Deltsid in ampoules for treating apartments against fleas: reviews and instructions for use

Deltsid, treating an apartment with it will help completely clean it of fleas, ticks, lice, bed bugs, flies, mosquitoes, feather eaters and a number of other insects.

The result of pest control is comparable to the work of a professional service. The principle of action and technology of using the drug will be discussed further.

  • 2 Preparing the apartment for disinfestation
  • 3 How to prepare the solution?
  • 4 Treatment of premises
  • 5 Security measures
  • 6 Cleaning the premises and utensils after disinfestation
  • 7 Efficacy of the drug
  • 8 Conclusion
  • Deltsid - an effective solution to the flea problem

    The variety of flea products on the shelves of modern stores leads to the fact that people simply do not know how to make the right choice.
    In order not to make a mistake with your purchase and not to waste your money, you should pay attention to the drug Deltsid, the instructions for use of which tell in detail how to use it to cope with parasites. Deltsid is a concentrated emulsion intended exclusively for external use. Delcid's instructions clearly indicate this, so you should not let your pets take the drug orally, as this will lead to serious problems. How to use Delcid in flea ampoules to treat an apartment? There is nothing complicated about this - the special composition of the drug allows you to equally effectively treat not only animals, but also all surfaces in the house, since fleas can be anywhere. Without doing a complete treatment, you will rid the animal itself of parasites, but they will return very soon. That is why you should carefully read the instructions for use of Delcid 2 ml for cats, and only after that proceed with treatment. It is important to understand that if used correctly, it is possible to carry out disinfestation and decontamination in the apartment, during which the room will be disinfected of all parasitic insects and rid of ticks.

    Reviews of Deltsid for apartment treatment

    Delcid has gained immense popularity among insect fighters. This is evidenced by a large number of reviews on the Internet. Most of them are positive.

    However, you can meet people who did not like the effect of the drug.

    The most common complaint is that after treatment the pests return after a while. Of course, the problem is not in the drug, but in the fact that the treatment must be repeated, since the eggs and larvae of the parasites still remain alive and intact.

    Of course, the problem is not in the drug, but in the fact that the treatment must be repeated, since the eggs and larvae of the parasites still remain alive and intact.

    But in general, deltsid completely suits buyers, since its effect extends to:

    • Bloch.
    • Ticks.
    • Woodlice.
    • Cockroaches.

    And a large variety of insects.

    Write in the comments whether deltsid helped you, how you treated the apartment and give advice to our readers whether it is worth using it or not!

    Composition and appearance of the drug

    Delcid in ampoules is a light brown oily liquid that must be mixed with water. How to dilute Deltsid in ampoules is described in detail in the instructions for use of Deltsid 2 ml, attached to the drug. As a result, after mixing, a white liquid is obtained, which is used to treat all surfaces. It is important to note that after treatment there is no need to leave the house for a long time, since the product does not have a negative effect on the body.

    The main contact substance of the drug is the insecticide deltamethrin 4%. Its main advantage is its insolubility in water, due to which it retains its basic properties and provides effective control of parasites. In addition to deltamethrin, the composition includes:

    • Twin-80. This is the name of a substance that is an emulsifier and fat stabilizer.
    • Neonol, which is a surfactant, and nefras, which is used as a solvent.

    If we talk in more detail about the principle of action of the drug, it affects the nerve impulses of insects, completely blocking them. The result is first paralysis and then death. Reviews of Deltsid claim that many people were able to verify by personal example the reliability of the product that gets rid of fleas once and for all.

    Despite the positive effect that can be achieved without much effort, it is important to carefully read the instructions provided before using Delcid against fleas in your apartment. Only in this case, Deltsid for treating an apartment will not harm people and animals, having coped with its task without a single complaint.

    Packaging and price

    The manufacturer produces Deltsid in concentrated form in ampoules packaged in 1.25; 1.5 and 2 ml, which are sold in cardboard packaging of 5 pieces, in bottles of 1 and 1.25 liters. For treating premises, the product is packaged in metal or polymer canisters with a volume of up to 20 cubic meters. m. In the form of an emulsion, it looks like an oily, transparent, yellow-brown liquid.

    The cost of a package with 5 ampoules is in the range of 100-130 rubles, a bottle of 1 liter is about 2800 rubles.

    The product can be stored for 2 years after production.

    Mechanism of action and composition

    The drug has a wide spectrum of action. It is used to kill fleas and ticks on animals, and is also used to treat residential and industrial premises. This is an insecticidal agent that is highly effective and helps get rid of various types of ectoparasites.

    Affects insects by contact and intestinal means. When it comes into contact with a parasite, the active substance enters the body and affects the nervous system, which leads to death. Also, when the parasite enters the intestines, the components of the drug are quickly absorbed and have a detrimental effect.

    The effect of the drug is due to the active component - the pyrethroid deltamethrin. The composition also contains additional components, such as nefras, Tween 80, neonol. They act as excipients that significantly enhance the effect and maximize the effectiveness of the drug.

    The product belongs to toxic substances that have a hazard class of 3. When using, strict adherence to the instructions and the use of safety equipment is required. Avoid contact of the drug with the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

    general description

    Deltsid refers to insectoacaricidal drugs for external action on animal ectoparasites.

    The product is mainly used to kill fleas in domestic cats, dogs and cattle. In addition, Deltsid carries out disinfestation and decontamination of premises where animals live. The components of the drug effectively eliminate fleas, but do not harm people or pets.

    The insecticidal drug Deltsid goes on sale in containers such as ampoules, bottles or canisters of various sizes.

    The main active component of the flea remedy is considered to be the pyrethroid compound deltamethrin, which is presented in the form of a 4% solution.

    The whole essence of the mechanism of action of the insecticide is based on blocking the neuromuscular transmission of impulses coming from the insect's nervous system by acting on the ganglion peripheral nerves.

    In simple words, the drug, by blocking impulses in the insect’s nervous system, immobilizes the flea, causing paralysis. Accordingly, the pest can neither move nor feed and soon dies.

    Note! The use of the drug, taking into account dosages, does not cause locally irritating, resorptive-toxic or sensitizing effects. But even if it gets on mucous membranes, Delcid causes only mild irritation. However, the product is classified as a 3rd degree of danger due to its detrimental effect on other insects and fish.

    Delcid is an antiparasitic concentrate that is used to prepare an emulsion. The drug is not used in its pure form due to the high content of the active substance. Externally it is an oily transparent liquid. It can be colorless or have a yellowish tint, sometimes brown.

    The active component of Delcid is a substance called the pyrethroid deltamethrin, which has pronounced antiparasitic properties. There are also other components in the composition, but they only perform an auxiliary function. A complete list of components can be found on the packaging or instructions.

    The product against external parasites can be stored at temperatures from 0 to 30°C. For storage, you should choose a place away from food and feed, since the preparation contains strong toxic components.

    Instructions for use

    A flea killer product can be used in many different situations. For example, Deltsid for cats, or Deltsid for dogs. If you do not know how to use Deltsid for chickens and other animals, or are using this product for the first time, carefully read the instructions, as it contains all the points that should be taken into account. Each specific situation requires its own approach, and even the answer to the question of how to dilute Delcid 2 ml, depending on the situation, may turn out to be completely different.

    How to dilute Deltsid 2 ml for treating an apartment? Depending on the situation, you need to consider:

    • If you need to get rid of lice, fleas, midges, horseflies or flies, then one ampoule will require 6.4 liters of water.
    • If you plan to treat surfaces and animals for preventive purposes, then it is enough to do it once.
    • For treatment purposes, the drug should be applied every 7-10 days, but not more often.

    Instructions for using Delcid against fleas in an apartment include all the necessary knowledge, with the help of which even a person who does not have the necessary experience can do everything correctly. This fact, coupled with the fact that Delcid in ampoules for treating apartments against fleas is one of the most effective means, clearly explains its popularity.

    How to dilute the drug?

    Dilute the drug exclusively with cool, purified water. Depending on the tasks, the degree of development of insects and the characteristics of the animal, the concentration of the solution with Delcite may differ.

    The diluted product must be thoroughly mixed, then left for 20 minutes until a white emulsion is obtained, which is poured into a spray bottle.

    To treat pets by spraying fur against lice, fleas, lice eaters, flies, and horse flies, one capsule of the product must be diluted in one and a half liters of water. To prevent the appearance, one treatment is enough. Treatment involves 2-3 treatment procedures every 7-10 days.

    Processing is carried out in the following sequence:

    • The procedure begins with the ears;
    • Next, the head, body and tail are sprayed;
    • Lastly, the pet’s anus and limbs are washed with the solution.

    When spraying, care should be taken to ensure that the drug does not come into contact with the mucous membranes and eyes of the animal. It is advisable to put a muzzle on the animal before spraying the fur.

    Wet fur will need to be combed and left to dry. Before and after treatment, it is not advisable to bathe the animal to improve the effectiveness of the drug.

    For disinsection and decontamination of premises in which animals are located, different concentrates are used depending on the surface being treated:

    • porous surface: per 10 square meters, 1 ampoule of Delcid is diluted in one and a half liters of water.
    • smooth surface: for 20 square meters you need to dilute water with the preparation in a ratio of 2:1.

    Preparation and carrying out disinfestation

    To achieve the best results from treatment for exterminating pests indoors, it should be pre-prepared.

    Before carrying out disinfestation, you should carry out preparatory cleaning: vacuum the floors and especially carpets, wash all surfaces well with clean water (it is better to do this several times).

    Already in a clean apartment, all surfaces in the house are sprayed with a spray bottle containing a solution of the diluted drug; it is advisable to include cabinets, sofas, beds and other fabric items in the list. After spraying, it is better to vacate the room for a couple of hours, and before leaving, seal all exits.

    Let's celebrate! Even if the action of Delcid was effective and the fleas disappeared, it is better not to wash off the emulsion for 14 days. The pet's fur is processed in parallel with the disinfection of the premises.

    When and how to use

    The drug is intended to combat ectoparasites on domestic animals. It can also be used to disinfect premises. Thanks to this, Deltsid helps destroy fleas and ticks on cats and dogs, as well as prevent re-infection.

    Animal handling

    According to the instructions for use, Delcid for dogs and cats can be used as a bathing solution or for spraying. Before use, the antiparasitic agent is diluted in cool water. For these purposes, you can use regular tap water.

    If spraying is planned, then one ampoule is diluted in 1.6 liters of water. Make sure to purchase a small hand sprayer first. When processing cats and dogs, follow several rules:

    1. The treatment begins with the head, then the back and stomach are sprayed, and finally the area near the anus and paws.
    2. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, folds and other hard-to-reach places where external parasites like to hide.
    3. If your pet has long hair, it should be lifted with your hands while spraying so that the prepared emulsion penetrates the skin.
    4. When spraying, cover the animal's eyes, nose and mouth so that the solution does not get on the mucous membranes.
    5. The amount of diluted emulsion depends on the weight of the animal. For every kilogram you will need 5-10 ml of solution, depending on the degree of insect infestation.
    6. When processing, pay attention to places where insects accumulate or where mites have embedded themselves.

    If you decide to bathe an animal, then make a less concentrated solution (1 ampoule per 6 liters of water) so that the medicine does not cause toxic poisoning.

    If Deltsid is used for prophylactic purposes, the treatment is carried out once. It is wise to use the drug only in cases where there is a threat of infection, for example, when staying at the dacha in the summer. If fleas, ticks or other ectoparasites are found in a cat or dog, then treatment is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days, until the absence of parasites is confirmed by clinical examination of scrapings.

    Note! 2-3 days before treatment and 3 days after using the drug, the animal should not be bathed. During this period, you should also stop using shampoos.

    Premises treatment

    When treating premises, one ampoule of Delcid is diluted in 1-1.5 liters of water. Next, perform the work in the following sequence:

    1. The room needs to be vacuumed thoroughly, paying special attention to places behind cabinets, armchairs and sofas, as well as other hard-to-reach places.
    2. Spray the prepared emulsion indoors. Be sure to treat baseboards and other “secluded” places where parasites like to live.
    3. It is advisable to wash the floor with the solution or spray it generously.
    4. After treatment, close the room completely for 30-40 minutes.
    5. Then the room needs to be well ventilated, but there is no need to wash the floors with clean water. If surfaces that you come into contact with, such as tables, have been treated, they should be wiped with a damp cloth.

    If there are a lot of insects in the house, the procedure should be repeated after 7-10 days, since the drug only affects sexually mature individuals. If fleas or lice are found on an animal, the room must be treated. The litter must be carefully treated or completely replaced.

    Indications for use

    There are several situations in which Deltsid is used. Reviews confirm its unconditional effectiveness in all these cases. Thus, among the indications for use are: the need to treat dogs or cats in the presence of arachnoenthomosis (this diagnosis includes demodex, lice, fleas, flies and horseflies, wildebeest, scabies and ixodid mites, as well as hairworms); the need to treat the premises in which animals live from a number of insects (namely cockroaches, fleas, ticks, ants, flies and bedbugs).

    For what diseases is Delcid used?

    In Russia, parasitic diseases are widespread, both in livestock and poultry. They cause serious damage to poultry farmers.

    Drug Deltsid

    Parasites multiply quite quickly, cause exhaustion, and reduce egg productivity.

    The drug Delcid has a fairly wide range of indications for use. It is used to kill feather eaters that lay eggs on the bird’s body.

    For them, open wounds are the most favorable habitat. Parasites mainly accumulate on the neck, wings, and beak of chickens.

    The product is effective against cnemidocosis, during which chickens become infected with feather mites.

    Birds with this disease behave quite restlessly. They constantly peck at the place where ticks live. Chickens' legs swell and white scabs appear.

    The product is effective against cnemidocosis, during which chickens become infected with feather mites

    The drug is used to treat infectious contagious disease. The causative agents are Pasteurella bacteria, which live in feathers, droppings, and on eggshells.

    The product has a detrimental effect on various skin pests:

    • lice, fleas;
    • ticks from the order Sarcoptidae, Ixodida;
    • bedbugs

    Deltsid is used for therapy and for the prevention of many parasitic diseases.

    Cleaning the premises and utensils after disinfestation

    After all procedures are completed, the room is washed only after two weeks. But it is better to wash the dishes immediately upon returning to the house, in order to prevent the emulsion from entering the stomach.

    It is better to wash items that have been cleaned in a washing machine. The same can be done with clothes, towels and bed linens. It wouldn't hurt to add a little chlorinated laundry detergent if the fabric allows it. They do this in order to destroy pest larvae.

    Good to know! Be sure to wash the refrigerator and frequently used household items. After repeated cleaning, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

    Where do they come from?

    There are several ways for fleas to enter a person’s home. More often than others - on carriers - rodents, birds or pets, if they are in contact with the outside world, they go outside. There are also paradoxical cases when insects that jump quite high entered apartments through the entrance or an open window. Well, “on horseback” is the most common way. Out of nowhere, suddenly, insects (fleas) appear on the floor. To do this, you need a carrier, old furniture brought from the dacha or a similar method.

    Rules for processing premises

    The effectiveness of apartment treatment largely depends on its proper preparation. First you need to do some general cleaning: vacuum the carpets, wash the floor. To ensure that the solution reaches all areas of the baseboard, you should move the furniture away. One of the common mistakes that many people make is treating the floor exclusively. If you are fighting fleas, you need to know that they can jump to a height of up to one and a half meters. It is at this height that the walls must be treated.

    Particular attention should be paid to your pet's sleeping place. Baskets, rugs and bedding are all prime areas for parasites to gather. Apply the solution with a sprayer so that it is approximately 20 centimeters from the place where the product is applied. This will allow the product to evenly cover the surface.

    Before treatment begins, all animals must be removed from the apartment. This also applies to fish. Of course, the aquarium can be covered, but it is better to remove it during processing. Strangers, especially children, should also not be present during disinsection.

    Don't forget about your own means of protection. When working, you must reliably protect your respiratory tract. To do this, you can use a medical mask or respirator. It is also advisable to wear sealed goggles or a protective eye mask. When working, the sprayer must be held at arm's length. You should definitely use rubber gloves, and a special protective suit would be useful.[/idea]

    After treatment, you need to leave the room for fresh air. In this case, the apartment is left with closed doors and windows for one hour. During this time, the drug sprayed in the air will settle, and the insects will begin to die. After an hour, you can begin to ventilate the room. To do this, just open the windows for two hours. However, you still cannot bring a pet into your apartment. Places where contact with skin or food is possible should be thoroughly washed with a soda solution. And if possible, it is better to live with your pet for 2-3 days in another place. After treating the apartment, wet cleaning can be done after two weeks. This will allow you to get the residual effect of the drug.

    As you might guess, it is unlikely that you will achieve the desired results if you treat exclusively those places where fleas have been noticed. These insects are capable of moving quickly over long distances. If you are going to persecute parasites, you need to treat the entire apartment. Only an integrated approach will achieve the desired results. After treatment, it is recommended to wash bed linen and soft toys. After all, parasites can also hide in them. Should be washed in hot water.

    Preparing a solution for treating the room

    Treatment of an apartment for fleas is carried out in the absence of a pet in the room. Although according to the instructions you can do this with them. The concentrated emulsion must be diluted in water at room temperature. The consumption of the prepared solution is 25–50 ml per square meter. m. area of ​​the room.

    To treat a room with a predominantly porous surface, it is necessary to dilute the solution in a ratio of 3.75 ml of Delcid per 1 liter. water. Per 100 sq. m of room, 10 liters are consumed. ready solution. Treatment of an apartment with the same area involves using a solution in a 5 liter container. It must be diluted in the same concentration. For small premises or when treating animals for fleas, it is more convenient to use Deltsid ampoules. For large areas, bottles are purchased. Once unopened and properly stored, it can be used for 6 months.

    The ampoule is opened immediately before use, diluted in water, and mixed well for 20 minutes. The finished product is poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle.

    Special instructions and precautions

    When working with Deltsid, you must follow a number of rules:

    1. Do not drink, smoke or eat while preparing and using the solution.
    2. When contacting the drug, you must use personal protective equipment (mask, gloves, overalls, hat, rubber boots, respirator).
    3. You cannot work with the emulsion for more than 6 hours a day.
    4. After using the solution, protective equipment should be removed, the face and hands should be washed with soap, and the mouth should be rinsed with running water.
    5. If the emulsion or its solution gets on the skin, the contaminated area should be immediately washed with water or a soda solution.
    6. Before work, you need to make sure that there is a first aid kit nearby.
    7. If Delcid gets inside, you need to take up to 10 tablets of activated carbon and wash them down with warm water.
    8. If after contact with the drug a person feels dizzy or other symptoms of poisoning, they should immediately go to the hospital.

    The dishes in which the emulsion was dissolved cannot simply be thrown into the trash. It needs to be filled with a solution of soda ash (3–5%) and left for 5–6 hours. After this, the soda solution should be poured out and the container should be rinsed under running water.

    My son has respiratory allergy. Simply put, he begins to choke when the smells of ethyl alcohol, bleach, chloramine, etc. are in the air. To avoid unpleasant consequences, I use chemicals only in his absence. Friends who used Deltsid also sent their children for a walk until the smell disappeared completely.

    Respirators of the F-62 (ShM), Astra-2, and Lepestok-40 brands are suitable for working with Deltsid. "Petal-5", etc.

    Carrying out disinfestation procedures requires taking special precautions regarding the pet for which the solution with Deltsid was prepared:

    • spraying the emulsion should be directed against the growth of the fur, trying not to get into the area of ​​the animal’s mouth, nose and holes;
    • petting and playing with the dog for 2-3 hours is prohibited (children should not be allowed near him);
    • If after treatment the pet begins to behave lethargically or drowsily, vomiting is observed and coordination of movements is impaired, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible. You can alleviate the toxic effect of the drug by drinking plenty of fluids.

    Precautions for the owner during processing:

    • It is better to carry out the treatment wearing glasses and a mask, while wearing a closed suit with closed cuffs;
    • You must wear waterproof gloves on your hands.

    Security measures

    Safety precautions when working with insecticide

    When using and spraying an insecticidal substance in a house or apartment, you must wear protective clothing, a respirator and gloves. If poisons come into contact with the skin, irritation may occur, and if the drug is inhaled, poisoning may occur.


    During disinfestation, smoking, drinking any liquids and eating food is prohibited.

    After using Deltsid against fleas in your apartment, be sure to wash your hands and face well with soap, rinse your mouth with water, and go out into the fresh air.

    If the insecticide gets on the skin or in the eyes, it is necessary to remove them with a cotton swab, rinse with a strong stream of clean water, then with an alkaline solution. If a toxic substance is ingested through the mouth, you need to take 8-10 tablets of activated carbon, drink plenty of water and give a laxative.

    If there are any signs of poisoning (nausea, weakness, dizziness), it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    Side effects

    Reviews of Deltsid in ampoules confirm the safety of the product if its use complies with the instructions in the instructions. If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, you must immediately rinse it off with running water, and then remove the remaining product with a slightly alkaline solution.

    If the insecticide gets inside, the victim should drink several glasses of water at room temperature and 5-8 tablets of activated carbon or other absorbent medicine.

    In case of individual intolerance to the drug, weakness, nausea, and vomiting may occur during treatment. If one of the signs appears, disinfestation should be stopped and you should seek help from a medical facility.


    It is strictly forbidden to dispose of the remaining solution into water bodies. The unused mixture is neutralized with a solution of chlorine or alkali and drained into settling wells.

    Storage rules

    Deltsid is diluted in the required proportions immediately before treating the room. In this case, you need to try to ensure that as little excess solution remains as possible, because the diluted drug is not stored. It is recommended to use a dry and dark place to store closed ampoules or vials. It is advisable to use a non-residential room for this. Care must be taken to ensure that the animal does not accidentally find the drug. The product should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees Celsius.

    Folk remedies

    Simple, but effective, and without side effects. Fleas do not like sharp, pungent odors or aromatic oils that clog their spiracles. Therefore, the following folk remedies are recommended for treating floors:

    1. Collections of wormwood, cloves, celandine and tansy, which are available in pharmacies, are infused for 12 hours. You will need to take 2 tablespoons of each component. The finished mixture, settled and strained, is thoroughly sprayed onto the floor surface.
    2. Sprinkle the mixture of salt and baking soda on the floors, carpets and surfaces. After a day, clean with a vacuum cleaner. Fleas, including adults and larvae, will also leave with the composition.
    3. Peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus oil. It is permissible to use fresh bunches of plants, placing them on the floor in all problem areas.

    Treating animals with flea repellent

    For flea prevention, a pet is treated once a month. When treating, repeat the procedure every 10–14 days until the fleas completely disappear. Animals are treated by spraying and bathing. The concentration of the solution is 0.125%. It is more convenient to use the product in ampoules. The consumption rate of the prepared Delcid solution is 5–10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Spraying is carried out against the growth of hair over the entire surface. Make sure that the flea treatment does not get on the mucous membranes of your pet’s mouth, nose, or eyes.

    For 2 hours until the fur dries, do not let it near other animals, children, or pet it. You can bathe your pet 2 days after using the flea remedy. At first, the animal’s behavior changes. Delcid causes apathy, loss of appetite, increased salivation, and trembling. Symptoms go away on their own within 3 days after using the flea remedy. The pet needs to be given more to drink, the liquid removes toxins. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian.

    Effect on animals

    When Delcid is used on dogs or cats, it may affect their behavior. Changes may include the appearance of apathy, trembling, increased salivation and temporary loss of appetite. All these symptoms, as a rule, disappear within three days after treatment with an insecticide. What can a pet owner do? Give him more clean drinking water and ensure comfort and peace. If symptoms persist or an allergy occurs, you should take your pet to an experienced veterinarian.

    How to treat animals

    As a rule, the type of animal determines the method of treatment with this drug. It is actively used by both large farmers and people who handle household pets and pets.

    1. Chicken processing. Like all animals, chickens are also susceptible to parasites. These can be not only insects that live and reproduce exclusively on birds, but also the most common fleas. The fight against them involves processing the poultry. To do this, you can use a garden sprayer or spray bottle. In this case, the plumage is wetted abundantly and evenly.
    2. Treating dogs with Deltsid is carried out in one of two ways: bathing and spraying. If spraying is used, treatment should begin from the head. Then the torso, tail, anus and paws. Here you need to pay attention to the places where parasites usually hide: under the tail, on the neck and behind the ears. For bathing, you should choose a comfortable bath where the dog can stand freely with four paws.
    3. Treatment of cats. Since almost all cats are terrified of bathing, spraying is a more acceptable option for them. To combat fleas, one ampoule of the drug is mixed with six liters of water. During treatment, it may be necessary to re-treat. It must be carried out in seven days. Securely protect your pet's head so that the product does not get on the mucous membrane.

    Until the fur is completely dry, contact with other animals and children must be avoided. If there are several dogs and cats in the house, everyone needs to be treated. Don't forget about the bedding on which animals sleep. They also need to be treated with this preparation and then allowed to dry.

    (Video: “Bars, Deltsid, Insekar preparations for disinfection of chickens and poultry houses”)

    After treatment, the behavior of animals may change. The appearance of trembling, apathy, and salivation cannot be ruled out. Sometimes appetite disappears. These are not side symptoms at all, but only the animal’s reaction to this drug. All this takes place within three days. At this time, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, rest and comfort.

    How to use Deltsid against bedbugs?

    The first step is to make a Delcid solution, using the instructions included with the drug. For most premises, it is enough to dilute 1 ampoule of the drug in 5-6 liters of water. The solution must be used immediately; it cannot be stored for a long time due to the rapid loss of effect.

    Even before preparing the solution, you need to prepare the room for treatment:

    1. We remove all furniture from the periphery of the room to the center, exposing places where insects accumulate.
    2. We remove food and medicine, personal hygiene products, plants, children's toys, and upholstered furniture from the premises.
    3. We remove accessories for animals from the premises; if there is an aquarium, we take it out or cover it with cloth/polyethylene.
    4. We first carry out dry and then wet cleaning, after which we open the windows slightly to ensure normal air flow. Avoid drafts.

    Now let's move on to processing the room. We begin processing with baseboards, window frames, and doorways. Then we treat the surfaces under and around the furniture and, in particular, the bed/sofa (a favorite place for bed bugs to accumulate).

    Applying Delcid to bed linen is strictly not recommended. To clean laundry, wash it twice in hot water using any detergent. After treating the room, leave the windows open for ventilation for 8-24 hours.

    How to use, dilute the solution, dosage

    Deltsid is a Russian-made insectoacaricidal drug. It has gained popularity due to its wide range of effects.

    Pets are treated with the drug by bathing, poultry is mainly treated by spraying.

    To make an emulsion for these purposes, you need to perform a number of steps:

    1. Determine the desired consistency, which depends on the number of heads and the area of ​​the room.
    2. Mix 1 part of the product with two or three volumes of water.
    3. Pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.

    Along with the treatment of poultry and livestock, the premises are cleaned of pests. In this case, all surfaces are sprayed, starting from the ceiling and ending with the walls and floor.

    For chickens

    It is best to treat chickens with Delcid in the spring. If the first symptoms of parasites are detected in a bird, the entire population of chickens must be treated.

    This must be done so that the midges cannot return. To do this, the chickens should be placed in another place.

    The resulting solution is poured into a spray tank or melt bath

    Poultry is treated by spraying the feathers or bathing them. With a small number of parasites, manipulation is carried out every two to three days every two weeks.

    To carry out preventive measures, a single treatment is enough. The therapeutic suspension should be prepared just before the start of treatment.

    To do this, make a solution based on the presence of a certain type of parasite:

    NameSolution for 10 liters of water
    Ixodida ticks9.5 ml
    Scabies mites12.5 ml
    Lice, bugs, lice, fleas6.2 ml

    Bathing and spraying are best done in dry weather at an air temperature of at least 13 °C. Spraying can be done using a garden sprayer.

    It is necessary to moisten the plumage generously and evenly with the prepared mixture.

    If swimming is carried out in floating baths, then the duration of the procedure for each bird should be no more than 40-60 seconds.

    Can it be used for goslings, turkey poults and other birds?

    Ticks and feather eaters bother not only chickens, but also geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks and other types of poultry. Young animals are especially susceptible to parasites.

    To process poultry, the working emulsion should be prepared according to the data specified in the instructions. It is better to determine the volume of solution and the amount of drug for preparing a medicinal emulsion under the guidance of a veterinarian.


    Under no circumstances should you pour any remaining Deltsid solution into the toilet. Reviews recommend treating the container in which the working solution was located with soda and soap solution. The remaining product must be completely neutralized with slaked lime and carefully buried in the ground to a depth of at least one meter.

    The choice of a high-quality insecticide largely determines the effectiveness of the room treatment procedure. Therefore, you should approach the issue of choosing it with all seriousness. You should mostly focus on reviews from real consumers who had the opportunity to verify in practice the effectiveness of a particular product. This is exactly the case with the drug “Deltsid”. Customers describe it as an incredibly effective insecticide that has helped them completely get rid of insects that were bothering them. It is important to remember that the maximum effect can be achieved only if you strictly adhere to all recommendations regarding the preparation of the working emulsion, as well as the process of treating the animal or premises. Exactly following the instructions contained in the instructions will help to avoid the occurrence of any adverse reactions from the body to exposure to the substance in question.

    It is necessary to treat the room as carefully as possible, without missing any surfaces or crevices. It would also be wise to spray the hard frame of upholstered furniture with the product. It is important to consider that during the first procedure insect eggs can be preserved, which at a certain stage of development have a durable shell that protects them from any, including chemical, external influence. Therefore, experts recommend that after ten to fourteen days an additional disinfestation procedure is carried out, which will destroy the newly born parasites. In this case, the victory over fleas will be final!




    Efficacy of the drug

    The product destroys mature fleas already during the treatment of the apartment. Paralysis occurs when insects come into contact with the treated surface. Within an hour there is a massive death of fleas. If the apartment has been treated carefully, flea larvae are destroyed. Only eggs that cannot be seen indoors can survive, and the durable shell protects them from the action of the insecticide. Over time, the effectiveness of the flea remedy weakens under the influence of sunlight. The layer on the surface of the treated areas becomes insufficient to poison newly emerged fleas. Repeated treatment is required 10–14 days after the first.

    The container that was used to dilute the flea remedy is disinfected with a soda solution. Then washed with soap and water. The remnants of the flea remedy after treatment are neutralized with slaked lime, then buried in the ground 1 m deep. Pouring into the toilet is strictly prohibited.

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