Fufanon Nova pest control (4 ml): instructions for use and reviews

The active ingredient of Fufanon is malathion. This is a general spectrum insecticide and acaricide, with which you can eliminate all insects inhabiting a specific area - both creeping and flying. This poison is relevant in the fight against moths, ticks, fleas, aphids and other “favorites” of entomologists, including bedbugs, which most often occupy domestic houses and apartments.

The latter can “move” to you from your neighbors, using the ventilation shaft as a tunnel. If you live near a forest or livestock farm, your home is also at risk. Forest bugs, for example, move into human housing when the humidity in their natural habitat is too high. And the bloodsuckers that inhabit poultry farms and other livestock farms always prefer animal blood to human blood - such are their tastes and morals.

There are more than 40,000 species of bedbugs in the world. About 2,000 of them live in Russia. But the most annoying and nasty bugs are linen bugs, which are sometimes called furniture or bed bugs. They bite a person, satiating themselves with his blood, leaving behind a chain of five to seven red dots on the body.

Composition of the drug

The developer of the drug is Danish. "Fufanon" is a type of organophosphate insecticide, available in the form of an emulsion concentrate (47 or 57%). The product is available in ampoules, bottles, plastic canisters (1 and 5 l each). The active component of Fufanon is malathion, which belongs to organophosphorus compounds. This substance is highly effective against small pests and is approved for use in residential premises.

Malathion is also present in other insecticides (Karbofos), but Fufanon has a more advanced formula, an enhanced antiparasitic effect and less toxicity. The auxiliary components present in this preparation provide it with a thick consistency and characteristic yellow color.

The product is also available in other versions:

  • "Fufanon-nova";
  • "Fufanon-super."

These products differ from the main drug in the concentration of the active substance. "Fufanon-nova" exhibits faster action, increased efficiency, and at the same time is less toxic. Due to the latter feature, this drug does not have a pungent odor, characteristic of the usual “Fufanon”.

"Fufanon-super" is suitable for treating residential premises, greenhouses, warehouses, and barns. A special feature of this product is also the absence of a pronounced odor and the ability to cope with various types of harmful insects at a high level.

Attention! The drug is used not only for treating residential premises, but also for protecting garden plots and field crops. To disinfest a home infested with bloodsuckers, it is recommended to purchase “Fufanon” for bedbugs in ampoules.


The toxicity of Fufanon is lower than that of Karbofos - the drug belongs to hazard class III, i.e. is moderately toxic. It does not accumulate in the tissues of humans and animals, therefore it is safe for long-term use.

When a large amount of insecticide enters the body, severe poisoning develops. Fufanon poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Dyspnea
  • Cyanosis
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Vomit
  • Constriction of pupils

In all registered cases of Fufanon poisoning, there was a gross violation of safety precautions during disinfestation or storage of the drug in a place accessible to small children. No fatal cases of drug poisoning have been reported.

How does the insecticide work?

The official instructions for use of Fufanon contain information that the drug begins to act soon after contact with the parasite. This product is a contact (fumigation) product. Having penetrated the insect's body, malathion immediately begins to destroy it - it disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, gradually causing paralysis.

The death of a bedbug most often occurs after a few hours. The remaining individuals are inevitably destroyed within a few days.

Even one bug infected with an insecticide can spread poison throughout the entire colony of its relatives. The result is the development of a chain reaction, which allows you to quickly clear the room of unpleasant “neighbors”.

Important information! Manufacturers claim that 2-3 weeks after treating the home with Fufanon, all generations of bedbugs completely disappear. The drug completely deprives them of the ability to carry out any life activity and further reproduce.

Mechanism of action on bedbugs

Thanks to the drug and its action, no insects remain in the house in a short time. The main advantage of Fufanon is that it is not afraid of large areas of treatment. It is because of this that professional service workers also use it when carrying out professional pest control against bedbugs.

The principle of action is in many ways similar to such a drug for bedbugs as “Karbofos”. The active substance enters the limbs and chitinous cover of the insect, after which the insect’s nervous system begins to be blocked and the bloodsucker dies.

This remedy gains scale thanks to a chain reaction, when the poison spreads through the nest through a poisoned parasite and penetrates the bodies of other pests. The peak activity of the main component occurs in the first two hours after disinsection, but the drug has a long period of residual action lasting up to a month.

It is difficult to find a remedy against bedbugs that destroys not only the pests themselves, but also the clutch of eggs of these parasites. The drug "Fufanon ke" affects several generations of insects at once. Since after disinfestation it retains its poisonous properties for a long time. But it is worth noting that in some cases, this will still require re-treatment of the room against bedbugs.

How much does Fufanon cost?

"Fufanon" refers to the available means. You can buy it in a variety of places. To purchase an authentic drug, it is recommended to purchase it online or in hardware stores.

Estimated cost of ampoules with insecticide in online stores:

  • "Fufanon", 6.5 ml - from 12 rubles;
  • “Fufanon-nova”, 6.5 ml - from 18 rubles;
  • “Fufanon-super”, 5 ml - from 25 rubles.

In retail outlets selling household goods, the drug often costs from 29 rubles per ampoule.

Remedy for bedbugs "Fufanon"


“I used the drug Fufafon for a long time: there were no problems with insects after using it. Previously, I often used it to get rid of pests in the garden, and when parasites attacked the apartment, I was pleasantly surprised that the product was also suitable for treating it. At first I didn’t believe the reviews of other people, but “Fufafon” did its job perfectly, even if we used it twice! The only downsides worth noting are the strong chemicals of the drug and the unpleasant odor. Our fight against bedbugs was a great success! I recommend to everyone! This is a truly effective remedy for bedbugs!”

“We struggled with bedbugs for a long time, but nothing helped! I read on the forums about “Fufanon Super” for bedbugs and decided that it was worth trying to use it. Surprisingly, the bloodsuckers disappeared instantly! But I wanted to order professional extermination of bedbugs!”

Elena, Nizhny Novgorod

“A friend recommended me the anti-bedbug product Fufanon. After the first treatment there were almost no insects. I used the drug again, and after repeated treatment, the blood-sucking bugs disappeared. My struggle in the apartment on my own was very successful!”

Advantages and disadvantages of this tool

Among the important advantages of the drug "Fufanon":

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to destroy bedbugs at any stage of development (the product also destroys parasite eggs, creating a poisonous coating on their surface);
  • quick effect (within 24 hours);
  • long-lasting action;
  • economical consumption;
  • reasonable cost;
  • parallel extermination of other insects (fleas, cockroaches, ants, Prussians).

The downside is the ability of this insecticide to cause poisoning in humans or pets. However, proper use of the drug can reduce this possibility to zero.

Preparation of working solution

To use Fufanon to kill bedbugs indoors, you need to know how to dilute it correctly. The manufacturer recommends preparing a solution in a proportion of 1.5-3.5 ml per 1 liter of water. The same concentration should be maintained to kill fleas, and when using a product against ants, cockroaches and moth larvae, 9-11 ml of insecticide should be added to the same volume of liquid.

The solution must be prepared in a plastic container. After adding the product, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Next, the solution needs to be poured into a spray bottle.

Instructions for use - how to dilute Fufanon against bedbugs

Treatment of living quarters is carried out by spraying an insecticide. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to remove flowers, aquariums, and pets from the house. All residents, except the person conducting disinsection, must also temporarily leave the premises.

The next important point is how to dilute Fufanon against bedbugs. When preparing the solution, you must follow the dosages recommended in the instructions for use.

Depending on the number of bedbugs in the apartment, “Fufanon” is dissolved in water as follows:

  1. Moderate or severe infection - 1 ampoule per 5 liters of liquid.
  2. For prevention purposes (if there is a possibility of parasites entering the house) - 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water.

A similar regimen of use is contained in the instructions for the drugs “Fufanon-super” and “Fufanon-nova”.

The resulting product is more than enough for 100 square meters. When calculating the area to be treated, you need to sum up all the surfaces on which the solution will be applied. These include furniture, walls, floors, etc.

If it is necessary to treat hard-to-reach places (cracks in walls, baseboards), you can prepare a more concentrated product (1 ampoule per 1 liter of water). However, such a solution should not be used in bedrooms or rooms where children live.

Further actions are not very difficult. Using an ordinary household spray bottle, the resulting composition is sprayed in places where bedbugs were most often seen. Processing must be carried out:

  • baseboards, walls (primarily areas under loose wallpaper);
  • floor areas under the threshold;
  • all kinds of cracks and cracks;
  • radiators, ventilation, hoods;
  • areas under window sills;
  • all the furniture in the house, including the internal mechanisms of beds, wardrobes, bedside tables, etc.;
  • shelves with books, accessories;
  • back surfaces of paintings, wall photographs, clocks.

Upon completion of spraying, the room should be closed for 8-10 hours, then thoroughly ventilated, and general wet cleaning should be carried out using a soda solution (300 g of product per 10 liters of water). Bed linen and bedspreads must be washed at a temperature of 90°C; the covering of upholstered furniture should be thoroughly cleaned.

Must remember! According to the degree of danger, Fufanon belongs to drugs of the third class. This requires compliance with all necessary safety measures by the person carrying out the sanitization of the premises - wearing protective clothing, safety glasses, a respirator, rubber gloves and boots. If the drug is used improperly, nausea, loss of coordination, and weakness may occur, requiring the use of adsorbents and seeking medical help.

Precautionary measures

When treating a room with the product, adhere to the following precautions:

  • Before spraying the drug, care should be taken to ensure that all residents and animals leave the apartment. Houseplants should also be taken out. Windows need to be opened;
  • prevent accidental contact with dishes, toys, and clothing;
  • Processing should be carried out only in personal protective equipment. A respirator, gloves and safety glasses are required; in addition, you can wear overalls or a robe with a headdress;
  • It is prohibited to smoke, drink, or eat food in the treated area;
  • The apartment will become suitable for habitation no earlier than 24 hours (with active ventilation) after spraying the product.

It is prohibited to process bedding!

Preparatory procedures

Before you begin to exterminate parasitic clusters with Fufanon, it is important to properly prepare your work space. Do not neglect to study the instructions supplied with the drug in order to protect yourself and your loved ones during work and in the future.

Pay attention to possible side effects

Further actions before sanitation:

  1. They carefully inspect the apartment, trying to detect the localization of bloodsuckers. In hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, use a flashlight for a better overview. This will make future disinfection easier and increase productivity.
  2. They do wet cleaning: they wash the floors, wipe off dust and other surfaces. The dusty coating will prevent the poison from coming into contact with insects, which will reduce its harmful effects.
  3. Carpets and rugs are vacuumed, rolled up and taken to dry cleaning. They go through the dust collector inside the sofas.
  4. Food, dishes, toys, and personal hygiene items are placed in tightly sealed bags and placed in uncontaminated cabinets. Do the same with linen and things, only pre-wash them in hot water and iron them with steam.
  5. Furniture is moved away from the walls to free up access to the baseboards. But first, the contents are removed from it. The internal space is examined for the presence of harmful accumulations. If any are detected, the exterminators are warned about this.

Half an hour before the planned disinfection procedure, people and animals are removed from the premises. If there is an aquarium, turn off the air exchange system and cover it with a lid.

The result depends not only on the correctly chosen product, but also on the thoroughness of processing. Before disinsection, you need to prepare an apartment or a separate room.

  1. Do the cleaning - vacuum, wash the floors, wipe the dust.
  2. Hide clothes, throw bedding in the wash, or use a steam generator.
  3. If disinfestation will be carried out throughout the apartment, remove food and dishes.
  4. Move furniture away from the walls and provide free access to the walls.
  5. Remove pets.
  6. Cover sockets and ventilation grilles with cling film to prevent bedbugs from escaping to your neighbors.
  7. Close windows and doors.
  8. Cover aquariums, terrariums, and insectariums tightly.

Houseplants are allowed to be left in place; malathion will destroy all parasites and protect against infection.

Preparing for disinfestation

Signs of poisoning

Even if all precautions are taken with Fufanon during treatment, you can be poisoned. Signs of intoxication are nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, and stomach pain.

If you experience some of these signs, take immediate action:

  • Rinse your stomach if you vomit.
  • If you feel slight nausea, just rinse your mouth with a soda solution and take activated charcoal (1t per 10 kg of weight).
  • If poison gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them with cold water and drip Albucid or Novocaine.

IMPORTANT. In case of severe poisoning, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

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