same receptors help him communicate with his fellow creatures. Having lost at least one antennae, the Prussian will not be able to navigate well in space. That's why he brushes his mustache all the time.

Three pairs of tenacious thin legs help the insect survive, escape from danger in time and adapt to the environment. Thanks to its excellent adhesion to surfaces, it moves not only along a vertical surface, but also holds well on the ceiling.

Small sizes help to hide under the baseboard in time, to hide in a small crack. And even in the coldest time of the year, when it would seem they should die from the low temperature, the Prussians live very comfortably in the warm homes of people, always having food and a heated place.

Only very low or very high air temperatures can kill cockroaches and their offspring - the larvae. But these cunning pests will always find a loophole and survive.

It is also difficult to fight cockroaches because they reproduce incredibly quickly. For this purpose, nature has awarded the female a special odorous substance, which is produced by special glands. Any male cockroach is very active: having fertilized one female, he hurries to another.

These insect representatives have one peculiarity: the male’s gametes remain in the female’s body, and therefore fertilization can occur without the participation of the male.

Cockroaches live on average up to a year, and during this time, as scientists have calculated, a female can reproduce more than 300 new individuals. Moreover, the newly born are ready to have offspring after just two months!

If people had not fought against these small parasites, it is scary to imagine what would have happened to the planet and to the people themselves. And here the remedy for cockroaches “Raptor” comes to the rescue - a gel, which has good reviews. Many note its effectiveness and affordable price. In addition, it is not difficult to use, just follow the instructions.

How to use

Instructions for use:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning of the room. Deprive insects of access to other food and water.
  2. Open the tube. Apply the gel with a dotted line to places where pests accumulate and their movement routes: baseboards, near the toilet, sinks, sinks, kitchen furniture. If cockroach populations are numerous, treat adjacent rooms.
  3. To make cleaning easier, the product is applied to cardboard substrates.
  4. As it is eaten and dries, renew the layer.


The combined use of gel and aerosol is not recommended by the manufacturer. The aroma of the latter will not allow cockroaches to detect the bait. To increase efficiency, the use of Raptor traps is allowed.

"Raptor" helps get rid of parasites

If there are cockroaches in the room, it is difficult to get rid of them. Especially at night, when no one bothers them, they are in full swing in apartments and offices.

They are most attracted to areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. They are not above crawling into the waste bin, exploring the sink and the pet's food bowl. Every crumb of food left on the table will not go unnoticed; their paws will be everywhere, carrying the remains of rotting food and dirt, which means that every person can become infected with a dangerous disease.

Of course, it is impossible to put up with such a neighborhood, because it is dangerous for health and life. Therefore, scientists are trying to find ways to combat cockroaches. Many methods have been invented, but many people prefer to purchase chemicals, since it is preferable to poison cockroaches with them. As practice shows, this method is the most reliable, giving a significant positive effect.

Modern industry produces many insecticidal preparations. From this abundance of funds, buyers usually single out the Raptor brand. Having appeared more than 20 years ago, this group of products was immediately noted by consumers, as the fight against cockroaches became many times more effective. But this is not surprising, because Japanese and Italian scientists took part in the development of the funds.

Everyone will now be able to choose the drug at their own discretion, since they come in the form of aerosols, traps, and gels. What all these agents have in common is the effect on the respiratory and nervous systems of insects and, as a result, paralysis and then rapid death.

According to sales statistics, the gel is in greatest demand. It is considered a professional remedy that allows you to cope with large infestations.

The effect is based on the fact that the cockroach will definitely eat the liquid left for it, after which, of course, it will turn into a carrier of a toxic substance. Therefore, the toxic components act gradually. Since the cockroach lives in a population, it will begin to infect its fellows, and the pupation process will not be able to be completed.

Release forms

To combat ants, five forms of Raptor are produced, which have different properties, degree of damage and speed of action:

  • aerosols;
  • gels;
  • traps;
  • granules;
  • aquafumigators.


The convenience of this form is that the product can be used both dry and diluted. The drug is found to be equally effective against domestic and outdoor pests. The manufacturer recommends two ways to use the product:

  1. In dry form, granulated "Raptor" is poured into all sorts of holes in the house: baseboards, cracks in floors, cracks in window frames (if they are wooden). A good option is to treat the areas with the greatest concentration of ants on the street with a dry product. Consumption: 10 g per 1 m2.
  2. The granulated mixture (10 g) is diluted in 0.5 l of water. The solution is used to treat not only premises, but also garden plants in order to get rid of annoying insects as quickly as possible.

“Raptor” granules are a high-quality insecticidal agent against ants based on fipronil.
The first visual results of the effects of the granules can be detected already 10 hours after application of the drug. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks. The effect of the drug does not stop after the destruction of all insects. The uniqueness of the granular product is that it works even two months after the main attack. It is also a preventive measure against the occurrence of ants on your territory.

The main recommendation from the manufacturer: use the granules in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening.

Ants are frequent visitors to us. You won’t see all kinds of them in the spring, when you start digging up the beds: small and large, red and black - of all colors and sizes. But for the fourth year now I have been preparing a very effective remedy for them - Raptor granules. I buy the powder in a 500 g tube. The product has proven to be very effective. Moreover, the manufacturer absolutely honestly states that the effect of the drug lasts 2 months. And indeed it is. It is very convenient that Raptor granules are suitable for both home and garden plots. Still, well done manufacturer! The Poles made me happy!



The active component of the product is lambda cyclotron, a slow-acting poison with a long period of effectiveness. This substance not only destroys existing parasites, but also repels new ones that accidentally wander in.

The main places intended for treatment against ants:

  • around vents;
  • in the kitchen or dining room (where there is food);
  • in places where moisture accumulates (sinks, sinks, bathtubs, showers and toilets);
  • near the trash can.

Gel "Raptor" against ants is popular due to the following features:

  1. Paralyzes the central nervous system of insects.
  2. Due to its consistency, it retains moisture for a long time, which is very attractive to ants.
  3. It has a vanilla and apricot aroma that attracts sweet tooth pests.
  4. The format of the drug makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach areas. A soft tube with a product and a pipette applicator allows you to evenly distribute the toxic substance in a dotted line in places where insects accumulate.
  5. Very easy to remove from any surface.
  6. Suitable for processing both indoors and outdoors.
  7. Is safe for pets . If your pet swallows a small amount of the gel, it will not harm him. If a large volume of the product enters the body, it is necessary to rinse the animal’s stomach and take it to a veterinarian.

The main disadvantage of the gel is that it begins its active effect no earlier than 2 weeks after application.

Raptor gel against ants is an economical product that is convenient to apply even in hard-to-reach places

Do not use ant repellent gel and aerosol at the same time. The aroma of the latter distracts insects from the former and prevents the full effect of the liquid preparation on the ants.

The spout of the tube will have to be cut off, after which the scissors must be thoroughly rinsed.

When I treated the apartment, the smell of apricot jam emanated from the product. Very pleasant sweet aroma. I didn’t use it everywhere, since I have a small child at home: the product smells very tempting, what if the baby decides to lick or just touch the treated area, and then doesn’t wash her hands. I really liked the effect. Within thirty minutes, the ants disappeared within a radius of 0.5 m from the treated paths. I had to run around and apply the product in places where they were new, but it didn’t bother me much. The main thing is that on the second day I found only one lost ant in my kitchen. That's all!

We have been living in a private house for 27 years. With the onset of spring, ants appear on our windowsills, floors and countertops, and in large numbers. I had to struggle for a long time and to no avail with different crayons like Mashenka. But the ants ran from one place to another. I found out that there is a special gel against cockroaches and ants called Raptor. I decided to try it. The ants disappeared, though not immediately, but after some time, but for a long time. They are still not visible.



This form of insect killer was originally intended for cockroaches. Enterprising manufacturers have noticed that this small box has an equally toxic and effective effect on ants. In terms of safety of use, the trap can be safely put in first place. The poisonous substance - fipronil - is mixed with honey bait. It is preserved in a plastic box, which can be freely accessible in places most susceptible to ant attacks. Additional convenience is provided by adhesive areas that allow you to place the trap suspended, for example, under a table cover or on a wall. The device works in such a way that when an ant smells natural honey, it is guaranteed to eat poison and will not be able to escape from the trap body.

The most harmless product for humans and pets is Raptor traps.

There is another type of trap from. Its action is aimed at destroying the street population of insects. Yellow triangles are located on the ground, lightly touching it with the green part. They are held firmly in the ground thanks to the sharp tip - the pin. They have a quick and high-quality effect on all garden ants.

The consumption of garden ant traps is up to 4 pieces per square meter

The box is small, it contains 4 baits, exactly the same as in the picture. Each individually packaged. We did everything according to the instructions and placed it until it touched the ground. The manufacturer stated that the effect will begin in 1-2 days. We waited and waited, there were more ants. Well, we think this is bait. She probably lures them, they get poisoned and die. But everything happened differently. There were more and more ants. As a result, after a couple of weeks we took out these traps, and they were all covered in ants! They became a home for them! They even quietly laid eggs there!


Aerosol (spray)

The active toxic components are cypermethrin and tetramethrin. Due to the very rich aroma and attractive to ants, in the first hours after spraying the product, an invasion of insects can be observed in places where insects are most concentrated. However, they very quickly return to their lair, infecting the remaining individuals and poisoning the entire colony.

Aerosol "Raptor" - a simple and inexpensive pest repellent

To treat a room with a toxic aerosol, you must adhere to the following precautions:

  • work only in a gauze bandage or a respirator;
  • remove strangers, children and pets from the premises;
  • after treatment, leave the apartment for at least 15 minutes;
  • After returning, thoroughly ventilate the room.

The aerosol is enough to treat a room of up to 60 square meters. For a high-quality result, disinfection should be carried out in all rooms, and repeated after a month.

On the advice of friends, I bought Raptor “Professional extermination of crawling insects”! It cost 250 rubles. To get rid of red ants in the house, it was no longer a waste of money. I read the instructions for use and followed them. When spraying, I tied a handkerchief over my mouth and nose so as not to breathe in this nasty stuff. The smell, of course, is disgusting, but it disappears and not a trace remains of it. During treatment, it is better to isolate the access of pets to the treated area. The volume of the tube is 350 ml, enough for several treatments, everything, of course, depends on the surfaces being treated. The effect simply amazed me. The next day, all that was left of the ants were corpses. I washed everything, put it away and was happy. A year has passed and they are no longer there! If I see scouts, then I immediately spray a little raptor in that place and they don’t appear anymore.



Another universal remedy for ants in the house is the Raptor aquafumigator. It destroys almost all pests. When you open the package, you will find three elements inside:

  • plastic square jar;
  • a cylindrical metal container (similar to a jar of baby powder);
  • liquid in individual foil packaging (as a sample of soap, shampoo or cream).

The main active ingredient of the aquafumigator is the Japanese chemical cyphenothrin. It is mixed with a vapor-forming agent and placed in a metal container. This cylinder is installed in a plastic jar, which is slightly filled with liquid from the bag. The manufacturer assures that the package includes ordinary distilled water in the required dosage. When a metal jar comes into contact with water, an active thermal reaction occurs, due to which poisonous steam escapes. It penetrates even the most remote point of accumulation of unwanted insects.

Of course, this drug is most dangerous for humans and pets. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the room being treated for the duration of its effect. On average, the procedure takes no more than three hours.

The active toxic component of the aquafumigator is distributed by steam

When treating a room with an aquafumigator, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Disconnect fire alarms before starting work.
  2. Place the aquafumigator in the center of the room being treated on a flat surface.
  3. Calculate the required number of aquafumigators. One package of the product is designed for an area of ​​about 30 square meters.
  4. Secure the result by re-processing after 3-4 weeks. The substance does not have the desired effect on ant eggs. Repeating the procedure will help destroy new insects.

My problem is ants. I have tried many remedies, they disappear for a while, then appear again. Actually, they only live in the kitchen and occasionally run into the bathroom, but it’s still not possible to eradicate them even in such a small area. I saw this product and bought into the promise of a Japanese product with instant action. I followed all the instructions exactly and then left home for 3 hours. When she returned, to her joy, she did not find a single ant. I washed everything in the kitchen and went to bed satisfied. The very next morning, my annoying neighbors were running around as if nothing had happened. Maybe I was very angry, but it seemed to me that they began to run even more cheerfully. Therefore, at least for baiting ants, I strongly do not recommend this product.


Main cast

The gel is based on lambda-cyhalothrin. This pyrethroid insecticide is used in many products aimed at killing small pests. It was chosen because it can affect calcium metabolism in synapses and disrupt the functioning of the nervous system.

All these complex processes lead to the fact that during the passage of a nerve impulse the insect releases an excessive dose of acetylcholine. And the symptoms of poisoning are that strong agitation appears, motor activity is disrupted, and the respiratory centers are affected.

A sick cockroach becomes dangerous for the entire colony, so the relatives themselves try to destroy it. However, this leads to the fact that upon contact they themselves become a carrier of a toxic substance and soon die too.

This component has a detrimental effect not only on sexually mature individuals. Those that have just appeared are also poisoned and will not be able to develop after that. Within 24 hours, most of this population dies.


According to reviews of the Raptor gel, the product copes well even with numerous colonies of Prussians resistant to other poisons.

I was satisfied with the anti-cockroach gel. I applied it once in the kitchen, cleaned up the dead specimens for several days, and then the Prussians disappeared.

Maria, Vologda

When using the gel, like other cockroach repellents, one of the conditions for successful control is the absence of crumbs and sources of moisture. Therefore, you need to take the time to do a thorough cleaning in the kitchen, and then a guaranteed result is guaranteed.

Olga, Khimki

Gel Raptor helped me get rid of cockroaches in just 10 days. It’s especially pleasing that you don’t have to inhale toxic fumes, as when using aerosols.

Ulyana, Volgograd

Additional substances

The Raptor gel against cockroaches and ants (75 ml) also contains:

  • Fat base.
  • Bitrex. It is used as a denaturing additive. It is considered the most bitter chemical product.
  • Food attractants. These substances are used in the production of drugs to combat many pests. They have a small radius of influence.
  • Water.
  • Preservatives.
  • Gelling agent. Its presence allows you to create a delicate consistency by combining various components, helping to create the viscosity of the drug. This preserves the necessary structure and retains the required percentage of moisture.


The Raptor aerosol allows you to eradicate red pests in a matter of hours. The spray has an effective effect, a simple method of application, and a very affordable price.

Raptor spray is based on potent substances: cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide and tetramethrin. All these toxic components have a destructive effect on ants. The spray also contains special baits, the smell of which causes ants to crawl out of the most inaccessible places. In this connection, in the first minutes after treatment, an invasion of pests can be observed.

Nuances of surface treatment

“Raptor” with a gel base guarantees effective destruction of pests, but at the same time it is completely harmless to people, pets, including birds. But if the farm has an apiary, bees must not be allowed into these places when treating with gel. If there is an aquarium in the house, then it is better to take the fish to a safe place during this time.

According to the instructions for “Raptor” (gel against cockroaches), before you start fighting pests, you should especially carefully clean the room. It is necessary to hide food securely, as cockroaches on their legs can leave poison on unclosed food.

Due to the fact that the gel is contained in a convenient tube - a container with a long thin spout, it is possible to apply the poisonous substance to the most inaccessible places where it is convenient and safe for insects to hide.

The product should be left in the places most frequented by cockroaches. Ease of use greatly increases the demand for this drug.


This head start can be used in the fight against ants both at home and outdoors. When used, you can prepare a working solution from granules, or use them in dry form. If dry granules are used, it is enough to apply them to the places where ants were noticed; skirting boards, cracks, and the space behind furniture are also treated.

On the street, granules are applied to an anthill; if it is not found, then to the place where there is the largest concentration of insects, approximate consumption per 1 sq.m. 10 g.

If it is necessary to prepare a solution for processing, then the following proportions should be adhered to. You need to take 0.5 liters of water and pour 10 g of granules into it, mix well until completely dissolved.

Treatment of garden areas and surfaces in residential premises is allowed. When processing outdoors, you should carry out the procedure in the morning or vice versa in the evening, and also choose calm weather without rain.

Regarding the result, it can be noticed already after 10 hours after treatment. Complete elimination of pests occurs within 2 weeks. The undoubted advantage is the prolonged action.

After applying the drug, the active components have an effect for 2 months, which provides a preventive effect and prevents re-infection.

Regarding the reviews of those who have used this form of release, it is highly effective. You can completely get rid of these pests in your garden.

The active substance acts on all types of ants, red, black, small and large. The long-term effect of the substance over two months is also confirmed.

What to do next?

After application, the bait is left until the cockroaches disappear, and since they have direct access to the gel, the house will soon be cleared of parasites. Poison damage occurs within 24–48 hours, during which time healthy individuals will also become infected. Usually the poisonous qualities remain effective for a month. During the fight, you need to try to ensure that the cockroaches do not have access to water - without it they will most likely die.

If the population is too large or new cockroaches have the opportunity to enter the premises, you should repeat the procedure and trace the source of the parasites entering the house. Most often, a ventilation shaft, open doors and windows serve as a loophole.

Some buyers also purchase an aerosol along with the gel in the hope that this is the most effective method. But the aerosol has a very specific smell that will discourage you from eating the aromatic gel. And you get a completely opposite effect. In addition, the aerosol has a sticky base.

Tips and tricks

The pricing policy of Raptor products is aimed at the economy segment, but this does not affect the quality of the drugs. Each substance has an active element that affects the nervous, intestinal and gastric systems of parasites. To combat insects, prevention should be carried out - remove food from places accessible to ants, and carry out general wet cleaning.

The active components of the substances can completely get rid of insects in 1-2 months with a repeat procedure. The manufacturer recommends periodically using gels and granules to prevent the appearance of new species of ants.

Basic qualities

If we combine all the positive qualities of the gel from, which fights the dominance of cockroaches, we can highlight the main ones:

  • Destruction of the entire population in a given area within 3–7 days.
  • Easy to use.
  • Harmless to people and pets.
  • The ability not to lose its poisonous properties at low or high temperatures.
  • There is no unpleasant odor from the product, which cannot be said about some other products from this category of products that have a very unpleasant, pungent odor.
  • Does not provoke allergic manifestations.
  • Does not leave marks on the floor, walls or furniture.
  • Retains its effect for a very long time.
  • The treatment can be carried out not only on the floor, but also on walls and ceilings, inclined surfaces, and pipes. And the gel will stick to such surfaces just as well, without running off.
  • Thanks to its convenient packaging, the gel penetrates into the most inaccessible places inhabited by cockroaches.
  • It is possible to independently treat the entire home or office, and this procedure will lead to a positive result.
  • Reliable proven tool.

Tools Overview

The ant repellent Raptor comes in various forms. Under this brand you can find on store shelves:

  • Aerosol - a liquid insecticidal composition is used to spray habitats and accumulations of insects.
  • Gel is a transparent mass with a relatively thick consistency that allows you to apply the substance not only to horizontal, but also to vertical surfaces.
  • A trap, which is one of the safest drugs for people and animals.
  • Raptor in granules containing toxin. The poison that enters the body of an insect affects its nervous system, resulting in paralysis and the inevitable death of the pest.
  • An aquafumigator is a design that is also used to protect against mosquitoes and bedbugs.

These forms of the Raptor insecticide contain enzymes that attract the attention of insects, due to which all preparations are highly effective against all types of ants.

Products Raptor from ants

Be careful

When working with the gel, all precautions must be taken:

  • Prepare special rubber gloves in advance and apply the gel only in them;
  • if the gel is applied to the surface, food should not be left nearby;
  • after the fight is over, the gel should be removed and the areas where it was applied should be washed.

Shelf life – up to three years. cares about its customers, therefore the date of manufacture of each drug is always indicated on the packaging.




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