Remedies for house ants: a review of gels, aerosols, concentrates and crayons

Unfortunately, the proximity of humans and insects is not always useful and beneficial. For example, ants can cause quite a lot of damage both in the house itself and in the garden. Because of this, owners of cottages, other private residential buildings, dachas, vegetable gardens, and so on regularly fight with them. In garden stores you can find many different products that differ from each other in their chemical composition, mode of action, cost, and other parameters.

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Not every person is able to easily navigate the presented assortment and give preference to the most suitable substance. We will try to fill this gap with our article: to do this, we have collected in our review of the best ant repellents only the most popular formulations that will help deal with these pests in the shortest possible time. Moreover, we decided to give some tips on choosing a suitable product depending on the habitat and number of such pests. Let's start with this.

How to choose the right ant repellent?

Despite the fact that at first glance it seems to people that ants are absolutely harmless and are not capable of interfering with a person in any way, such insects can cause a lot of problems. First of all, they multiply very quickly - over time, ants are able to fill the entire space of an apartment, house or plot. In most of the territory of our country, two types of these insects are found - red ones (prefer to live indoors) and garden ones (they settle in the soil, near the roots of trees, but can comfortably breed in homes).

Ants carry various pathogenic bacteria; they also store their food behind baseboards, wallpaper, and furniture, which ultimately leads to the formation of mold and fungi. The latter can have a very negative impact on the health of the human body. In addition, they can spoil food if left in the open.

Their main harm on the site is the spread of aphids, with which the ants have a symbiosis. These small arthropods severely damage the stems and leaves of cultivated plants, reducing the yield, and in especially severe cases, their damage even leads to the death of plants. The ants themselves cause irreparable damage to the internal parts of the buds; they gnaw the roots of seedlings, spoil ripe berries, fruits, and root vegetables. A large colony of ants can even destroy newly planted shrubs such as raspberries and currants.

In general, all ant repellents can be divided into two large groups: the first is intended for disinfestation, in other words, for the destruction of insects, the second is designed to repel them. Powder formulations are produced on the basis of a contact type insecticide - it penetrates the chitinous cover of insects and stops their vital processes. When using such substances, care must be taken to ensure that the treated surface is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this will lead to the decomposition of the active compounds.

You can also find gels on sale that only infect insects that touch such a preparation. The principle of operation is the same as that of powders, but gels do not dry out for a long time and are well resistant to sunlight. The substance can function for several months, it can be applied to any surface, the consumption of the drugs is small, so one package will last for a long time.

Aerosols act on the same principle as cockroach repellents, but you will have to use them quite often. There are ant traps - they contain a special agent that attracts insects. After falling into such a trap, the ants can no longer get out and die. There are special electric repellers on sale - they can be used both in an apartment and on a plot of land. They create discomfort in insects and force them to leave their favorite places. Such means are considered the most humane.

For summer cottages, powders are the most effective, since ants like to settle in the shade. Gels also work well, traps will be useful, but it is advisable to install them on a flat surface, otherwise their effectiveness will be significantly reduced. When choosing drugs for inclusion in our rating of the best ant repellents, we were guided by all the above points, and also took into account user reviews and the price-quality ratio of the products. We decided not to include the most expensive drugs in the review so that each reader has the opportunity to choose a substance according to their financial means.

Liquid concentrate

Liquid concentrate, or emulsion concentrate (e.e.), is a convenient form for preparing liquid working solutions (r.r.). The functioning of the drugs is also based on the contact-intestinal principle of action.

The drug is diluted with water in the required concentration and applied to places where insects accumulate during the growing season. The prepared working solution should not be stored and should be used completely on the day of its preparation. Treatments are carried out in dry and windless weather by spraying with a working solution the places where ants accumulate and move. Or anthills, stumps, or other places where ants have established a colony are completely flooded.

To prepare r.r. the dosage is 1-5ml. for 10l. water according to instructions. Consumption rate 10 l/5 m2. for spraying, or 10-20 l. to flood an anthill or other habitat.

Ants die within 2-4 days after treatment. The protective effect of liquid preparations is up to 3 weeks; a single treatment is sufficient.

Hazard class for humans is third. Waiting period before harvesting is 30-40 days. Delivery time for manual work is 7 days.

Liquid concentrates for ants - examples of preparations

Advantages of liquid preparations:

  • allows you to immediately destroy entire colonies of ants along with their queen;
  • lack of addiction to drugs in insects (except for drugs containing malathion, for example “Karbofos” );
  • economical consumption and low cost of drugs;
  • Due to their selective action, the preparations are safe for beneficial soil bacteria.
11. "Aardeater k.e." (1ml ampoule, 10ml, 50ml, 500ml bottles) diazinon 60%
12. “Muracid” (1ml ampoule, 10ml bottles)diazinon 60%
13. “Doctor Klaus” (1 liter working solution with ejector or aerosol)alpha-cypermethrin
14. "Karbofos k.e." (ampoules 5ml, 10ml and bottles 0.25l., 0.5l., 1l.) malathion 10-50%
15. "Blockbuster XXI, e.g." (bottle 10ml) malathion 58%
16. "Cypermethrin, e.g." (bottle 50ml, 0.5l., 1l.) cypermethrin 25%

Ten of the best ant control products

Combat SuperAttack from ants

The trap was developed taking into account all the biological characteristics of such insects, which made it possible to achieve maximum efficiency. In one anthill, regardless of its location - in an apartment or on a plot - there can live from 400 to 4800 individuals, and the absolute majority of them (about 95%) are ordinary working ants. They are females who are unable to have offspring with undeveloped wings. The trap is designed in such a way that the ants can come out of it and carry the treat to their anthill. There they feed the larvae with this composition. The larvae subsequently digest and process it, after which they feed it to the queen and most of the colony.

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The main active agent is hydramethylnon, a special substance that blocks the transmission of impulses along nerve receptors. The ants themselves, who have been in the trap, also receive a dose of this substance, but it is characterized by a delayed effect, so they have time to return to the anthill and share it with other individuals. The effect of the product is noticeable literally after a couple of days.


  • High degree of efficiency;
  • The trap is safe for humans and domestic animals, since the poisonous substance is hidden under its body;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Shows itself effectively indoors.


  • A rather weak double-sided tape for attaching to a surface – it will not be possible to install it vertically;
  • If you want to install it outside, you need to think about it so that rainwater does not get on the trap;
  • It can destroy about 6-8 thousand ants, so it is only suitable for two or three anthills. If there are more of them on the site, you will need to use a more powerful product.

Combat SuperAttack from ants

Delicia against ants

Here, a very toxic agent is used to combat ants - chlorpyrifos, but its concentration in the substance is practically harmless to humans and other relatively large mammals and birds. This powder can be used without fear in an area where chickens, ducks walk, dogs and cats run, and children play. One kilogram of this powder contains only 10 grams of toxic substance. It is very convenient to use such powder on the site, since ant paths are clearly visible there. It is enough to sprinkle a small amount of powder on them, and you can forget about the anthill.

It wouldn't hurt to sprinkle a little product on the nest, but it's more difficult to find. In this case, it is more convenient to prepare a solution of the substance - add two tablespoons of the product per liter and spray it in the area of ​​​​the intended location of the nest. If you manage to find the passages, then they are filled with a solution from an ordinary medical syringe. It can be used indoors, but it’s unlikely to be accessible to hard-to-reach areas.


  • It is possible to achieve a positive effect almost instantly;
  • Economical consumption of this product;
  • Convenient to use;
  • If you strictly follow the instructions, the drug will be safe not only for animals, birds and humans, but also for beneficial insects - bees, ladybugs, and so on.


  • When preparing the solution, you have to stir it in water for a long time;
  • It's quite expensive.

Delicia against ants

Raid against ants

This product is an aerosol product that is produced on the basis of an aqueous solvent. The drug is relatively safe for human health, as well as for pets. However, it is advisable to carry out treatment against ants with the vents or windows open. The product is universal, as it is suitable for fighting not only ants, but also cockroaches, bedbugs and other crawling insects. Working with an aerosol is very simple - just shake the can vigorously, holding it in a vertical position. Surfaces are treated from a distance of approximately 20 cm, it is advisable to do this in the area where insects live. The consumption of the product is insignificant - about 20 grams per 1 sq. m.

After using the drug, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room for half an hour, and also wash the surfaces that the active substance of the aerosol may have come into contact with, and this should be done exclusively with rubber gloves. You should spray only if the temperature is not lower than 10 degrees. It is pointless to use the product in open areas, since it can be blown away by the wind, and it will most likely be blown away along with dust along the ground.


  • There is no foreign odor;
  • Insects die immediately;
  • High activity of substances;
  • Can be used for other crawling insects.


  • Almost zero efficiency when used outdoors;
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room during the spraying process and after using the aerosol;
  • If the product gets on surfaces that come into contact with food, they must be thoroughly washed.

Raid against ants

Gel Raptor against ants

It is a universal remedy for combating ants, so this gel can be used both in an apartment or home, and outside it. The substance attracts insects with its original smell, combining vanilla and apricot. Once the ant comes into contact with the gel, it becomes an active carrier of the poison. Lambda-cyhalothrin is used as a toxic substance, the concentration of which in the gel does not exceed 0.1%. According to its characteristics, the compound is an active insecticide of the pyrethroid group. It enters the ant's body by contact, passing through the digestive system into the intestines.

Absorption into other organs of the arthropod occurs within half an hour. During this time, the ant manages to return to its home, where it is overtaken by paralysis and subsequent death, which occurs within 24 hours. The insect is in contact with other inhabitants of the anthill throughout the entire time, both before and after death. In turn, they also take a dose of poison, which, after transformation in the host’s body, acquires the ability to penetrate chitinous covers. Accordingly, literally five to ten ants that have been in contact with the gel can almost completely destroy a large anthill.

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  • Quite economical consumption, which allows you to use one package to destroy a very large population of insects;
  • Can be used to control cockroaches;
  • It is acceptable to apply at home - there are no traces or stains left after the gel;
  • The composition can be used as a barrier protection;
  • The room does not need to be ventilated after application;
  • The gel is absolutely safe for pets and people;
  • Reasonable price.


  • If the product is used at home, then after killing the insects, the residue will need to be removed from the surface.

Gel Raptor against ants

Gel Arnest Lethal Force

Another product is manufactured in the form of a gel, so its use is the safest, and compared to powders, aerosols and sprays, the effectiveness is no less. The volume of the package with this product is 75 ml, but this amount is quite enough for the complete treatment of a large house and a large plot of land. The tool copes well with the tasks assigned to it. The principle of operation is the same as that of all other similar gel products. After a single use of this gel in an apartment, you can forget about ants for up to ten months. When used in a summer cottage, the ants disappear until the next season.

Such a product does not need to be removed from the surface of the earth - the active substance used in it, which is fipronil, retains its beneficial characteristics for a long time. It is not subject to decomposition under the influence of water, sunlight, high and low temperatures. The gel will gradually dissolve and penetrate the soil in the area of ​​the anthill. This makes it possible to protect the most favorite ant sites, and the compound itself is safe for humans and animals and does not accumulate in the fruits of cultivated plants.


  • Using this product you can fight ants, cockroaches, even slugs;
  • Very easy to use;
  • Economical consumption;
  • There is no smell or traces of use;
  • Affordable price;
  • Completely safe for humans and animals.


  • If some insects still survive, they may develop immunity to this toxic substance.

Gel Arnest Lethal Force

Trap Raptor Express

This is not just a trap, but a full-fledged complex designed to combat cockroaches and ants at home. Included here is a plastic trap into which a special gel made on the basis of trace pheromones is loaded. It literally attracts insects that climb into the trap and absorb the bait. At the same time, it also remains on the legs and abdomen of the ants. They can easily leave such a trap and return to their nest, where they additionally infect the vast majority of the inhabitants. The effect of the gel begins literally one to two hours after the ant eats it.

Three active components are used here at once, so the habituation of individuals to them is immediately completely excluded. The substances are capable of destroying even ants that resist poison well. According to users and experienced insect exterminators, this product belongs to the professional class. At the same time, it is not capable of causing harm to humans, animals and beneficial insects. The trap can work in a warm room for a whole year.


  • Quickly copes with cockroaches indoors;
  • Contains three active components that prevent ants from getting used to this product;
  • It can also fight cockroaches.


  • Quite often you come across defective products.

Trap Raptor Express

Clean house Dust from ants

This is one of the most effective remedies against ants and other insect pests. This type of insecticide is characterized by excellent effectiveness against both domestic and garden insects. This substance was developed several decades ago and is used everywhere, but ants have never been able to get used to it and adapt. Initially, this product contained DDT, but this compound poses a danger to humans, so it was decided to abandon it. Today, malathion, pyrethrum, chlorpyrifos, karbofos and other similar compounds are used instead.

Together with them, a synergist of increased efficiency is used - piperonyl butoxide, which can significantly extend the time of action of the active substance. The product is available in powder form. It is enough to scatter it in the area of ​​the anthill just once, its effect will last for many days. Talc, solvent and other safe additives are used as additional substances. The only condition for high-quality use of such a drug is dryness. Only if the powder remains dry will the effectiveness be maximum.


  • Very easy to use;
  • A universal remedy - helps to cope with various harmful insects;
  • Low cost;
  • Economical consumption of the drug;
  • Found in almost every household and garden chemical store;
  • Minimum level of toxicity.


  • Precautions should be fully observed;
  • It is difficult to calculate the dosage for proper spraying on the surface.

Clean house Dust from ants


We decided to give 3rd place in our ranking of the best ant repellents to a drug that is available in liquid form and is designed exclusively to combat garden pests. It goes on sale in ampoules, the volume of which is 5 and 10 ml. One five-milliliter ampoule is diluted into a bucket of water, but a number of preparatory operations must be carried out. In its pure form, the product is very dangerous for human health, so when diluting you need to use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, respirators, goggles, and so on. When preparing the solution, all proportions must be strictly observed. The diluted preparation is poured into places where ant nests are located - about 1 liter of solution is spent on one anthill.

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Muracid is also available for sale in powder form. It is ideal for killing ants indoors. There is no need to dissolve it in liquid - just mix it with your favorite ant food such as eggs or any boiled porridge. After the drug enters the insect’s body, irreversible chemical reactions begin there, leading to convulsions, blocking the digestive system, after which paralysis of all organs of the insect occurs. Toxic substances pass through infected ants to the entire colony. The average time to destroy an anthill takes about a day.


  • Does not evaporate into the atmosphere;
  • Absolutely safe for earthworms and beneficial bacteria;
  • Does not affect green spaces, does not damage root crops, they do not absorb it;
  • Depending on the form of release, it can be used both in personal plots and indoors;
  • Reasonable price.


  • The following precautions must be observed.


Zarit Spider

An original composition, which is produced in the form of dry bait, made in the form of granules. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. The product copes excellently with ants that find themselves in the human habitat. The function of the active compounds here is performed by the substances imidocloprid and tanrek. Both of them are derivatives of nicotine, obtained under artificial conditions in chemical laboratories. These compounds not only easily seep through the chitinous cover of an insect, but penetrate into the intestines of the ant and have a contact effect. In other words, upon contact with other ants, they become infected. The substances remain active when interacting with the environment for four weeks.

The substance is afraid of sunlight, so the areas where it will be scattered should be protected from the sun to extend the life of the insecticide. The product also copes with other pests - slugs, woodlice, millipedes. If you pour a few granules into a mole cricket's course, not only it will die, but also all its offspring - both eggs and larvae.


  • High efficiency;
  • Very low cost;
  • Widely available in garden stores;
  • Quite a strong poison.


  • The specified safety precautions must be observed;
  • It may inadvertently destroy some beneficial insects.

Zarit Spider

DR granules. KLAUS for killing ants

This remedy turned out to be one of the leaders for many reasons. First of all, the composition is capable of fighting not only ants and other crawling insects such as cockroaches, but also some flying ones - mosquitoes, flies, midges, and sometimes even copes with horseflies. The duration of effective protection reaches two months. Despite the fact that this product is even intended to kill flying insects, it does not evaporate, unlike fumigators. Accordingly, it can be used in residential premises without fear for your health and the health of other family members. These granules contain an attractant, which acts as a universal bait. Insects, sitting on the granules, receive a portion of the toxic substance that is incompatible with life. It first disrupts the action of the intestines, then blocks the receptors of the nervous system. Flies and other flying pests simply cannot fly after this. Literally two or three hours later death occurs.

To control insects indoors, it is enough to sprinkle a small amount of the product on a paper, cardboard or plastic substrate. They are placed in any area because the product is absolutely safe for pets and even small children. For street ants, you don’t need to use a substrate - in this case, the main thing is to correctly find the paths for their movement and literally scatter three or four granules there. The effect of them will be much higher compared to powder or gel. With direct contact with the product, even a large anthill can be completely destroyed within just two days.


  • Very convenient to use;
  • The product helps to get rid of not only ants, but also other annoying insects;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Safe composition for small children and animals.


  • You will have to search for quite a long time in stores.

DR granules. KLAUS for killing ants

Adamant gel

Adamant insecticidal agent is intended for household extermination of ants in apartments and houses. The product comes in the form of a paste, which makes it much easier to use. The drug belongs to the professional category, so the result can be observed on the day of treatment.

Main characteristics:

  • composition – Alphacypermethrin 0.1%, Thiamethoxam 0.05%, food baits;
  • form – light brown gel paste;
  • purpose – insecticide of the pyrethroid class;
  • safety for people and the environment – ​​class 4 (low-hazard);
  • odor – weak, neutral, completely disappears 5-10 minutes after treatment;
  • application - applied to all places of possible nesting and movement of insects, it is economical in consumption, 1 tube per 250 m².

It is advisable to use Adamant in apartments and houses where small children, chronically ill people, and allergy sufferers live. The drug is completely safe for residents. There is no need to leave the house or isolate pets. It is enough to follow standard safety standards when working with insecticides. The price of a 75 ml tube is 120-150 rubles.

Go to the store


Traps are either sticky or poisonous. This is an effective remedy if chosen correctly.

Sticky tape will help eliminate ants from your home, but the process can take many months. These devices resemble a trap: the insect dies, but the queen remains unharmed and continues to lay eggs.

An ant trap with poison smells pleasant, attracting a lone victim. The individual tramples on the poison and infects all the inhabitants of the anthill, including its queen.

Combat SuperAttack trap against ants. Branded insecticide causes epidemic in insect colonies

The success is due not so much to the device itself as to its location. The place must be passable. Successful options:

  • space near the baseboard;
  • near the trash can;
  • behind the kitchen set;
  • in ventilation;
  • in the pantry;
  • near the garbage chute.

Of course, an ant trail is also suitable. Insects move in a line; you can stop the procession with a trap.

Electronic repellers

An alternative way to drive ants out of your home is with an electronic device. This is a small gadget that produces a sound of a special frequency, inaudible to humans and animals, but painful for insects. They will not die, but will leave the territory, so the repeller is an excellent protection against ants, especially if there is a threat of the colony returning.

Electronic insect repeller

If the gadget is intended for a small area, then several devices are purchased to effectively scare away ants. For example, one device helps get rid of ants in the kitchen, but they move into neighboring rooms. To prevent this from happening, they also need to be installed with the same device.

They operate from mains or batteries. A portable device will be able to expel insects from a much larger area.

Ultrasonic repeller EcoSniper “4 in 1”. Designed to repel: ants, mosquitoes, bedbugs, crawling insects. Safe for pets. Action area - 300 m²

Unfortunately, most of the electronic insect repellent devices offered are completely useless. Some of them were tested by Galileo.

Pest control

This method has to be resorted to when all other attempts to get rid of pests have failed. This happens when the nest is not found, and they appear again.

Professional pest control of ants

Specialists will carry out disinfestation with special chemicals that are more toxic than household chemicals, which will definitely help destroy the ants. But during disinfestation you will have to leave your apartment or house for several days.

When living in an apartment building, it is better to carry out this procedure simultaneously with your neighbors, since ants can migrate to them and return later again. In addition, the cost of calling exterminators will be cheaper.


To get rid of ants in the house, we offer the following methods:

  • Find the ant nest to destroy the main female. Fill it with boiling water or insecticidal spray.
  • Give the worker ants poison, which they will take back to their lair. To do this, you can use folk remedies to fight ants: sugar and soda, boron and yeast balls, flowers and herbs. Also use insecticides from the store: traps, gels, crayons, powders.
  • Call professional exterminators: they will destroy both the queen and the worker ants.
  • Prevent the appearance of ants: keep it clean, eliminate moisture in the house, close the cracks through which insects can enter.

Where do ants come from in an apartment?

The main ways insects spread throughout an apartment building are ventilation, garbage chutes and cracks. However, it happens that the starting point is the basement or attic. This is possible if the rooms are damp and warm.

Scout ants exploring new spaces may be attracted by the presence of any available food. Leftover food on the table, shelves, floor and in trash bags. If they find it, then this is a reason to move in. Having appeared in one apartment, they are able to spread throughout the entire apartment building.

The ants found food - a good reason to “move”!

Insects also appear from the outside, for example, after purchasing old furniture. But forest ants accidentally carried on clothes are not scary. They themselves will die after a while.

Preventive measures

If a person follows some rules of everyday life, then he can simply prevent insects, including ants, from entering his home. For example:

  • Maintain perfect cleanliness in the kitchen, without leaving food residues behind, and also take out the trash in a timely manner.
  • Avoid excess humidity in the apartment by eliminating various leaks in a timely manner, without overwatering the flowers and without leaving wet rags.
  • Promptly seal the cracks that appear in the floor, within the baseboards, next to the window frames, as a result of drying of the wood.
  • Take preventive measures by repelling insects with strong-smelling ingredients such as essential oils.
  • Monitor the condition of attics and basements, promptly calling special services for pest control.

How and with what to fight ants is chosen by the owner of the apartment, depending on the existing living conditions. If you do everything systematically and correctly, the result will not take long to come. It should be taken into account that chemical control agents are often unacceptable in human homes, since they have a certain degree of toxicity. Folk remedies are safer, but less effective and not as fast-acting.

Where do ants come from in the house?

In a private house, the risk of street ants appearing is higher than in an apartment building, due to the proximity of a natural area. In this case, the main anthill remains on the street, and individual individuals enter the premises through cracks in the floor or cracks in the foundation or walls. You need to know that you will have to fight the insects that are outside. Only after the destruction of their “dwelling” will the entire colony die.

The worst option is when ants settle underground. Removing ants from your home will be problematic. As already mentioned, in order to quickly destroy them, you need to find a nest.

The main reason why ants appear in the house is the presence of food: bread crumbs, sugar, etc. If you clean regularly, exclude the ants from accessing food and seal possible paths into the room, then over time they will disappear on their own.

Bottom line

So, in order to successfully get rid of ants, you need to determine the place where they come from, their type - this helps to understand where the nest may be and sometimes decide on the choice of means.

The commercially available preparations have a wide spectrum of action and will help get rid of all types of ants: small red ones, as well as large red and black ones. Each situation is individual and it is difficult to say which product will best cope with the task of protecting against ants, be it an apartment or a private house.

Why are they dangerous and what harm do they cause to humans?

When ants appear in an apartment, it is associated with the following problems::

  • psychological discomfort for household members;
  • regular insect bites;
  • general reduced sanitary condition of the living space;
  • the appearance of other pests and provoking diseases in people and pets;
  • damage to food, clothing, furniture, electronic or household appliances;
  • deterioration in the well-being of pets.

After the apartment owners manage to get rid of the uninvited guests, it is important to adhere to preventive measures so that they do not multiply again.

To do this, it is advisable to put all food leftovers in closed containers or immediately throw them in the trash and take them out in a timely manner. It is also important to thoroughly clean the premises regularly.

Prevention of ants

To get rid of ants once and for all, follow these tips:

  • Keep your house clean: don’t leave crumbs on the table, put food in the refrigerator, take out the trash on time.
  • Close the taps carefully and fix any leaks.
  • Seal any gaps through which ants can enter. This can be done with putty or sealant.
  • Check store purchases, especially used items.
  • To repel insects, use essential oils of lavender, cinnamon, and juniper. Mix them with water and treat surfaces in the house.
  • Place bags of herbs around the house: chamomile, lemon balm, mint, dill, parsley.
  • When cleaning, use solutions with chlorine, alcohol, and vinegar. Ants cannot stand these odors.
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