Treating an apartment against bedbugs with a cold fog generator

The first appearance of bloodsuckers in your home is always unexpected. After all, few people think about prevention, and about disinfestation in general, until the problem specifically affects us. Bedbugs may suddenly appear out of nowhere, but they won’t go away on their own. Residents of apartment buildings are most susceptible to this scourge; here, in addition to such reasons as: new or old furniture, “business bugs” from trips, there is another reason: neighbors. But the means of combating these parasites change from year to year. In this article I will tell you about such a method of fighting bedbugs as a cold fog generator and how effective it is.

What is cold mist for bed bugs?

Domestic bugs inhabit secluded, hard-to-reach places in an apartment or other room. Treating your home with traditional pest control products does not always give effective results. It is difficult to achieve complete coverage of bedbug habitat areas with sprayers and atomizers. Some arthropods die, but some individuals take refuge under wallpaper and cracks where poison particles do not penetrate.

The cold fog method is considered more effective - filling the room with tiny drops of insecticides. To supply the active substance, special devices are used - generators. The temperature of the sprayed cloud is the same as in the apartment, which is why the technology is called “cold”.

The size of insecticidal mist droplets during generator operation is 10-80 microns. The air flow created by the device distributes the working solution over 3-10 m in a matter of seconds. The indicators depend on the class of the generator.

In addition to the “cold” method of baiting bed bugs, there is a “hot” technology. The methods differ in the type of generator used. Comparison of methods:

  1. Cold fog generator. The design includes a pump that pumps a powerful air flow and a chemical solution injection system. The insecticide is supplied to the nozzle from a separate container. Under air pressure, a drop of the drug breaks into a fine aerosol.
  2. Hot fog generator. It works on the same principle. The difference is in the additional heating of the liquid. The temperature of the disinfectant reaches 70-80°C, the size of suspended particles is 0.5-5 microns.

Cold and hot fog - what's the difference?

When treated with heated steam, the penetration efficiency of the active substances is higher, which means the effect on bedbugs is enhanced. An additional advantage of hot fog is the slow settling of water dust. It is advisable to treat with a “hot” cloud when there is a high concentration of bloodsuckers, or in large rooms. Hot fog generating plants are used exclusively by trained personnel from specialized companies.

Among cold steam generators there are models for home use. However, the effectiveness of processing depends not only on the device, but also on a number of nuances that non-professionals cannot always take into account.


Cold fog treatment process:

  1. Pour an aqueous emulsion of concentrated insecticide into a special generator. Under the influence of hydraulic pressure, it will start. The fogger produces a directed, finely dispersed jet that transforms into a cloud of steam. Thick fog can penetrate various cavities and crevices, and hang in the air for a long time.
  2. Then the cloud settles on all surfaces, as well as on the bodies of the parasites. The toxic substance enters the body through the chitinous shell, as a result of which the insect dies.

Attention! It is better to entrust disinfestation with cold steam (smoke) to experienced specialists who will quickly and effectively go through hard-to-reach places.

How does cold fog affect bedbugs?

After spraying, the cloud with the active substance remains in the air for up to 1.5 hours. The smallest particles of poison spread throughout the apartment, penetrate into ventilation shafts, ceiling cracks, etc. The aerosol literally “envelops” the walls and floor with a film.

The toxic composition, entering the body of insects, leads to their death. The spectrum of action depends on the type of bedbug treatment used. In one treatment, you can remove not only arthropod bloodsuckers, but also cockroaches, ants and other insects.

The effectiveness of the work done is largely determined by the type of insecticide. Requirements for pesticides:

  • Efficiency - bedbugs adapt to unfavorable conditions, and surviving individuals may no longer react to the same toxins; when re-processing, a new product must be used;
  • Safety – it is advisable to check the availability of a certificate of no harmful effects on people;
  • No pungent odor - some “aromas” of pesticides remain indoors for months;
  • Spectrum of action - not all bedbug poison is effective against bedbug eggs.

It is better to entrust the choice of remedy to professionals who will help you buy an effective poison. The specialist takes into account the number of pests, the time of their appearance, the type of housing, the previous control method and other factors.

Consequences of bites

The bite itself is unpleasant, but it still has more negative consequences. Usually after this an allergy appears. This is especially difficult for children to bear. Allergies are identified by:

  • redness;
  • rash;
  • itchy skin;
  • burning wounds;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • runny nose.

If you do not respond to irritation in a timely manner, anaphylactic shock is likely. In addition, when scratching wounds, purulent processes and inflammation appear. This increases the risk of various infections.

Due to regular bites, hemoglobin in the blood may even decrease. This especially applies to young children. Psychological problems are among the unpleasant consequences. They appear as:

  • fear and disgust of insects;
  • fear of bites;
  • dislike yourself with bites;
  • intolerance to symptoms of bites;
  • obsessive thoughts about the presence of insects in the bed.

These problems cause panic attacks, nervous tics, breakdowns, insomnia, fatigue, and decreased concentration. Efficiency also decreases, and nightmares appear.

Preliminary activities: preparing the premises

Preparation has two goals:

  • Maximize the safety of apartment residents;
  • Allow fog access to the back walls of furniture, corners and the space under the baseboards.

The set of preparatory measures boils down to the following actions:

  1. Remove residents and pets from the premises. The aquarium must be insulated, covered with a tight lid and the compressor turned off. The best option is to temporarily remove the aquarium from the apartment.
  2. Hide all food in the refrigerator, seal it tightly or take it out. Place all personal hygiene products in bags and tie them.
  3. Prepare the living space: remove bedding, move furniture, remove mattresses, roll up carpets, lay out pillows. Open access under the baseboards. Be sure to take out all the toys.
  4. Wash bedding and clothes at high temperatures, dry them, seal them tightly or take them out of the apartment.
  5. Close the windows, front door and hood tightly.

In apartment buildings, neighbors should be notified about the upcoming pest control. It is advisable that they temporarily block the ventilation duct.

When the room is prepared, wet cleaning is performed - the absence of dust will improve the effect of the toxic chemicals. Active components will not be retained by dirt particles.

It is not necessary to take out indoor plants. Cold fog is an excellent prevention against ticks, scale insects and whiteflies.

Prerogatives of our company

We have formed a team of professionals with solid experience in this field. All employees have certificates indicating advanced training.

Our company provides a range of services for removing indoor parasites, including bedbugs. Thanks to well-coordinated work, the service establishes contacts with clients instantly and soon begins work.

In the process of disinfestation of residential or office space, we adhere to the main principle - safety for the health of clients and exterminators. Contracts are concluded with the owners of city apartments, country houses, office and service premises.

Additional benefits of our service include:

  • individual approach;
  • flexible prices;
  • observation of the object for several months after the procedure.

Prices for exterminating bedbugs with cold fog are relatively low. You can verify this by reading the price list posted on the website. When applying collectively, for example, from neighbors of an apartment building, a discount is guaranteed.

Before sanitary treatment, negotiations are held with large organizations regarding an individual schedule, quality control of work, and monitoring of the treated area.

We care about your comfort, therefore, we work at any time of the day and on holidays. This organizational policy helps maintain continuous production and save your time.

At the request of our clients, we are ready to provide certificates of drug quality and other documentation indicating the legitimacy of our activities. Company employees accompany the facility until the insects are completely destroyed.

With the help of professionals and with the help of innovative technologies, our company is able to treat a large area from bedbugs and other parasites in a short period of time.

Killing bedbugs with cold fog

It is better to entrust disinfestation to specialized companies. You can find out the telephone number of services in the city at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Here you can also ask how much it costs to call the SES. On average, the price of the service is from 900-2500 rubles.

If you have a household generator and understand all the nuances, you can carry out the processing yourself.

Step-by-step description of the technology on how to poison bedbugs:

  1. Following the instructions, dilute the pesticide to obtain an effective solution. With the “cold” method, concentrated liquids are used against bedbugs.
  2. Fill the generator tank with the mixture and connect the device to the power supply.
  3. Treat the room. Pay attention to: baseboards, corners, joints between wallpaper. The room should be completely filled with fog - the gaseous insecticide will penetrate the cracks between the sofa cushions and get under the furniture.
  4. Wait until the fog settles completely. As a rule, this takes 40-90 minutes.
  5. Open the windows to provide cross ventilation. The time of intensive air circulation is at least 60 minutes.
  6. Carry out wet cleaning with a soda-soap solution. Use the prepared mixture to wipe doors, furniture, handles - objects that are often touched by residents.

Review of effective formulations

The Russian company Paradem produces several types of working solution for pouring into the tank of a dry fog generator. The viscous emulsion contains a Dry Smoke glycol base to produce smoke and a potent insecticide to kill pests and parasites.

For each composition, the type of apparatus for which the finished emulsion is intended is indicated. The working solution is poured into the Autonomous propane fogger Burgess and Thermo-Fogger mini Burgess generators.

Dry Smoke brand products (varieties of dry fog):

  • Confidant. Level of impact – strong, insecticidal drug Confidant (active ingredient – ​​imidacloprid). The finished product is light yellow in color and does not require dilution. The composition is in a white plastic bottle, the weight of the product is 0.8 kg. After treating the room, clean the equipment: the product forms a noticeable deposit. The storage temperature of the composition is from + 5 to + 30 degrees. The average price is 2880 rubles.
  • Paragraph. Composition with an active effect on parasites and pests, insecticidal agent Paragraph, active ingredient – ​​lambda-cyhalothrin. Shake the finished product before use; there is no need to dilute it. The working solution is in a plastic bottle, the weight of the drug is 0.8 kg. Residual effect – up to 60 days. Suitable for treating premises even when organophosphorus compounds are ineffective. Store the product at a temperature of +5° C... + 30° C. Average cost - 2100 rubles.

Security measures

Ensuring safety is the initial requirement for self-disinfestation. Professionals have special equipment in their arsenal: overalls, a respirator or gas mask, gloves, etc. Without personal protective equipment, there is a high probability of serious poisoning and allergic reactions.

Mandatory equipment for self-processing:

  • A high-quality respirator - the particles of the insecticidal cloud are negligible; a regular cotton-gauze bandage will not protect the respiratory tract;
  • Plastic glasses;
  • Tight closed clothing, shoes;
  • Gloves.

At the end of the work, clothes must be washed.

Important! If you feel the slightest discomfort or nausea, you should immediately leave the apartment, wash your hands, face, rinse your mouth and take activated charcoal. If the measures taken do not help, go to the hospital.

Preventative treatment

To ensure that the sanitary conditions in the room are normal, it is better not to wait for bedbugs to appear, but to carry out preventive treatment. It is not for nothing that in any public place, be it a fashionable hotel or a simple hotel, pest control is periodically carried out. This allows you to reliably protect guests from blood-sucking insects and prevent their spread.

It is recommended to treat the apartment if you have dysfunctional neighbors or you have recently moved into a newly purchased one. This will create a kind of protective barrier, and unexpected guests will not appear in your home. Even if there are single signs of bedbugs, you should not delay treatment. It is better to order cold fog or hot steam in Moscow as quickly as possible to kill parasites.

Further actions after disinfestation

Upon returning to the apartment, it is necessary to perform a partial wet cleaning. Rinse dishes, wipe furniture and appliances. To reduce the chances of bedbugs surviving, the floors are not washed for another 1.5 weeks, and the walls are wiped with a damp cloth after 3 weeks.

The back walls of furniture, corners and baseboards also do not wash for a long time. The product should remain here longer - insects that have hidden far away will come into contact with the poison when they come out. The eggs of females are often hidden in these same places.

If there is a significant population of bedbugs or in old houses with large cracks, the apartment must be re-treated for bedbugs - after two weeks. Some companies recommend mandatory double disinfestation to achieve a long-term positive effect.

What insects is it used against?

Cold steam is harmful to the following types of parasites and pests:

  • fleas;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • midges;
  • flies;
  • bedbugs

After spraying an insecticide, resistance to the drug is rarely observed; many insects quickly die under the influence of toxic fumes. Repeated disinfestation is rarely required.

Learn about the causes, control measures and prevention of head lice in children and adults.

How to make and use a homemade mole repeller on your property is written on this page.

Go to the address and read about the use of copper sulfate in gardening against pests and parasites.

Pros and cons of the method

Like any pest elimination technology, cold fog has its own characteristics. Significant benefits include:

  1. Efficiency. A toxic cloud covers the room, penetrating the habitats of bedbugs. The effectiveness of the method has been proven in practice - the arthropod population dies within a couple of hours.
  2. Fast processing. Fog generators fill the entire apartment with fine aerosol in a few minutes.
  3. Versatility. The cold method, unlike the hot one, is applicable in different rooms. With “thermal” spraying, the humidity and temperature in the room increase sharply - this has a negative effect on objects in the house.
  4. Wide spectrum of action. Not only bedbugs, but also all household pests are under attack.
  5. Safety for items. The cold fog leaves no streaks or stains. However, it is advisable to remove furniture and interior items that are sensitive to high humidity from the room.
  6. Availability. The services of specialists are paid at competitive rates. It is cheaper to call a specialized service than to purchase a generator and do the steam treatment yourself.

Disinfection using fog also has disadvantages:

  • The need for scrupulous preparation of the premises and “preservation” of things;
  • Preservation of a pungent odor for a long time;
  • Does not completely kill bedbug eggs - it is advisable to repeat the steam treatment procedure.

When disinsection using a fog generator, sensors, for example, a fire alarm, can respond. Therefore, during processing, the protection system must be disabled.

Important! The method is ineffective when air currents appear that blow away the aerosol. Mechanically driven ventilation devices must be turned off. It is better not to use cold fog in ventilated, open areas.

Review 2

Kolenkova N. P.

Our hotel has always enjoyed an impeccable reputation among visitors, many of whom have become regular customers. The reputation of the establishment was somewhat tarnished by the appearance of bed bugs.

By contacting yours, we solved the problem quite quickly. We express our special gratitude to the team of exterminators who sanitized the office premises and hotel rooms in a short time.

Before carrying out the work, the management of the establishment had reasonable concerns about the impact of chemicals on the health of visitors. However, all our fears were in vain. Thanks to the unique technology of eliminating bedbugs with cold fog, we have solved the problem without negative consequences for the health of clients and staff.

Review 3

Marina I.

A couple of months ago, our family received an inheritance from our grandmother - a country house. Imagine our disappointment after discovering bedbugs in old furniture and bedding. The first thing that came to our mind was to get rid of the parasites ourselves. However, a friend dissuaded me from hasty action by recommending yours.

Having filled out an application on the service, the manager immediately contacted us to conduct an initial consultation. Soon after this, specialists arrived and solved the problem using a special technology - cold fog.

We were pleasantly surprised by the prices for services that are affordable for people with average incomes. Thank you to your employees for their quality work and individual approach. I will recommend you to my friends and colleagues.

Protective Barrier

Correctly carried out destruction of parasites, of course, will rid the room of them for a long time, but without barrier protection, these little bloodsuckers can return again. Therefore, we offer effective barrier protection, which we will select taking into account the characteristics of your case. Moreover, if you order a cold fog + hot steam complex from us, we will provide barrier protection free of charge, and this will help you save a lot. The procedure for installing a barrier against bedbugs involves spraying a special chemical in places where the possibility of penetration of bloodsuckers is most likely.

To avoid bringing new bedbugs into your home, experts recommend storing your suitcase in the bathroom while on vacation. It's usually far enough away from the bedroom that bugs won't be able to crawl into your luggage. After wearing, nightwear and underwear should be stored in a suitcase only in a well-closed plastic bag so that bedbugs do not accidentally get into other clothes. When you return home, it is advisable to unpack your suitcase in the bathtub. On a smooth, steep bathtub wall, insects cannot crawl and will be easy to see. All clothing that has been on holiday should be washed immediately at 60 degrees to kill any parasites or eggs they contain.

These measures, of course, increase the chance that bedbugs will not get into the house, but it is more reliable to use personal protective equipment, which can be purchased from us. Clothes and suitcases should be treated with these products before the trip, and then accidental infection will definitely not occur.

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