Executioner product: instructions for use, customer reviews

  1. Description of the drug Executioner for bedbugs and fleas in the house
  2. Preparing for disinfestation against fleas and bedbugs
  3. Precautionary measures
  4. Instructions for use of the product Executioner for bedbugs and fleas
  5. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Executioner
  6. Possible health effects

Executioner is a new generation insecticide based on fenthion. It affects adults and larvae of parasites - bedbugs, fleas and other harmful insects. Let's look at how to use the remedy for bedbugs Executioner, what are its pros and cons.

Description of the drug Executioner for bedbugs and fleas in the house

In addition to fenthion, the components of Executioner are:

  • stabilizers and antioxidants (thanks to them, the product is stored for a long time);
  • emulsifiers;
  • surfactants;
  • flavorings.

The product is a yellow-brown oily emulsion. Available in 5 ml bottles. When the drug is diluted with water, the solution has a milky tint.

A bottle of concentrated substance is enough to treat 5 m².

The drug Executioner for bedbugs is often counterfeited. The original product features a hologram of a bedbug (when tilted, the design changes to a shiny ant) ​​and the logo of the official website.

Executioner Super kills bedbugs in 8 minutes, red cockroaches in 35 minutes

The effectiveness of Executioner Super was tested in experiments on bed bugs and red cockroaches. As a result:

  • When directly sprayed, the drug killed bedbugs in 8 minutes;
  • Red cockroaches died within 35 minutes after direct spraying with the product solution;
  • Bedbugs that were placed on a surface on which the Executioner's solution had already dried died within 13.5 hours.

If we compare these results with the results obtained in experiments with the classic Executioner, the Super Executioner kills insects slightly faster than the regular Executioner. In particular, in an experiment on red cockroaches, insects in one container were sprayed with a Super Executioner solution, and in the second with a simple Executioner solution. The Super Cockroaches died in 35 minutes from the action of the Executioner, and in 45 minutes from the action of the simple Executioner.

Preparing for disinfestation against fleas and bedbugs

Before disinfestation, bedroom furniture (sofas, beds) is disassembled: the back, armrests, and sections are separated from the body. Soft upholstery and mattresses are a favorite place for harmful insects.

Cabinets are moved away from the wall so that hard-to-reach places can be reached. Do wet cleaning: thoroughly wash floors and wipe surfaces using disinfectant solutions. Posters, paintings, and carpets are removed from the walls.

Food, dishes, and clean linen are placed in plastic bags and taken out of the apartment.

Housing is cleared of people and pets (aquarium fish, birds, dogs, reptiles, etc.). There remains a person who carries out disinfestation.

If the aquarium or terrarium cannot be removed from the apartment, they are covered with protective glass to limit the entry of toxic substances inside.

During disinsection, windows and doors are closed (in the fresh air the drug will erode and there will be no effect from the procedure). Be sure to wear a respirator, gloves, and plastic safety glasses.

Developed in Germany

The Executioner insecticide was developed and tested in a German laboratory. Before entering the Russian market and launching the production line in Russia, prototypes passed all the necessary tests for safety and effectiveness. The product is based on a twenty-five percent solution of Fenthion. This is a complex organophosphate substance, one of the most effective insecticides.

How it works:

  • The drug remains in the air for a sufficient time to act.
  • Insects inhale air containing Executioner particles.
  • Once in the body, the drug causes paralysis of the nervous system.

After which there are only a few minutes left before the bedbugs die. It is noteworthy that at the same time there are no toxic effects on pets or people. The main thing is to thoroughly treat the room infested with bedbugs. Here is a list of places where there is almost always a large concentration of parasites:

  • blankets;
  • carpets;
  • curtains;
  • mattresses;
  • pillows;
  • skirting boards;
  • wardrobes.

If the problem of how to get rid of bedbugs at home has become extremely acute, you cannot hesitate. The Gaspoint online store has the required number of bottles with a parasite-killing solution.

Precautionary measures

Compliance with precautions will help prevent unpleasant health consequences:

  • During treatment, wear clothes made from natural fabrics that cover your arms and legs.
  • The product is stored in a place inaccessible to children. If, through negligence, the drug is ingested by a child, an ambulance is called for hospitalization.
  • If the solution gets on the skin or mucous membrane of the eyes, they are washed with water.
  • After disinsection, the items that were treated are washed at high temperature.

The treatment is not recommended for pregnant women, persons under 18 years of age and people suffering from allergies.

Poisons insects up to 3 weeks after treatment

Like the classic Executioner, Executioner Super remains effective for two to three weeks after drying on treated surfaces. Microscopic particles of the product remain here in the form of a thin layer, and when an insect runs over them, they stick to its legs and stain it in the same way as ordinary dust does. After such adhesion, the insecticide penetrates through the chitinous covers and spiracles into the insect’s body and starts the poisoning process.

This action allows, with the right approach, to avoid repeated disinfestation. If the treated surfaces are not washed and wiped, then young nymphs that hatched from eggs laid before the treatment and did not die during it will run across them. These nymphs will be poisoned by the dry preparation and die. Likewise, a dry product will kill insects that the handler might not have reached in hard-to-reach places when spraying and that might have survived the disinfestation itself.

The experience of customers shows that in 72% of cases of using the Executioner they manage to remove insects the first time. The remaining 28% of treatments that required repeated baiting were most likely carried out with errors, which did not allow the insects to be destroyed immediately. There is no reason to doubt that the Super Executioner will be as effective as a regular Executioner when used.

Instructions for use of the product Executioner for bedbugs and fleas

The drug is diluted in 10-15 bottles per 5 liters of water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and poured into a spray bottle.

Treatment begins in the bedroom. The drug is sprayed on upholstered furniture (particular attention is paid to the joints and crevices inside the sofa), carpets, back walls of cabinets, folds of curtains, baseboards, walls, space under the radiator, cracks in the floor and walls. Spray the product on clothes, as bedbug eggs are found there.

Door jambs, window sills, furniture legs, and ventilation slots are carefully treated. The product is sprayed inside the sockets, after turning off the electricity.

After disinfestation, windows and doors are closed and the apartment is left for at least 5 hours. Hands and face are thoroughly washed with soap and water and the mouth is rinsed.

After a while, the apartment is ventilated for at least an hour. Surfaces are wiped with a soda-soap solution (a tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of soapy water). Dead pests are collected with a vacuum cleaner. Treated clothing is washed at high temperature.

It is recommended to repeat disinfestation after five days. There is no need to treat the apartment subsequently (two procedures are enough to destroy bedbugs).

Effective on any invertebrates

Like the Executioner, the Executioner Super kills any land invertebrates. In particular, they die after contact with him

  • Bed bugs at all stages of development - both adults and larvae of all ages
  • Red and black cockroaches, both adults and nymphs
  • Ants
  • Fleas
  • Moth - food and clothing
  • Synanthropic beetles - leather beetles, grinders, weevils
  • Silverfish
  • Butterflies
  • Hay eaters and book lice
  • Woodlice
  • Spiders
  • Dust and ixodid mites
  • Centipedes – nooks, centipedes, drupes

Consequently, Executioner Super can be used quite effectively when insects are found indoors, but their species cannot be determined. Likewise, the remedy helps when parasites that bite people cannot be found at all, and it is not known whether they are fleas or bedbugs. If you treat all sleeping places, floors and baseboards with the drug, then the insects will be destroyed regardless of what species they belong to.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Executioner

The bedbug repellent Executioner has advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • low toxicity;
  • affects different types of insects;
  • no pungent chemical smell;
  • does not leave streaks after treatment.

The disadvantages of the drug are high cost and high consumption.

A 5 ml bottle of product costs on average 80-85 rubles. To treat a one-room apartment you will need 10 bottles (800-850 rubles). For 1000-1500 rubles, a professional pest control of the apartment is carried out.

How to destroy parasites using the Executioner?

Their painful and very itchy bites can transmit all blood-borne infections. These parasites can terrorize pets. They leave their feces on the bed linen and ruin it. The insecticide “Executioner”, which also effectively destroys other insects, is capable of expelling bedbugs from the house forever.

The main active ingredient of the drug synthesized in 1960 by German chemists is the poison fenthion. It has the appearance of an oil that is poorly soluble in water and other technical solvents. In "Executioner" the concentration of the toxic substance reaches 27.5%. According to Russian standards, it belongs to highly toxic chemical compounds.

“Executioner”: merciless to bedbugs, safe for people

The drug, which appeared on the market in 2013, has now gained popularity among a fairly wide audience.
“Executioner” is effective in removing bedbugs and does not cause any difficulties in use. The modern remedy is guaranteed to get rid of parasites and will not affect the health of household members and furry pets. Another factor in the success of the drug is its cost. One bottle is enough to treat a standard size sofa or 5 square meters of space. This price is supported not only by the manufacturer, but also by all distributors throughout the country.


The development belongs entirely to German scientists. They did a lot of research and testing before releasing it into wide production.

The Executioner is based on an organophosphorus compound - Fenthion, which is one of the most powerful insecticides. It enters the parasite's body by airborne droplets and paralyzes its nervous system. Thus, the death of the latter occurs in just a few minutes.

This poison is inactive towards warm-blooded animals. It is classified as a third safety class. However, this does not mean that you do not need protective equipment when using the drug. On the contrary, take care of it in advance

How to use flea medication

One bottle of Executioner!!! stir in 0.5 liters of warm water and apply a thin stream from a regular spray bottle (from under a windshield wiper or pump - Balan of different capacities) on the floor, baseboards, cracks, under sofas, beds, under bedside tables, behind radiators, on walls - no higher than one meter ( fleas do not jump above 100 cm), it is advisable to treat the entire room infested with fleas.

Then open the windows for two hours and ventilate the room. Do not wash off the treated surface for three days.

What is the active ingredient of the drug

Fenthion is the main component of the drug that destroys bedbugs and cockroaches. But this product contains many other chemicals. They are selected in such a ratio that the Executioner is deadly exclusively for specific types of parasites. If the instructions for use are followed exactly, people and mammals will not be harmed. If you adhere to all its points, the treatment will be effective, and the residents of the premises will be safe.

When the poison first comes into contact with the air, an unpleasant odor appears in the room. People tolerate it without difficulty, but it poses a mortal danger to insects. Parasites almost immediately leave their shelters and die. The drug acts by getting on the outer coverings of their body or in the respiratory tract.

To achieve final success, you need to treat the house twice - carry out the main and repeated treatments.

How to spot a fake

Now on sale you can find different drugs with the same name - Executioner. However, not all of them are equally effective. Moreover, among such means there are also those that are dangerous when used (they can act aggressively towards humans)

There are a number of signs you need to pay attention to. This will help you understand which variety you should buy.

Features of original products:

  • a correctly written name (without errors or intentionally changed letters - a common way to mislead consumers who are looking for the original product, but do not study the label carefully enough);
  • availability of information about the manufacturer: contacts, address, registration data;
  • the bottle must be designed in the standard color scheme characteristic of it (defined by the manufacturer);
  • there is a hologram on the packaging of the original Executioner product;
  • the drug has a characteristic odor - weak, reminiscent of garlic, which is a feature of the insecticide fenthion.

Anna, 32 years old, Perm

I once bought a drug without a hologram, and it was much cheaper. At that time I still thought that these were discounts in the store. It turned out to be just a fake that didn't work.

Victor, 43 years old, Moscow

I received the drug without the accompanying information on the label. But I found out about this later. I managed to use the product, and it contained an insecticide, because... After treatment, the bedbugs really disappeared, but it is unknown how the substance would have affected me if I had accidentally been poisoned. I advise you to carefully study the label before purchasing.

Original packaging of Executioner

Mode of application

The 500 ml bottle is best suited for large spaces. The product can be stored for four years; it is profitable to buy the product for an apartment or private house. To carry out effective treatment, the concentrate is diluted in water, and the ratio of solution components specified in the instructions must be observed. The instructions provide a table, based on which you can create a mixture to combat a specific type of insect.

Spraying the mixture should be done using special sprayers made of plastic that is resistant to active chemical compounds. The liquid should be sprayed tightly, in a thin layer, avoiding cracks and other hard-to-reach places.

Using the services of our company, you can purchase a high-quality drug Executioner 500 ml at the manufacturer’s price. We guarantee high quality, confirmed by federal and international certificates.

The amount of “Executioner” required for the preparation of working emulsions:

Insect type Concentration (%) according to DV Amount of product (ml) per (l) water
1 l 5 l 10 l
Cockroaches 1,00 36,4 182 364
Ants 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Bed bugs 0,50 18,2 91 182
Fleas 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Flies imago 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Fly larvae 0,10 3,6 18 36
Mosquito imago 0,060 2,2 11 22
Mosquito larvae 0,035 1,3 6,5 13
Spiders 1,00 36,4 182 364
Carpet beetles 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Crickets 1,00 36,4 182 364
Silverfish 0,25 9,1 45,5 91

Product description

A domestically produced drug based on fenthion, a substance that quickly destroys insects affected by it and is relatively safe for humans. Initially it was supplied in small white bottles of 6 ml, but later the manufacturer provided packaging for especially large premises.

The product contains substances that are toxic to insects, but is relatively safe for humans. Repeated treatment does not lead to the development of resistance, so “Executioner” can be used as many times as needed.

The smell of the product disappears after a few hours of intensive ventilation of the room

Executioner Super smells the same as the classic Executioner: strong, similar to the smell of paint, somewhat intrusive. This smell is mainly due to the aroma of fragrances added to the product for safety: they signal the presence of the drug in the room, so that people here take appropriate measures - ventilate the room and wipe those surfaces with which they come into contact with their hands most often.

After intensive ventilation with a through air flow, the smell of Executioner Super disappears from the room in 1.5-2 hours. Upholstered furniture, carpets and wallpaper to which the product has been applied stop smelling of the product after 2-3 days.

Preventive actions

Of course, no one is 100% insured against the appearance of fleas indoors, but this probability can still be reduced. To do this, certain preventive measures should be taken.

After coming from any suspicious premises, you need to carefully check your clothes and wash them. To prevent uninvited guests from entering your apartment, it is best to put a mosquito net on the windows. In addition, the ventilation holes should be treated with wormwood or a vinegar solution. In this case, the chance of fleas and other insects appearing in the apartment is minimized.

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