Para Plus against lice: instructions, composition, price, reviews

Spray Para Plus is a very effective and easy-to-use remedy for head lice. Pediculosis is a skin disease caused by small insects - lice. In the past, this disease was very common because socioeconomic conditions were much worse than they are now. And it would seem that this disease has no place in the modern world, but it is also common, especially in children's institutions. From time to time, epidemiological outbreaks occur in sanatoriums, camps, schools, and kindergartens.

Thanks to modern developments, there are many drugs for this unpleasant disease, and Para-Plus can be called a leader among them.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Aerosol Para Plus is a combination drug used to treat head lice (infestation of the scalp with lice

The pharmacological effectiveness of the drug is manifested due to the insecticidal effect of its active ingredients, where malathion acts as an organophosphorus insecticide , permethrin is a neurotoxic anti-insect poison , and piperonyl butoxide increases the effect of the latter.

Operating principle

Thanks to the combined action of the active substances, the drug shows a high degree of effectiveness and does not cause the formation of resistance in insects. The principle of action is to block nerve impulses, which causes paralysis in parasites, destruction of digestive system enzymes, and impairment of motor functions. One of the main advantages of the spray is its ability to penetrate the special shell of nits and destroy them.

Aerosol Para Plus, instructions for use

Instructions for use of Para Plus assume exclusively external use of the drug.

Using short-term pressure on the sprayer, apply the drug evenly over the entire length of the hair and scalp . Without covering your head, wait 10 minutes, after which you thoroughly wash off the aerosol using regular shampoo. get rid of dead insects and nits remaining on your hair and scalp using a frequent comb.

Also, to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to treat all the patient’s personal belongings (hats, pillows, collars, towels, etc.) with the drug.

In case of severe infection, it may be necessary to re-use the drug, which is carried out after 7 days.

What do lice look like and what harm do they cause?

A louse is a small crawling insect that does not have wings and parasitizes the skin of the scalp. It has three pairs of tenacious legs, with which it clings tightly to hair and moves quickly along it. It feeds on blood, biting through the skin and secreting saliva into the wound, which prevents blood clotting. It is because of saliva that the wounds bleed, severe itching and skin irritation appear.

The lifespan of these ectoparasites is short and amounts to 35-40 days. But during this time, one female can lay up to hundreds of eggs - nits, from which young insects emerge after seven days.

Lice can carry some serious diseases. In addition, scratching caused by itching can become inflamed and infected. Therefore, you should not delay the treatment of pediculosis.


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Permethrin ointment




  • Pedilin;
  • Nittifor;
  • Pedex;
  • Spray-Pax;
  • Permethrin;
  • Spregal;
  • Ithax;
  • Permin;
  • Medifox;
  • Hygia.


"Pedilin" is a shampoo that contains malathion (500 mg) as an active ingredient.

The excipients are: pure water, alkyl sulfate, dye, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium methylhydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, alkylamidopropyldimethylaminobetaine, flavoring.

Pedilin shampoo should be applied to damp hair, rubbed into the skin for three minutes with light, gentle movements, rinse the hair under running water and do the procedure again. After this, the hair should be combed thoroughly. If necessary, this procedure is repeated a week later. For preventive purposes against relapse of head lice, it is necessary to simultaneously treat the patient’s family members.

Reviews about Para Plus

Judging by the number of comments, the problem of treating head lice remains quite acute, and pharmacies often recommend Para Plus aerosol to solve it, the reviews of which are quite varied from patients themselves.

For some people, this drug completely helped get rid of this unpleasant illness in all cases, for others it did not bring the expected relief, and for others it caused adverse reactions in the form of skin burns and damaged hair .

It is worth noting that side effects most often occurred in people who used the aerosol incorrectly (for longer than according to instructions) or in patients with hypersensitivity to its ingredients.

Also, the insufficient effectiveness of the drug may be associated with the treatment of only the patient’s head, without disinfecting his personal belongings and household items, through which re-infection can occur.

Based on the above, we can assume that if the drug is used correctly and all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, Para Plus will turn out to be a fairly effective drug and in most cases will help in the fight against head lice .

special instructions

Treatment with Para-Plus spray is recommended to be carried out in a ventilated area, and in the warm season it can be done in the fresh air. There should be no open sources of fire nearby.

Avoid contact of the substance with the eyes or mucous membranes; if this happens, rinse with plenty of water. It is good to use gauze bandages to protect the respiratory system.

To prevent re-infestation, you should treat pillows, bed linen, clothing collars, hats and other things with which a person infected with lice has had contact with Para-Plus spray. They need to be washed first.

No interaction with other medications has been established, and there is also no information about the effect of the spray on the ability to drive a car.

A rare side effect may be a slight burning sensation and tingling in the areas where the product is applied.

Price Para Plus, where to buy

In Russian pharmacies, the price of Para Plus aerosol ranges from 400-500 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Para Plus (analogue of Kwell-R shampoo 60 ml)
    RUB 1,950 order

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Aerosol Para-Plus is safe for people when used correctly. But in some cases, allergies may occur, so before use it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, spray a small amount of the drug onto the thin sensitive skin of the elbow. If after 30-35 minutes a rash or red spots appear, then you should stop using the spray.

The use of the product is contraindicated for bronchial asthma, as well as for children under 2.5 years of age.

The drug is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since studies on the effect of active substances on the fetus and their penetration into breast milk have not been conducted.


The product is produced in the form of concentrates and gels of various compositions.

Con includes:

  • five grams of permethrin;
  • Castor oil;
  • ethanol;
  • butyl acetate

The gel contains:

  • one gram of permethrin;
  • functional additives;
  • gelling agent

For scabies, a solution is prepared at a concentration of 0.4% (8 ml of concentrate per 100 ml of water). Apply to affected areas of the body with a tampon overnight. Do this for four days, then you need to completely change your bed linen and clothes, and subsequently they need to be processed.

If the patient has lice, then an emulsion with a concentration of 0.1% is prepared from the concentrate (one ampoule per 200 ml of water). Easily rub with a swab onto damp pubis and hair. After twenty minutes, the product is washed off with water and neutral soap. Dead insects should be thoroughly combed out with a comb.

The drug in the form of a gel is rubbed into the hair roots and distributed throughout them. After forty minutes, you need to wash it off with water using neutral soap. Treatment can be carried out no more than twice a month.

The best sprays for the treatment of head lice

Sprays are simple, easy to apply and economical. These are their main advantages. But at the same time, such drugs also have disadvantages. And first of all, they include high cost.

When applying the spray, it is important to spray the drug accurately, avoiding contact with the face and mucous membranes.

Nitolic - a powerful medicine for head lice

An interesting drug with a good package. The main active ingredient is low molecular weight silicone. Also contains surfactants and perfumed fragrances. When applied, the spray creates a film that prevents the penetration of oxygen. As a result, all adults and larvae die.

The composition works on dry hair. Aging is carried out under a cap for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, you can wash your hair with regular shampoo and comb it out.

The product does not give any side effects. But it contains volatile substances that can get on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, causing irritation.

The cost of a 50 ml bottle is 600 rubles.

Most buyers praise the product - it does not smell anything and works quickly. But its effect does not apply to nits. Therefore, after 7-10 days you will have to re-process. Sometimes up to three procedures are required.

Pediculen - ultra-spray against lice and nits with a magnifying glass and comb

A quality product intended for children and adults. It is sold complete with a convenient comb and magnifying glass. The active substance in the composition is anise oil. The manufacturer also uses other natural oils.

The spray kills living parasites, enveloping each one with a thick film. Nits do not lose their viability after treatment. But they are easy to comb out, since the composition destroys the adhesive substance through which the eggs are attached to the hair.

The composition has no side effects - it smells pleasant, does not cause allergies and does not irritate the mucous membranes.

The cost of the set is about 600 rubles.

Buyers consider this option one of the best in the segment. It is simple and effective, and most importantly, it is suitable for children from one year old.

Paranit is a good spray from Medgenix Benelux nv

The drug combines synthetic and natural components, which ensures its high effectiveness. The main active ingredients are dimethicone and mineral oils. It also contains perfumes and other additives.

When applied, the product blocks oxygen access to parasites, their larvae and eggs. As a result, they die in the shortest possible time. In addition, the composition dissolves the adhesive layer that attaches nits to the hair. This makes combing out much easier.

The spray works on dry hair and is left on for no more than 15 minutes. After combing, it is recommended to re-treat. It is important to remember that the composition is washed off only with shampoo of the same brand. It is not included in the kit.

The product does not cause side effects, so it can be used by children from the age of three.

The cost of the bottle is over 700 rubles.

In general, users are satisfied with the tool. They note that it is simple and effective. But to completely get rid of parasites, several treatments will be needed - immediately and a week after the initial application.

Spray "Nuda" from G. Paul Boskamp with a comb for combing

Spray "Nuda"
A drug with universal effects is suitable for adults and children. Its base is biphasic dimethicone. The manufacturer also provided caring components. For example, I introduced jojoba oil into the formula.

The spray creates a dense film on the surface of the head, which has an airtight effect. Therefore, parasites, their larvae and eggs die under it.

The product only works on dry hair. After processing, you need to put on a thick cap that comes with the kit. The exposure time is approximately 60 minutes.

The drug has no side effects, so it is recommended for children aged 3 years and older.

The cost of one bottle is a maximum of 700 rubles.

Buyers praise the product. They note that it gives hair shine and softness. And to get rid of parasites, one treatment is enough. In addition, the kit includes a soft, comfortable comb.

Hedrin Treat & Go Mousse from Thornton & Ross Limited for quick results

Mousse “Hedrin Treat & Go”
An interesting preparation developed primarily for children. But it can also be used for adults. Its main active ingredient is 1,2-octanediol. It is completely safe for humans and does not cause side effects.

The drug acts as a solvent for the outer shell of parasites and their eggs. Therefore, one application is enough to get rid of lice.

The mousse is very easy to use. It is applied to dry or damp hair and dried naturally or with a hair dryer. Then you can go about your business and after 8 hours wash the composition off your head.

A bottle of mousse costs about 500 rubles.

Users are delighted with the drug. They consider it the most efficient and convenient in the segment. In addition, it can be used as a preventive measure against head lice.

Patient reviews

Does the product “Para Plus” help against lice? Reviews are quite mixed. The controversy surrounding this remedy between mothers who had to deal with this delicate problem has been going on for more than a year. Some people insist that there simply cannot be a better method; others, on the contrary, call the purchase of this drug a waste of money. One way or another, it is considered quite in demand today.

It should be noted that recent persecution of insects on the head is not protection against a new infection, and therefore, if there is a child in a kindergarten or school who is a breeding ground for lice, then a relapse of the disease is quite possible.

In addition, after the procedure, you must comb out all nits from your hair with a special comb with densely set bristles. It is also necessary to take into account that all hair should be evenly covered with the product from roots to ends, and the bed on which the patient slept should be washed and ironed with a hot iron.

Description and release forms

A transparent, yellowish oily solution has a slight characteristic odor. The product is available in the form of an aerosol in aluminum spray cans, packed in cardboard boxes. The weight of each cylinder is 116 g.

There is also a shampoo for lice and nits, Para Plus, but it is produced in France and is not sold in Russia.


Attention! When purchasing an aerosol, make sure that the packaging is intact and that the sprayer is working properly.

Is it possible to use for children and during pregnancy?

Detailed studies have not been conducted on whether this drug can be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. And yet, the composition of the product is considered toxic, so it is not recommended for nursing mothers or during pregnancy to use it in order to avoid adverse consequences for the child. The use of an aerosol is allowed only if the benefits from it can cover the possible risks for the baby or fetus.

It is safe to use Para Plus for children over 2.5 years old, provided they are not allergic to substances in this drug.

Precautionary measures

During use, it is important to observe certain precautions:

  • spray the aerosol only in a well-ventilated area;
  • During treatment, protect your eyes and mucous membranes from getting particles of the drug into them. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of warm, clean water;
  • The spray contains flammable components, so you should not spray it near hot objects or in the direction of fire;
  • Also, due to possible fire, you should not blow dry your hair.

Be sure to wash your hands after you finish processing and washing your hair.


Another analogue of “Para Plus”.

"Nittifor" is a pediculicidal drug that comes in the form of lotion and cream. It has clear insecticidal activity against fleas, ticks and lice. Effective in the fight against parasitic microorganisms both in pediatric practice and in adults.

One milliliter of lotion contains five milligrams of permethrin, that is, the active substance.

One milliliter of cream includes ten milligrams of this active ingredient, and a cosmetic cream as an auxiliary ingredient, with conditioner.

The method of application is determined by the disease and the form of release of the product.

However, the analogue of the "Para Plus" spray "Nittifor" in all cases is used only externally - locally in the affected area.

A lotion or solution for external use is used for pubic and pilar lice as follows:

  • Using a cotton swab, apply the drug undiluted generously to the scalp or pubic area and rub into the roots.
  • The solution is allowed to dry completely on the hair.
  • After 40 minutes, wash off the products with warm running water using mild shampoo or soap.
  • The hair is then rinsed with a solution of acetic acid at a concentration of 5%.
  • At the last stage, dead insects are combed out.
  • Depending on the degree of infection, thickness and length of hair, 30-60 milliliters of solution is needed once. The product can be used again after fourteen days.

Cream. The drug "Nittifor" in this form is used as follows:

  • First, wash your hair with simple shampoo and dry it thoroughly with a towel.
  • Having shaken the bottle first, apply the product evenly to the scalp or pubic area and rub into the roots.
  • The product is left on the hair for ten minutes.
  • After this, the hair is washed well with running water using shampoo or soap that does not contain aggressive components.
  • The next stage is to rinse your hair with a 5% acetic acid solution.
  • The last step involves meticulously combing the hair to remove dead insects.
  • Normally, the cream consumed for head lice is from 10 to 30 grams for one person.

The cream is also used in the fight against scabies. In this case, it is applied from head to toe to the surface of the skin (excluding the face) and left for a long period (up to fourteen hours). Then they wash off and disinfect the infected person’s bedding and clothes. One procedure is usually sufficient.

What other analogues of “Para Plus” are available for sale?

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