Anti-cockroach agent: action and effectiveness at home

Natural poisons, such as boric acid, vinegar, raw brewer's yeast and other substances, can only repel a small number of ants, but if a colony appears, then you need to fight with modern, potent insecticides that destroy insects, but are safe for human health. Such drugs include Fas double for ants.

On a note!

The product can be used not only to kill ants. Reviews about Fas double left by customers confirm the fact of its successful use against fleas, cockroaches, flies and bedbugs. It is widely used for disinfection in medical institutions, businesses and homes by professional services, but you can also disinfect your living space yourself.

Anti-ant powders and granules

This is the most popular and frequently used group of insecticidal preparations for ants and other insect pests.
The action of these drugs is based on the contact-intestinal principle - the drug destroys ants, both when they come into contact with the pest and when they eat the bait.

These ant repellents work on the "epidemic" principle - the ants bring bait to the anthill and feed all the ants, which leads to infection of the entire colony.

Examples of insecticidal preparations for ants, photo from the site

Granules or powder are scattered in places where insects accumulate or move - on anthills, in crevices or cracks between slabs, on paths, etc. You can place the drug in dry form on substrates, and spread the substrates in habitats or on the paths of movement of insects. As bait, you can use a paste obtained by dissolving granules or powder with water.

The death of ants is observed within 2 days. The consumption rate is about 3-5 g. per 1m2

Hazard class – fourth. The waiting period before harvesting is up to 3 weeks. Release time for manual work is 3 days.

Among the recommended drugs:

Folk remedies for fighting ants


Freshly picked herbs such as tansy, wormwood, mint and anise repel ants. Ants don't like their smell. The leaves of these plants should be spread near places where insects gather.

Vinegar mixture

To 10 liters of water, add 2 cups of vegetable oil, 2 cups of shampoo and 2 cups of vinegar. The mixture must be stirred well. Poke a hole in the anthill and apply this mixture there with a sprayer. Then cover this place with plastic wrap for 3 days. The effect will be if you are dealing with a small anthill located on the surface.


Like lime, ash reduces soil acidity and is often used in the fight against aphids. It can also be used against the ants themselves. Only recently you can’t find wood ash during the day, especially birch ash.

Decoction of tomato tops

If you have already collected tomatoes, do not rush to throw away the tops and leaves. It’s better to chop and steam them in boiling water. Let it sit until it cools completely. Water the beds and soil near the bushes and trees with this solution. From fresh green tomato tops you can make belts for tying the trunks of apple trees and plums at a height of one and a half meters.

Ants vs ants

If your dacha is located near a forest, then in every possible way encourage the appearance of red forest ants. Feed them sugar. After some time, they will make an anthill and come to your site to hunt beetles, caterpillars and garden ants.

Super front and front double: difference and benefits of application

Super face - dissolves in water. Sold either in powder form or as tablets. The drug contains cypermethrin and thiamethoxam. The active substances destroy insects of all types and forms, even used in agriculture. Less toxic to living beings (birds and animals), but when bedbugs enter the body, super face leads to a complete disruption of nerve impulses, after which the death of the insect occurs. Unfortunately, super face cannot destroy bedbug egg laying. The destructive effect of the drug is aimed only at adults. Because of this, it is necessary to treat the room with super face not just once, but several times. On sale there are packages of at least 10 g, and up to 1 kg. Reviews about the super face against bedbugs are only positive. Another advantage is that each package (regardless of the weight of the substance) contains instructions for use.

The front double works a little differently. This is a powdery insecticidal substance. It has a second name - dust, although the face from bedbugs is completely different from it. It is based on cypermethrin. This is a synthetic substance that is similar to natural pyrethrum. It is obtained from chrysanthemum. Has a long lasting effect. It acts like its brother Super face: it penetrates the nervous system of bedbugs through either the chitinous membrane or the digestive tract. Next, complete paralysis of the insect and death occurs.

The drug is called universal, as it destroys all parasites in the house and in the garden. Very easy to use:

  • prepare the entire surface for processing;
  • We put on rubber gloves and clothing for protection, do not forget to put on a gauze bandage so that the product does not get on the mucous membrane;
  • we make punctures in the marked places on the packaging;
  • Gently spray from the packaging onto the areas where the insects are located.

The double is applied equally to the back wall of the furniture and nearby surfaces (plinth, floor, cracks and walls). Treat carpets and rugs especially carefully, as bedbugs will try to leave the place where the drug is located.

Fas powder is used not only for treating residential premises, but also in enterprises where there is bedding: hospitals, hostels, hotels, etc. There is no more profitable and simpler method, and moreover, an effective one. Reviews left by customers who have encountered problems such as blood-sucking parasites confirm this fact. Thanks to the double front, migration of insects is not possible even between rooms. Such positive results speak in favor of the drug.

Processing stages

Treatment of residential premises is carried out in several stages, on which efficiency depends. Before you start spraying the solution, you need to prepare the room.

To do this you need:

  • Sweep the room, remove all dust and carry out wet cleaning. Such actions are necessary to ensure that the drug does not mix with dust and dirt, as this will lead to a decrease in effectiveness.
  • Next, you need to move the furniture away from the walls to provide access to the back of the cabinets and baseboards.
  • Remove everything from cabinets. It is advisable to remove all kitchen equipment and food from the premises during processing. If this is not possible, you need to pack everything in bags and close them well.

When the area is prepared, you can begin applying the solution:

  • The high level of toxicity does not allow working in enclosed spaces; be sure to open the windows.
  • All residents leave the premises. Keep animals away. If there is an aquarium, it needs to be taken out.
  • We apply the product to the back walls of the cabinets and thoroughly treat the baseboards around the entire perimeter.
  • Cockroaches have an excellent sense of smell, so they are very attracted to the trash can; treat it from the bottom and the floor underneath it.
  • Also pay attention to the walls behind the radiators and the area near the window sills and window frames.
  • Don't forget about the ventilation holes.
  • Remember that these pests cannot survive without water, so they are always around moisture, and this is pipes, the area near sinks, bathrooms, drain pipes under the sink.

What is Double face and Super face against bedbugs?

The drugs are positioned as professional. Powder or dust is more often used. There are other forms of release. Products are used against synanthropic insects. The composition includes several different types of components, which increases the effectiveness of the drugs. In addition, the use of various substances expands the scope of application of the product. So, they use Fas against bedbugs and other types of insects.

It is also used as an acaricidal drug: it helps remove arachnids.

At the same time, Fas is effective in controlling garden and vegetable pests. As a result, when trying to destroy bed parasites, the apartment is cleared of other insects.

The drugs act not only on bedbugs, but also on other insects

What is included in the composition and what is the difference between Double face and Super face

The drugs are produced by the same company and have similarities and differences. Thus, the main component in the composition is cypermethrin (from the class of pyrethroids). It is produced according to the principle and similarity of the natural poison - pyrethrin. However, insecticides of the pyrethroid group are made on a synthetic basis. This made it possible to increase the effectiveness of the funds many times over.

Cypermethrin is characterized by a residual effect. This means that the substance kills parasites even after the spraying procedure has been carried out. Cypermethrin affects neurons. This type of substance affects the sodium channels of nerve cells, causing disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses.

This is the main reason for the death of parasites. Cypermethrin kills bedbugs by penetrating the chitinous membrane.

Thiamethoxam (Super Fas)

This is the second insecticide in this drug. It represents a group of neonicotinoids. Thiamethoxam is a nerve poison. The substance also inhibits the nervous system of bedbugs, thereby contributing to their death. The advantages of this include the ability to destroy insects of various types, including garden and vegetable ones.

This insecticide causes harm to the environment; many countries have already abandoned it, but in Russia it is still permitted and is part of some insectoacaricidal agents.

Chemical formula of the thiamethoxam substance molecule

The neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, which is part of Super Fas, is characterized by a systemic effect. Contact with the substance is noted when it enters through the chitinous integument, as well as the trachea. First paralysis occurs, then the insect dies. Thiamethoxam has a selective effect: the substance affects only the body of creatures with increased sensitivity (for example, insects), and humans tolerate contact with the insecticide much better.

Esfenvalerate (Double Fas)

The component is used much less frequently. Fas Double is one of the few examples of such means. Esfenvalerate is a component from the pyrethroid group. It is distinguished by a wide range of applications. The insecticide kills various insects, including bed bugs.

Chemical formula of the substance esfenvalerate molecule

The difference lies in the number of isomers. Esfenvalerate is superior to fenvalerate in terms of intensity of effect. The substance exhibits contact and systemic effects. It is a moderately toxic compound, which explains its ability to affect the peripheral and central nervous system.

Piperonyl butoxide

This component does not exhibit insecticidal activity. This means that it does not harm parasites. However, the substance is often used in the production of insecticides, due to its ability to enhance the effect of toxic substances. Piperonyl butoxide is always used as an auxiliary component and is part of various insecticide combinations.

In most cases, the drug is used together with pyrethroids, carbamates, and pyrethrins.

Chemical formula of the substance piperonyl butoxide molecule


"FAS-Double" is effective against all types of ants - garden, forest, house ants.

Premises treatment

For insecticidal treatment inside apartments and houses, it is necessary to pierce the packaging according to special marks. Next, pressing on the bag, sprinkle the dust in places where pests accumulate. Since ant nests are very often inaccessible, as they are hidden under the floor, behind tiles, in walls, ventilation shafts, you need to carefully treat the paths along which insects move. This will allow the smallest particles of the drug to reach the maximum number of ants.

The powder is left for 3-6 hours. Then easily accessible places and surfaces are thoroughly washed with a soap-soda solution, and where people or animals will not come into contact with the product, the repellent is left for up to 8 weeks.

Since dusts are effective only against adult ants and do not affect eggs and larvae, it is recommended to repeat disinfestation after 10-14 days.

Processing of personal plots

To treat gardens and vegetable gardens, the package with pesticide must also be opened in special places.

When pollinating the ground, flowers, tree trunks, and other surfaces with the preparation, special attention should be paid to ant passages and the anthill itself

In dry weather, the pesticide remains effective for 2-3 months. After heavy rain, the product can be washed off. Then the processing should be repeated.

“FAS-Double” for ants is available in 125 gram bags. The recommended powder consumption is 2-3 grams per 1 square meter.

Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions and calculate the required number of packets.

Precautionary measures

Like any other pesticides, the bedbug repellent Fas, according to experts, can be extremely dangerous for humans and pets. If the active substances of the insecticide come into contact with the skin or the body, they provoke the development of serious allergic reactions and food poisoning.

Therefore, when using the drug, you must adhere to the following safety rules:

  • Double fas must be stored in tightly closed packaging out of the reach of children;
  • during the processing process, it is necessary to remove all food and hygiene products from the premises;
  • after disinfestation is completed, the surfaces treated with the solution must be carefully wiped with a mixture of soapy water and soda;
  • After treatment, the room should be thoroughly ventilated for several hours;
  • When carrying out pest control work, personal protective equipment should not be neglected - goggles, closed clothing, a respirator and gloves;
  • During processing, children and animals must be removed from the premises.

You can buy Double Fas bedbug powder at any hardware store, or have it delivered online. Application practice shows that one package of pesticide is enough for complete disinfestation of a two-room apartment. If you have to deal with a large population of insects, the product can be used in conjunction with other drugs.

In case of accidental poisoning with Double Fasom, you should leave the room for fresh air. Powder that gets on the skin must be removed with a cotton swab soaked in soapy water. If the product gets on the mucous membranes of the eye, they should be washed with copious amounts of warm water and albucid should be instilled. To prevent food poisoning from Double Fasom, it is recommended to drink several glasses of a slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate, and then induce vomiting. In particularly serious cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

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In case of poisoning

Despite the fact that “FAS-Double” from ants is a low-hazard compound for humans, poisoning with it is possible if the recommended precautions are not followed.


  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Strong headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

What to do?

If signs of insecticide poisoning appear, a person must immediately be taken out into fresh air, take off contaminated clothing, wash his hands and face with soap and soda solution, and rinse his mouth with clean water. The victim is advised to drink two glasses of water and then take sorbents.

If the repellent gets into your mouth and is swallowed, you must first induce vomiting. To do this, you can drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

If poisons get on the mucous membranes, they are washed with a soda solution. The chemical is removed from the skin with soap and water, then it is advisable to apply a silicone-based cream.

If the ant powder gets into the eyes, they are washed under running water and instilled with a solution of sodium sulfacyl.

If you lose consciousness, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

How to protect yourself from future attacks?

To prevent hordes of ants from spoiling plants in the future, preventive measures should be taken. This will eliminate the need to fight these harmful insects in the future.

Before replanting peonies into new soil, you must first add ash to the soil. It will be an excellent fertilizer and will help protect flowers from ant invasion. Near them you can plant plants whose smell will repel insects. For example, anise, garlic and other similar plants.

Beautifully flowering plants in a garden plot are always pleasing to the eye, but the presence of pests spoils the whole picture. Therefore, you need to protect flowers from insects if they are not beneficial. Getting rid of ants on peonies is not difficult if you use the right methods and means. It is best to use chemical products to a minimum. The most effective way to prevent the spread of pests is to periodically carry out preventive measures (checking flowers for insects and planting plants whose scent ants do not like).

Folk remedies for fighting ants


Freshly picked herbs such as tansy, wormwood, mint and anise repel ants. Ants don't like their smell. The leaves of these plants should be spread near places where insects gather.

Vinegar mixture

To 10 liters of water, add 2 cups of vegetable oil, 2 cups of shampoo and 2 cups of vinegar. The mixture must be stirred well. Poke a hole in the anthill and apply this mixture there with a sprayer. Then cover this place with plastic wrap for 3 days. The effect will be if you are dealing with a small anthill located on the surface.


Like lime, ash reduces soil acidity and is often used in the fight against aphids. It can also be used against the ants themselves. Only recently you can’t find wood ash during the day, especially birch ash.

Decoction of tomato tops

If you have already collected tomatoes, do not rush to throw away the tops and leaves. It’s better to chop and steam them in boiling water. Let it sit until it cools completely. Water the beds and soil near the bushes and trees with this solution. From fresh green tomato tops you can make belts for tying the trunks of apple trees and plums at a height of one and a half meters.

Ants vs ants

If your dacha is located near a forest, then in every possible way encourage the appearance of red forest ants. Feed them sugar. After some time, they will make an anthill and come to your site to hunt beetles, caterpillars and garden ants.

Does Fas Double help against fleas?

Fas Double is an insecticidal agent designed to combat household insects, which include:

  • Fleas.
  • Bedbugs.
  • Ants.
  • Flies and cockroaches.

Description of the drug

Release form: light beige powder (dust).

Packaging – sprayer package, designed specifically for economical and precise application of the drug to different types of surfaces.

Efficiency – the product remains highly active for 5-7 weeks.

Composition – the basis consists of such active ingredients as:

  • Zeta-cypermethrin.
  • Esfenvalerate.
  • Synergist.
  • Piperonyl butoxide.

Excipients – filler (starch).

Instructions for use

Dust is recommended for treating rooms and all types of surfaces.

Attention. Household dust is strictly not recommended for treating animals; it is intended for disinfecting premises and furniture. To achieve maximum effect when fighting fleas, the manufacturer recommends strictly following the instructions:

To achieve maximum effect when fighting fleas, the manufacturer recommends strictly following the instructions:


  1. Remove animals and children from the premises during treatment.
  2. Close windows and ventilation hatches leading to neighbors.
  3. Remove all small furnishings.
  4. Isolate food and indoor flowers.

Processing process:

Distribute the dust evenly, in a thin layer, over the floor and all accessible surfaces in the room.

Particular attention should be paid to cracks, doorways, thresholds, furniture and resting areas for pets (rug, bedding, soft house, etc.). The consumption of the drug is calculated approximately as follows: 2 g per square meter of treated surface

With a very large insect population, the dose of the drug can be increased to 4 g per square meter. It is recommended to keep the product on surfaces for at least 4-5 hours, after which it can be washed off. If possible, leave some of the dust in hard-to-reach places to prevent re-infection.

Important. Insecticides for household use destroy living insects, but are harmless to the larvae, so manufacturers recommend re-treating the premises 10-14 days after the first. A package of product weighing 125 g costs approximately 50 to 60 rubles

A package of product weighing 125 g costs approximately 50 to 60 rubles.

When storing the drug Fas Double, it is very important to observe the temperature regime; it should not be lower than – 25 degrees Celsius and not higher than +40. It is advisable to choose a dark room with good ventilation

An opened package retains its properties for 3-4 months. A fully sealed package is usable for 24 months.

There are fleas in our dog's bedding. Before they spread throughout the house, we decided to treat two rooms with a special product. The store recommended Fas Double to us. We read the instructions and treated the corridor and hallway. We carefully treated the dog's corner and its bedding. We waited 7 hours, did a wet cleaning and washed the dog's rug. The fleas were gone instantly. Even after a month we didn't see them anymore, so we didn't even have to re-treat them. We are satisfied with the drug and recommend it to everyone.

Nadezhda Viktorovna, Gus Khrustalny

I can’t even imagine where the fleas came from in my apartment. I don’t have any animals, my neighbors are clean, I do the cleaning myself often, but, nevertheless, I began to notice bite marks on my legs, and I saw small jumping insects, and I immediately realized that they were fleas. In the store I took the most effective remedy - Fas double. It took me three packets of this product to disinfect a one-room apartment; I sprinkled it a lot and thoroughly, in all corners, crevices and hard-to-reach places. After the treatment, I was satisfied with its effectiveness, the fleas went away and nothing has bothered me for three weeks now.

Irina Markovna, Smolensk

Fleas appeared in the basement of my private house. Before they occupied the entire living space, on the advice of a neighbor, I bought a Fas double. I used a lot of powder because there were so many fleas. I poured it in and left it until spring (for five months), in March my wife washed everything out and we never saw these parasites again. We were very pleased with the product and keep one packet at home just in case.

Ivan Stepanovich, Tver

Action and application

The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide. Therefore, it helps in the fight against such parasites:

  • bedbugs;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • fleas;
  • flies;
  • wasps;
  • mosquitoes.

Many buyers do not know how to poison insects using powdered products. Instructions for use FAS will help you correctly prepare the solution necessary for processing. A spray bottle is used when working with this product. The drug is effective for a week, so it is recommended to repeat the procedure to destroy newly appeared larvae. It should be reused no earlier than a week after the initial treatment.

Despite the fact that this insecticide does not immediately destroy all parasites living in the room, it is very effective in combating not only bedbugs, but also garden pests. Positive reviews about Super Fas help many customers make the right choice of drug.


The line of preparations of the FAS brand consists of different forms of insecticide: gel, tablets, powders. They are intended for both professional and household use. But for independent treatment of residential and work premises, as well as personal plots, gardens, vegetable gardens, it is “FAS-Double” against ants that is recommended. The concentration of poisons in it is small, so special training is not required. Taking precautions, any adult can work with it themselves.

The form of the drug is a beige or light gray powder. The product belongs to the so-called dusts. The pesticide is packaged in special bags designed for pollination of various surfaces and has a prolonged (up to 5-7 weeks) effect.

Attention! Although the drug is also effective against other insects, such as fleas, FAS-Double ant repellent is not intended for use on animals. It's dangerous for them!

Front double

The drug Duble (light gray or beige dust) is a form of FAS, adapted for disinfestation of residential premises. It has a low concentration of poison, does not require special knowledge to work with it and can be carried out by any adult. Unlike Super, it does not dissolve in water, but is used as a powder against cockroaches.

The active ingredients are Zeta Cypermethrin and EU Fenvalerate. The combination of poisons gives the product a prolonged effect, providing protection for 90 days.

Before treatment, you should carefully read the instructions and purchase as many packets of powder as necessary to treat contaminated premises and adjacent rooms. Dust is consumed at the rate of up to 3 grams per square meter.

Processing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • clear the room of unnecessary things,
  • seal cracks in walls, sewer and water pipes,
  • glue up the torn wallpaper,
  • eliminate leaks in plumbing fixtures,
  • clean and seal all food in the kitchen and pantries,
  • wipe dry all puddles of water in the apartment,
  • clean the room and furniture from crumbs and spilled cereals and food,
  • remove people and pets from the premises,
  • use personal protective equipment - gloves, mask or respirator,
  • pierce the designated areas on the packaging and pour the powder along the baseboards, in places where insects are most concentrated, along the paths along which they move. If necessary, use a paper or cardboard backing,
  • after a few hours, the drug is washed off with a detergent solution or warm water with soap and soda,
  • After finishing work, wash your hair, face and hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Some buyers who have tried the product recommend using the powder as part of the bait, mixing it with mashed potatoes, boiled yolk, and a few drops of vegetable oil. Balls or cakes made from the mass are laid out in places where insects are most concentrated.

Precautionary measures

When using the product, you need to remember that it is toxic not only to insects, but to people and animals. In accordance with GOST, its active ingredients do not have a strong effect on the skin; it is undesirable for it to enter the gastrointestinal tract, but the drug is especially dangerous if inhaled

Therefore, when working with it, you need to adhere to safety measures: Precaution

  • use rubber gloves and safety glasses;
  • remove all strangers and animals from the treated area;
  • remove or cover food well;
  • use a respirator or gas mask while spraying the drug;
  • ventilate the premises for 10-15 minutes 1-2 hours after treatment;
  • after this, carry out wet cleaning in the house;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after disinfection.

You can purchase Super Fas in specialized stores or in departments of household chemicals for gardeners. The price of Fas against bedbugs will pleasantly surprise all buyers who want to use the product to successfully combat parasites.

Why are anthills dangerous?

The ants themselves are not dangerous to humans, they do not carry diseases, but they like to build their homes next to cultivated plants. Everyone knows that these insects have a special weakness for sweets. It happens that spilled sugar can lure a colony of ants into the house. That’s why their homes are so often found under apple, cherry, and strawberry trees. Each fallen fruit contributes to the growth of the colony.

But that’s not all - ants and aphids are truly “best friends.” They spread this insect and hide it for the winter. And all because aphids secrete a sticky substance, which, again, is sweet. And aphids are already causing more significant damage to cultivated plants.

Why else would you need to know a way to get rid of ants? The fact is that ants, while building their tunnels and homes, store various seeds of weeds and cultivated plants, which contributes to the appearance of excess grass on the site.

Another harm from ants is that their tunnels damage the root system, especially young seedlings, which leads to their death.

There is a lot to talk about, but it's time to move on to action. Let's see how to get rid of ants in the garden forever using folk remedies.

FAS remedies for cockroaches: tablets, gel and powder

Humanity has been fighting cockroaches for centuries, using folk remedies against them and releasing new chemicals. One of the modern brands that has recently appeared on sale is Fas for cockroaches.

Professional Fas products: composition and range

Preparations of the Fas brand are nominated as professional, i.e. used by specialists of sanitary and epidemiological services (SES) for pest control. Fas poison against cockroaches is insectoacaricidal, highly effective against cockroaches and other types of insects: ants, ticks, bedbugs, fleas and even spiders.

Several types of chemicals are produced under this brand:

  • Fas Super and Double powder;
  • water-soluble tablets;
  • gel Fas.

The drug contains 2 insecticides: thiamethoxam and cypomethrin, which are usually used in professional pest control of premises and have an average degree of toxicity.

Super Fas Powder

Super Fas powder for cockroaches

According to the degree of danger of the powder:

  • highly dangerous if inhaled due to the volatility of the poison;
  • moderate – when passing into the stomach;
  • low hazard - in case of contact with skin.

Instructions for preparing and using a solution of Super Fas powder against cockroaches:

  1. Before treatment begins, all food and necessary items must be removed from the premises, cleaned, and all residents and pets removed.
  2. Before use, be sure to wear protective clothing and goggles, a respirator, and rubber gloves.
  3. The powder should be diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions with warm water in a ratio of 1:20.
  4. Pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.
  5. Spray the solution in all places where insects accumulate: baseboards, furniture, cabinets, cracks in walls and floors, sinks, the area around the trash can and pipes, cockroach paths. The consumption rate is 50 ml/sq.m. m.
  6. After finishing the treatment, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the room.


It is better for children, pregnant women and animals not to return to the apartment for 24 hours after spraying until the concentration of chemicals in the air decreases. The high efficiency of the applied solution lasts 7-8 days; repeated spraying should be carried out no less than after 3-4 weeks when pests appear.

Cockroach repellent Fas in powder can only be purchased in specialized hardware or country stores, as well as in pharmacies or from an official supplier via the Internet. It can be stored for up to 2 years in a dry place out of reach of children. It is prohibited to keep it close to dishes, personal hygiene products and food.

Another powder remedy for cockroaches, Fas Duble, in the form of a dust, has reduced toxicity, so it is widely used to kill insects in apartments and private houses. The powder is used in dry form and applied to the areas where the Prussians are located.

Tablets Fas

Tablets and gel Fas

The product is applied by spraying the solution from a spray bottle on all surfaces in the living room, as well as in the kitchen and bathroom. Repeated treatment can be done after 2 weeks.

Gel Fas

Fas insecticidal gel for cockroaches is another type of product of this brand and has less toxicity. Available in the form of a tube of 20 and 75 ml with a sharp spout, convenient for applying the substance to hard-to-reach places in the apartment. The gel is applied in dotted lines at intervals of 2 cm around the perimeter of the room and in places where parasites move.

A cockroach, having tasted the poison, poisons itself and carries it on its paws to the colony, infecting its other inhabitants. Gradually, under the influence of the poison, all parasites living in the room die.

Its advantages are:

  • Possibility of use in residential premises without removing people and animals;
  • sufficient effectiveness to kill pests;
  • residual effect lasts up to 2 months;
  • does not leave marks on surfaces after application;
  • can be used for processing household and electronic equipment;
  • affordable price.

The advantages of Fas brand products are their low cost and fairly high efficiency, which is confirmed by reviews of the Fas cockroach repellent.

Instructions for use of the drug

Before you start using the drug Fas against insects, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its use. The instructions for use warn that before starting work you must wear protective rubber gloves. It is also worth using a respirator and safety glasses.

For household use, the drug is produced in 10 g packages - the manufacturer suggests diluting this volume with ordinary water in a ratio of 1:20. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, then the finished composition is poured into a bottle with a spray device and the room is treated from pests.

When using the drug Fas against bedbugs, blood-sucking insects inhale its smell and die.

In this case, bedbug eggs do not receive a negative effect, which is why the treatment of the rooms will have to be repeated again after 1 or 2 weeks. The effect of the product can last for 7-8 days. In order for the effectiveness of killing bedbugs to be 100%, remove bed linens and blankets from beds, curtains and rugs. Clothes and soft toys must be washed at a temperature of at least 50°C.

It is better to keep mattresses, pillows and other large items in the cold for 2 or 3 hours.

You can get rid of insects not only indoors, but also outdoors, in any area where ants or other living creatures are annoying. In addition to powder, manufacturers offer Fas in tablet form or gel form. Soluble tablets should also be used after fully reading the instructions, since each product from this line has a certain concentration of the active substance.

Most often, 4 tablets require 1000 ml of water. For 1 m² of treated area you will need from 40 to 50 ml of the prepared solution. The product is sprayed where clusters of insects are detected. Particular care should be taken to irrigate baseboards, areas behind furniture, and risers in the bathroom and toilet. After treatment, the premises are well ventilated, on average this will take 30-50 minutes.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against ants, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...

In rooms where repellent was used, wet cleaning must be carried out.

With special care, wipe tables, chairs, switches, door handles, etc. with a wet rag soaked in a soap-soda solution. Do not leave the product open, even if it has not yet been diluted with water.

Currently, cockroach gel has become very popular. This form is the safest to use.

Using Fas gel, you do not have to remove all people from the room.

The advantages of the product include not only the affordable price, but also ease of use and efficiency. The gel can be applied to household appliances. The product is offered to consumers in a syringe, from which it is dosed sparingly and strictly according to its intended purpose.

Super Fas against cockroaches is a versatile remedy; the insecticide is often used to kill house and garden ants. Repellent gel or solution is applied to the paths along which insects walk. A good product for ants is another form of insecticide; it belongs to the described line of products and is called Fas Double. It differs from its analogues at an affordable price.

The quality of the repellent is decent; the active ingredients in the product quickly kill parasites.

Fas double is produced in powder form; the drug can be used against ants, cockroaches and other invertebrate animals living in the apartment, just like other products from the described line of drugs. By following the instructions for use, you can get rid of annoying insects in a short time.

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