Fas-powder for cockroaches - an affordable product in two versions

  1. The effectiveness of Fas powder against cockroaches
  2. Mechanism of action
  3. Pros and cons of the drug
  4. Safety and danger of powdered “Fas”
  5. Instructions for use of Fas against cockroaches
  6. Precautionary measures

Among other insecticides, many people choose Fas powder for cockroaches. An inexpensive, effective remedy that allows you to get rid of parasites at home without any special restrictions or lifestyle changes. There are 2 types: “Super Front” and “Face Double”.

Composition and principle of action

“Super Fas” is a broad-spectrum insecticide, for the production of which professional poisonous substances are used. This allows you to achieve maximum processing results.

The active component of the product is cypermethrin at a concentration of about 1%. It is distinguished by its resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, which allows it to retain its toxic properties on treated surfaces for a long time. This pesticide has a detrimental effect on all types of arthropod flightless insects. When a parasite enters the body, it causes synaptic disturbances, leading to paralysis and subsequent death.

In addition to the main substance, “Super Fasa” contains thiamethoxam, which belongs to the group of neonicotinoids. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract of an insect, it causes chemical intoxication. The combination of these two poisons enhances the effect of the drug and also avoids the parasites becoming accustomed to the drug.

In what form is Fas produced?

Fas is distinguished by its versatility, which negatively affects not only bed bugs, but also other pests that can make living in the house unbearable. It effectively copes with ants, fleas and other insects. Despite the fact that the drug is slightly toxic, it can cause significant harm to humans. Its vapors are especially dangerous.

Among the advantages of Fas are the following:

  • due to the fact that the composition is poisonous, it can be used to quickly get rid of annoying insects,
  • Available in different forms, which allows you to choose the appropriate option for a particular case,
  • low cost, which allows anyone who has encountered bedbugs and other insects to use poison,
  • performance.

No less important are the negative qualities of Fas. This information should be taken into account when choosing chemicals. The disadvantages include:

  • fumes are very dangerous for animals and people,
  • in some cases, the use of tablets and powders is not a suitable option for services,
  • Dried gel is very difficult to remove.

Today Fas is presented on the market in two versions:

  • Double Fas,
  • Super Fas.

Before you start fighting cockroaches, you need to carefully consider the features of the available options. This will allow you to use a truly effective remedy and forget about parasites forever.

Fas Double

The drug is made on the basis of piperonyl butoxide and esfenvalerate. The latter active component is presented in the form of a synthetic substitute for fenvalerate and has a broad effect. The principle of action of the medicine is quite simple. It is applied to a specific surface. After contact with it, the parasites die. The substance remains active for two months.

A two-component insecticide is used against the following insects:

  • fleas,
  • bedbugs,
  • cockroaches,
  • ants,
  • flies.

Fas has a detrimental effect on insects through the digestive tract and chitinous membrane. As a result of contact, they are paralyzed. They cannot move and feed, which later becomes the cause of death. If you use Fas very often, then in the future it becomes addictive. Its peculiarity is that it maintains its effectiveness for a long time. This allows you to protect your home from the migration of new parasites.

Fas is produced in bags weighing 125 g. This is quite enough to process up to 60 m2. When treating areas with large concentrations of insects, it is worth using more insecticide, which will increase its effectiveness. After treatment, you must leave the room for several hours. Windows and doors must be open. During this, there should be no animals, children or adults in the room who are not involved in the work.

Super Fas

Available in the form of soluble tablets and gray powder. Thiamethoxam and cypermethrin are used as active ingredients. The first component is a neonicotinoid, which has strong properties and has a bad effect on many types of insects that live on the plant. It is often used to process agricultural crops. At home, it is effective against the following insects:

  • bedbugs,
  • cockroaches,
  • mosquitoes,
  • flies,
  • wasps,
  • ants.

The composition is somewhat reminiscent of nicotine. Compared with other insecticides, Fas is less toxic and safe for mammals and birds. Upon contact with the parasite, it disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. Improper conduction of impulses leads to death.

Fas affects exclusively larvae and adults. To obtain a lasting effect, the treatment must be repeated periodically. The powder is packaged in bags weighing from 10 g to 1 kg. Unfortunately, not all consumers know how the powdered product is used. The instructions can help with this. High efficiency lasts for a week. After this, the procedure is repeated.

Liquid emulsion concentrate against cockroaches FAS-Alphacypermethrin

It is produced in the form of a transparent emulsion with a specific odor. Immediately before use, prepare a solution - add 5 ml of concentrate to 1 liter of water at room temperature. Pour into a spray bottle or household spray bottle. Treat the floor, baseboards, and furniture on the reverse side.

The active component is a contact insecticidal substance - alphacypermethrin 10%. Maximum properties last 2 hours, act instantly. The residual effect lasts about 14 days. If the home is heavily infested, repeated disinsection is recommended.

The shelf life of the concentrate is 3 years from the date of manufacture; after dilution in water, it should be used within 3 days, but better immediately. Consumption – per 1 sq. m. surface 50 ml of product. Fas for cockroaches should be stored away from direct sunlight. Sold in bottles of different capacities, minimum volume 50 ml.

  • high efficiency;
  • quick results;
  • prolonged action.
  • specific smell;
  • toxicity;
  • the need to prepare a solution;
  • use of special protective equipment and containers.

Upon completion of disinfestation, you need to leave the house closed for 3 hours, then ventilate well, and carry out wet cleaning in places where your hands will touch.

Analogs from other manufacturers:

  • Doublet;
  • Alphacin.

Liquid emulsion concentrate against cockroaches FAS-Cypermethrin

Fas cockroach repellent is available in bottles with a minimum capacity of 50 ml. Diluted in water at room temperature. For 1 liter of liquid, 5 ml of concentrate is required. Instructions for use are similar to the previous drug. The only difference is the active substance – cypermethrin. FAS against cockroaches is recommended for use in case of moderate infestation of the house and in case of a large number of pests.

Analogs from other manufacturers:

  • Agran;
  • Cypermethrin;
  • Digital.

Anti-cockroach gel FAS

Sold in packages with a thin spout of 35 ml, 75 ml. The double-action drug kills insects within 2 days, the poisonous effect lasts for 2 months. The composition contains 2 insecticidal components: diazinon, cypermethrin, flavorings to attract the attention of cockroaches, food additives. FAS gel contains a slight odor and leaves no traces on the surface. Thanks to the thin spout of the tube, you can treat crevices, cracks, and hard-to-reach places.

Cockroach gel is laid out in dotted lines in places where insects are most concentrated in the house, along the trajectory of their movement - along baseboards, behind furniture, a refrigerator, near a trash can, around sinks, washstands. One tube of 35 ml is enough to treat a room of 10 square meters. m. Renew the layer as cockroaches eat it or after 2 months to prevent re-infection at home.

On a note!

The insects are poisoned immediately, carry the poison into the nests of the larvae, and infect their relatives. A couple of days later a mass pestilence begins.

  • efficiency;
  • long lasting effect;
  • safety;
  • ease of use.

There are no disadvantages as such. If the placement of FAS gel in the house is unsuccessful, cockroaches may ignore the bait.

Analogs from other manufacturers:

  • Clean house;
  • Dohlox;
  • Forsyth;
  • Absolute.

Other products under the FAS brand

For the quick, effective destruction of Prussians, products are produced in the form of tablets and powder. The drugs act by contact and retain their properties in the house for up to 2 months. Active components are resistant to light and temperature. They are used as independent, additional means.

  • Super-FAS powder. Used for home treatment. Spread a thin layer in places where insects are most concentrated, along the trajectory of their movement, or prepare a solution. It has no smell, does not generate dust, and is quickly removed. The effect of the poison is neutralized by an alkaline solution. There are several active substances, which prevents addiction in cockroaches. The composition contains zeta-cypermethrin and thiamethoxam.
  • FAS tablets. The same Super-FAS powder, but compressed into tablet form. Used to prepare a solution. The composition contains additional components that prevent the destruction of active substances in a humid environment. After disinfestation, it retains its properties in the house for up to 4 weeks. For 1 liter of water, 10 g of product is required.
  • Powder Fas-Double. Sold in 125 g bags. Scatter along baseboards, behind furniture, near sinks and toilets. It operates on the basis of two insecticides - zeta-cypermethrin, esfenvalerate. Retains toxic properties for more than 2 months. Poisons Prussians in the house by contact.

When working with FAS insecticides in powder form, you must use rubber gloves.

Table: effectiveness, cost, use at home

Each of the Fas brand products provides a positive effect. But it is still recommended to compare drugs by properties, since under different conditions the processing result will differ.

Product nameUse at homeEfficiency mark (%)price, rub.
GelApply in stripes with some increments or dotted on areas where cockroaches often appear60100
PillsWater-soluble tablets are used to obtain a solution, the finished product is sprayed over surfaces99850
Super FasA two-component insectoacaricidal drug that is universal and highly effective. The powder is used in two ways: dry and liquid 9050
DoubleThe drug contains 2 insecticides of the pyrethroid group. The effectiveness is moderate, so it is better to prepare a solution based on the product, since the drug in powder form does not provide as good a result 8570
ConcentrateThe liquid product lasts a long time and kills various insects. The solution is prepared using a small amount of the product 99800

Fas powder in small and large packaging

Processing stages

Treatment of residential premises is carried out in several stages, on which efficiency depends. Before you start spraying the solution, you need to prepare the room.

To do this you need:

  • Sweep the room, remove all dust and carry out wet cleaning. Such actions are necessary to ensure that the drug does not mix with dust and dirt, as this will lead to a decrease in effectiveness.
  • Next, you need to move the furniture away from the walls to provide access to the back of the cabinets and baseboards.
  • Remove everything from cabinets. It is advisable to remove all kitchen equipment and food from the premises during processing. If this is not possible, you need to pack everything in bags and close them well.

When the area is prepared, you can begin applying the solution:

  • The high level of toxicity does not allow working in enclosed spaces; be sure to open the windows.
  • All residents leave the premises. Keep animals away. If there is an aquarium, it needs to be taken out.
  • We apply the product to the back walls of the cabinets and thoroughly treat the baseboards around the entire perimeter.
  • Cockroaches have an excellent sense of smell, so they are very attracted to the trash can; treat it from the bottom and the floor underneath it.
  • Also pay attention to the walls behind the radiators and the area near the window sills and window frames.
  • Don't forget about the ventilation holes.
  • Remember that these pests cannot survive without water, so they are always around moisture, and this is pipes, the area near sinks, bathrooms, drain pipes under the sink.

Tablets fas against cockroaches

The product is intended for specialists in disinfection services, as evidenced by the mark on the packaging “for sanitary services”. However, individuals can also buy the drug for self-treatment of premises.

Of course, only professional services will help you deal with the infestation faster, but for those who want to try to destroy cockroaches on their own, a good alternative would be the line of powerful and reliable fas products.

You can buy this drug for cockroaches in specialized online stores or some departments of household chemicals. The tablets must be used with great care as they are very toxic!

How to use

Home treatment of premises must be carried out in strict compliance with safety standards. Prepare protective clothing and goggles, a respirator mask and thick rubber gloves. The product can be classified as a medium-hazard drug, so you will definitely need a mask that protects from toxic fumes.

  1. A solution is prepared at the rate of 4 tablets per 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The normal solution consumption is 40-50 ml per 1 sq. m. meter. The drug must be dosed accurately; unfortunately, this can only be ensured by professional equipment available in the arsenal of the sanitary service. If you have no choice, you can use a garden sprayer for treatment.
  3. The product is carefully applied in areas where there is a large concentration of cockroaches; baseboards, areas behind furniture, crevices and cracks, water and sewer risers are especially carefully treated.
  4. After application, be sure to ventilate the room for 30-60 minutes and wet clean work surfaces (tables, handles, switches) to eliminate the possibility of the solution getting on surfaces with which people come into contact.
  5. The product effectively destroys insects (only adult individuals) only for 6-8 days, after which cockroaches may appear in your home again. Repeated treatment is possible no earlier than after 2 weeks.

The drug must be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and pets. May not cause serious harm if in contact with skin, but is considered moderately hazardous if ingested. Naturally, the chemical should not be near dishes or food, as well as personal hygiene products.

What is the difference from other insecticidal agents?

The country's markets offer a huge selection of developed types of insecticidal products that help get rid of many insects. Most often, they are used to remove 2-3 types of insects:

  • ants;
  • flies;
  • and cockroaches.

Fas-double and super fas for bedbugs are recommended by most experts precisely because all of the specified residential pests will be destroyed and no additional funds will be needed.

It is sold in blue or green bags. Each contains 125 g. Before you start using the anti-bedbug solution, you need to prepare:

  • We send all animals and children to their grandmothers so that they are not in the house at the time of treatment;
  • seal dishes and household items hermetically, the same goes for food (even in the refrigerator);
  • purchase rubber gloves and protective clothing, since fas-double is a powdery substance and it is not advisable for it to get on the body or into the respiratory tract of a person, the same clothing will help you for cleaning.

The effectiveness of Fas powder against cockroaches

The active substances of Fas dust are different, depending on the type. Although the content of substances is in small quantities (1-4%), it is sufficient for small arthropods or insects.

Substances of the pyrethroid group have been used for professional pest control for a long time. Convenient packaging plus the powder form of the product make it possible to independently treat residential, non-residential household and utility premises.

Mechanism of action

“Fas” powder against cockroaches has a wide spectrum of damage, capturing any invertebrates with a chitinous covering, from fleas, bedbugs or cockroaches. The drug also acts on beetles, centipedes and ticks (30 species).

In dry form, this product will kill the insect within 24 hours after it gets on its legs or body; when diluted with water, it will kill it after 19 hours. But in order to spray an insecticide on a pest, you will have to open the places of mass accumulation and spray it in the thickest part.

It’s easier with a dry form - scatter along the paths, place on cardboards, plus slip under furniture or appliances, make delicious baits with egg yolk, boiled liver, flour or vanilla sugar.

Even after the complete destruction of insects, it is better to leave the bait and dressing for 1-1.5 months, the substance will be active throughout this period.

Penetrating through chitin, the active component causes stimulation of the nervous system, and then paralysis of the insect. Regardless of the route of entry of the toxic chemical into the pest’s body (through the digestive tract or through the outer integument), the substance dissolves in fat cells, enters the bloodstream and poisons the entire body. And particles of powder on the body of the parasite will fall on their relatives, poisoning the entire population.

Pros and cons of the drug

Dust, or powder form of “Fas”, has many advantages:

  1. Without irritating odor, thanks to which the treatment takes place without discomfort. There is no pleasant smell, which causes increased inhalation or the desire to taste the poison.
  2. The minimum active concentration of active ingredients makes the product practically safe for warm-blooded animals and humans.
  3. It is completely effective against cockroaches.
  4. Does not affect treated surfaces: no stains, scratches or marks on floors, furniture or coverings.
  5. It works even 2 weeks after scattering it around the room.
  6. Easy to use even without special skills.

For most apartments (1-3 rooms), 1 package of cockroach powder is enough.

Comparative characteristics of powders against cockroaches “Fas”:

Safety and danger of powdered “Fas”

Even if dust particles get on the fur of pets or human skin, they will not cause harm. The low concentration of the chemical, plus the finely dispersed form of the product, made it possible to achieve the optimal content of the toxic component.

The insecticide is harmful to small longhorned beetles and harmless to warm-blooded animals larger than cats. But you should not scatter it, inhale this dust or taste it - the toxic compound does not just accumulate, it can be a strong allergen for a certain person.

Instructions for use of Fas against cockroaches

Even low-toxic chemicals require careful handling. Compliance with basic safety rules will eliminate any harmful effects and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

To minimize harm when spraying powder or spraying solutions, a certain algorithm should be followed.

Stages of treatment with “Fas” cockroach powder:

  1. Remove all living beings (people, pets) from the treated area.
  2. Close the aquariums and move indoor plants to the balcony.
  3. Hide food products, place them in sealed containers, tight bags.
  4. Remove excess carpets, bedspreads, and soft toys on which powder may collect.
  5. Close windows and doors, remove the source of the draft.
  6. Use protective equipment (gloves, mask, closed clothing).
  7. Treat places where insects accumulate and where they move. Be sure to scatter dust or spray areas under pipes, near baseboards, under sinks, bathrooms, under furniture in the kitchen, near the trash can.
  8. Dispose of the remaining diluted chemical, throw the workwear in the wash or fill it with a disinfectant solution.
  9. Leave the premises and leave the treatment for 3-24 hours (depending on the pest population, apartment size and manufacturer’s recommendations).
  10. Ventilate the room for several hours, wipe all surfaces accessible to people and animals several times - first with detergent, then with clean water.
  11. Repeat the treatment a month later to destroy the younger generation.

Post-treatment procedures

  • As soon as you have completed the procedure, you need to take off your protective equipment, change clothes, put your work clothes in the wash, wash your hands, wash your face and rinse your mouth.
  • Leave the premises for at least 3 hours.
  • When returning to the apartment, put on a respirator and gloves, carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room well. All surfaces with which a person comes into contact must be thoroughly washed with soapy water.

Precautionary measures

If alarming symptoms appear after treatment, you must definitely go out into fresh air and call an ambulance. Such signs include nausea or vomiting, dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness, unpleasant taste, shortness of breath.

Until medical help arrives, you need to drink a large amount of water (from 0.5 l), plus sorbents according to the instructions (black coal - 1 tablet / 10 kg of weight).

If the product gets on your skin, wash it off with soap and rinse with running water. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of clean water. If ingested, drink water and induce vomiting.

Price and storage conditions

According to reviews, “Super Fas” against cockroaches is an effective and affordable remedy, since its cost, regardless of the form of release, does not exceed 50-55 rubles. You can purchase the product at a hardware or specialty store.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is recommended to store it in a cool, dry place with a temperature not lower than -20 and not higher than +45 degrees. An unused drug retains its properties if the necessary conditions are met.

The remaining working solution cannot be stored after treatment.

Judging by the reviews, “Super Fas” against cockroaches helps to quickly deal with parasites and is quite easy to use. But like any other toxic substance, it requires strict adherence to all recommendations for its use.

How to choose?

“Super FAS” tablets and powder are intended for treating large areas of non-residential premises, public utilities and government agencies. Due to the high concentrations of insecticides, it is not advisable to use them to bait cockroaches in the house.

When pests are detected in small numbers and at an early stage of reproduction, a gel is the optimal choice. It allows processing to be carried out without special qualifications and without eviction of residents.

If applying the gel within 2-3 weeks does not produce visible results, it is worth purchasing “Double” powder.

Working solution for other insects

Let's consider options for working mixtures against a specific type of insect.

To kill bedbugs

The working solution should consist of 0.05% (according to the DV) with minimal contamination of the room by bloodsuckers. In this case, only their nests are treated. If there are a lot of bedbugs in the house, then disinfection must be carried out everywhere: sockets, window sills, wall objects, baseboards, wallpaper joints, the back side of carpets, shelves of cabinets and chests of drawers, holes and openings, ventilation outlets are carefully treated with a sprayer.

If necessary, repeated disinsection is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

To kill fleas

0.025% (according to DV) is the ideal concentration for an aqueous solution.

For effective disinfestation, you need to treat the walls from the baseboards and up to 1 m, the floor (where there are cracks and cracks), the baseboards and behind them, the back side of the carpets.

If the basement requires disinfection, it must first be cleared of trash and debris.

To kill ants

Treatment should begin with the paths of insects along which they move, then move on to their locations. To do this, make a solution with a concentration of 0.05% (DV).

The following treatment may be necessary if pests appear again.

To kill moths (butterflies)

According to the DV, the concentration for the working solution should be 0.05%. Upholstered furniture, carpeting, and outerwear require a disinfestation process. 100 ml. 10 m² should be enough to disinfect.

To kill mosquitoes

Typically, the solution is prepared with a concentration of 0.0125% (DV) in order to use it to exterminate bloodsuckers in the house. Insect landing sites, external walls, and garbage cans (inside) are irrigated.

The larvae are destroyed using a working solution with a concentration of 0.0125% or 0.00625% (according to DV). The prepared solution is sprayed over closed and open reservoirs, in basements, in areas of gutters,

There are 100 ml per 1 m² of water surface. working solution.

Disinfection can be carried out once every 4 weeks.

To kill flies

The consumption rate of a solution with an DV concentration of 0.05% is from 50 ml. per m². (small number of insects) up to 100 ml. per m². (large breeding of flies).

They exterminate parasites by spraying the product on the walls (internal and external) and the ceiling of the room, and garbage disposals.

The larvae are destroyed at the breeding sites using a 0.0125-0.025% (DV) aqueous solution. Treatment is carried out once every 1-1.5 months.

To destroy wasps

To treat the visible walls of a wasp nest, a solution of 0.05% (according to the Far East) is prepared. The procedure should be carried out after sunrise, when representatives of this type of insect have not yet flown out of the “house”, which accounts for from 100 to 200 ml. solution.

Treatment period: all summer months and early autumn.

To kill rat mites

The aqueous solution must be within 0.05% (according to DV) in order to irrigate baseboards, walls, communication pipes, cracks, places near heating devices, and furniture frames. 100 ml is consumed per 1 m². working solution.

Repeated treatment may be necessary 3-4 weeks after the previous one.

Precautionary measures

To make the repellent more effective against ants indoors, before treatment it is advisable to:

  • eliminate leaks in plumbing;
  • fill cracks in walls, cracks behind baseboards;
  • glue up the torn wallpaper;
  • wipe all surfaces and floors dry;
  • do preliminary cleaning.

Before working with insecticide you must:

  • carefully package and put away food and drinks;
  • remove people and animals from the premises, cover aquariums;
  • use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, mask or respirator);
  • tie a scarf on your head, put on a robe;
  • close windows and ventilation hatches.

Do not sprinkle dust on the surfaces and shelves of kitchen cabinets where dishes and food are stored.

You must not drink or eat in the room where the treatment is taking place. After working with chemicals outdoors, you should thoroughly shake out your clothes and then wash them. Rinse your mouth with water. Wash gloves with soap. Discard the disposable mask.

When working with Fas-Double ant powder in your garden, you must also use gloves and a mask. If it is windy outside, it is important to protect your eyes - the powder is very light and therefore volatile. It is necessary to ensure that pets do not come into contact with the poison.

In case of poisoning

Despite the fact that “FAS-Double” from ants is a low-hazard compound for humans, poisoning with it is possible if the recommended precautions are not followed.


  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Strong headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

What to do?

If signs of insecticide poisoning appear, a person must immediately be taken out into fresh air, take off contaminated clothing, wash his hands and face with soap and soda solution, and rinse his mouth with clean water. The victim is advised to drink two glasses of water and then take sorbents.

If the repellent gets into your mouth and is swallowed, you must first induce vomiting. To do this, you can drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

If poisons get on the mucous membranes, they are washed with a soda solution. The chemical is removed from the skin with soap and water, then it is advisable to apply a silicone-based cream.

If the powder from cockroaches gets into the eyes, they are washed under running water and instilled with a solution of sodium sulfacyl.

If you lose consciousness, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.


The line of preparations of the FAS brand consists of different forms of insecticide: gel, tablets, powders. They are intended for both professional and household use. But for independent treatment of residential and work premises, as well as personal plots, gardens, vegetable gardens, it is “FAS-Double” against ants that is recommended. The concentration of poisons in it is small, so special training is not required. Taking precautions, any adult can work with it themselves.

The form of the drug is a beige or light gray powder. The product belongs to the so-called dusts. The pesticide is packaged in special bags designed for pollination of various surfaces and has a prolonged (up to 5-7 weeks) effect.

Remedies for cockroaches

Super Fas powder for cockroaches Fas tablets and gel Use of Fas products to combat cockroaches

Humanity has been fighting cockroaches for centuries, using folk remedies against them and producing new effective chemicals. One of the modern brands that has recently appeared on sale is Fas for cockroaches.

  1. Professional Fas products: composition and range
  2. Super Fas Powder
  3. Tablets Fas
  4. Gel Fas
  5. Reviews


Cockroach repellents with a similar principle of action:

  • “Combat” is a line of German products based on hydramethylnon, cyphenothrin and imiprothrin or tetramethrin and permethrin, depending on the form of release. It is produced in the form of an aerosol, traps or gel.
  • Gel "Dohloks" is a Russian product containing fipronil.

Cheap, relatively safe, but not always effective.

  • Globol paste is a German drug in the expensive segment. Combines a lethal effect on cockroaches with mild toxicity to humans. Does not cause addiction even with prolonged use.
  • "Regent" is a soluble drug with a wide spectrum of action. Sold in powder, ampoules and capsules.
  • “Mashenka” is the simplest and cheapest remedy, effective in the early stages of insect reproduction. Available in the form of a chalk containing deltamethrin and zetacypermethrin - insecticides of toxicity class 4.


Irina: Fas helps a lot in advanced cases, after a few days almost all the cockroaches died, the rest ran away wherever they could, but I don’t think they survived. From time to time we carry out preventative treatment to prevent our neighbors from escaping, but we are not afraid of re-infection with Fas.

Peter: This is the only product that actually killed all the ants and cockroaches in the barn. They didn’t even have time to escape; they died right on the windowsill and on the threshold. For several months I did not see a single tick crawling, and before that the barn was literally swarming with cockroaches.

Yaroslav: I covered all the baseboards with powder, and the cockroaches immediately became soaked in it. I didn’t even have time to get to the cracks, and the ones that were the most dirty began to curl and die. It’s a very dangerous thing, you can’t breathe in it, because his eyes immediately darken and he vomits violently, he almost didn’t call an ambulance for me, it was so bad that I accidentally inhaled. I almost called an ambulance by inhaling it, so I inhaled it accidentally. However, it did help me get rid of the cockroaches.

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